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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 08:32:12 PM

Title: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 08:32:12 PM
As an elective and part of my graduate research, next trimester at my school I am going to teach a class about conspiracy theories. Its pretty much a class to build social science and language arts skills, but the whole time I want to be teaching and having the kids research and debate as many conspiracy theories as I can. Their final will have to be a presentation a la JFK (the Oliver stone movie) to prove or disprove a conspiracy theories.
I am brainstorming ideas and was wondering if I could get some input.
Here's some a couple random ones to get you started:
Area 51
Jfk assassination
free masons
9/11 inside job (happy dallas?)
Warren G. Harding was poisoned by his wife
The Philadelphia experiment (
Ronald Reagan made a deal with Iran to keep the hostages until after the Carter Reagan election in exchange for later arms deals
Give me obscure and crazy ones, as well as plausible ones.
Anybody got any CIA brainwashing ones?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 08:34:53 PM
other ones the CIA invented crack to destroy the black community
AIDS was brought to the U.S. from Africa and intentionally unleashed on the gay community to decimate it
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Fine Young Cannibal on November 30, 2010, 08:37:42 PM
Still researching whether or not North Dakota actually exists?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: The Donger on November 30, 2010, 08:38:46 PM
watch Zeitgeist. (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: ProjectBluebeam on November 30, 2010, 08:42:25 PM
suppressed technology

edit\; links (

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: lamfordie on November 30, 2010, 08:43:35 PM
Man, I wanna be in that class.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Paper Crane on November 30, 2010, 08:45:23 PM
thug life!
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: heebs on November 30, 2010, 08:46:53 PM
The real men in black
The New World Order
Big Foot
Loch Ness Monster
and all that stuff in zeitgeist
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Omamori on November 30, 2010, 08:47:17 PM
watch Zeitgeist. (
Lol, I hope no one takes that film seriously.

Shit, I would enjoy that class Gipper. Here's a few topics

2012 end of the world
Plum Island
Crack, supposedly it was to wipe out the black population
How the US is becoming a Big Brother society or some type of police state. I have a great documentary if you are considering this topic
If the economic collapse was to make the big businesses weather
Manchurian Candidate
Landing on the moon conspiracy
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 08:49:33 PM
These are all good. I forgot about the moon landing one! Definitely going in. I gotta look up a couple of these.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DeerTay on November 30, 2010, 08:52:31 PM
Alien moon base, Holocaust never happened, Govt disclosure of aliens and their technology could end the energy crisis...
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Omamori on November 30, 2010, 08:54:22 PM
Jesus, lol
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 08:55:33 PM
suppressed technology

edit\; links (

This is a Goldmine
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Donkey Lips on November 30, 2010, 09:01:39 PM
Chupacabra sightings.
Fuck after reading everyone else's suggestions, I'm going to be spending most of tomorrow on wikipedia.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: heebs on November 30, 2010, 09:03:07 PM
this probably counts under the suppressed technology, but the death of the electric car
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: homo sacer on November 30, 2010, 09:13:38 PM
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

"there exists a worldwide conspiracy to create the illusion that there exists a worldwide conspiracy theory"

edit to avoid doublepost:

Al Quaeda is a conspiracy theory.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Soul Doubt on November 30, 2010, 09:17:50 PM
How about how Clinton's associates were mysteriously killed?
Chem Trails?
Hitler didnt commit suicide?

Hope those help
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: brent on November 30, 2010, 09:20:52 PM
jewish record label owners created gangsta rap to get black people to kill each other
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 09:28:04 PM
How about how Clinton's associates were mysteriously killed?
Chem Trails?
Hitler didnt commit suicide?

Hope those help
I think you mean the Vince Foster "suicide"
That's a good one
Just remembered the flouride in the water = mass mind control and apathy
Oh, and the FBI created the hippie movement and flooded the haight with tons of acid to supress youth political organizing in the 60's
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: VictoriousOG on November 30, 2010, 09:36:09 PM (
Time Traveler

Bermuda Triangle?
UFOs are just the Govt fucking with us
The Early Middle Ages (614�911 AD) never occurred. Year 2007 is actually 1710
Princess Diana's death was planned

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 09:38:32 PM (
Time Traveler

Bermuda Triangle?
UFOs are just the Govt fucking with us
The Early Middle Ages (614�911 AD) never occurred. Year 2007 is actually 1710
Princess Diana's death was planned

hahaha. That's amazing. It's like a theory I had that there is no such thing as north dakota.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on November 30, 2010, 09:50:44 PM
 The Montauk Time Machine, this is one is pretty interesting and totally fucking bizzare
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: lamfordie on November 30, 2010, 09:51:50 PM
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: RipGrip on November 30, 2010, 09:52:20 PM
I firmly believe that the whole word is run by a very small group of highly influential people in politics, religion, and commerce. (Like a group of 100 or less) They operate outside the established publicized systems and control everything. If you really look at the world objectively, there are so few people that control so much. A guy like Warren Buffet has to have influence over some crazy stuff that we can't even imagine. Every day that goes by, I am more and more convinced that all the organized versions of government, religion and economics are just thrown in our face by a propogandist media to distract us from what's really going on. 'PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!'
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: no fun on November 30, 2010, 09:52:49 PM
The Illuminati (

Project Blue Beam (

New World Order (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: oyolar on November 30, 2010, 10:10:17 PM
Icke and the Lizard People.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: TheFifthColumn on November 30, 2010, 10:13:34 PM

 Timecube (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: via on November 30, 2010, 10:21:29 PM (
Time Traveler

Bermuda Triangle?
UFOs are just the Govt fucking with us
The Early Middle Ages (614�911 AD) never occurred. Year 2007 is actually 1710
Princess Diana's death was planned

Some book on cults I was reading a while ago talked about this for a second. Pretty wild, though its been largely debunked through written records (with dates) in a few other cultures.

A little more info here: (

Other conspiracy theories that are fun to think about:
The Theory of Electronic Conspiracy
The Montauk Project
The Business Plot
The Great Stanley Kubrick Illuminati Conspiracy
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on November 30, 2010, 10:34:18 PM
I just learned about this one yesterday:

One of the most successful CIA covert operations concerns the removal of Gough Whitlam, the prime minister of Australia.

As leader of the Labour Party he advocated the abolition of conscription and Australian withdrawal from the Vietnam War, and in 1971 visited China, promising to establish diplomatic relations. This left-wing stance was popular with the Australian people and on 2 December 1972, Whitlam led the ALP to its first electoral victory since 1946.

After 23 years of continuous conservative rule, the bureaucracy was unhelpful, and the conservative state governments were implacably opposed to reform. Nevertheless, Whitlam embarked on a massive legislative reform program. In the space of a little less than three years, the Whitlam Government:

? established formal diplomatic relations with the People's Republic of China[3];
? took responsibility for tertiary education over from the states and abolished tertiary fees[4];
? established the Schools Commission to distribute Federal funds to assist non-government schools on a needs basis;
? introduced a supporting benefit for single-parent families;
? abolished the death penalty for Federal crimes;
? reduced the voting age to 18 years;
? abolished the last vestiges of the White Australia Policy;
? mandated equal opportunities for women in Federal Government employment;
? appointed women to judicial and administrative positions;
? abolished conscription
? established the Order of Australia, Australia's own honours system.

The Senate managed to block some of Whitlam's legislation including:

? a universal, free health insurance system to be known as Medibank.
? Regulate the size of House of Representatives electorates to ensure one vote one value.
? Institute government overseeing of exploitation of minerals and oil.

Whitlam?s foreign policy upset the CIA and the Australian Security Intelligence Organization (ASIO). Whitlam became convinced that the ASIO was plotting against him and in March 1973, Attorney General Lionel Murphy ordered a raid on the ASIO offices.

According to Frank Snepp, his boss, Ted Shackley began to plot Whitlam?s removal. Ray Cline and William Colby have both admitted that the left-wing government in Australia caused a crisis for the CIA. James Angleton claimed that Whitlam was a Soviet agent (in Angleton?s world every left-winger was a KGB spy).

The situation got worse when the CIA discovered that Whitlam planned to close the American base, Pine Gap near Alice Springs. This was followed on 2 November, 1975, by Whitlam making a speech claiming that the CIA had been funding the National Country Party.

On 8th November, Ted Shackley sent a message of the ASIO, pointing out the dangers posed by Whitlam. Three days later, Governor-General Sir John Kerr, dismissed Whitlam and installed Fraser as caretaker Prime Minister until a federal election could be held.

The Murdoch press now launched a massive propaganda campaign against the Labour Party and with the two main opposition parties, the National Country/Liberal formed a coalition group and won the new election.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Fine Young Cannibal on November 30, 2010, 10:37:36 PM
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: tseebs on November 30, 2010, 10:53:48 PM

 Timecube (

hahaha i remember trying to read that a few years ago. you win
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: daddy on November 30, 2010, 11:04:50 PM
Dr. Mary's Monkey

Pretty crazy

If you wanna listen to a whole show about it here you go (

pm me if you want a username and password to use
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Tyroneshoelaces on November 30, 2010, 11:14:58 PM
gipper have you ever read the book "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"?

i think you would really enjoy it...all kinds of crazy stuff and that is also one great page turner.  i suggest you check it out.

this whole FEMA concentration camp stuff is pretty interesting.  there are alot of videos about his.  really strange

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on November 30, 2010, 11:34:03 PM

 Timecube (

As an educator, I obviously can't let this one out of the bag.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: daddy on December 01, 2010, 12:06:12 AM
I also heard something once about in like the mid 90's some lady came out and said that she had been drugged and let loose on george h.w. bush's property and him and dick cheney were hunting her and other women for sport... I'll have to do more research about that, I don't know if it counts as "conspiracy".
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Albatross on December 01, 2010, 12:14:39 AM
i did an essay/presentation on the mysterious death of michael conell and the ohio ballot rigging a year or so back that was pretty fun. (

im not sure that would be worth going over in such a class though... arguably the coolest conspiracy theories going out right now revolve around haarp

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

its all speculation, but the best part is that with no solid explanation for its existence, speculation is all we have. and i guess thats how good conspiracy theories are born haha
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: oyolar on December 01, 2010, 12:26:23 AM
Expand Quote

 Timecube (

hahaha i remember trying to read that a few years ago. you win

Fuck, I totally forgot about Timecube. I remember spending so much time trying to understand this guy's rants.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Why God Why? on December 01, 2010, 12:50:01 AM (
this site talks a bunch about different conspiracy theories. you got me caught up in them again, i always go in conspiracy theory binges after an interest is sparked for them.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: busey on December 01, 2010, 07:22:40 AM
if you watch loose change or zeitgeist and believe every thing it says, you are stupid. that is all i have to contribute to this thread.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Gnarles Barkly on December 01, 2010, 07:49:50 AM
That the CIA were the ones who killed Kennedy. That nixon hunt and bush senior were behind it. ( 9 part video on it

also the pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane theory

9/11 all angels from the jews to reptiles

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: vince the stud on December 01, 2010, 08:31:46 AM
That the CIA were the ones who killed Kennedy. That nixon hunt and bush senior were behind it. ( 9 part video on it

also the pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane theory

the pentagone is probably the most secure/monitored place in the world
and all we got is this crappy stop motion camera
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

Cut Me a Break ::)
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Gnarles Barkly on December 01, 2010, 10:59:01 AM (
the andromeda council this is one page of many stuff
also the biggie and tupac murders
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: frisco on December 01, 2010, 11:07:13 AM
these were both Aliens somehow ( (

^ probably Cthulhu
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 01, 2010, 11:18:17 AM
Expand Quote
That the CIA were the ones who killed Kennedy. That nixon hunt and bush senior were behind it. ( 9 part video on it

also the pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane theory

the pentagone is probably the most secure/monitored place in the world
and all we got is this crappy stop motion camera
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

Cut Me a Break ::)
what I have in bold is probably why you don't get much footage from them. I am including this one under the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy.

What is HAARP? It apparently is real, but all I get is non-conspiracy info.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Chris P. Bacon on December 01, 2010, 11:28:36 AM
what about rips in time? i heard a story about a lady flying a plane from one island to another. somewhere along the way over the ocean she supposedly went through a "rip in time." as she flew over the island she thought she was landing on, she realized the island was uninhabited. while still in contact with the airport on her radio, she flew back out over the ocean thinking she was over the wrong island, contact was lost and she was never found. they think the rip she went through took her back in time, before the island had people on it. they say people were claiming to have seen a small plane flying over the island without direction, then seeing it fly back over the ocean not returning...
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Magic Pizza on December 01, 2010, 11:40:49 AM
It's always a gamble when you let a woman behind the wheel.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: dolphinstyle. on December 01, 2010, 11:54:40 AM
what about rips in time? i heard a story about a lady flying a plane from one island to another. somewhere along the way over the ocean she supposedly went through a "rip in time." as she flew over the island she thought she was landing on, she realized the island was uninhabited. while still in contact with the airport on her radio, she flew back out over the ocean thinking she was over the wrong island, contact was lost and she was never found. they think the rip she went through took her back in time, before the island had people on it. they say people were claiming to have seen a small plane flying over the island without direction, then seeing it fly back over the ocean not returning...
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Omamori on December 01, 2010, 12:51:38 PM
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That the CIA were the ones who killed Kennedy. That nixon hunt and bush senior were behind it. ( 9 part video on it
What is HAARP? It apparently is real, but all I get is non-conspiracy info.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. ( (
HAARP is the subject of numerous conspiracy theories, with individuals ascribing various hidden motives and capabilities to the project. Journalist Sharon Weinberger called HAARP "the Moby Dick of conspiracy theories" and said the popularity of conspiracy theories often overshadows the benefits HAARP may provide to the scientific community.Skeptic computer scientist David Naiditch called HAARP "a magnet for conspiracy theorists", saying the project has been blamed for triggering catastrophes such as floods, droughts, hurricanes, thunderstorms, and devastating earthquakes in Pakistan and the Philippines aimed to "shake up" terrorists. Naiditch says HAARP has been blamed for diverse events including major power outages, the downing of TWA Flight 800, Gulf War syndrome, and chronic fatigue syndrome. Conspiracy theorists have also suggested links between HAARP and the work of Nikola Tesla (particularly potential combinations of HAARP energy with Tesla's work on pneumatic small-scale earthquake generation) and physicist Bernard Eastlund. According to Naiditch, HAARP is an attractive target for conspiracy theorists because "its purpose seems deeply mysterious to the scientifically uninformed".Conspiracy theorists have blamed HAARP for numerous earthquakes. An opinion piece on a Venezuelan state-run television channel's website named HAARP as a cause of the 2010 Haiti earthquake." - Wiki
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: vince the stud on December 01, 2010, 01:02:32 PM
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That the CIA were the ones who killed Kennedy. That nixon hunt and bush senior were behind it. ( 9 part video on it

also the pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane theory

the pentagone is probably the most secure/monitored place in the world
and all we got is this crappy stop motion camera
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

Cut Me a Break ::)
what I have in bold is probably why you don't get much footage from them. I am including this one under the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy.
i strongly believe that yes
but frankly i don't know shit.i won't start like i am a plane crash expert cause I'm not.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 01, 2010, 02:04:56 PM
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That the CIA were the ones who killed Kennedy. That nixon hunt and bush senior were behind it. ( 9 part video on it

also the pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane theory

the pentagone is probably the most secure/monitored place in the world
and all we got is this crappy stop motion camera
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

Cut Me a Break ::)
what I have in bold is probably why you don't get much footage from them. I am including this one under the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy.
i strongly believe that yes
but frankly i don't know shit.i won't start like i am a plane crash expert cause I'm not.

You would be perfect for my class. I would have you research scientific issues around the crash, possible motives, and issues of secrecy, then create a presentation with sources and models on all of it and use it in a debate against somebody else who disagrees and creates a similar presentation.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: dlx111 on December 01, 2010, 02:10:55 PM
anyone watch the ventura one on the jfk assassination? i never really cared to much about it but after seeing that episode and the pic of the hobos who may have been agents was pretty crazy. i wonder how much crap you believe from mister pony tail though.

the wall street conspiracy is another one ventura did and plum island too.

also anyone been to ( after reading how cheney is such a liar and definetely still connected to them i really have little doubt that bush wasnt behind 911 but maybe cheney was i think bush is just a piece of clay and cheney and those guys kept him quiet.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 01, 2010, 02:26:47 PM
I don't think Cheney was behind 9/11, but I think he capitalized on it as much as possible. I think going to war with Iraq would have happened with or without 9/11 simply because of his connection to halliburton.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: vince the stud on December 01, 2010, 02:31:04 PM
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That the CIA were the ones who killed Kennedy. That nixon hunt and bush senior were behind it. ( 9 part video on it

also the pentagon was hit by a missile not a plane theory

the pentagone is probably the most secure/monitored place in the world
and all we got is this crappy stop motion camera
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

Cut Me a Break ::)
what I have in bold is probably why you don't get much footage from them. I am including this one under the "9/11 was an inside job" conspiracy.
i strongly believe that yes
but frankly i don't know shit.i won't start like i am a plane crash expert cause I'm not.

You would be perfect for my class. I would have you research scientific issues around the crash, possible motives, and issues of secrecy, then create a presentation with sources and models on all of it and use it in a debate against somebody else who disagrees and creates a similar presentation.
i think i could set a pretty solid case haha
it's a good subject to debate on because almost everybody have their fonded opinion on 9/11
either you believe its a scam or you believe it's muslem terrorist
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: strangefires on December 01, 2010, 02:46:33 PM

Expand Quote

 Timecube (

As an educator, I obviously can't let this one out of the bag.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Inbred Jed on December 01, 2010, 03:08:52 PM
Gilligan's Island was actually a peninsula
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Giovanni Falcone on December 01, 2010, 09:14:55 PM
The Battle of Los Angeles
1952 Washington DC UFO sighting

These 3 events got the Government actually involved in researching UFO's. But the official statements about the events have weak explanations. If you research enough, there is an old government document that actually says to deny the existence of UFOs. I read it a few months ago and was pretty stunned.

I don't know if this is considered a conspiracy, but I've been thinking about what if there was an advanced race of humans that pre-dates us.

This other thing I've been thinking about, is a long long time ago, there was a pole shift, and that is how Antartica got into it's present place. But before the pole shift, maybe there was an advanced civilization on Antartica and there was an ancient city.

Now, in present time, that ancient city or pyramids what have you, are hidden under ice. And the Government covers it up. (

Here is a link that shows a petrified leaf found in Antarctica because millions of years ago, there were forests on Antarctica. There was also all kinds of shit: (

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: heebs on December 01, 2010, 09:26:44 PM
bible code or torah code
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: tseebs on December 01, 2010, 09:38:47 PM
jonestown massacre theories involving the cia
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: VictoriousOG on December 01, 2010, 09:43:06 PM
Salem Witch Trials
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: bentmode on December 01, 2010, 10:29:13 PM
although the assassination of MLK doesnt quite have the Hollywood razzle dazzle of jfks, its still good none the less.

my favorite though is probably Ricky Ross and the Iran-Contras.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 01, 2010, 11:36:59 PM
As far as assasinations go, I like the old "the cia brainwashes assassins to act unwillingly using mindcontrol methods that involve the book The Catcher in the Rye."

Son of Sam was not a serial killer but rather the fall guy for a satanic cult.

On a side note, I'd like to include some conspiracies that are very likely to be true to include them in the class. An example of this is:
 The murder of Fred Hampton by police was intentional because he was trying to organize across people of color across racial boundaries. With this one, although the official police story is that he fired at them first, all empirical evidence points clearly to the fact that Hampton was asleep at the time he was killed.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Beeda Weeda on December 02, 2010, 08:40:08 AM
if you watch loose change or zeitgeist and believe every thing it says, you are stupid. that is all i have to contribute to this thread.
this guy i know lent me zeitgeist and I watched it, and told him I enjoyed it, but wasn't buying everything. He was upset tha tI didn't buy into the entire thing and live by it as my bible.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on December 02, 2010, 08:57:50 AM
the government has the cure for cancer but does not mass produce it to keep the population down

Jamie Thomas photoshops fallen and zero logos on his rider's shirts for ads.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 02, 2010, 10:21:13 AM
the government has the cure for cancer but does not mass produce it to keep the population down

Jamie Thomas photoshops fallen and zero logos on his rider's shirts for ads.
Oh yeah. I should do a week on Jamie Thomas and zero.
Was Chris Cole forced to change his get up once he got on zero?
Is the ZERO army an actual secret branch of the  U.S. military?
Do Zero riders need to have permission to rip?
What is the "mystery?"
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Inbred Jed on December 02, 2010, 10:24:15 AM
The Flintstones was a documentary
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Rampfoot on December 02, 2010, 10:26:03 AM
i did an essay/presentation on the mysterious death of michael conell and the ohio ballot rigging a year or so back that was pretty fun. (

im not sure that would be worth going over in such a class though... arguably the coolest conspiracy theories going out right now revolve around haarp

YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

its all speculation, but the best part is that with no solid explanation for its existence, speculation is all we have. and i guess thats how good conspiracy theories are born haha

Was going to post about Mike Connell as well. Sketchy shit.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: daddy on December 02, 2010, 10:28:43 AM
The Flintstones was a documentary

And the Jetsons were written in a series of prophetic trances, by Edgar Cayce.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Omamori on December 02, 2010, 10:34:13 AM
the government has the cure for cancer but does not mass produce it to keep the population down

Jamie Thomas photoshops fallen and zero logos on his rider's shirts for ads.
Hahaha, the cure for cancer has been around for quite some time. Guess what, it's just food. You should watch these two documaries: ( (

Google Dr. Max Gerson

"Let thy food be thy medcine and thy medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: jimi420 on December 02, 2010, 11:37:47 AM
I remember reading about how the Smurfs was a way to dumb down America by using the word Smurf so Smurfing much.

Hemp(pot) was outlawed so that the paper industry wouldn't have any competition.

The Illuminati killed Michael Jackson because he wouldn't join.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: daddy on December 02, 2010, 11:40:36 AM
Marylin Monroe's was assassinated cause of JFK and all that
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: chuck d on December 02, 2010, 12:02:54 PM
I remember reading about how the Smurfs was a way to dumb down America by using the word Smurf so Smurfing much.
Under the

They lived in a communist village.  Azrael (the cat) was Capitalism.

Hemp(pot) was outlawed so that the paper industry wouldn't have any competition.
This one's not really a conspiracy.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: brycickle on December 02, 2010, 04:54:14 PM
Agent orange/gulf war syndrome
You touched on it before with Fred Hampton, but I would broaden the scope to all of COINTELPRO
Biggie and Tupac

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: skate_bored on December 02, 2010, 05:18:24 PM
the government has the cure for cancer but does not mass produce it to keep the population down

there have been many people who claim they have killed cancer cells in animals but never make it to the human testing because drug companies will not buy their product because they simple make more money off the treatment.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Why God Why? on December 02, 2010, 06:37:09 PM
Expand Quote
the government has the cure for cancer but does not mass produce it to keep the population down

Jamie Thomas photoshops fallen and zero logos on his rider's shirts for ads.
Oh yeah. I should do a week on Jamie Thomas and zero.
Was Chris Cole forced to change his get up once he got on zero?
Is the ZERO army an actual secret branch of the  U.S. military?
Do Zero riders need to have permission to rip?
What is the "mystery?"

Oh god that was good haha
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: lurkdaddyABD on December 02, 2010, 06:49:00 PM
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. (

let this man who was killed my the illuamnati rape yer mind with his accurateness and truth
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: penguin meat on December 02, 2010, 07:13:41 PM
dogs know how to speak english but pretend not to so that they can continue to live passive leisurely lives.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 02, 2010, 07:37:42 PM
dogs know how to speak english but pretend not to so that they can continue to live passive leisurely lives.
This has to be true.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: realitycontrol on December 02, 2010, 08:39:28 PM
flooded the haight with tons of acid to supress youth political organizing in the 60's

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: petkom on December 03, 2010, 12:04:30 AM
maybe ABP but what's up with that mexican farmer drowning some unidentified creature?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: jimi420 on December 03, 2010, 04:45:54 AM
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr was murdered by the government.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: LesbianPUNCH on December 03, 2010, 05:17:13 AM
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if you watch loose change or zeitgeist and believe every thing it says, you are stupid. that is all i have to contribute to this thread.
this guy i know lent me zeitgeist and I watched it, and told him I enjoyed it, but wasn't buying everything. He was upset tha tI didn't buy into the entire thing and live by it as my bible.

I told two of my good friends to watch it a few years ago.  They're the stoner type that like to sit around and talk everything under the sun, so I thought it would be fun to discuss the material in Zeitgeist.  I haven't seen them in two years.  they went off the map, lost it completely, believed every single word.  I feel awful.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Donkey Lips on December 03, 2010, 05:20:14 AM
maybe ABP but what's up with that mexican farmer drowning some unidentified creature?

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: 420 on December 03, 2010, 05:23:17 AM
Apollo 11 Moon Landings were faked by NASA

Barcodes are really intended to Control people

The Nazis had a Moon Base

Kentucky Fried Chicken makes black men impotent
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: LesbianPUNCH on December 03, 2010, 05:46:31 AM
Han solo blew up the Death Star in Episode 4.  Heard it from a friend.  Reliable source.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Bobbydoof on December 03, 2010, 06:10:44 AM
the underground battle at dulce vs. the greys
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on December 03, 2010, 07:34:37 AM
Han solo blew up the Death Star in Episode 4.  Heard it from a friend.  Reliable source.

Darth Vader knew there was an imminent attack by the rebel army but chose not to respond because he wanted to gain support for a war to cover up his agenda to monopolize the oil from Naboo.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Inbred Jed on December 03, 2010, 08:46:36 AM
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dogs know how to speak english but pretend not to so that they can continue to live passive leisurely lives.
This has to be true.

This is true. I once asked my dog how the griptape on my board felt and he responded, "Rough!"
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Cajungly on February 27, 2011, 05:36:36 PM
Elton Johns tiny dancer is actually hold me closer tony danza
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Belligerent Irish Cop on February 27, 2011, 05:58:06 PM
U.S. deliberately allowed Japan to attack Pearl Harbor so we could enter WWII. (this is actually plausible)
Chemtrails (pure bullshit)
Water Fluoridation as some kind of mind-control
Adolf Hitler didn't die in 1945
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: tre killa on February 27, 2011, 07:20:11 PM
Loose for for change was a pretty good movie, a real eye opener for me ive never really belived in the whole 911 twin towers government thing.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: illmatic on February 27, 2011, 09:04:15 PM
bohemian grove?

amelia earhart?

mind controlling chemicals in processed foods?

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: camocan on February 27, 2011, 09:36:35 PM
David Icke
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on February 27, 2011, 10:14:33 PM
David Icke
I didn't end up doing the class, but after school one day some kids were in my room and I told them about the whole reptilian thing and we watched youtube videos of claimed shape shifting occurring. Since then they have been obsessively accusing everybody of being reptilian. Every now and then I'll start blinking and twitching just to mess with them.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Belligerent Irish Cop on February 27, 2011, 10:16:08 PM
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David Icke
I didn't end up doing the class,

Pfft what a chump.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on February 27, 2011, 10:29:38 PM
I did a history of Los Angeles class that was on sight, making it so we had pretty much constant field trips, it was pretty fun actually. Discussed all the riots, the murders of Bunchie Carter and Ruben Salazar, Central avenue jazz scene, why hollywood is the center of the film industry despite being 3000 miles from where the camera was invented, why the city is so spread out and segregated, and a whole lot of other interesting shit.
Kinda wish I did the conspiracy theories class though. Next year I think its going to be either that, the history of radical America, or a community organizing class.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Frank the Rabbit on February 28, 2011, 07:40:47 AM
I did a history of Los Angeles class that was on sight, making it so we had pretty much constant field trips, it was pretty fun actually. Discussed all the riots, the murders of Bunchie Carter and Ruben Salazar, Central avenue jazz scene, why hollywood is the center of the film industry despite being 3000 miles from where the camera was invented, why the city is so spread out and segregated, and a whole lot of other interesting shit.
Kinda wish I did the conspiracy theories class though. Next year I think its going to be either that, the history of radical America, or a community organizing class.
What's that about?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: realitycontrol on February 28, 2011, 12:15:34 PM
I did a history of Los Angeles class that was on sight, making it so we had pretty much constant field trips, it was pretty fun actually. Discussed all the riots, the murders of Bunchie Carter and Ruben Salazar, Central avenue jazz scene, why hollywood is the center of the film industry despite being 3000 miles from where the camera was invented, why the city is so spread out and segregated, and a whole lot of other interesting shit.
Kinda wish I did the conspiracy theories class though. Next year I think its going to be either that, the history of radical America, or a community organizing class.

sounds awesome, where do you teach? i know you cant say exactly what school, but is it the high school or college level? and roughly what area of LA?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Belligerent Irish Cop on February 28, 2011, 12:45:55 PM
Gippers in grad school, he live in Los Angelos - he probably works at UCLA. In fact I think i've got enough info on him to track him down.

More info at 11.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Jack on February 28, 2011, 01:26:51 PM
Pretty sure you should buy a copy of this one Gip. (

I fucking love R.A.W's attitude of humour towards conspiracy theory, and on top of that his knowledge base is just mind boggling. (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: spool of cord on February 28, 2011, 02:12:56 PM
I heard JFK's wife and other prominent DC women at the time used to experiment with lsd back when it was still legal. supposedly they got kennedy himself and a few members of his cabinet to take it with them and discuss world peace/international affairs. seems pretty unlikely but tim leary talks a lot about one of the women who was his source in his autobiography.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: kilgore. on February 28, 2011, 02:19:06 PM
Pretty sure you should buy a copy of this one Gip. (

I fucking love R.A.W's attitude of humour towards conspiracy theory, and on top of that his knowledge base is just mind boggling. (

i own that book, great read.

RAW is the fucking truth.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Jack on February 28, 2011, 02:58:00 PM

i own that book, great read.

RAW is the fucking truth.

yeah he is pretty on point, pretty much all of the time ~ listen to everything: buy nothing. "All there is is metaphor" might be my favourite of his aphorisms, summing up and punning on Korzybski and E-prime linguistics as well as the whacky but awesome idea of quantum agnosticism. Ha, I love how simultaneously laughable, lunatic and lucid he is. Illuminatus trilogy should be compulsory reading. Did you ever read Cosmic Trigger? That's the most 'out there' one of his that I've read. I'd certainly hesitate to pledge allegiance to all or any of his theories (especially the Crowley stuff), which, of course he would never have wanted or accepted anyway. Such a rad dude/uberstoner.

Not too much homo.

(777th post hahaha)
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Belligerent Irish Cop on February 28, 2011, 04:22:12 PM
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i own that book, great read.

RAW is the fucking truth.

yeah he is pretty on point, pretty much all of the time ~ listen to everything: buy nothing. "All there is is metaphor" might be my favourite of his aphorisms, summing up and punning on Korzybski and E-prime linguistics as well as the whacky but awesome idea of quantum agnosticism. Ha, I love how simultaneously laughable, lunatic and lucid he is. Illuminatus trilogy should be compulsory reading. Did you ever read Cosmic Trigger? That's the most 'out there' one of his that I've read. I'd certainly hesitate to pledge allegiance to all or any of his theories (especially the Crowley stuff), which, of course he would never have wanted or accepted anyway. Such a rad dude/uberstoner.

Not too much homo.

(777th post hahaha)

Wow you're a fucking enormous douchebag.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Jack on February 28, 2011, 04:59:45 PM

Wow you're a fucking enormous douchebag.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on February 28, 2011, 06:48:16 PM
during the mass production process for those plastic writing pens, they spray the outside with a chemical that induces a gag reflex to condition you to not chew on it.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on February 28, 2011, 07:58:34 PM
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I did a history of Los Angeles class that was on sight, making it so we had pretty much constant field trips, it was pretty fun actually. Discussed all the riots, the murders of Bunchie Carter and Ruben Salazar, Central avenue jazz scene, why hollywood is the center of the film industry despite being 3000 miles from where the camera was invented, why the city is so spread out and segregated, and a whole lot of other interesting shit.
Kinda wish I did the conspiracy theories class though. Next year I think its going to be either that, the history of radical America, or a community organizing class.

sounds awesome, where do you teach? i know you cant say exactly what school, but is it the high school or college level? and roughly what area of LA?
High school, south central... er "south LA." It's elective so it's 9-12 graders.

To who asked: community organizing class, or probably more just organizing class. The idea would be to have the students look around at the society that surrounds them, decide on an issue they would like to approach or a community asset they would like to preserve. Then we would go through different readings and activities relating to different ways people have approached issues in the past, look at different organizations that exist around the community and how they work, and come up with and execute a plan to affect change on our issue or preserve our asset. We did a low level version of this in the LA history class, but it would be cool to spend an entire quarter on it.

And BIC, as an aspiring biographer/stalker, you should know by now that I teach high school.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: kilgore. on February 28, 2011, 08:12:14 PM
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i own that book, great read.

RAW is the fucking truth.

yeah he is pretty on point, pretty much all of the time ~ listen to everything: buy nothing. "All there is is metaphor" might be my favourite of his aphorisms, summing up and punning on Korzybski and E-prime linguistics as well as the whacky but awesome idea of quantum agnosticism. Ha, I love how simultaneously laughable, lunatic and lucid he is. Illuminatus trilogy should be compulsory reading. Did you ever read Cosmic Trigger? That's the most 'out there' one of his that I've read. I'd certainly hesitate to pledge allegiance to all or any of his theories (especially the Crowley stuff), which, of course he would never have wanted or accepted anyway. Such a rad dude/uberstoner.

Not too much homo.

(777th post hahaha)

Wow you're a fucking enormous douchebag.

read the trilogy, cosmic trigger and prometheus rising. i used the wrong word when i described him. shouldn't have said "truth" , should have just said "the man" or something. i dont believe a good grip of what he believes, but i do love reading him.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Belligerent Irish Cop on February 28, 2011, 08:54:23 PM
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I did a history of Los Angeles class that was on sight, making it so we had pretty much constant field trips, it was pretty fun actually. Discussed all the riots, the murders of Bunchie Carter and Ruben Salazar, Central avenue jazz scene, why hollywood is the center of the film industry despite being 3000 miles from where the camera was invented, why the city is so spread out and segregated, and a whole lot of other interesting shit.
Kinda wish I did the conspiracy theories class though. Next year I think its going to be either that, the history of radical America, or a community organizing class.

sounds awesome, where do you teach? i know you cant say exactly what school, but is it the high school or college level? and roughly what area of LA?
High school, south central... er "south LA." It's elective so it's 9-12 graders.

To who asked: community organizing class, or probably more just organizing class. The idea would be to have the students look around at the society that surrounds them, decide on an issue they would like to approach or a community asset they would like to preserve. Then we would go through different readings and activities relating to different ways people have approached issues in the past, look at different organizations that exist around the community and how they work, and come up with and execute a plan to affect change on our issue or preserve our asset. We did a low level version of this in the LA history class, but it would be cool to spend an entire quarter on it.

And BIC, as an aspiring biographer/stalker, you should know by now that I teach high school. (

I'm closing in on you dirty boy.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: daniel on February 28, 2011, 09:41:31 PM (

I'm closing in on you dirty boy.

Why did stalking him just turn gay?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on February 28, 2011, 10:28:33 PM
You got me. Zevi Moses Gutfreund at your service.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Frank the Rabbit on March 01, 2011, 07:27:32 AM
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I did a history of Los Angeles class that was on sight, making it so we had pretty much constant field trips, it was pretty fun actually. Discussed all the riots, the murders of Bunchie Carter and Ruben Salazar, Central avenue jazz scene, why hollywood is the center of the film industry despite being 3000 miles from where the camera was invented, why the city is so spread out and segregated, and a whole lot of other interesting shit.
Kinda wish I did the conspiracy theories class though. Next year I think its going to be either that, the history of radical America, or a community organizing class.

sounds awesome, where do you teach? i know you cant say exactly what school, but is it the high school or college level? and roughly what area of LA?
High school, south central... er "south LA." It's elective so it's 9-12 graders.

To who asked: community organizing class, or probably more just organizing class. The idea would be to have the students look around at the society that surrounds them, decide on an issue they would like to approach or a community asset they would like to preserve. Then we would go through different readings and activities relating to different ways people have approached issues in the past, look at different organizations that exist around the community and how they work, and come up with and execute a plan to affect change on our issue or preserve our asset. We did a low level version of this in the LA history class, but it would be cool to spend an entire quarter on it.

And BIC, as an aspiring biographer/stalker, you should know by now that I teach high school.
Fuck, highschool for me was so much different than that. I wish I had a teacher that really cared about the kids, and actually teach. Props dude.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Lordata on March 01, 2011, 08:00:00 PM
Pretty sure you should buy a copy of this one Gip. (

I fucking love R.A.W's attitude of humour towards conspiracy theory, and on top of that his knowledge base is just mind boggling. (
I really enjoyed his part on why the U.S. is not a Christian nation at about 7:45
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: David on March 13, 2011, 03:28:42 PM (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: few246810 on March 13, 2011, 05:52:20 PM
Jesus Christ and the New Testament under the scrutiny of a historical document.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: BFKskateboards on March 13, 2011, 06:19:09 PM
Not really conspiracy theory related but does anyone ever feel like everything that happens only affects you or is only meant to be applied and directed towards you? e.g. the truman show. 
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Foamin on March 14, 2011, 09:51:43 AM
I would love to take part in a class like that, and I don't even go to school.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: David on March 27, 2011, 03:41:10 PM
bill cooper
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: William Jefferson Clinton on March 27, 2011, 04:18:41 PM
I doubt that Gip is a teacher.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on March 27, 2011, 04:24:09 PM
it's all a conspiracy.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on March 27, 2011, 04:24:49 PM
 :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: BuddyPal on March 27, 2011, 04:27:38 PM
"The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister."
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Double Pegasus on March 27, 2011, 05:08:36 PM
Give me obscure and crazy ones ( Is a pretty fun read if you're a Smiths-fan.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: BraveUlysses on March 27, 2011, 05:17:28 PM
Hitler got an std from a jewish hooker and it contributed to his hatred towards jews.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: finknoos on March 28, 2011, 05:17:42 AM
during the mass production process for those plastic writing pens, they spray the outside with a chemical that induces a gag reflex to condition you to not chew on it.

hasnt worked on me
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: waltercronkite on June 17, 2012, 01:39:14 PM
One might ask themself whatever happened to the poster formally known as David Schwimmer?
Was he in fact David Schwimmer or a was he an impostor put on slap to bedazzle your skateboard forum taste buds

I think the answer to that question has been right under our nose all along.

Schwimmer started posting on slap and picked it up in no time. To put it frankly he was awesome at it, so awesome in fact he quickly started going after slaps star player and all around genius Ronald Wilson Reagan some of you may know him as the gipper. It seemed to me where ever the gipper went schwimmer was sure to follow. The banter from these two was incomparable to any other slap couple ie dask8dood and victors rap battle (horrendous). Everything made sense and everything was beautiful many posters eager to come to slap to see what the gipper and Ross had cooked up. They made boring threads into amazing threads in that matter of seconds. But then as the best posters sometimes do Schwimmer had disappeared. Days weeks maybe a month went by, Gipper posts came and went but there would be no witty reply from everyones favorite friend. he was gone some may think he went back to his life of superstardom. Oh hes probably just doing some promotional stuff for Madagascar 3 you'd tell yourself or oh maybe he had some final touches to put on his upcoming movie the iceman. Some of you may think that but not me! Not this guy!

Lets talk about the gipper
The gipper might be the brainiest guy on the forum i mean he has me beat just look at my horrible grammar ^. So if Gipper is the smartest man on the forum (given) maybe even the world (i believe it) how does he stay satisfied with his daily corrections of our terrible slap posts. I mean the guy can correct anything hes like a god damned speak and spell. so how does he stay satisfied... he doesnt LIKE any great super villain there is a need for a super hero to come in and keep the world balanced. For many moons the slap forum went unbalanced as the gipper stayed on a steady path of forum domination. It became so routine that the gipper grew board and even took up other hobbys just so he could go on those forums and destroy it at life even more but this too became dull and flat for the old gip. ONE DAY the gipper snapped and said dude there is no one else in the world who can take you down, there is no one left to beat or better in the forum game. HE shouted ITS TIMES LIKE THIS THE PEOPLE NEED A HERO!!!! SOMEONE TO COME IN AND RESTORE ORDERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the gipper sat down and created another account went upstairs sewed himself a new costume and readied himself for battle. What am I trying to say you ask? Well im trying to say that Ronald Wilson Reagan has been DAVID SCHWIMMER ALL ALONG!


Ace Ventura Proving She's A Man! (

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: trannies and mannies on June 17, 2012, 11:13:11 PM
Whenever I read about certain conspiracy theories I feel like some secret service men are gonna break into my house and kidnap me.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: HairyCunt on June 18, 2012, 01:33:19 PM
I firmly believe that the whole word is run by a very small group of highly influential people in politics, religion, and commerce. (Like a group of 100 or less) They operate outside the established publicized systems and control everything. If you really look at the world objectively, there are so few people that control so much. A guy like Warren Buffet has to have influence over some crazy stuff that we can't even imagine. Every day that goes by, I am more and more convinced that all the organized versions of government, religion and economics are just thrown in our face by a propogandist media to distract us from what's really going on. 'PAY NO ATTENTION TO THE MAN BEHIND THE CURTAIN!'

You are an idiot.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: MuchasGracias on June 18, 2012, 01:44:01 PM
All drugs that cause hallucinations actually cause you to see the world in its true form, you just think your high because you took a "drug"  ;)
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: ChronicBluntSlider on July 05, 2012, 08:16:34 AM
I was always under the impression that NoFX meant No fucking Straightedge (x).

I have recently been told this is incorrect.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: brianwilson on July 05, 2012, 08:29:02 AM
All drugs that cause hallucinations actually cause you to see the world in its true form, you just think your high because you took a "drug"?  ;)

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Dontfearthereefer on March 25, 2013, 11:10:03 AM
Chuckie's Mother Conspiracy (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: ChronicBluntSlider on March 25, 2013, 01:14:58 PM
Chuckie's Mother Conspiracy (
You notice how Chaz and Didi act together. I think its clear who Chuckie's mom really is . . .
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DeputyDoses on March 25, 2013, 01:48:52 PM
The Earth is at the center of the Universe. The Catholic Church was right all along!!!

Geocentrism bullshit that's still being promoted: (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: L33Tg33k on March 25, 2013, 02:03:59 PM
Chuckie's Mother Conspiracy (
If this made me cry does that make me gay?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: GeorgeHanson on March 26, 2013, 06:53:38 AM
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I did a history of Los Angeles class that was on sight, making it so we had pretty much constant field trips, it was pretty fun actually. Discussed all the riots, the murders of Bunchie Carter and Ruben Salazar, Central avenue jazz scene, why hollywood is the center of the film industry despite being 3000 miles from where the camera was invented, why the city is so spread out and segregated, and a whole lot of other interesting shit.
Kinda wish I did the conspiracy theories class though. Next year I think its going to be either that, the history of radical America, or a community organizing class.

sounds awesome, where do you teach? i know you cant say exactly what school, but is it the high school or college level? and roughly what area of LA?
High school, south central... er "south LA." It's elective so it's 9-12 graders.

To who asked: community organizing class, or probably more just organizing class. The idea would be to have the students look around at the society that surrounds them, decide on an issue they would like to approach or a community asset they would like to preserve. Then we would go through different readings and activities relating to different ways people have approached issues in the past, look at different organizations that exist around the community and how they work, and come up with and execute a plan to affect change on our issue or preserve our asset. We did a low level version of this in the LA history class, but it would be cool to spend an entire quarter on it.

And BIC, as an aspiring biographer/stalker, you should know by now that I teach high school.
Fuck, highschool for me was so much different than that. I wish I had a teacher that really cared about the kids, and actually teach. Props dude.

What you don't know is that the Gipper is actually on the Ass and Boobs and Dick and Balls thread while he should be teaching. Bastard.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: excitableboy on January 30, 2014, 02:00:44 PM
Bumping this because a couple of these clips popped up in my newsfeed. I'm mildly embarrassed to even have friends of friends outraged about chemtrails, but I don't have an explanation for this either. This annoys me.


Snow that wont melt?!? Jan 28 2014 snow storm (

They could be fake video's? Should this be in the paranormal thread?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: SqueezeThePulp on January 30, 2014, 07:10:47 PM
Bumping this because a couple of these clips popped up in my newsfeed. I'm mildly embarrassed to even have friends of friends outraged about chemtrails, but I don't have an explanation for this either. This annoys me.


Snow that wont melt?!? Jan 28 2014 snow storm (

They could be fake video's? Should this be in the paranormal thread?
my friend posted one of these videos with snow on his back porch on fb too, i thought it was just an isolated incident though, crazy.

EDIT: found this article, mystery solved, it seems. (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: era on January 31, 2014, 12:37:12 AM
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Bumping this because a couple of these clips popped up in my newsfeed. I'm mildly embarrassed to even have friends of friends outraged about chemtrails, but I don't have an explanation for this either. This annoys me.


Snow that wont melt?!? Jan 28 2014 snow storm (

They could be fake video's? Should this be in the paranormal thread?
my friend posted one of these videos with snow on his back porch on fb too, i thought it was just an isolated incident though, crazy.

EDIT: found this article, mystery solved, it seems. (

That article is completely useless.  I don't believe in conspiracies but there's no solid proof in that article just some guy saying "its not true, BELIEVE ME"
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: LesbianPUNCH on January 31, 2014, 12:49:55 AM
One might ask themself whatever happened to the poster formally known as David Schwimmer?
Was he in fact David Schwimmer or a was he an impostor put on slap to bedazzle your skateboard forum taste buds

I think the answer to that question has been right under our nose all along.

Schwimmer started posting on slap and picked it up in no time. To put it frankly he was awesome at it, so awesome in fact he quickly started going after slaps star player and all around genius Ronald Wilson Reagan some of you may know him as the gipper. It seemed to me where ever the gipper went schwimmer was sure to follow. The banter from these two was incomparable to any other slap couple ie dask8dood and victors rap battle (horrendous). Everything made sense and everything was beautiful many posters eager to come to slap to see what the gipper and Ross had cooked up. They made boring threads into amazing threads in that matter of seconds. But then as the best posters sometimes do Schwimmer had disappeared. Days weeks maybe a month went by, Gipper posts came and went but there would be no witty reply from everyones favorite friend. he was gone some may think he went back to his life of superstardom. Oh hes probably just doing some promotional stuff for Madagascar 3 you'd tell yourself or oh maybe he had some final touches to put on his upcoming movie the iceman. Some of you may think that but not me! Not this guy!

Lets talk about the gipper
The gipper might be the brainiest guy on the forum i mean he has me beat just look at my horrible grammar ^. So if Gipper is the smartest man on the forum (given) maybe even the world (i believe it) how does he stay satisfied with his daily corrections of our terrible slap posts. I mean the guy can correct anything hes like a god damned speak and spell. so how does he stay satisfied... he doesnt LIKE any great super villain there is a need for a super hero to come in and keep the world balanced. For many moons the slap forum went unbalanced as the gipper stayed on a steady path of forum domination. It became so routine that the gipper grew board and even took up other hobbys just so he could go on those forums and destroy it at life even more but this too became dull and flat for the old gip. ONE DAY the gipper snapped and said dude there is no one else in the world who can take you down, there is no one left to beat or better in the forum game. HE shouted ITS TIMES LIKE THIS THE PEOPLE NEED A HERO!!!! SOMEONE TO COME IN AND RESTORE ORDERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the gipper sat down and created another account went upstairs sewed himself a new costume and readied himself for battle. What am I trying to say you ask? Well im trying to say that Ronald Wilson Reagan has been DAVID SCHWIMMER ALL ALONG!


Ace Ventura Proving She's A Man! (


I heard David Schwimmer took a little hiatus from the forums, evaluated his life, had a light bulb moment one fine evening, and registered a new account with a new purpose...David Schwimmer is Tracer. 
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: JB on January 31, 2014, 06:38:27 AM
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One might ask themself whatever happened to the poster formally known as David Schwimmer?
Was he in fact David Schwimmer or a was he an impostor put on slap to bedazzle your skateboard forum taste buds

I think the answer to that question has been right under our nose all along.

Schwimmer started posting on slap and picked it up in no time. To put it frankly he was awesome at it, so awesome in fact he quickly started going after slaps star player and all around genius Ronald Wilson Reagan some of you may know him as the gipper. It seemed to me where ever the gipper went schwimmer was sure to follow. The banter from these two was incomparable to any other slap couple ie dask8dood and victors rap battle (horrendous). Everything made sense and everything was beautiful many posters eager to come to slap to see what the gipper and Ross had cooked up. They made boring threads into amazing threads in that matter of seconds. But then as the best posters sometimes do Schwimmer had disappeared. Days weeks maybe a month went by, Gipper posts came and went but there would be no witty reply from everyones favorite friend. he was gone some may think he went back to his life of superstardom. Oh hes probably just doing some promotional stuff for Madagascar 3 you'd tell yourself or oh maybe he had some final touches to put on his upcoming movie the iceman. Some of you may think that but not me! Not this guy!

Lets talk about the gipper
The gipper might be the brainiest guy on the forum i mean he has me beat just look at my horrible grammar ^. So if Gipper is the smartest man on the forum (given) maybe even the world (i believe it) how does he stay satisfied with his daily corrections of our terrible slap posts. I mean the guy can correct anything hes like a god damned speak and spell. so how does he stay satisfied... he doesnt LIKE any great super villain there is a need for a super hero to come in and keep the world balanced. For many moons the slap forum went unbalanced as the gipper stayed on a steady path of forum domination. It became so routine that the gipper grew board and even took up other hobbys just so he could go on those forums and destroy it at life even more but this too became dull and flat for the old gip. ONE DAY the gipper snapped and said dude there is no one else in the world who can take you down, there is no one left to beat or better in the forum game. HE shouted ITS TIMES LIKE THIS THE PEOPLE NEED A HERO!!!! SOMEONE TO COME IN AND RESTORE ORDERRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So the gipper sat down and created another account went upstairs sewed himself a new costume and readied himself for battle. What am I trying to say you ask? Well im trying to say that Ronald Wilson Reagan has been DAVID SCHWIMMER ALL ALONG!


Ace Ventura Proving She's A Man! (



I heard David Schwimmer took a little hiatus from the forums, evaluated his life, had a light bulb moment one fine evening, and registered a new account with a new purpose...David Schwimmer is Tracer. 

sorry to burst your bubble, but hes not tracer.

I was the David Schwimmer poster a couple years ago if you guys remember that.. Sorry.

I tried to at least be a funny troll. Didn't work so well.

can anyone link me to the rap battle? that was before my time and sounds pretty amazing.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: excitableboy on February 02, 2014, 10:00:05 AM
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Bumping this because a couple of these clips popped up in my newsfeed. I'm mildly embarrassed to even have friends of friends outraged about chemtrails, but I don't have an explanation for this either. This annoys me.


Snow that wont melt?!? Jan 28 2014 snow storm (

They could be fake video's? Should this be in the paranormal thread?
my friend posted one of these videos with snow on his back porch on fb too, i thought it was just an isolated incident though, crazy.

EDIT: found this article, mystery solved, it seems. (

That article is completely useless.  I don't believe in conspiracies but there's no solid proof in that article just some guy saying "its not true, BELIEVE ME" (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: sprayTAN101 on February 02, 2014, 12:52:44 PM
OMG its true!

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: shark tits on February 02, 2014, 01:03:37 PM
yo friar joe told me that 9/11 happens and what do you know, the patriots win 2 or 3 super bowls, right? then katrina happened and new orleans wins. marathon bombing and patriots win. so hypothetically speaking, if this theory is true then denver gonna win tonight thanks to the wigger who shot up batman.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Foray on February 02, 2014, 01:25:55 PM
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Chuckie's Mother Conspiracy (
If this made me cry does that make me gay?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: spool of cord on February 02, 2014, 02:57:56 PM
Oh sweet , I've been waiting for one of these threads to pop up for a minute!

This is a song my buddy wrote awhile back- its like a local cult anthem

Give it a listen and lemme know what you think..

Conspireality (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Kanye Omari West on February 02, 2014, 08:49:25 PM
Does anyone watch those "Stuff they don't want you to know" or whatever they're called videos on youtube? The Denver airport one is pretty fucking creepy, actually a lot of those videos are pretty fucking creepy

I firmly believe there is a cure for cancer out there but "treatment" makes so much money with the sickness keeping the population down at the same time

I actually have been coming up with my own conspiracy theory about conspiracy theories themselves these days, it seems that everybody has this fever to get to the truth or expose something more than ever. We keep coming up with these crackpot ass ideas about pretty much everything (aliens,government, GMOs, HAARP) because we want to believe they're being controlled or taken advantage of and it's making us really just go crazy. Basically the government or whomever is pulling the strings behind the country/world, is giving us red herrings as to what is REALLY happening making us sabotage ourselves in pursuit of any real truth, like when the bill for GMOs was being passed everybody was distracted with gay marriage, which is honestly irrelevant as fuck. No diss to the gays, but in the grand scheme of things, that is a pretty petty issue. We fear the government trying to take away our weapons so we're stockpiling them and preparing to fight off anyone possibly attempting to take them away. Basically Marshal Law will probably come, but I think we'll bring it upon ourselves rather than an attack be launched upon us. And if we do bring it upon ourselves then the government will have a reason to use force and then we'll pretty much all be fucked. People will want their help because they think the government has our best interest in mind and eventually forced into their will, some people will fight back and most likely die trying, it'll be a whole mess

SO in summation, I don't buy 99% of the shit I hear about the current threat of the week because people love to be trendy and label a boogie man, if someone comes talking some "keep your third eye open" shit then they'll automatically be discredited on sight because if you REALLY know what's up, you won't talk about it, you'll be about it

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: oyolar on February 03, 2014, 12:51:44 PM
So your solution to the crazy conspiracy theories is to ball them all up as small details of an even BIGGER, crazier, more complex conspiracy theory, which then must be true?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: SqueezeThePulp on February 03, 2014, 01:10:27 PM
9/11 Truther Interrupts Super Bowl MVP's Post Game Interview (
is everybody alright? lol
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Kanye Omari West on February 03, 2014, 03:26:50 PM
So your solution to the crazy conspiracy theories is to ball them all up as small details of an even BIGGER, crazier, more complex conspiracy theory, which then must be true?

Basically my answer is to stop being regular and taking shit at face value because you're mind fucking yourself into believing the unbelievable which is gonna shit on you in the end

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: brycickle on February 03, 2014, 04:03:55 PM
Or you could just stop looking for shit that isn't really there.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: oyolar on February 03, 2014, 04:08:58 PM
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So your solution to the crazy conspiracy theories is to ball them all up as small details of an even BIGGER, crazier, more complex conspiracy theory, which then must be true?

Basically my answer is to stop being regular and taking shit at face value because you're mind fucking yourself into believing the unbelievable which is gonna shit on you in the end

So by not buying into super convoluted and overly complex grand schemes for which there is little to no proof, I'm believing the unbelievable?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Kanye Omari West on February 03, 2014, 06:26:38 PM
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So your solution to the crazy conspiracy theories is to ball them all up as small details of an even BIGGER, crazier, more complex conspiracy theory, which then must be true?

Basically my answer is to stop being regular and taking shit at face value because you're mind fucking yourself into believing the unbelievable which is gonna shit on you in the end


If what I just elaborated on was "complex" for you then you clearly qualify for being labeled as "special needs"
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: oyolar on February 03, 2014, 06:50:49 PM
You're an idiot.  Your comment wasn't complex (or that intelligent) by any means.  However, actually enacting your ridiculous idea, or most conspiracy theories, WOULD BE extremely complex and almost impossible to keep together and going.  Which is why I said I don't buy into "super convoluted and overly complex grand schemes."

And you're right: gay marriage is a petty issue.  Just like interracial marriage was.  Denying people rights and discriminating against them isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.  Also, good job saying that the concerns about GMOs were crackpot, only to then use that as the "grand issue" that petty gay marriage distracted us from.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Kanye Omari West on February 03, 2014, 08:03:36 PM
You're an idiot.  Your comment wasn't complex (or that intelligent) by any means.  However, actually enacting your ridiculous idea, or most conspiracy theories, WOULD BE extremely complex and almost impossible to keep together and going.  Which is why I said I don't buy into "super convoluted and overly complex grand schemes."

And you're right: gay marriage is a petty issue.  Just like interracial marriage was.  Denying people rights and discriminating against them isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things.  Also, good job saying that the concerns about GMOs were crackpot, only to then use that as the "grand issue" that petty gay marriage distracted us from.

I broke the concept of what my idea into a pretty easy to comprehend version, I don't know what more you want my dude

And yes, in comparison to the entire country's main source of sustenance, gay marriage is indeed pretty minute. I don't know where I said anything about GMOs being crackpot, pretty sure you misread, I stated that gay marriage was a scapegoat for it while the bill preventing litigation against GMOs was being passed. I'm pretty supportive of gay marriage and anti discrimination in general especially with me being black myself, but if you wanna pretend that same sex marriage is on par with the issue of eating then that's your opinion but I strongly disagree.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: oyolar on February 03, 2014, 08:35:39 PM
Holy shit man.  Your explanation (using conspiracy theories as red herrings) is not complicated.  However, some great one world system that actually encourages and enacts that strategy would be absurdly complicated and would break down.  I don't know how much more I have to break down my comment for you to understand it.

You said: "We keep coming up with these crackpot ass ideas about pretty much everything (aliens,government, GMOs, HAARP)."  You mentioning GMOs with crackpot conspiracies like aliens and HAARP caused me to assume you thought all of those conspiracies were crackpot. 

Now, as for your last comment, I don't think gay marriage is petty and, in fact, I think it is more important than GMOs (especially since the whole anti-GMO movement is found on the same logic and science as the stupid anto-vaccine movement).  Monsanto is very different from GMOs altogether.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Kanye Omari West on February 03, 2014, 09:12:41 PM
Holy shit man.  Your explanation (using conspiracy theories as red herrings) is not complicated.  However, some great one world system that actually encourages and enacts that strategy would be absurdly complicated and would break down.  I don't know how much more I have to break down my comment for you to understand it.

You said: "We keep coming up with these crackpot ass ideas about pretty much everything (aliens,government, GMOs, HAARP)."  You mentioning GMOs with crackpot conspiracies like aliens and HAARP caused me to assume you thought all of those conspiracies were crackpot. 

Now, as for your last comment, I don't think gay marriage is petty and, in fact, I think it is more important than GMOs (especially since the whole anti-GMO movement is found on the same logic and science as the stupid anto-vaccine movement).  Monsanto is very different from GMOs altogether.

Word, I didn't say anything about the world over since I'm just specifically talking about the US so again, just chill with all of that

 I did lump in GMOs with a few other far fetched theories but then again the government is a pretty far fetched theory too though right? No. I plugged that in because at their worst, they each have crackpot tendencies that people hold very true, but I actually believe in all of those things within reason, or at the very least to the point where they don't dictate how I live my day to  day

And again, however you equate the importances of eating and same sex marriage is at your own discretion but love doesn't fill stomachs, I'm in favor of rallying against prejudice of any kind but in that particular situation gay marriage should've taken a backseat most definitely, that's about it
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Jim and Dan on February 03, 2014, 10:56:28 PM
Real Talk: Pharmaceutical companies knowingly produced analgesics so powerful in the mid-90's with the intention of creating products that were highly addictive, and with the help of willing politicians and doctors, pushed these drugs onto the American populous with unforgiving relentlessness while downplaying the potential issues that could arise. Later on down the line, these same manufacturers became the cottage industry giants in producing the "cures" to get you off their previously manufactured products. Coincidence? Maybe... A well thought out plan to make a lot of money while boosting revenues for complying medical professionals and facilities during a disastrous era for the medical industry? More likely..

Capitalism is the ultimate conspiracy.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: shark tits on February 03, 2014, 11:07:33 PM
Real Talk: Pharmaceutical companies knowingly produced analgesics so powerful in the mid-90's with the intention of creating products that were highly addictive, and with the help of willing politicians and doctors, pushed these drugs onto the American populous with unforgiving relentlessness while downplaying the potential issues that could arise. Later on down the line, these same manufacturers became the cottage industry giants in producing the "cures" to get you off their previously manufactured products. Coincidence? Maybe... A well thought out plan to make a lot of money while boosting revenues for complying medical professionals and facilities during a disastrous era for the medical industry? More likely..

Capitalism is the ultimate conspiracy.
absolutely, my little brother's half a person. he got all benzo'd and suboxin'd out and hit me w/ an axe this summer [dull side] and proceeds to abuse all the pills he gets under the defensive umbrella of 'a doctor gave them to me. fuckin quacks gave him methadone for pain til he od'd on them, he just sucks all around and i try to explain how everyone fucks up on their jobs even doctors. shit, maybe especially doctors. they're responsible for a lot of junkies, i've gotten a million different diagnoses when i was having breathing problems in the south [asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia] and when i fell off a roof and broke my thumb it never got better. these assholes were encouraging cigarettes a few decades ago and 100 yrs ago practicing phrenomology or whatever it's called where they discern your character by bumps on your head. oh, heroin was a cure for morphine too [which i spose it is but not how they intended.] like morrissey said 'everyone lies, nobody minds'.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Jim and Dan on February 03, 2014, 11:16:24 PM
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Real Talk: Pharmaceutical companies knowingly produced analgesics so powerful in the mid-90's with the intention of creating products that were highly addictive, and with the help of willing politicians and doctors, pushed these drugs onto the American populous with unforgiving relentlessness while downplaying the potential issues that could arise. Later on down the line, these same manufacturers became the cottage industry giants in producing the "cures" to get you off their previously manufactured products. Coincidence? Maybe... A well thought out plan to make a lot of money while boosting revenues for complying medical professionals and facilities during a disastrous era for the medical industry? More likely..

Capitalism is the ultimate conspiracy.
absolutely, my little brother's half a person. he got all benzo'd and suboxin'd out and hit me w/ an axe this summer [dull side] and proceeds to abuse all the pills he gets under the defensive umbrella of 'a doctor gave them to me. fuckin quacks gave him methadone for pain til he od'd on them, he just sucks all around and i try to explain how everyone fucks up on their jobs even doctors. shit, maybe especially doctors. they're responsible for a lot of junkies, i've gotten a million different diagnoses when i was having breathing problems in the south [asthma, emphysema, bronchitis, pneumonia] and when i fell off a roof and broke my thumb it never got better. these assholes were encouraging cigarettes a few decades ago and 100 yrs ago practicing phrenomology or whatever it's called where they discern your character by bumps on your head. oh, heroin was a cure for morphine too [which i spose it is but not how they intended.] like morrissey said 'everyone lies, nobody minds'.

The combination prescribing of these two substances should be fucking illegal to the power of 10.

I have a good mate one that same program at the moment.

Why would you knowingly let a "patient" on Suboxone take the only other medication that could potentially kill them?

He told me one day that if he dies from the combination, that I should tell his parents and have them sue his Quasi-legal Suboxone clinic.

Really shows you how smart 8 years of post-secondary education can make you...
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: shark tits on February 03, 2014, 11:23:29 PM
the old hypocrite oath in action. i think they're insulated from prosecution so it's just a scam to unload as many of these side effect laden pills onto a trusting public. granted you've got mental issues to begin w/ if ya do a mass shooting but i'm sketched about SSRI's for the fact of all the shooters and infanticidal moms on Prozac. maybe they do some good for some people, most of it all seems horrible and they prolly do have the technology to give people safe helpful pills but there's job security in substances that fix one problem and create another [trust your mechanic]. my schizo sister is on all sorts of stuff, has been for a decade and she's better than staying in bed all day puking and smoking butts but she's gained 100 lbs and isn't exactly 'normal'. i'm not the king of psychiatry but i feel like she could be on less stuff and do more, those seraquels will give you diabetes, just what a mentally ill person needs.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Jim and Dan on February 03, 2014, 11:45:13 PM
the old hypocrite oath in action. i think they're insulated from prosecution so it's just a scam to unload as many of these side effect laden pills onto a trusting public. granted you've got mental issues to begin w/ if ya do a mass shooting but i'm sketched about SSRI's for the fact of all the shooters and infanticidal moms on Prozac. maybe they do some good for some people, most of it all seems horrible and they prolly do have the technology to give people safe helpful pills but there's job security in substances that fix one problem and create another [trust your mechanic]. my schizo sister is on all sorts of stuff, has been for a decade and she's better than staying in bed all day puking and smoking butts but she's gained 100 lbs and isn't exactly 'normal'. i'm not the king of psychiatry but i feel like she could be on less stuff and do more, those seraquels will give you diabetes, just what a mentally ill person needs.

I'm pretty sure SSRI's and most 1st and 2nd generation anti-psychotics are meant to breed complacency and reaffirm certain aspects of the status-quo; they just made me docile and straight up not give a fuck about anything or anybody (a dangerous combination for some).

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of money is strictly helping the global masses with live saving drugs. 

I reaffirm my sentiments about shark tits being on a fucking roll lately.

Even more collusion: Automotive makers actively decided to produce vehicles that required take-in maintenance, leaving the consumer without the ability to properly service their purchased goods in the hopes of boosting dealership revenues and service fees.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: spool of cord on February 04, 2014, 08:59:10 AM
Conspireality (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: pencil on February 04, 2014, 11:15:00 AM
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the old hypocrite oath in action. i think they're insulated from prosecution so it's just a scam to unload as many of these side effect laden pills onto a trusting public. granted you've got mental issues to begin w/ if ya do a mass shooting but i'm sketched about SSRI's for the fact of all the shooters and infanticidal moms on Prozac. maybe they do some good for some people, most of it all seems horrible and they prolly do have the technology to give people safe helpful pills but there's job security in substances that fix one problem and create another [trust your mechanic]. my schizo sister is on all sorts of stuff, has been for a decade and she's better than staying in bed all day puking and smoking butts but she's gained 100 lbs and isn't exactly 'normal'. i'm not the king of psychiatry but i feel like she could be on less stuff and do more, those seraquels will give you diabetes, just what a mentally ill person needs.

I'm pretty sure SSRI's and most 1st and 2nd generation anti-psychotics are meant to breed complacency and reaffirm certain aspects of the status-quo; they just made me docile and straight up not give a fuck about anything or anybody (a dangerous combination for some).

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of money is strictly helping the global masses with live saving drugs. 

I reaffirm my sentiments about shark tits being on a fucking roll lately.

Even more collusion: Automotive makers actively decided to produce vehicles that required take-in maintenance, leaving the consumer without the ability to properly service their purchased goods in the hopes of boosting dealership revenues and service fees.

ive been telling people this forever, same with the Automotive thing.  Someone said skate shoe companies do a similar thing, as in making less durable shoes on purpose so you have to buy more
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Kanye Omari West on February 04, 2014, 11:20:46 AM
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the old hypocrite oath in action. i think they're insulated from prosecution so it's just a scam to unload as many of these side effect laden pills onto a trusting public. granted you've got mental issues to begin w/ if ya do a mass shooting but i'm sketched about SSRI's for the fact of all the shooters and infanticidal moms on Prozac. maybe they do some good for some people, most of it all seems horrible and they prolly do have the technology to give people safe helpful pills but there's job security in substances that fix one problem and create another [trust your mechanic]. my schizo sister is on all sorts of stuff, has been for a decade and she's better than staying in bed all day puking and smoking butts but she's gained 100 lbs and isn't exactly 'normal'. i'm not the king of psychiatry but i feel like she could be on less stuff and do more, those seraquels will give you diabetes, just what a mentally ill person needs.

I'm pretty sure SSRI's and most 1st and 2nd generation anti-psychotics are meant to breed complacency and reaffirm certain aspects of the status-quo; they just made me docile and straight up not give a fuck about anything or anybody (a dangerous combination for some).

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of money is strictly helping the global masses with live saving drugs. 

I reaffirm my sentiments about shark tits being on a fucking roll lately.

Even more collusion: Automotive makers actively decided to produce vehicles that required take-in maintenance, leaving the consumer without the ability to properly service their purchased goods in the hopes of boosting dealership revenues and service fees.

ive been telling people this forever, same with the Automotive thing.  Someone said skate shoe companies do a similar thing, as in making less durable shoes on purpose so you have to buy more

Not a conspiracy theory, more like common knowledge I think

I have a 2002 Sebring and they placed the battery right behind the front left wheel so you had to go through all the bullshit of actually like taking your wheel off just to get to the battery and since it's kind of an old person's car, they're most likely gonna be the one driving it and too feeble for the labor forcing them to take it to the dealer
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: shark tits on February 04, 2014, 11:27:45 AM
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the old hypocrite oath in action. i think they're insulated from prosecution so it's just a scam to unload as many of these side effect laden pills onto a trusting public. granted you've got mental issues to begin w/ if ya do a mass shooting but i'm sketched about SSRI's for the fact of all the shooters and infanticidal moms on Prozac. maybe they do some good for some people, most of it all seems horrible and they prolly do have the technology to give people safe helpful pills but there's job security in substances that fix one problem and create another [trust your mechanic]. my schizo sister is on all sorts of stuff, has been for a decade and she's better than staying in bed all day puking and smoking butts but she's gained 100 lbs and isn't exactly 'normal'. i'm not the king of psychiatry but i feel like she could be on less stuff and do more, those seraquels will give you diabetes, just what a mentally ill person needs.

I'm pretty sure SSRI's and most 1st and 2nd generation anti-psychotics are meant to breed complacency and reaffirm certain aspects of the status-quo; they just made me docile and straight up not give a fuck about anything or anybody (a dangerous combination for some).

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of money is strictly helping the global masses with live saving drugs. 

I reaffirm my sentiments about shark tits being on a fucking roll lately.

Even more collusion: Automotive makers actively decided to produce vehicles that required take-in maintenance, leaving the consumer without the ability to properly service their purchased goods in the hopes of boosting dealership revenues and service fees.

ive been telling people this forever, same with the Automotive thing.  Someone said skate shoe companies do a similar thing, as in making less durable shoes on purpose so you have to buy more
yep, the shoe companies are in bed w/ the griptape industry. back in the 90s i'd wear out the leather before my soles. these days my front foot wears out from setting up for tricks. i think i have lakai's right now [i just buy black lowtops for $40-50 every time] and the bottom's held up pretty good but i've got a room full of blown out left soles from the last 10 months.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Jim and Dan on February 04, 2014, 11:42:08 AM
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the old hypocrite oath in action. i think they're insulated from prosecution so it's just a scam to unload as many of these side effect laden pills onto a trusting public. granted you've got mental issues to begin w/ if ya do a mass shooting but i'm sketched about SSRI's for the fact of all the shooters and infanticidal moms on Prozac. maybe they do some good for some people, most of it all seems horrible and they prolly do have the technology to give people safe helpful pills but there's job security in substances that fix one problem and create another [trust your mechanic]. my schizo sister is on all sorts of stuff, has been for a decade and she's better than staying in bed all day puking and smoking butts but she's gained 100 lbs and isn't exactly 'normal'. i'm not the king of psychiatry but i feel like she could be on less stuff and do more, those seraquels will give you diabetes, just what a mentally ill person needs.

I'm pretty sure SSRI's and most 1st and 2nd generation anti-psychotics are meant to breed complacency and reaffirm certain aspects of the status-quo; they just made me docile and straight up not give a fuck about anything or anybody (a dangerous combination for some).

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of money is strictly helping the global masses with live saving drugs. 

I reaffirm my sentiments about shark tits being on a fucking roll lately.

Even more collusion: Automotive makers actively decided to produce vehicles that required take-in maintenance, leaving the consumer without the ability to properly service their purchased goods in the hopes of boosting dealership revenues and service fees.

ive been telling people this forever, same with the Automotive thing.  Someone said skate shoe companies do a similar thing, as in making less durable shoes on purpose so you have to buy more

Not a conspiracy theory, more like common knowledge I think

I have a 2002 Sebring and they placed the battery right behind the front left wheel so you had to go through all the bullshit of actually like taking your wheel off just to get to the battery and since it's kind of an old person's car, they're most likely gonna be the one driving it and too feeble for the labor forcing them to take it to the dealer

Leave it to Kanye to miss the big picture...

I'm not sure if I would consider this "common knowledge". Common knowledge is knowing the sun is yellow and the sky is blue.

This was simultaneously happening as emission standards became tighter & older (pre-1980's) cars were being forced off the road due to the restrictions imposed by said measures. Although we should note that the mass influx of electronic and computerized parts compounded the issue at hand.

This also came during the development of the electric car that was quickly deemed too good by those in Detroit; an obvious collusion between automobile manufacturers and the petrol industry.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: tortfeasor on March 18, 2014, 01:15:46 PM
UVB-76 is a russian buzzer shortwave station (look up numbers stations online, its just a complex version of that) usually its just buzzer occasionally with a woman stopping the buzzer to read off a pattern of numbers.  the past few days the numbers have been replaced with what sounds like a boat horn occasionally broken up by russian people speaking russian. some of the translations have been pretty gnarly.  even some english broken in.  here are some highlights:

its pretty cool but will drive you mad if you listen for to long.  if you want can listen  to UVB 76 here:

set the kh/z to 4625.00
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on March 18, 2014, 04:44:46 PM
Funny story, I'm not sure if I pointed it out, but that class definitely never happened. enjoy conspiring away!
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Joust Ostrich on March 19, 2014, 10:31:55 AM (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: VHS on March 19, 2014, 08:07:10 PM
I've been doing a lot of research into what we're drinking in the taps. I've formed the theory that it's a high-octane urine/fecal compound. I've asked a few of my city officials and I'm patiently waiting their response.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: chuck d on March 20, 2014, 12:45:56 AM
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the old hypocrite oath in action. i think they're insulated from prosecution so it's just a scam to unload as many of these side effect laden pills onto a trusting public. granted you've got mental issues to begin w/ if ya do a mass shooting but i'm sketched about SSRI's for the fact of all the shooters and infanticidal moms on Prozac. maybe they do some good for some people, most of it all seems horrible and they prolly do have the technology to give people safe helpful pills but there's job security in substances that fix one problem and create another [trust your mechanic]. my schizo sister is on all sorts of stuff, has been for a decade and she's better than staying in bed all day puking and smoking butts but she's gained 100 lbs and isn't exactly 'normal'. i'm not the king of psychiatry but i feel like she could be on less stuff and do more, those seraquels will give you diabetes, just what a mentally ill person needs.

I'm pretty sure SSRI's and most 1st and 2nd generation anti-psychotics are meant to breed complacency and reaffirm certain aspects of the status-quo; they just made me docile and straight up not give a fuck about anything or anybody (a dangerous combination for some).

Unfortunately there isn't a lot of money is strictly helping the global masses with live saving drugs. 

I reaffirm my sentiments about shark tits being on a fucking roll lately.

Even more collusion: Automotive makers actively decided to produce vehicles that required take-in maintenance, leaving the consumer without the ability to properly service their purchased goods in the hopes of boosting dealership revenues and service fees.

ive been telling people this forever, same with the Automotive thing.  Someone said skate shoe companies do a similar thing, as in making less durable shoes on purpose so you have to buy more

Not a conspiracy theory, more like common knowledge I think

I have a 2002 Sebring and they placed the battery right behind the front left wheel so you had to go through all the bullshit of actually like taking your wheel off just to get to the battery and since it's kind of an old person's car, they're most likely gonna be the one driving it and too feeble for the labor forcing them to take it to the dealer

Leave it to Kanye to miss the big picture...

I'm not sure if I would consider this "common knowledge". Common knowledge is knowing the sun is yellow and the sky is blue.

This was simultaneously happening as emission standards became tighter & older (pre-1980's) cars were being forced off the road due to the restrictions imposed by said measures. Although we should note that the mass influx of electronic and computerized parts compounded the issue at hand.

This also came during the development of the electric car that was quickly deemed too good by those in Detroit; an obvious collusion between automobile manufacturers and the petrol industry.
This is a crayon conspiracy. (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Buck Bundy on September 17, 2019, 03:22:11 AM
Couldn’t sleep so I decided to check out “Willow Creek.” It’s a short, found footage movie from Bobcat Goldthwait about Bigfoot. While the movie wasn’t anything great, it got me thinking about all the conspiracy theories I used to love as a kid. I didn’t go of the deep end with them, but I was really intrigued by this kind of stuff. I’m going to San Diego in a couple weeks, and I’m going to have some time to kill on the plane and in the airport. There’s some good suggestions in this thread, but I’m wondering if anyone has any new recommendations for books, movies, or TV shows, I should check out? I’m open to anything, no matter how out there the conspiracy is.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: os89 on September 17, 2019, 04:15:53 AM
Couldn’t sleep so I decided to check out “Willow Creek.” It’s a short, found footage movie from Bobcat Goldthwait about Bigfoot. While the movie wasn’t anything great, it got me thinking about all the conspiracy theories I used to love as a kid. I didn’t go of the deep end with them, but I was really intrigued by this kind of stuff. I’m going to San Diego in a couple weeks, and I’m going to have some time to kill on the plane and in the airport. There’s some good suggestions in this thread, but I’m wondering if anyone has any new recommendations for books, movies, or TV shows, I should check out? I’m open to anything, no matter how out there the conspiracy is.

Haha fuck. I am really big into conspiracies just because they are so fun. I do not subscribe to many if any... but holy shit some people go way out of their way to come up with some truly entertaining shit.
Mostly I go on a few other forums and just lurk. Never actually have posted in any conspiracy forums but sure do love to read them!

The only theories that really ever pan out are usually the political ones. Nevertheless I love reading about creepy shit all day just for fun. Sorry no book recommendations but the stolenhistory forum is fucking hilarious and abovetopsecret USED to be fun but now its all trump shit. No aliens, ghosts or other worldly creepy stuff lately so i don't even bother.

For a few recommendations, if you haven't check out the whole john titor thing, its hilarious. The mandela effect can be fun sometimes and of course real unsolved stuff like that Elisa Lam girls creepy elevator video... Not sure if any of them truly count as "conspiracies" but they are on all those sites and are great entertainment
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Buck Bundy on September 17, 2019, 07:27:13 AM
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Couldn’t sleep so I decided to check out “Willow Creek.” It’s a short, found footage movie from Bobcat Goldthwait about Bigfoot. While the movie wasn’t anything great, it got me thinking about all the conspiracy theories I used to love as a kid. I didn’t go of the deep end with them, but I was really intrigued by this kind of stuff. I’m going to San Diego in a couple weeks, and I’m going to have some time to kill on the plane and in the airport. There’s some good suggestions in this thread, but I’m wondering if anyone has any new recommendations for books, movies, or TV shows, I should check out? I’m open to anything, no matter how out there the conspiracy is.

Haha fuck. I am really big into conspiracies just because they are so fun. I do not subscribe to many if any... but holy shit some people go way out of their way to come up with some truly entertaining shit.
Mostly I go on a few other forums and just lurk. Never actually have posted in any conspiracy forums but sure do love to read them!

The only theories that really ever pan out are usually the political ones. Nevertheless I love reading about creepy shit all day just for fun. Sorry no book recommendations but the stolenhistory forum is fucking hilarious and abovetopsecret USED to be fun but now its all trump shit. No aliens, ghosts or other worldly creepy stuff lately so i don't even bother.

For a few recommendations, if you haven't check out the whole john titor thing, its hilarious. The mandela effect can be fun sometimes and of course real unsolved stuff like that Elisa Lam girls creepy elevator video... Not sure if any of them truly count as "conspiracies" but they are on all those sites and are great entertainment

That’s the same mentality I have. I’m not wearing a tinfoil hat, but I love hearing about this kind of stuff. I was really into into the Lisa Lam one, until I watched a video on “That Chapters” YouTube page. He breaks it down and (in my opinion) pretty much solves it. One HUGE fact that I had never heard before, was that she liked getting on rooftops and taking pictures. Combine that with how easy it was to get on that buildings rooftop, and her mental state, this mysterious death turns into a weird accident (sorry to ruin the fun!). I forgot about good ole John Titor. I’ll defin kill some time catching up on that one!
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: authentic_creed_bratton on September 17, 2019, 05:18:27 PM
the reason that no one can find bigfoot is because he simply doesnt want to be found. as interdimensional protectors of our realm, bigfoots have the ability do vanish instantly. same with ufo’s they arent interstellar travellers, they are everyday parts of our own world that belong to a different dimension and can pop in and out whenever they need to. aliens and bigfoots definitely live inside of earth volcanoes and will themselves into interactions with humankind to guide us to a better future. lemuria, and angels, and shit / gary johnson 2020
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: honey island on September 17, 2019, 08:09:27 PM
more of a cover up, but i'm reading a book on the franklin cover up, and all i can say is holy fucking shit
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: fakie nollie on September 18, 2019, 07:46:16 AM
Not sure if I'd classify these as conspiracies... more like awful things that aren't widely known to the public. Look up Unit 731 and Operation Paper clip. That recently blew my mind.

TL;DR: We (The USA) hired war criminals on multiple occasions to raise our global standing in the scientific community.

Long versions:

-Unit 731: We did not prosecute Japanese scientists who experimented and tortured human subjects for the primary case of testing biological warfare and its effects on the human body. This included dropping plague-infected flea-bombs over rural China and studying the effects it had on a village's (plural, this happened many times) people. If they ever ran out of human subjects at Unit 731, Japanese secret police in occupied-China would pickup anyone from the streets.

Instead of prosecuting them, we paid for their research in exchange for their freedom from war crimes. From what I read, this was primarily due to the fact they experimented on humans, something we legally could not/cannot do, but they found the research to be invaluable... well, to be accurate, there was a determined price.

-Operation Paperclip: We hired Nazi scientists/ war criminals to lead major departments of Nasa in an effort to have an upper edge on Russia post WWII and during the Cold War. An objective point of view given was the logic, "If we didn't do it, Russia would have".
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Willie on September 19, 2019, 10:41:21 AM
I'm Facebook friends with an older skater dude who is into just about every conspiracy you can think of. It's more jarring because I'd say he's more hippy than redneck and seems like a decent guy.

Chemtrails, 9/11 inside job, Boston Bombing never happened, UN world takeover, anti-vax (he reposts anti-vax shit from Vov's ex-wife). Occasionally he posts something anti semitic although I'm not sure he realizes that it is. He might get pushback from his friends for that kind of stuff but there are plenty of people who seem into the conspiracies.

It's a trainwreck and I can't stop watching.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: SHAQUEEFA on July 07, 2022, 06:27:02 AM
Maite Steenhoudt and Millie Bobby Brown (Eleven from Stranger Things) are the same person.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on July 07, 2022, 06:38:15 AM
Unit 731 is absolutely fucked!
Also, look up the syphilis study that Tuskegee university did on black males for like 40 years in the US…
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: straight on July 07, 2022, 07:51:04 AM
the only one i want to believe is that greta thornberg is a time traveler sent to save us from the apocalypse
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Huell Howser on July 07, 2022, 09:10:58 AM
i don't really even consider this as conspiracy theory just facts tbh, but the Ariel School Encounter in Zimbabme where 60+ students were visited by a UFO during recess is amazing. I watched some vids about it a few years ago then it a vid showed up in my recommended yesterday. back down the rabbit hole lol
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on July 07, 2022, 12:17:40 PM
How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: IUTSM on July 07, 2022, 03:25:18 PM
How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on July 07, 2022, 03:51:04 PM
the only one i want to believe is that greta thornberg is a time traveler sent to save us from the apocalypse

That means the world won’t end until we master backwards time travel

And since backwards time travel violates the laws of nature, unlike forward time travel (aka time dilation) that act of self-preservation would cause the real apocalypse
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on July 07, 2022, 03:55:30 PM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.

Isn’t the Franklin thing pretty obviously debunked or is it going to be one of those things where no one will ever accept an established truth because the hegemonic powers have a vested interest in muddying truth
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: newguy on July 07, 2022, 04:01:22 PM
The CIA funded and propped up the entire pop art and modern art movement. This one isn’t even a conspiracy, it’s literally a real thing. If you ever wondered why the art world has gone insane there’s your answer
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: JANUS on July 07, 2022, 04:28:47 PM
I like this one:
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on July 07, 2022, 04:54:55 PM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.

Isn’t the Franklin thing pretty obviously debunked or is it going to be one of those things where no one will ever accept an established truth because the hegemonic powers have a vested interest in muddying truth

It's sadly very real, but Wikipedia lists it as a hoax which is horrifying.

If you're curious, check out Nick Bryant's book on the Franklin scandal. Nick started investigating the epstein case in 2012, but faced a ton of push back to publish about it until 2015, it's definitely a case of obfuscation and a cover up

This episode of chapo also does a good job of outlining the conspiracy
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on July 07, 2022, 05:55:21 PM
The CIA funded and propped up the entire pop art and modern art movement. This one isn’t even a conspiracy, it’s literally a real thing. If you ever wondered why the art world has gone insane there’s your answer

I think it was just abstract expressionism - and to be more specific, they provided funds for art shows of works by Pollack, etc to be shown in Europe during the Cold War as a cultural battle against the Soviets
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on July 07, 2022, 06:02:06 PM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.

Isn’t the Franklin thing pretty obviously debunked or is it going to be one of those things where no one will ever accept an established truth because the hegemonic powers have a vested interest in muddying truth

It's sadly very real, but Wikipedia lists it as a hoax which is horrifying.

If you're curious, check out Nick Bryant's book on the Franklin scandal. Nick started investigating the epstein case in 2012, but faced a ton of push back to publish about it until 2015, it's definitely a case of obfuscation and a cover up

This episode of chapo also does a good job of outlining the conspiracy

Honestly, I don’t find myself caring (obvi don’t support it) because it’s one of those things that seems so enmeshed in conspiracy and amateur sleuthing, particularly right now with the whole QAnon/white slavery/Wayfair selling children in its catalogues/pizza shop basement that it’s too difficult to parse the actual issue from from internet hysteria / zeitgeisty hysteria (ie satanic panic, stranger danger, and the history of Jews in Europe).   
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: newguy on July 08, 2022, 12:54:09 AM
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The CIA funded and propped up the entire pop art and modern art movement. This one isn’t even a conspiracy, it’s literally a real thing. If you ever wondered why the art world has gone insane there’s your answer

I think it was just abstract expressionism - and to be more specific, they provided funds for art shows of works by Pollack, etc to be shown in Europe during the Cold War as a cultural battle against the Soviets

They did start out small at first but their little project ballooned out of proportions, they had the former director of the MoMa at the wheel too so the guy knew where to funnel money
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on July 08, 2022, 01:23:44 AM
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The CIA funded and propped up the entire pop art and modern art movement. This one isn’t even a conspiracy, it’s literally a real thing. If you ever wondered why the art world has gone insane there’s your answer

I think it was just abstract expressionism - and to be more specific, they provided funds for art shows of works by Pollack, etc to be shown in Europe during the Cold War as a cultural battle against the Soviets

They did start out small at first but their little project ballooned out of proportions, they had the former director of the MoMa at the wheel too so the guy knew where to funnel money

Sure, but in the history of art, the wheels of power tend to finance and guide art.   It seems shocking in a modern context (but mostly funny considering what pinkos the actual artists were likely considered by the gov that was promoting them) but is it any different than what the Medicis and Popes were doing, for example?

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Ricky Vaughn on July 08, 2022, 06:38:06 AM
( (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: newguy on July 08, 2022, 07:25:47 AM
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The CIA funded and propped up the entire pop art and modern art movement. This one isn’t even a conspiracy, it’s literally a real thing. If you ever wondered why the art world has gone insane there’s your answer

I think it was just abstract expressionism - and to be more specific, they provided funds for art shows of works by Pollack, etc to be shown in Europe during the Cold War as a cultural battle against the Soviets

They did start out small at first but their little project ballooned out of proportions, they had the former director of the MoMa at the wheel too so the guy knew where to funnel money

Sure, but in the history of art, the wheels of power tend to finance and guide art.   It seems shocking in a modern context (but mostly funny considering what pinkos the actual artists were likely considered by the gov that was promoting them) but is it any different than what the Medicis and Popes were doing, for example?

Oh man I dont want to derail the thread and shoot the shit about art history and politics haha  ;D
So from what I remember, the Soviet Union actually had a huge abstract expressionist movement in the 30’s but it slowly died off when soviet realism was introduced (very, very poorly understood movement in the west obviously). Soviet artists at that time were invested in the socialist project of the SU and willingly dropped their research and stuck to the official style. You could bend the rules and have fun with the style but it had to follow certain core concepts. WW2 comes and goes and the Cold War starts, then the CIA looks at ways of portraying the SU like it’s 1984 or something and they went to the US congress and them to fund abstract expressionism an experimental music but congress told them to fuck off (lol) so it became a covert operation. I dont remember the details but essentially the goal was to showcase how dynamic US culture was and how free artists were yada yada… you get the idea.

So I disagree with the comparison to the Medecis and the Pope because while there are similarities to the goals of the CIA, the patrons of the renaissance period weren’t trying to hide their goal, they were very proud of their donations to the masters and artists while the CIA program was a bunch of boring, dull, 9/5 drones in offices and boardrooms trying to use US soft power to dick the soviets in secret. Same method but completely different goals and aims.

By the way here’s an article on Gene Sharp and his role in color revolutions and US foreign policy, again not a conspiracy, this is all true
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on July 08, 2022, 08:24:49 AM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.

Isn’t the Franklin thing pretty obviously debunked or is it going to be one of those things where no one will ever accept an established truth because the hegemonic powers have a vested interest in muddying truth

It's sadly very real, but Wikipedia lists it as a hoax which is horrifying.

If you're curious, check out Nick Bryant's book on the Franklin scandal. Nick started investigating the epstein case in 2012, but faced a ton of push back to publish about it until 2015, it's definitely a case of obfuscation and a cover up

This episode of chapo also does a good job of outlining the conspiracy

Honestly, I don’t find myself caring (obvi don’t support it) because it’s one of those things that seems so enmeshed in conspiracy and amateur sleuthing, particularly right now with the whole QAnon/white slavery/Wayfair selling children in its catalogues/pizza shop basement that it’s too difficult to parse the actual issue from from internet hysteria / zeitgeisty hysteria (ie satanic panic, stranger danger, and the history of Jews in Europe).   

I would say the main difference between learning about this stuff and Q crankery is that people who are into Q are

1. Gullible
2. Racist
3. Partisan

Most of the q lore is on its face completely stupid and absurd, adrenachrome, walnut sauce, that fake video of Hillary eating a child's face that doesn't exist but every q person lies about having seen, Trump being a white hat pedophile. It's all so stupid and only favors one side when in reality, there's a long history of members of both parties abusing their power for sexual gratification. If you're a dem, you ignore Ed Buck, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Gary Condit, Brock Adams and Mel Reynolds. If you're republican, holy shit there's a LOT to ignore, Donald trump, Dennis Hastert, Ed Schrock, Jim Jordan, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawtgorne, Strom Thurmond, Mark Foley,  Larry Craig... There's a lot
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: IUTSM on July 08, 2022, 11:45:04 AM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.

Isn’t the Franklin thing pretty obviously debunked or is it going to be one of those things where no one will ever accept an established truth because the hegemonic powers have a vested interest in muddying truth

It's sadly very real, but Wikipedia lists it as a hoax which is horrifying.

If you're curious, check out Nick Bryant's book on the Franklin scandal. Nick started investigating the epstein case in 2012, but faced a ton of push back to publish about it until 2015, it's definitely a case of obfuscation and a cover up

This episode of chapo also does a good job of outlining the conspiracy

Honestly, I don’t find myself caring (obvi don’t support it) because it’s one of those things that seems so enmeshed in conspiracy and amateur sleuthing, particularly right now with the whole QAnon/white slavery/Wayfair selling children in its catalogues/pizza shop basement that it’s too difficult to parse the actual issue from from internet hysteria / zeitgeisty hysteria (ie satanic panic, stranger danger, and the history of Jews in Europe).   

I would say the main difference between learning about this stuff and Q crankery is that people who are into Q are

1. Gullible
2. Racist
3. Partisan

Most of the q lore is on its face completely stupid and absurd, adrenachrome, walnut sauce, that fake video of Hillary eating a child's face that
doesn't exist but every q person lies about having seen, Trump being a white hat pedophile. It's all so stupid and only favors one side when in reality, there's a long history of members of both parties abusing their power for sexual gratification. If you're a dem, you ignore Ed Buck, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Gary Condit, Brock Adams and Mel Reynolds. If you're republican, holy shit there's a LOT to ignore, Donald trump, Dennis Hastert, Ed Schrock, Jim Jordan, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawtgorne, Strom Thurmond, Mark Foley,  Larry Craig... There's a lot

Some promote it just to be a menace and advance their means, but many believe it. An astounding amount.

@Atiba Applebum

the point, as Steve bannon said, to "flood the zone with shit" so people stop caring and become apathetic to it because it feels to difficult to figure out the truth or hold a conviction.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on July 08, 2022, 03:04:03 PM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.

Isn’t the Franklin thing pretty obviously debunked or is it going to be one of those things where no one will ever accept an established truth because the hegemonic powers have a vested interest in muddying truth

It's sadly very real, but Wikipedia lists it as a hoax which is horrifying.

If you're curious, check out Nick Bryant's book on the Franklin scandal. Nick started investigating the epstein case in 2012, but faced a ton of push back to publish about it until 2015, it's definitely a case of obfuscation and a cover up

This episode of chapo also does a good job of outlining the conspiracy

Honestly, I don’t find myself caring (obvi don’t support it) because it’s one of those things that seems so enmeshed in conspiracy and amateur sleuthing, particularly right now with the whole QAnon/white slavery/Wayfair selling children in its catalogues/pizza shop basement that it’s too difficult to parse the actual issue from from internet hysteria / zeitgeisty hysteria (ie satanic panic, stranger danger, and the history of Jews in Europe).   

I would say the main difference between learning about this stuff and Q crankery is that people who are into Q are

1. Gullible
2. Racist
3. Partisan

Most of the q lore is on its face completely stupid and absurd, adrenachrome, walnut sauce, that fake video of Hillary eating a child's face that
doesn't exist but every q person lies about having seen, Trump being a white hat pedophile. It's all so stupid and only favors one side when in reality, there's a long history of members of both parties abusing their power for sexual gratification. If you're a dem, you ignore Ed Buck, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Gary Condit, Brock Adams and Mel Reynolds. If you're republican, holy shit there's a LOT to ignore, Donald trump, Dennis Hastert, Ed Schrock, Jim Jordan, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawtgorne, Strom Thurmond, Mark Foley,  Larry Craig... There's a lot

Some promote it just to be a menace and advance their means, but many believe it. An astounding amount.

@Atiba Applebum

the point, as Steve bannon said, to "flood the zone with shit" so people stop caring and become apathetic to it because it feels to difficult to figure out the truth or hold a conviction.

A lot of them believe it because it reinforces their beliefs about dems being sickos and Republicans being the only people who are fighting for pure, white noble America. It's fantasy wish casting
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on July 08, 2022, 07:02:49 PM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

is it a conspiracy, Dale? Or is it TRUTH!?!? the motherfucking truth is out there, man.

Isn’t the Franklin thing pretty obviously debunked or is it going to be one of those things where no one will ever accept an established truth because the hegemonic powers have a vested interest in muddying truth

It's sadly very real, but Wikipedia lists it as a hoax which is horrifying.

If you're curious, check out Nick Bryant's book on the Franklin scandal. Nick started investigating the epstein case in 2012, but faced a ton of push back to publish about it until 2015, it's definitely a case of obfuscation and a cover up

This episode of chapo also does a good job of outlining the conspiracy

Honestly, I don’t find myself caring (obvi don’t support it) because it’s one of those things that seems so enmeshed in conspiracy and amateur sleuthing, particularly right now with the whole QAnon/white slavery/Wayfair selling children in its catalogues/pizza shop basement that it’s too difficult to parse the actual issue from from internet hysteria / zeitgeisty hysteria (ie satanic panic, stranger danger, and the history of Jews in Europe).   

I would say the main difference between learning about this stuff and Q crankery is that people who are into Q are

1. Gullible
2. Racist
3. Partisan

Most of the q lore is on its face completely stupid and absurd, adrenachrome, walnut sauce, that fake video of Hillary eating a child's face that
doesn't exist but every q person lies about having seen, Trump being a white hat pedophile. It's all so stupid and only favors one side when in reality, there's a long history of members of both parties abusing their power for sexual gratification. If you're a dem, you ignore Ed Buck, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Gary Condit, Brock Adams and Mel Reynolds. If you're republican, holy shit there's a LOT to ignore, Donald trump, Dennis Hastert, Ed Schrock, Jim Jordan, Roy Moore, Matt Gaetz, Madison Cawtgorne, Strom Thurmond, Mark Foley,  Larry Craig... There's a lot

Some promote it just to be a menace and advance their means, but many believe it. An astounding amount.

@Atiba Applebum

the point, as Steve bannon said, to "flood the zone with shit" so people stop caring and become apathetic to it because it feels to difficult to figure out the truth or hold a conviction.

Right and i definitely care about the issue, it’s just difficult to figure out how to put knowledge into action, particularly as these things tend to be found out after the fact
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: newguy on July 09, 2022, 01:27:27 AM
If some of you are interested, Brad Troemel did a long and very well made video on Qanon exploring the origins and ramifications of the “movement”. He treats it like it’s a massive ARG, and easily shows how astro turfed and artificial the whole thing is (hint hint it’s the CIA) It’s called the Qreport and although it’s all hosted on patreon at the moment i’m sure there’s a rip somewhere. And just to be clear, Brad isn’t a chud or a nutjob, too many independents turn out to be massive pieces of shit these days.

idk how to tag users but Atiba Applebum this is for you!
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on July 09, 2022, 02:19:21 AM
If some of you are interested, Brad Troemel did a long and very well made video on Qanon exploring the origins and ramifications of the “movement”. He treats it like it’s a massive ARG, and easily shows how astro turfed and artificial the whole thing is (hint hint it’s the CIA) It’s called the Qreport and although it’s all hosted on patreon at the moment i’m sure there’s a rip somewhere. And just to be clear, Brad isn’t a chud or a nutjob, too many independents turn out to be massive pieces of shit these days.

idk how to tag users but Atiba Applebum this is for you!

Thanks, I’m not super into Qanon stuff and that HBO doc had me satisfied with the answer of the two phases of people behind q (South African dude and that father son duo).   I was mostly just comparing qanon to pedofilia and human trafficking as the cause they hide behind to justify their sketchiness the way Scientology uses drug rehabilitation programs
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: WavyDavy on July 11, 2022, 06:05:04 AM
If some of you are interested, Brad Troemel did a long and very well made video on Qanon exploring the origins and ramifications of the “movement”. He treats it like it’s a massive ARG, and easily shows how astro turfed and artificial the whole thing is (hint hint it’s the CIA) It’s called the Qreport and although it’s all hosted on patreon at the moment i’m sure there’s a rip somewhere. And just to be clear, Brad isn’t a chud or a nutjob, too many independents turn out to be massive pieces of shit these days.

idk how to tag users but Atiba Applebum this is for you!

For anyone who's Interested
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: EdLawndale on February 03, 2023, 12:12:30 AM
Lately, I have been listening to podcasts dealing with missing persons while I do dishes (no dishwashing machine).

Usually they are hunters in the forest or hikers in the desert who dissapeared and weren't found for years, if ever. I feel sorry for them, but the circumstances surrounding some are quite mysterious.

One that caught my attn the other day was this concept of the M-Cave.

I guess this avid hiker named Kenny Veach, 47yo, would hike a lot in the desert in Nevada, out by Area 51. One day he commented on a YouTube video that he was hiking by Nellis Air Force Base and came across a deep cave where the opening was a perfect capital M-shape.

He claimed to often explore the caves he found but as he approached this one, his whole body began to vibrate, and it got more intense the closer he came to the cave. Not having his firearm at the time, he opted to retreat.

Folks on the internet goaded him to return and try to find the M-Cave again so he filmed a whole video where he returned to the area, but never was able to find the M-Cave.

They goaded him to try again, though one user warned him not to, claiming if he found it and went inside the M-Cave, he would never get out alive. Veach asked why, but the user never responded again.

Anyways, Veach purportedly took another trip out there and was never heard from again. His gf reported him missing. I guess authorities found his cell phone sitting atop a vertical mine, but he was not found inside the mine. He is still missing to this day.

He probably took his own life or succumbed to the elements but, still, very creepy.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Willie on February 03, 2023, 08:54:13 AM
How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

There’s certainly enough shady stuff going on with entire Epstein story to provoke ideas about conspiracy (why Bill Clinton is the prime suspect is beyond me) but I’ve read/heard recent reports about how terribly managed Rikers Island is and how it’s basically falling apart and all those interviewed were like “Yeah, it’s completely within reason the guards were asleep and no cameras worked because nothing works at Rikers and all the guards are incompetent/checked out.”
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 03, 2023, 09:11:09 AM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

There’s certainly enough shady stuff going on with entire Epstein story to provoke ideas about conspiracy (why Bill Clinton is the prime suspect is beyond me) but I’ve read/heard recent reports about how terribly managed Rikers Island is and how it’s basically falling apart and all those interviewed were like “Yeah, it’s completely within reason the guards were asleep and no cameras worked because nothing works at Rikers and all the guards are incompetent/checked out.”

Epstein wasn't at Riker's, he was at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, which is a federal detention facility. As for why Bill Clinton is a prime suspect, that's probably because he's one of the most prominent and powerful men in the world, with a history of sexual misbehavior, who travelled frequently to Epstein's ranch and on Epstein's "Lolita Express", was photographed getting a backrub from a girl who was trafficked by Epstein, and entertained Epstein and Maxwell more than a dozen times at the White House. Those are the things we know, which are not in dispute. Virginia Giuffre, another victim of Epstein, accused Clinton of visiting Little St. James at least once with two "young girls" in tow.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Willie on February 03, 2023, 11:33:31 AM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

There’s certainly enough shady stuff going on with entire Epstein story to provoke ideas about conspiracy (why Bill Clinton is the prime suspect is beyond me) but I’ve read/heard recent reports about how terribly managed Rikers Island is and how it’s basically falling apart and all those interviewed were like “Yeah, it’s completely within reason the guards were asleep and no cameras worked because nothing works at Rikers and all the guards are incompetent/checked out.”

Epstein wasn't at Riker's, he was at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, which is a federal detention facility. As for why Bill Clinton is a prime suspect, that's probably because he's one of the most prominent and powerful men in the world, with a history of sexual misbehavior, who travelled frequently to Epstein's ranch and on Epstein's "Lolita Express", was photographed getting a backrub from a girl who was trafficked by Epstein, and entertained Epstein and Maxwell more than a dozen times at the White House. Those are the things we know, which are not in dispute. Virginia Giuffre, another victim of Epstein, accused Clinton of visiting Little St. James at least once with two "young girls" in tow.

Sorry, I fucked up by saying Rikers (also a shithole) but the stories were about the specific facility Epstein was housed so  those critiques still stand.

And Clinton is clearly a perv but I don’t think he’s any more powerful or likely a suspect than any number of billionaires or the guy who was running the USA gay the time of Epstein’s death who also has a predilection for young women and who also appears in photos with Epstein and Maxwell.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 03, 2023, 11:55:09 AM
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How many of you got terminal epstein brain? One of the most notorious and incredibly connected sex traffickers ever is finally arrested and looks to face actual consequences for decades of horror, and then "kills himself" after surviving an attempt on his life by a serial killer ex-cop who was burying his victims in his backyard. And the night he kills himself, all the guards on duty are asleep and all of the cameras on his block malfunction. On top of that, the man in charge of the investigation into his death is the son of a CIA spook who helped epstein get his first job with no prior experience as a teacher at a prestigious NY private school.

And at the same time this is going down, a crank movement based around a 4chan shitposter doing opsec LARPing pills everyone's senile parents and grandparents on the satanic panic 2: electric Boogaloo, further muddying the waters around real ass abuse rings.

In related news to sex abuse rings, the Franklin credit ring scandal is one of the most horrifying things I've read about.

There’s certainly enough shady stuff going on with entire Epstein story to provoke ideas about conspiracy (why Bill Clinton is the prime suspect is beyond me) but I’ve read/heard recent reports about how terribly managed Rikers Island is and how it’s basically falling apart and all those interviewed were like “Yeah, it’s completely within reason the guards were asleep and no cameras worked because nothing works at Rikers and all the guards are incompetent/checked out.”

Epstein wasn't at Riker's, he was at the Metropolitan Correctional Center in Manhattan, which is a federal detention facility. As for why Bill Clinton is a prime suspect, that's probably because he's one of the most prominent and powerful men in the world, with a history of sexual misbehavior, who travelled frequently to Epstein's ranch and on Epstein's "Lolita Express", was photographed getting a backrub from a girl who was trafficked by Epstein, and entertained Epstein and Maxwell more than a dozen times at the White House. Those are the things we know, which are not in dispute. Virginia Giuffre, another victim of Epstein, accused Clinton of visiting Little St. James at least once with two "young girls" in tow.
And Clinton is clearly a perv but I don’t think he’s any more powerful or likely a suspect than any number of billionaires or the guy who was running the USA gay the time of Epstein’s death who also has a predilection for young women and who also appears in photos with Epstein and Maxwell.

Were any of those men former presidents? Bill Gates hasn't been treated kindly by this story, either.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: EdLawndale on February 03, 2023, 12:52:34 PM

And Clinton is clearly a perv but I don’t think he’s any more powerful or likely a suspect than any number of billionaires or the guy who was running the USA gay the time of Epstein’s death who also has a predilection for young women and who also appears in photos with Epstein and Maxwell.

Assuming "gay" was a typo and you meant to type "at".

But, yes, it is incredibly outlandish to believe that the #1 person responsible for orchestrating the killing of Epstein was anyone but Donald Trump. He's the obvious suspect and it's usually only Republican bootlickers who suggest otherwise.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Willie on February 03, 2023, 06:07:05 PM
Assuming "gay" was a typo and you meant to type "at".

Yes. That’s about the weirdest autocorrect typo I’ve ever had.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Mean salto on February 03, 2023, 07:59:38 PM
Crystals are just plastic.
Plagues were caused by time travellers.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: bartlaser on February 04, 2023, 05:49:21 AM
Earth is the Las Vegas or Miami of the galaxy.  This would explain why alien craft crash lands on our planet.  Its not because of a failure in their technology.  Instead, ET is high on moon rocks and lava cocktails while on space vacation and crashes the rental. They're just here to party and blow off steam.  Explains the asshole probing as well.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 04, 2023, 10:05:24 AM
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And Clinton is clearly a perv but I don’t think he’s any more powerful or likely a suspect than any number of billionaires or the guy who was running the USA gay the time of Epstein’s death who also has a predilection for young women and who also appears in photos with Epstein and Maxwell.

Assuming "gay" was a typo and you meant to type "at".

But, yes, it is incredibly outlandish to believe that the #1 person responsible for orchestrating the killing of Epstein was anyone but Donald Trump. He's the obvious suspect and it's usually only Republican bootlickers who suggest otherwise.

My prime suspect for who is "responsible" for epstein's demise most directly would be Bill Barr, whose father Donald Barr was an officer in the OSS (precursor to the CIA), ran the prestigious Dalton school where epstein got his first job. They say you never retire from being a spy, you just become an asset down the line. Epstein's arrest and subsequent death are likely a limited hang out, find someone who's got a lot of blood in their hands, hang them out to dry, snip all the loose ends in the conspiracy and start a new network with new members. This tends to be the go to move when a abuse ring gets uncovered ala the Franklin Credit ring in Omaha or the Dutroux affair in Belgium. Lawrence E King and Marc Dutroux are hung out to dry and close ranks around the powerful people that their rings were supplying victims to abuse.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 04, 2023, 10:21:53 AM
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And Clinton is clearly a perv but I don’t think he’s any more powerful or likely a suspect than any number of billionaires or the guy who was running the USA gay the time of Epstein’s death who also has a predilection for young women and who also appears in photos with Epstein and Maxwell.

Assuming "gay" was a typo and you meant to type "at".

But, yes, it is incredibly outlandish to believe that the #1 person responsible for orchestrating the killing of Epstein was anyone but Donald Trump. He's the obvious suspect and it's usually only Republican bootlickers who suggest otherwise.

My prime suspect for who is "responsible" for epstein's demise most directly would be Bill Barr, whose father Donald Barr was an officer in the OSS (precursor to the CIA), ran the prestigious Dalton school where epstein got his first job. They say you never retire from being a spy, you just become an asset down the line. Epstein's arrest and subsequent death are likely a limited hang out, find someone who's got a lot of blood in their hands, hang them out to dry, snip all the loose ends in the conspiracy and start a new network with new members. This tends to be the go to move when a abuse ring gets uncovered ala the Franklin Credit ring in Omaha or the Dutroux affair in Belgium. Lawrence E King and Marc Dutroux are hung out to dry and close ranks around the powerful people that their rings were supplying victims to abuse.

Agreed. The whole thing reeks of CIA/Mossad. I don't think any elected official has any say, input, or even any idea what these people are up to, nor do they act of behalf of any elected official. I know the term "deep state" has been disambiguated to the point where it describes anyone who is against Donald Trump, but what you describe is the literal "deep state", as coined by Ataturk.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Lou Strux on February 04, 2023, 10:44:37 AM
My recent fave is the theory that Rawbertson is actually some sort of AI.
What I heard is that he is, in fact, a T-800 infiltrator, just biding his time until he has learned enough to game us all into being in one place at the same time(line) & then terminate us all simultaneously via an onboard compact nuke, ensuring that the fail-safe device that these very bloards would one day collectively create (known as SLAPnet) & which was intended to (and eventually WOULD) prevent the long dreaded rise of the robot overlords from ever seizing power & subjecting all humanity to endless public shaming & soul deflating humiliation, via nationally televised spankings, would never be invented, thereby skewing the future in favor of Canada.


You cats heard that one yet?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: luvs2spooge on February 04, 2023, 07:14:15 PM

copy and paste


page 111, objective

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on February 04, 2023, 08:12:42 PM
My recent fave is the theory that Rawbertson is actually some sort of AI.
What I heard is that he is, in fact, a T-800 infiltrator, just biding his time until he has learned enough to game us all into being in one place at the same time(line) & then terminate us all simultaneously via an onboard compact nuke, ensuring that the fail-safe device that these very bloards would one day collectively create (known as SLAPnet) & which was intended to (and eventually WOULD) prevent the long dreaded rise of the robot overlords from ever seizing power & subjecting all humanity to endless public shaming & soul deflating humiliation, via nationally televised spankings, would never be invented, thereby skewing the future in favor of Canada.


You cats heard that one yet?

The Rawb 600 series had rubber skin. We spotted them easy, but these are new. They look human — sweat, bad breath, mobbed kick flips, everything. Very hard to spot. I had to wait till he posted in the Shane O'Neill appreciation thread before I could zero him.

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: SneakySecrets on February 05, 2023, 07:17:14 AM
It’s not because of tradition or heritage or marketing that these fragrance companies insist on referring to their products as “eau de toilette”.

They just want to see how long they can get away with calling it “toilet water” before people catch on.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: brycickle on February 09, 2023, 09:17:59 PM
Earth is the Las Vegas or Miami of the galaxy.  This would explain why alien craft crash lands on our planet.  Its not because of a failure in their technology.  Instead, ET is high on moon rocks and lava cocktails while on space vacation and crashes the rental. They're just here to party and blow off steam.  Explains the asshole probing as well.

It's a good thing their dad owns a dealership.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: bartlaser on February 10, 2023, 12:50:51 PM
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Earth is the Las Vegas or Miami of the galaxy.  This would explain why alien craft crash lands on our planet.  Its not because of a failure in their technology.  Instead, ET is high on moon rocks and lava cocktails while on space vacation and crashes the rental. They're just here to party and blow off steam.  Explains the asshole probing as well.

It's a good thing their dad owns a dealership.

Oh shit I forgot all about that show.  Must have seeped into my mind grapes.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: augustmoon on February 11, 2023, 02:35:59 PM
I think China is about to invade Taiwan.  I think these spy balloon/“ufos” are them trying to gauge what the capability of the global response will be.  I think they are emboldened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or they’re possibly allied together trying to start a global conflict to “reshuffle the deck” of world superpowers.  I think oligarchs (Musk,etc) are in on it or trying to play both sides, and I think the rise in authoritarianism (banning abortion, increased surveillance and censorship, police militarization etc) is a preparation for global war. 
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 11, 2023, 02:59:13 PM
I think China is about to invade Taiwan.  I think these spy balloon/“ufos” are them trying to gauge what the capability of the global response will be.  I think they are emboldened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or they’re possibly allied together trying to start a global conflict to “reshuffle the deck” of world superpowers.  I think oligarchs (Musk,etc) are in on it or trying to play both sides, and I think the rise in authoritarianism (banning abortion, increased surveillance and censorship, police militarization etc) is a preparation for global war.

Define "about to".
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on February 12, 2023, 12:57:09 PM
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I think China is about to invade Taiwan.  I think these spy balloon/“ufos” are them trying to gauge what the capability of the global response will be.  I think they are emboldened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or they’re possibly allied together trying to start a global conflict to “reshuffle the deck” of world superpowers.  I think oligarchs (Musk,etc) are in on it or trying to play both sides, and I think the rise in authoritarianism (banning abortion, increased surveillance and censorship, police militarization etc) is a preparation for global war.

Define "about to".

You think China is looking at the Ukraine war and is finding it in any way aspirational?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 12, 2023, 02:16:49 PM
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I think China is about to invade Taiwan.  I think these spy balloon/“ufos” are them trying to gauge what the capability of the global response will be.  I think they are emboldened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or they’re possibly allied together trying to start a global conflict to “reshuffle the deck” of world superpowers.  I think oligarchs (Musk,etc) are in on it or trying to play both sides, and I think the rise in authoritarianism (banning abortion, increased surveillance and censorship, police militarization etc) is a preparation for global war.

Define "about to".

You think China is looking at the Ukraine war and is finding it in any way aspirational?

Exactly. Why would anyone want to get involved in an intractable land war
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 13, 2023, 08:06:47 AM
I don't know whether or not China will invade Taiwan, but my sense is that China is quite comfortable playing the long game with regards to global hegemony.

If you want to talk conspiracy theories, let's talk Seymour Hersh's expose on the Nordstream 2 pipeline bombing (, a story which has gone more or less completely unreported on in the western press (except to dismiss Hersh has a crank and refer derisively to his article as a "blog post").
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 13, 2023, 08:16:21 AM
I don't know whether or not China will invade Taiwan, but my sense is that China is quite comfortable playing the long game with regards to global hegemony.

If you want to talk conspiracy theories, let's talk Seymour Hersh's expose on the Nordstream 2 pipeline bombing (, a story which has gone more or less completely unreported on in the western press (except to dismiss Hersh has a crank and refer derisively to his article as a "blog post").

He used to be held in extremely high regard until he exposed the fiction of the "zero dark thirty" version of events around the Osama bin Laden assassination. Now all the libs who celebrated him for exposing the my lai massacre, and the CIA's domestic CHAOS program think he's "disinformation". Anyone who believed the "Russians just blew it up because putler is crazy and evil " has the same late cold war brain worms that many Russia "experts" had in the 80s.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 13, 2023, 08:32:39 AM
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I don't know whether or not China will invade Taiwan, but my sense is that China is quite comfortable playing the long game with regards to global hegemony.

If you want to talk conspiracy theories, let's talk Seymour Hersh's expose on the Nordstream 2 pipeline bombing (, a story which has gone more or less completely unreported on in the western press (except to dismiss Hersh has a crank and refer derisively to his article as a "blog post").

He used to be held in extremely high regard until he exposed the fiction of the "zero dark thirty" version of events around the Osama bin Laden assassination. Now all the libs who celebrated him for exposing the my lai massacre, and the CIA's domestic CHAOS program think he's "disinformation". Anyone who believed the "Russians just blew it up because putler is crazy and evil " has the same late cold war brain worms that many Russia "experts" had in the 80s.

Don't forget about exposing the Syrian chemical weapons canard.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: doublesteveburger on February 13, 2023, 08:37:18 AM
can y'all dumb down what you just brought up i no good at smarts but interested
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 13, 2023, 08:44:41 AM
can y'all dumb down what you just brought up i no good at smarts but interested

A source close to Hersh from within the DOD says that Biden ordered elite Navy Divers (Naval Intelligence and the CIA are directly connected) to blow up the Nordstream 2 pipeline in order to force Germany closer into the war in Ukraine and further away from normalized relations with Russia, who provides the liquid national gas which powers the German economic dynamo. Apparently this was unpopular even within the CIA, but they went ahead with the plan and now it's hitting Germany hard during the middle of winter.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: brent on February 13, 2023, 09:30:56 AM
my co-worker is from alaska and their dad sent them a picture of the UFO that was shot down!
i'll try to get the pic and post it

here it is:
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 13, 2023, 09:50:48 AM

Here's the article about the bin laden raid.

The gist is that bin Laden had not been secretly camped out in the Capitol of Pakistan in an undercover super stealth lair, but had actually been a prisoner of ISI (Pakistani intelligence) since 2006 and was gift wrapped for the White House by someone within ISI in exchange for the $25 million dollar reward. That informant now lives in DC and is a consultant for the CIA. The whole story of it being a stealth mission flying under Pakistani radar is a fiction because ISI and CIA have a long and close relationship that benefits both sides. The raid was approved by Pakistan and they essentially set up a duck hunt where SEALs went in and shot an invalid bin Laden and they still ended up with a crashed helicopter.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Newphone on February 13, 2023, 09:59:49 AM

Here's the article about the bin laden raid.

The gist is that bin Laden had not been secretly camped out in the Capitol of Pakistan in an undercover super stealth lair, but had actually been a prisoner of ISI (Pakistani intelligence) since 2006 and was gift wrapped for the White House by someone within ISI in exchange for the $25 million dollar reward. That informant now lives in DC and is a consultant for the CIA. The whole story of it being a stealth mission flying under Pakistani radar is a fiction because ISI and CIA have a long and close relationship that benefits both sides. The raid was approved by Pakistan and they essentially set up a duck hunt where SEALs went in and shot an invalid bin Laden and they still ended up with a crashed helicopter.

My favorite part of conspiracy culture is the duality of incompetence and hyper-competence being ascribed to the government and military.  Not saying any of this is or isn’t true, but the powers that be flip from amazingly coordinated to complete buffoons as it suits most of these narratives.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Idk on February 13, 2023, 10:22:57 AM
my co-worker is from alaska and their dad sent them a picture of the UFO that was shot down!
i'll try to get the pic and post it
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 13, 2023, 10:37:46 AM
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Here's the article about the bin laden raid.

The gist is that bin Laden had not been secretly camped out in the Capitol of Pakistan in an undercover super stealth lair, but had actually been a prisoner of ISI (Pakistani intelligence) since 2006 and was gift wrapped for the White House by someone within ISI in exchange for the $25 million dollar reward. That informant now lives in DC and is a consultant for the CIA. The whole story of it being a stealth mission flying under Pakistani radar is a fiction because ISI and CIA have a long and close relationship that benefits both sides. The raid was approved by Pakistan and they essentially set up a duck hunt where SEALs went in and shot an invalid bin Laden and they still ended up with a crashed helicopter.

My favorite part of conspiracy culture is the duality of incompetence and hyper-competence being ascribed to the government and military.  Not saying any of this is or isn’t true, but the powers that be flip from amazingly coordinated to complete buffoons as it suits most of these narratives.

Not really incompetence as much as helicopters are fucking death traps. It wouldn't be an all American jsoc op without a classic helicopter crash. All the great spec ops movies based on true stories feature one : Lone Survivor, Blackhawk Down (literally in the title), zero dark thirty.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 13, 2023, 11:18:11 AM
RIP Kobe
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: modern life is war on February 13, 2023, 12:10:27 PM
Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: HeavyAndExpensive on February 13, 2023, 12:18:15 PM
If your conspiracy theory doesn’t involve people getting paid or laid it’s probably not true. $$$ makes the world go round
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Landmine on February 13, 2023, 12:30:08 PM
I think China is about to invade Taiwan.  I think these spy balloon/“ufos” are them trying to gauge what the capability of the global response will be.  I think they are emboldened by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, or they’re possibly allied together trying to start a global conflict to “reshuffle the deck” of world superpowers.  I think oligarchs (Musk,etc) are in on it or trying to play both sides, and I think the rise in authoritarianism (banning abortion, increased surveillance and censorship, police militarization etc) is a preparation for global war.

Counter-conspiracy: the flight path of the supposed spy balloon (one of like 10 in the last few years) is the same as the jet stream, so anything launched from China's coast will float north, over Alaska, down the coast, then dip down into middle America before heading off mid-Atlantic coast.  The non-stop media coverage and fear mongering is right wing xenophobia and anti-communist rhetoric with the purpose of drumming up support for an American engagement with China.  It wasn't a big deal when Chinese balloons flew over the US during the previous administration...
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 13, 2023, 12:30:21 PM
Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

They're for mouth breathers.

Most of the stuff I'm interested in is parapolitics.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on February 13, 2023, 12:34:20 PM
Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Generally speaking my belief of conspiracy theories dwindles when it would involve tons of people to be in on the conspiracy. For example, the theory around the Kennedy assassination makes a lot of sense because it only needs 6 people at most to be in on it. For the vaccine theories to be true it would involve cooperation from literally 10’s of millions of medical scientists.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Frank on February 13, 2023, 12:37:08 PM
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can y'all dumb down what you just brought up i no good at smarts but interested

A source close to Hersh from within the DOD says that Biden ordered elite Navy Divers (Naval Intelligence and the CIA are directly connected) to blow up the Nordstream 2 pipeline in order to force Germany closer into the war in Ukraine and further away from normalized relations with Russia, who provides the liquid national gas which powers the German economic dynamo. Apparently this was unpopular even within the CIA, but they went ahead with the plan and now it's hitting Germany hard during the middle of winter.

it's not so bad afterall. gas prices have normalized. we never use the heater anyways and this year we saved a bunch of money on gas. thanks brandon!
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on February 13, 2023, 12:44:57 PM
Seems pretty hawkish for Biden, but this guy does seem to collect the moves that happen under Democratic presidents (but I don’t really think that’s intentional)

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: thebacker on February 13, 2023, 12:51:02 PM
birds arent real
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Atiba Applebum on February 13, 2023, 01:04:06 PM
birds arent real

Apparently Sinatra called his dick “bird”
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 13, 2023, 01:11:22 PM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: JeremyScottofChapman on February 13, 2023, 02:57:23 PM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.

Wait, so you’re saying that you can humor the idea that “someone” may have created and distributed a deadly virus, but that it’s completely implausible that the best remedy for said virus has anything nefarious?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 13, 2023, 03:30:16 PM
I'd much rather discuss the most memory holed event in American history, the 2001 anthrax attacks, than any covid bullshit
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on February 13, 2023, 03:50:59 PM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.

Wait, so you’re saying that you can humor the idea that “someone” may have created and distributed a deadly virus, but that it’s completely implausible that the best remedy for said virus has anything nefarious?

Absolutely. A virus can come from a single source and is invisible to the naked eye. A vaccine requires organized distribution. The two common theories (that it’s a vaccine with nanotech, or that it’s not a vaccine at all) could be easily confirmed by any doctor or lab tech in the world who has access to a microscope.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: modern life is war on February 13, 2023, 06:19:11 PM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.

Wait, so you’re saying that you can humor the idea that “someone” may have created and distributed a deadly virus, but that it’s completely implausible that the best remedy for said virus has anything nefarious?

Absolutely. A virus can come from a single source and is invisible to the naked eye. A vaccine requires organized distribution. The two common theories (that it’s a vaccine with nanotech, or that it’s not a vaccine at all) could be easily confirmed by any doctor or lab tech in the world who has access to a microscope.

What about theories that it was designed as population control or something along those lines?

Despite some pretty insane side effects of the vaccine, some debilitating and some fatal, I'm not inclined to believe the above is true, but I do believe the vaccine was rushed and pushed through quickly without adequate testing by corporations who were just looking for profit.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Newphone on February 13, 2023, 06:32:43 PM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.

Wait, so you’re saying that you can humor the idea that “someone” may have created and distributed a deadly virus, but that it’s completely implausible that the best remedy for said virus has anything nefarious?

Absolutely. A virus can come from a single source and is invisible to the naked eye. A vaccine requires organized distribution. The two common theories (that it’s a vaccine with nanotech, or that it’s not a vaccine at all) could be easily confirmed by any doctor or lab tech in the world who has access to a microscope.

What about theories that it was designed as population control or something along those lines?

Despite some pretty insane side effects of the vaccine, some debilitating and some fatal, I'm not inclined to believe the above is true, but I do believe the vaccine was rushed and pushed through quickly without adequate testing by corporations who were just looking for profit.

It was rushed through by the government with operation warp speed more than by any particular companies I believe.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on February 13, 2023, 07:38:26 PM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.

Wait, so you’re saying that you can humor the idea that “someone” may have created and distributed a deadly virus, but that it’s completely implausible that the best remedy for said virus has anything nefarious?

Absolutely. A virus can come from a single source and is invisible to the naked eye. A vaccine requires organized distribution. The two common theories (that it’s a vaccine with nanotech, or that it’s not a vaccine at all) could be easily confirmed by any doctor or lab tech in the world who has access to a microscope.

What about theories that it was designed as population control or something along those lines?

Despite some pretty insane side effects of the vaccine, some debilitating and some fatal, I'm not inclined to believe the above is true, but I do believe the vaccine was rushed and pushed through quickly without adequate testing by corporations who were just looking for profit.

Definitely a rush job, but was never sold on it being population control because there’s easier ways to do that…like war, or contaminated food/water supplies.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Frank on February 13, 2023, 08:00:49 PM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.

Wait, so you’re saying that you can humor the idea that “someone” may have created and distributed a deadly virus, but that it’s completely implausible that the best remedy for said virus has anything nefarious?

Absolutely. A virus can come from a single source and is invisible to the naked eye. A vaccine requires organized distribution. The two common theories (that it’s a vaccine with nanotech, or that it’s not a vaccine at all) could be easily confirmed by any doctor or lab tech in the world who has access to a microscope.

What about theories that it was designed as population control or something along those lines?

Despite some pretty insane side effects of the vaccine, some debilitating and some fatal, I'm not inclined to believe the above is true, but I do believe the vaccine was rushed and pushed through quickly without adequate testing by corporations who were just looking for profit.

Definitely a rush job, but was never sold on it being population control because there’s easier ways to do that…like war, or contaminated food/water supplies.

not to mention the fact that having no vaccine at all would be way better for population control purposes as you could justify shit like lockdowns way more easily. it's been two years almost since vaccination started and i personally know not a single one who had actual complications due to the vaccine other than typical sideeffects, not saying they don't exist, but they are very rare. the vaccination campaign contributed in a large part to most of the world being able to live more or less normal again. doesn't seem like effective population control to me.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on February 13, 2023, 09:45:17 PM
Maybe not, but it prepped the population at large to obey any and all orders regardless which is gunna make 1984 look like a walk in the park in the coming years I feel…
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Frank on February 13, 2023, 10:37:06 PM
Maybe not, but it prepped the population at large to obey any and all orders regardless which is gunna make 1984 look like a walk in the park in the coming years I feel…

i don't feel like people obeyed any and all orders here. there were protests and constant disagreements among lawmakers and state entities about the right way forward. if anything i feel like it made the population more suspicious, since covid made a lot of governments look pretty incompetent or indecisive, and a lot of those that were in power during the crisis who went through elections didn't come out as winners. there's also cultural differences in how obedient a population acts, and that will always depend on several other economic factors. i would guess that in countries like japan, germany, or china, the culture is more obedient anyways. state is seen as a whole of government and society, so there's a high willingness to submit. whereas a hyperindividualistic society like the us sees the two as more seperate, at times even antagonistic entities and disobeying the government to uphold constitutional rights of the individual is somewhat expected or even encouraged. i can't say we have the same culture of standing up for yourself and your rights over here. despite this, there were still protests and every friendgroup had at least one anti mask individual or borderline covid conspiracy theorist that made everyone cringe or fear for their sanity. if you also take rising cop authoritarianism and violence in account and how hated the police has overall become, i don't think people have been psyopped into complacency too much.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on February 14, 2023, 12:52:48 AM
Idk, my home country (Australia) was acting/ looking more like North Korea than the place where I grew up.

I feel measures like vaccine passports were priming us for something a lot bigger/ scarier but maybe I need to take my tinfoil hat off?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Youoverthere on February 14, 2023, 01:15:52 AM
China wanted to see how slow the country moves after the super bowl Monday hangover so they can plan their attack next year when we’re least prepared. Heard this at work and it sounds at least plausible. I try not to get caught up in these things.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: BALARGUE on February 14, 2023, 05:05:09 AM
I don't know whether or not China will invade Taiwan, but my sense is that China is quite comfortable playing the long game with regards to global hegemony.

If you want to talk conspiracy theories, let's talk Seymour Hersh's expose on the Nordstream 2 pipeline bombing (, a story which has gone more or less completely unreported on in the western press (except to dismiss Hersh has a crank and refer derisively to his article as a "blog post").

to my knowledge it's been debunked as full of errors (just like when you lie and go for a too precise story)
i don't know if we'll know the truth in the end but imo it just look like Russia did it (for many reasons and not the most logical reasons, they are used to acting dumb since the start of the war in Ukraine)
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 14, 2023, 05:23:35 AM
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Where do you guys stand on COVID vaccine conspiracies?

Haven’t heard any that were all that compelling. I find more logic behind the theories of foul play in the creation and distributing of Covid-19 than I do with the creation of vaccines.

Exactly this.

Wait, so you’re saying that you can humor the idea that “someone” may have created and distributed a deadly virus, but that it’s completely implausible that the best remedy for said virus has anything nefarious?

Absolutely. A virus can come from a single source and is invisible to the naked eye. A vaccine requires organized distribution. The two common theories (that it’s a vaccine with nanotech, or that it’s not a vaccine at all) could be easily confirmed by any doctor or lab tech in the world who has access to a microscope.
Despite some pretty insane side effects of the vaccine, some debilitating and some fatal, I'm not inclined to believe the above is true, but I do believe the vaccine was rushed and pushed through quickly without adequate testing by corporations who were just looking for profit.

Absolutely. Some of that is the sense of urgency at the nature of the incident, and some of that is simply the capitalist mode of production.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 14, 2023, 05:25:36 AM
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I don't know whether or not China will invade Taiwan, but my sense is that China is quite comfortable playing the long game with regards to global hegemony.

If you want to talk conspiracy theories, let's talk Seymour Hersh's expose on the Nordstream 2 pipeline bombing (, a story which has gone more or less completely unreported on in the western press (except to dismiss Hersh has a crank and refer derisively to his article as a "blog post").

to my knowledge it's been debunked as full of errors (just like when you lie and go for a too precise story)
i don't know if we'll know the truth in the end but imo it just look like Russia did it (for many reasons and not the most logical reasons, they are used to acting dumb since the start of the war in Ukraine)

We’ve got a deboonker here, folks!
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: BALARGUE on February 14, 2023, 06:10:09 AM
when i am competent yes 8)
not the case here

this article though and the fact that Hersh is not to be trusted for a few years now (

Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 14, 2023, 06:25:36 AM
when i am competent yes 8)
not the case here

this article though and the fact that Hersh is not to be trusted for a few years now (

Ok I read that and it's all the same supposition which he claims Hersh is doing, only without the credibility of someone who has broken numerous scandals and whom we know has sources deep inside the DOD. As all these OSINT dorks do, this guy is looking at official records of ships and airplanes in the region at the time, and concluding that if they can't Google any record of a secret military operation, that means that it couldn't be possible. Surely the CIA would register their flight path with the relevant authorities! I kept rereading to see if there was more to the argument, but no, it's just that and little quibbles about the timetable and the class of ship involved.

Digging a little further, I see that the author is on Twitter accusing Hersh ( of being a secret agent for the Kremlin, so I am going to dismiss his completely specious arguments outright.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Deputy Wendell on February 14, 2023, 06:42:01 AM
dear god, i do not know what is compelling me to post here--and i have not really read though most of the above--but regarding the Nordstream 2 pipeline bombing, when a sitting president babbles the kinds of things Biden babbles in this...

...why/how is it "conspiratorial" to look there first?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 14, 2023, 06:54:08 AM
dear god, i do not know what is compelling me to post here--and i have not really read though most of the above--but regarding the Nordstream 2 pipeline bombing, when a sitting president babbles the kinds of things Biden babbles in this...

...why/how is it "conspiratorial" to look there first?

Blinken did the same thing

And spooked-up Anne Applebaum's awful EU parliament member husband Radosław Sikorski immediately tweeted out "thank you Joe Biden!" after the news broke, and then deleted it.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: BALARGUE on February 14, 2023, 08:11:35 AM
They are not saying they're going to bomb/destroy it either ;D
One could ask, why destroy something that is not/will not be operational (physically because of maintenance,etc or contractually because of war) ?

i kinda view it as a move a guy like Putin could do to show he can do stuff to other pipelines in the Baltic, just like the dictator he is, showing force and threat. Threatening is his modus operandi since day 1.

I actually don't really care who did it. It's kinda bad for Russia in that it made a too-kind-with-Russia Germany less submissive to russian gas. And it's for the better in the end.
It would not be the first time Putin realizes too late one of his moves happens to be really detrimental to himself and his country
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 14, 2023, 09:08:42 AM
They are not saying they're going to bomb/destroy it either ;D
One could ask, why destroy something that is not/will not be operational (physically because of maintenance,etc or contractually because of war) ?

i kinda view it as a move a guy like Putin could do to show he can do stuff to other pipelines in the Baltic, just like the dictator he is, showing force and threat. Threatening is his modus operandi since day 1.

I actually don't really care who did it. It's kinda bad for Russia in that it made a too-kind-with-Russia Germany less submissive to russian gas. And it's for the better in the end.
It would not be the first time Putin realizes too late one of his moves happens to be really detrimental to himself and his country

Why would he "threaten" other countries by blowing up a major revenue stream for his own nation? I find these "he's just crazy" arguments to be unconvincing.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: BALARGUE on February 14, 2023, 09:44:35 AM
Showing he can destroy other pipelines at will
i'm not saying he's crazy but as a dictator he thinks and act differently... irrationally
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Newphone on February 14, 2023, 09:51:45 AM
This guy thinks Ukraine did it…
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: Alan on February 14, 2023, 09:53:24 AM
I need to take my tinfoil hat off.

Sound advice for anyone believing in conspiracy theories.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 14, 2023, 09:59:30 AM
This guy thinks Ukraine did it…

Yeah, I haven't read that piece, but that was always my #1 suspect - Ukrainian nationals, also possibly working with NATO. After they successfully blew up a part of the Crimean Bridge, it should be obvious that they have some pretty dark and elite cells with powerful backers, capable to reaching places outside of the usual scope of the war. Obviously this is pure speculation, but the risk/reward is in their favor.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: DaleSr on February 14, 2023, 11:18:28 AM
Anyone into fucked up Belgian conspiracies like the Brabant killings or the Dutroux affair?
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: cky enthusiast on February 14, 2023, 11:46:23 AM
the initial distributors of LSD and crack cocaine both had numerous CIA connections and the CIA was present in the haight ashbury throughout the hippie movement. every single outcropping of youth culture from 1966-on has been monitored and cajoled by the CIA through mind control techniques developed during MK-ULTRA. the stranglehold on culture and media has served to further obfuscate human beings from the machinations of state power/global power and its ties to business and mlitary concerns
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: manysnakes on February 14, 2023, 12:47:02 PM
the initial distributors of LSD and crack cocaine both had numerous CIA connections and the CIA was present in the haight ashbury throughout the hippie movement. every single outcropping of youth culture from 1966-on has been monitored and cajoled by the CIA through mind control techniques developed during MK-ULTRA. the stranglehold on culture and media has served to further obfuscate human beings from the machinations of state power/global power and its ties to business and mlitary concerns

Indeed. Anyone who is skeptical should read CHAOS.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: luvs2spooge on February 14, 2023, 04:56:54 PM

page 111, objective
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: ok boomer on February 14, 2023, 07:22:54 PM
( (
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: HeavyAndExpensive on February 14, 2023, 07:50:02 PM
Is it still acceptable to take hallucinogens I need to know
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: fineslime on February 14, 2023, 08:20:33 PM
For the past 2 weeks I've been getting these extremely depressing, sad, and almost shocking pre-video ads on YouTube. They have absolutely nothing to do with what I've searched for, or have watched videos about recently. For example, I do not get any advertisements for apparel, for skateboards, for instruments, nothing that I actually have interest in.

Instead, I've been getting ads with parents who are crying and talking about how their young child has cancer, or it's a shot of a disfigured child or elderly person with a disability, or it's something tragic. As soon as the tragedy is made apparent is when the 5 second mark hits allowing me to skip the video.

"If my son is a miracle child, how did he get CANCER!?" with this women balling her eyes out next to her kid in a hospital bed. On top of that, the app has been so fucking glitchy. I can set my phone down while watching a video, pick it up, and somehow I'm clicking the link to the actual video of the ad.

I've been wondering why I've been getting these horrible ads, especially because they're not personalized in any way, and it hit me that I've been paying for YouTube premium for about a year now up until 2 weeks ago.

They're fully showing me these ads and letting the app glitch out so I end up buying YouTube premium again. That may come as no shock and almost be like a "not shit," moment, but when I put two and two together, it's pretty disgusting that they would use these kids with cancer in order to get $13 a month off of me again.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: matt_2993 on February 15, 2023, 11:29:06 AM
^^just get an android phone and download YouTube Vanced for free and it's a perfect version of YouTube premium
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: luvs2spooge on February 15, 2023, 01:24:37 PM
Is it still acceptable to take hallucinogens I need to know

depends on your purpose imo. also you have to take into consideration "they" do have a hand in it, and play around with us in that and this dimension.

see my previous post for absolute proof.
Title: Re: Conspiracy theories.
Post by: fineslime on February 15, 2023, 07:11:36 PM
^^just get an android phone and download YouTube Vanced for free and it's a perfect version of YouTube premium

I'm already on an Android so I'll definitely check it out. Didn't know this app existed! Thanks man.