Author Topic: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?  (Read 47715 times)

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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #150 on: July 02, 2012, 11:47:51 AM »
Everybody who has argued against my points is basing their entire argument off of something false: that I don't have perspective of other major cities. I've lived in 4 and have a sister who lives in Philly that I visit regularly. In terms of race and class issues, my job has forced me to look them straight in the eye in the past couple of cities I have lived in, and LA is off the radar. Its so big and sprawled and lacking public transit that the kids in the ghetto are lost in their own little world, with the cops forcing them to stay there and doing nothing to ensure their safety. That's why LA has gang problems that are far worse than any other city in the U.S. No other city comes close in terms of gang related crimes. I'll admit, I've heard that Chicago is comparable in terms of the giant endless ghettos, but it still has the "L," which makes a difference. Again, that's why LA has race riot after race riot, and other cities really haven't since the 60's.
In terms of moving to SF? I'll be fine, I lived there before and loved it, left to go to graduate school, and am going back because I loved it so much
LA isn't my style. I'll stop trashing on a "city" that isn't walkable, has no public transportation, or real neighborhoods and just say that the things I just mentioned are musts for me to find a city even acceptable, let alone great.
In terms of the "American city" I think of East Coast cities- New York, Boston, Philly, DC, or other places that are nothing like LA like Chicago, New Orleans, or San Francisco.
Cities like phoenix and LA are those weird western sprawl zones that have come to be known as cities.

Oh, and don't worry about Harry Crews opinions of women, he's LA trash. He wants them to be under 5 pounds of make up, have bleached blond hair, fake tits and to spend at least 20 minutes picking out her outfit when she goes to the store to pick up a gallon of milk. That's what he means by "style." This is my point about LA sucking. That's what Angelinos think qualifies as "style," looking super duper plasticky.
Fuck, I said I'd stop trashing LA...well, if it makes Angelinos feel better, San Diego is even shittier.

DeVry is not grad school. Also, you like fat chicks.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 11:59:53 AM by HarryCrews »


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #151 on: July 02, 2012, 12:55:34 PM »
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Like Mark Twain said, "Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry, and narrow-mindedness, and many of our people need it sorely on these accounts. Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one's lifetime."
- Innocents Abroad

Traveling broadens your horizons. I didn't really touch on the America thing because it brings up another debate but the things that bother me about this country are health care, education, and housing. The things you want tend to be affordable but the things you need remain unattainable. Also, lobbying shouldn't be legal and credit is just an umbrella under capitalism that is made to fuck over the consumer - if you would even call it the person a consumer. As in, why do you have to make deposits for things such as gas and electricity? Why is it a ding on your credit report every time you get it checked? Tipping in my eyes is a way for the employer to screw over the customer and the employee but for some reason we just accept it?

Everything is attainable in America if you work for it. What in your mind is unattainable?  Maybe you think everything should be free?  There is affordable housing in America, but if you don't want to live in a trailer park, then you work to get out of it.  If you can't afford university, you get a loan and work to pay it back, or work even harder and get a scholarship.  The healthcare is the best by far. There's not even an argument for that.  Let me guess, you read  Chomsky.

Did you ever see Lars Von Trier's Dancer in the Dark? The harsh reality is that no matter how hard you work not everyone can make it or live a comfortable life - most people work to get by. Capitalism and corporations basically operate on the same scheme as established gangs  - There's that one guy at the top, or maybe a good few many, but most are stuck at the bottom selling drugs while getting their hands dirty in the lower tier truly believing they'll one day be the guy at the top but most end up dead in the streets. No one wants to speak up because of this fact that if they make everything equal and attainable by law then they'll never get to be that guy at the top wallowing in pools of money and private jets.

Are you fucking serious? Schooling and healthcare here is a joke. I know a girl who went to Columbia and works her ass off but can't get a job in her field where she wants to be and this story rings true for so many people. Yeah, she's getting by because she's got the drive but nothing here is a guarantee. Why is school so expensive here that we're forced to take out loans and then deal with professors who don't give a shit - they're just they're to get their work published. Where do you think all that money really goes? NYU was one of the biggest contributors to the Israeli Palestinian conflict. There were protests that happened at the school which you probably never heard about which involved students getting shot with rubber bullets. I forget which, but NYU even stopped giving grant money or scholarships - I can't remember what. I think the kid who makes B's and C's but really strives to learn should have the same opportunity as me and be given the chance for free.

For healthcare, privatization of the industry is a sick, sick thing. It's a bunch of money grubbing assholes that don't give a shit about you they just got into the industry to make money because that's the association with it in America. I almost went to Medical school at UCLA but didn't because it resonated so much more with me when a well known doctor gave a speech about how he never got rich because he does mostly non-profit because he loves it and you shouldn't be there if it's not your passion. Truth is, there's a lot of doctors who indeed never become millionaires but I'd think they all live pretty well regardless.

I've noticed that in the states most people can afford to go buy that new ipod, pair of designer jeans, or take out loans to get a flashy car but then that's the consumer culture  we have here and I fucking hate "face control". I could go on and elaborate for days spanning into numerous topics under the subject but I'll just tell you that you need to educated yourself, my friend. There's plenty of documentaries and books out there so pick a few up then travel to a country which houses it's people, educates them, and offers them healthcare when they need it. Spend some time there and you're sure to gain some insight.

You're  wrong on all points.  I can't even be bothered responding to them.  Grow up.

You're right on all points you can't be bothered responding to. Got it. Source(s)?


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #152 on: July 02, 2012, 01:05:25 PM »
This thread isn't fun anymore. :(


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #153 on: July 02, 2012, 01:27:06 PM »
Everybody who has argued against my points is basing their entire argument off of something false: that I don't have perspective of other major cities. I've lived in 4 and have a sister who lives in Philly that I visit regularly. In terms of race and class issues, my job has forced me to look them straight in the eye in the past couple of cities I have lived in, and LA is off the radar. Its so big and sprawled and lacking public transit that the kids in the ghetto are lost in their own little world, with the cops forcing them to stay there and doing nothing to ensure their safety. That's why LA has gang problems that are far worse than any other city in the U.S. No other city comes close in terms of gang related crimes. I'll admit, I've heard that Chicago is comparable in terms of the giant endless ghettos, but it still has the "L," which makes a difference. Again, that's why LA has race riot after race riot, and other cities really haven't since the 60's.
In terms of moving to SF? I'll be fine, I lived there before and loved it, left to go to graduate school, and am going back because I loved it so much
LA isn't my style. I'll stop trashing on a "city" that isn't walkable, has no public transportation, or real neighborhoods and just say that the things I just mentioned are musts for me to find a city even acceptable, let alone great.
In terms of the "American city" I think of East Coast cities- New York, Boston, Philly, DC, or other places that are nothing like LA like Chicago, New Orleans, or San Francisco.
Cities like phoenix and LA are those weird western sprawl zones that have come to be known as cities.

Oh, and don't worry about Harry Crews opinions of women, he's LA trash. He wants them to be under 5 pounds of make up, have bleached blond hair, fake tits and to spend at least 20 minutes picking out her outfit when she goes to the store to pick up a gallon of milk. That's what he means by "style." This is my point about LA sucking. That's what Angelinos think qualifies as "style," looking super duper plasticky.
Fuck, I said I'd stop trashing LA...well, if it makes Angelinos feel better, San Diego is even shittier.

I see what you're saying and LA's indeed a take it or leave it place for most. The sprawl of cities like LA and Phoenix indeed cause problems unique to their layout but also offer things that I'm fond of such as the anonymity it offers. I'm also a fan of the space I'm able to have here without feeling like I'm giving up the diversity of a city like NYC - true, I do have to drive to areas for certain cultures as they don't tend to be side by side like in a metropolis like NYC. With a city like LA it's definitely easier for minorities to be pushed or kept within certain areas of the city which in my case makes it where I hardly ever encounter what you've probably seen through your job. I go skate in areas like Boyle Heights all the time and there's a bar in skid row I'm keen for so I'm not saying I'm not aware of things like hospitals dumping of patients on skid row. At said bar, I actually saw a person in a hospital gown get dropped off by a taxi which was pretty fucking surreal but then again in NYC I saw a cracked out naked lady wandering around in Bushwick.

Obviously within bad areas of cities notoriously known for gang crime the odds are higher in getting mugged, stabbed, or shot however in the states I kind of feel uneasy in most places walking to my car at odd hours of the night. I mean, ANYONE could have a gun here. In Europe it's hard to get guns and odds are the most anyone has is a knife so it would either turn into a knife fight or I'd be able to run away but you can't outrun a bullet. And when I refer to LA in terms of "America's take on a city" I just mean we're a country  based on oils and cars to an extent and this is what all those companies wanted - they essentially planned and built LA. You can still look up the old subway maps which were meant to rival if not be better than NYC's. NYC, Philly, and SF are comparable to other worldly cities that offer public transit and urbanity. SF and NYC just aren't what I'm into really but I love visiting them. But hey, when someone sternly thinks LA is a piece of shit I get it. The first time I lived here I hated it and the reasons why are still apparent it's just kind of grown on me and I appreciate it for what it's worth to me. To me, I love cities like Krakow because you can walk everywhere, take public transit, or drive your car. Plus when I'd walk around there the scenery just made walking 6 miles seem like 10 feet because there was so much to marvel at while even when you walk in LA it's pretty fucking dull and empty.


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #154 on: July 02, 2012, 01:41:14 PM »
the world comes down to one thing: cause and effect.

Once you realize this, you will be able to find peace


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #155 on: July 02, 2012, 01:47:23 PM »
This thread isn't fun anymore. :(

There's only one way to change that...MORE GAY OLSON PICS!!!1


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #156 on: July 02, 2012, 01:53:27 PM »
olson looks like a drifter in that picture


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #157 on: July 02, 2012, 03:00:55 PM »
olson looks like a gay drifter in that picture


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #158 on: July 02, 2012, 03:22:51 PM »
Los Angeles is the product of a fake and corrupt society that which the Batman tries to uphold. The fake boob that is Americas uneven breasts.
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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #159 on: July 03, 2012, 09:54:50 AM »
Looks like Alex is bummed that Leo swept up all the heavy hitters before the new high-end grip line he's been helping develop was ready for production. First look at the product up on his instagram.


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #160 on: July 03, 2012, 10:00:09 AM »
Los Angeles is the product of a fake and corrupt society that which the Batman tries to uphold. The fake boob that is Americas uneven breasts.


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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #161 on: July 03, 2012, 10:13:26 AM »
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L.A fucks you up , don't go there.
That's why I can't wait to finish college and get the fuck out of here.

These generalizations always bug me. That said, it's usually coming from people who haven't even been there and are just regurgitating stuff they've heard in the media. You folks don't really seem to be in that boat, and I'm sure you have your reasons, but I really enjoyed living there.

WAIT A SECOND, accidentally got off the SUPER, SUPER important topic at hand. DID WE FIGURE OUT WHO'S GAYEST YET?????? That's what they're beefing over right, most gay?


Bull fucking shit. Every Angelino who can't face up to the fact that LA is a shit city uses the "they probably haven't even been here" excuse constantly. Yeah, the media makes it look like a shitty city too, because its a shitty city and the media is accurately portraying it. LA people just like to claim that the only reason people hate LA is because of the media, but LA is the fucking worst city in the world.  Every terrible stereotype about it is true. You can't get anywhere on public transit here, people drive everywhere, people are more superficial in LA than any other city in the world, its also the most consumption obsessed city in the world, oh, and BY FAR the most racist city I've ever lived in. There is no multiculturalism in LA, for the most part, each ethnic group obsessively defines itself as something different and refuses to befriend people outside of their ethnicity.
And yes, the idea that one should wear fancy clothes to a fucking skateboard premiere is something that douchey LA people would come up with just to show what douches they are.

LA fucking sucks. It is irredeemable. I'm leaving it this weekend to move to SF. I don't have a job or anything lined up, but I'd rather die on the streets there than live in my fancy downtown loft here.

with all due respect, good riddance.  one less car on the road
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Re: Alex Olson vs. Leo Twitter/Insta beef? Real or beautiful fantasy?
« Reply #162 on: July 03, 2012, 06:11:14 PM »
Proskateboarders beef on instagram is as real as pro wrestlers beef on the WWE
