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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: DarthDingusMaximus on November 10, 2022, 04:37:37 PM

Title: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on November 10, 2022, 04:37:37 PM

Outside of my usual lane but I do feel like this an important issue.

The party of liberty.  The party of freedom.

People just out there living their fucking lives and doing what makes them happy, of harm to NO ONE, and Republicans SCREEEEEEEE in with a bill to make it A FUCKING FELONY.

For a man to wear women's clothes and sing songs.  That's a felony to them.  They want to send you to serious jail for an extended period of time and take away your ability to vote in future elections because a man put on a dress and sang show tunes.  Just let the batfuck insanity of that set in.  That's the Republican party.

Fuck.  Those.  People.

They claim its to protect children, despite the fact they literally sent child-fucker Matt Gaetz back to the federal government.  We have receipts he paid a child to fuck him and they sent him to government.

And they want to send men in drag to jail.

Do you know what drag queens have never done?  Started a war with a nation of brown people.  Roved around in bands lynching black men or similar marginalized groups.  Strap AK-47s to their chests and storm a library to intimidate librarians who catalog books that mention that gay people exist.

Do you know what drag queens do tend to do?  Vote Democrat.

The Republican party is entirely and completely fucking delusional and they thrash and flail and hurt everyone around them in their deleriousness.

Just remember if you feel like skipping elections in 2024, or 2026; these are the people who gain power through your apathy.  Don't let them.  They don't deserve a single fucking elected office.  It doesn't matter what office they hold.  They are irrational, fueled by the greatest weaponized propaganda network mankind ever created, and they will fuck up your life and the lives of anyone just out there living their life because they're bitter, hateful, delusional fascists and that's what they do.

Never stop voting them into oblivion.  Ever.  I don't care how certain the vote looks, I don't care how confident or hopeless you are.

You have a duty to everyone in this nation to make sure the miserable hateful fucks who pass this sort of legislation never hold a single public office.  That's a lifetime duty.  Take it seriously.  Enact it.  Because you can be assured they're taking it seriously.

And you can be assured that while this is just tennessee and likely won't pass, just look at what they do the moment they have power in restricting abortion, and coming after gay marriage and every other decent thing they can think of.

They will never stop.  So you better not either.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: Sativa Lung on November 10, 2022, 04:47:06 PM
Not a surprise. Transphobia is one of their favorite ways to stir up their base. Probably because so many of them jerk off to TS porn and hate themselves for it. Just embrace your feelings and stop taking it out on others guys.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: Mongo Lloyd on November 10, 2022, 04:50:32 PM
I agree OP, but there’s another sub section of this forum to post this in.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on November 10, 2022, 05:04:23 PM
To me Republican Party and everything they loathe definitely seems like they enjoy secretly, when they have their cake they want the whole cake instead of a reasonable portion.

I’ve held my head up high alongside others in the LGTBQ+  community and I abhor the right for their bigoted and frankly ignorant perspective on those that aren’t in their lane, so what people do drag shows?! Who gives a shit….
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: EdLawndale on November 10, 2022, 05:23:17 PM
Straight up and down, fuck Republicans as a whole.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: fineslime on November 10, 2022, 05:25:35 PM
Not a surprise. Transphobia is one of their favorite ways to stir up their base. Probably because so many of them jerk off to TS porn and hate themselves for it. Just embrace your feelings and stop taking it out on others guys.

Those are the same dudes who pay hard working and motivated women to stomp on their nuts and peg them.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: Sativa Lung on November 10, 2022, 06:06:51 PM
Straight up and down, fuck Republicans as a whole.

Pretty much this. The worst people bringing out the worst in people. Fear, hate, and emotional arguments to distract you so they can keep controlling and exploiting you for personal gain.

Don’t worry about the crumbling infrastructure or the ever widening income inequality or all the social programs they want to cut or funnel into their own pockets... It's the drag shows that are the real problem. Now I'm going to have to confiscate all the tapes of the performers you have and I swear they won't end up on pornhub under an account called "iluvgirlcocks".
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: stringsnthings on November 10, 2022, 06:48:09 PM
Liberals are just as cancerous as conservatives. I'm a libertarian and think both parties are too head up their own ass to take a look in the mirror and would rather be keyboard warriors.

side bar wtf does this have to do with skating? I live in Memphis (also TN) and I get that this is upsetting to some but speak out in a forum or matter that will do something instead of posting on a forum about skating,
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: EdLawndale on November 10, 2022, 06:53:27 PM
Liberals are just as cancerous as conservatives. I'm a libertarian and think both parties are too head up their own ass to take a look in the mirror and would rather be keyboard warriors.

side bar wtf does this have to do with skating? I live in Memphis (also TN) and I get that this is upsetting to some but speak out in a forum or matter that will do something instead of posting on a forum about skating,

You hold thoughts like that because you're too stupid to even realize that this thread is now in the Whatever room so it doesn't have to have anything to do with skateboarding.

Enjoy trying to support a business refusing to serve ppl due to their race and sexual orientation, you fucking dummy libertarian.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on November 10, 2022, 06:57:50 PM
Liberals are just as cancerous as conservatives. I'm a libertarian and think both parties are too head up their own ass to take a look in the mirror and would rather be keyboard warriors.

side bar wtf does this have to do with skating? I live in Memphis (also TN) and I get that this is upsetting to some but speak out in a forum or matter that will do something instead of posting on a forum about skating,
Oh here we go some dipshit libertarian, sigh….

Frankly you professing yourself as a libertarian is just dumb. When has your party ever actually done anything good for either side?

I’m curious; if you don’t have a dog in this fight albeit (thread/topic) then you’re not welcome or included.

Seems to me like you should take your bullshit some where’s else.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: Sativa Lung on November 10, 2022, 07:51:51 PM
Expand Quote
Liberals are just as cancerous as conservatives. I'm a libertarian and think both parties are too head up their own ass to take a look in the mirror and would rather be keyboard warriors.

side bar wtf does this have to do with skating? I live in Memphis (also TN) and I get that this is upsetting to some but speak out in a forum or matter that will do something instead of posting on a forum about skating,

You hold thoughts like that because you're too stupid to even realize that this thread is now in the Whatever room so it doesn't have to have anything to do with skateboarding.

Enjoy trying to support a business refusing to serve ppl due to their race and sexual orientation, you fucking dummy libertarian.

Nah man he's just so far above it all. Your puny brain just can't even comprehend how superior libertarianism is man. You don't pay taxes dude!
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: therealnod on November 12, 2022, 04:57:31 PM
Liberals are just as cancerous as conservatives. I'm a libertarian and think both parties are too head up their own ass to take a look in the mirror and would rather be keyboard warriors.

side bar wtf does this have to do with skating? I live in Memphis (also TN) and I get that this is upsetting to some but speak out in a forum or matter that will do something instead of posting on a forum about skating,
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: stringsnthings on November 17, 2022, 09:34:47 AM
LOL y'all mad or something?
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on November 17, 2022, 09:52:20 AM
One of my favourite things is listening to Sam Seder debate libertarians. They're all, without exception, fucking morons
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: BurgerCop on November 17, 2022, 10:23:28 AM
LOL y'all mad or something?

No, they're merely pointing out how idiotic and unproductive your comment was.
This is the free and unregulated marketplace of ideas in action.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: L33Tg33k on November 17, 2022, 01:18:58 PM
Hey libertarian! Did you know being a selfish prick isn’t a political ideology?

Or shit, maybe it is. Fuck.
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: Atiba Applebum on November 17, 2022, 03:10:00 PM
Texas deserves a much bigger shame blast following the law they passed yesterday
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: BurgerCop on November 18, 2022, 05:12:14 AM
Texas deserves a much bigger shame blast following the law they passed yesterday

I'm out of the I even want to ask?
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: thebacker on November 18, 2022, 06:37:34 AM
Texas deserves a much bigger shame blast following the law they passed yesterday
Is it letting teachers carry guns in schools with no training? or did their bill to jail parents of trans kids go through?

that state is such a fucking joke
Title: Re: Bigoted lawmakers in Tennessee
Post by: FranklinSt4Ever on November 18, 2022, 06:56:06 AM
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Texas deserves a much bigger shame blast following the law they passed yesterday
Is it letting teachers carry guns in schools with no training? or did their bill to jail parents of trans kids go through?

that state is such a fucking joke

A bunch of lame bills have been filed, but the Legislature hasn't gone into session yet so nothing has passed. We'll have to wait and see what actually makes it through committee.

The person above may be talking about the bill categorizing gender affirming care in children as child abuse or the bill making any performance of a person dressed as a gender they were not born with turn the building into a sexually oriented business, which generally can only be in certain areas/distance from schools/licensing/etc.

Again, these have only been filed and they have not been passed yet. THe first day of the session is January 10, 2023.