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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Topic started by: dragonblade on October 01, 2018, 02:25:37 AM

Title: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 01, 2018, 02:25:37 AM
It's been a long time since I skated regularly (mid to late 80s and early 90s) and I'm getting back into it now. There's an odd habit I developed during ollies back then and I wouldn't be surprised if it appears again when I start doing ollies again. When I used to ollie while I was moving, I was practising turning the board in the air (roughly about 45 degrees and later 180 degrees.) I'd usually do this up over gutters and a small ledge etc. I was getting quite proficient at this and then eventually, it became a habit that I just couldn't kick. It got to the point where if I was ollieing on the move, I would automatically rotate the board and myself. I could not do a straight ollie anymore while moving. Though I could still ollie straight while stationary. Any tips on how to kick this habit? Guess I could try rolling super slowly and see if that helps.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: SUPREMENECKPROTECTOR on October 01, 2018, 04:14:20 AM
Keep the shoulders aligned with the board.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: the snake on October 01, 2018, 04:32:03 AM
you have to get born again first
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: I sniff Jim Gagne's butthole all the time on October 01, 2018, 06:25:17 AM
bukowski said the most important thing was how well you walked through the fire so i suggest you start a structure fire and walk through it, practicing keeping your shoulders straight.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Jollyoli on October 01, 2018, 06:53:37 AM
Get a red hat with the slogan -
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: FS-OverKOOK on October 01, 2018, 08:28:49 AM
when in doubt, go faster.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: planman on October 01, 2018, 08:33:27 AM
Keep your shoulders straight and front foot perpendicular to the board
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 01, 2018, 09:44:50 AM
Keep your shoulders straight and front foot perpendicular to the board

Yea that's my position right before the ollie. Though as soon as I pop the board, I instinctively turn my body and rotate the board frontside. I can't help myself. It's like it's become automatic. Somehow Ive got to stop myself doing that when I intend to ollie straight.

It's amazing how strong this habit has become. Even after I had stopped skateboarding for several years and took up sandboarding, I still found myself turning frontside when I was jumping off a small dune on my sandboard. That habit had carried over from my skateboarding days.

Hmmm....I wonder if learning how to ollie backside might break the habit. I could alternate backside and frontside over and over again.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: E on October 01, 2018, 01:26:55 PM
Here's an idea, stop talking about skating on this message board and go out and skate.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Baron Samedi on October 01, 2018, 02:25:48 PM
Here's an idea, stop talking about skating on this message board and go out and skate.


Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 01, 2018, 07:12:33 PM
Here's an idea, stop talking about skating on this message board and go out and skate.

I'm skating every day - relearning the basics.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Pigeon on October 01, 2018, 07:14:35 PM
Ask your local priest for conversion therapy.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 01, 2018, 07:38:16 PM
Ask your local priest for conversion therapy.

Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: sharkin on October 01, 2018, 07:52:01 PM
Gotta keep them hands down playa s/o j scott
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: SneakySecrets on October 01, 2018, 07:52:40 PM
Shoulders shoulders shoulders.  Your body will follow your shoulders. 
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: FS-OverKOOK on October 02, 2018, 07:46:13 AM
maybe try letting your front leg control a little more and bone it out forward. Like when you jump over something(without a board) you jump and stick the legs up and over. If any of that makes sense. Keep pushing.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: nopes on October 02, 2018, 06:37:41 PM
i think this often happens because you are not yet comfortable on the board, especially with speed, so when you leave the ground going sideways you instinctively turn your back shoulder inwards so that you are pointing forwards and in a much safer, and natural, landing position.

you can really really focus on keeping your body aligned and not rotating but most likely you just need to get more comfortable riding again. you need to start rolling around faster and learning to stop so that you feel in control on the board before getting off the ground.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 02, 2018, 07:58:11 PM
i think this often happens because you are not yet comfortable on the board, especially with speed, so when you leave the ground going sideways you instinctively turn your back shoulder inwards so that you are pointing forwards and in a much safer, and natural, landing position.

Actually, this is a habit that I developed in the 1980s when I was more than comfortable on the board. I was riding for about 5 years or so during this period. When I first started turning the board during ollies, this was intentional. I wanted to turn the board in the air. Eventually, I could do 180 ollies. Before then, I could ollie straight while on the move. Though after practising turning the board frontside during ollies again and again, it became a habit - something I would do automatically while I was on the move.

Although that was a long time ago, Ive got a feeling that the habit might reappear when I start doing ollies on the move again. Cos I was doing the same thing with sandboarding a number of years after I had left skating. Though a few years after that, it wasn't an issue when I was doing snowboarding. I was jumping straight on a snowboard and only rotated the board when I intended to do so. I'm going to start ollieing again soon (after more flatground basics practise) so it will be interesting to see if the habit's still there or not.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: the snake on October 02, 2018, 09:06:29 PM
brain surgery could fix that
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Roisto on October 03, 2018, 02:41:14 AM
So, you haven’t ollied in 30 years and you decided to post a topic about fixing an issue you had with your ollies 30 years ago?  :-X
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 03, 2018, 03:02:44 AM
So, you haven’t ollied in 30 years and you decided to post a topic about fixing an issue you had with your ollies 30 years ago?  :-X

Well the habit carried over into my sandboarding which was a number of years after I had stopped skating. So there's a fair chance that it might reappear. And I can't explain why but Ive got this really strong feeling that it will be an issue when I start doing ollies on the move again.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: SneakySecrets on October 03, 2018, 06:00:09 AM
Ah, the classic 30 year layover sandboard-induced anticipatory shifty ollie no tailguard shock syndrome.  Seen it a million times.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 03, 2018, 08:35:57 AM
Just pop and land. Don't do the big thing with the front foot. Don't try to get ANY height at all.  Just pop your tail, get the back wheels off the ground a centimeter, and put down the landing gear.  The only reason your turning sideways is cause ur trying to get the height before youve got the style down.  Don't set up anything to Ollie over or try to go up anything -  just flat.  Make sure your landing on ur whole foot rather than the balls of your feet.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 03, 2018, 10:09:53 AM
Interesting advice. Okay, I won't try to ollie high. I used to ollie over low things like gutters and a pile of about 4 or 5 bricks (while turning frontside.) My ollies were straight when I was stationary. And also straight when I was just starting to do them on the move...though that didn't last long.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 03, 2018, 10:21:27 AM
Interesting advice. Okay, I won't try to ollie high. I used to ollie over low things like gutters and a pile of about 4 or 5 bricks (while turning frontside.) My ollies were straight when I was stationary. And also straight when I was just starting to do them on the move...though that didn't last long.
  Good, just do them on flat with an emphasis on rolling and stick with little taps.   Pretend in your mind that you're ollie-ing something big.  -always keep it fun.  Skating is the shit.  The higher Ollie's will eventually happen.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: I sniff Jim Gagne's butthole all the time on October 03, 2018, 10:35:35 AM
ollie the bricks stationary and straight. bing, bang boom i just put you up on game.
keep that shifty shit for when there's a curb to the side of you.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: E on October 03, 2018, 11:09:26 AM
So, you haven’t ollied in 30 years and you decided to post a topic about fixing an issue you had with your ollies 30 years ago?  :-X

Thank you! I thought I was going crazy...
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 03, 2018, 11:27:50 PM
Today's show was brought to you by the letter 'E.'

'E' for error.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Paco Supreme on October 04, 2018, 12:43:26 AM
You even brought the board yet chief?
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 04, 2018, 01:06:37 AM
You even brought the board yet chief?

"Brought?" The past tense version of "bring." Don't you mean "bought"? If you're referring to a potential purchase then yes. All done online. In the meantime, I've been riding my very first skateboard which was purchased in the mid 1980s from Super Elliots in Adelaide, South Australia. Grip tape is pretty much worn out and the trucks, wheels and bearings have seen better days. But it's sufficient for refamiliarising myself with the basics which I've been practising every day.

By the way, sort of related to the topic at hand - I found ollie kicklips pretty easy to learn. That was actually one of the last tricks I was learning before I left the hobby. Though I never did those on the move - only did them while stationary. I actually wonder if they could be beneficial in getting me to kick this habit. These were 1980s Powell Peralta boards that I was learning the kickflips on which were quite wide and I found them easy to flip.

Upon my return to skateboarding, I would have preferred to use those PP boards to relearn the basics but they were both stolen.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 12, 2018, 02:38:35 AM
Today, Ive just started trying to do ollies again. And as expected, I'm really crap, especially my first few attempts. However later on, I actually started to get some air. Not huge air but almost respectable. Though there are some issues. I'm not leveling the board out properly - I guess my front foot isn't sliding across enough. And I'm still turning frontside - even though I'm trying them stationary.

Like I mentioned before, when I did ollies in the 80s, I could do them straight while stationary but would inadvertently turn frontside when doing them on the move. And now I'm turning the board while stationary - unbelievable. And the turning seems to be getting more severe with multiple attempts. I'm pretty sure my shoulders are parallel with the board but I'm not 100% sure. I'm trying to keep them straight.

Actually, there's another thing I'll add - the board seems to be turning more than me. Sometimes I'll land with my feet off the board (on the ground) and the board would end up diagonal - separate from my feet. Though when I did ollies over gutters etc in the 1980s, my feet would stay on the board throughout the turn and I would land them correctly pretty much every time.

Maybe tomorrow, I'll hold on to a fence while ollieing - that will force my shoulders to keep in line with my board. And I'll try and ollie low as well. Low and slow.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: E on October 12, 2018, 07:06:37 AM
Focus your account.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Baron Samedi on October 12, 2018, 10:53:53 AM
Focus your account.
feel free to do the same, shithead
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: E on October 12, 2018, 11:08:36 AM
Expand Quote
Focus your account.
feel free to do the same, shithead

Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: the snake on October 12, 2018, 11:34:27 AM
shifty ollies are stylish, keep doing them the way you used to do !
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: redcurb12 on October 12, 2018, 12:26:03 PM
go full speed and eat shit til you know better
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 12, 2018, 05:56:33 PM
shifty ollies are stylish, keep doing them the way you used to do !

Ya but there is such a thing as too much of a good thing!
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 13, 2018, 03:04:10 AM
So I tried ollies again this evening - holding on to a fence this time around. The first number of attempts were not all that great. But then I managed to do two perfect ollies in a row. They were dead straight, leveled nicely and were surprisingly high. I was pretty amazed considering I was so rusty at this kind of thing. However after that, all my other attempts were plagued by turning frontside and poor pop with quite a few cases of not being able to level out properly. I could not repeat the success of those two good ollies. I also tried to do them low as suggested. Odd that the board kept turning despite me holding on to a fence - I would have thought that would keep my shoulders in a static position more or less. It started to get dark so I put an end to the session. I'll try again tomorrow.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: butterballs for jerry on October 13, 2018, 06:48:24 PM
So this thread has been pretty funny, the image of you clinging to a fence trying to Ollie is outstanding.

Anyway after a year off the board due to injury I returned to skating recently. Ollies took me like a half hour to relearn, and if the board did a front shove on me by accident it was because I wasn't popping straight down with my back foot on the center of the tail.

Switch ollies have been shiftying frontside, and as far as I can tell it's because my front foot isn't getting up to the nose to control it. And I think a lack of grip on my old shoes is contributing.

Anyway, ditch the fence, you look ridiculous.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 13, 2018, 08:47:08 PM
if the board did a front shove on me by accident it was because I wasn't popping straight down with my back foot on the center of the tail.

Yea I had a few accidental shoves myself though I always positioned my toes on the middle of the tail near the back edge.

The fence came in handy. If it wasn't for that, I would have taken a few hard falls. I can see that for some of the landings, my balance isn't quite right. I'm sure that will improve with time. Holding on to a fence is a tip I learned from another skater I met in a carpark in the 80s. He taught me how to do ollie kickflips while holding on to a fence. The fence could be used as a temporary aid as I concentrated on the flipping motion and landings.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: nopes on October 14, 2018, 08:00:58 PM
as someone who has skated before if you have to hold on to a fence to ollie you arent ready for ollies.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Paco Supreme on October 14, 2018, 08:34:22 PM
the image of you clinging to a fence trying to Ollie is outstanding.

Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 15, 2018, 03:05:41 AM
Did another session today. Most of my attempts this evening could sort of be called ollies more or less but they were very rough. And I was turning frontside on every single one. I could not repeat those two perfect ollies I did the other day.

I guess it must be my shoulders that are causing the turning but I'm not even aware that I'm turning them. Sometimes with my later attempts, I found my body turning later on during the ollie to compensate for the board turning which is also a really bad habit. For example - the board turns frontside so then I turn frontside to face it. I might record some footage of me ollieing and try to analyse that. Though regardless, I can't think of any ways to keep my shoulders straight. Hmmm....maybe try and ollie with a wall behind me (almost touching distance.)
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Vert Reynolds on October 15, 2018, 03:40:42 AM
Sounds like youre completely in your head at this point....AT this point, I'd pretend that im new to sk8ing and wipe my Data bank clean. Id pretend im new to sk8ing, this will give you the mental edge. Just have fun and quit looking into it so deep, Its not that complicated and if it gets complicated, then its not Fun anymore.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 15, 2018, 03:51:43 AM
Oh yea I try not to get frustrated. I remember those feelings of frustration when I was trying to learn new tricks in the old days and don't want to experience that kind emotional turmoil again. Every now and then I take a little break from it when things aren't going well. Though I was really happy with those two good ollies I did the other day. I was really surprised when I pulled them off and felt a sense of accomplishment. Definitely the highlight out of all my practise sessions so far.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 15, 2018, 09:09:34 PM
If I'm ever able to do straight ollies consistently again, I'll stick with those for a long, long time. I won't even consider trying frontside ollies for the foreseeable future otherwise they'll likely become a habit again.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Vitriol on October 16, 2018, 03:52:38 PM
Obvious frontside issue.
Get confident with your backside.
I mean it.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: butterballs for jerry on October 17, 2018, 09:09:17 AM
This reminds me of when I was learning straight no comply's without a parking block. I had been doing no comply fs 180s for years at that point and I couldn't pop the board into my inner thigh for the longest time for the straight version. I had to really concentrate on popping the board slightly bs and that would make it pop straight.

So what that guy said ^ sorta, but more like try to over compensate a lil bit b.s. and it might trick your brain into straightening out. And concentrate on connecting your front foot to where your nose starts to curve up, in an almost immediate way. Don't go for height, gotta get the technique down first.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: redcurb12 on October 17, 2018, 01:41:48 PM
This reminds me of when I was learning straight no comply's without a parking block. I had been doing no comply fs 180s for years at that point and I couldn't pop the board into my inner thigh for the longest time for the straight version. I had to really concentrate on popping the board slightly bs and that would make it pop straight.

So what that guy said ^ sorta, but more like try to over compensate a lil bit b.s. and it might trick your brain into straightening out. And concentrate on connecting your front foot to where your nose starts to curve up, in an almost immediate way. Don't go for height, gotta get the technique down first.
glad i clicked on this thread again for the no comply tip
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: planman on October 17, 2018, 09:00:26 PM
Fritz Mead and learning them up curbs taught me how to no comply. Best advice I can give for those is to pull back (a la fakie ollie) and push forward in your step at the same time. If you can do them up curbs then you can pretty much get them up/over/across anything.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: butterballs for jerry on October 18, 2018, 08:26:19 AM
I guess I'll give some tips too.

Lean really far forward, like almost ahead of the board. Have your back knee start descending forward as you're sliding your front foot off, you should have most of your weight on your front foot. Jump forward with the board or else you might snap the tail.

The descending back knee might be a tall person thing, idk.

Also if you wanna take a break from learning them and don't wanna stray too far, learn no comply hand flips. They're super easy and help reinforce the muscle memory of the straight-pop you need for the no comply. Instead of trying to hit your thigh with the nose, try to smack just below the front bolts on the heel side with your lead hand. It's a nice little confidence booster.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: redcurb12 on October 18, 2018, 11:58:16 AM
thanks for the advice. the pull back tip is sick - i never thought of that. that fritz mead video completely changed the way i think about this trick. will try tonight! im able to do a bunch of random no comply shit and go up curbs/stairs but I've never been able to do good straight ones on flat. i really just want to pop good ones when cruising. if i learn no complys this shit thread will have redeemed itself in my eyes
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 21, 2018, 06:40:02 AM
I actually tried to do a backside ollie but found that really hard. It was not successful. I'm struggling with relearning the basics of just doing a regular ollie. Though tonight, I found a useful tip from a tutorial video which is to start turning your head and shoulders right before you pop. I'll definitely keep that mind and try and add it in on one of my practise sessions.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: SneakySecrets on October 21, 2018, 12:02:30 PM
I feel like your problems would be more easily diagnosed were you to post some video.  I’m going to need to have a look at that fence as well.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 21, 2018, 07:07:03 PM
I guess you need to learn backside 90 degree Ollie to axle on a small curb.  That's your avenue I'd say.  And fuckin no stationary Ollie's -thats a no no .
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: nopes on October 21, 2018, 07:31:37 PM
I guess you need to learn backside 90 degree Ollie to axle on a small curb.  That's your avenue I'd say.  And fuckin no stationary Ollie's -thats a no no .

why no stationary ollies? just curious. my ollies have always sucked and i always turn frontide but im pretty sure its because i get scared landing sideways. ive been following your suggestion in your earlier post to try and enforce good mechanics. its humbling. since ive started making the conscious effort ive also realized i lean back when i ollie instead of snapping straight down. so many years of bad habits are hard to break. 
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 22, 2018, 02:45:22 AM
I feel like your problems would be more easily diagnosed were you to post some video.  I’m going to need to have a look at that fence as well.

Not sure if people here will appreciate seeing my ugly mug. Oh I'm not using that fence anymore.

Today, I tried to do backside ollies again which is pretty challenging for me because I'm still struggling with relearning the basic fundamentals of a normal ollie. However, this time around, I actually turned backside a little bit with a number of attempts. I then took a break and once again, I made several attempts at the bs ollie, turning my head and shoulders backside just before popping but these all resulted in turning the board frontside! Crazy. I then took another break and tried some more attempts at the backside ollie. This time around - sometimes the board would turn backside, sometimes it would turn frontside and sometimes it would remain straight. There are also occasions when I try to do a normal ollie (no intended turning) and the board will end up straight. Though it will usually turn frontside with varying degrees. I also tried quite a few normal ollies today as well. With my very last (normal) ollie today, the board only turned frontside very slightly by a really small degree. I thought I'd leave the practise session on a good note.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 22, 2018, 06:04:43 AM
 Sounds like ur having a bit of fun anyway bro.  Hope to see you out one day!, be well

Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Vitriol on October 23, 2018, 04:55:29 PM
A few more serious pointers this time, though people have already mentioned important things :

- try them rolling, even very slow, it might help you + if your trucks aren't cranked rock tight you'll correct the trajectory naturally after landing

- try to go off a curb, just rolling first, then with like half a ollie where you quickly hit your tail (board is angled up) but don't intend to lift the back end : this should prevent the front foot from making it drift frontside and give you the general feeling

- also what they said previously about thinking backside to over-correct and travel straight / if you can't get the BS coordination at first i'd suggest a few more things that helped me when i struggled for switch because it felt unnatural :
      - optional : work on your shoves, then pop shoves (not stationary again)
      - learn BS reverts on flat (get hard wheels if you don't have some; no need to make it more difficult for
      you just for the sake of keeping it old-school) : roll, throw shoulders and look back, and almost simultaneously
      lighten your weight and throw your back foot around). Heck, even easier : try it with a deck on a carpet!
      - oh! also find a mini and go do plenty of BS kickturns and get really confident. Do some more.

Finally, ask at the park. You know you got this anyway.
And when it doesn't work, don't be afraid to take breaks and do something else. Sometimes it helps.
After all, ollies are only the second best trick in skateboarding. After cruising!  ;D

Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 24, 2018, 02:42:54 AM
Vitriol, thanks for the tips.

After all, ollies are only the second best trick in skateboarding. After cruising!  ;D

Oh I know what you mean!

I'll have to learn shoves and reverts - I haven't tried those tricks before.

For today's practise session, I started off trying ollies stationary again. I do them with the front wheels on grass and the back wheels and tail on hard ground. This time around, I tried keeping my front foot more parallel and less slanted but that didn't help. Board kept turning frontside.

So then I did what some people suggested - tried ollies while rolling on hard ground. I know many of you take this for granted but man, that was scary. At first, I didn't even have the confidence to pop the tail. When I tried to ollie, I'd simply jump. And sometimes I would pop but very slightly. As time went on, I actually did some proper ollies and also semi-ollies. There were a number of times where the board turned frontside but also a number of times where I ollied relatively straight. Also times where the board would turn frontside very slightly. I noticed that quite a few times when I ollied straight, my balance wasn't quite right when I landed on the board. Once I fell back and almost landed on my back. And there were a number of times when I landed too far forward and flipped the board with the nose though I was always able to land on my feet on the ground on those occasions. I think when I try and concentrate really hard on olieing straight, I end up putting my weight too far forward for the landing.

I think I'm going to continue practising ollies on the move and give stationary ollies a break. When I do them stationary, all I seem to be doing is reinforcing bad habits. Most attempts end up with the board turning frontside. Occasionally, there will be a straight ollie once in a while but that seems to be down to luck more than anything else. At least with moving ollies, I have a higher number of straight ones.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: on October 24, 2018, 10:18:08 PM
Use your other hand for a bit....
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 26, 2018, 03:25:27 AM
I had another ollie practise session today but with very mixed results - just like the last time. And once again, I tried doing ollies on the move on hard ground. And just like the last time, I had to overcome the fear factor. Many times I would simply jump without popping the board. The other thing I find really weird is that if I concentrate really hard on keeping straight and parallel with the board, I also just jump without popping. This also happens while stationary too while concentrating hard on keeping parallel. And it happens if I go too slowly also. Though I can't ollie if I go too fast - it's got to be just the right speed.

Just like last time, there were a number of times when I turned frontside unfortunately. I think sometimes that happened as a fear response - turning to land one foot on the ground so I wouldn't fall from an unbalanced landing causing immense pain. Really bad I know and I hope that doesn't develop into a habit. Other times, I would ollie straight but just like last time, I would often land with my weight too far forward on the nose during the straight ollies. And other times I would land with too much weight on my heel side edge during straight ollies.

I hope I get more consistent tomorrow and improve those landings.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: E on October 26, 2018, 07:38:03 AM
Holy shit, this fuckin' guy is writing a novel about how he can't ollie.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 26, 2018, 08:39:43 AM
By the way, my left leg is killing me. Think I strained a muscle there - probably abductor. Took a break from skating yesterday but persevered with the pain today. Hurts if I do a wide arcing kickturn. Though wasn't too bad during ollies. However now, I can't even lift that leg on it's own (I have to move it with my hand.) I'll see how it is tomorrow.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Fredonskateboard on October 26, 2018, 09:38:19 AM
Pro tips:
Timing is essential - the timing between your pop, and when your start to slide ur front foot.
Actually slide ur foot - Ur ancle/foot should be rather sideways. Ive seen some noobs slide with their bottom sole.
Jump with the board, not against it - Typical noobs is to ollie, then they kinda... push their feet down so that they dont flow in the air. Again, jump with the board, not against it.
Bend properly at the knees. Many noobs bend in their back. Jump like you would without a board...
Proper down and up movement, not bend ur knee's, stay bended, and then jump...

Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: nopes on October 26, 2018, 11:16:45 AM
it really sounds like you just arent ready for ollies yet. it seems like you arent comfortable enough on the board in general to worry about getting off the ground. just ride around until you feel confident going fast. then you should worry about leaving the ground or board.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on October 26, 2018, 03:12:08 PM
I have some thoughts that this guy is a troll fucking slap in the ass right now.   Or he's for real.  I respect and enjoy both options.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on October 26, 2018, 07:03:02 PM
Well no skating today. Ive enough trouble walking on this bad leg, let alone skating. I wonder if yesterday's session aggravated it.

Nopes, I'm fine on the board. When I got back into skating, I spent at least a week riding around and refamiliarising myself with the basics which I'm doing okay with. I didn't attempt one single ollie during that time period. And when I started practising ollies, I didn't do them at the beginning of the session. I'd ride around and do kickturns etc for a fair while and then try ollies later on at the end of the session (stationary ollies to begin with.) Though I do admit there is a fear factor doing ollies while moving but I expect that will go away with time. Actually, what I really should do is spend more time rolling off steps with the front wheels raised. Ive done that with a step around the back a few times but can't do that there anymore as it's slate and really fragile - crumbles really easily. There are some gutters almost a km away that I could practise on (there's no proper footpath or sidewalk close to where I live.)

Overall, I think Ive made some progress towards straight ollies. To recap - back in the late 80s and early 90s, my ollies were straight while stationary but when I did them while moving, I'd turn frontside automatically - I just couldn't help it. Couldn't do rolling straight ollies anymore.

Currently, in 2018 - when I do ollies stationary, I turn frontside over 95% of the time - I wasn't expecting that. And when I try ollies while moving, I can do them straight roughly about a 1/3 of the time more or less.

Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: nopes on October 26, 2018, 08:13:31 PM
i suggest not even worrying about your ollies being straight right now. get to the point where you can ollie easily and without fear while rolling slowly. once you know you can ollie every time start working on getting them straight.

since this thread started ive made a conscious effort to improve my ollies. i try to do 100 every session and after a few days i already notice an improvement. 
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: fang on October 27, 2018, 07:05:47 PM
Get it strait ride krooked
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Allen. on November 08, 2018, 05:31:24 AM
This thread needs to be adapted into a screenplay.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: E on November 08, 2018, 07:27:29 AM
So this guy quit skating for another 30 years I assume based on the lack of updates?
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: boogs on November 16, 2018, 03:29:58 PM
do a boneless instead
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: butterballs for jerry on November 19, 2018, 01:38:53 PM
Well no skating today. Ive enough trouble walking on this bad leg, let alone skating. I wonder if yesterday's session aggravated it.

Nopes, I'm fine on the board. When I got back into skating, I spent at least a week riding around and refamiliarising myself with the basics which I'm doing okay with. I didn't attempt one single ollie during that time period. And when I started practising ollies, I didn't do them at the beginning of the session. I'd ride around and do kickturns etc for a fair while and then try ollies later on at the end of the session (stationary ollies to begin with.) Though I do admit there is a fear factor doing ollies while moving but I expect that will go away with time. Actually, what I really should do is spend more time rolling off steps with the front wheels raised. Ive done that with a step around the back a few times but can't do that there anymore as it's slate and really fragile - crumbles really easily. There are some gutters almost a km away that I could practise on (there's no proper footpath or sidewalk close to where I live.)

Overall, I think Ive made some progress towards straight ollies. To recap - back in the late 80s and early 90s, my ollies were straight while stationary but when I did them while moving, I'd turn frontside automatically - I just couldn't help it. Couldn't do rolling straight ollies anymore.

Currently, in 2018 - when I do ollies stationary, I turn frontside over 95% of the time - I wasn't expecting that. And when I try ollies while moving, I can do them straight roughly about a 1/3 of the time more or less.

Pretty sure anybody who's made it this far in the thread is invested enough that a recap is unnecessary. The mental image of you holding onto the fence trying to Ollie has brought me great joy and your absence has me a little worried. I just hope your ollies straightened out and you flew the coop that is SLAP, terrorizing manhole covers and two stairs wherever you roam. If you are a troll then you are truly a poet. God bless.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: nopes on November 20, 2018, 06:51:26 AM
This thread needs to be adapted into a screenplay.

at this point maybe it would be like that movie where the guy had to saw his own arm off to free himself from a rock. all i can picture is him getting trapped in the fence after a disastrous ollie attempt and thats why we havent heard from them since. 
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: dragonblade on November 20, 2018, 07:07:00 AM
I had to take a long break from skating due to straining my abductor in my left leg. It took ages to heal. I had a lot of trouble just lifting that leg up while in a sitting position. I got back into skating a few days ago but for now, I'm just getting used to riding around again with 0 tricks. But soon, I'm going to roll off some gutters - hoping that will make the transition to ollies easier.

And lol holding on to that fence was only a temporary affair. Glad I didn't need a knife in any case.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Burt Ward on January 09, 2019, 05:55:27 PM

Go back to the fence. I gotchu bro.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: SneakySecrets on January 09, 2019, 08:32:58 PM

Go back to the fence. I gotchu bro.


In all honesty, I hope this dude starts posting again.  I think it’d be cool to see him progress.  All joking aside, I like his earnestness: a trait that is becoming increasingly elusive these days.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: burn_to_live on January 09, 2019, 08:34:25 PM
Expand Quote

Go back to the fence. I gotchu bro.


In all honesty, I hope this dude starts posting again.  I think it’d be cool to see him progress.
Reminds me of when my dad started skating again.
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: ChrisLambe94 on January 14, 2019, 12:49:02 PM
Ah, the classic 30 year layover sandboard-induced anticipatory shifty ollie no tailguard shock syndrome.  Seen it a million times.
Haha  :)
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Brguy on January 14, 2019, 01:50:31 PM
Just remember to say "no homo".
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Allen. on January 17, 2019, 08:34:48 AM
Expand Quote
This thread needs to be adapted into a screenplay.

at this point maybe it would be like that movie where the guy had to saw his own arm off to free himself from a rock. all i can picture is him getting trapped in the fence after a disastrous ollie attempt and thats why we havent heard from them since.

128 Ollies
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Front Blunt on January 29, 2019, 11:49:26 AM
Fences will write a song for the opening credits
Title: Re: Getting straight ollies again
Post by: Dorknerd on January 31, 2019, 01:19:24 AM
Like on ea skate on Xbox - land back wheels first. Momentum will straighten the front out. Hopefully before you eat shit.

Also you could learn front foot control by trying on flatbank fun boxes. Don’t need to pop properly that way but can get the front foot sorted.

Personally I got Ollie’s dialed on a crack in the footpath. Kicking the back wheel into the crack bonks it up without popping.

It’s really about the timing and pulling your back foot up. IMO.