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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: tension on January 18, 2019, 01:46:57 PM

Title: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on January 18, 2019, 01:46:57 PM
I'm on day 5 and i still feel like I want to pull my teeth out. I'm starting to think this feeling wont ever end. I also cheated and had a few drags of a friends yesterday to keep me from losing my mind and i cant tell if that was a good idea to keep me sane and continuing or a horrible idea because i'm afraid the next time im with someone who has one i'll do the same.

I've smoked for 7.5 years, 5 of those years i was a pack/ pack and a half, and recently been down to just a half a pack as i've been cutting down knowing i'd want to eventually try to quit.

Any one have a tips to getting over the hump other than flat out "just dont smoke" ?

Anyone else quit cold turkey?
Smoking rules. I wish we weren’t  so aware of how horrible it is for you.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on January 18, 2019, 01:47:32 PM
also i plan on drinking 300 beers tonight, so pray for cig-free-tenison.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: anontechnician on January 18, 2019, 01:51:43 PM
Go for it with the beer and / or smoke soem ganja  :P
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on January 18, 2019, 02:04:18 PM
Go for it with the beer and / or smoke soem ganja  :P

Sadly, for dumb legal reasons i cant. I say that way more in embarrassment than a flex.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Allen. on January 18, 2019, 02:31:02 PM
You didn’t quit cold turkey if you had just a few drags. All you did is make the withdrawals restart. Just gotta not smoke. I just passed the 3 year mark and I was a pack and a half or two a day smoker
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on January 18, 2019, 02:36:23 PM
You didn’t quit cold turkey if you had just a few drags. All you did is make the withdrawals restart. Just gotta not smoke. I just passed the 3 year mark and I was a pack and a half or two a day smoker

Fuck. i was hoping i found a loophole. isnt the saying something like "a drag a day, makes you not a full blown smoker?"
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: shit_for_brains on January 18, 2019, 02:55:30 PM
That's what people who haven't quit smoking say. I quit 5 years ago by getting a vape pen with no nicotine in it. After like two weeks, and never publicly because I'm not a fucking dork, I was done wanting a cigarette. When I ran out of horchata flavored bullshit I quit with the pen.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: johnes on January 18, 2019, 03:07:16 PM
It’s not easy dude. I smoke for 8 years and quit turkey, I remember for the first 2 months, every single place I went, I would think- this is my first time being here without smoking a cig. Literally every place and senario I was in during that time. Everyday, 20 times a day minimum.

My hardest day was when my wife and I went on a trip to a town that was 2 hours away.

Man I grinded my teeth and was Messing with my fingers on the steering wheel so bad, I knew I was gonna crack because I wanted one so bad. It was a rough drive, I was having a mild anxiety attack because of it too.

Eventually it passed once we got to where we got to our hotel.

But dude, I have the worst willpower ever.
If I can quit, you can quit.

It’s been more than 2 or maybe even 3 years now.
I occasionally think about how it might be nice to have a cig.
I even still dream that I’m smoking a cig and I’m like, fuck why did I start smoking again??

It’s gonna get so much easier if you stick it out,
as time goes on.

You can do it.

and if you end up giving up and smoking again- don’t beat yourself up about it . It’s not easy for most people.
Humans have experienced relapse billions of time in our existence.

You got this!

You kinda doofed by taking a few drags tho lol.

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on January 18, 2019, 03:48:44 PM
I have been trying to quit as well. Got a Vape thing and I fucking hate it its just not the same.

I slipped up for a couple of days and had a smoke or two and I realized how much it makes me feel like shit.

Now i just got to focus on not cramming a pastry in my mouth every time a craving hits.

Struggling right along with you!

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on January 18, 2019, 04:10:37 PM
 Try reading "Quitting smoking the easy way" by Allan Karr.  I used to chain smoke pretty much but i threw out the last of my tobax like 12 years ago now.  I smoked my last 'cigarette' (they all had 20 percent weed in them) and flushed the rest of my drum down the toilette. Edit and it was easy.  I dont care if people smoke near me either. -smoke away.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on January 18, 2019, 05:47:13 PM
Go get a script.

The shit they give you is for cocaine cessation and it's like getting a good lil cocaine bump all day

Dont take that shit if you have anxiety though.

Also, the withdrawal from that drug is waaaay worse than tobacco withdrawal,  so there's that.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: guest1 on January 18, 2019, 06:55:00 PM
I quit cold turkey after my dad had a heart attack.  I don’t know if that just spooked me enough away from it or I would’ve been able to do it anyway, but it’s been a solid 5 years now for me.

Also I don’t drink any more either, and that really helped a lot because I would always crave for cigarettes after a few beers. 

But you can do it man. I’m rootin for ya.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Mooley on January 18, 2019, 08:11:47 PM
I could never get on board with the vaping shit before, but I bought a juul on a whim 2-3 months ago and it basically worked for me overnight. I think it must be something to do with the nicotine concentration in them, unlike the other vapes I tried it actually gives you a fairly satisfying cig-like kinda drag (and no gigantic cotton-candy wizard cloud).

After a couple of weeks, when I did bum a smoke off someone in a weaker moment, it was disgusting to me. Been steady going since.

Your mileage may vary, but it's worth a shot.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: ChrisLambe94 on January 19, 2019, 11:30:38 AM
Just wanted to say one day at a time n I wish you all the best on quitting cigarettes.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: InternetDaddy on January 19, 2019, 02:00:51 PM
I could never get on board with the vaping shit before, but I bought a juul on a whim 2-3 months ago and it basically worked for me overnight. I think it must be something to do with the nicotine concentration in them, unlike the other vapes I tried it actually gives you a fairly satisfying cig-like kinda drag (and no gigantic cotton-candy wizard cloud).

After a couple of weeks, when I did bum a smoke off someone in a weaker moment, it was disgusting to me. Been steady going since.

Your mileage may vary, but it's worth a shot.
i've got one of those Juul things too, it's been a few months. I had a real cigarette once since then when I was drunk and felt like shit the next day. I hate this thing though, and I know that I'm still addicted to nicotine so quitting this is my next step.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: feedmeseymour on January 19, 2019, 04:29:35 PM
I was smoking for ten years and got to a pack a day, I stopped in September. It’s not s big deal at this point and we’ll worth it. Skated for a while today and my endurance is so much better than what it was in only a few months time
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: skate_bored on January 19, 2019, 04:44:02 PM
I was way more of a bar/social smoker but still a pack a night if I was going out, or a couple a week in general. I got one of the Vuse Solo and basically just switched my addiction. I don't use it in public, but it works. Now if I smoke in a drunk moment, it's pretty gross. I think my last pack was in August and maybe 5 smokes since. I honestly didn't even mean to quit but now when I notice the smell on somebody when they walk into a room I realize how shitty I smelled. Glad to have made the switch but no financial benefits due to the Vuse.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Bumpovertrash on January 19, 2019, 05:22:19 PM
I had smoked for about 10 years and quit cold turkey, i was 100% nicotine free for a whole year until i had a really shit day. That was three years ago and ive been smoking atleast half a pack ever since. once a addict always a addict
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: HyenaChaser on January 19, 2019, 05:40:10 PM
I've never been more than a couple a day, unless it's a night out or something, but I had a pretty good run off cigs completely for about 6 months just by using the tea tree oil toothpicks. There's also nicotine infused toothpicks you can get on amazon, never tried them personally but a friend of mine swore by them.

I'm working on quitting altogether pretty soon here. Some advice I was given was to set a date, and do whatever until that date, but hold yourself to it. And also you gotta wanna quit.

"Giving up smoking is easy…I've done it hundreds of times."
–Mark Twain
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: FrozenIndustries on January 19, 2019, 06:16:18 PM
I smoked about a pack a day for 12 years, swore I would never quit. Eventually though, you realize how much it sucks. Cutting back kind (at least for me) made those smokes more precious and it actually made it harder to quit.

That said, the Carr book was a huge help. I think there is a PDF floating around that you can find pretty easily.

Edit: tried to post a link but for whatever reason it wasn't working. Just google allen carr quit smoking pdf
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: 199002 on January 20, 2019, 05:01:44 AM
Stop buying them and scavenge discarded cigs. Hit that shit with no filter like they all should be. Then look yourself in the mirror. You'll quit when you quit
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on January 20, 2019, 05:54:56 AM
Stop buying them and scavenge discarded cigs. Hit that shit with no filter like they all should be. Then look yourself in the mirror. You'll quit when you quit
  Only marys use filters.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Diocletian on January 20, 2019, 06:27:47 AM
I smoked for 7-8 years and quit cold turkey. What got me was feeling this intense shocking pain go through my lungs in between drags one day. It scared me straight. Two grandparents died from it, I remember seeing them suffer tremendously before they died.

Doing simple things like looking at pics of smokers lungs, reading all the fucked up things it does to your entire bodily system, etc. It sounds like it wouldn’t be enough to overcome the addiction, but if you’re smart enough you just know it will kill you...slowly. If you care about yourself and your health, you know it’s not worth it. That’s what kept me away from them and will forever keep me away from them. My 2 cents. Best of luck to you.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Hevonen on January 20, 2019, 07:19:33 AM
If possible, do it on a holiday or something. At least for me it was super hard trying to quit while working cause you can't concentrate on anything and then feel like you owe it to your employer to smoke to be productive again. Keep yourself active with skating, gym or other physical activity to keep your mind off of it. I tried to smoke only here and there at first but it easily just leads you back to the starting point. Better just cut cold turkey and go through with it. Absolutely sucks for a couple weeks but then you feel much better. Had a smoke like 6 months after quitting and realized how much it sucks and haven't done it since.

As much as it sucks, the trick to quitting smoking is just quitting smoking and then being motivated enough to power through it. Or you can ease into it with other nicotine products and just end up addicted to another wack thing like nicotine tooth pics for fuck sake
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: SHIREFLIP on January 20, 2019, 07:37:42 AM
I found nicorette spray very helpful in controlling cravings.

It tastes like a blast of mouthwash, but I'd use a spray or two and after a few minutes I'd feel pretty normal again. Eventually, I started kind of liking the taste.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Allen. on January 20, 2019, 07:58:37 AM
Also - something I found out:

If you’re a coffee / caffeine drinker, when you quit/cut back/whatever, caffeine affects you more. The presence of nicotine in your body literally makes caffeine less effective... so when you quit smoking, when you can’t sleep, it’s because your 5 o’clock coffee was the equivalent of that with a few shots of espresso because you’re not used to it.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: FrozenIndustries on January 20, 2019, 09:09:34 AM
^^^i definitely used coffee to scratch the "I need to go outside and take a break" psychological itch and it made sleeping suck. That said, don't quit coffee completely or anything, just be mindful. I wish I knew about CBD oil at that point because it would have helped with cravings/sleep for sure.

Another thing that comes to mind is that once you quit, every time you do/experience something that was usually a trigger for smoking, it feels like a major level up (at least it did for me). Like, the first time a drank without smoking, went to a show, etc...once I did any of those kind of things without smoking it made everything else so much easier.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Allen. on January 20, 2019, 10:00:40 AM
^^^i definitely used coffee to scratch the "I need to go outside and take a break" psychological itch and it made sleeping suck. That said, don't quit coffee completely or anything, just be mindful. I wish I knew about CBD oil at that point because it would have helped with cravings/sleep for sure.

Another thing that comes to mind is that once you quit, every time you do/experience something that was usually a trigger for smoking, it feels like a major level up (at least it did for me). Like, the first time a drank without smoking, went to a show, etc...once I did any of those kind of things without smoking it made everything else so much easier.

Oh yeah, you definitely don’t want quit coffee too or you’ll want to end it all. Just know what you’re doing and maybe get half-caf or something. Feels like I used to be able to have a coffee just for the taste and go to bed right after when I chain smoked...
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: camel filters on January 20, 2019, 10:36:43 AM
good luck everyone
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: fakie nollie on January 20, 2019, 09:52:09 PM
I smoked for 10 years and the patch got me to quit smoking. I was extremely sick and needed nicotine so I bought patches. Great I quit the act of smoking but I’ve been on a step one Nicoderm patch for two years now... so...

The real question is do you want to quit smoking? Or nicotine altogether?

If you want to quit altogether, go cold turkey and just realize you will be perpetually pissed off at everything in the work for a month.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: bad joke on January 20, 2019, 11:26:40 PM
smoking is cool but saying your going to quit all the time and never doing it but saying you will is even cooler

like bro you must be so tortured and conflicted and complex and shit
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: able on January 20, 2019, 11:49:52 PM
I smoked for 21 years then switch to a small vape 6 months ago. I recommend purchasing one that’s meant for liquid refills more than the “Jule” kind personally. That way you can slowly lower the nicotine levels over time. For instance, you start at 12% nicotine, drop to 9%, 6% then 3% in the course of a month or 2. Then finally drop to 0% and eventually quit.

Full disclosure: I’ve been stuck at 6% for months
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Beeda Weeda on January 21, 2019, 04:48:44 AM
I smoked steadily from 1996-2011, probably started stealing cigarettes from my dad in 93-94, when i was 11 or 12, I was completely addicted, I smoked just under a pack a day. 2 packs when I got drunk.
I hit my breaking pint while I was out skating,  I felt like my heart was going to explode.
I quit, started to immediately improve my cardiovascular health, pick your thing, run, bike, gym machines or whatever you want. My biggest advice is to go and take advantage of your new lung capacity, it makes the idea of going back fade faster.
I am cigarette free 9 years this summer.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on January 21, 2019, 07:39:35 AM
made it through the weekend with 1 cig... not cold turkey but a small win for me. i chose a shitty time to quit, i have a wake tonight, funeral tomorrow, and i have court on thursday. Shitty week
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on January 21, 2019, 12:35:31 PM
I smoked for 21 years then switch to a small vape 6 months ago. I recommend purchasing one that’s meant for liquid refills more than the “Jule” kind personally. That way you can slowly lower the nicotine levels over time. For instance, you start at 12% nicotine, drop to 9%, 6% then 3% in the course of a month or 2. Then finally drop to 0% and eventually quit.

Full disclosure: I’ve been stuck at 6% for months

That's me too. And my full disclosure, I still smoke like 3-4 cigs a day

My house smells fantastic though! This blueberry vanilla artificial flavor shit is amazing!!!

How long do your tanks last? I guess I dont vape much coming from the vape store employee, cause I said a tank lasts me about a week. Apperently that's not much
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: jakeumms on January 21, 2019, 02:30:40 PM
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I smoked for 21 years then switch to a small vape 6 months ago. I recommend purchasing one that’s meant for liquid refills more than the “Jule” kind personally. That way you can slowly lower the nicotine levels over time. For instance, you start at 12% nicotine, drop to 9%, 6% then 3% in the course of a month or 2. Then finally drop to 0% and eventually quit.

Full disclosure: I’ve been stuck at 6% for months

That's me too. And my full disclosure, I still smoke like 3-4 cigs a day

My house smells fantastic though! This blueberry vanilla artificial flavor shit is amazing!!!

How long do your tanks last? I guess I dont vape much coming from the vape store employee, cause I said a tank lasts me about a week. Apperently that's not much

Liquid refills are definitely the way to go. I started out vaping 18mg and got down to 3mg. I would buy 0 and 3 and make 1.5 if I wasn't thrifting so hard right now. As it is, I buy a 60ml jar of 3mg once a month. I refill the tank on my pen usually once a day but maybe once more if I go out.

A few months back I was hanging at my friends house and he is an indoor smoker. I smoked a couple of cigs after hanging out there for a number of hours and my lungs were fucked for days. I've abstained since then and am fairly confident that I am done burning tobacco leaves and inhaling the smoke from them.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on January 22, 2019, 08:57:01 AM
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I smoked for 21 years then switch to a small vape 6 months ago. I recommend purchasing one that’s meant for liquid refills more than the “Jule” kind personally. That way you can slowly lower the nicotine levels over time. For instance, you start at 12% nicotine, drop to 9%, 6% then 3% in the course of a month or 2. Then finally drop to 0% and eventually quit.

Full disclosure: I’ve been stuck at 6% for months

That's me too. And my full disclosure, I still smoke like 3-4 cigs a day

My house smells fantastic though! This blueberry vanilla artificial flavor shit is amazing!!!

How long do your tanks last? I guess I dont vape much coming from the vape store employee, cause I said a tank lasts me about a week. Apperently that's not much

Liquid refills are definitely the way to go. I started out vaping 18mg and got down to 3mg. I would buy 0 and 3 and make 1.5 if I wasn't thrifting so hard right now. As it is, I buy a 60ml jar of 3mg once a month. I refill the tank on my pen usually once a day but maybe once more if I go out.

A few months back I was hanging at my friends house and he is an indoor smoker. I smoked a couple of cigs after hanging out there for a number of hours and my lungs were fucked for days. I've abstained since then and am fairly confident that I am done burning tobacco leaves and inhaling the smoke from them.

Sorry I dont know all the terms. That's what I'm using is the refillable tanks

Shits mad cheap, I made some at home that's even cheaper

Also, out of stupidity and not knowing what the fuck I was doing, I bought an expensive vape that was kinda big. That takmnk leaked no matter what after a month, my wife's too. The shop couldnt fix it.

Anyhow, I wanted a smaller one anyhow so I got this $65 dollar one and it's a fuckin champ. Doesnt leak, vapes nice and fits in my pocket without smashing the fuck outta my legs when I'm doing stuff.

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: excitableboy on January 25, 2019, 06:06:52 AM
How is everyone doing on this? If you're still struggling, ask your doctor about Champix. A friend of mine was the heaviest smoker you'll ever meet, smoked about a pouch of rolling tobacco a day and had a gravelly voice by his early twenties. He's now in his thirties, having smoked well over half his life. When he found out his lady was expecting, he knew he had to quit, but couldn't manage. This drug just made cigarettes instantly unpalatable to him. He simply couldn't smoke any longer. You will still have to be mindful of what you fill the void with, but if you are anything like him, cigarettes will not be an option anymore. He turned another friend of mine onto it and it worked just as well. Sorry I sound like some kind of pharma sales rep here but it was pretty great to see them liberated from this.

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: calvinsdream on January 25, 2019, 06:13:40 AM
I switched to a juul after about ten years of smoking and I feel like shit less. I couldn't give up the nicotine. Plus now I can just smoke in my office or whatever
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: RIDEFLANNELV2 on January 25, 2019, 06:17:45 AM
I switched to a juul after about ten years of smoking and I feel like shit less. I couldn't give up the nicotine. Plus now I can just smoke in my office or whatever

I bet your co-workers fucking love that.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: shit_for_brains on January 25, 2019, 06:32:29 AM
How is everyone doing on this? If you're still struggling, ask your doctor about Champix. A friend of mine was the heaviest smoker you'll ever meet, smoked about a pouch of rolling tobacco a day and had a gravelly voice by his early twenties. He's now in his thirties, having smoked well over half his life. When he found out his lady was expecting, he knew he had to quit, but couldn't manage. This drug just made cigarettes instantly unpalatable to him. He simply couldn't smoke any longer. You will still have to be mindful of what you fill the void with, but if you are anything like him, cigarettes will not be an option anymore. He turned another friend of mine onto it and it worked just as well. Sorry I sound like some kind of pharma sales rep here but it was pretty great to see them liberated from this.

And these medications might make you kill your family which will save you a ton of money
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: childhood on January 25, 2019, 07:36:59 AM
excitableboy is Ray Liotta, confirmed.

I did a paid study a few years ago where I got a ton of nicotine patches for free, I found it listed on craigslist.

I cheef out heavily on high nicotine level juice pretty much constantly now.
I use a small vape, but it's still pretty embarrassing. Still better than smoking though.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: excitableboy on January 25, 2019, 09:07:42 AM
Guess I should have realized this drug is well known, especially stateside. And I guess it's known to have some side effects? There's no advertising for medication where I live so didn't think I was stating the obvious. Anyway, hang in there pals! Try not to murder your relatives.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Dwyck on January 25, 2019, 09:31:05 AM
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I switched to a juul after about ten years of smoking and I feel like shit less. I couldn't give up the nicotine. Plus now I can just smoke in my office or whatever

I bet your co-workers fucking love that.

A lot more than then they love secondhand everytime they enter or leave the building
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on January 26, 2019, 09:38:48 AM
How is everyone doing on this? If you're still struggling, ask your doctor about Champix. A friend of mine was the heaviest smoker you'll ever meet, smoked about a pouch of rolling tobacco a day and had a gravelly voice by his early twenties. He's now in his thirties, having smoked well over half his life. When he found out his lady was expecting, he knew he had to quit, but couldn't manage. This drug just made cigarettes instantly unpalatable to him. He simply couldn't smoke any longer. You will still have to be mindful of what you fill the void with, but if you are anything like him, cigarettes will not be an option anymore. He turned another friend of mine onto it and it worked just as well. Sorry I sound like some kind of pharma sales rep here but it was pretty great to see them liberated from this.

Good looking out! i have an appointment Monday!
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on January 26, 2019, 09:43:03 AM
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How is everyone doing on this? If you're still struggling, ask your doctor about Champix. A friend of mine was the heaviest smoker you'll ever meet, smoked about a pouch of rolling tobacco a day and had a gravelly voice by his early twenties. He's now in his thirties, having smoked well over half his life. When he found out his lady was expecting, he knew he had to quit, but couldn't manage. This drug just made cigarettes instantly unpalatable to him. He simply couldn't smoke any longer. You will still have to be mindful of what you fill the void with, but if you are anything like him, cigarettes will not be an option anymore. He turned another friend of mine onto it and it worked just as well. Sorry I sound like some kind of pharma sales rep here but it was pretty great to see them liberated from this.

Good looking out! i have an appointment Monday!

Is chamonix the trademark name of bupropion?

Tread carefully,  works amazing for some, others not so much.

And you now have a script for a super stimulant! This is the shit to get people of cocaine

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Allen. on January 26, 2019, 10:01:54 AM
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How is everyone doing on this? If you're still struggling, ask your doctor about Champix. A friend of mine was the heaviest smoker you'll ever meet, smoked about a pouch of rolling tobacco a day and had a gravelly voice by his early twenties. He's now in his thirties, having smoked well over half his life. When he found out his lady was expecting, he knew he had to quit, but couldn't manage. This drug just made cigarettes instantly unpalatable to him. He simply couldn't smoke any longer. You will still have to be mindful of what you fill the void with, but if you are anything like him, cigarettes will not be an option anymore. He turned another friend of mine onto it and it worked just as well. Sorry I sound like some kind of pharma sales rep here but it was pretty great to see them liberated from this.

Good looking out! i have an appointment Monday!

Is chamonix the trademark name of bupropion?

Tread carefully,  works amazing for some, others not so much.

And you now have a script for a super stimulant! This is the shit to get people of cocaine
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: FROTHY on January 26, 2019, 12:08:33 PM
Chamonix is a mountain region in France. You'd think that the French would pronounce it [Sha-muh-nee], but many French pronounce it [Sha-muh-niks]. This might vary depending on what region of France they are from. I know many southern French who enunciate the X, while Parisians seem to drop the X (not drop ecstasy).

Anyway, as a non-smoker, I am curious about how smokers feel about the packaging on cigs. Some areas have very graphic pictures of damaged organs on cig boxes. Other places have big bold text about health effects. I feel like this is the type of thing that would give me severe anxiety and want to take steps to quit, although my efforts would probably be temporary. Do you think the graphic images and scary text helps or just cause you stress? Hoping for the best for anyone trying to curb addiction of any kind.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: jakeumms on January 26, 2019, 04:37:51 PM
In the US, at least in CA, we don't have the huge warnings or the gory imagery. I've seen both from friends visiting from out of the country so I do know what you mean though. Our packages have messages but they are relatively small and have always been there and so, for me at least, they were easy to ignore. The approach to get people to quite here is keep taxing the shit out of them. I remember the hike to $5 a pack was rough but I stayed in there until they went over $10. In some cities they are as high as $14 I think now? That's a lot to have to spend roughly every day.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on January 26, 2019, 10:48:02 PM
Lol, just noticed my atrocious spelling now.

Good laugh, not going to fix it

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: excitableboy on January 27, 2019, 05:51:52 AM
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How is everyone doing on this? If you're still struggling, ask your doctor about Champix. A friend of mine was the heaviest smoker you'll ever meet, smoked about a pouch of rolling tobacco a day and had a gravelly voice by his early twenties. He's now in his thirties, having smoked well over half his life. When he found out his lady was expecting, he knew he had to quit, but couldn't manage. This drug just made cigarettes instantly unpalatable to him. He simply couldn't smoke any longer. You will still have to be mindful of what you fill the void with, but if you are anything like him, cigarettes will not be an option anymore. He turned another friend of mine onto it and it worked just as well. Sorry I sound like some kind of pharma sales rep here but it was pretty great to see them liberated from this.

Good looking out! i have an appointment Monday!

Well I hope it works man, I may have painted too rosy a picture there. Good luck!

Cigarette packs don't even have a logo or coloring on them anymore here, they all look the same. Just a picture of foul lungs or an amputee or the like. There's is a big lawsuit pending currently as well, suing all major companies for mass poisoning. Thrown out in regular court though.

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Dr-Feelgood on January 27, 2019, 02:52:31 PM
Ive been smoking for about 8 years...just moved back to Australia after 5 years in Canada. The price alone of cigarettes here are reason enough to quit among the whole heath reason haha but yeah ive never tried quitting or told anyone im planning to quit, i hate those kooks who say they are quitting and a week later they are back choofing back cigs. My girlfriend dosent smoke so thats a huge incentive to quit aswell. Hoping to be off them within the next couple of months, im easing into it, cutting down my smokes per day, slowly attempting to ween off them
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Sick Duck on January 27, 2019, 04:37:50 PM
I caved in and bought a juul. I’ve been smoking about half my life but only 3 or 4 a day unless i’m drinking heavy. It’s not quite the same and i feel like a dork using it but I havn’t smoked a cig in 2 weeks
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Allen. on January 27, 2019, 08:30:37 PM
Hate to be that dude but if you’re gonna quit you gotta quit regardless and stick with it. I understand wakes are tough, and I’m sorry for your loss.. but if you want to quit stop giving yourself excuses. You’re setting yourself up to starting back up the next time something bad happens. Like getting fired, or dumped or something.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Beeda Weeda on January 28, 2019, 05:28:57 AM
the truth hurts, well said . ^^
you're either in or your out, quitting cigarettes is  stopping smoking cigarettes forever.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on January 28, 2019, 07:14:56 AM
Hate to be that dude but if you’re gonna quit you gotta quit regardless and stick with it. I understand wakes are tough, and I’m sorry for your loss.. but if you want to quit stop giving yourself excuses. You’re setting yourself up to starting back up the next time something bad happens. Like getting fired, or dumped or something.

Yeah, i've been realizing that for sure. Im taking a break from drinking to help make it really stick this time
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: RIDEFLANNELV2 on January 28, 2019, 07:28:01 AM
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Hate to be that dude but if you’re gonna quit you gotta quit regardless and stick with it. I understand wakes are tough, and I’m sorry for your loss.. but if you want to quit stop giving yourself excuses. You’re setting yourself up to starting back up the next time something bad happens. Like getting fired, or dumped or something.

Yeah, i've been realizing that for sure. Im taking a break from drinking to help make it really stick this time

This sounds counter intuitive but when I quit smoking I made sure to keep drinking. I wanted to be able drink without having the itch to smoke. I hate seeing "non-smokers" turn into the assholes bumming smokes whenever they drink.

Never have had a slip up.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: feedmeseymour on January 28, 2019, 08:53:59 AM
best part of not smoking is after you land a "good trick" by your standards usually you reward yourself with a cigg. now instead its like well i guess ill just keep it going and you end up forming lines or just landing so much more because youre not sitting down smoking for ten min.

when you land something really good then twist up an L for the team.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: leopard print on January 28, 2019, 09:31:14 AM
How is everyone doing on this? If you're still struggling, ask your doctor about Champix. A friend of mine was the heaviest smoker you'll ever meet, smoked about a pouch of rolling tobacco a day and had a gravelly voice by his early twenties. He's now in his thirties, having smoked well over half his life. When he found out his lady was expecting, he knew he had to quit, but couldn't manage. This drug just made cigarettes instantly unpalatable to him. He simply couldn't smoke any longer. You will still have to be mindful of what you fill the void with, but if you are anything like him, cigarettes will not be an option anymore. He turned another friend of mine onto it and it worked just as well. Sorry I sound like some kind of pharma sales rep here but it was pretty great to see them liberated from this.

Ah, the classic Ludovico Technique
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: AllShitty on January 28, 2019, 02:33:48 PM
Whatever you do, do not use Chantix.  Some horror stories from that stuff.  You have to change your thought process, as a whole, and each time you get a craving.  I smoked for 10 years.  Quit on new years day cold turkey.  You just have to convince your mind that you don't smoke anymore.  It helps if someone can hold you accountable.  I lived with my ex at the time so not wanting to disappoint her or myself helped.  I also used a free app called Quitit.  It motivates you a bit when you see how much time has passed, how much money you've saved etc....Make a bet with a friend and be honest about it.  Do whatever you need to do to hold yourself accountable. 

I also smoked weed at that time.  It really helped, just getting that one hit of weed would get me through days if I could just feel that chest/throat hit once or twice a day. All in all, it's really about changing your thoughts.  When I wanted to smoke I just came up with something else to think about.   
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: landedprimo on January 28, 2019, 03:16:34 PM
Whatever you do, do not use Chantix.  Some horror stories from that stuff.

That's quite a broad statement. Have you used it before? There are bad things about it, but it works, so there are also good things about it. Not everyone will have the same reaction, so completely dismissing it's use is not the right thing to do. I'm interested in hearing where you are getting your info and what you have heard and seen firsthand.

I had to quit smoking so my back surgeon would work on me. Chantix helped. The first couple days the sickness in my stomach sucked! But following the directive of "Take with food" helped big time.

I had vivid, lucid dreams. Nightmares seemed real, but I didn't mind them.

All in all, I didn't want cigarettes anymore. Because smoking did nothing for me anymore and became disgusting.

Unfortunately, I didn't change my thought process, stopped the meds, and went back to smoking after my surgery. Real dumb on my part.

Just as a note, if you're taking any sort of antidepressants, you can't take it.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: AllShitty on January 28, 2019, 04:11:39 PM
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Whatever you do, do not use Chantix.  Some horror stories from that stuff.

That's quite a broad statement. Have you used it before? There are bad things about it, but it works, so there are also good things about it. Not everyone will have the same reaction, so completely dismissing it's use is not the right thing to do. I'm interested in hearing where you are getting your info and what you have heard and seen firsthand.

I had to quit smoking so my back surgeon would work on me. Chantix helped. The first couple days the sickness in my stomach sucked! But following the directive of "Take with food" helped big time.

I had vivid, lucid dreams. Nightmares seemed real, but I didn't mind them.

All in all, I didn't want cigarettes anymore. Because smoking did nothing for me anymore and became disgusting.

Unfortunately, I didn't change my thought process, stopped the meds, and went back to smoking after my surgery. Real dumb on my part.

Just as a note, if you're taking any sort of antidepressants, you can't take it.

You're right I shouldn't have made such a broad statement, but my room mate used it.  He held himself up in his room for 2 weeks straight at least.  He told me to steer clear when I was talking about quitting.  Suicidal thoughts was the biggest thing.  He swears he nearly killed himself during that time.  Severe depression, which probably led to those thoughts.  Nausea and dizziness and some other things he mentioned. 

Perhaps I have more willpower than others and didn't need something like that, but I just think there are other aids that are less risky but still effective.   

Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: botefdunn on January 28, 2019, 04:39:07 PM
havent since new years. the trick seems to be to abandon all your relationships. easier since im injured not sure its sustainable once i can skate again
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: landedprimo on January 28, 2019, 07:41:14 PM
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Whatever you do, do not use Chantix.  Some horror stories from that stuff.

That's quite a broad statement. Have you used it before? There are bad things about it, but it works, so there are also good things about it. Not everyone will have the same reaction, so completely dismissing it's use is not the right thing to do. I'm interested in hearing where you are getting your info and what you have heard and seen firsthand.

I had to quit smoking so my back surgeon would work on me. Chantix helped. The first couple days the sickness in my stomach sucked! But following the directive of "Take with food" helped big time.

I had vivid, lucid dreams. Nightmares seemed real, but I didn't mind them.

All in all, I didn't want cigarettes anymore. Because smoking did nothing for me anymore and became disgusting.

Unfortunately, I didn't change my thought process, stopped the meds, and went back to smoking after my surgery. Real dumb on my part.

Just as a note, if you're taking any sort of antidepressants, you can't take it.

You're right I shouldn't have made such a broad statement, but my room mate used it.  He held himself up in his room for 2 weeks straight at least.  He told me to steer clear when I was talking about quitting.  Suicidal thoughts was the biggest thing.  He swears he nearly killed himself during that time.  Severe depression, which probably led to those thoughts.  Nausea and dizziness and some other things he mentioned. 

Perhaps I have more willpower than others and didn't need something like that, but I just think there are other aids that are less risky but still effective.

Yeah, I've heard of those side effects as well. I had to have a consultation when I was at the pharmacy. But I was like "fuck it".

That was actually the 3rd time I quit. Before that I quit, for a year and a half, cold turkey. I did well, but the first week I had issues with sleepwalking, having a bitch fit on something that wasn't there. But after that, all was well. I guess, I'm not a good quitter. But I'm thinking about quiting again.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: AnotherHardDayAtTheOffice on January 29, 2019, 02:29:05 AM
The best moment to quit smoking isn't New Year's but when you make the move to a new city. Tobacco addiction is linked to people, places, and everyday routines: that one friend you're always having a smoke with while shooting the shit, your kitchen that you come home to from work every day and the first thing you do is light up a cigarette as soon as that cup of coffee is ready. It's really hard to quit smoking when all of that stuff is still around.

I quit smoking a couple of years ago through what I call "the California therapy". I moved to California for 12 months a couple of years ago and planned to make another attempt - which I expected to be futile - at quitting smoking for good. I had been a smoker since I was 12, which made it about 14 years in total, and I had tried to quit a few times already. However, since all of my habits changed drastically from one day to another, quitting was rather easy this time. It also helped that, compared to Germany, smokers are nowhere to be seen in California. Smoking is banned in all bars, tobacco is expensive, and even the campus at UC Davis was smoke-free (which is unheard of in Germany: in order to get into the humanities building at my old school you'd have to pass through a cloud of smoke). When I came back to Germany, the thought of smoking felt repulsive. I've lived a smoke-free life for the past 5 years now. The last cigarette I had was in one of these shitty smoking booths at Frankfurt airport, looking out at the plane that would take me to California.

So, if you're planning to quit smoking AND planning to make a move, try to combine both. It's all about the right timing.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: SHIREFLIP on January 29, 2019, 05:20:23 AM
I read a research paper about smokers' risk perception a long time ago. The gist of it was that smokers tend to perceive risk much differently than the control group, so the grisly images on cigarette packs were deemed to have minimal to no effect on most smokers.

In my own experience, this was accurate. For instance, when I smoked, one of the cigarette warning photos was of a 40-something year old woman who was either dying or had just died from lung cancer. The caption explained who she was and that smoking (ostensibly) killed her. However, she had the unfortunate name "Barb Tarbox." Every other smoker I knew thought that shit was hilarious. Needless to say, it did not have the intended effect. Additionally, I think they eventually removed her surname from the warning because of how funny people found it.

Anyhoo, good luck, y'all. Quitting smoking sucks, but you can do it.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: botefdunn on January 29, 2019, 11:05:37 AM
I read a research paper about smokers' risk perception a long time ago. The gist of it was that smokers tend to perceive risk much differently than the control group, so the grisly images on cigarette packs were deemed to have minimal to no effect on most smokers.

In my own experience, this was accurate. For instance, when I smoked, one of the cigarette warning photos was of a 40-something year old woman who was either dying or had just died from lung cancer. The caption explained who she was and that smoking (ostensibly) killed her. However, she had the unfortunate name "Barb Tarbox." Every other smoker I knew thought that shit was hilarious. Needless to say, it did not have the intended effect. Additionally, I think they eventually removed her surname from the warning because of how funny people found it.

Anyhoo, good luck, y'all. Quitting smoking sucks, but you can do it.

terrible to say, but I was one of those who found that pretty funny. Fun fact: she campaigned in school's against smoking right up till the end, but NEVER QUIT SMOKING! Always imagined kids being moved by her story, then heading outside right after and seeing her in the parking lot having a smoke right after. Terrible.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: Allen. on January 29, 2019, 08:26:08 PM
Don't get a script for some sketchy drugs. Just don't smoke. Deal with the headaches for a few days, know that that's how your body is reacting because you're withdrawling from a drug, and know that cravings last about five minutes. Give your co-workers, friends, and S/o's a heads up that you might be moody - no one's going to want you not to quit - and if they do, they're missing someone to stand outside the office with and make small talk over cigs with.

Trust me - it sucks, but you gotta truly want to quit. If you're over smoking nothing will stop you. If you're quitting because you think you should and it feels like a punishment... good luck to you, but it won't work. Every time I tried quitting it was hell except the last time - that's what a lot of people who quit smoking will tell ya. Have faith in yourself.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: landedprimo on February 07, 2019, 12:56:04 AM
How's the quitting going? I'm starting tonight.

I was doing some math and I could buy a brand new set of wheels every week, plus some grip with how much I spend on cigarettes.

I spend $160 a month on shortening my life. I was amazed that I could get a pretty decent setup for that amount. I would never spend $160 to get a new setup every month, so why cigarettes? We humans are odd.

I asked my wife what she thought about spending $160 every month on a new setup and she said "That's fucking outrageous". Point made. The bad thing is we both spend that amount separately.

Oh fuck me, I'm not going to pussy out this time.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: stokedtrout on February 07, 2019, 03:23:08 AM
I quit cold turkey years ago and it was fucking easy because I wanted it to be. I’d convinced myself, rightfully, that cigs were foul, a waste of money and shit for my health. I knew I’d be better without them and I just stopped. Haven’t had a cig in probably 12 years. I smell much better and I don’t have to spend my winters standing outside freezing my ass off like a mutt.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: tension on February 07, 2019, 07:27:28 AM
How's the quitting going? I'm starting tonight.

I was doing some math and I could buy a brand new set of wheels every week, plus some grip with how much I spend on cigarettes.

I spend $160 a month on shortening my life. I was amazed that I could get a pretty decent setup for that amount. I would never spend $160 to get a new setup every month, so why cigarettes? We humans are odd.

I asked my wife what she thought about spending $160 every month on a new setup and she said "That's fucking outrageous". Point made. The bad thing is we both spend that amount separately.

Oh fuck me, I'm not going to pussy out this time.

i'm two weeks today! Cravings have cut in half. ive been chewing gum like a monster, but even that im starting to ween off. after the first week it got alot easier.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: landedprimo on February 07, 2019, 11:19:49 AM
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How's the quitting going? I'm starting tonight.

I was doing some math and I could buy a brand new set of wheels every week, plus some grip with how much I spend on cigarettes.

I spend $160 a month on shortening my life. I was amazed that I could get a pretty decent setup for that amount. I would never spend $160 to get a new setup every month, so why cigarettes? We humans are odd.

I asked my wife what she thought about spending $160 every month on a new setup and she said "That's fucking outrageous". Point made. The bad thing is we both spend that amount separately.

Oh fuck me, I'm not going to pussy out this time.

i'm two weeks today! Cravings have cut in half. ive been chewing gum like a monster, but even that im starting to ween off. after the first week it got alot easier.

Awesome to hear. I look forward to getting past my previous year and a half record. Pro tip, don't ever say "oh, just one won't hurt" it always ends badly.
Title: Re: Quitting smoking...
Post by: feedmeseymour on February 08, 2019, 06:48:43 AM
Been off cigs since September, Got a vape cause sometimes I want to smoke something besides weed, and the vape says “free max” on it.

God dammit pete.