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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: china white on March 15, 2007, 07:11:19 AM

Title: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: china white on March 15, 2007, 07:11:19 AM
So dude, I slipped a few days ago and now my roomate wants me to take a drugtest today.  It was an isolated incidemt, so nothing to worry about, but I really want to pass.  I have heard stories about putting a drop of bleach in the urine cup etc., but am kind of a nay sayer.  Apart from drinking lots of water to flouch my system out, do any of you have any worthwhile suggestions?
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: loophole on March 15, 2007, 07:20:58 AM
how many days ago was it?
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: L.S on March 15, 2007, 07:29:26 AM
wasn't there some citric acid stuff or something you could take to fuck the test up? i dont remember what that thing was exactly, sorry.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Jura on March 15, 2007, 07:41:45 AM
So dude, I slipped a few days ago and now my roomate wants me to take a drugtest today.  It was an isolated incidemt, so nothing to worry about, but I really want to pass.  I have heard stories about putting a drop of bleach in the urine cup etc., but am kind of a nay sayer.  Apart from drinking lots of water to flouch my system out, do any of you have any worthwhile suggestions?

Your roommate wants you to take a drug test? Do you mean your mother? Or maybe your warden?

What the fuck kind of setup do you have going where your "roommate" tells you take a drug test? Sounds pretty lame to me. Do you live with a priest?

Just go to a health food store. They always have something.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: otis b driftwood on March 15, 2007, 08:05:35 AM
yeah, tell your room mate to fuck off.

but it depends what it was, heroin is out of your system pretty fast, weed hangs around for ever.

i think drinking lots of apple juice is supposed to help and berocca if you get it in the US.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Sleazy on March 15, 2007, 08:11:16 AM
wizinator is all you need

you can also do certo in a gallon of water if you are on a budget but it's pretty gnarly and kind of hard not to shit yourself when you pee.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: trent steel on March 15, 2007, 08:11:33 AM
johnc knows how
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: china white on March 15, 2007, 08:34:25 AM
myroomate wanting me to take a Drugtest goes, and yes its pretty lame.  he also wants/pressures me to start going to NA agian.  Is any of this obsoloutley necessary? no. 
howerver, he knows my Dad, friends, etc.  He has told my friends and has hinted heavily at telling my Dad, an is even applying pressure for me to do so.

He is also a neuroscience PHD so he thinks he knows everything about hw the brain works, and how that applies to addiction.  I do not have a habbit, I don'g get sick, I don;t mug 102 yr old ladies (this actually happend the other day), but as an adult I reserve the righ to injest anything into my body that I bloodly well please, within reason of course.  In the long run this may be a good idea but in the short run, it's just going to cause distrust and other negative emotions.

Things are going well for me lately and I am hopefully about to get a very well paid job in the financial distric of Manhattan.  Long story short, I am clean right now but I feel like haveing one more sianara session before and celebration before these things pop up.  I was thinking I would piss my clean urine into a coupel cigar tubes to have on hand, pass the test and have one on backup for other such instances.  One  a sode note, I am not a junkie, this is nto going to ruin my life, I just want teh liberty and pleasure of the effecfts but also doing what I want to do when I can do it.  Thank god I am moving out in the next week or so.  Some helpful comments would be nice.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: china white on March 15, 2007, 08:39:06 AM
by the way, this thread will be deleted before 8 EST incase my roomate creeps aroud here, lettering the cat out of the bag.

the sooner the knowledge you guys lay on me the better.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Inside Looking Out on March 15, 2007, 08:42:56 AM
johnc knows how
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: damian on March 15, 2007, 08:45:34 AM
make sure it's your 3rd or 4th piss of the day. the chemicals are deposited most in your first piss of the day, no shit.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: damian on March 15, 2007, 08:47:33 AM
niacin helps too, but it'll make you itch and jaundice a little if you overdo it.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: jawntis on March 15, 2007, 08:48:21 AM
Go to a GNC store, ask the person working for the drink that strips your system. You can even just straight up ask them for the "drug test drink." They don't care. It comes in like 3 flavors and doesn't taste that bad. It gives you a window in which you'll pass the test, meaning after you drink it, it takes like 2 hours to kick in, then you have a period of about 8 hours that you can pass the test, so just make sure you time it right. It works though.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Jura on March 15, 2007, 08:52:39 AM
Yeah what Jawntis said, def.

Also, move out ASAP. That situation is absolutely ridiculous. Tell your dad? I mean, wtf?
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 15, 2007, 08:54:04 AM
And your name is china white? Are you sure you're not hitting the slopes? That's one of the worst drugs out there.

Anyways, if you're sober now don't risk it and stay sober till after you get your nice job. It's simply not worth it.
Just imagine how high you're gonna be when you know you got the job, passed the test, and know you won't be tested again? Kind of like a celebratory high.

As far as your roommate, you might want to consider getting out of there. I imagine he'll be controlling in other areas as well and seems to have his nose where it doesn't belong. When you move out your parents you are a responsible adult, or have been given those rights. He sounds like a dude that'll snitch you out for anything
and it may bother you more later. My cousin is a phychology major and is the same way. It's fucking annoying.

I'm actually trying to get some weed out of my system to at the moment. I'm taking niacin and apple cider vinegar, but am glad this thread is up so I can peep other shit out too.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: L.S on March 15, 2007, 08:58:37 AM
johnc knows how

haha, damn. i had already forgotten about that.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: china white on March 15, 2007, 09:06:25 AM
Yeah, pretty fucking ridiculous no?  the whoel truth and nothing but the truth is that my urine is clear rith now.  As fucked up as it seams I just want one more swan song with the dirt, dirty.  kind of liek a celebration and have the window of oppotunity to do so.  I have pissed in a cup, clean piss, plan on transfering it into cigar tubes, so when and if I choose to ignore my better judgement and get faded once more, i'll pass anyway.  On a side note, this guy is not a total douce bag, he is one of my best freinds and is acting as one would. 
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 15, 2007, 09:17:09 AM
look into the right storing temp for pee.

Just remember that it takes up to a month to get where you are now. I have tried one of those bottles that gives you a certain window to take the test. It didn't work. It may be a good thing to know what kind of test they'll give you. I know a guy who took the same drink I did and passed a test for his p.o.. It all depends. If it's a hair samp(most likely not) than forget about it.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: plastic bench nerd on March 15, 2007, 09:25:45 AM
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: SLUTBALL on March 15, 2007, 09:27:36 AM
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: china white on March 15, 2007, 09:50:50 AM
thanks for the replies, wouldn't have even posted this if I thougth you guys would pass judgement.  so, urine is clean, no nead for detox becasue I don;t have a habbit, a job coming up soon so I def wont't be fuckign around then.  I am torn.  I might leave in an hour to cop a bag or two.  I have the clear urine in my possession, but temp is important from what i heare.    thanks, and more suggestions woudl be great.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: china white on March 15, 2007, 09:58:43 AM
yo, if any of you bros could coome up with anything about what temp the urine has to be at if any in order to give an effective drug test that would be killer.  To ease you conscience, you are nto enabling me, I am not an addict, this has nothign to do with the law, but does have something to do with wanting in a subtle way to tell my roomate to fuckoff.  Thanks.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Jura on March 15, 2007, 10:23:37 AM
Urine come out of the body at - get this - BODY TEMPERATURE! My gf took a drug test with clean urine (from a previously clean time) and just kept it close to her body and used one of those heat pads for cold toes. You certainly dont want the urine to be TOO old though... Just smuggle the clean, warm urine into the bathroom and fill the cup. Should be no worries.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: damian on March 15, 2007, 11:25:19 AM
thanks for the replies, wouldn't have even posted this if I thougth you guys would pass judgement.  so, urine is clean, no nead for detox becasue I don;t have a habbit, a job coming up soon so I def wont't be fuckign around then.  I am torn.  I might leave in an hour to cop a bag or two.  I have the clear urine in my possession, but temp is important from what i heare.    thanks, and more suggestions woudl be great.
90-100 degrees
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 15, 2007, 11:30:32 AM
Yeah but to store it probably has to be cold. It has to be warm when they test it.

If you smoke weed mixed with tobbaco it'll take longer to get out of your system.
I only smoke on the weekends and am considering quiting alltogether.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Sleazy on March 15, 2007, 11:32:35 AM
yo, if any of you bros could coome up with anything about what temp the urine has to be at if any in order to give an effective drug test that would be killer.  To ease you conscience, you are nto enabling me, I am not an addict, this has nothign to do with the law, but does have something to do with wanting in a subtle way to tell my roomate to fuckoff.  Thanks.

I'm telling you man, the wizinator is the way. It's synthetic urin with a heating system. You strap it around your waste and then there is a cord you unclamp to let the synth urin flow. I have used it and it works. Completely stress free way of passing a test.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: tehmizzark on March 15, 2007, 11:56:07 AM
awesome story, nice life
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: otis b driftwood on March 15, 2007, 12:20:23 PM
yo, if any of you bros could coome up with anything about what temp the urine has to be at if any in order to give an effective drug test that would be killer.  To ease you conscience, you are nto enabling me, I am not an addict, this has nothign to do with the law, but does have something to do with wanting in a subtle way to tell my roomate to fuckoff.  Thanks.

i work with addicts and hear this kind of shit all day long.
you are one and you're fucked.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: biggums mcgee on March 15, 2007, 12:51:36 PM
Yeah but to store it probably has to be cold. It has to be warm when they test it.

If you smoke weed mixed with tobbaco it'll take longer to get out of your system.
I only smoke on the weekends and am considering quiting alltogether.

can I ask you why? I'm considering doing the same, just wondering how someone else in my shoes feels about it..
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 15, 2007, 01:28:09 PM
Well, as much as like weed my mind thinks way clearer and I get more shit done when I've been sober for at least a month. I think weed makes me paranoid and I tend to not socialize as much. I quit for 6 mo. recently and have started back up a month ago. During that time I was shocked at how well I spoke, how quickly I could respond, and how organized I was.

I haven't smoked in a week and won't hopefully for a long time.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: cold budweisers on March 15, 2007, 02:13:54 PM
whats the deal with quitting weed?  i quit for a few months a little while ago and when i came back whenever i smoked i got all peranoid, self conscious, depressed.  anybody else experience this shit?
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: plastic bench nerd on March 15, 2007, 02:21:43 PM
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yo, if any of you bros could coome up with anything about what temp the urine has to be at if any in order to give an effective drug test that would be killer.  To ease you conscience, you are nto enabling me, I am not an addict, this has nothign to do with the law, but does have something to do with wanting in a subtle way to tell my roomate to fuckoff.  Thanks.

i work with addicts and hear this kind of shit all day long.
you are one and you're fucked.

no offense china, but making reasons to do drugs is a big sign of an addict, i dont think youre fucked though. na is definetly bullshit in my opinion. you might need to just fess up to the addiction and ask your family and freinds for support, just be a 100% honest with them.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Sleazy on March 15, 2007, 02:22:37 PM
I get parnoid from time to time but only when I smoke too much. Fucking hate it, start stressing about descions I make at works and things I have said to people. A beer or two usually helps out but really the best thing is too just not smoke so much.

I generally just puff a one hit of some kill and roll with it. Save the bongs and all that for bed time.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: plastic bench nerd on March 15, 2007, 02:24:06 PM
whats the deal with quitting weed?  i quit for a few months a little while ago and when i came back whenever i smoked i got all peranoid, self conscious, depressed.  anybody else experience this shit?

believe it or not in this day and age the only completely safe way to smoke is if you grow yourself. weed being laced with additives such as rat poison and arsenic is pretty common.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: otis b driftwood on March 15, 2007, 02:26:42 PM
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yo, if any of you bros could coome up with anything about what temp the urine has to be at if any in order to give an effective drug test that would be killer.  To ease you conscience, you are nto enabling me, I am not an addict, this has nothign to do with the law, but does have something to do with wanting in a subtle way to tell my roomate to fuckoff.  Thanks.

i work with addicts and hear this kind of shit all day long.
you are one and you're fucked.

no offense china, but making reasons to do drugs is a big sign of an addict, i dont think youre fucked though. na is definetly bullshit in my opinion. you might need to just fess up to the addiction and ask your family and freinds for support, just be a 100% honest with them.

yeah,he might not be fucked, he needs to be honest with himself before he worries about anyone else.

na is quackery of the highest order, doesn't work.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 15, 2007, 02:33:06 PM
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whats the deal with quitting weed?  i quit for a few months a little while ago and when i came back whenever i smoked i got all peranoid, self conscious, depressed.  anybody else experience this shit?

believe it or not in this day and age the only completely safe way to smoke is if you grow yourself. weed being laced with additives such as rat poison and arsenic is pretty common.
yeah but that brings on a whole new level of paranoid. lol

Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: cold budweisers on March 15, 2007, 02:37:25 PM
I get parnoid from time to time but only when I smoke too much. Fucking hate it, start stressing about descions I make at works and things I have said to people. A beer or two usually helps out but really the best thing is too just not smoke so much.

I generally just puff a one hit of some kill and roll with it. Save the bongs and all that for bed time.
yeah a few hits does me fine, but i do miss getting totally chopped and feeling positive, thinking about good things.  you're right about the beer thing though, that usually helps me mellow out a little.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: cold budweisers on March 15, 2007, 02:40:06 PM
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whats the deal with quitting weed?  i quit for a few months a little while ago and when i came back whenever i smoked i got all peranoid, self conscious, depressed.  anybody else experience this shit?

believe it or not in this day and age the only completely safe way to smoke is if you grow yourself. weed being laced with additives such as rat poison and arsenic is pretty common.
haha, make me even more paranoid.  but yeah i've been thinking about growing some DaNk BuDDz
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 15, 2007, 02:53:14 PM
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whats the deal with quitting weed?  i quit for a few months a little while ago and when i came back whenever i smoked i got all peranoid, self conscious, depressed.  anybody else experience this shit?

believe it or not in this day and age the only completely safe way to smoke is if you grow yourself. weed being laced with additives such as rat poison and arsenic is pretty common.
haha, make me even more paranoid.  but yeah i've been thinking about growing some DaNk BuDDz

I'd recommend white widow strain. It doesn't smell, grows fast, and has good yield. Most common dank on the streets due to this. Also look into state laws cause the penalty is the same from say 1 plant to up to whatever that number may be for your state. I used to grow 8 plants of white widow and 2 red dot. Red dot is something else and is rare cause growers don't fuck with it cause it doesn't yield enough but it's the best high I've ever had. Straight space walking. It looks like a bonzai tree and you'd be lucky to get 1/4 O  off of it. just stay low key and don't draw any attention and DON'T TELL ANYONE about it and  you're chilling

Another thing wrong with buying it is that growers use nutrients up to the point of chopping it down, which leaves chemicals in the weed. you're supposed to only use water for the last 3-6 weeks. They do this so it grows more. They also don't cure it right which pretty much does the same thing. They sell it wet so it weighs more but it tends to get moldy and that isn't good either.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: sheffledge on March 15, 2007, 02:55:11 PM

leave the lean alone

there is no


you know this

be strong now

for the temptation will come again

and if you relapse now

the next time you wanna get clean its gonna be alot harder later

forreal forreal

as corny as this sounds

we are a communitee

although there is more shit talked in these here boards in one topic than a martin, bill maher, ced the entertainer, and steven cobair(esp) poker roundtable

we all got love for each other

if you dont got homeys that you feel comfortable talking too

then hit up a slappal the next time you wanna use


but if you like flirting with disaster, chillin with tradegy, dancing with the devil etc...

thats on you playboy

Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 15, 2007, 02:58:37 PM
He's right. It's not worth it. I will say though that it was fun to experiment with it but it did become a habit for me and one that isn't any good. You kids out there are just better off not touching it. It will dumb you up real good. just peep my spelling.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: otis b driftwood on March 15, 2007, 03:01:06 PM
He's right. It's not worth it. I will say though that it was fun to experiment with it but it did become a habit for me and one that isn't any good. You kids out there are just better off not touching it. It will dumb you up real good. just peep my spelling.

china white is talking about heroin henry.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: lophatrophazoa on March 15, 2007, 03:19:57 PM
i guess heroin is kinda cool though, saw spudz mackenzie do it once
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Bklynbank on March 15, 2007, 05:28:08 PM
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He's right. It's not worth it. I will say though that it was fun to experiment with it but it did become a habit for me and one that isn't any good. You kids out there are just better off not touching it. It will dumb you up real good. just peep my spelling.

china white is talking about heroin henry.

just follow charlies steps to staying clean
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: skatemore,man on March 15, 2007, 09:15:22 PM
Brother, stay clean!!!! I'm not one to say anything about fighting habits/addictions, because it's the hardest thing one will ever be faced with. My friend, a great skater, good guy, just got out of detox 6months ago. Dude was blowing the dope for 11 years-he's doing ok now-but shits still, and always will be a struggle for him as far as i can see.
Your roomie is trying to be straight, for a non user/addict (cause once you do dope one time you never forget it) he's looking to do the right thing. Obviously you're like "woah, chill...." but i'm sure he's seen heavy things hit the fan, those little blue baggies completely warp your perception, not necessarily into a downward spiral motion, but an inward spiral, twisting deeper and deeper into your own alone piece of oneness(which is really nothingness). Stay up brother, stay up.

As far as quitting smoking bud goes, man it's always the same story for me. I'll stop for a month or few, feel great then start smoking again. I usually stop because i start getting too deep into my head, lots of acidy stuff starts floating around and thats a severe downer. I get bummed out, in my head, and irritable. I've found that different types of herb do different things to ones perception, so to avoid the bullshit paranoia i've opted for something new. It used to be all about the headie buds, which i still like on occassion, but smoking blunts of nuuuuugs, the "exotic" as they call it around here, takes a toll on the dome piece. So lately it's been all about the midgrade sativa strains. No downtown brown brick shit, just old dude mids. Seriously this stuff saves money, gets you fairly high, minimal burnout. It's just like if i'm going to buy grass that isn't headie i'm certainly not going to spend $40/8th on beasters that get you lit for 20mins, fuck that, mids baby.hahaha, a year or 2 ago when the sweet tooth was filling up freezer bags man, never though i'd be praising mids, i used to laugh at people who smoked mids.... times change.

if you want minimal stink, quick growth, super stone grow low ryder, master stout, or powerstout. all bud in 60days, sativa/ruderalis/indica mixes, check it out.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: sebastian toombs on March 15, 2007, 09:45:22 PM
Brother, stay clean!!!!
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: damian on March 16, 2007, 11:36:21 AM
whats the deal with quitting weed?  i quit for a few months a little while ago and when i came back whenever i smoked i got all peranoid, self conscious, depressed.  anybody else experience this shit?

weed has only done those things to me a few times ever. it'ss the mindset you're in i'm guessing, don't smoke when you're in a negative mood. i'll smooooke to relax not to dwell on shit that's in the past. .
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: damian on March 16, 2007, 11:38:39 AM
yo, if any of you bros could coome up with anything about what temp the urine has to be at if any in order to give an effective drug test that would be killer.  To ease you conscience, you are nto enabling me, I am not an addict, this has nothign to do with the law, but does have something to do with wanting in a subtle way to tell my roomate to fuckoff.  Thanks.

h is heavy, but if it's a final bon voyage i don't see anything too wrong.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: cold budweisers on March 16, 2007, 05:58:54 PM
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whats the deal with quitting weed?  i quit for a few months a little while ago and when i came back whenever i smoked i got all peranoid, self conscious, depressed.  anybody else experience this shit?

weed has only done those things to me a few times ever. it'ss the mindset you're in i'm guessing, don't smoke when you're in a negative mood. i'll smooooke to relax not to dwell on shit that's in the past. .
this is just a theory, but i think my paranoia and depression while on weed might be caused by residual anxiety from a bad experience on pcp or this time i did mushrooms and felt like my dick was made of elastic (it was a lot scarier than it sounds).
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 16, 2007, 06:14:41 PM
I thought mine came from just anxiety about succeding. If I smoke really good weed I think, "what the fuck am I doing, I need to do something with my self?" Other times, I'm happy as shit doing little to nothing and can be entertained with a rock and a body of water. I think the more day/weeks I go without it the easier it is to stay away from it...duh!

I'm quitting till I at least I get a good job. Then I'll smoke a celebratory blunt and quit again the next day.
 Anyways, when I started smoking only on weekends my health got alot better. I can't even remember the
last time I got sick. When I smoked everyday I was hella paranoid and always sick. I had enough, I'm done.

If yall kids want to skate to your best ability stay away from weed and all drugs. I swear being sober helps you become a more consistant skater. Just think of who the most consistant in the biz are and ask yourself if they smoke. I'm not even sure who but I can bet most of them are sober. Does Cole smoke weed?
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: OttoMaddox on March 16, 2007, 06:18:06 PM
^^^ Alot of the best skaters I know smoke tons of weed.  Maybe they would be better without it, but no one could be sure.  Drinking is way worse - hangovers, weight gain, partying, whatever.  I know lots of people who smoke tons of weed but don't 'party' or go out or anyting, and they still skate tons.  Usually when people start going out to lots of bars and clubs and drinking alot they skate way less.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: cold budweisers on March 16, 2007, 06:20:28 PM
i'd have to agree, booze is a hell of a lot more damaging than weed.  if puffing herbs everyday works for you then do it, drinking doesn't really work the same way.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: biggums mcgee on March 16, 2007, 06:26:34 PM
I think skating really fucked with my skating, but thats my own I guess. look at ryan sheckler, he doesn't smoke and look where that got him
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: OttoMaddox on March 16, 2007, 06:28:14 PM
I think skating really fucked with my skating

maybe you should quit smoking dude...
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 16, 2007, 06:30:31 PM
yeah, booze is way worse but trip... skaters don't exactly drink in moderation and that's key. I know first hand.

It only takes one hit to cloud your mind.

And yeah, just to prove my point...


P Rod= sober

T Hawk= sober

Cole    = sober

all those dudes are incredibly consistant.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: cold budweisers on March 16, 2007, 06:31:18 PM
did p. rod say he smoked in some thrasher innerview?
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 16, 2007, 06:32:53 PM
well that's not say that he has, but I bet anything he doesn't habitually do it.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: damian on March 17, 2007, 10:49:18 AM
yeah, weed is totally killing nick trapasso's career.
it's what you make it.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: roulette on March 17, 2007, 10:59:24 AM
koston drinks, p rod is sponsered by a bong company, gallant too
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: L.S on March 17, 2007, 11:44:12 AM
when i was younger (not that im really that old now, but anyway) i could easily wake up without a hangover and go skating after a night of partying, but now i usually just feel like lazing at home doing nothing or if i actually go skating i feel like shit. heavy drinking surely doesn't do good for your skating even if some people manage to pull it off.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: jared... on March 17, 2007, 05:37:10 PM
This isn't really the same but I just quit smoking's been about 2 weeks and I haven't smoked anything since.  I started smoking little cigars instead of cigarettes, not inhaling as much.  I tried quitting cold turkey but my will power is pathetic.  2 weeks and I haven't smoked once. 

maybe I'm wierd, but I don't ever feel a dependency on weed and alcohol.  I used to smoke every day, drink 4 or 5 nights a week, getting plastered...but I just changed my surroundings and that was that.

but seriously, your last celebratory indulgence will not be your last.  I used to do that shit all the time with cigarettes, "yeah, this is my last one, promise."  never worked.  be careful.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Derka Derk on March 17, 2007, 06:23:02 PM
sick, i'm not the only one who changed to smoke little cigars after quitting cigs! works out great though, i stopped smoking for over a year and have only smoked cigars at special occasions (barcelona trip, new year) and after such an evening you wake up and think i'll never smoke again.
You can only stop addictions if you really want to, at least that is what quiting cigs and weed taught me.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: jared... on March 17, 2007, 07:57:33 PM
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Universal Remonster on March 17, 2007, 08:38:58 PM
koston gets quite drunk
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 17, 2007, 08:54:23 PM
i'm talking about weed. Besides, I'm talking about when he made Koston into "Koston". He was dead sober. I know this. I tried to get him high in hopes that he'd start smoking and get lazy. hehehe Nah, that'd be funny though.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: lophatrophazoa on March 17, 2007, 09:31:31 PM
This isn't really the same but I just quit smoking's been about 2 weeks and I haven't smoked anything since.  I started smoking little cigars instead of cigarettes, not inhaling as much.  I tried quitting cold turkey but my will power is pathetic.  2 weeks and I haven't smoked once. 

is it hard quitting smoking when youve been doing it for a whoppin 3 months?
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Sleazy on March 18, 2007, 07:24:52 AM
i'm talking about weed. Besides, I'm talking about when he made Koston into "Koston". He was dead sober. I know this. I tried to get him high in hopes that he'd start smoking and get lazy. hehehe Nah, that'd be funny though.

"nice tre flip noseblunt, but if you really want to impress me, try one of these blunts... "
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: grimcity on March 18, 2007, 07:36:03 AM
Weed's fantastic... whenever I get smoked up, I feel like being really creative. As far as it relates to skating, there are very few things better in the world than being a little blunted while riding a mini ramp. So fun.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: skatemore,man on March 18, 2007, 09:24:37 AM
skating the park on saturday mornings is the best way to start the weekend and ditch the alcohol in your body. Smoke a roach from friday night, drink a yellow vitamin water, lively up yourself! just cruise around and shit will come to your board fast as the sweat leaving your body.

Does anyone with persistant joint pains find that drinking leads to more joint pain the next day? I'd imagine that the dehydration cuts into the amount of fluid lubricating the bone movement? Just wondering....
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 18, 2007, 11:12:29 AM
drinking does do that it seems. I think apple cider vinegar helps in that regard. It oxygenates and thins your blood a little. All the stiffer joints I had are now gone. Pretty sure acv is to thank. A lot of vitamins and water will do it too. For years I was iron deficient and my finger nails would be all wrinkled looking and all I did was take iron and vitamin c and it's gone. And fuck all this stupid medicine for every little ailment for your body has when for generations your best line of defense was your immunity.

Anyways, to get back on point I feel like a million bucks cause I haven't been smoking and my sleeping patterns are kind of fixing themselves.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: Zurg on March 18, 2007, 12:08:37 PM
not smoking weed fucked with my sleep
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: liquid swords on March 18, 2007, 12:24:26 PM
when i was younger (not that im really that old now, but anyway) i could easily wake up without a hangover and go skating after a night of partying, but now i usually just feel like lazing at home doing nothing or if i actually go skating i feel like shit. heavy drinking surely doesn't do good for your skating even if some people manage to pull it off.

Same here, never go skating after a night of drinking anymore. Weed fucked with my skating too, seemed like my balance just dissapeared.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: L.S on March 18, 2007, 12:58:44 PM
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when i was younger (not that im really that old now, but anyway) i could easily wake up without a hangover and go skating after a night of partying, but now i usually just feel like lazing at home doing nothing or if i actually go skating i feel like shit. heavy drinking surely doesn't do good for your skating even if some people manage to pull it off.

Same here, never go skating after a night of drinking anymore. Weed fucked with my skating too, seemed like my balance just dissapeared.

i almost cancelled my skate plans cause i was out last night. now im glad that i went skating anyway and had the best session. felt like 10 times as exhausting as normally, though. i had to sit down every couple minutes to catch my breath and all that.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: brent on March 18, 2007, 09:45:41 PM
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: skatemore,man on March 18, 2007, 09:59:23 PM
  I don't care what anyone else does, just don't let it consume everything you do.  Nothing should control you. 

true that man. i'm not going to make claims that i don't smoke pretty much every night but it's not something that gets in the way of functioning with life. It hit me one day chilling with one of my buddies, we had been smoking blunts all day, i mean we werne't paying for it so whatever right, but i said to myself, shit man, what good is this doing you, you're homie is so baked he's stuttering like ozzy." Soon after that day, when i'd finally been able stop myself from attaining herb that wasn't paid for i just started chilling out. It's funny to me sometimes, i used to smoke at minimum a half of dank/day, now a few blunts get me pied.

as far as skating goes, now that i don't smoke l's all day long, when i do burn it up before a shred the shit that comes out is buttery.
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: MAGIK INC GROUPIE on March 18, 2007, 10:06:01 PM
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i'm talking about weed. Besides, I'm talking about when he made Koston into "Koston". He was dead sober. I know this. I tried to get him high in hopes that he'd start smoking and get lazy. hehehe Nah, that'd be funny though.

"nice tre flip noseblunt, but if you really want to impress me, try one of these blunts... "

hehehe, right before his Tampa run. Muhauuuuuuu!!!
Title: Re: Passing a Urine Test
Post by: clientele. on March 18, 2007, 10:36:13 PM
roommate=gay lover