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General Discussion => VIDYA GAMES => Topic started by: whatsreallygood on November 08, 2019, 04:14:18 AM

Title: Death Stranding
Post by: whatsreallygood on November 08, 2019, 04:14:18 AM

Some people are calling it a walking simulator, others are calling it high art. I'm debating picking it up but waiting for opinions to settle.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Jehoshaphat Augustus on November 08, 2019, 04:32:46 AM

Waiting for the first 2-3 patches required before its playable is the new wave
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: GAY on November 08, 2019, 04:55:43 PM
I just watched a bit of it on Twitch. It looks like an exercise in artsy frustration. Pretty to look at, for sure, and the sound design is pretty awesome, but dude keeps falling over and dropping his packages. It's reminding me of a super-serious Katamari Damacy.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: os89 on November 08, 2019, 06:34:32 PM
I just watched a bit of it on Twitch. It looks like an exercise in artsy frustration. Pretty to look at, for sure, and the sound design is pretty awesome, but dude keeps falling over and dropping his packages. It's reminding me of a super-serious Katamari Damacy.

Yea, at first I was very excited then when I saw more and more of it come out I was just like... Damn. Looks pretty fucking boring.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on November 08, 2019, 07:04:16 PM
I played it for a few hours. The best way to describe it is a crowd sourced hiking game. Its not bad but it is a slow burn.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: SneakySecrets on November 08, 2019, 08:48:01 PM
I never really understood why people loved the Metal Gear Solid games so much.  I really tried to get into a couple of them but I just couldn’t.

It always felt like 5-10 minutes of gameplay that wasn’t particularly fun followed by a 25 minute unskippable cutscene of people rambling on and on some fucking thing and me having no clue what the fuck was going on, haha.

Can anyone that likes them explain the appeal?  It’s entirely possible that I’m too thick in the head to “get” those games.

Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: formula420 on November 08, 2019, 09:31:56 PM
im about two hours in and loving it.  but coincidentally just recently i was hoping for a hiking based video game, so i guess im the target market.  the game mechanic is keeping balance over rugged terrain and finding paths through mountain ranges.  great for me but i could see why someone wouldn't get it.  i haven't even gotten a gun yet so i am still early but so far so good.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: 50mm on November 09, 2019, 01:53:16 AM
I never really understood why people loved the Metal Gear Solid games so much.  I really tried to get into a couple of them but I just couldn’t.

It always felt like 5-10 minutes of gameplay that wasn’t particularly fun followed by a 25 minute unskippable cutscene of people rambling on and on some fucking thing and me having no clue what the fuck was going on, haha.

Can anyone that likes them explain the appeal?  It’s entirely possible that I’m too thick in the head to “get” those games.
Metal Gear is all about fucking with the A.I., and the newer ones are that plus doing missions in different ways/approaches to get a good score.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Jehoshaphat Augustus on November 09, 2019, 06:25:15 AM
I never really understood why people loved the Metal Gear Solid games so much.  I really tried to get into a couple of them but I just couldn’t.

It always felt like 5-10 minutes of gameplay that wasn’t particularly fun followed by a 25 minute unskippable cutscene of people rambling on and on some fucking thing and me having no clue what the fuck was going on, haha.

Can anyone that likes them explain the appeal?  It’s entirely possible that I’m too thick in the head to “get” those games.

For me its this ^ I remember playing this and questioning my own life.
The game straight up breaks 4th wall; i've been chasing that high since
edit: the story is as good as ones you'd find in books
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Cool Ceith on November 09, 2019, 05:53:30 PM
I just watched a bit of it on Twitch. It looks like an exercise in artsy frustration. Pretty to look at, for sure, and the sound design is pretty awesome, but dude keeps falling over and dropping his packages. It's reminding me of a super-serious Katamari Damacy.
I still dust off my ball rolling skills every once in a while  :D The prince of the cosmos is rad.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: puff daddy on November 10, 2019, 10:37:09 PM
im about 9 hours into the game and the gameplay isnt really bad its just not that fun. all i've done is take packages to and from places and sometimes i have to avoid BT's (they havent said what it stands for yet) which are basically the souls of dead people that are somehow still connected to the world, and that aspect of it isnt even that hard but it is very tense. the balancing of the packages hasnt really frustrated me i havent even dropped anything yet other than getting attacked by BT's a couple times. you really have to take this game in slowly and it makes sure you know that. story wise im very intrigued, kojima has done some great world building but there are tons of small things that are just fucking ridiculous in standard kojima fashion. i'm only still playing to discover more about the story but i dont know how much longer i can just keep delivering fucking packages
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Audrey II on November 11, 2019, 05:29:33 AM
I never really understood why people loved the Metal Gear Solid games so much.  I really tried to get into a couple of them but I just couldn’t.

It always felt like 5-10 minutes of gameplay that wasn’t particularly fun followed by a 25 minute unskippable cutscene of people rambling on and on some fucking thing and me having no clue what the fuck was going on, haha.

Can anyone that likes them explain the appeal?  It’s entirely possible that I’m too thick in the head to “get” those games.

metal gear solid for ps1 is one of the best games ever. as for the others they get to be a bit much with features and menus but solid is not complicated and has a great storyline and the controls are quite good for ps1. if you havent tried that one id say give it a whirl
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: potpie on November 11, 2019, 06:21:33 AM
im about 9 hours into the game and the gameplay isnt really bad its just not that fun. all i've done is take packages to and from places and sometimes i have to avoid BT's (they havent said what it stands for yet) which are basically the souls of dead people that are somehow still connected to the world, and that aspect of it isnt even that hard but it is very tense. the balancing of the packages hasnt really frustrated me i havent even dropped anything yet other than getting attacked by BT's a couple times. you really have to take this game in slowly and it makes sure you know that. story wise im very intrigued, kojima has done some great world building but there are tons of small things that are just fucking ridiculous in standard kojima fashion. i'm only still playing to discover more about the story but i dont know how much longer i can just keep delivering fucking packages
thanks for this review, I’m so tired of games having this awful meaningless “get to the checkpoint” system and expecting us to fall in love. This game on the other hand seems to take “get to the checkpoint” to some insanely quirky level, and i also kinda wanna get into a kojima game from the beginning. i just dont have the patience to play all 15 MGS games despite the fact that i really love phantom pain.

Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Audrey II on November 11, 2019, 08:52:38 AM
i dont know how much longer i can just keep delivering fucking packages
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: iKobrakai on November 11, 2019, 12:27:06 PM
Russia wins the interwebz again.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: whatsreallygood on November 16, 2019, 03:24:06 PM
20+ hours into the game. For those not enjoying it make a b-line to part 3, you'll get some stuff that opens the game way up. For those who have watched gameplay, this is a terrible game to watch, I enjoyed it a lot while just chilling with my dog the most, the moment to moment gameplay really doesn't translate over video well.

Personally I'm really enjoying it, but it's not high art at all lmao, it's a ridiculous hiking simulator with really interesting cooperative online and kojimas super obvious and on the nose thematic story telling. Out of kojimas games it's currently my favorite but I really like games where I can plan to a very minute detail then put that plan in action. For me it's super fun to optimize a route, and have to adapt when shit goes wrong. If games had a thesis statement, this one's would be "it's about the journey, not the destination".

The game essentially makes the travel between objectives the main gameplay focus rather than whatever happens at those objectives like in most open world games. Personally I prefer this since travelling in most open world games sucks balls and is clearly there to pad game length, but if you're not the type that likes minute planning and slower cathartic gameplay it's totally understandable why you'd hate it

Edit: Also if I had to compare the game to something else, imagine early game Breath of the Wild, but you couldn't upgrade your stamina or get abilities that easily let you circumvent environment obstacles. This game feels a lot like that but more drawn out.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Frank on November 19, 2019, 07:07:21 PM
i won't buy this, as i am so far not at all interested in the gameplay. i will watch the shit out of any analysis of the whacky story though.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: formula420 on November 19, 2019, 10:55:31 PM
i won't buy this, as i am so far not at all interested in the gameplay. i will watch the shit out of any analysis of the whacky story though.

do you realize how much time ive wasted watching pythonselken?
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Frank on November 20, 2019, 05:25:18 AM
i can imagine, i am waiting for the inevitable video essays/critiques and won't bother watching let's plays for that reason.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: Jehoshaphat Augustus on November 21, 2019, 10:57:17 AM

I was on the fence till i saw this one
Best video game review dude ever
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: whatsreallygood on November 21, 2019, 12:41:30 PM

I was on the fence till i saw this one
Best video game review dude ever

Way too much cherry picking and intentionally fucking up for wacky footage imo, though I agree with his past reviews like RDR2. With that said I can imagine any serious MGS fans hating this and that's pretty justifiable.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: puff daddy on November 29, 2019, 01:54:07 AM
im about 9 hours into the game and the gameplay isnt really bad its just not that fun. all i've done is take packages to and from places and sometimes i have to avoid BT's (they havent said what it stands for yet) which are basically the souls of dead people that are somehow still connected to the world, and that aspect of it isnt even that hard but it is very tense. the balancing of the packages hasnt really frustrated me i havent even dropped anything yet other than getting attacked by BT's a couple times. you really have to take this game in slowly and it makes sure you know that. story wise im very intrigued, kojima has done some great world building but there are tons of small things that are just fucking ridiculous in standard kojima fashion. i'm only still playing to discover more about the story but i dont know how much longer i can just keep delivering fucking packages

16 hours in now and.... yah im still just delivering packages. the game does this weird thing where it keeps introducing new concepts and mechanics almost non stop and it never really explains them sufficiently. the more i play the more it actually does feel annoying and just cumbersome. im still on chapter 3 i think out of 14 i believe, so i have no clue how much longer this shit can be. i just wish the big story moments werent padded out with like 2-3 hours of monotonous gameplay
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: whatsreallygood on December 23, 2019, 02:11:13 PM
Beat the game. I really enjoyed mid-game, the start was too slow though. They should have introduced more mechanics sooner and better explained them rather than having them all come up around mid game. I thought it was one of the worst delivered plots and endings in a game, period though. I laughed through most of the end, so much exposition just gets dumped on you and it's so badly fucking written. I never really enjoyed MGS plots but at least those had an air of goofiness that fit the setting of a B-spy movie turned videogame, with some half-decent commentary on conflict at large. I really enjoyed the mid game when I had all the tools to get around and felt like I could problem-solve the best route given the circumstance, but the parts that focused on combat sucked balls. Would've been better sticking with the bolla gun and figuring out how to circumvent enemies, instead of being able to get machine guns and just mow them down while chewing bugs for health. Fucking loved the mountain parts though, but I grew up around that sort of stuff so there's a bias where I compare it to hikes or treks I've done.
Title: Re: Death Stranding
Post by: rusty knees on January 01, 2020, 11:29:09 AM
great game, here's my tips:

skip the repetitive cutscenes (this is bigtime)
get the backpack cover from the Collector as early as possible
build ziplines