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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: CorneliusCardew on December 31, 2019, 02:49:39 PM

Title: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: CorneliusCardew on December 31, 2019, 02:49:39 PM
Whenever I go to my local skatepark (rain snow or extreme cold) I feel awful and can't get loose. I just tell myself 'it's this or nothing' and soldier on as another carload of people arrive every fifteen minutes. I feel like such a sucker paying for this unpleasant experience. The shop is cool the people are cool but the crowd drives me out of my skin. I feel like skating is open space and relaxation and freedom etc, but the parks are built for something else. I want to like the parks but have not yet figured out how in 20+years of skating.

Do any of you have any ideas of how to get over this?
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: paraquat on December 31, 2019, 03:10:15 PM
Skating around people I don’t know gives me anxiety. I’m weird.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: 43 on December 31, 2019, 03:11:47 PM
Smoke a spliff and skate the waxed parking block in the corner.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: camel filters on December 31, 2019, 03:12:23 PM
Get to know people. Theres at least a handful of cool people at any given session. It'll feel better when you know a few people at the park.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: foolysalem on December 31, 2019, 03:36:59 PM
Smoke a spliff and skate the waxed parking block in the corner.
This is always the move
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on December 31, 2019, 04:23:24 PM
I feel this way just leaving the house.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: theresnothinghere on December 31, 2019, 04:36:03 PM
I hate it too. I'm trans and don't like talking very much which makes it more uncomfortable. I've honestly just avoided indoor ones and layer up and go to the uncovered open ones at night if it's not raining etc. It's really stupid but it's fun to have a whole park to myself especially since i have trouble sleeping. My partner who also has mad anxiety likes to bomb parking garages when it's raining and it really is fun.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: FROTHY on December 31, 2019, 04:37:27 PM
Showing up to an empty skatepark is like walking into an empty public bathroom. You can do your business in peace.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Rick_Kane on December 31, 2019, 04:43:27 PM
I remember being stoked at seeing another skater/skaters at the spot. Nowadays, people are incapable of communicating face to face with each other so they just put their headphones on and act bummed that other skaters exist. Times sure have changed.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: ohnowisee on December 31, 2019, 04:46:59 PM
I remember being stoked at seeing another skater/skaters at the spot. Nowadays, people are incapable of communicating face to face with each other so they just put their headphones on and act bummed that other skaters exist. Times sure have changed.

I tried to say hey to someone at the park the other day and he just ignored me. He skated in the corner on the other side of the park as me with his headphones in. Like. Alright. Thanks for giving me the whole park. 
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: SatanicPanic on December 31, 2019, 05:06:40 PM
The obvious answer is to find a skate friend but that’s not always an option I know
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: TastyBurrito on December 31, 2019, 05:10:31 PM
I feel that way all the time. That’s why I try to do sunrise sessions at parks. The emptier, the better. I feel like I can learn and push myself without the judging eyes of kids half my age and 10x my skill level.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: 50mm on December 31, 2019, 05:15:00 PM
I hate skating around anyone.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Allen. on December 31, 2019, 05:19:29 PM
Say whatup, give someone a compliment, introduce yourself.
That said, I feel you haha.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Toadfish Rebecchi on December 31, 2019, 05:20:39 PM
I remember being stoked at seeing another skater/skaters at the spot. Nowadays, people are incapable of communicating face to face with each other so they just put their headphones on and act bummed that other skaters exist. Times sure have changed.

I used to love meeting new skaters at spots/parks, but that was back when skating was smaller and you were more likely to have something in common. These days I’ll obviously talk to anyone that is at a spot or park, but I’ll secretly be wishing I had the place to myself.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: fakie nollie on December 31, 2019, 05:22:32 PM
I grew up around Ventura and am 31. While 12 or 13 years old, I used to skate at a place called skate street (THPS 2 I think?).

Anyways, I had just watched Sorry and was really into the clips of tom penny in the warehouse in France. I am trying to learn basic transition shit and, out of nowhere, a very small and annoying Curren Caples does an early grab on the ski-jump, over my head, lands and clowns me in front of his tiny little fucking friends. That never left my memory and I almost refused to skate indoor parks after that.

Never, ever skate at a skatepark. Your anxiety is real. Everyone is watching you and judging how you Ollie. For the love of god, do NOT try to do any of the fun lines. Practice your flat ground in the corner, away from any living being. When asked how long you’ve been skating, immediately light up a cigarette and talk about how much weed you smoke.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on December 31, 2019, 05:55:30 PM
I hate it too. I'm trans and don't like talking very much which makes it more uncomfortable. I've honestly just avoided indoor ones and layer up and go to the uncovered open ones at night if it's not raining etc. It's really stupid but it's fun to have a whole park to myself especially since i have trouble sleeping. My partner who also has mad anxiety likes to bomb parking garages when it's raining and it really is fun.

Stoked you're here theresnothinghere!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: WastedHippy on December 31, 2019, 05:57:31 PM
Showing up to an empty skatepark is like walking into an empty public bathroom. You can do your business in peace.

haha aint this true, it's a great feeling having the park to yourself
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: lesserredpanda on December 31, 2019, 06:41:46 PM
I get the anxiety too but try to keep that “eat shit until you love it mentality” going on. I’m not going to get my tricks punking out because i feel uncomfortable. I barely get them when I am comfortable. I throw on my headphones and have at it. Some ppl are just assholes tho. Had a guy try to kook me recently because he wanted to look like a super local in front of his crew. He was intentionally waiting and pushing out into my line and being aggro. Cpl sessions later and he’s solo sucking ass doing basic flatground. No clue where he got the confidence to be aggro like that. I just keep doing my tricks.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Hmmmm Nice Bike on December 31, 2019, 06:48:36 PM
I feel this way just leaving the house.

Same, life is just a big skate park and i'm a huge poser who sucks.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: CorneliusCardew on December 31, 2019, 07:27:04 PM
I noticed that there is a huge contrast in my skill level. At home and in the street I roll with style, at the parks I feel so awkward. It is difficult to describe precisely. It's like a jekyll and Hyde sort of thing.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: georgethecat on December 31, 2019, 07:34:16 PM
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I hate it too. I'm trans and don't like talking very much which makes it more uncomfortable. I've honestly just avoided indoor ones and layer up and go to the uncovered open ones at night if it's not raining etc. It's really stupid but it's fun to have a whole park to myself especially since i have trouble sleeping. My partner who also has mad anxiety likes to bomb parking garages when it's raining and it really is fun.

Stoked you're here theresnothinghere!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: ziggy on December 31, 2019, 07:39:46 PM
I wonder how many of you will get back in your car and go home if there are more than three people at the skatepark
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: professor pound cake on December 31, 2019, 07:55:17 PM
yeah i always felt intimated going to the skatepark. like the cool guys in the corner who never really get off the bench are watching me like a hawk and judge me. oh well, thats why i go at sunrise hee hee

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Youoverthere on December 31, 2019, 08:02:48 PM
I overcame my new park anxiety by crushing locals at skate.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: VHS ERA on December 31, 2019, 09:40:58 PM
#noskateparks is the answer. Skate street.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: layzieyez on December 31, 2019, 09:51:47 PM
Push mongo and eat shit on easy tricks. Once everyone decides to ignore you, you're free to do whatever. One of us. One of us...
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: cricketclub on December 31, 2019, 09:57:55 PM
I know the feeling. I’m sure most do.

I started a group chat with the homies and managed to get them to all come to the park on Thursdays with me.

Love you guys  ;D Happy new year!

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Pho King Hung Lo Mein on December 31, 2019, 10:38:44 PM
Not sure if they've got a Tropical Smoothie in your area, but I ask for a pinch of vitamins D, G, A, and F in my Acai Berry Boost and it's worked wonders for my Skatepark anxiety.

Seriously though, I don't like crowded parks either, but here on SLAP a couple few months ago this came up.  The advice seemed to be along the lines of, "don't be a bitch".  I'm definitely not, and not saying you are one, but whenever I pull up to a crowded park now, it rings through my head and then it becomes a matter of putting one foot in front of the other.  I'll usually do a roll through past the  blobs of gatherers to get a sense of the overall vibe and have found that generally nobody bats an eyelash and the pool warms right up.  I guess what I'm saying is, DON'T overthink it and talk yourself out of skating.  Nobody really gives a shit and is probably as self conscious as you.  At least that's the way I like to think about it.  On your eventual deathbed, you'll regret NOT skating more, alot more than you'll regret skating and/ or puting yourself up as a spectacle.  Gotta be able to laugh at yourself, for he who laughs, lasts.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Yonnycage on December 31, 2019, 10:53:08 PM
Dude what, roll up and play with the wooden toy just like all the other adults with jobs that are doing that. No one cares if you can’t kickflip back 5-0 if you’re not a kook
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Nicki on January 01, 2020, 01:41:22 AM
#noskateparks is the answer. Skate street.

Yep, easy fix. Don’t use a prefab training facility. It’s giving you anxiety because you know it’s wrong. Skating is about creativity and individualism. Skateparks are neither. Leave them for the IG millennials and street league/olympic wannabes.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Pho King Hung Lo Mein on January 01, 2020, 02:32:48 AM
Yeah, skating 1000's of square feet of terrain built specifically for skateboarding doesn't even make sense.  Not a single top tier professional has ever stepped foot into a skatepark, not even for a warm up before hitting the streets to film.  Just ask one and watch for the "deer in the headlights".

Just kidding Nicki.  A agree with most of what you said, when I grew up skating in the 80's we didn't even know that skateparks existed until getting ahold of our first Thrasher (back when they still had the pages that felt like newspaper), but even then, they weren't accessible to us.  Streets, ditches, and the few and far between, rich friend's Dad built a 6 foot high 4 foot wide quarter with PVC pipe coping.  I've always seen skateboarding as more performance art than sport.  Skaters as artists, not athletes.   I do disagree that there's anything wrong with skating parks, but agree that ANY trick done in the streets is WAY more magical than that same trick done at the park.  Over the years, I've seen MANY of the aforementioned shredding parks.  Street League or the Olympics is VERY unlikely to make it onto their agenda.

OP, parks are fine, but definitely be sure to balance it out in the streets.  And for the love of whatever you hold sacred, DON'T let us catch you filming IG clips or training for the Olympics, or we're coming after ya.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Nicki on January 01, 2020, 03:09:07 AM
Yeah, skating 1000's of square feet of terrain built specifically for skateboarding doesn't even make sense.  Not a single top tier professional has ever stepped foot into a skatepark, not even for a warm up before hitting the streets to film.  Just ask one and watch for the "deer in the headlights".

Just kidding Nicki.  A agree with most of what you said, when I grew up skating in the 80's we didn't even know that skateparks existed until getting ahold of our first Thrasher (back when they still had the pages that felt like newspaper), but even then, they weren't accessible to us.  Streets, ditches, and the few and far between, rich friend's Dad built a 6 foot high 4 foot wide quarter with PVC pipe coping.  I've always seen skateboarding as more performance art than sport.  Skaters as artists, not athletes.   I do disagree that there's anything wrong with skating parks, but agree that ANY trick done in the streets is WAY more magical than that same trick done at the park.  Over the years, I've seen MANY of the aforementioned shredding parks.  Street League or the Olympics is VERY unlikely to make it onto their agenda.

OP, parks are fine, but definitely be sure to balance it out in the streets.  And for the love of whatever you hold sacred, DON'T let us catch you filming IG clips or training for the Olympics, or we're coming after ya.

All in good fun. But for me, as soon as something is “built specifically for skating” that’s counterintuitive to what skating means to me. It’s like surfers practicing in a wave pool. Skateparks are a trap to lure skaters off the streets - so smooth, perfect ‘obstacles’, and tranny so you don’t even have to learn how to push properly. It’s a nightmare. Skaters are learning circus tricks but forgetting how to skate street that doesn’t mimic the park. And the Olympics will try to turn skating into gymnastics. All built off purpose built skate training facilities. Fuck that. Count me out.

Do you think Ricky trained in the park for this? These tricks are so easy!! Why was he even Pro!!? Haha.

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Snow in Florida on January 01, 2020, 03:17:56 AM
Dude y'all are some fucking dorks lol

Literally no one cares if you're good at skating or not just pull up and have fun u fuckin weirdos
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Roisto on January 01, 2020, 04:13:50 AM
I get this anxiety too. It’s actually the main reason I quit skating for 15 years.

I’m an introvert and generally feel like I don’t fit in with any group. I’m also not very good at skating at all. Never have been. This has and still does make me self conscious around other skaters I am not friends with.

Here in Finland you can’t skate outside like 6 months of the year so indoor parks are pretty much the only option. Sure some parking garages could work too but these days they’re a fucking bust or locked down. They also spread gravel everywhere to combat the slippery icy conditions. That shit gets in the parking garages too and skating smooth concrete with pebbles doesn’t really work.

Anyway since starting skating again some 5 years ago I decided that I’m not gonna let my self conscious introverted mind ruin skating for me again. So I went to the indoor park when it was the only option. Initially on slower days meant for newbs but eventually on normal days too. Massive mental struggle for me. In the end though being able to skate is more important to me. Initially when I get to the park it might be intimidating and feel like you’re just not gonna get any skating done. But I’ve pushed through this several times and once you get into the groove those feelings can go away. No one has ever kooked me and they are mostly friendly not snaking and giving me my go. That has helped me realize that what ever cases I’ve been building in my head are far exaggerated and that I don’t have to be good to have my place at the park sessioning whatever if I’m being as reasonable about turns and snaking etc. as everyone else. It’s no more their park than it is mine and at least here everyone seems to respect that.

So yeah. Just go and try to take it easy. Don’t give up too easily because it takes time to find your groove at the park session. Also if it’s an unfamiliar park try to go when it’s more quiet to get used to it. This way you can skate it better with more ppl around too.

It’s a struggle but worth struggling IMO. But once it’s dry outside and the gravel’s been swept away I’m going outside. Still might hit a park outdoors but usually when it’s not very busy but these days my session isn’t ruined if a bunch of good skaters I’m not friends with show up at the park.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: theSketchLord on January 01, 2020, 04:27:48 AM
I work 10pm until 6am so I can ride straight past my local park and get in at least 30 mins to an hour before anyone even notices.
Maybe look into going late at night when there's less people.

A while back I was obsessed with learning slappies and used to set an alarm for 10.30 at night so the local car park would be totally dead and I'd have the place to myself. If you can't stomach the park always be on the look out for a bit of street that would be completely deserted at night.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: radcunt on January 01, 2020, 04:42:22 AM
Give me a curb and a flat surface and no crowds and I’m happy forever
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Escape Hell on January 01, 2020, 05:57:03 AM
I got anxiety as well. Luckily there is a little Park 30 mins from me that no one fucks with where I can skate in peace at. Old shitty tennis court with some quarters a ledge, a bench and a parking block. Quiet and chill.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Skart on January 01, 2020, 06:15:08 AM

Over skating for right now tbh

* landing simple stuff really helps out. Just own up to whatever you are and remember the 20+ unwritten rules

It'll work out eventually
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: chris on January 02, 2020, 02:13:05 PM
Honestly get over it. Say hi, clap if ppl land shit, stay out of ppls ways, figure out turns when sharing obstacles. Ppl notice these things and it gets a lot less awkward when you make friends w all the strangers. Just keep in mind that (for the most part) however you're feeling everyone else is probably feeling the exact same or worse, be the guy to reach out and say whats up. Were all skaters dude, let's hang out too rather then skating silently near each other.

I know exactly how you feel but i figured this out a while ago and realized how easy is making friends. You're already skaters so you have a nice advantage to spark convos up.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: sus on January 02, 2020, 02:19:52 PM
Whenever I go to my local skatepark (rain snow or extreme cold) I feel awful and can't get loose. I just tell myself 'it's this or nothing' and soldier on as another carload of people arrive every fifteen minutes. I feel like such a sucker paying for this unpleasant experience. The shop is cool the people are cool but the crowd drives me out of my skin. I feel like skating is open space and relaxation and freedom etc, but the parks are built for something else. I want to like the parks but have not yet figured out how in 20+years of skating.

Do any of you have any ideas of how to get over this?

the more you skate there, the more you'll get to know the locals and become more comfortable

If you're a bit older and are unsure and/or embarrassed of your abilities, just try to have fun with it.
As long as your not the little kid snaking everybody at a park, i'm sure nobody will bother you nor have a negative opinion

this is just my personal opinion, but as someone in my mid-twenties - seeing a someone who is 40+ at a park that is still able to do 5050 grinds and stuff is pretty awesome for me to see and makes me hope i can do that at the same age as well
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 02, 2020, 02:27:31 PM
Dude y'all are some fucking dorks lol

Literally no one cares if you're good at skating or not just pull up and have fun u fuckin weirdos

Damn never had anyone put it to me like that before. If only I'd know it's all so easy! Guess I can go home and pour my anxiety medications down the toilet and just pull up and have fun forevermore.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Tuff Lover on January 02, 2020, 02:45:31 PM

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Matt on January 02, 2020, 02:47:23 PM
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I hate it too. I'm trans and don't like talking very much which makes it more uncomfortable. I've honestly just avoided indoor ones and layer up and go to the uncovered open ones at night if it's not raining etc. It's really stupid but it's fun to have a whole park to myself especially since i have trouble sleeping. My partner who also has mad anxiety likes to bomb parking garages when it's raining and it really is fun.

Stoked you're here theresnothinghere!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Tuff Lover on January 02, 2020, 02:49:39 PM
Dude y'all are some fucking dorks lol

Literally no one cares if you're good at skating or not just pull up and have fun u fuckin weirdos

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: mattchew on January 02, 2020, 03:31:10 PM
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I hate it too. I'm trans and don't like talking very much which makes it more uncomfortable. I've honestly just avoided indoor ones and layer up and go to the uncovered open ones at night if it's not raining etc. It's really stupid but it's fun to have a whole park to myself especially since i have trouble sleeping. My partner who also has mad anxiety likes to bomb parking garages when it's raining and it really is fun.

Stoked you're here theresnothinghere!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: pica on January 02, 2020, 03:37:43 PM
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I remember being stoked at seeing another skater/skaters at the spot. Nowadays, people are incapable of communicating face to face with each other so they just put their headphones on and act bummed that other skaters exist. Times sure have changed.

I tried to say hey to someone at the park the other day and he just ignored me. He skated in the corner on the other side of the park as me with his headphones in. Like. Alright. Thanks for giving me the whole park.

„Skating with headphones means: yeah, i‘m skating... i‘m just not skating with YOU“
-Mike Carroll
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Far from relevant on January 02, 2020, 03:41:17 PM
Just skate and have fun, who cares what other people think.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: UselessAsshole on January 02, 2020, 03:43:53 PM
I tend to have a couple of "warm up beers" before I skate at a park. I usually only go if friends are meeting up there anyways, and people are generally pretty cool regardless. If I'm going solo, I like to skate street spots if they're not a bust at that time of the day.

Just a couple of things I've noticed/done to help. Just skate and have fun. Try not to think too much.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: SatanicPanic on January 02, 2020, 03:46:02 PM
Maybe somewhat useful idea- find the other oddballs who are skating alone and look lost (like me) and say hi. I’m bad at approaching people but I’m stoked if someone wants to hang. Or not, some people really do want to be left alone.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 02, 2020, 04:30:56 PM
I tend to have a couple of "warm up beers" before I skate at a park. I usually only go if friends are meeting up there anyways, and people are generally pretty cool regardless. If I'm going solo, I like to skate street spots if they're not a bust at that time of the day.

Just a couple of things I've noticed/done to help. Just skate and have fun. Try not to think too much.

I used to do this with GHB and it worked wonders. The problem was that sometimes I'd overdose a bit and start moaning and grabbing my crotch and that seemed to bum people out.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AitchBeeGayBuh on January 02, 2020, 04:32:38 PM
No particular order but booze, bong loads, n beatin off works for me.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: dooley on January 02, 2020, 04:33:32 PM
It's like jail - just find the biggest, baddest motherfucker and challenge him to a thumb war. It's smooth sailing after that.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: somedudefromnj on January 02, 2020, 07:28:10 PM
I grew up around Ventura and am 31. While 12 or 13 years old, I used to skate at a place called skate street (THPS 2 I think?).

Anyways, I had just watched Sorry and was really into the clips of tom penny in the warehouse in France. I am trying to learn basic transition shit and, out of nowhere, a very small and annoying Curren Caples does an early grab on the ski-jump, over my head, lands and clowns me in front of his tiny little fucking friends. That never left my memory and I almost refused to skate indoor parks after that.

Never, ever skate at a skatepark. Your anxiety is real. Everyone is watching you and judging how you Ollie. For the love of god, do NOT try to do any of the fun lines. Practice your flat ground in the corner, away from any living being. When asked how long you’ve been skating, immediately light up a cigarette and talk about how much weed you smoke.

do the opposite of this so they already expect the worse from you, and then slowly act like you give a shit. After thats all done go home with a smile knowing you broke a sweat.

But in all seriousness today was the first time in a while other kids came to my local and it reminded me how different tthings are these days. In Yaje's mission statement he talked about how kids dont even say whats up to anyone anymore, and thats honestly something I never noticed until now. People are weird
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Coco Santiagos Kitten on January 02, 2020, 07:54:11 PM
Go early. Spend a few minutes pumping around and getting comfortable. Get a couple tricks dialed in to get confident. Find some people skating the shit you like and get in there. Clap when people make shit. Eventually you'll start talking.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Allez_Jambon on January 02, 2020, 08:26:39 PM
I haven’t read this so it might have been said, but I think meeting people is helpful. High five somebody and they’ll be more understanding as to who you are, being forgiving when the board shoots out or a friend when you made progress no matter your skill level. Easier when the people are closer to the same age and ability but it helps when I don’t speak the same language. Have fun everyone.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Ass on January 02, 2020, 08:55:51 PM
skate S T R E E T
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: gaunting on January 02, 2020, 09:45:01 PM
I wonder how many of you will get back in your car and go home if there are more than three people at the skatepark

I’ve definitely done this more than once....
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: rukes on January 02, 2020, 10:16:53 PM
I set my phone to silent. Then go sit in a real busy spot and have a pretend phone conversation that goes a bit like this....

"Yeah dude, i'm meeting up with Nyjah later, Ty's takin us to this 20 stair, I got a few ideas, switch backside noseblunt, maybe some flip in flip out shit.....yeah i'm at the park now, just gonna have a real easy roll around before i go get buck later....Tonight? Me and the crew got a vip spot at the hottest club, gonna be throwin mad benjamins around..Anyway, got to go, i cant stay too long at the park, i got a mad nike box being delivered today...Peace bro"

And then i just lazily roll around
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: computerdate on January 03, 2020, 01:36:26 AM
 it’s hard to overcome anxiety at a crowded park if you have no friends there or you’re not extremely good at skateboarding. I always suggest bringing someone along but if that’s not an option just tough it out and keep going. Everything from the locals to the terrain itself will become more familiar and it’ll be less shitty each time. Keep to yourself but be friendly if the opportunity presents itself. Giving people props for landing tricks is a good way to break the ice. Skater kids can be belligerent pricks and there are often sketchy characters at parks so keep your guard up, but just hang around and eventually you’ll get to know the cool regulars and it won’t be so bad. You’ll actually enjoy skating with tons of people around. If you literally can’t function maybe parks aren’t for you, and that’s okay.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Mike Oxwelling on January 03, 2020, 04:06:51 AM
Skate a parking lot.  By yourself.   For Free.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: coyote2425 on January 03, 2020, 05:00:44 AM
Bless this thread.

I moved to Brooklyn fairly recently and don't have anyone I skate with here yet, so hitting parks and spots solo definitely gives me crazy anxiety, way more than it already had. Not real great at initially meeting people.

What sucks most is getting to busy spots/parks, not being warmed up and also being old. So it's usually at least half an hour of the dumbest bails on the easiest shit, further fueling the anxiety and sense of judgement, even if it doesn't exist. Adding jitters to stiff, shaky knees is a recipe for getting hurt.

I try to just go for it. Some days it works, some it doesn't. Hard to stay motivated, but getting something new and surprising myself is still the best feeling.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: jonnysheen on January 03, 2020, 05:09:37 AM
I just push around and hit each transition. That way you have the feel of the board.

Then when you get comfortable, try the warm up tricks. 
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on January 03, 2020, 05:55:02 AM
Whenever I go to my local skatepark (rain snow or extreme cold) I feel awful and can't get loose. I just tell myself 'it's this or nothing' and soldier on as another carload of people arrive every fifteen minutes. I feel like such a sucker paying for this unpleasant experience. The shop is cool the people are cool but the crowd drives me out of my skin. I feel like skating is open space and relaxation and freedom etc, but the parks are built for something else. I want to like the parks but have not yet figured out how in 20+years of skating.

Do any of you have any ideas of how to get over this?

Everything ur describing sounds harder then keeping up on shoveling a section of ur outdoor skatepark.  U can use gas too if theres a thin anount of ice left.but usually the morning sun gets rid of that.  edit also towels always and torch is good somtimes
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Save the dolphin flip on January 03, 2020, 06:01:41 AM
Trans invasión lol
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: ramplocal on January 03, 2020, 06:22:31 AM
I take anxiety meds and kratom, i usually take extra kratom before i go skate to avoid feeling that way
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AssFlea on January 03, 2020, 07:09:57 AM
I love it.

Take a bong hit embrace your nuclear fear. Its power
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: lou dawg on January 03, 2020, 07:22:35 AM
I hate it too. I'm trans and don't like talking very much which makes it more uncomfortable. I've honestly just avoided indoor ones and layer up and go to the uncovered open ones at night if it's not raining etc. It's really stupid but it's fun to have a whole park to myself especially since i have trouble sleeping. My partner who also has mad anxiety likes to bomb parking garages when it's raining and it really is fun.

The indoor parking garages were my life growing up in Buffalo. There was an indoor park that brought out the jocks and all my insecurities/anxiety.

Hearing stories about what skateboarders did to find their own space and find their fun is the best. This is a great thread.

Also, super psyched you're on the message board!

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: exlurker on January 03, 2020, 07:40:29 AM

the scene at 3:20 on is instructive - be Lisa, not Bart
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 03, 2020, 09:07:32 AM
Trans invasión lol

ommg lol lol
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: squintharder on January 03, 2020, 01:02:28 PM
Even tho i know lots of people at the park i still get mad social anxiety with a ton of people there especially if everyone is killin it and I'm just not. I'd much rather go skate a curb or a shittier park.

That being said, if I'm feelin loose I'll participate in the occasional flatground game of skate and those are mostly fun.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: WarmUpZone on January 03, 2020, 01:21:55 PM
Skating a crowded spot (or park) is a very different session than being alone. Both have their merits.
It can suck when you are wanting one vibe and the park can only provide another, but it usually can only take a few minutes to size up the situation and adapt.

While I usually prefer the more meditative style of a solo session, or the connection of a session with close friends, some of the most challenging tricks of I landed have been the result of a busy park filled with skaters whose abilities are above mine. The energy of a positive crowd can definitely get it going.

That said, there are times when, after 20 minutes of trying and failing to get into the flow, I'm just not feeling the crowd so I bail. This is more common when the park is littered with little kids who are always standing in the way or sitting on the ledges.

As for anxiety, I find it helps to warm up elsewhere away from a crowd. At my age, those first five minutes of skating can look pretty pathetic. I'm pretty much begging for mercy through those first backside 180s and kickflips, so I prefer to get those out of the way before I can be seen by others. I know nobody cares what I look like skating, especially warming up, but I can feel pretty self-conscious until the juices get flowing.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: thebacker on January 03, 2020, 01:26:39 PM
Dude y'all are some fucking dorks lol

Literally no one cares if you're good at skating or not just pull up and have fun u fuckin weirdos
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on January 03, 2020, 01:27:29 PM
Expand Quote
I remember being stoked at seeing another skater/skaters at the spot. Nowadays, people are incapable of communicating face to face with each other so they just put their headphones on and act bummed that other skaters exist. Times sure have changed indeed.

I tried to say hey to someone at the park the other day and he just ignored me. He skated in the corner on the other side of the park as me with his headphones in. Like. Alright. Thanks for giving me the whole park.
Recently I've drawn this conclusion especially within Bmx/Skate scene there seems to be a parallel with name dropping and a pissing contest, either of which I want nothing to do with.

I get extremely anxious and stutter like a prick but my intentions are skate the park and have fun.  try not to get in anyone's way.  that last part is also mutual stay the fuck out of my way and we won't have problems and for gods sake if you have kids don't go to the park and put your headphones in that's just shitty parenting.

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: 144p on January 03, 2020, 01:45:36 PM
I used to have the toughest time with this, showing up to a busy spot/park where everyone is warmed up and going straight to the almost knee high ledge and failing to even pop my tail on my first try to 5050. Then after realizing the regulars are switch k grinding and 5-0ing it with ease I would sulk off to the corner to hopefully get a few kickflips in that bounced off the ground.
I think as I got older I just stopped caring, I'm not there to impress anyone but myself if I manged to land something I normally struggle with. Accepting my level is lower than most and higher than others helped me just tune everyone else out. I'm a larger than average guy in my 40's who pushed mongo for over a decade that will try to wallride or slappy anything and always tries to clap or tailsmack for anyone who looks like theyre having a good time and has a smile on their face.
The best thing I ever started doing was engaging with other people at the park and realizing how much anxiety almost everyone else has. And that really no one was even paying attention to me or what I was doing, that we are the center of our own universe. But mostly it took me realizing how much I was missing out on in life by worrying too much about everyone else around me. I wanna skate that ledge or qp and do my crappy tailslide or smith grind, but fuck it cause I wanna see how it feels and will probably never see these people again(if I'm visiting).
My quality of life has increased dramatically since then, hope some of you can get there too.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 03, 2020, 02:09:37 PM
I used to have the toughest time with this, showing up to a busy spot/park where everyone is warmed up and going straight to the almost knee high ledge and failing to even pop my tail on my first try to 5050. Then after realizing the regulars are switch k grinding and 5-0ing it with ease I would sulk off to the corner to hopefully get a few kickflips in that bounced off the ground.
I think as I got older I just stopped caring, I'm not there to impress anyone but myself if I manged to land something I normally struggle with. Accepting my level is lower than most and higher than others helped me just tune everyone else out. I'm a larger than average guy in my 40's who pushed mongo for over a decade that will try to wallride or slappy anything and always tries to clap or tailsmack for anyone who looks like theyre having a good time and has a smile on their face.
The best thing I ever started doing was engaging with other people at the park and realizing how much anxiety almost everyone else has. And that really no one was even paying attention to me or what I was doing, that we are the center of our own universe. But mostly it took me realizing how much I was missing out on in life by worrying too much about everyone else around me. I wanna skate that ledge or qp and do my crappy tailslide or smith grind, but fuck it cause I wanna see how it feels and will probably never see these people again(if I'm visiting).
My quality of life has increased dramatically since then, hope some of you can get there too.

This is some good post.

I've been skating a lot lately but I've dialed my self-pressure and my expectations WAY, WAY back. I'm literally doing axel stalls on curbs, 180's up or off of curbs, slappy nose slides, little pressure shoveits, boardslides on parking blocks...and the truth is I'm having more fun than I've had in years and years.

Part of it is, I think, very similar to what you posted 144p in that for years I would go out and try stuff that I couldn't come close to landing...stuff I used to be able to do. Then I wouldn't land a single thing for a whole session and it made me quite depressed.

Now I'll do a bunch of 5-0 axel stalls and it's a blast and I don't give two shits anymore about what I used to be able to do or what I can't do. I just do what I can do, push myself a little bit, and relax. At 45 I don't think I'm going to be doing anything that crazy, but I'm progressing again in tiny little steps and it feels damn good.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: darkelfdruid on January 03, 2020, 02:16:57 PM
I’m convinced the best way to deal with ‘skatepark anxiety’ is to post to the slap message board
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: El Nugjar on January 03, 2020, 02:22:41 PM
The whole anxiety and feeling like everyone is judging you on what you’re doing, I can understand that. When I moved about 6 years ago I didn’t have anyone to skate with for almost 2 years. Always saw the same dudes when I’d go to the park, but never said shit really because I just felt less than because it wasn’t my local park and not knowing a soul. Growing up we’d eye new people at our park to see how good they were and just be dicks for some reason. Cliquey skate crews were i grew up so I just expected the same. Now I’m a known local at the park, seems dumb as fuck now that it took so long for me to man up and just meet people.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: threeoneg on January 03, 2020, 02:25:51 PM
I like to go early in the morning. Like 8am. It’s usually either empty or there’s a couple old dudes like me who I’ll say hi too.

I’ll either leave around 11 when people start showing up, or stay as long as I want if I’m feeling it.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: satan on January 03, 2020, 02:27:00 PM
Shove a few ludes in my prison wallet and I'm good to go for a few hours 8)
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: darkelfdruid on January 03, 2020, 04:55:00 PM
Some RP seems to help
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Fred Gerwer Frank Gall on January 03, 2020, 05:37:28 PM
I used to have the toughest time with this, showing up to a busy spot/park where everyone is warmed up and going straight to the almost knee high ledge and failing to even pop my tail on my first try to 5050. Then after realizing the regulars are switch k grinding and 5-0ing it with ease I would sulk off to the corner to hopefully get a few kickflips in that bounced off the ground.
I think as I got older I just stopped caring, I'm not there to impress anyone but myself if I manged to land something I normally struggle with. Accepting my level is lower than most and higher than others helped me just tune everyone else out. I'm a larger than average guy in my 40's who pushed mongo for over a decade that will try to wallride or slappy anything and always tries to clap or tailsmack for anyone who looks like theyre having a good time and has a smile on their face.
The best thing I ever started doing was engaging with other people at the park and realizing how much anxiety almost everyone else has. And that really no one was even paying attention to me or what I was doing, that we are the center of our own universe. But mostly it took me realizing how much I was missing out on in life by worrying too much about everyone else around me. I wanna skate that ledge or qp and do my crappy tailslide or smith grind, but fuck it cause I wanna see how it feels and will probably never see these people again(if I'm visiting).
My quality of life has increased dramatically since then, hope some of you can get there too.

I've seen your instagram. You can destroy a curb with the best of them.

But yes, I resonate with this post, a lot (I also pushed Mongo for about 15 years ha ha)

I skate alone a lot. the other day I was at a cool guy spot by myself and some cool guys actually showed. Usually I bail when this happens but its winter and I need to get some time on the board in when I can, so I hung tight. Exchanges a few nods and septs doing my thing. The dudes were cool and clapped my mediocre tricks, maybe out of sympathy b/c I'm twenty years older than them... Anyway, they soon set up a jankie wall ride (bent street sign to flat) and I had to give it a go. I Landed my first wall ride in years and got some kudos... maybe it was sympathy... maybe they want to be able to keep skating until they are my age... dunno... but 144p is right... its usually better to talk to people, break the ice and just enjoy everyone's level and celebrate everyone's battles... that's why skateboarding rules. over everything else. competition is meaningless... i left the session with a few fist bumps and no doubt next time I see these 20-something rippers it will be smiles, slappies and wall rides again... even if they far out-perform me...
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Willie on January 03, 2020, 05:52:14 PM
It’s kinda funny but I had borderline agoraphobia in my twenties and wouldn’t do a lot shit but going to skateparks somehow wasn’t bad. I could come and go as I pleased and I understood people didn’t give a shit about me or my skating which was liberating.

It does feel like there is sometimes more of a cool guy thing at some parks but for the most part skaters are usually pretty non judgmental about others’ abilities.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Diocletian on January 03, 2020, 09:31:24 PM
I feel this. It doesn’t particularly have to do with caring about people’s assessment of my skill level, or whatever else they want to judge me for. It’s moreso to do with the fact that I can just feel people watching me when it’s busy and only 1-2 people can take a run at a time. I don’t like a lot of eyes on me when I skate, it trips me out and distracts me and I begin to not enjoy myself and the moment. When it’s an empty park or just a normal amount of people, I feel fine.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: imuseless on January 04, 2020, 12:14:55 AM
Skate a parking lot.  By yourself.   For Free.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Spankthemonkey on January 04, 2020, 07:59:44 AM
just chill lad
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: stringsnthings on January 04, 2020, 08:23:07 AM
I live in Memphis Ive been here 5 years but the majority of my life I grew up in Thousand Oaks CA and was a frequent at Skatelab. I quit skating in high school because i was just as into team sports but also because all my skating friends lacked motivation and just became typical stoner burnouts (not that i didn't eventually smoke weed to and still do) but slowly I gravitated to music and wanting to make a band. When i moved to Memphis (cause California is fucked and the cost if living isn't healthy) I found it soooo hard to get a bunch of people together to write music, but realized a skateboard only requires you to participate. Never thought it would open the door to so many new and beautiful friendships. Sometimes people are sooooo in their own head you have to realize like several people pointed out on here..NO ONE CARES WHAT YOU DO AND YOU SHOULDNT CARE ABOUT THEM. STAY IN YOUR LANE AND ENJOY YOUR OWN HAPPINESS WHATEVER THAT MAY BE even if its slappies or bonelesses.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AssFlea on January 04, 2020, 02:10:16 PM
Im not sure how seeing a buttery ledge or a flat bar would freak someone out.

I want to die happy and parks are apart of that plan
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: disintegration on January 04, 2020, 03:39:22 PM
Whenever I go to my local skatepark (rain snow or extreme cold) I feel awful and can't get loose. I just tell myself 'it's this or nothing' and soldier on as another carload of people arrive every fifteen minutes. I feel like such a sucker paying for this unpleasant experience. The shop is cool the people are cool but the crowd drives me out of my skin. I feel like skating is open space and relaxation and freedom etc, but the parks are built for something else. I want to like the parks but have not yet figured out how in 20+years of skating.

Do any of you have any ideas of how to get over this?

I feel you. This is real. Ignore everyone who doesn't get it and tells you to shut up. That's not understanding and supportive but it is very typical of predominantly males. The best thing to do is to set goals in stages and try not to reach your end goal straight away but it is important to stay in the situation to overcome the fear (fight/flight/freeze).

Maybe you could start by just putting yourself in the situation, then saying hi to everyone to let them know you are there and to give yourself power, then engage a little, then a little more and gradually you might start to make friendships and not feel awkward/threatened. You have to think whats the worst that could happen and also do you really care what people think of you? It's easier said than done but it can be helpful to think like that. I was put in a 10 week CBT course for my social anxiety and it helped me a lot. The 'Skateboarding' culture can be very difficult and challenging when trying to fit in/be accepted even though it prides itself on being one big, inclusive family. That is not always the case, it can be very clique.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: keepthefunkalive on January 04, 2020, 03:52:58 PM
I just started this spring so... I just remember that I'm a grown ass man and don't give a fuck about what some kid thinks about me struggling to noseslide that bench or kickflip that hip. I suck but I have fun. Be nice, push yourself as hard as you want, give props, shoot the shit, and feel good rolling around. It's better than going to work. Usually if you just talk to people you realize that they aren't judging, and if you ask they might give you some tips to help you learn new tricks. Cheers
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: layzieyez on January 04, 2020, 05:06:31 PM
I will actually do jumping jacks or whatever I need to for warm ups to get moving. What are you going to do, blame those around you for making you feel insecure about getting limber so you slammed because you were too stiff?
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: disintegration on January 04, 2020, 06:11:16 PM
It's not necessarily about anxiety over your skating ability, or being watched. It's a general social anxiety of just being around other people you don't know in skateparks.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AssFlea on January 04, 2020, 08:33:48 PM
I guess i get anxious around deep water and flying in planes.

I skate to escape my PTSD. Theres only you and your board.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: on January 04, 2020, 11:42:13 PM
The one thing that I think a lot of skaters misjudge is how socially inept we are versus shit talking assholes.....
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: skatedudesmokeguy on January 05, 2020, 07:35:45 AM
Try and ind a time when no one is there, early mornings/ afternoons. Deal with this too, it sucks! good luck!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: layzieyez on January 05, 2020, 07:48:58 AM
The funniest part is that I've always felt skateparks were my safe space. I mean everyone falls. Every damn day. We're here to make mistakes.

You want to know who's cool? The dude that will help you up or roll up to ask if you're ok after you've taken a bad one.

Just do your thing, acknowledge dudes who conquer their respective battles (I'm that dude that will cheer the loudest if I see someone make what they been chipping away at even if it's basic because I can empathize with the struggle), and if you're new to the park sit back and watch the flow/stay away from the most traffic.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Allen. on January 05, 2020, 07:55:34 AM
I wonder how many of you will get back in your car and go home if there are more than three people at the skatepark

I’ve done this with 1 person.
I’ve done this when driving ~45 minutes to an indoor park.

Anxiety sucks. Luckily mine was more or less brought on by stimulants (about a month free). Either way, none of you are alone. The first time I got myself to go to the park solo I had to psych myself up. Told myself “everytime you turn around and come back home you regret it, you’ve never regretted just going skating, even if it’s awkward.”
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: _operator on January 05, 2020, 08:27:28 AM
I cant believe so many people get this nervous about seeing other SKATERS! You are a skater yourself. Skill level does not matter, nobody cares and if they do care they're probably so young it should not effect you.

There must be something in America where people feel so much pressure to be the best that they wont even try if they are not or if its something they need to learn around peers.

The general response here makes it pretty likely that the people already there are a bunch of social awkward scared-y-cats.

As for feeling like skateparks are counter intuitive or goes against what skateboarding is or to leave it for the kids and instagrammers. With this frame of mind you are either looking for an excuse to validate your feeling for why its not working. The skatepark will sharpen your skills and then give you more freedom on the streets. Skateparks are like the fountain of youth for older people. I skate better and more consistently now being in my 30s than I ever did in my teens or 20s and that is 100% because of how many more parks there are these days and it has made street skating so much more fun.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Matt on January 05, 2020, 10:57:31 AM
I get having anxiety, it's something that I deal with daily, but for some reason skateboarding is an escape from it for me. I think it's because I can focus 100% on skating and other things just leave my mind.

I feel like if you stay out of peoples way, save their board when it goes flying in your direction, wait your turn, don't wax the shit out of things, and give people props when they land something then you won't have issues at the park.

Maybe we should start a service where you can hire someone to show up to the park a few minutes before and start hitting everything with some soap shoes. No one will notice you after that.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Esmith5488 on January 05, 2020, 11:05:52 AM
Go early until you feel comfortable with the park.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Donald Rump on January 06, 2020, 12:42:27 AM
I prefer a quiet skate park but I usually to one close to where I live which is old and usually pretty empty, even from scooters

What does give me anxiety modern parks that are slippery as fuck, my old park is rough from wear. I find it had to adjust on 99a F4 and usually fall on my arse a heap.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: rawbertson. on January 06, 2020, 06:58:32 AM
You have to just cruise around and land things you are comfortable with. Confidence in hitting a spot is very important and you should really treat every single attempt with a lot of respect and focus. There are always going to be tons of distractions in anything in life that you do - skateboarding is no different. Don't worry about what others are doing at all while you are skating. If no one gives you props on something you tried for 2 hours dont sweat it. It is all part of an overall bigger learning experience. If you are really doing something that is worth gnar you will do a lot of them and people will notice. you might not even realize it yourself til after it happened.

You dont need to skate the entire time doing hammers. Feel free to just cruise and learn the ramps. As long as you are staying out of peoples way i have never seen anyone get mad at someone else for doing that. Most of the time i find that the people who tend to stand out are the ones who show up over and over again - its not necessarily "the best" skater there. After time , people will start to recognize you and if there is a bond it will develop into a friendship, if not, no big deal. you need to focus on yourself and achieving your goals!

When you arent skating, watch the exact lines that really good people do and think about how they get speed in every little pocket. How they pump each little area, how they set up to each spot. you might notice they just avoid certain spots entirely because they are wack or maybe they just dont work well with thier particular skillset. Consider the guys who are very good skate at that park all the fucking time, they skate nonstop and have put in crazy work to get to that level - and there is no reason you also cannot achieve that.

one last thing ill leave you with. one time i trained very hard for a contest - it was best trick format at my local park in Cambridge, Canada. so I worked really hard on hitting what i thought was the biggest obstacle at the park and trained heel varial down the stairs every day. Contest day, I think I landed it in less than 10 tries really nice. Then, I did not even place in the top 3... I just shrugged it off and said "well i came what i did to do no shame in that. guess the judges thought those other 3 tricks were sicker." in my head though I knew they were not but who am I to say right? but then like 4 or 5 people, at least, came up to me after and were absolutely baffled that i did not even place, and I think they all said they thought I should have deserved FIRST!

So another contest rolled around i think the same summer or maybe it was the next idk this was like 10 years ago. Same park. It started to rain a bit, i did not train for this contest at all. i wanted to do well in the contest but i was like meh i dont really care, i didnt train for it. so my friend and i got some James Ready 5.5 beer and did like 20 bong tokes in the parking lot. and sure enough the rain stopped... so the dj equipment comes out LOL and the contest is on! Im like "oh shit!" there was all these parnets from the neighbourhood there and shit so im drunk and high af, MC ghettochild all red outfit calls my name. i drop just the normal run that i do every single day i am at that park, to me it was nothing special at all, like zero flip tricks at all lol was struggling to balance my manuals but somehow did not touch or fall the fuck off and hit my brain and die. anyway somehow i get 2nd place in this contest, no clue what the prize was but felt like that was redemption for that previous one LOL
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: sk8ordontordie on January 06, 2020, 07:11:29 AM
I take my skatepark xans before the skatepark anxiety sets in
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AssFlea on January 06, 2020, 07:42:29 AM
If anyone is near Rye Air og lifers jam i think on Wednesday nights.

Skating tranny poorly is best done around people my age. They understand the struggle. They know that a bs kickflip over the pmid at age 40 is like a holy experience.

I like to talk about photos and old maximus experiences.

I like to talk about Charlie Wilkins.

What Andy Mac has Charlie fucking deserves 2 of them.

Charlie was so sick when i think of iron maiden i think of him firstly

Im so stoned i dont remember what thread this is.

If anyone wants to come skate my curbs and gaps north of Boston hmu.

No talking political or religious only skate
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: rawbertson. on January 06, 2020, 07:59:34 AM
Yup i mean i havent skated an indoor park in years, i mostly only go to outdoor park whne its not busy, and we have loads of parks now so really its never that busy. I was out of the scene for about 5-6 years just due to living in different parts of the world. moved back "home" somewhat (1 town over but i obviosuly knew most ppl who skated prior to me leaving) i found a group of older dudes pretty early on whom i actually did not know at all previous to me leaving the area. we just became friends pretty quickly, 2 of the guys are younger and very talented and still have a lot of room to grow, where myself and aonther guy are older more chill and like to reminisce about old video parts etc. we started an instagram chat for our local park and soon enough i have it up to like 20 people who come through on different days of the week, some new, some old. didnt take much and now it feels like we have our own little mini scene.

If anyone is near Rye Air og lifers jam i think on Wednesday nights.

Skating tranny poorly is best done around people my age. They understand the struggle. They know that a bs kickflip over the pmid at age 40 is like a holy experience.

I like to talk about photos and old maximus experiences.

I like to talk about Charlie Wilkins.

What Andy Mac has Charlie fucking deserves 2 of them.

Charlie was so sick when i think of iron maiden i think of him firstly

Im so stoned i dont remember what thread this is.

If anyone wants to come skate my curbs and gaps north of Boston hmu.

No talking political or religious only skate
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: padded_shorts on January 06, 2020, 08:06:09 AM
A lot of people here don't seem to understand what actual anxiety is. This is not a situation where someone is just worried about not being as good as the other skaters, though that can factor into it i suppose. It's a mental illness that needs to be treated. It's not just something you can power through and stop being a pussy about. Treatments can be medication or therapy. Work with a therapist to find a coping mechanism that works for you. I've had anxiety attacks at the skatepark that have taken a couple of days to fully recover from. If I know I'm going into a situation where there will be a lot of people I can usually prepare myself mentally for it and can be ok. Bringing a friend along can help. Everyone's brain is different though. Anxiety disorders suck a lot, and they usually go hand in hand with major depressive disorder. Take care of your mental health. I know it's not easy, there can be a lot of barriers, financially especially. It's important though.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: robasheep on January 06, 2020, 08:30:07 AM
I used to feel major anxiety when I would visit skateparks. When I was much younger I was quite good at skateboarding. I always felt that people were watching me and that there were expectations that I would land everything first try or just skate really well. I would be fine if I was skating at a park before people showed up, but if I arrived at a session already in progress...I felt like I was being judged or something...
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Dr Dew on January 06, 2020, 09:44:38 AM
Try rolling a spliff in a central area of the park. Better yet roll a jay and ask people if they have a cigarette to throw some tobacco into it. Someone will say yes and you’ll smoke the spliff with them and make friends. Then you’ll also be high and might forget about the anxiety and start shredding
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 06, 2020, 10:13:57 AM
Try rolling a spliff in a central area of the park. Better yet roll a jay and ask people if they have a cigarette to throw some tobacco into it. Someone will say yes and you’ll smoke the spliff with them and make friends. Then you’ll also be high and might forget about the anxiety and start shredding

Drugs are definitely the best way to handle any problems a person might have.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: on January 06, 2020, 10:58:45 AM
A lot of people here don't seem to understand what actual anxiety is. This is not a situation where someone is just worried about not being as good as the other skaters, though that can factor into it i suppose. It's a mental illness that needs to be treated. It's not just something you can power through and stop being a pussy about. Treatments can be medication or therapy. Work with a therapist to find a coping mechanism that works for you. I've had anxiety attacks at the skatepark that have taken a couple of days to fully recover from. If I know I'm going into a situation where there will be a lot of people I can usually prepare myself mentally for it and can be ok. Bringing a friend along can help. Everyone's brain is different though. Anxiety disorders suck a lot, and they usually go hand in hand with major depressive disorder. Take care of your mental health. I know it's not easy, there can be a lot of barriers, financially especially. It's important though.

This.....there a huge range and for a lot of people if it was as easy as smoking a jay or trying easier stuff....they would. 

Based on my limited knowledge of the subject, I'd say it's about trying to understand the situation and your condition a bit better, coming up with strategies or treatments to help.....

Respect for posting and showing up to skate....I can only image how stressful it is when you are trying to do what you love and it's not going how you want it.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AssFlea on January 06, 2020, 11:12:09 AM
Yup i mean i havent skated an indoor park in years, i mostly only go to outdoor park whne its not busy, and we have loads of parks now so really its never that busy. I was out of the scene for about 5-6 years just due to living in different parts of the world. moved back "home" somewhat (1 town over but i obviosuly knew most ppl who skated prior to me leaving) i found a group of older dudes pretty early on whom i actually did not know at all previous to me leaving the area. we just became friends pretty quickly, 2 of the guys are younger and very talented and still have a lot of room to grow, where myself and aonther guy are older more chill and like to reminisce about old video parts etc. we started an instagram chat for our local park and soon enough i have it up to like 20 people who come through on different days of the week, some new, some old. didnt take much and now it feels like we have our own little mini scene.

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If anyone is near Rye Air og lifers jam i think on Wednesday nights.

Skating tranny poorly is best done around people my age. They understand the struggle. They know that a bs kickflip over the pmid at age 40 is like a holy experience.

I like to talk about photos and old maximus experiences.

I like to talk about Charlie Wilkins.

What Andy Mac has Charlie fucking deserves 2 of them.

Charlie was so sick when i think of iron maiden i think of him firstly

Im so stoned i dont remember what thread this is.

If anyone wants to come skate my curbs and gaps north of Boston hmu.

No talking political or religious only skate

i got to go the other day but it was mostly little kids.

Im definitely going to be hitting rye tge next few weeks i just got to talk to jib find out what night is the og jam night.

I can help anyone get over park anxiety. Just play chase for like 45 mins then branch out from there.

Be like water.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Dr Dew on January 06, 2020, 11:16:55 AM
I was mostly joking about the weed thing. But it is kinda true people will treat you differently if they think you might smoke them out.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 06, 2020, 11:19:28 AM
I was mostly joking about the weed thing. But it is kinda true people will treat you differently if they think you might smoke them out.

I was also kidding, man. Honestly, if I wasn't such a goddamn crackhead, I'd still smoke weed daily because I feel like it helps take life's edge off. But since I just have no ability to control myself in any way, I had to knock it off. :(
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AssFlea on January 06, 2020, 11:44:15 AM
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I was mostly joking about the weed thing. But it is kinda true people will treat you differently if they think you might smoke them out.

I was also kidding, man. Honestly, if I wasn't such a goddamn crackhead, I'd still smoke weed daily because I feel like it helps take life's edge off. But since I just have no ability to control myself in any way, I had to knock it off. :(

yeah my family had the talk about my dab habit. Im chilling but still keeping a Grammy handy for guests and stuff.

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Dr Dew on January 06, 2020, 12:33:10 PM
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I was mostly joking about the weed thing. But it is kinda true people will treat you differently if they think you might smoke them out.

I was also kidding, man. Honestly, if I wasn't such a goddamn crackhead, I'd still smoke weed daily because I feel like it helps take life's edge off. But since I just have no ability to control myself in any way, I had to knock it off. :(

Haa, reminds me of myself. I feel like I constantly smoke to try to deal with the anxiety, not like it’s exactly working though lol. So then I just end up anxious and also broke from spending all my money on weed and also mentally burnt from that shit as well :/

2020 needs to be the year I learn moderation or cut that shit out for good like u did. So far all I’ve done is make a slap account and eaten 20 snickers bars so it’s not going great
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 06, 2020, 12:34:33 PM
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I was mostly joking about the weed thing. But it is kinda true people will treat you differently if they think you might smoke them out.

I was also kidding, man. Honestly, if I wasn't such a goddamn crackhead, I'd still smoke weed daily because I feel like it helps take life's edge off. But since I just have no ability to control myself in any way, I had to knock it off. :(

Haa, reminds me of myself. I feel like I constantly smoke to try to deal with the anxiety, not like it’s exactly working though lol. So then I just end up anxious and also broke from spending all my money on weed and also mentally burnt from that shit as well :/

2020 needs to be the year I learn moderation or cut that shit out for good like u did. So far all I’ve done is make a slap account and eaten 20 snickers bars so it’s not going great

You're way ahead of me as far as stuff you've accomplished so far this year. I salute you!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: layzieyez on January 06, 2020, 12:36:35 PM
A lot of people here don't seem to understand what actual anxiety is. This is not a situation where someone is just worried about not being as good as the other skaters, though that can factor into it i suppose. It's a mental illness that needs to be treated. It's not just something you can power through and stop being a pussy about. Treatments can be medication or therapy. Work with a therapist to find a coping mechanism that works for you. I've had anxiety attacks at the skatepark that have taken a couple of days to fully recover from. If I know I'm going into a situation where there will be a lot of people I can usually prepare myself mentally for it and can be ok. Bringing a friend along can help. Everyone's brain is different though. Anxiety disorders suck a lot, and they usually go hand in hand with major depressive disorder. Take care of your mental health. I know it's not easy, there can be a lot of barriers, financially especially. It's important though.
I'm actually taking an antidepressant with some anti-anxiety properties. In general though, me sitting around gives me more anxiety than rolling around and focusing on how my body is moving/my board feels under my feet. If I went to a skatepark and didn't skate, it would have a worse effect on me than just getting on my board and trying to find a line somewhere away from the crowded obstacles.

The eyes of randos in the streets is what brings up my anxiety more since I am no longer able to run away from the cops like I used to in my teens and 20s.

Just to give you an idea of what my anxiety feels like, I'm often convinced I'm going to drop dead. Cancer, cardiac event, diabetes, etc. All the fucking time. Heart rate increase from climbing stairs or lifting? I'm having a heart attack which in turn makes it go harder or at least feels like it. I'm glad the meds work more often than not. I try to meditate but I feel like I'm not breathing right or now I'm hyperventilating or am I or do I have lung cancer?
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 06, 2020, 12:39:15 PM
Yeah anxiety is awful. I'm on an anti-anxiety psych med. I've tried to go off it a few times and that panic always comes back. The last time we tried and failed to come off it, my doctor just said, "Looks like you're just one of those people that needs to be on an anti-anxiety medication."

I was bummed for a while but now I just chop that shit up and snort it in the morning to get some of that rebel feeling back.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: SneakySecrets on January 06, 2020, 12:43:28 PM
So far all I’ve done is make a slap account and eaten 20 snickers bars

Ok, two small missteps.  Don’t fret, you can still turn this thing around.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on January 06, 2020, 12:53:17 PM
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A lot of people here don't seem to understand what actual anxiety is. This is not a situation where someone is just worried about not being as good as the other skaters, though that can factor into it i suppose. It's a mental illness that needs to be treated. It's not just something you can power through and stop being a pussy about. Treatments can be medication or therapy. Work with a therapist to find a coping mechanism that works for you. I've had anxiety attacks at the skatepark that have taken a couple of days to fully recover from. If I know I'm going into a situation where there will be a lot of people I can usually prepare myself mentally for it and can be ok. Bringing a friend along can help. Everyone's brain is different though. Anxiety disorders suck a lot, and they usually go hand in hand with major depressive disorder. Take care of your mental health. I know it's not easy, there can be a lot of barriers, financially especially. It's important though.
I'm actually taking an antidepressant with some anti-anxiety properties. In general though, me sitting around gives me more anxiety than rolling around and focusing on how my body is moving/my board feels under my feet. If I went to a skatepark and didn't skate, it would have a worse effect on me than just getting on my board and trying to find a line somewhere away from the crowded obstacles.

The eyes of randos in the streets is what brings up my anxiety more since I am no longer able to run away from the cops like I used to in my teens and 20s.

Just to give you an idea of what my anxiety feels like, I'm often convinced I'm going to drop dead. Cancer, cardiac event, diabetes, etc. All the fucking time. Heart rate increase from climbing stairs or lifting? I'm having a heart attack which in turn makes it go harder or at least feels like it. I'm glad the meds work more often than not. I try to meditate but I feel like I'm not breathing right or now I'm hyperventilating or am I or do I have lung cancer?

Yep, and its frightening.  I find excercises of any kind is a massive benefit in reducing anxiety. It's taken years to push through certain "anxiety provoking" things, lol, but its helped.

Panic attacks are another story, fuck that shit.

Kava kava capsules have helped, as well as microdosing psilocybin.

The worst thing I can do is sit around all day, that's when anxiety is WAAAY worse

Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Pappy Jones on January 06, 2020, 12:56:56 PM
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A lot of people here don't seem to understand what actual anxiety is. This is not a situation where someone is just worried about not being as good as the other skaters, though that can factor into it i suppose. It's a mental illness that needs to be treated. It's not just something you can power through and stop being a pussy about. Treatments can be medication or therapy. Work with a therapist to find a coping mechanism that works for you. I've had anxiety attacks at the skatepark that have taken a couple of days to fully recover from. If I know I'm going into a situation where there will be a lot of people I can usually prepare myself mentally for it and can be ok. Bringing a friend along can help. Everyone's brain is different though. Anxiety disorders suck a lot, and they usually go hand in hand with major depressive disorder. Take care of your mental health. I know it's not easy, there can be a lot of barriers, financially especially. It's important though.
I'm actually taking an antidepressant with some anti-anxiety properties. In general though, me sitting around gives me more anxiety than rolling around and focusing on how my body is moving/my board feels under my feet. If I went to a skatepark and didn't skate, it would have a worse effect on me than just getting on my board and trying to find a line somewhere away from the crowded obstacles.

The eyes of randos in the streets is what brings up my anxiety more since I am no longer able to run away from the cops like I used to in my teens and 20s.

Just to give you an idea of what my anxiety feels like, I'm often convinced I'm going to drop dead. Cancer, cardiac event, diabetes, etc. All the fucking time. Heart rate increase from climbing stairs or lifting? I'm having a heart attack which in turn makes it go harder or at least feels like it. I'm glad the meds work more often than not. I try to meditate but I feel like I'm not breathing right or now I'm hyperventilating or am I or do I have lung cancer?
Can totally relate to this. One of the biggest contributors to my anxiety is in the realm of hypochondriac and I have frequent experiences like the one you described. So strange to be aware that it’s irrational and still not be able to control it when that feeling kicks in.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: layzieyez on January 06, 2020, 01:16:45 PM
It's the worst. Don't ever look up symptoms to shit on the internet unless you want a new way to feel like you're dying. Counter-intuitive mind games.

I keep a jump rope and force myself to jump rope if I feel like I'm having a cardiac event. If I don't die from jumping for a minute, I'm safe.

Also, I'm only in my 40's and taking a baby aspirin a day just to feel better about this shit.

Is this blowback from living so fearless in my youth? I wasn't like this until my younger brother died a few years ago.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: 144p on January 06, 2020, 01:17:38 PM
In my late 30’s I’m sure I was dealing with an undiagnosed severe case of anxiety and should have been medicated. Talking myself out of doing anything that put me into a situation I wasn’t comfortable with, and often times it was a Session/skatepark and all of the possibilities it could have presented me with and how badly they would all go. So much time spent in my house and not able to make myself get up and go enjoy my life.
In 2017 I melted down, tried going on antidepressants and anxiety meds, instantly knew it wasn’t for me and just trudged ahead with a solid support system helping me along the way. I have learned that the solitude of avoiding those glaring judgmental eyes only made things worse. Creating fomo which I would always multiply by seeing my friends all have a great time on social media , and all along I could have just jumped in my car and went and possibly helped alleviate my symptoms.
Brain chemistry is wild, wishing I didn’t miss out on so many fun trips and experiences, but it’s just more motivation to go get out there more now.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: GAY on January 06, 2020, 01:55:03 PM
It's the worst. Don't ever look up symptoms to shit on the internet unless you want a new way to feel like you're dying. Counter-intuitive mind games.

I keep a jump rope and force myself to jump rope if I feel like I'm having a cardiac event. If I don't die from jumping for a minute, I'm safe.

Also, I'm only in my 40's and taking a baby aspirin a day just to feel better about this shit.

Is this blowback from living so fearless in my youth? I wasn't like this until my younger brother died a few years ago.

That was kind-of the surprise bonus to finding out I was HIV+. It was like, "Well fuck now I've got basically some of the worst shit on the face of the earth, so I'm not going to trip about anything else."

Reminds me a bit of when I got mugged in Amsterdam. It was like my 3rd or 4th day there and I had been anxious about something like that happening since I got there. After I got mugged I was just like, "I guess that's probably the worst thing that's going to happen to me over here," and I calmed down and enjoyed myself.

Dude I'm so sorry about your younger brother. Don't think I knew that about you and that's just awful.

I wish we could hang!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: 144p on January 06, 2020, 01:57:45 PM
I don’t t think a single person dealing with anxiety claimed they were only interested in skating skateparks. We were talking about dealing with a certain situation. And frankly all of us probably spent a lot of time in empty lots and behind grocery stores avoiding said circumstances.
And the point of talking about it is finding a solution to it, to work past it with either therapy or medication. To be able to do the things you want to do. Also, skateparks aren’t the only place full of people, most cities have spots a plenty and an abundance of pedestrians.
We also hear it loud and clear that people without anxiety have a hard time processing what’s wrong and why these things bother/bothered us.
The point of this discussion is to show people they aren’t alone and that there are ways to work past it, not avoid it.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: layzieyez on January 06, 2020, 02:26:24 PM
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It's the worst. Don't ever look up symptoms to shit on the internet unless you want a new way to feel like you're dying. Counter-intuitive mind games.

I keep a jump rope and force myself to jump rope if I feel like I'm having a cardiac event. If I don't die from jumping for a minute, I'm safe.

Also, I'm only in my 40's and taking a baby aspirin a day just to feel better about this shit.

Is this blowback from living so fearless in my youth? I wasn't like this until my younger brother died a few years ago.

That was kind-of the surprise bonus to finding out I was HIV+. It was like, "Well fuck now I've got basically some of the worst shit on the face of the earth, so I'm not going to trip about anything else."

Reminds me a bit of when I got mugged in Amsterdam. It was like my 3rd or 4th day there and I had been anxious about something like that happening since I got there. After I got mugged I was just like, "I guess that's probably the worst thing that's going to happen to me over here," and I calmed down and enjoyed myself.

Dude I'm so sorry about your younger brother. Don't think I knew that about you and that's just awful.

I wish we could hang!
Yes, I wish we could hang out for sure.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Dr Dew on January 06, 2020, 02:52:03 PM
Respect to GAY for finding the good in a bad situation
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: layzieyez on January 06, 2020, 07:20:18 PM
GAY is such a light of positivity for me and I'm sure  countless others here.

In all seriousness, if you're suffering similar circumstances, please reach out and find help,  professional or otherwise. Don't suffer in silence. That shit doesn't solve anything and you are not alone.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Surf The Earth on January 06, 2020, 08:32:53 PM
I feel the best thing you can do is take a deep breath, and remember that most of the skaters there are a bunch of extremely self conscience people trying to fufill themselves by doing cool tricks on a skateboard. They probably battle the same feeling as you by being the coolest raddest dude at the park. Because they are under the false belief that being good at skateboarding means you are of value. Smile at people and be encouraging, treat others with kindness, and know that the raddest thing you can do is just be yourself. go out there and get some G! VALHALLA
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: AssFlea on January 06, 2020, 08:46:18 PM
Skatepark anxiety is actually a pretty cool name for a song.
Maybe it can be about an old man who sells these pills you can take that make you skate free and clear but not me.

I take the pill and i see everyone is hust hanging around jerking their dicks throwing cum at the plexiglass windows of monkey island
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Pango on January 07, 2020, 04:23:04 AM
go skate the park in the morning when nobody is there then proceed to the streets or if you want to still work on basics, an empty lot or basketball court.  That's what I've been doing for the better part of my adult life on my days off now.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: givecigstosurfgroms on January 07, 2020, 07:35:02 AM
Anxiety can be crazy disabilitating.  Thank god its not a constant in my life but i still have a dangerous amount.  My way has always been to ride it along and to not see any anxiety 'attacks' as events to recover from or any thing like that.  Im emotionally detacted from my anxiety and try to 'observe' as Bouroughs might have put it.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: padded_shorts on January 07, 2020, 11:06:35 AM
Isn't the obvious solution to avoid skateparks all together and just skate in a big empty parking lot or a schoolyard somewhere? There is no requirement that you only ride skateboards at designated skateboard areas or that there have to be other people around. I know of tons of spots around my highly populated area where you can skate without ever seeing another skater (and very few other people of any kind).
If you feel like you can't skate anywhere but at a skatepark, you should do some thinking about why that is - chances are you have other issues and skateboarding might not be for you. I'm not trying to antagonistic, just pragmatic.
Generally, I can't skate other places than the skatepark because it is 2 degrees outside and everything is covered in snow and ice.
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: Willie on January 07, 2020, 02:34:29 PM
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It's the worst. Don't ever look up symptoms to shit on the internet unless you want a new way to feel like you're dying. Counter-intuitive mind games.

I keep a jump rope and force myself to jump rope if I feel like I'm having a cardiac event. If I don't die from jumping for a minute, I'm safe.

Also, I'm only in my 40's and taking a baby aspirin a day just to feel better about this shit.

Is this blowback from living so fearless in my youth? I wasn't like this until my younger brother died a few years ago.

That was kind-of the surprise bonus to finding out I was HIV+. It was like, "Well fuck now I've got basically some of the worst shit on the face of the earth, so I'm not going to trip about anything else."

Reminds me a bit of when I got mugged in Amsterdam. It was like my 3rd or 4th day there and I had been anxious about something like that happening since I got there. After I got mugged I was just like, "I guess that's probably the worst thing that's going to happen to me over here," and I calmed down and enjoyed myself.

Dude I'm so sorry about your younger brother. Don't think I knew that about you and that's just awful.

I wish we could hang!

What’s the story on getting mugged in Amsterdam?
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: sus on January 07, 2020, 08:21:02 PM

A lot of people here don't seem to understand what actual anxiety is. This is not a situation where someone is just worried about not being as good as the other skaters, though that can factor into it i suppose. It's a mental illness that needs to be treated. It's not just something you can power through and stop being a pussy about. Treatments can be medication or therapy. Work with a therapist to find a coping mechanism that works for you. I've had anxiety attacks at the skatepark that have taken a couple of days to fully recover from. If I know I'm going into a situation where there will be a lot of people I can usually prepare myself mentally for it and can be ok. Bringing a friend along can help. Everyone's brain is different though. Anxiety disorders suck a lot, and they usually go hand in hand with major depressive disorder. Take care of your mental health. I know it's not easy, there can be a lot of barriers, financially especially. It's important though.

Its interesting the way anxiety and stuff are referenced nowerdays in conversation.

I've seen people around me bitch about things "giving them anxiety" when in reality it just makes them upset, and they use their reaction/dislike of said action upsetting them to get what they want. Don't get me wrong, i understand that people have anxiety and stuff, but theres a big difference between having actual anxiety, and saying that something that just upsets you triggers your anxiety.

Same could be said about OCD, just because you don't like the way something is laid out, way an object is placed, etc. doesn't mean you have OCD. You just don't like the way something is. But the people that have little rituals with things and number counts, etc to an extreme extent, that makes sense and is understandable.

We've all been there and said briefly said stuff gives us anxiety or gives us OCD, but we also know the people that actually overreact and play it off to get things to be the way they want as opposed to actually having either of those problems
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: weon on January 09, 2020, 12:05:29 AM
sertraline dose got upped recently ayyyy. been feeling good lately so gonna try out the closest park when im back on land. pass the light and where that parking block at?!
Title: Re: Skatepark Anxiety
Post by: skatefresh on April 27, 2020, 09:56:42 AM
Bumping this. I've experienced anxiety mostly with crowded parks. If I am with a group of friends which rarely happens these days in an almost empty park, I have no anxiety. I have just accepted that I prefer skating alone and cannot skate properly in a park where I'm having to watch my surroundings every two seconds to avoid a collision and at my age it is annoying when I'm struggling with a 50-50 on an overwaxed ledge and there are 15 year olds doing switch back tails. Growing up we didn't have many parks so I learned everything on janky street spots aside from the occasional trip to an indoor park. We have a street league plaza fairly close and I just cannot skate for shit when I go there. I seriously would rather skate flatground or a shitty curb. Oddly, when I went to Utah to visit a friend, it seems there are so many parks they don't get as overcrowded so I had some pretty good chill sessions at a few parks there. It sounds funny but I feel like my muscle memory is tied to rough ground. I struggle to do a kickflip at a smooth perfect park, but can do switch tre flips on the crusty ground by my house. I have such limited time to skate these days I'd rather just accept my limitations that fight it.