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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: Tear Up a Trick on May 10, 2020, 06:34:35 AM

Title: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on May 10, 2020, 06:34:35 AM
Happy Mother's Day to all our moms

Who are the raddest skating moms we know?  And the raddest supporting moms?

How did your mom help with your skating?

How does this topic open up old wounds for you and remind you to get a therapist?

Thanks Mom for the Christmas completes, for sending me Transworlds and Thrashers when I was away, and for all the first aid.

If someone wants to repost that pregnant chick dropping in this would be the thread too.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: cucktard on May 10, 2020, 06:39:58 AM
Skate moms < Metal moms
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: sharkin on May 10, 2020, 06:50:05 AM
If your mom likes skating she should check out my frontside D
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: ziggy on May 10, 2020, 06:54:47 AM
My mom made a deal to buy me a new deck every time i made honor roll, and she soon regretted it
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: secondhandstoke on May 10, 2020, 06:58:10 AM
Anyone here have a hot mom or step-mom?
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: blurst_of_times on May 10, 2020, 06:59:28 AM
My mom built me a small wooden bank and a manual pad for me when I started skating. She also enjoyed Tim O'Connor's humor. She barely understood what skating was about, but she still did everything she could to encourage my interest in it.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: 606 on May 10, 2020, 07:06:15 AM

Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: SneakySecrets on May 10, 2020, 07:37:35 AM
My mom built me a small wooden bank and a manual pad for me when I started skating. She also enjoyed Tim O'Connor's humor. She barely understood what skating was about, but she still did everything she could to encourage my interest in it.

Cool mom.

I remember her driving my friends and I home from a spot when we were freshmen in high school and no one could drive.  She said the kid in the passenger’s seat next to her had the worst BO she ever smelled and was quietly singing “Mary Had a Little Lamb” to himself. 
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Allen. on May 10, 2020, 07:39:36 AM
He's just a real little
Hes just a real small
he's good
He's the super bomb
Diggity dog
So let's just give it up for him
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: boorgs on May 10, 2020, 07:47:31 AM
I want to bang shecklers mom so bad
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Allen. on May 10, 2020, 08:06:27 AM
I want to bang shecklers mom so bad

big gretch
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Spacetravelisboring on May 10, 2020, 08:30:49 AM
My mom built me a small wooden bank and a manual pad for me when I started skating. She also enjoyed Tim O'Connor's humor. She barely understood what skating was about, but she still did everything she could to encourage my interest in it.

Your mom fucking rules. God bless her.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Youoverthere on May 10, 2020, 08:45:39 AM
My mom took me to maloof money cup in dc. She won a board for me in a vitamin water chugging contest.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: CHONGO on May 10, 2020, 08:46:13 AM
calling all step sisters and moms
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: fakie nollie on May 10, 2020, 08:48:47 AM
My mom 100% supported my skateboarding when I was growing up. Drove me to the park or spots almost any time I needed if she wasn’t working. Paid for skate camp at Skate Street for a few summers. She still shreds!
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: blurst_of_times on May 10, 2020, 08:53:03 AM
Thank you for the kind words about my mom. Sitting here now and reflecting on it more, I am realizing that my mom was amazing. I just remembered right now that two years ago, my gf and I visited her (she lives 100 miles away now) and she gave me a bag of candles that she got at a thrift store because she knew I liked using candles for wax. Also, she didn't enjoy reading, but she read Rodney Mullen's biography when I asked her to.

JFC my mom was/is the best and I am bummed that I am only just realizing the entire scope of her support.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: fang on May 10, 2020, 08:56:29 AM
I want to bang shecklers mom so bad

Just do it.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Coco Santiagos Kitten on May 10, 2020, 09:08:17 AM
I was the youngest of 3, so my mom was pretty checked out, but honestly she did me the best favor ever and just kinda let me run the streets all hours of the night as long as my grades were good and I didn't get caught doing dumb shit. Sounds bad, but she did a good enough job raising me where I made good choices most of the time and knew how to get out of shit when I didn't.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: NE SEctor on May 10, 2020, 09:44:47 AM
My mom never really understood skateboarding, but always let me do it cause she knew i loved it. She most recently watched a max palmer part with me and thought his skating was cool lmao
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Deputy Wendell on May 10, 2020, 09:50:32 AM i've gotten older, i'm increasingly amazed that my own mother knew her son well enough to know that despite all of the broken bones, injuries, and handful of visits to the hospital, asking me to stop skating was never an option, so she never did. a couple of other reasons she's an awesome skate mom:

also, i can't be the only person who thought of this sister right here when i saw this thread...

Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: SneakySecrets on May 10, 2020, 09:53:09 AM
JFC my mom was/is the best and I am bummed that I am only just realizing the entire scope of her support.

I feel like that’s a common trajectory in life.  I’ve realized much the same thing myself.  Mine went to school, held down a full time job and took care of three kids by herself, making dinner every night and driving us around.    At the time I was extremely ungrateful and now feel like a jackass.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Tommy G on May 10, 2020, 09:55:40 AM
My mom knows about Thrasher magazine and a few other brands since she helped raise my cousin back in the 80's. She used to roller skate so she understands my passion for skateboarding and she supports me even after all the injuries I've had. I can't thank her enough for nursing me back to health and helping me move back into college after I had my foot surgery. She may not understand all the stuff I tell her like tricks I'm working on and all the crazy lingo but she doesn't mind listening to what I say about it.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Deputy Wendell on May 10, 2020, 09:57:06 AM
My mom built me a small wooden bank and a manual pad for me when I started skating. She also enjoyed Tim O'Connor's humor. She barely understood what skating was about, but she still did everything she could to encourage my interest in it.

your mom sounds awesome man.

you have to love the moms--like mine too--who didn't/don't let their lack of understanding of something as esoteric as skateboarding (especially way back, when it wasn't what it is now) get in their way of simply supporting what their kids are passionate about, and of being able to share in their kids' enthusiasm and excitement...
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: michael scarn on May 10, 2020, 10:14:46 AM
All the shoes i tore through in weeks trying to learn kickflips as a kid.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Saint Coke on May 10, 2020, 10:27:15 AM
I didn't know my mom until July of 2019. I was grown up at this point, but I love her even if she was never there.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on May 10, 2020, 10:27:37 AM
My mom has always been much more supportive of skating than not. She drove me hours to see a Girl/Choc demo once. She'd take me to shops and to skate spots. She never questioned my dedication to it too much; she realized how much it made me happy, and that made her happy. She was proud of the video parts I filmed.

When I wanted a skateboard as a kid, she was against it - she didn't want me to play hockey or football or anything where you'd get really messed up. And it's understandable, I wasn't that type as a kid. When I hit puberty it was a different story. I had to really debate with her to buy one. But I think she knew it was inevitable for her son to venture into "dangerous activities" because it's normal. I'd been on the wrestling team as well and she was supportive. Every day I feel blessed to have the mom I do, and I wish the best for all of yours as well.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Craig Lutzka on May 10, 2020, 10:51:13 AM
True story, my mom once took Andrew Reynolds to the grocery store, she bought beagle a bunch of Gatorade.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: UselessAsshole on May 10, 2020, 10:55:04 AM
My mom got me my first skateboard as a combo birthday/Christmas present after seeing how much fun I was having with my brother's old fishtail board that he left in the garage for years and never used.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: secondhandstoke on May 10, 2020, 12:24:16 PM
calling all step sisters and moms

i know, right?  i love those pornhub vids!
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Witcheshit on May 10, 2020, 12:55:24 PM
My mom poked her head over when I was watching a skate video one time, then after seeing someone get racked on a flatbar told me "I still want grandchildren, you know..."
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: fang on May 10, 2020, 01:03:12 PM
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Mike Oxwelling on May 10, 2020, 01:12:33 PM
My mom drove my friends and I to parks all the time.  Renewed my Transworld and Thrasher subscriptions for years.   Paid me to mow the lawn and shovel to drive way to earn money for boards.

Loved my mom and pleny of other friends moms who took us to spots and parks before we could drive.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: figureitout on May 10, 2020, 02:52:37 PM
This is a thread i can get behind, totally brought back my faith in Jr member thread creation.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: ndsr on May 10, 2020, 03:37:12 PM
My mom took me to maloof money cup in dc. She won a board for me in a vitamin water chugging contest.
Angel status
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: CrappyChan on May 10, 2020, 03:50:30 PM
My mom hing with the surf skate crowd back in her teens, even had a friend who was sponsored by vision that said he had a little sister so she could get free shoes. My dad was anti skating probably out of jealousy so when they broke up she got back in with the skate crowd and that led me into becoming a full on skater by the age of 7. I kind of wish she wasnt as involved but its alright. Worst part is that she has never been impressed with my skating compared to people she knows and underestimates my skill level and or tells me not to try stuff cause 'she doesnt wanna see me get hurt', kinda took the wind out of my sails at a young age but its okay I've gotten past it
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: tom on May 10, 2020, 04:22:23 PM
My mom took me to get my first complete, got me boards when I needed them, and would drive me to skateparks after work/on her days off. One time she tried to roll in over the coping and made it to the flat before she slammed as gracefully as you’d expect. She never stepped on a board again. She went for it though that one time and I’ll never forget it
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: GardenSkater77 on May 10, 2020, 06:23:39 PM
Shout out to skate moms

Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Mew on May 10, 2020, 06:27:22 PM
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: showerbeer on May 11, 2020, 04:10:09 AM
Getting ready to go out and do some stuff for mom.
I’ll always remember her talking the old man down when I got broke off skating and had to go to the er. She still questions why I gotta mess around at the skatepark, and I don’t have a good answer.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on May 11, 2020, 06:50:24 AM
Love reading these.  Go moms!

I think part of the genius of The Search For Animal Chin was it actually was something parents could watch with their kids who were into this skateboard thing that the parents couldn't really relate to.  Watching Future Primitive or Psycho Skate was not going to help.  Chin showed parents that it's all about fun, and my mom watched this video with me plenty of times. 
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: coldbrew on May 11, 2020, 06:52:02 AM
My mom somehow hated skateboarding and loved my passion for it all at the same time so she supported it. I remember her coming home from the grocery store with what seems like one of my first Thrasher mags. It was Herman kick flipping a double set or something like that? She took me to the nearest park every weekend which was almost an hour away until I could drive. Lost her a few years ago to cancer but even before that she still would ask If I was still skating and how it was every time we talked. She was the best.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: whaaaaat on May 11, 2020, 08:56:56 AM
My mom somehow hated skateboarding and loved my passion for it all at the same time so she supported it. I remember her coming home from the grocery store with what seems like one of my first Thrasher mags. It was Herman kick flipping a double set or something like that? She took me to the nearest park every weekend which was almost an hour away until I could drive. Lost her a few years ago to cancer but even before that she still would ask If I was still skating and how it was every time we talked. She was the best.
Lost my mom 2 years ago to cancer too, that shit sucks.

My mom was a church going, rule following, suburban type who had no reference point for skateboarding.  She certainly didn't know what can of worms was opening when my brother and I started skateboarding - but she jumped all in.  Our house became the 'skate house' and my mom ended up being the mom to a lot more skateboarders than just the 2 she actually birthed.  I couldn't count the hours she spent driving us to parks and spots, or the breakfasts she cooked everyone, or the nights she spent worried and upset not knowing where we were (she was that kind of mom).
One time, early on, she was picking us up from a spot just as we were getting busted by the cops and they were taking our boards.  When she got out of the car steaming mad I was sure we were all in for it.  I was shocked when she directed that anger at the cops, yelling at them and grabbing our boards right out of their hands.  I couldn't believe it - I didn't think that attitude was part of her constitution.  My mom probably never really "got" skateboarding, but she was just about always backing what her kids were into, no matter what that was.  I miss her every day.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: coldbrew on May 11, 2020, 08:58:55 AM
Expand Quote
My mom somehow hated skateboarding and loved my passion for it all at the same time so she supported it. I remember her coming home from the grocery store with what seems like one of my first Thrasher mags. It was Herman kick flipping a double set or something like that? She took me to the nearest park every weekend which was almost an hour away until I could drive. Lost her a few years ago to cancer but even before that she still would ask If I was still skating and how it was every time we talked. She was the best.
Lost my mom 2 years ago to cancer too, that shit sucks.

My mom was a church going, rule following, suburban type who had no reference point for skateboarding.  She certainly didn't know what can of worms was opening when my brother and I started skateboarding - but she jumped all in.  Our house became the 'skate house' and my mom ended up being the mom to a lot more skateboarders than just the 2 she actually birthed.  I couldn't count the hours she spent driving us to parks and spots, or the breakfasts she cooked everyone, or the nights she spent worried and upset not knowing where we were (she was that kind of mom).
One time, early on, she was picking us up from a spot just as we were getting busted by the cops and they were taking our boards.  When she got out of the car steaming mad I was sure we were all in for it.  I was shocked when she directed that anger at the cops, yelling at them and grabbing our boards right out of their hands.  I couldn't believe it - I didn't think that attitude was part of her constitution.  My mom probably never really "got" skateboarding, but she was just about always backing what her kids were into, no matter what that was.  I miss her every day.

This was damn near exactly my mom too. Cancer sucks man. Glad you got some great memories of her too.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: SHAQUEEFA on May 11, 2020, 08:59:11 AM
A trip to the skatepark was never out of the question.

My mom took me to contests all over Florida until I could drive there myself.

She also took me to the premier of Josh Stewart's "Rising" video. This was the World Market Skate Shop video he made in Tampa before starting the Static series. Parts from Ed Selego, Jeff Lenoce, Allen Russell, and others.

She got an extra job to support me and my sisters in our extra activities. She got paid under the table, so I always knew that if i needed a board, I needed to wait to ask until Saturday because she got her envelope on Fridays.

She also asked me once if I was gay because I always wanted to be at the skatepark on Friday and Saturday nights instead of trying to hang out with girls.

Little does she know that the first tits and pussy I touched was under the mini ramp........

Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on May 13, 2024, 04:08:43 PM
Some shredding moms yesterday (
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: BootsWithTheFerg on May 13, 2024, 05:12:29 PM
Grew up in bumfuck nowhere. Closet shop was 30 minutes away. Not pre internet but dial up enough online purchases were a rarity for us. I used to go through boards pretty quick made em last when I could but was after it in my youth. Often times I would have been without if it wasnt for how solid my mom was. Worked right down the street from the shop. Overtime, other errands etc, if I needed a board she'd grab it. At first I'd right down the size but a few months in she knew exactly what she needed. Same Ole 8.25 shop deck I'd give her the money and guaranteed she'd have a deck for me by the time I woke up in the morning.

We had a when them e150 or whatever Ford vans. That was the skate mobile till we got licenses and my mom and my sister were always taking us somewhere to shred no fuss escpially if shopping was near. Never been in the van but I'd do anything to be back in that van.

I mom became such a rad staple of local shop she ended up getting on some real g shit 2 birds stoned dude who owned the shop owned the laundry mat that was oped 24hr and when she couldn't make the shop in time the dude would meet her at the laundry spot cash transaction(no tax) still to this day my mom and that shop the two realest entities I've ever known I'm the 26+ years been doing this.

Skate mom's r rad for sure. And u lucky to have that if you have it. Even if they don't understand it just backing whatever pipe dream you have is some true love shit. Genuine.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: fakie nollie on May 13, 2024, 05:31:57 PM
My mom was cool as hell about skating when I was a kid. We had very little money but as soon as she saw I was into skating, she made it happen. Boards when she could afford it, trips to skate street and skate lab with my friends, etcetera. I legit would have given it up if it weren’t for her.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Bitchardo Scantron on May 13, 2024, 06:25:55 PM
My Mom bought me a new deck in exchange for cutting my hair once.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Plan9Customs on May 13, 2024, 06:43:39 PM
( (
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: ToySanta on May 13, 2024, 07:03:46 PM
Good thread to bump!

Nixon Watches had a pullout poster in Transworld back in the day that listed all of the skateparks in America, with a map on one side. My mom loves a day trip or adventure, so she’d take me, my brother, and our cousin to whatever boonie skatepark im the state and let us be for a couple hours.

When she got bonuses at work she could get a check or gift certificates to the local mall. She’d do the latter and take us to Zumiez or BC Surf n Sport (all we had nearby) to pick out shoes or gear. I knew it was a lot to ask, so I’d do my best to make things last.
I had a pair of Airwalks where the inside heel wore through and the plastic frame stuck out, scraping my heel. I folded a sock in between my foot and the shoe for months before she saw what was going on and got me a new pair.

She really didn’t have to do all that. Shout out to supportive skate moms for real.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: roba on May 13, 2024, 11:40:08 PM
when i was 11 i couldn't cut grip well and my mom learned how to do it <3

she also got me a cake with the vans off the wall logo for my 18th birthday. kinda corny i guess, manny santiago type shit, but still cute as fuck, i always wore vans so it made sense.

oh and she knows what size boards i skate :)
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Shtonk on May 13, 2024, 11:49:41 PM
If your mom likes skating she should check out my frontside D

People who post this on a mother's day thread get good rep on here. To paraphrase Spanky: This place hasn't yet caught up to what it thinks it is.

Love you mom. Sorry I didn't stop when you begged me to after the first big injury.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: roba on May 14, 2024, 06:33:31 AM
i wish you did too
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 14, 2024, 08:56:56 AM
My Mum dropped my brother and I off at a giant empty vert ramp when we were 9 and 12 and said, "Don't kill yourselves."

never saw her again.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: lurker_and_poster on May 14, 2024, 11:35:25 AM
My Mum dropped my brother and I off at a giant empty vert ramp when we were 9 and 12 and said, "Don't kill yourselves."

never saw her again.

coud be mine... may we are brothers from same mother.
But no my mother never drove me somewhere.

and she never gave me smart advice like "dont kill yourself"

Once I was homeless - on my birthday - because I moved for a new job to a new city but didnt found
an appartment - she told me I shoud call her back as soon as I have a landline.
(Calling on a mobil was little price back then...)
Dont worry for me - I had a goods job -and some savings - I was able to rent per week /month some furnished appartment
and 2 month later I found a really nice place and 16 years later still live there happy with my family.

Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Ninj2 on May 14, 2024, 02:19:49 PM
How come mother had to be quasi?
I never understood that.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Shtonk on May 14, 2024, 03:03:31 PM
i wish you did too
Sorry somebody hurt you so much you feel validated to treat strangers on the internet like that. Make your mum proud and get some therapy, never too late
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: on May 14, 2024, 03:40:59 PM
There's a crew of skate moms here, they are awesome, best trick I got all weekend was helping them drop in. 
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: roba on May 15, 2024, 01:06:06 AM
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i wish you did too
Sorry somebody hurt you so much you feel validated to treat strangers on the internet like that. Make your mum proud and get some therapy, never too late

says the dude that dug up a 4 year old attempt at a joke to bitch about the forum that you spend hours on every single day of your unexciting and unfulfilling life :(

feeling validated as fuck rn
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Shtonk on May 15, 2024, 02:35:49 AM
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Expand Quote
i wish you did too
Sorry somebody hurt you so much you feel validated to treat strangers on the internet like that. Make your mum proud and get some therapy, never too late

says the dude that dug up a 4 year old attempt at a joke to bitch about the forum that you spend hours on every single day of your unexciting and unfulfilling life :(

feeling validated as fuck rn

never too late, dude, never too late.

I hope you have a better day tomorrow
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Sila on May 15, 2024, 02:56:04 AM
I'm sure she didn't understand skating and thought it was stupid to some extent but she still occasionally gifted me skate stuff for birthdays when I was young. I used to run in and out of the house trying to learn tricks oblivious of the noise it would make and was never told off. She also bought me Photosynthesis the day it landed in the store, still one of the best gifts ever.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: lydius on May 15, 2024, 03:24:10 PM
once my mom heard Tom Petty in the opening montage for On Video Summer 2001, she was instantly more supportive of skating. seeing her study the footage with me, being like "OK these guys are onto something." over those high school years, I did get fresh with her and she took my board away a few times, but she was just doing her job.

most memorable skate moms are the one from the Emerica wild ride who was pumped for her son to try mushrooms, and the one from Girl High 5s up the I-5 who couldn't get the tour name right.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Hick Roward on May 15, 2024, 07:02:45 PM
Gail Webb was the first and original skate mom, Rest in Peace.
Title: Re: Let's Give It Up for the Skate Moms
Post by: Magnolia on May 15, 2024, 07:24:47 PM
My mom filmed my first ever heelflip and let me build a quarter pipe in the driveway. She's cool