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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 15, 2020, 06:07:23 PM

Title: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 15, 2020, 06:07:23 PM
Everyday I see and hear so much negativity, and not just on here or social media, but in real human contact. Even people I know that are typically fun, positive people are so full of hatred. So my question is "Why is there so much hatred?"

Life is way too fucking short to be filled with hate.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: EdLawndale on July 15, 2020, 08:07:20 PM
I think it has to be taught
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: EdLawndale on July 15, 2020, 08:18:03 PM
"American History X" was a great film that analyses how hatred is instilled in ppl.  You see the earlier scenes of Derek Vineyard being a relatively open-minded high school student whose firefighter father presents him with some questionable outlooks on race.  Then the stereotypes he has been conditioned to believe at home seem validated when said father is killed by a minority tenant while fighting a fire and you see the mental turmoil begin to push Derek into full blown hatred. Finally, the Cameron character is able to use that turmoil to indoctrinate Derek more fully and turn him into a legitimate weapon of hate. Not to mention how Derek's own influence on his younger brother seems to easily pass that hatred on to him.

It's a slow process but I hope, as generations continue co-existing and ppl become more and more accepting of others than their parents were, that hatred lessens and lessens.

When a lot of us grew up here in skate and hip hop/rock n roll culture in the 90's and earlier, we would use "gay" as a synonym for "bad" or "lame" and would throw around the f-word casually. I know my parents never batted an eye about it. It took me working day in, day out in a tiny room with two openly gay men when I entered the entertainment industry to learn how wrong and hurtful homophobia is. I saw them as real ppl and realized I care how my words and actions make them feel. I know that when I raise a child/children, I will never allow them to display the homophobia that I became so accustomed to partake in.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 16, 2020, 02:29:50 AM
"American History X" was a great film that analyses how hatred is instilled in ppl.  You see the earlier scenes of Derek Vineyard being a relatively open-minded high school student whose firefighter father presents him with some questionable outlooks on race.  Then the stereotypes he has been conditioned to believe at home seem validated when said father is killed by a minority tenant while fighting a fire and you see the mental turmoil begin to push Derek into full blown hatred. Finally, the Cameron character is able to use that turmoil to indoctrinate Derek more fully and turn him into a legitimate weapon of hate. Not to mention how Derek's own influence on his younger brother seems to easily pass that hatred on to him.

It's a slow process but I hope, as generations continue co-existing and ppl become more and more accepting of others than their parents were, that hatred lessens and lessens.

When a lot of us grew up here in skate and hip hop/rock n roll culture in the 90's and earlier, we would use "gay" as a synonym for "bad" or "lame" and would throw around the f-word casually. I know my parents never batted an eye about it. It took me working day in, day out in a tiny room with two openly gay men when I entered the entertainment industry to learn how wrong and hurtful homophobia is. I saw them as real ppl and realized I care how my words and actions make them feel. I know that when I raise a child/children, I will never allow them to display the homophobia that I became so accustomed to partake in.
It just as easy to instill positivity and love into your children's life as it is negativity and hate. I will have to rewatch that movie someday, it's been a few years. I appreciate your feedback Ed.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: EdLawndale on July 16, 2020, 09:46:52 AM
Thanks for creating the thoughtful, timely thread. I'm actually surprised more folks aren't chiming in with their perspectives on the persistence of hatred...
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Abyss1 on July 16, 2020, 10:13:13 AM
Shalom Shalom Shalom
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: chris. on July 16, 2020, 10:46:56 AM
You speak the truth. I went through some real shit a few years ago, easily the low point of my 33 years of life, and I came out the other side fully embracing love and rejecting hate.  I've been trying to think of a better way to describe it so I don't sound like a new age dipshit but that's really what it boils down to. Sturgill Simpson has a great verse that ends with "...but love's the only thing that ever saved my life." which also sums things up nicely.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 16, 2020, 10:53:33 AM
You speak the truth. I went through some real shit a few years ago, easily the low point of my 33 years of life, and I came out the other side fully embracing love and rejecting hate.  I've been trying to think of a better way to describe it so I don't sound like a new age dipshit but that's really what it boils down to. Sturgill Simpson has a great verse that ends with "...but love's the only thing that ever saved my life." which also sums things up nicely.
I 100% pick up what you're laying down man, it all sounds so corny but it definitely is the truth.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 16, 2020, 11:00:17 AM
Thanks for creating the thoughtful, timely thread. I'm actually surprised more folks aren't chiming in with their perspectives on the persistence of hatred...
Well thank you young fella!
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 16, 2020, 11:01:02 AM
Shalom Shalom Shalom
Shalom indeed sir..
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Lou Strux on July 16, 2020, 12:05:17 PM
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Shalom Shalom Shalom
Shalom indeed sir..
Hatred sucks, but Love swallows!

Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 16, 2020, 12:27:43 PM
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Shalom Shalom Shalom
Shalom indeed sir..
Hatred sucks, but Love swallows!

:D That's bumper sticker material right there.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: layzieyez on July 16, 2020, 12:49:13 PM
I'm trying but old habits die hard. More effort. More results. Just like skating.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on July 16, 2020, 01:05:04 PM
I have been learning mindfulness and although I slip in to bad habits sometimes every now and then it is great feeling to be kinder then hateful or have a chip on your shoulders.  Anyway you slice it these days there's already too much bullshit to focus on that negativity, I'd rather do something else better.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Powdered Toast Man! on July 16, 2020, 01:50:03 PM
agreed. humans are the only creatures capable of conceiving hate as well as evil. have you read about stoicism? i started getting into it around the same time i revisited therapy around 9 months ago and it has significantly motivated me to seek a healthier road for myself and those around me, starting with acknowleding my own flaws, wrongdoings, vices, errors, as well as positive traits . of course there are many other philosophies, doctrines, you name it, explaining this passionate emotion which usually stems from sadness. marcus aurelius' lead a stoic life and in his journal "Meditations" you'll find a number of entries explaining the nautre of hatred quite well.
and i know some people are rubbed by him the wrong way, but Jordan Peterson has written about hate, too.

I've been working as an office clerk at a seafood processing plant in Alaska for the last 2 months clocking 15 hours daily and, in short, for some reason i'm not as irritated, or hating, my fellow coworkers when in other years i would clash with their personalities or whatever differences we had or i found annoying.

maybe it's my aging, or therapy, meditating, journaling, stoicism or neither, all i know is I've felt at peace with myself and others like I've never been before amid these uncertain times of pandemic, protests, some infected family members, and a potential divorce. I'll never be free or immune of hatred, and although peace doesn't necessarily mean a life of  happiness, it has given me a sense of purpose and looking forward what the nature unfolds.

ps. i remember ted barrow posted on one of his many stories of him going off and bringing up a book or essay about hatred, something along "defending hatred" or something like that by this dude from the 1500s i think that i found interesting but lost the name. any clue of what im talking about?

found it
"on the pleasure of hating and other essays" by william hazlit (
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: shucknjive on July 16, 2020, 02:20:50 PM
zach de la rocha = my cuz
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: EdLawndale on July 16, 2020, 02:45:50 PM
agreed. humans are the only creatures capable of conceiving hate as well as evil. have you read about stoicism? i started getting into it around the same time i revisited therapy around 9 months ago and it has significantly motivated me to seek a healthier road for myself and those around me, starting with acknowleding my own flaws, wrongdoings, vices, errors, as well as positive traits . of course there are many other philosophies, doctrines, you name it, explaining this passionate emotion which usually stems from sadness. marcus aurelius' lead a stoic life and in his journal "Meditations" you'll find a number of entries explaining the nautre of hatred quite well.
and i know some people are rubbed by him the wrong way, but Jordan Peterson has written about hate, too.

I've been working as an office clerk at a seafood processing plant in Alaska for the last 2 months clocking 15 hours daily and, in short, for some reason i'm not as irritated, or hating, my fellow coworkers when in other years i would clash with their personalities or whatever differences we had or i found annoying.

maybe it's my aging, or therapy, meditating, journaling, stoicism or neither, all i know is I've felt at peace with myself and others like I've never been before amid these uncertain times of pandemic, protests, some infected family members, and a potential divorce. I'll never be free or immune of hatred, and although peace doesn't necessarily mean a life of  happiness, it has given me a sense of purpose and looking forward what the nature unfolds.

ps. i remember ted barrow posted on one of his many stories of him going off and bringing up a book or essay about hatred, something along "defending hatred" or something like that by this dude from the 1500s i think that i found interesting but lost the name. any clue of what im talking about?

found it
"on the pleasure of hating and other essays" by william hazlit (

I'm from Alaska originally (haven't been back in years). Beautiful land...but how do you manage skating out there? Are we going to see some woody, nature footage from you at some point? Backside lipslides on fallen tree trunks?

As an aside, I tried to hide my Alaskan heritage at first when I came to the mainland because I got tired of ppl making fun of me for supposedly living in an igloo. Talk about ignorant hatred...
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Powdered Toast Man! on July 16, 2020, 05:15:47 PM
ha no back lips on tree trunks for me around here just paperwork and fish tickets and a number of assorted clerical related duties from Monday to sunday.
I did bring my board though to at least get a feeling of the grip and stand on it in my room but there's absolutely zero terrain to skate here let alone free time to fuck around.
plus we're not allowed to go to the nearest bar or anywhere outside the plant's facilities bc covid or else we get fired, which is fine for me.

we're located at north naknek near king salmon in bristol bay. the nice view, fresh air, beautiful skies, a good buck, and workers from all kinds of different nationalities make the days here enjoyable and worth it being in the middle of buttfuck nowhere

show that ak pride! im sure the igloo thing gets tired but oh well, so is asking me if we ride donkeys in mexico. Don't let their ignorance get under your skin. I think Alaska is sick if you're into the outdoorsy things, skylights, canoeing, deer sausages, 12 hour parties, and pooping in the woods. At least in Fairbanks it is.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: EdLawndale on July 16, 2020, 05:28:32 PM
^^^I'm from Anchorage. If you ever make your way up through Sterling, hmu as u could drop my real name at my friend's establishment and maybe get a discounted bite to eat (or maybe they will just politely ask you to leave immediately 🤷‍♂️). But regardless enjoy yourself in the motherland. We want some Alaskan footy at some point this summer. At least a pic of some flatground with scenery in the background.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: fakie nollie on July 16, 2020, 05:45:27 PM
Hating on someone/something is the easier route for a lot of situations, albeit almost always the less fruitful.

I try really hard to come from an open/warm place now, when approaching anyone or anything I anticipate almost certain hate or negativity. As a reactionary response, it's really helped keep me at peace about a lot of things in life and put out fires which could have been catastrophic.

Thinking more on the offense/proactively, I constantly try to look at/perceive everything around me objectively. That's not coming from a place of "love", per se, but it does stop me from immediately going down a negative thought train.

In my past, I was filled with hate and would lash out over minor things; I was always on the defense. Now, looking at life and situations objectively and trying to understand that most people rarely come from a place of hatred, it's been interesting to say the least. Easier to wrap my head around my direct interactions, both in business and personal relationships.

I'm pretty drunk right now so I'm not sure if any of that makes sense
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 16, 2020, 06:12:29 PM
Hating on someone/something is the easier route for a lot of situations, albeit almost always the less fruitful.

I try really hard to come from an open/warm place now, when approaching anyone or anything I anticipate almost certain hate or negativity. As a reactionary response, it's really helped keep me at peace about a lot of things in life and put out fires which could have been catastrophic.

Thinking more on the offense/proactively, I constantly try to look at/perceive everything around me objectively. That's not coming from a place of "love", per se, but it does stop me from immediately going down a negative thought train.

In my past, I was filled with hate and would lash out over minor things; I was always on the defense. Now, looking at life and situations objectively and trying to understand that most people rarely come from a place of hatred, it's been interesting to say the least. Easier to wrap my head around my direct interactions, both in business and personal relationships.

I'm pretty drunk right now so I'm not sure if any of that makes sense
It all made sense to me! In fact it made perfect sense.

And to all you Alaskans, My parents are from Anchorage...small world
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Hyliannightmare on July 16, 2020, 08:28:55 PM
Hard not to hate with so much bullshit force fed
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on July 16, 2020, 08:47:18 PM
agreed. humans are the only creatures capable of conceiving hate as well as evil. have you read about stoicism? i started getting into it around the same time i revisited therapy around 9 months ago and it has significantly motivated me to seek a healthier road for myself and those around me, starting with acknowleding my own flaws, wrongdoings, vices, errors, as well as positive traits . of course there are many other philosophies, doctrines, you name it, explaining this passionate emotion which usually stems from sadness. marcus aurelius' lead a stoic life and in his journal "Meditations" you'll find a number of entries explaining the nautre of hatred quite well.
and i know some people are rubbed by him the wrong way, but Jordan Peterson has written about hate, too.

I've been working as an office clerk at a seafood processing plant in Alaska for the last 2 months clocking 15 hours daily and, in short, for some reason i'm not as irritated, or hating, my fellow coworkers when in other years i would clash with their personalities or whatever differences we had or i found annoying.

maybe it's my aging, or therapy, meditating, journaling, stoicism or neither, all i know is I've felt at peace with myself and others like I've never been before amid these uncertain times of pandemic, protests, some infected family members, and a potential divorce. I'll never be free or immune of hatred, and although peace doesn't necessarily mean a life of  happiness, it has given me a sense of purpose and looking forward what the nature unfolds.

ps. i remember ted barrow posted on one of his many stories of him going off and bringing up a book or essay about hatred, something along "defending hatred" or something like that by this dude from the 1500s i think that i found interesting but lost the name. any clue of what im talking about?

found it
"on the pleasure of hating and other essays" by william hazlit (
I’ve tried to read Marcus Aurelius and his book on stoicism good read. For anyone looking it is rad to checkout.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Mr. Stinky on July 16, 2020, 09:56:51 PM
Hard not to hate with so much bullshit force fed

This probably means something deep to you, but to me it just sounds like you need a hug and maybe an ice cream cone.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on July 17, 2020, 04:30:53 AM
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agreed. humans are the only creatures capable of conceiving hate as well as evil. have you read about stoicism? i started getting into it around the same time i revisited therapy around 9 months ago and it has significantly motivated me to seek a healthier road for myself and those around me, starting with acknowleding my own flaws, wrongdoings, vices, errors, as well as positive traits . of course there are many other philosophies, doctrines, you name it, explaining this passionate emotion which usually stems from sadness. marcus aurelius' lead a stoic life and in his journal "Meditations" you'll find a number of entries explaining the nautre of hatred quite well.
and i know some people are rubbed by him the wrong way, but Jordan Peterson has written about hate, too.

I've been working as an office clerk at a seafood processing plant in Alaska for the last 2 months clocking 15 hours daily and, in short, for some reason i'm not as irritated, or hating, my fellow coworkers when in other years i would clash with their personalities or whatever differences we had or i found annoying.

maybe it's my aging, or therapy, meditating, journaling, stoicism or neither, all i know is I've felt at peace with myself and others like I've never been before amid these uncertain times of pandemic, protests, some infected family members, and a potential divorce. I'll never be free or immune of hatred, and although peace doesn't necessarily mean a life of  happiness, it has given me a sense of purpose and looking forward what the nature unfolds.

ps. i remember ted barrow posted on one of his many stories of him going off and bringing up a book or essay about hatred, something along "defending hatred" or something like that by this dude from the 1500s i think that i found interesting but lost the name. any clue of what im talking about?

found it
"on the pleasure of hating and other essays" by william hazlit (
I’ve tried to read Marcus Aurelius and his book on stoicism good read. For anyone looking it is rad to checkout.
Thanks for the recommendation guys, I'm going to order this. I haven't read a book since I was a kid, wish me luck!  ;D
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Wheelbyte on July 17, 2020, 05:08:56 AM
Beta males that are left out of upper reaches of society and restricted opportunities to mate
may end up being haters
Same as victims of abuse and racism may hate their tormentors
Tormentors may hate like minorities because they are taught to fear
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: JANUS on July 17, 2020, 05:15:20 AM
zach de la rocha = my cuz

Well, you tell that son of a bitch if he and his friends weren’t slacking off for the past 15 years, we wouldn’t be in this mess.

You had one job, RATM.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: johnes on July 17, 2020, 05:58:21 AM
Speaking of hatred, it’s super rare for me to hate something. Like that’s always been a strong word to me and there were years where I didn’t hate anyone or anything because I don’t really experience anger and hate feelings very often.
Hatred sucks and it’s bad for you.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: BobbyPshew on July 17, 2020, 07:09:38 AM
Holding grudges is another form of hate that just eats people up.
You have to just let it go!
You don't have to like the person, or start hanging out with them, again, but all that energy spent on petty bullshit can't be good for you, mentally, or physically.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: Lou Strux on July 17, 2020, 07:53:56 AM
Holding grudges is another form of hate that just eats people up.
You have to just let it go!
You don't have to like the person, or start hanging out with them, again, but all that energy spent on petty bullshit can't be good for you, mentally, or physically.
Agree. But as a reminder, not all grudges are petty.
They may all be useless wastes of energy, but if your dad killed my mom & I can’t get any justice, I’m going to be pissed at your dad for some while, regardless of how futile or unhealthy said anger may be.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: chris. on July 17, 2020, 12:48:21 PM
Dailystoic is a great IG page.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on July 18, 2020, 05:42:00 PM
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Holding grudges is another form of hate that just eats people up.
You have to just let it go!
You don't have to like the person, or start hanging out with them, again, but all that energy spent on petty bullshit can't be good for you, mentally, or physically.
Agree. But as a reminder, not all grudges are petty.
They may all be useless wastes of energy, but if your dad killed my mom & I can’t get any justice, I’m going to be pissed at your dad for some while, regardless of how futile or unhealthy said anger may be.
Absolutely, if you were wronged and you have a lot of dislike for this person.

At one point you’re going to just going to say fuck em and move on.

If something is whack or lame I just say either the same examples and move forward.

Only a fragile weak ego person would waste time on racist shit.
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on July 23, 2020, 03:32:01 PM
Title: Re: Hatred sucks
Post by: os89 on July 24, 2020, 06:53:59 AM

In all seriousness, i'm trying to not be so hotheaded and stop having road rage. It is fucking hard though.