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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Seventyfrigginseven on August 21, 2020, 04:35:38 PM

Title: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on August 21, 2020, 04:35:38 PM
I keep up with the important stuff (i.e. my skate shit), and make everything else appear to be organized to the untrained eye..How you living?
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Gnarfunkell on August 21, 2020, 06:06:39 PM
I'm a total neat freak, which I guess is good because I'm clean, but it's annoying because in my head everything should have its place and be a particular way.

It makes me uneasy and anxious when my things are dirty or unorganized, so I do all I can to avoid that from happening. Other people's messes don't bother me unless it's something obviously disgusting. I just want my things/spaces to be neat and tidy.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on August 21, 2020, 06:07:51 PM
I'm chaotic organized I have area's where whatnot goes if that makes sense, such as dirty clothes go near the back door and in the basket overflowing.

I like things in color coordinated order and sizes but I get lazy sometimes. I hate cluttered stuff if you use something put it back where you found it, if it was on the floor it's probably dirty or needs to be put back or in a rubbish bin.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: igrindtwinkies on August 21, 2020, 06:08:41 PM
Slob as of late.  I'm spending alot of time at home and not really planning on having any women over any time soon with the plague and all.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: iKobrakai on August 21, 2020, 06:46:20 PM
I'm a total neat freak, which I guess is good because I'm clean, but it's annoying because in my head everything should have its place and be a particular way.

It makes me uneasy and anxious when my things are dirty or unorganized, so I do all I can to avoid that from happening. Other people's messes don't bother me unless it's something obviously disgusting. I just want my things/spaces to be neat and tidy.

#Team Clean.

Most people are gross.

Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Frank on August 21, 2020, 07:28:49 PM
unhealthy mix of total slobness and uncaringness in important parts of my life vs being super neurotic, specific and paranoid about everything else. 
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Pango on August 21, 2020, 08:34:02 PM
I'm a special ed teacher and a total slob, constantly moving classroom to classroom lol
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: matty_c on August 21, 2020, 09:57:47 PM
I was mad depressed for a while and I lived like one of those hoarder cunts but pretty clean now, get anxious if shits messy
I reckon you just get used to shit
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Bumpovertrash on August 21, 2020, 10:05:14 PM
Ive always been clean and neat I lose enough shit without being a slob. beds  made when I get up. Dishes are put in when Im finished. Cars always crispy dont care if its a 90s honda gotta keep it fresh. I never understood how some people are so messy. Like my roomates taking a shower and covering the whole floor with water like wtf g who walks straight out the shower and justbdrips everywhere. now my socks all wett
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: theSketchLord on August 22, 2020, 05:20:39 AM
Clean freak.
I'll finish a night shift, get home and get straight into dishes and hoovering.
Mind you I quite like it. Chuck on a few podcasts and I'll just zone out and clean for a few hours.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on August 22, 2020, 05:21:39 AM
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: os89 on August 22, 2020, 05:26:27 AM
#Team Clean.

Most people are gross.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Banned from the room on August 22, 2020, 08:14:26 AM
I am total Filth. Except in jail then I'll beat you into the shower.

I knew the whole world is coated in feces.
I worked in fast food. I been to jail. I grew up in housing.

I am a hand washing mad man.

I don't believe in deodorant so fuck your nose Im not pounding bullshit chemicals into my pits so you can feel better about being near me.

When I was homeless I didn't give a fuck.

When I was on my last dope run I would just pull my civic over drop a cotton ball in a puddle and draw up water from the streets. People with me driving around were like wtf!!!!

I don't believe in buying new clothes except for sneakers underwear and socks

I man scape that's kinda weird. I used to shave my pits and wear tank tops around 93. Putting eyeshadow on and shaving your armpits before a pickup game is psychological warfare.

Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Ms. Tamzarian on August 22, 2020, 08:54:19 AM
I'm a clean freak which is no surprise cause I'm a retentive bitch.

But also I'm a happy clean freak, hence my sweet side :-*

I love tidying up though - especially cause I'm Mentally Ill ™ and need positive ways to stay busy (especially during quarantine days). Like I'll put on some Death and sweep up the house and feel like a god damn peach. It's very meditative.

I also love luxuriating my kitty cat Link's coat with his favorite brush ;D

Like I'm definitely nuts, but also I enjoy being a clean freak. It's fruitful. I vacuum the studio before recording new tunes, and it feels more spacious for maximum catharsis. I try to ride the fine line. Organization feels good in the kitchen too - more room for the proper aromas 8)

I guess I have the lucky balance between MUST CLEAN and OKAY BUT LET'S RELAX TOO.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: layzieyez on August 22, 2020, 10:41:09 AM
I gave up on being super clean after the military taught me to have everything (workspace and living quarters) inspection ready at all times. I like to have a balance of clean/clutter.

Especially now, I have let things go to the extent it doesn't affect mental and physical well-being. I don't punish myself or anyone else in my household that everything isn't spotless, but I don't let it get gross either.

Admittedly, I could do more, but I do it in spurts as needed or when I'm inspired.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Sila on August 22, 2020, 11:21:55 AM
Depressed - things get messy

Feeling just ok - equal parts clutter and neatness
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: live, laugh, love on August 22, 2020, 11:46:52 AM
Being a clean freak before I became a Dad was a lot easier. Now I do the best I can. And it's gotten a bit more manageable as my kids grown up. I used to be obsessive with cleaning. Not as much now. But I've always been a minimalist. I hate clutter. I don't buy things I don't use. Like knick knacks and shit. Having less stuff around makes things calmer for me and it's just easier to keep neat.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on August 22, 2020, 02:42:29 PM
I keep it in the middle. Think the sanitation levels of the interiors in ‘Scott Pilgrim vs the World‘.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Gnarfunkell on August 22, 2020, 05:10:46 PM
Being a clean freak before I became a Dad was a lot easier. Now I do the best I can. And it's gotten a bit more manageable as my kids grown up. I used to be obsessive with cleaning. Not as much now. But I've always been a minimalist. I hate clutter. I don't buy things I don't use. Like knick knacks and shit. Having less stuff around makes things calmer for me and it's just easier to keep neat.

This is a big one for me. My last roommate loved knick-knacks, and it drove me crazy how much random ~silly~ stuff was just laying around our place.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Seventyfrigginseven on August 22, 2020, 05:28:26 PM
Clutter is my wost nightmare but has become a pretty big part of my home life...I'm in my 40's with a young family so I have had to adapt to letting things get "out of control". Then when I can't take it anymore I burn one and put some music on. At that point I clean like I'm getting paid for it. A day or two goes by and repeat process.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: boogs on August 22, 2020, 06:14:15 PM
I spent the better part of my twenties and thirties digging for records everyday like a dope fiend. I still own probably 10,000 and am in my mid 40s. They are meticulously organized in different sections and genres. All on shelves alphabetically downstairs in my living room area at my upstairs/downstairs garage apt.
Upstairs where all I do is sleep and use the bathroom there is the weeks dirty clothes on the floor. On Saturday’s I sort the dirty laundry, wash it and put it away. There’s dust on the records that are up there on shelves plus on all of the boards on the wall, tv etc.

There’s only a couple of dirty dishes in my sink at any given time also. I also live by myself and haven’t had much company in months. I gotta be grey.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: SneakySecrets on August 22, 2020, 06:16:26 PM
Total slob and I hate it.  It’s one of the areas of my life I most want to change.  I go through periods of keeping things clean/organized/uncluttered but I always seem to revert back to my natural messiness.

Any reformed slobs out there?  If so, how did you change?
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: DarthDingusMaximus on August 22, 2020, 07:26:26 PM
Total slob and I hate it.  It’s one of the areas of my life I most want to change.  I go through periods of keeping things clean/organized/uncluttered but I always seem to revert back to my natural messiness.

Any reformed slobs out there?  If so, how did you change?
My wife chaps my ass whenever I leave something out. she put baskets with names on it and the contents it needs to go in to.

 I know it sounds condescending but it works as I use to just throw random shit in whatever drawers but if you specify the drawers and just shove whatever that goes in there you'll have it off the floor and find it later on.

As far as organization I have my boards and hoodies in the closet door before I leave along with extra gear in clear containers trucks wheels bike nic nacs and etc.....

How I got a handle on not being such a slob was have each room with specific places you have your mess, plastic milk containers and clear plastic stuff is rad.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: WastedHippy on August 22, 2020, 07:32:53 PM
Closer to the clean freak side of things for sure, I like having things organized and keeping things clean just keeps it aesthetically pleasing. I drop the ball on some areas though but overall cleaner then not.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Frank on August 23, 2020, 08:03:28 AM
Total slob and I hate it.  It’s one of the areas of my life I most want to change.  I go through periods of keeping things clean/organized/uncluttered but I always seem to revert back to my natural messiness.

Any reformed slobs out there?  If so, how did you change?

i'm like el fapinator. i have dirty corners or anything drawers. then other stuff i order alphabetically and by color and size and stuff. when i am in a bad mental state i become messy again. and it's all a circle. so i need to keep a minimum of order to not feel to slobby to go into full nihilism mode like "cleaning up is meaningless after all". find something you really like to keep as neat as possible and go from there, work your way around it like your cleaning up around your personal altar if that makes sense. treat it like it's sacred and develop an irrational obsession to keep it nice. i guess that's how i do it.

for me it's like i'm not even dirty, i vacuum and clean like a crazy person but sometimes i start some home improvement project or whatever that i need to abort for whatever reason, and then i don't have a problem to live in what looks like a project room for months as long as my kitchen and bathroom are nice. if i had a steady partner, i would probably look after my room more and not use it as a workplace with a bed. i guess the more i know i will move things around, the less i care about order. i will have one half of the room look all nice and the other half is boxes and random stuff i work on.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: theSketchLord on August 23, 2020, 09:10:34 AM
Total slob and I hate it.  It’s one of the areas of my life I most want to change.  I go through periods of keeping things clean/organized/uncluttered but I always seem to revert back to my natural messiness.

Any reformed slobs out there?  If so, how did you change?

I was always a lazy slob until I brought my own place and actually started caring about how clean it was.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: iKobrakai on August 23, 2020, 10:44:03 AM
Just washed the car. It was great..
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: whale on August 23, 2020, 01:38:06 PM
My wife bitches about cleaning ALL the time, even though she does way more actual cleaning than i do, she’s WAY messier.
If she’s not around for a few days though.. total slob
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on August 23, 2020, 02:36:19 PM
Honestly I’ve been somewhat of a slob trying to learn how to cook new dishes and getting too tired to clean after. I do clean them, just not right away.

In general I’m more messy than dirty.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: matty_c on August 23, 2020, 03:13:36 PM
My friends had like an intervention for me, Sneaky...I hadn’t really noticed but the mess and clutter was getting me down.
It does feel nicer having a clean place

Lol I remember one of my mates saying ‘nobody’s gonna fuck you bro, not while your room looks like the set from trainspotting’

But yeah if you can get some help take it, one big clean so it’s all done at once.
And just spend like ten mins a day maintaining it. I have calendar alarms for cleaning the bathroom toilet etc
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: layzieyez on August 23, 2020, 03:22:35 PM
My wife will ask me to focus on a certain area if it's getting too much for her, but I will also joke with her if her own stuff is getting wild.

There are certain things like bathrooms and plumbing that I take care of that she normally doesn't like to do, and she tackles the kitchen/dining room which I try to keep up with ultimately she is much better at.
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Peepeeboy69 on August 24, 2020, 12:28:43 PM
i like to stay clean-ish but it's more like I clean up real good, slob out for a month until everything goes to shit, and then clean it all up again
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: Angela86 on August 24, 2020, 12:32:28 PM
hahaha honestly clean freak
Title: Re: Are you a slob or a clean freak?
Post by: HyenaChaser on August 26, 2020, 04:15:35 AM
Though it doesn't happen as often as I'd like, women visit my apartment on a regular enough basis that I keep the place clean.

Daily stuff like dishes, putting stuff back, folding clothes, and then a thorough cleanse on sundays (vacuum, swiffer, wipe down everything in kitchen, no crumbs on the stove, then scrub toilet and clean everything in bathroom).

I live in a studio so it's pretty easy and it's become a zen like routine for me. Highly recommend. Or don't, fuck it, some ladies are probably into the slob shit.