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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: Rocuronium on October 20, 2020, 12:23:32 AM

Title: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Rocuronium on October 20, 2020, 12:23:32 AM
In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Atiba Applebum on October 20, 2020, 12:40:57 AM
In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

Public courses exist. 
Liberals can drive nice cars. 
Golf is physically low impact.
What else do 40+ year olds do as a hobby

I don’t disagree with the environmental issues you mentioned and don’t quite get how obsessive people get about it, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve considered getting into it
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on October 20, 2020, 01:00:27 AM
In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

I always thought of this in the same way. Golfing does not conjure up any positive connotations. It is up there with lacrosse or something.

Just go cycling or running, you old fools.

But, at the end of the day, everyone is free to do whatever they want and the more skateboarders you meet/see the more you realize that skateboarding brings together people from all walks of life and that eventually, no such connection will surprise you.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: fs180 on October 20, 2020, 01:04:06 AM
playing golf is fun.
i dont skate to be in this scene. i do it because its fun.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: hateboard on October 20, 2020, 01:54:55 AM
I dont play it anymore but did a run with golf, if u don't know you don't know. Load the caddy up with beers, roll a few, leisurely stroll up to ur ball while hittin beers and buds, wack that sucker, start walkin again, finish 18 hopefully with a couple of surprise hammers and hit the club house for more beers... Oh and you can justify it as a mature form of exercise. Whats not to like?
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ChronicBluntSlider on October 20, 2020, 02:48:41 AM
To me golf pretty much encapsulates everything I never want my life to become. I just imagine a small group of emotionally repressed men dressed like Sean Malto making hackneyed wife jokes and bragging about the presumed superiority of their soulless jobs.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Telly on October 20, 2020, 04:21:01 AM
Does Mikey Taylor golf? 
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: authentic_creed_bratton on October 20, 2020, 04:24:03 AM
you guys are fucking haters
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Hevonen on October 20, 2020, 04:32:52 AM
You sound like a fucking loser. Why would I care if someone despises my culture
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on October 20, 2020, 04:49:32 AM
I see golf as something very similar to skateboarding. It's a very personal battle and you're constantly tweaking your technique because of personal fuck ups. I understand how to kick flip, yet I can't land every single one I try despite being fairly competent on a skateboard. I see people battle themselves with golf in the same way. knowing what to do, then having to constantly practice to maintain consistency. It's not that cool of a sport in my opinion but I look lame as fuck skateboarding too. I'm too tall and goofy looking. I think golfing and skateboarding are very personal sports where competition is generally looked at second, not first when practicing. At least that's how I see it.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Dirk_Diggler on October 20, 2020, 05:03:46 AM
Load the caddy up with beers, roll a few, leisurely stroll up to ur ball while hittin beers and buds, wack that sucker, start walkin again, finish 18 hopefully with a couple of surprise hammers and hit the club house for more beers... Oh and you can justify it as a mature form of exercise. Whats not to like?


And golf is the least “jockish” sport I can think of besides tennis.  You sound like someone that would literally bitch about anything and ruin everyone else’s time. 

EDIT: That was directed at OP, not you hateboard.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: fs180 on October 20, 2020, 05:12:13 AM
how could you not think hitting a ball with an iron bat as hard as you can/ as precise as you can over obstacles on an beautifully made outdoor course while walking on fresh mowed grass with your friends is fun?

keeping the whole golf course clean is essential for keeping the sport competitive.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: MeanestCleanestPenis on October 20, 2020, 05:29:47 AM
In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

You're looking at it similar to how outsiders look at skateboarding. For example, most non skaters would categorise skating as either a toy for young kids or the 'extreme' xgames, monster energy, nyjah type shit that gets hated on on here. They would have no knowledge of the different sub-cultures within skateboarding.

It's the same as golf, millions of people around the world play the game and you've put everyone in the rich, American, country club bracket which is probably a tiny proportion of golfers worldwide. There is for sure some bullshit in golf but to lump everyone together in that bracket is pretty lazy thinking. The game is many different things to different people.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tommy G on October 20, 2020, 05:55:40 AM
That's pretty judgmental of you bruv. Back when I was a kid in California we didn't have a lot of money, but my dad got some golf clubs at a yard sale and I got some from my cousin and we used to hit the driving range every week because it's something he and I could both play. It was a few dollars for a couple of buckets and we had a good time. I wish there were public courses around my city here because there is more of that upper echelon demographic that plays golf here, but it's not like I really care about what they think of me or skateboarding. The same applies to any skateboarders that play. We just enjoy what we enjoy other than skateboarding and don't give a fuck what others think.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ok boomer on October 20, 2020, 06:01:04 AM
I've never played a round of golf, but I've definitely gone to the driving and putting ranges. My dad used to have to golf for work events, so he would fine tune his skills and bring me along. I had a big red mohawk for years and he would pick me up in his button up shirt and tie, and off we would go. This was also when you could smoke in public, so we would hit balls and smoke like Mad Men (pun!). I think he liked that my presence would bum out the regular golf guys. He liked to pull out ye olde "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" to people staring at my Exploited ripoff style. And we would just laugh and smoke.

I love mini golf a lot. Take my son at least 3 times a year. Shit is fun. There's a golf course I drive by on my way to and from work. Lots of people hang there. I haven't yet had the itch to fully play (someone explain to me all the 9 iron shit?), but I don't hate it.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Chatbot on October 20, 2020, 06:27:40 AM
Sometimes you just need like a break from the hellride, man.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: MeanestCleanestPenis on October 20, 2020, 06:36:27 AM
I've never played a round of golf, but I've definitely gone to the driving and putting ranges. My dad used to have to golf for work events, so he would fine tune his skills and bring me along. I had a big red mohawk for years and he would pick me up in his button up shirt and tie, and off we would go. This was also when you could smoke in public, so we would hit balls and smoke like Mad Men (pun!). I think he liked that my presence would bum out the regular golf guys. He liked to pull out ye olde "Take a picture, it'll last longer!" to people staring at my Exploited ripoff style. And we would just laugh and smoke.

I love mini golf a lot. Take my son at least 3 times a year. Shit is fun. There's a golf course I drive by on my way to and from work. Lots of people hang there. I haven't yet had the itch to fully play (someone explain to me all the 9 iron shit?), but I don't hate it.


SW - PW - 9 - 8 - 7 - 6 - 5 - 4 -3 - 3 Wood - Driver
Shortest and Highest     <>     Longest and Lowest

Although a driver does go quite high it is not that high relative to the length of the shot. Sand wedge has the highest loft about 56 degrees and driver has the lowest, about 10 degrees. Close to the green you would use a sand wedge and off the tee on a long hole usually a driver. Most decent players have yardage measuring devices now and you learn how far you hit each club (Usually at a range) and then you chose the club depending how far you are on a particular shot.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: itsyourdad on October 20, 2020, 06:43:45 AM
love the guy that called golf his culture,
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: cucktard on October 20, 2020, 06:52:12 AM
Disc golf is the answer, no matter the question.

The natural, free courses are low impact, no douchy attire rules, cheap to do, and can just as easily get drunk and swear all you want when you go in the rough as ‘regular’ golf.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: fredgallSOTY on October 20, 2020, 06:52:46 AM
i like mini golf
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ok boomer on October 20, 2020, 06:55:25 AM
Disc golf is the answer, no matter the question.

The natural, free courses are low impact, no douchy attire rules, cheap to do, and can just as easily get drunk and swear all you want when you go in the rough as ‘regular’ golf.

My best friend and I went through a disc golf phase. It usually started with smoking the ganja in the car, then 3 rounds of disc golf, followed up by our victory Slushee at 7-11. Good times
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: drewsmahgoos on October 20, 2020, 07:00:36 AM
On a side note, my cousin used to caddy at the merion outside of philly. Real high end place. Anyway, he said it was a great job, would usually smoke up with the people there and he made 200 a bag plus tips in cash. So if he carried two bags in the morning, two in the afternoon, that was 800 easy plus he'd get tips. You can't beat a job like that.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: coyote2425 on October 20, 2020, 07:28:32 AM
I dont play it anymore but did a run with golf, if u don't know you don't know. Load the caddy up with beers, roll a few, leisurely stroll up to ur ball while hittin beers and buds, wack that sucker, start walkin again, finish 18 hopefully with a couple of surprise hammers and hit the club house for more beers... Oh and you can justify it as a mature form of exercise. Whats not to like?

It is an infuriating game, but provides a familiar level of personal satisfaction when you hit a good shot, sink a long putt, or score par or better on a hole. You can keep score, but it's you against your mind and body -- just like skating.

Pro tip: Get a bucket of range balls and hit the course.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: SneakySecrets on October 20, 2020, 07:28:40 AM
What do you mean how can skaters golf?  I believe they do it just like anyone else: set up a tee time, show up with their clubs, wearing appropriate attire and hop on their assigned cart.

As long as the rules of the course/club are followed, they are allowed to play, skateboarders or not.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: headtowall on October 20, 2020, 07:32:45 AM
As a person who plays way more golf than skates, it's fucking easy. You roll up with your crew, drink some beers, play your round that's it.

It's not like every person you meet skating is cool, most are douchebags but much like golf you have one common denominator.

Golf is so similar to skating its crazy. Legit same mindset and feel out there.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Surf The Earth on October 20, 2020, 07:35:48 AM
My biggest problem with this, is that you assume because someone skates, they must like certain things and, think and act in certain ways, which is the antithesis of what skateboarding is. It is an Individual act. Some individuals Golf. The greatest minority is the individual. You are imposing the same assumptions you make about how golfers see skating back on to them.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: diogenesofkokomo on October 20, 2020, 08:08:30 AM
I felt the same way until I was of legal age to drink booze. I get it now. It's not about the golf, it's about the beer and golf carts.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: michael scarn on October 20, 2020, 08:17:57 AM
Idk man i feel like you're putting golfers into a single category. I'm sure there's a lot of good people that golf and don't fit into the square box you're putting golfers into.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: 50mm on October 20, 2020, 08:20:05 AM
Played golf growing up, don’t have the patience for it at this part of my life but I will most likely get into as I get older.

Golf is good to learn when you’re younger because it’s a sport you can keep playing as an old man. Socialize and as someone previously mentioned, low impact.

Public courses like someone said. I always had fun on a public course. I’ve only been to really nice courses like twice and I just fucking hate it. Even as a kid all these old rich people. Go to the public courses and buy some beer when the cart with the snacks comes around

Golf is really just a way to get out of the house and get drunk or high all day without anyone judging.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Stu Pickles on October 20, 2020, 08:24:35 AM
the fancy clubs full of rich dudes and pages of rules are a joke (The Berrics), but grabbin your buds and heading to the budget public 18 for beers and three hours of walking and talking is a fun time (Your local slimey public park).

like someone said above its a personal game just like skating, if you like beating your head on the same task over and over you might like the actual golf too
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: rusty knees on October 20, 2020, 08:39:43 AM
you've obviously never sunk a 20ft putt with a 10 iron on the last hole while wearing construction boots. golf is not what you think it is.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: mushroom slice on October 20, 2020, 08:44:43 AM

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ok boomer on October 20, 2020, 08:59:54 AM
Also.. have you guys seen Caddyshack? That's not just a movie, its a lifestyle
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Colt Cannon's Cargos on October 20, 2020, 09:01:06 AM
are skaters of interests outside of skating?
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: SATIVA HYBRID on October 20, 2020, 09:24:12 AM
whoever started this thread has to be a suburban 12 year old
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: sus on October 20, 2020, 09:26:33 AM
people can play golf for the pure enjoyment in it the same way we skateboard for the fun of it. Its not a terribly hard concept to break down
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Beeda Weeda on October 20, 2020, 09:27:48 AM
I like to golf, but if its a nice day, I would rather go cycling or spend time with my family. It takes so much time and there is no substantial exercise benefit, even if you walk the course.

Malcom Gladwell makes some really good points in this podcast.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: gonzSOI on October 20, 2020, 09:30:33 AM
should ask Drake Jones or Joey Bast
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Craig Lutzka on October 20, 2020, 09:33:15 AM
For a lot of people it’s just another excuse to go somewhere with your friends and get legally drunk.

I’ve never played a round of golf but I got hammered at a PGA tour event, they had a Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville which I made my personal headquarters for the day.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: woodsman on October 20, 2020, 09:51:38 AM
I played golf with Nate Jones, Joey Pepper and Elissa Steamer onetime. Pretty good squad. I also worked at a super nice course for a couple years and can confirm that most people were awful but you don’t interact with anybody other than the people you’re playing with while you play.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: McBrandt on October 20, 2020, 09:58:11 AM
In theory it involves a bunch of stuff I like. Being outdoors, not a lot of people around, enjoying nature. But in practice, it's nothing like that. People always creeping up to play through, so you feel rushed, and whatever else. My biggest gripe is the amount of land used, and water used for that land, for a small subset of people. I'll admit going to a driving range with a bucket is fun, especially if the range is next door to a trailer park so you can try and ping one off their roofs. I'd rather skate a parking lot by myself or go play guitar in the woods.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Free Whirl on October 20, 2020, 10:19:26 AM
I haven't played golf in a while, but I grew to love it when i did. It's funny, all the things pointed out about how golf is full of rich, old and retired men is kinda what made it so fun.

I chose to play golf in high school my freshman year because my skate rat friends and I found out that if you play in tournaments, they'd let you out of school at 10am, so we all decided to give it a shot. Fast forward to senior year, we actually kinda got good as a team and won some tournaments. But the best feeling was the look on the other, prep school kid's faces when they found out they had lost against a bunch of low income, public school kids with the worst gear. It was seriously priceless.

It was also a way to connect to my father (who hates skateboarding) and it helped rebuild our relationship. So yea, golf is dope af
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: fs180 on October 20, 2020, 10:22:53 AM
I haven't played golf in a while, but I grew to love it when i did. It's funny, all the things pointed out about how golf is full of rich, old and retired men is kinda what made it so fun.

I chose to play golf in high school my freshman year because my skate rat friends and I found out that if you play in tournaments, they'd let you out of school at 10am, so we all decided to give it a shot. Fast forward to senior year, we actually kinda got good as a team and won some tournaments. But the best feeling was the look on the other, prep school kid's faces when they found out they had lost against a bunch of low income, public school kids with the worst gear. It was seriously priceless.

It was also a way to connect to my father (who hates skateboarding) and it helped rebuild our relationship. So yea, golf is dope af

come on thats a movie this cant be life
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: TunaNoodle on October 20, 2020, 10:34:41 AM
I have played golf in Scotland and it's a much better deal. Play fast, walk, no cart girls or drunks, and most of all far more inclusive. You see people walking their dogs or just walking the course and no one cares. Its affordable and the courses are just part of the community, not like some gated oasis for rich pricks.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: 50mm on October 20, 2020, 10:36:10 AM
For a lot of people it’s just another excuse to go somewhere with your friends and get legally drunk.

I’ve never played a round of golf but I got hammered at a PGA tour event, they had a Jimmy Buffet Margaritaville which I made my personal headquarters for the day.
I met Alice Cooper and Joe Pesci at a golf thing.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Glurmpz on October 20, 2020, 10:56:57 AM
I'm actually curious if there's anyone on here like me who doesn't like any sports at all, or anything to do with competition?

For the record, I've golfed twice and couldn't get into it. Just seemed really boring with too much walking.

I guess, instead of sports, I fill my non-skating time with music and artsy-craftsy stuff.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: banksandledges on October 20, 2020, 11:50:25 AM
I see golf as something very similar to skateboarding. It's a very personal battle and you're constantly tweaking your technique because of personal fuck ups. I understand how to kick flip, yet I can't land every single one I try despite being fairly competent on a skateboard. I see people battle themselves with golf in the same way. knowing what to do, then having to constantly practice to maintain consistency. It's not that cool of a sport in my opinion but I look lame as fuck skateboarding too. I'm too tall and goofy looking. I think golfing and skateboarding are very personal sports where competition is generally looked at second, not first when practicing. At least that's how I see it.

As someone who does both this is spot on. If you think about it lots of similarities. Muscle memory, clearing your mind, interpreting your terrain, the list goes on. But yes, golf culture and skate culture are almost polar opposite
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: headtowall on October 20, 2020, 11:55:01 AM
Expand Quote
I see golf as something very similar to skateboarding. It's a very personal battle and you're constantly tweaking your technique because of personal fuck ups. I understand how to kick flip, yet I can't land every single one I try despite being fairly competent on a skateboard. I see people battle themselves with golf in the same way. knowing what to do, then having to constantly practice to maintain consistency. It's not that cool of a sport in my opinion but I look lame as fuck skateboarding too. I'm too tall and goofy looking. I think golfing and skateboarding are very personal sports where competition is generally looked at second, not first when practicing. At least that's how I see it.

As someone who does both this is spot on. If you think about it lots of similarities. Muscle memory, clearing your mind, interpreting your terrain, the list goes on. But yes, golf culture and skate culture are almost polar opposite
I  always say this when i try to explain to people. Its something you do with your friends, you are stoked when they do well, but you are 100% focused on what you are doing. Also just as if not more frustrating.  The feeling of flushing an iron is right there with landing a trick
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: JANUS on October 20, 2020, 12:15:07 PM
Bad fits, stupid hats, unwritten rules, getting vibed by individuals with membership to an exclusive social hierarchy, and casual alcoholism? Sounds like skateboarding to me.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: coldbrew on October 20, 2020, 12:21:39 PM
Bad fits, stupid hats, unwritten rules, getting vibed by individuals with membership to an exclusive social hierarchy, and casual alcoholism? Sounds like skateboarding to me.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Mantracker on October 20, 2020, 12:38:56 PM
Number 1: There are tons of Republican-esq, rich-ass, shitty skaters out there. Looking at a vast demographic like golfers and deciding they are all shitty based on the assumed "country club Connecticut" lifestyle is whack. By that logic, should we judge every skater on the planet by Street League douchebags a la Nyjah, Mike Taylor and Drydek? Fuck no.

Number 2: Golf is dope, and can be a lot more accessible than people imagine. Those who have never done it, go to the driving range tonight and spend 7-15 bucks for an hour of fun. Smack that ball and watch your stress go away. It's a good cheap date spot too.

Number 3: Skating is probably the closest sport related to golf. You're with your buddies, in a crew, driving around in a golf cart (skate van)and shooting the shit and drinking beers/smoking and having a great time. You get to different holes (spots) and collectively agree on your strong suits for that hole. Club selection is the same as trick selection, different clubs will work better for different golfers, just like different tricks from different skaters at the same spot is a thing. You try your best at every hole (spot) and some guys come out on top. At the end of the day someone may have done better than the rest, but it was all about enjoying the day with your friends and making memories. My old crew used to meet at the park and skate and then hit the green for a round of 9. Some of my best memories of those times are the days we skated park in the morning, golfed the back 9 in the afternoon, then skated street long into the night.

Number 4: Focus your deck and get it made into a 9 iron already.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tyroneshoelaces on October 20, 2020, 12:59:47 PM
 I'm way more into cycling but golf and cycling are extremely similar to skating.  Youre ultimately doing it on your own even if you're around others and you can learn to do it with your own style.

I'm not bashing anything that's fun.  I have way more of an issue of skaters hanging around shitty art scenes.  Truly insufferable people exist there
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Stu Pickles on October 20, 2020, 01:09:00 PM
Bad fits, stupid hats, unwritten rules, getting vibed by individuals with membership to an exclusive social hierarchy, and casual alcoholism? Sounds like skateboarding to me.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: numagik on October 20, 2020, 01:53:01 PM
Go out to some rural course by a campground where you can go apeshit drinking and driving on their golf carts and you'll fall in love with golf
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: BigPants on October 20, 2020, 02:34:09 PM
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: DCLOVE on October 20, 2020, 03:03:07 PM
I dont play it anymore but did a run with golf, if u don't know you don't know. Load the caddy up with beers, roll a few, leisurely stroll up to ur ball while hittin beers and buds, wack that sucker, start walkin again, finish 18 hopefully with a couple of surprise hammers and hit the club house for more beers... Oh and you can justify it as a mature form of exercise. Whats not to like?

exactly . It’s just an excuse/activity to drink and smoke for me. A lot of people are just straight doing blow every other hole . Golf is just an excuse to party for older  dudes . Wives don’t ask any questions cause golf just seems like a boring old dude sport . It’s the perfect cover .
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: haydtang on October 20, 2020, 03:40:25 PM
I like golfing because its pretty much an excuse to get drunk, and drive around in a little car with your buddies!
Also have never rolled my ankle golfing; which is pretty cool!
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on October 20, 2020, 04:37:21 PM
Work outings at golf courses are great if the boss opens a tab.

I have no desire to spend the money it takes to get good at golf.

I have however been looking into pitch and putt for my son and I. He is not interested in skateboarding and doesn’t like team sports but likes golf because there is no risk of getting hurt.

With pitch and putt you don’t have to buy as many irons and there are no drivers. You still get outside but it’s not as big a time/money investment.

Here’s the place by me:

Prices seem similar to a skate park.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: SneakySecrets on October 20, 2020, 05:38:31 PM
Skating is probably the closest sport related to golf. You're with your buddies, in a crew, driving around in a golf cart (skate van)and shooting the shit and drinking beers/smoking and having a great time. You get to different holes (spots) and collectively agree on your strong suits for that hole. Club selection is the same as trick selection, different clubs will work better for different golfers, just like different tricks from different skaters at the same spot is a thing. You try your best at every hole (spot) and some guys come out on top. At the end of the day someone may have done better than the rest, but it was all about enjoying the day with your friends and making memories.

You got a group of dudes dunking their dimpled balls in a little wet box.  Everyone takes a turn whackin’ it and the others stare in silence so the one guy can concentrate...

Everyone is nearly blackout drunk.  You’re constantly trying to navigate between dog legs.  You pay some dude to hang out and whisper suggestions into your ear and tell you that you’re doing great.  You’re constantly clutching your shaft with two hands hoping something good is about to happen.

Sounds like my honeymoon!

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Bristol_Palin on October 20, 2020, 05:48:04 PM
I didn’t read any of this thread, but I guess if a skateboarder wanted to golf they would probably need golf clubs and a golf ball. I hope this was helpful.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Esmith5488 on October 20, 2020, 05:55:15 PM
In many ways golf is chill... drink beers outdoors while smashing balls with clubs.
Also it’s a good way to hate yourself.
I legit am stoked if I get legit pars but I sorta stopped playing because to me five hours of golf is almost the price of a deck or other skate shit that I would rather buy. If I get invited I’ll go but rarely will I suggest playing a round
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on October 20, 2020, 06:18:30 PM
I didn’t read any of this thread, but I guess if a skateboarder wanted to golf they would probably need golf clubs and a golf ball. I hope this was helpful.

You need a ball?

That's news to me. I've just been going to the course and swinging my club beside other golfers in the hope that they'll invite me to their game.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: elbarto on October 20, 2020, 10:16:50 PM
I grew up caddying for my grandpa as he was a sponsored golfer who competed with pros. I understand the feeling of culture clash but honestly a lot of those older conservative ass dudes were always interested in skating and the culture surrounding it. Also golf is fun as hell if you do it right. Even just a good day at the driving range can feel similar to landing a new trick.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Youoverthere on October 21, 2020, 02:02:36 AM

Pardon my ignorance, but these are the only golfers I can think of. Does Mike Mo count? His story doesn’t help make golfing seem worth it. Either way it’s definitely not a cast of people that I’d wanna associate with. I’m sure any activity is more fun if you have your homies with you.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: banksandledges on October 21, 2020, 05:46:28 AM
Please keep a class act like Mr. John Daily out of such bad company
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Andmoreagain on October 21, 2020, 08:38:04 AM
Lots of skaters buy into the myth that skating makes you exceptional. No. We are as bad as the rest, or they are mostly as good as us.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: sketchyrider on October 21, 2020, 11:07:24 AM
no strong opinion either way but slap cracks me up

you guys will rip a pro to shreds for like, being on zero or something, but then golf gets a pass
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: bradtheraddad on October 21, 2020, 11:18:51 AM
What if the question was flipped?

I ask, because, I know a great kid (over half my age) who is a golf prodigy, wins tournaments and earns thousands just off of golf. Picked up a skateboard a few years ago and RIPS! We talk about the "current" climate of skateboarding & fashion, he admits it's sometimes hard to tell who is a skateboarder even at skateparks because some are dressed in nice polos/khakis/nikes, etc. so he doesn't even get a double take when he shows up straight from the course. He's insightful and aware of history and even admits he probably wouldn't have been into skateboarding had this been 10-20 years ago when skating wasn't so mainstream and inclusive.

I guess to get to my point, I'm sure there were golfers at the club asking, "how can golfers skateboard?" knowing the physical risks skateboarding entails. Not to mention the snobbery of some of the golfers who think (like some skateboarders do) that, "their sport" makes them an exceptional individual. What they both have in common 'tho is, both take a lot of time, commitment and heart to keep at & enjoy (and both can be done solo but likely more enjoyable with friends).

Admission: Not a golfer by any means but I do love some driving range (especially top golf) time! Also, due to the pandemic, I've found yet another fun outlet with taking my sons out for disc golf (since they don't skate). Enjoy whatever makes you happy/keeps you sane as long as you're not hurting others.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: 43 on October 21, 2020, 01:10:35 PM
I have played golf in Scotland

no drunks

Your story doesn't check out.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Meekin on October 21, 2020, 02:07:08 PM
Focus your account
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Eric Dolphy on October 21, 2020, 02:28:28 PM
Obligatory "maaaan, what happened to slap, it used to be COOL now it's pooosey" type post
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Gritty on October 21, 2020, 03:23:35 PM
Golf is fun as fuck. It requires a similar style of patience as skateboarding with a ridiculous learning curve. I don't care about the stereotypical golf guy, I'm slammin brews on the green lookin grizzled as shit. Why do I gotta concern myself with the next man to play a sport I can just do with my buddy?
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Gabagoolslide on October 21, 2020, 03:41:40 PM
Please tell me there are people on Slap that have a quiver of golf club sets. The gear scene is kinda similar with shoes, hats, clubs and grips etc.
Skateboarding seems cooler but I do see preppy kids skate more now even if it’s just a penny board.
I get asked to golf way more than I get asked to skate. I golf probably once every 3 years and get around a 45 on 9holes which basically means that I don’t hold up the game. Topgolf is chill, I forgot that I went to a bachelor party there with like 20 dudes and I was sober they all got shitfaced, I ended up golfing the best and won a bunch of money. Can’t see putting a lot of time into it tho, I’d rather walk in the woods or skate.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: matty_c on October 21, 2020, 09:32:42 PM
Some of you sound like proper shit eaters full on bottom feeding cunts. But maybe you think that of me so we’re cool. In my minds eye I eat a bit higher up that chain but I don’t judge cunts for it. I’m drunk as usual but what I’m trying to say is don’t become what you hate the most. Just cause some old cunt on his way back from the course called you a degenerate does not mean all golfers are fuckwits. It’s similar to how kids blow spots out and suddenly everyone’s a fuckwit and I get kicked out. Just be nice and respectful of others in general and you will be fucking surprised how good life gets. Smh
Maybe some are just destined to be toxic cunts. That also goes for the fat cat golfers that hurt you guys in the first place. And you
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: matty_c on October 21, 2020, 09:37:55 PM
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Skating is probably the closest sport related to golf. You're with your buddies, in a crew, driving around in a golf cart (skate van)and shooting the shit and drinking beers/smoking and having a great time. You get to different holes (spots) and collectively agree on your strong suits for that hole. Club selection is the same as trick selection, different clubs will work better for different golfers, just like different tricks from different skaters at the same spot is a thing. You try your best at every hole (spot) and some guys come out on top. At the end of the day someone may have done better than the rest, but it was all about enjoying the day with your friends and making memories.

You got a group of dudes dunking their dimpled balls in a little wet box.  Everyone takes a turn whackin’ it and the others stare in silence so the one guy can concentrate...

Everyone is nearly blackout drunk.  You’re constantly trying to navigate between dog legs.  You pay some dude to hang out and whisper suggestions into your ear and tell you that you’re doing great.  You’re constantly clutching your shaft with two hands hoping something good is about to happen.

Sounds like my honeymoon!

Radrat confirmed
Sorry but I watch his videos. This is him
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Eric Dolphy on October 21, 2020, 09:38:40 PM
Same as non skaters, you hit the ball with the club. If you're wondering how to swing the club while carrying your board, you could leave your board at the clubhouse, or in your car maybe? I wouldn't recommend trying to use your board as a club
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: AfterBlackEnderEnder on October 21, 2020, 09:49:32 PM
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Skating is probably the closest sport related to golf. You're with your buddies, in a crew, driving around in a golf cart (skate van)and shooting the shit and drinking beers/smoking and having a great time. You get to different holes (spots) and collectively agree on your strong suits for that hole. Club selection is the same as trick selection, different clubs will work better for different golfers, just like different tricks from different skaters at the same spot is a thing. You try your best at every hole (spot) and some guys come out on top. At the end of the day someone may have done better than the rest, but it was all about enjoying the day with your friends and making memories.

You got a group of dudes dunking their dimpled balls in a little wet box.  Everyone takes a turn whackin’ it and the others stare in silence so the one guy can concentrate...

Everyone is nearly blackout drunk.  You’re constantly trying to navigate between dog legs.  You pay some dude to hang out and whisper suggestions into your ear and tell you that you’re doing great.  You’re constantly clutching your shaft with two hands hoping something good is about to happen.

Sounds like my honeymoon!

I just spit out my Arnold Palmer from laughing so hard!
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: KoRnholio8 on October 22, 2020, 02:11:31 AM
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Hombreezy on October 22, 2020, 04:01:21 AM
*how can skateboarders be on tik tok? Making tik toks is like the antithesis of skateboarding
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: HugeBodBoyle on October 22, 2020, 04:26:16 AM
I have some clubs, but I haven't played in a very long time. at some point in my late 20's, I remember being on a course, probably the third hole, and hitting my drive and then looking at the blue sky and seeing how beautiful a day it was. Then I just said to myself, "what the fuck are you doing chasing this ball around?" Drove back to the clubhouse, got in my car and left. Haven't really felt any urge to play since then. I have friends that play (one is an absolute ripper of a skater, and is equally good at playing golf) and they ask me to come out and I always say, "ah yeah, maybe!" but I never do.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: TheBoognish on October 22, 2020, 05:49:31 AM
Nailing a near 40-foot putt with a 4 iron on a head full of mushrooms was one of most satisfying feelings I’ve ever had.

I suck at golf but it’s a lot of fun, I try to play a few times every summer.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Youoverthere on October 22, 2020, 06:22:53 AM
*how can skateboarders be on tik tok? Making tik toks is like the antithesis of skateboarding
right! That should be it’s own thread.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: backside_reacharound on October 22, 2020, 06:54:49 AM
sorry dogs, golf is by far the wackest shit out. destroy every environmental abortion that is a golf course and turn them into forests and parks.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: allucanfree4all on October 22, 2020, 07:08:08 AM
Golf would be way radder if it was performed in public spaces, like skateboarding. Arguably one of the best things about skateboarding.

Golfing without the risk of beaming a pedestrian is easy mode

Cue gritty east-coast vs primo west-coast golf spot debate
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Lowcalcium on October 22, 2020, 07:17:50 AM
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Disc golf is the answer, no matter the question.

The natural, free courses are low impact, no douchy attire rules, cheap to do, and can just as easily get drunk and swear all you want when you go in the rough as ‘regular’ golf.

My best friend and I went through a disc golf phase. It usually started with smoking the ganja in the car, then 3 rounds of disc golf, followed up by our victory Slushee at 7-11. Good times

Disc Golf is the answer. There's tons of free public courses as you mentioned. Just buy yourself a few discs for about $20 bucks.

You walk around beautiful parks, get some light exercise, and can take it as serious as you want.

I used to chugs beers and chain smoke while playing...I quit smoking...but you can definitely imbibe a good deal if you want
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: stevedave on October 22, 2020, 08:28:02 AM
I see golf as something very similar to skateboarding. It's a very personal battle and you're constantly tweaking your technique because of personal fuck ups. I understand how to kick flip, yet I can't land every single one I try despite being fairly competent on a skateboard. I see people battle themselves with golf in the same way. knowing what to do, then having to constantly practice to maintain consistency. It's not that cool of a sport in my opinion but I look lame as fuck skateboarding too. I'm too tall and goofy looking. I think golfing and skateboarding are very personal sports where competition is generally looked at second, not first when practicing. At least that's how I see it.

100% THIS.  As skateboarders, we're ok with the fact of trying something 1000 times, to land it once and get that feeling of accomplishment.  Same with golf.  You hit a ball 100s of times, and if you make one good shot, it keeps you coming back.  I think skaters tend to move into more personal sports as we get older and more injured.  I also go fishing fish a lot and it's the same premise.  You, an object, and trying something time and time again, just for that one time that gives you that feeling of doing something you previously haven't done.  And every time you try it, the conditions are totally different and you have to adapt. It's rarely ever the same.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: conqueso on October 22, 2020, 08:54:12 AM
golf culture is pretty repulsive, probably way worse than skating when you factor in that it is more or less a networking tool for rich people. If im going to be drinking ill take darts or pool instead of standing in the blaring sun for 4+ hours
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: bigdave on October 22, 2020, 09:04:30 AM
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In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

Public courses exist. 
Liberals can drive nice cars. 
Golf is physically low impact.
What else do 40+ year olds do as a hobby

I don’t disagree with the environmental issues you mentioned and don’t quite get how obsessive people get about it, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve considered getting into it

I mean, I am 44 and I:
Mountain Bike

Fuck golf. We have a massive housing crisis and people want to stroll along private (you can call them public all you like, my local park doesnt cost me $85 to walk around) heavily manicured/fabricated places with an exorbitant cost-to-entry activity where we could build housing for working class and poor people?

fuck that shit. Launch all golf-related-anything into the fucking sun. Any pro skater etc that demos that all over their social media is a kook.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Surf The Earth on October 22, 2020, 09:15:30 AM
Everyone is all worried about the environment until the next tree is cut to make their next wall hanger deck.....
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Youoverthere on October 22, 2020, 04:05:56 PM
sorry dogs, golf is by far the wackest shit out. destroy every environmental abortion that is a golf course and turn them into forests and parks.
i wonder if there’s a way to make environmentally safe exopy for boards.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Lowcalcium on October 22, 2020, 10:49:56 PM
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Expand Quote
In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

Public courses exist. 
Liberals can drive nice cars. 
Golf is physically low impact.
What else do 40+ year olds do as a hobby

I don’t disagree with the environmental issues you mentioned and don’t quite get how obsessive people get about it, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve considered getting into it

I mean, I am 44 and I:
Mountain Bike

Fuck golf. We have a massive housing crisis and people want to stroll along private (you can call them public all you like, my local park doesnt cost me $85 to walk around) heavily manicured/fabricated places with an exorbitant cost-to-entry activity where we could build housing for working class and poor people?

fuck that shit. Launch all golf-related-anything into the fucking sun. Any pro skater etc that demos that all over their social media is a kook.

You sure are active out there Dave. Good thing you get out all that aggression doing your physical activities.

Cause it would be a shame for you to care about what other hobbies people might enjoy.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: bigdave on October 23, 2020, 08:57:26 AM
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Expand Quote
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In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

Public courses exist. 
Liberals can drive nice cars. 
Golf is physically low impact.
What else do 40+ year olds do as a hobby

I don’t disagree with the environmental issues you mentioned and don’t quite get how obsessive people get about it, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve considered getting into it

I mean, I am 44 and I:
Mountain Bike

Fuck golf. We have a massive housing crisis and people want to stroll along private (you can call them public all you like, my local park doesnt cost me $85 to walk around) heavily manicured/fabricated places with an exorbitant cost-to-entry activity where we could build housing for working class and poor people?

fuck that shit. Launch all golf-related-anything into the fucking sun. Any pro skater etc that demos that all over their social media is a kook.

You sure are active out there Dave. Good thing you get out all that aggression doing your physical activities.

Cause it would be a shame for you to care about what other hobbies people might enjoy.

Sorry you interpreted what I said as "caring about what other hobbies people might enjoy."
I think we were talking about the singular activity and its meta impact on our society, golf.
I don't really care about your assorted other hobbies, but I do care about this one that is so obviously detrimental to the world around it. Whether you want to bury your head in a sand trap and acknowledge that or not is on you.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: kook1234 on October 23, 2020, 09:34:18 AM
swerving all the ideological discussion to say this: golf and skating are incredibly similar because they're as much mental as physical IMO. Both activities require immense patience, repetition, and focus to master. Or you can just screw around outside with your friends if you want. Unsurprising to me that so many skaters, especially pros, play golf as well.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: smellsdead on October 23, 2020, 10:34:07 AM
its all in the hips
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on July 17, 2021, 01:47:22 PM
I have been loving the links lately myself.  So much fun.  Where do you like to play?  There's so many good courses we are very fortunate. 
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: NowhereInLife on July 17, 2021, 02:40:29 PM
only counts if you take it to the streets.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: OldSkater on July 17, 2021, 02:42:31 PM
only counts if you take it to the streets.

when i was in college me and my brother would golf on the campus, had to run from the campus police a couple times. good stuff
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Madam, I'm Adam on July 17, 2021, 03:02:15 PM
only counts if you take it to the streets.

Like Tiger Hood.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ndsr on July 17, 2021, 03:47:34 PM
only counts if you take it to the streets.
I only golf in the streets.  Golf parks are for squares and scooter moms.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Rocuronium on July 17, 2021, 04:54:13 PM
Good points on both sides...

So who are the Brian Anderson,  Cardiel and Gonz of golf? The Brian Anderson?

Which courses would be considered the equivalent of Pulaski/EMB/MACBA ?

Are there any course designers that are like the Burnside/Dreamland crew?

Any secret DIY spots?
Any epic old school spots like hubba hideout, the nude bowl, or Mt Baldy?

The Alexis Sablone?
The Leo Baker?
The Jim Thiebeaud ?
The Tyshawn Jones?

What's the golf equivalent of a classic video like Video Days?
Or a more modern one like We Blew it at Some Point?

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: matty_c on July 17, 2021, 06:33:15 PM
Crazy thought, all hobbies are kinda the same if they are of interest to you

I mean there’s cunts out there got real good at even jerking off, like sex aids and shit it’s all the same in the end
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on July 17, 2021, 06:39:37 PM
Good points on both sides...

So who are the Brian Anderson,  Cardiel and Gonz of golf? The Brian Anderson?

Which courses would be considered the equivalent of Pulaski/EMB/MACBA ?

Are there any course designers that are like the Burnside/Dreamland crew?

Any secret DIY spots?
Any epic old school spots like hubba hideout, the nude bowl, or Mt Baldy?

The Alexis Sablone?
The Leo Baker?
The Jim Thiebeaud ?
The Tyshawn Jones?

What's the golf equivalent of a classic video like Video Days?
Or a more modern one like We Blew it at Some Point?

I haven't played there, but I'm pretty sure St. Andrews would be comparable to the Brooklyn Banks or something iconic like that.  It's a place with so much history and when you get there you realize you suck too much to pull anything good on it. (
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: versacekid420 on July 17, 2021, 07:14:09 PM
my dads a pro golfer and i was kind of forced into it as a child and quit when i was 12 to skate “full time” because i was back and forth, but now i understand how people can do both. it kind of makes sense
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: southkook on July 17, 2021, 07:23:04 PM
courses are pretty and it's relaxing

you're allowed to have other hobbies outside of skateboarding and pretending to be cool
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: stone cold steve austin on July 17, 2021, 07:41:41 PM
Cause it’s just another sport you can drink beers and still play.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ok boomer on July 17, 2021, 07:49:08 PM
( (
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Urtripping on July 17, 2021, 08:07:09 PM
I like how horrified the thread title sounds, like op had just recently learned that some skaters golf and just could not fucking believe it. "How could they do that?!"

I see parallels between golf and skating but idk, as an outsider looking in, it seems very exclusive and elitist. I think quite a few of the negative associations with golf were rightfully earned. I do have some buddies who skate and golf and I do sometimes wonder "How can they do that?" because I can't imagine being good at both.

The land use argument is the strongest one against it being cool, though. Perfectly manicured grass just kinda reeks of suburban American dream to me. Barf.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: mushroom slice on July 17, 2021, 08:52:36 PM
If I see a golf course I imagine the whole thing being covered in the smoothest concrete. Like a giant snake run. Truthfully I find sports that involve playing with balls to be kinda dumb. Sometimes I throw a ball around with my dog but even he gets bored with that shit pretty quick. I wish he could skate.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: SneakySecrets on July 17, 2021, 10:31:07 PM
my dads a pro golfer and i was kind of forced into it as a child and quit when i was 12 to skate “full time” because i was back and forth, but now i understand how people can do both. it kind of makes sense

Hey let’s beat up this preppy kid
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: PatrickSkateman on July 18, 2021, 05:33:08 AM
Tennis is way better and an actual workout.

Also more accessible and requires less land.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: cky enthusiast on July 18, 2021, 05:36:30 AM
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: versacekid420 on July 18, 2021, 12:19:09 PM
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my dads a pro golfer and i was kind of forced into it as a child and quit when i was 12 to skate “full time” because i was back and forth, but now i understand how people can do both. it kind of makes sense

Hey let’s beat up this preppy kid
yeah dude preppy for sure
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: dustyassrocketswitchv on July 18, 2021, 01:01:24 PM
golf is tight. Cry me a river. Some of you have been heavily bullied either physically or mentally and it shows
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: JimGeko on July 18, 2021, 01:15:17 PM
Golf is fucking wack as fuck.

When all yall get a hosepipe ban in those toasty summer months these golf courses get to continue to waste millions of gallons of water every day just to
Keep their lame ass grass looking lush.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Hinna on July 18, 2021, 04:34:49 PM
mini golf was always fun as a kid but now theyre just fantasy skate spots. i would not bother at all with real golf
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: pro club blanks on July 18, 2021, 04:46:57 PM
Shits fuckin wack and has a long history of racist and exclusionary policies far more restrictive than other activities some of yall are trying to make comparisons to
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: stephop on July 18, 2021, 04:49:21 PM
Doesn't really make sense. Same thing with getting any type of corporate job that makes you money and you skate. Having an HR department and insurance is anti skate culture.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Hinna on July 18, 2021, 04:51:50 PM
Shits fuckin wack and has a long history of racist and exclusionary policies far more restrictive than other activities some of yall are trying to make comparisons to
true but fuckem its not like i wanted to hang out at some country club anyway
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Lisa96 on July 18, 2021, 04:57:08 PM
"skate culture" lol holy shit are you serious
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on July 19, 2021, 12:20:51 PM
swerving all the ideological discussion to say this: golf and skating are incredibly similar because they're as much mental as physical IMO. Both activities require immense patience, repetition, and focus to master. Or you can just screw around outside with your friends if you want. Unsurprising to me that so many skaters, especially pros, play golf as well.

Skating and Golfing might be the two biggest sports that are primarily a competition against the terrain more than another person.

Also, pro skaters have tons of time on their hands. And it's a pretty fun way to kill an afternoon doing something outside that is relatively low impact, isn't crowded, and doesn't generally require a long drive to get to.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ManimalChin on July 19, 2021, 12:48:35 PM
The moral argument for environmental sustainability of golf courses is alwyas puzzling to me, because that land is fairly well preserved and maintained for nature. Wildlife flourishes, and the watering and upkeep is comparable, if not more energy efficient, to any patch of densely populated concrete jungle that would take its place.

If you're concerned about what type of climate changing and environmental impact golf has on the planet, I don't know how you can skateboard and not constantly feel guilt from wasting wood and supporting the import/export of cheap consumable goods. Skateboarding relies on you constantly breaking your equipment and buying more. Ive had the same golf clubs since like 1995, which were my Dad's before then.

OP - you seem more concerned with the stereotype of a BMW driving Trump supporting golfer than anything else. Golf is for everybody.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: fs1/2cab on July 19, 2021, 01:27:15 PM
I go play some golf with my dad sometimes, because otherwise we don't do that much together or have the best relationship. That golf course is next to a nature reserve and they use some recycled rain water or some shit for the course, so that is cool.

Some golfers just want to have fun, some golfers take it and themselves way too serious.
Some golfers like drugs/booze and some golfers are straight edge.
Kinda similar to skaters I think.

But haven't met a golfer yet who likes black sabbath or wu-tang. (I wear my usual shirts at the course, can't wear pink polo shirts for example).

I never in my life threw my board, but golf makes me incredible angry sometimes and I once broke my club and screamed at the fucking grass. I am not proud of it.

Driving golf cars on wet grass is really fun and scary.
And finishing a hole under par feels really good. Not as good as a clean heelflip, but good.

Golf and skating are similar because most stuff is in your head and you need to be fully focused most of the time and that can be really exhausting and frustrating. I played 9 holes a few times and I was done after that.

Thanks for reading and much love pals.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Lowcalcium on July 19, 2021, 01:27:30 PM
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In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

Public courses exist. 
Liberals can drive nice cars. 
Golf is physically low impact.
What else do 40+ year olds do as a hobby

I don’t disagree with the environmental issues you mentioned and don’t quite get how obsessive people get about it, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve considered getting into it

I mean, I am 44 and I:
Mountain Bike

Fuck golf. We have a massive housing crisis and people want to stroll along private (you can call them public all you like, my local park doesnt cost me $85 to walk around) heavily manicured/fabricated places with an exorbitant cost-to-entry activity where we could build housing for working class and poor people?

fuck that shit. Launch all golf-related-anything into the fucking sun. Any pro skater etc that demos that all over their social media is a kook.

You sure are active out there Dave. Good thing you get out all that aggression doing your physical activities.

Cause it would be a shame for you to care about what other hobbies people might enjoy.

Sorry you interpreted what I said as "caring about what other hobbies people might enjoy."
I think we were talking about the singular activity and its meta impact on our society, golf.
I don't really care about your assorted other hobbies, but I do care about this one that is so obviously detrimental to the world around it. Whether you want to bury your head in a sand trap and acknowledge that or not is on you.

Dave I hear what your saying about the environmental impact, and for the most part you are right in terms of Ball Golf. Most golf (ball golf) courses have a negative impact on our environment due to these factors: the water it takes to keep the green, well green; the good land they use up where affordable housing could be built, the amount of pesticides ball golf courses use to kill flora & and fauna, and the wildlife habitats they destroy.

But unlike ball golf, disc golf is a poor man's, blue collar, working class activity.

Most disc golf courses are literally built on land that: can't be built on, would cost too much to level and develop, or land no one truly wants.

For example, my local home course in Virginia was previously built on a land fill. 

Hence, unlike ball golf, Disc Golf courses for the most part have a very small environmental impact on the environment. Now in 10 years that may change with more courses and more people playing...but at the moment disc golf is still not on the level with ball golf...and probably never will which is great
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ManimalChin on July 19, 2021, 01:59:54 PM
the good land they use up where affordable housing could be built

Exactly what I was talking about in my post. Affordable housing could be built on any of the land that luxury condos/apartments and strip malls are being built all over the country, every day. But for some reason the preservation of land and upkeep of a golf course draws more attention. And in theory you may have an argument about the sustainability of replacing one single golf course with "affordable housing" for another 25,000 people, but in practice I have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. This is moral theory, after all. I live in one of the most urbanized cities in America - Los Angeles - and I just can't get on board with what you're saying. Sorry. Nothing personal but this is just speculation that the land would most definitely be better served if it was anything else.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ManimalChin on July 19, 2021, 02:27:14 PM
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In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

Public courses exist. 
Liberals can drive nice cars. 
Golf is physically low impact.
What else do 40+ year olds do as a hobby

I don’t disagree with the environmental issues you mentioned and don’t quite get how obsessive people get about it, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve considered getting into it

I mean, I am 44 and I:
Mountain Bike

Fuck golf. We have a massive housing crisis and people want to stroll along private (you can call them public all you like, my local park doesnt cost me $85 to walk around) heavily manicured/fabricated places with an exorbitant cost-to-entry activity where we could build housing for working class and poor people?

fuck that shit. Launch all golf-related-anything into the fucking sun. Any pro skater etc that demos that all over their social media is a kook.

People have this same mentality with purpose built mountain bike trails. Have you ever encountered a booby-trapped trail meant to physically harm bikers? Here in LA we even have roadies out destroying jump trails with shovels because it "negatively impacts the environment."

Maybe we should start building more affordable housing where we mountain bike and surf. All that open ocean space, just being wasted!
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: baaaaaaguette on July 19, 2021, 02:53:32 PM
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the good land they use up where affordable housing could be built

Exactly what I was talking about in my post. Affordable housing could be built on any of the land that luxury condos/apartments and strip malls are being built all over the country, every day. But for some reason the preservation of land and upkeep of a golf course draws more attention. And in theory you may have an argument about the sustainability of replacing one single golf course with "affordable housing" for another 25,000 people, but in practice I have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. This is moral theory, after all. I live in one of the most urbanized cities in America - Los Angeles - and I just can't get on board with what you're saying. Sorry. Nothing personal but this is just speculation that the land would most definitely be better served if it was anything else.


Massive cities look so soulless and bleak im glad i live in a sub half a million city
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ManimalChin on July 19, 2021, 03:16:43 PM
 This city is broken in so many ways, and corporate pollution is just one more factor that directly affects the health of the 15+ million people who live here. 17 million gallons just dumped into the ocean by the LA Department of Water and Power. Sorry for golfing a couple times a year lol
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on July 19, 2021, 08:16:13 PM
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the good land they use up where affordable housing could be built

Exactly what I was talking about in my post. Affordable housing could be built on any of the land that luxury condos/apartments and strip malls are being built all over the country, every day. But for some reason the preservation of land and upkeep of a golf course draws more attention. And in theory you may have an argument about the sustainability of replacing one single golf course with "affordable housing" for another 25,000 people, but in practice I have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. This is moral theory, after all. I live in one of the most urbanized cities in America - Los Angeles - and I just can't get on board with what you're saying. Sorry. Nothing personal but this is just speculation that the land would most definitely be better served if it was anything else.


Massive cities look so soulless and bleak im glad i live in a sub half a million city

If city governments really wanted to build affordable housing, they would build affordable housing. It doesn't have anything to do with all the space used for golf courses. It has more to do with them rather having wealthy people live in their town than poor people.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Lou Strux on July 19, 2021, 09:31:10 PM
I’m late to this convo, and I apologize in advance if this has already been said (not about to read through5 pages of golf related discussion; THIS is a skateboarding forum, after all) but to answer the OP’s ding-dong question: the way skateboarders can golf is by making a reservation at your local public course, showing up with your gear at the arranged time (or show up a bit early & rent some equipment from the pro shop if you don’t have any clubs or cleats) and then start swinging. It’s that simple. Nothing more to it, actually.
A better question would be WHY would skaters golf?
Especially taking into account that golf is a great game for shitty old dude’s to play, and provided you survive long enough, you’ll have plenty of time to give it a crack when your a codger, so why would you waste the precious time your body is still youthful enough to jump off of & over shit on fucking golf?!?
You’re only young for a while. Skate now & play golf when you’re a wrinkly turd like me. Life is too short to waste on second hand stoke. Go have fun while your knees and ankles will still permit it. Golf isn’t going anywhere, fer Christ’s sake.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: SHARPSHOOTER on July 21, 2021, 05:48:29 PM
Wait till your body is absolutely crumbling. You get a nice walk in the sun and get to drink. What’s there to hate
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: MareVitals on July 21, 2021, 07:41:42 PM
Nah fuck golf. I'm not denying it could be a fun activity at its core but the environmental impact (they make courses in the fucking desert) and culture behind it are enough to keep me away. There are plenty of way cooler low impact activities to take up as you age instead of that dork shit.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: ManimalChin on July 21, 2021, 07:50:16 PM
Nah fuck golf. I'm not denying it could be a fun activity at its core but the environmental impact (they make courses in the fucking desert) and culture behind it are enough to keep me away. There are plenty of way cooler low impact activities to take up as you age instead of that dork shit.

damn hadn't thought of that
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: mushroom slice on July 21, 2021, 09:05:27 PM
Rib golfs and imbues you to golf wit him
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on July 22, 2021, 07:44:06 AM
Playing 9 holes tomorrow.  Looking forward to trying out some new shoes.  I think golfers and skaters are pretty equally obsessed with their equipment and shoes. 
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: baaaaaaguette on July 22, 2021, 09:13:22 AM
This city is broken in so many ways, and corporate pollution is just one more factor that directly affects the health of the 15+ million people who live here. 17 million gallons just dumped into the ocean by the LA Department of Water and Power. Sorry for golfing a couple times a year lol

Wha-how?? How do you dump a fucking lake of drinking water in the ocean?

Reminds me that LA traffic is routinely used in my country as a “don’t do this” red flag. Then again the shitty trafic is probably a side effect of shitty urban planning and forcing poor people into far away suburbs, what a horrible place
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on April 09, 2022, 03:10:36 PM
Here's an article on "the intersection of skate culture and golf"

I did not realize how much Keith Hufnagel golfed. (
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 09, 2022, 05:09:49 PM
British style Lawn Bowling is where I'd rather retire to post-skateboarding.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: beandemon on April 10, 2022, 12:31:15 PM
I was on grass side of the golf industry for a long, long time. The environmental claims are a little overblown, but inputs are constantly increasing, as are expectations. I think the biggest thing to realize is that there is a wide spectrum of courses in terms of size, maintenance budget, exclusivity, price, etc.  People tend to cherry pick high end courses to talk about how awful, elitist and environmentally harmful golf is. It’s like comparing your local park or diy to Woodward or a private training facility. Most golfers are definitely doing most golfing on the lower end.

That said, it’s an awful business to make money in (although I’ve heard there was a pandemic bump), the environmental aspects should be getting better, not worse, and the golf industry is driven/trying to appeal to a “core” that is largely white, male, and chases trends.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Stu Pickles on April 10, 2022, 01:32:35 PM
skateboarding as a non professional: about self progression, requires minor adjustments and focus to succeed, spend a long time outdoors with friends drinking, youll be happy when your friends do well, satisfying to succeed in when technique and execution align, high chance you could get hurt

golf as a non professional: about self progression, requires minor adjustments and focus to succeed, spend a long time outdoors with friends drinking, youll be happy when your friends do well, satisfying to succeed in when technique and execution align, low chance you could get hurt

i get how golf culture isnt the most appealing thing to most skaters but i see how the activity can strike all the right neurons in a skaters brain
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: dakotalofton on April 10, 2022, 07:47:35 PM
i love playing golf it's really fun to do with friends, but this shit really hurts my wrist when i swing from falling on them so many times
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Mean salto on April 10, 2022, 07:57:55 PM
Golf's fine but putt-putt is where it's at.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Minigolf Fanatic on April 10, 2022, 08:35:24 PM
I'm very in to mini golf.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Yonnycage on April 10, 2022, 10:24:38 PM
People like things man isn’t that fucking crazy
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: muntcuscle on April 11, 2022, 02:12:04 AM
I golf casually because it’s fun to play with a couple friends on a Sunday afternoon and have a few beers. It’s also an individual game with a lot of ways to challenge yourself. Not that different from skating as an adult when you think of it that way. Not as fun, but it’s nice to switch things up every once in a while

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: frontfootimpossible on April 11, 2022, 02:18:16 AM
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the good land they use up where affordable housing could be built

Exactly what I was talking about in my post. Affordable housing could be built on any of the land that luxury condos/apartments and strip malls are being built all over the country, every day. But for some reason the preservation of land and upkeep of a golf course draws more attention. And in theory you may have an argument about the sustainability of replacing one single golf course with "affordable housing" for another 25,000 people, but in practice I have yet to see anything that suggests otherwise. This is moral theory, after all. I live in one of the most urbanized cities in America - Los Angeles - and I just can't get on board with what you're saying. Sorry. Nothing personal but this is just speculation that the land would most definitely be better served if it was anything else.


Do you really think LA needs more people/ houses?

Maybe all the people that can't afford it should move to somewhere cheaper
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: truthislie on April 11, 2022, 02:26:02 AM
Right... golf is only for rich, SUV driving old Assholes the same way Skateboarding is only for young, poor, destructive drug users who never amount to anything. Teamsports are only for jocks and gaming/computers are only for geeks.

Not that I ever gotten really into golfing but it always amazes me how a lot of skateboarders don´t want to be judged yet do the exact same thing to nearly every other sport/activity or lifestyle. I used to hate everythings besides skateboarding too until I got older and realised that I missed out on a lot of fun stuff because of it. Believe it or not you can like skateboarding and other stuff that skaters typically don´t do at the same time.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: somefucker on April 11, 2022, 03:55:57 AM
the driving range where its at
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Crailslideyoface on April 13, 2022, 12:15:36 AM
Never played real golf, but mini golf is fun and I’d like to imagine the real thing with other skateboarders could be like being in Caddyshack. So it’s alright with me
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: aàáâäæãå on April 13, 2022, 02:18:48 AM
Yo, checking in here from my non-sustainable phone to tell you concrete and pavement aren’t environmentally friendly.

That’s all for now, get it while you can!
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on April 13, 2022, 09:05:27 AM
Forever I thought golf was the wackest thing ever

All the same arguments everybody here is using

Thought they should at pave it for skaters or use it for anything else

But I warn you all, once you start playing it you will get bitten by the golf bug and you will be out there every day, dreaming about balls flying through the air, and watching golf videos on youtube along with skate videos.  Don't start golfing I warn you.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: stevedave on April 13, 2022, 09:17:43 AM
the thing about skating and golf is that they are very similar in the sense that it's you and an object, no help.  so you try over and over and over and over, and when you land that trick once, or hit a 280 yd drive, you get the same feeling.  and you want that feeling of accomplishment again, so you keep doing it.  the same could be said for fishing.  cast 100s of times to catch 1 fish.  i too, have transitioned into fishing and golf as I can't skate as much anymore.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: augustmoon on April 13, 2022, 10:09:55 AM
golf is actually very chill and fun.  its like playing a game of pool while taking a leisurely walk over 18 football fields with little obstacles and wildlife everywhere.  similar to skating in that you're using physics to conquer your environment and the people that obsess over it are usually dipshits.  think of it like slow, boring skateboarding with your arms instead of your legs.  the older you get, the more you'll appreciate slow and boring. 
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on April 16, 2022, 02:16:11 PM
Watching Mike Mo (alter ego) push through the pain to lose against Koston in latest Berrics really made my heart go out for him.  I'm not sure if he's a golfer but maybe that would provide him some outlet if the board is too much pain.  Golf courses don't result in pain to the body.  I had a great time at the range today and can't wait to go out this week.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: LostBearings on April 16, 2022, 04:28:09 PM
Worked at a private golf course for some time after graduating. Could play for free on mondays and only had to pay for a cart at other courses. My second year there I ended up buying an old set off craigslist for cheap from a man who could hardly walk anymore and started hitting with some friends. Flushing a shot feels and sounds amazing, like landing a flat ground trick bolts. Over time I ended up getting homie flow'd a newer set and other some other clubs from the pros in the shop which made things even less costly and I was hooked.

Was a pretty sweet gig honestly, get good tips to work with some cool people and occasionally really bust your ass. Of course you're going to have the stereotypical country club asshat but we'd just kook them and laugh about them later on. Worked outside and met some interesting characters from all walks of life. Since I've stopped working there however, I've found it harder to make the time for it. Still go a handful of times a year but I just can't justify spending 4+ hours golfing when skating is cheaper and more often than not less time consuming.

It is very similar to skating in certain aspects like others have stated. A very personal game where it's mostly you vs yourself. Professionals that work at your local don't make as much as you'd expect and in some cases get out even less than your average.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: mj23 on April 17, 2022, 07:23:55 AM
Golf courses as we know them in America are objectively a dogshit waste of space and resources. Especially in places like Arizona and California where there are insane ongoing droughts.

 I would be way less anti-golf if people played on more natural terrain that didn’t require enough industrial irrigation to feed a small country. I imagine that’s closer to the historical origins of golfing in like Scotland or wherever. But yeah, running a golf course in Palm Springs is up there with opening an indoor ski slope in Dubai— nothing but an acceleration of our already horrific descent into climate disaster.

Not hating on individuals who play, unless they’re in denial about what the sport really does to our planet. Obviously we’re all part of the problem, to one degree or another.

I played on my high school golf team for one season. I get the appeal of smoking some weed in the woods and chasing a ball around for a few hours, but overall I think the culture sucks.

And finally: It’s really funny to see some of the golf bros in this thread getting triggered by a little criticism.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: CurbyPuckit on April 17, 2022, 12:55:49 PM
In my experience golf courses and country clubs are populated by the kind of people who despise skateboarding, its culture, and lifestyle. Conversely much of what skate culture mocks is celebrated in that "world".

I'm always puzzled and disappointed when I learn that great skateboarders enjoy that scene (esp Crailtap camp).How do the former EMB/venice pit crews tolerate spending all that time assimilating with the douchy republican BMW crowd?

 The actual sport itself doesn't bother me though I find it pretty awful from an environmental and urban use standpoint.

You should try it.  Me and almost all of my skateboarding friends golf.  Load up your bag with beers, roll a couple joints, drive around in a little cart and hit some balls.  It’s extremely fun and therapeutic.

 Bizarre that other people enjoying a hobby outside of skateboarding “bums you guys out”
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: TreBombMartin on April 17, 2022, 01:02:07 PM
Just play disc golf you cheap fucks. Plenty of trees, same level of enjoyment, same level of frustration.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: thot juice on April 18, 2022, 03:04:43 AM
Playing 9 holes tomorrow.  Looking forward to trying out some new shoes.  I think golfers and skaters are pretty equally obsessed with their equipment and shoes.

nike runs a golf version of all the Jordan’s

i’m extremely superficial so i just go to the gym plus there is way more GYM TRIM & I know ppl in the chechen mafia that would slit ur throat & drive a BMW u aint hard cus u take public transit
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: BobbyPshew on April 18, 2022, 05:16:26 AM
Lots of guys seem to golf when they aren't getting laid, for whatever reason.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: cky enthusiast on April 18, 2022, 06:42:11 AM
people shedding tears about the environmental cost of golf would do a touchdown dance if they found out their township was gonna dump concrete all over a park so i think it’s a wash
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: rawbertson. on April 18, 2022, 07:58:38 AM
i would probably do it if i had the cash / time
i like tennis better. there are no free tournaments for that shit though
it is very hard to get into any of these sports as kids if your parents dont have tons of dough, lets be real
even hockey is very expensive
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Mean salto on April 18, 2022, 08:18:15 AM
i would probably do it if i had the cash / time
i like tennis better. there are no free tournaments for that shit though
it is very hard to get into any of these sports as kids if your parents dont have tons of dough, lets be real
even hockey is very expensive
Prob need a lot of money if you want to get really good but I played golf a fair bit in 7th-10th grade because it was like $5 on the public courses. I played with shit clubs that were literally thirty years old tho maybe today's kids would just be like nah gross I don't know.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: mj23 on April 18, 2022, 09:17:39 AM
people shedding tears about the environmental cost of golf would do a touchdown dance if they found out their township was gonna dump concrete all over a park so i think it’s a wash
bro, the average skatepark is like 1/20th the size of a golf course and doesn't require constant irrigation.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Dong Hanglo on April 21, 2022, 02:38:38 AM
Golfers are a bunch of hillbillys and cunts.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Hevonen on April 21, 2022, 03:55:15 AM
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i would probably do it if i had the cash / time
i like tennis better. there are no free tournaments for that shit though
it is very hard to get into any of these sports as kids if your parents dont have tons of dough, lets be real
even hockey is very expensive
Prob need a lot of money if you want to get really good but I played golf a fair bit in 7th-10th grade because it was like $5 on the public courses. I played with shit clubs that were literally thirty years old tho maybe today's kids would just be like nah gross I don't know.
Good thing about golf is that pretty much every middle class guy has bought a set at some point in their life, and those who actually play might have a half a dozen sets lying around, so you can always get used clubs for really cheap. Clubs also last for a long time and don't evolve much. I play a decent amount and had a set of irons for 15 years and got a new used se last year for $60. Putter I've had for 15 years and driver for 10 years and they're still good. Got a pro level fairway wood from 2001 for $5 and I hit it as far as today's clubs.

I don't know how it is in the states, but in Finland most cities have courses where you can get unlimited play for around $500 a season, so it's not that much if you actually play a decent amount. When I was a kid it was like $100, so it was actually one if the cheapest sports to start. But that of course depends on what kind of courses you have near by.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on June 07, 2022, 08:18:09 AM
Good to see Manolo out on the links with remixes and cuts (
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Theme For A Jackal on June 07, 2022, 11:30:04 AM
Golf is fun. Whether or not that justifies the the amount of wasted water and resources to maintain courses is another thing but I have no dog in the fight.

Recently been disc golfing and it's a ton of fun (even though I know most people think it sounds lame). There's a ton of different discs that all fly different and a ton of different techniques. Throwing one just right so it curves around trees and shit is awesome.
Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: PatrickSkateman on June 07, 2022, 02:34:27 PM
Because the GTI’s are great cars that still come with a manual transmission. That’s why lots of skaters Golf.

Title: Re: How can skateboarders golf?
Post by: Tear Up a Trick on June 28, 2022, 09:39:18 AM
Finally a video that attempts to answer the question of this thread.

Some nice Jersey crust and putts (