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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Thompson75 on October 23, 2020, 05:10:05 AM

Title: Are you voting?
Post by: Thompson75 on October 23, 2020, 05:10:05 AM
So I just woke up to the fact that even though I am from Finland, which is in Northern Europe and about as far as you can get from the States, that even from my point of view the US election this year is basically the biggest political event in the world. Therefore I am interested to hear whether or not fellow skateboarders that are eligible to vote plan to use their vote or possibly think "it doesn't matter".

How I see it as a citizen of this same earth that we all share:

Even though the whole decade of 2010-2020 was politically affected by the same disease called "populism" pretty much everywhere, it is crystal clear that after the electing of Trump in 2016 it has definitely gotten worse in a lot of countries around the world. I don't know how aware you are of this in the United States, but it is pretty amazing how much US politics are covered in news all around the world and how big impact this clown show of current POTUS has in world politics. Every country has its own far right wing group of "politicians", who after the recent development openly support any madness that Trump has to offer.

What I am trying to say is: as a citizen of this planet I wish I could vote for Biden/Harris in this election. I don't know Biden or Harris very well, but that's not the point here. Pretty much anything is better for the global politics than Trump. So please: if you are eligible to vote and not sure if you are going to use your vote: use your vote. It is probably much more important than you thought. There are a lot of us who really, really hope that the global political shift to more reasonable way of life continues with this election. We have recently had very good results in Finland in 2019 and now in New Zealand just recently.

Thank you if you read this, thank you if you use your vote.

Tommi Saarikivi, skateboarder for the past 32 years

Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: layzieyez on October 23, 2020, 08:29:48 AM
I voted. I'm independent of party (voted for Perot the first election I could). I voted for Biden via absentee ballot in a secure drop box. Fuck the family of grifters presently squatting in the white house.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: pugmaster on October 23, 2020, 08:33:04 AM
I voted. As soon as possible.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: beatifk on October 23, 2020, 08:38:39 AM
Living in Europe. Voted by email weeks ago.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on October 23, 2020, 08:51:53 AM
I'm voting in person. I'm nervous about mail-in ballots even though realistically I know the odds of something bad happening are very low.

Biden frustrates me for a lot of reasons but I'm still going to vote for him. I don't think he's going to win but I hope I am wrong.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: tacotime on October 23, 2020, 09:35:51 AM
I think many from outside the U.S. (and maybe some within the U.S.) don’t know how the presidential election works because it’s not as simple as one citizen, one vote.

The reason why some people think their vote “doesn’t matter” is because when it comes down to it, someone can get elected who has received fewer votes from the public. This happened for example when Bush became president instead of Gore in the year 2000.

If you don’t know about this and want to know how it works, research the Electoral College system.

It sucks but unless it gets abolished - which would require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution - every person’s vote doesn’t count how I believe it should. I hope someday this will happen.

With how polarized the U.S. is becoming, I think this needs to happen or else it’s going to be even harder for people to accept the outcomes of close elections.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: SneakySecrets on October 23, 2020, 09:36:37 AM
Felon, can’t.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: layzieyez on October 23, 2020, 09:45:06 AM
Felon, can’t.
Are you sure?
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: TheLurper on October 23, 2020, 09:46:50 AM
Sent my ballot in already.

Voted for Biden to put grown ups in charge of the FDA, EPA, CFPB, HUD, DEA, DOJ, State Dept., Etc.

First time voting for a major party for president. I voted for Nader twice and, sadly, I couldn't vote last presidential election because I was moving around and didn't get registered in my new state in time.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: SneakySecrets on October 23, 2020, 09:47:37 AM
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Felon, can’t.
Are you sure?
Oh, I meant after some shit I’m about to do.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on October 23, 2020, 09:48:02 AM
as soon as i turn 18
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Sluggloaph on October 23, 2020, 10:11:17 AM
Uh of course. I was raised by a militant adherent to democracy. We vote. Tbh I don't give a fucking fuck who you vote for, but do it, and if you don't vote, then you forfeit your right to bitch about the out come, jmo.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: EdLawndale on October 23, 2020, 10:13:41 AM
Definitely, yes
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: baustin on October 23, 2020, 11:00:50 AM
Yes, voted Democrat down the ballot absentee in a drop box as soon as I got my ballot. Biden is a shit politician/person himself and Kamala Harris is a cop, but any amount of reduction in the harm currently being done is worth working towards. I have never felt as motivated to make sure I voted until this election because I live in a state that only “leans republican” and my vote may actually end up counting towards something.

Also to people who believe that voting is pointless: if voting truly didn’t matter, why would republicans go to the lengths they do to suppress the vote in majority nonwhite areas e.g. gerrymandering, reduced/changing polling locations, voter purging, tougher voter ID requirements?
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: fakie nollie on October 23, 2020, 12:05:44 PM
Sending our ballots in soon. The propositions in California are pretty fucked across the board and we're having a hard time with some.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Lukabrazi on October 23, 2020, 01:39:19 PM
yes I voted democrat because its a vote for the protection of our environment, and the protection of our public lands, national parks, and wilderness.


Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: L33Tg33k on October 23, 2020, 02:00:01 PM
I bet my self-professed libertarian coworker $100 Biden will win. The polls are looking very favorable for Biden, but we know how that can turn out anyway. I don't know what will actually happen but I'm voting and I'm putting my money where my mouth is.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: brycickle on October 24, 2020, 11:23:15 PM
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Felon, can’t.
Are you sure?
Oh, I meant after some shit I’m about to do.


Need someone to take care of your fish while you're gone?
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Banned from the room on October 25, 2020, 05:31:09 AM
I voted 🙃

I didn't pick a president.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Peter Zagreus on October 25, 2020, 08:34:55 AM
I often vote 3rd party for pres and pragmatically going down the ballot (usually Democrats), but this time I just swallowed the bitter pill and voted Biden/Harris. I'm tired of this shit spectacle.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Frank and Fred on October 25, 2020, 09:34:53 AM
Green Carder -  not able to vote. I would if I could even though both candidates fail to inspire me. This is clearly an election of the 'lesser of two evils.'

Don't just vote... Do something...
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: fredgallSOTY on October 25, 2020, 12:11:16 PM
not 18 yet  :(

i would cast a vote for Biden in this election.
Biden and Harris are both fucking awful, but i think one should swallow their pride and at least consider it. The way I look at it, if Biden gets elected, we can all take a deep breath, and start the real work to advance the progressive movement. As much as I hate both Joe and Kamala, I would cast this vote so I could help people I know directly.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: JamesNtheGntPch on October 25, 2020, 04:41:38 PM
I dropped off my mail-in ballot at city hall two weeks ago. Straight democratic ticket because I don't want anymore of the bs that's going on.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: able on October 26, 2020, 03:56:33 AM
I early voted yesterday in Florida. DEM all the way down the ballot ✅
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Sleazy on October 26, 2020, 05:19:46 AM
i voted last week. spent 2 hours on first attempt, they couldn't find me in the system so i had to go downtown to the main office which actually ended up being not that bad.

i voted "fuck these assholes"
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Coolguy69 on October 26, 2020, 07:26:06 AM
Voted yesterday! Dem all the way. I love the whole process of voting, it's always exciting to me lol. I feel like Leslie Knope

Anyone else given a coffee straw to use on the voting machine?
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Gnarfunkell on October 26, 2020, 07:28:45 AM
Voted early in FL; gf and I dropped off our ballots at the elections office.

We voted DEM across the board along with my entire family and most all of my friends. Would be amazing if FL flipped, but the politics here are too dirty I think.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Miller92 on October 26, 2020, 11:08:42 AM
I think many from outside the U.S. (and maybe some within the U.S.) don’t know how the presidential election works because it’s not as simple as one citizen, one vote.

The reason why some people think their vote “doesn’t matter” is because when it comes down to it, someone can get elected who has received fewer votes from the public. This happened for example when Bush became president instead of Gore in the year 2000.

If you don’t know about this and want to know how it works, research the Electoral College system.

It sucks but unless it gets abolished - which would require an amendment to the U.S. Constitution - every person’s vote doesn’t count how I believe it should. I hope someday this will happen.

With how polarized the U.S. is becoming, I think this needs to happen or else it’s going to be even harder for people to accept the outcomes of close elections.

You're right on the money BUT I would say that the 2000 election wasn't necessarily what happened in 2016 with the electoral college.  It was completely rigged in Miami Dade county and over 10,000 ballots were not counted due to the supreme court ruling a 5-4 majority to essentially "install" Bush as president and end the Florida hand recount.  Justice Thomas, Jeb Bush, Armando Gutierrez, and the 2 judges (who were both consulted by Gutierrez in their run for office) on Florida's "non-partisan" voting commission COMPLETELY shit the bed on all of it and essentially rigged an election that came down to less than 600 votes, by halting the remaining 10,000 "pregnant chad" and "hanging chad" votes in Miami Dade County, which were the reason for the recount in the first place.  Even the fucking Secretary of State in Florida who is in CHARGE of the voting process was the Bush campaign chair in Florida. 

It's fairly hypothesized that those votes would have tipped Gore and he would've rightfully won the state.

It's hard to rig an actual election, but it's certainly easy to rig a county's vote count when it comes down to a margin so close.

If Gore had been elected, it could've changed the trajectory of this country forever. 
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Freelancevagrant on October 26, 2020, 11:32:45 AM
"vote November 2nd if it seems right to you

Or don't vote if you think it just holds us down

Just tell me what we're gonna do on November 3rd

To make sure there's no government left to elect two years from now"
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on October 26, 2020, 11:59:08 AM
Voting for Biden begrudgingly. I think it’s ridiculous that Americans are picking between two 70 year olds.

Trump has been an embarrassment, you literally have to be a hardcore conspiracy theorist to believe that he did a good job.

Remember 2008ish when political porn was a thing? Would love to see a modern version where someone who kinda looks like Biden fucks the shit outta someone who kinda looks like Harris and AOC, just for laughs.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: mattchew on October 26, 2020, 02:10:59 PM
Like many of you I always vote but rarely for major party candidate; sadly this time around Sleepy Joe has got my vote even though I live in Mass and we go blue every time. Literally anything to get this cunt out of office.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: tacotime on October 26, 2020, 02:13:22 PM
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Miller92 you have a good memory. With all the nonsense that’s gone on for however-many-elections, it’s hard for me to remember which is which as far as what happened with each, just the general result or I feel like I’d be pissed off in some ongoing way. At a certain point I’ve had to let the details go. All the more reason it’s crazy to me the process hasn’t been simplified yet.

For something so symbolic in our culture, I feel there should be less room for confusion about what happened if we want people to see the results as legitimate. To me the popular vote is the only vote that should exist and we need to safeguard the process at all costs so the results are unquestionable.

I don’t know why the population as a whole isn’t making moves against the “Founding Fathers” deciding people aren’t educated enough for the result of the presidential election to hinge on them and that’s where the Electoral College comes in. One of their many conflicted ideas alongside “all men are created equal.”

Especially with the rise of communication due to technology and especially the internet, I don’t believe that argument should be allowed to stand anymore. I feel people should be insulted that it continues to exist. I personally don’t see how we can make actual improvements in the country that need to be made if basic principles behind how things get done are still so hypocritical.

It’s wild to think back and consider what you said about Gore. I remember feeling embarrassed when Bush was President and thinking it couldn’t get much worse. Little did I know ...

As little Bush once (ridiculously) said, “I think we can agree, the past is over.” Here’s hoping the future gets more sane. Like a lot of the other people posting I can’t believe these are the candidates we have to choose from.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Watitdo on October 27, 2020, 10:22:53 AM
I voted last week...Let's hope there is a blue tsunami and the racist Republicans don't drag this election out in the courts for months.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: matty_c on October 28, 2020, 12:16:27 AM
I don’t understand political apathy either
I forget who but some greek said the penalty for not voting is being ruled by ones inferiors
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Banned from the room on October 28, 2020, 05:15:48 AM
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: Level 60 Dwarf Rogue on October 28, 2020, 09:32:17 AM
California propositions are fucking nuts this year. Literally every one you look at is some kind of quality of life improvement opposed by the CA Republican Party.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: coyote2425 on October 29, 2020, 12:45:06 PM
Yes. Went in person.
Title: Re: Are you voting?
Post by: blurst_of_times on October 29, 2020, 01:08:09 PM
Mailed in my absentee ballot almost as soon as I could. Voted Biden/Harris. Hard to understand why anyone would want 4 more years of the current shitshow administration. I think I read this on here in another thread, but remember that voting is like riding the bus. You'll never get to where you exactly want to go but you choose the one that'll get you the closest to where you want to be.