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Skateboarding => Shoes & Gear => Topic started by: rawbertson. on November 22, 2020, 01:18:56 PM

Title: Snowskate Gear
Post by: rawbertson. on November 22, 2020, 01:18:56 PM
Sup Slappers

Wanted to talk about Snow Skate gear and wondering if you guys had any insight on this product:

Planning on just using those to dig ramps. I just want something that i can tuck the inner layer of snowpants into nicely and not get snow in. Im not super concerned with them having to be warm enough because my waterproof socks keep me warm enough. Not sure if they are just overpriced crap tho. My wife has SOREL boots and she said they arent even that good so I thought i might try these out.


If you are going to get into this, DONT GET ONE OF THESE:

I have one and they are terrible for doing flip tricks on.

Get one of these ^ Pro model ones you can see in the image there is a natural concave built right into the foam grip. I had no idea about this and kind of salty that this was even an option lmao I would have never bought this knowing the other one existed. OH ALSO don't forget to buy XTREME GRIPS or whatever the hell they are called. those make flip tricks a hell of a lot easier too and just make the entire experience slightly less sketchy.


Last tip; Someone from SLAP put me onto waterproof socks. If you are going to wear normal skate shoes i think these are absolutely essential:

I got something like that, they were fine for me.
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: cucktard on November 22, 2020, 05:27:55 PM
Sorels are fine if you don’t get the stock cheap shitty ones. And even those work if you have good socks. I’m not sure the Vans are any better.

I do bi-deck snowskating, and I’d love a pair of these if they came with a waxed canvas upper instead of leather
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: rawbertson. on November 23, 2020, 07:29:47 AM
Sorels are fine if you don’t get the stock cheap shitty ones. And even those work if you have good socks. I’m not sure the Vans are any better.

I do bi-deck snowskating, and I’d love a pair of these if they came with a waxed canvas upper instead of leather

Those look dope as hell. I think I am just gonna get those Vans then should be fine with my waterproof socks. I dont know if i am gonna evne fuck with much flip tricks this year, dont evne really need to. lol that double board stuff doing downhill sounds gnarly man do you take that to legit resorts / mountains type thing?
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: YungJugg on November 23, 2020, 07:36:01 AM
If I were to get a shoe for snowskating, I'd get the eS Accel Explorer. Vans has a lot of winterized options too, but that boot looks too limiting. Also wish I had never clicked that link with the concave ha, never knew that existed with my flat ass snowkate.
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: rawbertson. on November 23, 2020, 08:30:51 AM
If I were to get a shoe for snowskating, I'd get the eS Accel Explorer. Vans has a lot of winterized options too, but that boot looks too limiting. Also wish I had never clicked that link with the concave ha, never knew that existed with my flat ass snowkate.

yup im gonna get one next year. no wonder flip tricks seemed so hard for me lol. I can do double heelflip pretty good on skateboard and can hardly get a full rotation around on snowskate from flat ground! kickflips feel fine though but could definintely be easier.

I am not planning on actually skating in the boot much, mostly just to test out a spot after i build it. they definintely do look pretty stiff. i think just wearing the normal skate shoes with waterproof socks is the best once the spot is ready. i think no matter what you are gonna have to sacrifice some board feel when you go with a boot so i am gonna try out just keeping the 2 footwears for seperate purposes this year and see how it pans out instead of just going for the hybrid.
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: artskool on November 23, 2020, 11:54:26 AM
These are what's up.

Snowskating is so fun too. Dang, I think I need one of these ones with concave.
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: formula420 on November 23, 2020, 03:39:06 PM
I have an ambition with the xtreme grip. Its fun to fuck around on. These are really only good on real hard pack, not loose or pow.  I use some winterized etnies. Maybe they are Jamison?
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: baustin on November 23, 2020, 03:57:28 PM
It rarely snows where I live. It seems fun but how much does it suck to slam whilst snow skating? Seems like a recipe for extreme pain
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: formula420 on November 23, 2020, 04:09:06 PM
It rarely snows where I live. It seems fun but how much does it suck to slam whilst snow skating? Seems like a recipe for extreme pain

Probably less pain than slamming on concrete lol. Especially since its probably cold if you are snowskating so you would have extra layers that help with slams.
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: cucktard on November 23, 2020, 09:01:08 PM
These are what's up.

Snowskating is so fun too. Dang, I think I need one of these ones with concave.

The boots the OP posted are apparently really good for powsurfing. I use Kamiks with snowboard boot liners.
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: rawbertson. on November 25, 2020, 08:16:24 AM
i have snowboarded since the late 90s so i knew how to carve and stuff... i have taken my little snow skate to some pretty gnarly hills and when i got scared i just carved to slow down and saved myself. you actually have a surprising amount of control on these things but if your foot slips off / bad toe/heel drag, it could be really bad news. that hasnt happened to me yet. can be a hard adjustmet to make because on skateboard you often do ride around with your toes + heels hanging off the board and they dont drag but snow skate you cant really do that or you will drag.

1 thing that happens a lot to me at least in snowboarding is a tiny spot of ungroomed pile of snow, or possibly even a kicker someone built that you just cant see coming up will just come up on you (i have bad eyesight so this probably contributes). so this happened to me on snowskate this litlte kicker cmae up on me and i had no time to properly adjust. on a snowboard this would have been a fucking brutal slam. on snowskate i was able to jump off and run out (luckily wasnt going THAT fast but i dont think it would have been too bad going mountain speeds - at least you dont have a 40 pound piece of metal strapped to your feet)

the slams can be pretty bad if you are riding on an Iced Out Skatepark. i tried to just carve up and down on a steep bank once and got pwned. wasnt even going fast. if you build a little setup out in the woods into deep ass powder though the slams aint shit and you can try a flip trick off a launch ramp all day. thats mostly what i am doing this year. i really love doing a wallride on these things it is a sick feeling. so much unexplored stuff, havent really seen anyone do any tranny tricks on these yet.
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: rawbertson. on December 02, 2020, 06:45:26 AM
sold out of my boot :(
got that camo one instead its kinda ugly but i think its kinda dope anyway
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: rawbertson. on December 02, 2020, 11:17:37 AM

hope i can drive standard in these lol
Title: Re: Snowskate Gear
Post by: potpie on December 03, 2020, 08:02:02 AM
should just buy the vans sk8 hi boot mte 2.0 dx. those things are huge and you might as well wear regular ass boots