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Skateboarding => Appreciation! => Topic started by: GardenSkater77 on December 11, 2020, 08:27:22 AM

Title: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: GardenSkater77 on December 11, 2020, 08:27:22 AM
With my daughter in middle school both good and bad memories come back to me. Here is a good one:

Want to give a major shout out to my sixth grade teacher Ms. Nevin. We had a talent show in our homeroom class and she let me bring my skateboard in. I lined up three desks and did an acid drop off of them and then a boneless. The whole time she didn’t say anything she just watched. Most adults discourage skateboarding But she was so cool and so rare for a teacher to be that way.

Who are some of the adults that support or supported your skateboarding?
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: ChuckRamone on December 11, 2020, 09:36:57 AM
Can't really think of any. I just wanna give a shout out to any adults that weren't total dickwads back then.

Times have changed, that's for sure. Now you have skate parents and even a lot of cops and security guards are less aggro about kicking skaters out of spots. I kind of miss some aspects of us being against the world but it's pretty awesome having more skateable spots and parks everywhere.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: TastyBurrito on December 11, 2020, 11:39:00 AM
Well, from a different perspective, I support my 13yo nephew's skating.

When I visit, he knows it means I'll take him to the local park and go skating with him and talk skateboarding with him.

He also knows that I'm his supply of boards. HAHA. I'll get him one for his bday and usually Christmas. Then when he visits, or vice versa, he knows he can nab my deck (even if it's a couple weeks old) because I can afford to buy another one. HAHA.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Welpok on December 11, 2020, 11:51:02 AM
For me it would be my friends dad. He drove us around to different skateparks and cities once in a while. He would buy us food and drinks, drove us to comps, although I never entered I went to support my friend because he would skate them. He was the most supportive adult in skateboarding for me. And also years later after they moved my other friends mom did the same for her son and I and a bunch of other friends. Always let us crash at their house and eat all their food. Good times. Will never forget them.
Shout-out to Ed and Lisa for supporting their son's and friends with skateboarding.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: lazer69 on December 11, 2020, 08:08:13 PM
My dad. Mom also. I was bought gear when I needed it. Though, im sure he would rather I stop and do basketball and soccer, my dad drove me to the skatepark many times as a young buck. Also this older dude at tchurch that basically brought me in to the skatelife when I was real young, he let me borrow all old magazines, gave me old boards, taught me tricks, and would drive us to parks.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on December 11, 2020, 08:14:34 PM
My parents were very cool about me skating once they saw that I really loved it and actually stuck to it. They drove me to the park whenever they could and my dad even helped me build some ramps. Very grateful for that.

I had a professor in college who thought it was cool that I skated. There's a 9-11 memorial on campus and he always told me that I should do a trick on it as some kinda statement. Still not quite sure what he meant.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Brguy on December 12, 2020, 09:02:24 AM
A shout out to every old drunk and bum that got stoked for random skating.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: mynameisnotjeff on December 12, 2020, 04:02:33 PM
One summer, my mom was very pro me skating. She even bought me my first Thunders. Since then she’s always talking about me getting hurt.

My dad on the other hand, loved soccer and saw how hyped I was on skating and sat with me to watch my first skate video and has taken me to parks. While he still wishes I’d play soccer he’s still stoked and will watch me skate just to show support.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: mynameisnotjeff on December 12, 2020, 04:03:17 PM
One summer, my mom was very pro me skating. She even bought me my first Thunders. Since then she’s always talking about me getting hurt.

My dad on the other hand, loved soccer and saw how hyped I was on skating and sat with me to watch my first skate video and has taken me to parks. While he still wishes I’d play soccer he’s still stoked and will watch me skate just to show support.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: mynameisnotjeff on December 12, 2020, 04:04:14 PM
One summer, my mom was very pro me skating. She even bought me my first Thunders. Since then she’s always talking about me getting hurt.

My dad on the other hand, loved soccer and saw how hyped I was on skating and sat with me to watch my first skate video and has taken me to parks. While he still wishes I’d play soccer he’s still stoked and will watch me skate just to show support.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: mynameisnotjeff on December 12, 2020, 04:04:59 PM
One summer, my mom was very pro me skating. She even bought me my first Thunders. Since then she’s always talking about me getting hurt.

My dad on the other hand, loved soccer and saw how hyped I was on skating and sat with me to watch my first skate video and has taken me to parks. While he still wishes I’d play soccer he’s still stoked and will watch me skate just to show support.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: mynameisnotjeff on December 12, 2020, 04:09:51 PM
One summer, my mom was very pro me skating. She even bought me my first Thunders. Since then she’s always talking about me getting hurt.

My dad on the other hand, loved soccer and saw how hyped I was on skating and sat with me to watch my first skate video and has taken me to parks. While he still wishes I’d play soccer he’s still stoked and will watch me skate just to show support.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: mynameisnotjeff on December 12, 2020, 04:03:54 PM
One summer, my mom was very pro me skating. She even bought me my first Thunders. Since then she’s always talking about me getting hurt.

My dad on the other hand, loved soccer and saw how hyped I was on skating and sat with me to watch my first skate video and has taken me to parks. While he still wishes I’d play soccer he’s still stoked and will watch me skate just to show support.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: mynameisnotjeff on December 12, 2020, 04:06:22 PM
One summer, my mom was very pro me skating. She even bought me my first Thunders. Since then she’s always talking about me getting hurt.

My dad on the other hand, loved soccer and saw how hyped I was on skating and sat with me to watch my first skate video and has taken me to parks. While he still wishes I’d play soccer he’s still stoked and will watch me skate just to show support.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Freelancevagrant on December 12, 2020, 04:43:20 PM
My mom always supported me skating and watched cataclysmic abyss with me when it came out, she was stoked on Ethan Fowler and electric wizard. My dad was bummed on me skating only because he hated having to pay copays, but as I got older he understood that it’s been one of the only constants of my life and he said that I learned a lot of tenacity from skating which is tight.

When I was in eighth grade, I had a history teacher named mr. bar. He was a hardcore kid in the 80s and he surfed and still skated occasionally, one day he complimented my black flag shirt (jealous again) and brought his old sma set up to show me what was up haha

Man, this is a feel good thread.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: TheFandangler on December 12, 2020, 07:43:23 PM
One friend's dad pretty much built a skatepark in the driveway for us. That was tight. His son didn't really stick with it, but for awhile there all the neighbourhood kids were over there on the daily. A couple other friends parents were pretty supportive as well, driving us to skateparks that were in another city and helping build boxes and other stuff.
Our junior high actually let us set up a skatepark at lunch hour, all with obstacles built in shop class. This was in the era of the first two THPS games when every kid, including the jocks, skated. I think their hand was kind of forced though, because otherwise there was going to 20-30 kids skating in front of someone's house or at the church nearby every day at noon.
Had a photography prof in college that was super psyched on my skate photos. All my projects for that class were basically from my homie and I just going skating.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Trashcon on December 13, 2020, 01:09:46 AM
Shoutout to my Mom. Would always drive my friends and I to skate demos, contests, and skateparks out of town. Never once complained or asked us to wrap it up. She'd stay in the van and knit, read her bible, or just listen to music. My friends loved her. Biggest supporter ever.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: S. on December 13, 2020, 01:24:40 AM
My mother bought me my first set-up when I was 14. It was for easter and I think the first and only time she ever gave anyone a present for easter. Since then both of my parents did not hate me skating, but they didn't really support it or were intersted in it either. Skating was always my way of getting away from my family so in a way it would have spoiled skating for me if they would have been super supportive and intersted in it. Family life was very difficult at that age.

My neighbour was really into it, which was really cool. He was an older and often very grumpy guy who had studied philosophy and worked as a teacher. He had a really dark cynical humor and would always joke arround when he would see me. He always seemed disapppointed when he hadn't seen me skate for more than a few days.

Shout out to the groundskeeper of my high-school and to our principal! They let us skate our school for years. It was a pretty decent spot with ledges and a small stair set. We had not skatepark in my hometown when I started to skate.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Urtripping on December 13, 2020, 04:31:37 AM
Played a ton of sports throughout my school years, so my parents were always pushing back against skating bc they were worried about injuries. My coaches would rip on it all the time, I remember having my board in the dugout at hs baseball practice and getting my ass chewed because everyone was dicking around with it and having fun lol.

I was one of TWO kids my age who skated (very small town), but my dude's dad held us the fuck down. My friend was sporty too and his dad actually coached us in a lot of youth sports, but we picked up skating and he never once shot it down. He would drive us to the nearest skatepark 30 mins away, bought me my first proper board for my birthday, and ended up getting my buddy a little wooden halfpipe that we fuckin slept on some nights.

When my friend moved a few towns over in hs he got a car and he'd still pick me up to go skate. Without him and his dad, I probably couldn't have stuck with it.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Ilya Oblomov on December 13, 2020, 06:40:16 AM
My parents and grandma (mom's side) were always supportive. They were just happy that I was into something that was outside and physical. Grandpa was happy to always act surprised when I mentioned skating, "You're STILL doing that?" He was supportive of my interest in art. After I saved the money to attend a summer art program at SCAD, he paid for the whole thing and let me keep my money. He also paid whatever wasn't covered by my scholarship once I was going there. So he was very supportive, but he had to see the viability before writing a check. Fuuny that when I quit SCAD he said that he'd help me out with college one more time, but when I went back for my BA at UF he never once offered to help. Guess he forgot or figured an English degree was trash. Oh well, hard work is its own reward.

My dad's parents were in Minnesota so I rarely saw them. But, once I saved half of what I needed for a complete they gave me the other half. I was 10 so saving $65 in 1985 was a big deal. They said it showed commitment and hard work and wanted to reward that. The price of a complete was a lot of money for my parents and they weren't going to throw it away on a toy I might lose interest in after a few weeks.

My mom is the only one left and she is still psyched that I skate. 45 going on 16 is something she understands considering she's 71 going on 16.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: rocklobster on December 13, 2020, 09:37:35 AM
I wish more Asian parents were supportive of skateboarding. I still keep in contact with 1 of the kids who bought a bunch of gear off me, giving him tips on his Ollie and kick flip, basic stuff. He shared with me his parents thought it was a waste of time, hearing stuff like that breaks my heart. Wished his parents realized there's more to their kid's life than doing well in school and organized sports, be thankful your son is applying himself to something physical and can teach him lots of life lessons like tenacity, stepping outside your social circle and being around kids less fortunate than yourself.

My mom was always supportive, must have broke her heart every time she had to bring me to the hospital for a rolled ankle or hyper-extended elbow. She was always cool with all the guys and let them crash at our place even though we were gross teenagers who didn't care too much about personal hygiene. When we wanted to build a box she searched the yellow pages for plywood suppliers and even used her tiny sedan to transport 2 pieces of 7ft coping.

I'm really thankful she was so chill and supportive about me skating, I attribute a large part of my love for skateboarding to her. Also she taught me to friendly to everyone, so that helped me open up to more people at skate spots and parks, some of whom are my current skateboarding friends.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: funeral_tuxedo on December 14, 2020, 10:17:03 AM
I lived about two blocks away from my high school and starting in maybe 8th grade I would break in at night and skate when it was cold out. Eventually one of the janitors caught me but he was really cool and let me set up tables and file cabinets to skate.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Croquet temper on December 19, 2020, 12:04:08 AM
Vince Vaughn
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: Allen. on December 19, 2020, 05:25:26 AM
My parents were my first sponsors.

I was playing basketball in middle school when I caught the itch, and immediately wanted to spend the time I was at practice and games skating. My dad understood but had me finish out the season. He didn’t ever “get it” but he liked watching skate videos. I wish he had been around to see the ones I made.
Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: sbmfj on December 21, 2020, 08:33:17 AM
A shout out to every old drunk and bum that got stoked for random skating.

Title: Re: Adults who support/supported your skating
Post by: AlbertoBalsalm on December 22, 2020, 01:49:52 AM
My grandparents took me to a skate shop to pick my first complete, I knew nothing about skateboarding (other than I wanted one) and would have probably been over the moon with one out a toy shop.

My Mum and Dad were cool with me skating and would buy what gear they could afford. Dad would drive me to parks and if we were on holiday somewhere, he'd already had a look to see what skateparks were nearby. Neither of them said anything when the garage was full of wood stolen from building sites either.

I'm trying to do the same with my two, my 4 year old decided he wanted a skateboard a few months back, so we got him a mini deck and built it up with some of my old Indy stage 9s (crazy to think 129s were a common size) and I try to take him out whenever he asks. He's also mad in to riding his bike, so bought one for myself so I could ride with him.