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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: companguero on May 09, 2021, 04:02:28 PM

Title: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: companguero on May 09, 2021, 04:02:28 PM
> be me skating in our driveway
> mom, already in her 60’s, “can I try?”
> she doesn’t push fast enough on rough asphalt
> fall from too much rattle and resistance

> worst part: doesn’t look painful, lol u ok?
> “can’t get up”
> cue hall of meat knife sharpening
> takes another four-wheel ride to hospital
> broken hip  8)
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Hyliannightmare on May 09, 2021, 04:14:59 PM
Got me an OG madrid longboard when I was 5 and took me to badlands skatepark to ride and watch dudes shred when she was a single non American mom living in Orlando.  Shout out mom for making this single parent thing look easy
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on May 09, 2021, 04:21:26 PM
Back in 1999 at a skate shop my mom pointed at a wet willy deck and said “Look Lenny, it’s rain-drop”. I was so embarrassed hahaha
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: GardenSkater77 on May 09, 2021, 04:36:43 PM
Shout out to moms. My mom can’t be with us anymore but I used to get home from skating midtown at 3 in the morning and she would hear me come in and reheat me dinner and sit with me so we could talk.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Bakers Bark on May 09, 2021, 04:42:05 PM
My mom pulled my first skateboard out of our buildings dumpster when I was like 5. When we moved she saved up and got me my first complete. Had it for maybe 3 days and it rolled down my driveway and run over by a truck seconds after my first trip to the skatepark. She then hooked me up with the cash to buy my homies complete off him a week later. She’s always had my back. Love you mom!
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Rubbrick on May 09, 2021, 04:47:55 PM
When I was like 7 my friends and I left our boards out in the front driveway. Some dudes walking past snagged the boards and ran off. My mom caught up to them and got the boards back from them.

Also allowed me to put a World Industries sticker on the back of her mini van.

Love my mom!!!
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: sometimeperhaps on May 09, 2021, 04:54:18 PM
Shout out to all the moms.

Aside from some drives to the skatepark I remember her driving me and some friends to a girl demo at a park 40 minutes away. Then she chilled or did mom stuff until the demo was over. She’s always been down for skating.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Uh Oh on May 09, 2021, 04:57:49 PM
My mom is currently incarcerated. She's lived a way radder life than I have.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: potpie on May 09, 2021, 05:03:11 PM
My mom is the best mom ever (strongly biased) and supported me in every extreme sport phase I went through. All the hospital trips, rad christmas gifts, support and genuine interest that she put into my hobbies even though she didn't completely understand it.

I remember in 3rd grade I got heavily into buying my first "real board". I used to quiz my mom what companies made what parts, and she actually remembered it. My dad and I used to always talk about how cool my mom was for all that shit. I really appreciate it.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: ok boomer on May 09, 2021, 05:17:52 PM
Ryan Sheckler's mom
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Urtripping on May 09, 2021, 05:21:48 PM
Lucky to have a very rad mom who overcame a lot and helped us transcend some major financialsetbacks as a family, but my gf's mom is amazing too. First summer together she took us to Radiohead in Detroit, put us up in a hotel, and got us high the entire time. She is always down for a good time and usually the one to bring the energy.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: tom on May 09, 2021, 06:12:11 PM
I posted this before but my mom tried to roll into a quarter pipe over the coping once. She lifted up into it and somehow made it to flat before eating shit. She laughed it off. It was pretty impressive for someone that could barely stand on a skateboard
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Miserable Old Sack of Shit on May 09, 2021, 06:15:16 PM
My mom was widowed at a relatively young age around the time I got into skateboarding, so naturally she was overly protective of her first born (me) which meant I was not allowed to skate without a helmet full pads and wristguards for the first couple years. Regardless, she saw how much I loved it and would get me new gear whenever she could, despite me destroying it immediately (especially shoes). I can't imagine how bored she must have been driving me to the local skate shop to pick out boards or standing there watching me flail around at a park. Like the dude up top said, "Shout out mom for making this single parent thing look easy." It was only once I reached adulthood that I realized how fuckin hard it must have been for her. Give your mom a call if you can.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: TheLurper on May 09, 2021, 06:15:37 PM
This lady I dated recently is a mom (it is so weird to be old enough to date someone's mom). I'm impressed with her trying to raise a kid, go back to school, and all that with little help from the dad. She is amazing, but, fuck, what an uphill battle that shit must be.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: rocklobster on May 09, 2021, 06:27:51 PM
I was watching an old 411VM on the family computer and she casually walked by and remarked "wow that flip into his grind was so smooth" without missing a beat.. Proudest I've ever felt about my mom.

I picked up skateboarding when I was 14 because she once told my older brother that I shouldn't do it, since I had poor hand-eye coordination and wanted to prove her wrong. 20 years in and I'm still skating, thanks for sending me down this path mom!
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: triplesixlamar on May 09, 2021, 06:31:37 PM
>just got into skateboarding
>using crappy Walmart deck
>she tells me that is cool
>tells me to not give up
>shows me how to ollie cuz she skated a little bit with my uncle back in the 90s
>tells me how cool I look on the board
>still skating to this day
ly mom

Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Spicy boi. on May 09, 2021, 06:34:55 PM
My mom has always watched skate videos with me, and in senior year when her and dad split up, that's how we spent a good chunk of time together. Mom loves golden era Alien/Habitat, she's a real one
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Doom patrol on May 09, 2021, 07:35:35 PM
When I was 26 I took a heavy slam skating a storm water drain.
I tore my left kidney clean it half and did a pretty good number on my spleen as well. I was in intensive care for two weeks and hospital for a month and despite the doctors best efforts ended up having my kidney removed. It was pretty traumatic for me and I coped with it poorly. Mum visited me every single day, brought me skate mags and books and when I was able to eat brought me food.
After I got out I wasn't able to do much of anything for myself for around 3 months. I moved back home and she did everything for me.
It's up there with the worst things that have ever happened to me and I honestly don't think I could have got through it without her.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: fredgallSOTY on May 09, 2021, 07:39:50 PM
my mom went to a party at Chad Muska's condo in New York and stole a bracelet from him, one that i still own to this day.

love you mom :)
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Wheelbyte on May 09, 2021, 07:57:41 PM
mom let her boy grow some weed in her garden

one time in Chinatown was eating with mom
at a restaurant which was a cover for a brothel
and these hookers come and sat down at our table
shit was kinda weird when mom started chuckling and really enjoying it
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: slutbang666 on May 09, 2021, 08:17:57 PM
My Mom can still tick tac at 63 years old, she skated some in the late 70’s. She also once ripped my board off of the coping and drug me out of the skatepark for being scared to drop in on a 3 foot mini. She said I’m not wasting my day off for you to not try. Then she kicked her flip flops off and told me she was going to try it and really embarrass me. I was 10 or 11 and so bummed I never tried it. she threw my board in the back of the station wagon and we left. This was my second time ever at a skatepark and th older dudes were flying around ripping the ramp. I was fully capable of dropping in I was just being a wuss.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Allez_Jambon on May 09, 2021, 08:57:36 PM
shout out to the moms (and dads and whomever) what used to sit in cars while we skated some shitty park before iphones could alleviate boredom
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: slutbang666 on May 09, 2021, 09:27:38 PM
shout out to the moms (and dads and whomever) what used to sit in cars while we skated some shitty park before iphones could alleviate boredom

Yep with the news paper
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: rocklobster on May 09, 2021, 10:29:17 PM
My Mom can still tick tac at 63 years old, she skated some in the late 70’s. She also once ripped my board off of the coping and drug me out of the skatepark for being scared to drop in on a 3 foot mini. She said I’m not wasting my day off for you to not try. Then she kicked her flip flops off and told me she was going to try it and really embarrass me. I was 10 or 11 and so bummed I never tried it. she threw my board in the back of the station wagon and we left. This was my second time ever at a skatepark and th older dudes were flying around ripping the ramp. I was fully capable of dropping in I was just being a wuss.

my mom went to a party at Chad Muska's condo in New York and stole a bracelet from him, one that i still own to this day.

love you mom :)

My mom has always watched skate videos with me, and in senior year when her and dad split up, that's how we spent a good chunk of time together. Mom loves golden era Alien/Habitat, she's a real one

Too many good stories on here giving me the feels.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: MusclesMarinara on May 09, 2021, 10:42:56 PM
My mom passed away 2 years ago, and sadly anytime I walk into Kinetic now I think of her and how welcoming Ben and the crew would be to her evetytime she'd drive me over to Delaware to get new gear.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Wheelbyte on May 09, 2021, 11:26:02 PM
to all you young bucks too cool for your mom
wake the fuck up!
no ones gonna love you more than your mom
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: behavioralguide on May 10, 2021, 02:03:16 AM
shout out to my mom for letting me trip Europe with friends my age when I was about to turn 16, shout out to their moms/dads too
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: FUBAR on May 10, 2021, 03:08:18 AM
My mom socked some broad in the eye for saying she was a bad mom, which she is. That was rad.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: roba on May 10, 2021, 03:35:31 AM
my mom used to remember my board and truck sizes and she learned how to grip a board when i was little and couldnt do it myself
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: KRKD1 on May 10, 2021, 05:01:48 AM
Be me 12 thru 17ish
Grew up in small farm town
Nearest shop was 20 miles away.
Mom worked couple mins away
They had good shop decks
Write down board size/grip
She wuld buy boards for me
Eventually she figures out what the numbers mean
Out of the blue surprise call "like a 8 or an 8.25? And mob?
Becomes a regular basically lol
Birthday-she always gets me a deck
One birthday Shes running late
Shops about to close. Not gonna make it..
She calls and ask if she can stay late.
Dude realizes it's my mom.
"8.25?"dude also owned a laundry mat
 was going there after
Meets my mom at laundry mat.
Has board and grip
Cash no tax
Best birthday,  mom's rad. Shops also rad.

End up working there as adult. Cool shit.

My mom also drove the skate van though,  Illinois winters would drive us an hour north to an indoor and shop or just chill for a few hours waiting. Helped i had 2 older brothers but would take us from park to park during the summer and just fuck off and grocery shop in the meantime or whatever. Always the raddest and super encouraging.

Lame thread tho
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: on May 10, 2021, 07:27:04 AM
Explained the whole Dogtown and Z-boys movie to me....
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Masshole on May 10, 2021, 08:23:34 AM
Shoutout to my mom for listening to me talk about skateboarding because she knows it's important to me. Also for the countless hours she's spent in emergency rooms with me and my brothers growing up.
Title: Re: Post your rad mom stories
Post by: Cool Ceith on May 10, 2021, 09:24:18 AM
Kinda rad in retrospect: During one summer in 1989 after my parents got divorced, my mom took away my skateboard twice and each time she showed my where it was hidden. The first time it was literally just on the roof for a month (the one place I didn't look). And the second time, she took me to her friend's house where there was an old, non-functioning washing machine. She opened the lid and voila! Rob Roskopp with Slimeballs and Gullwings, and a very amateurish collage grip job.