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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Trick Tips => Topic started by: Sila on November 11, 2021, 03:20:29 AM

Title: Pop shuvits over stuff. .
Post by: Sila on November 11, 2021, 03:20:29 AM
What's your preferred foot placement etc.?

I can boost them fine on flatground but when it comes to popping over stuff, say a milk crate, I just can't pull it off.
Title: Re: Pop shuvits over stuff. .
Post by: rawbertson. on November 11, 2021, 07:35:23 AM
very few people can. it is way harder than kickflipping over something because you need to take off way further back to give the board time to rotate.

imo foot positions are mostly just a personal perference

in general, the closer you can get your foot position to looking like a normal ollie, the better imo. the more exaggerated you make your feet always seems like you sacrifice a bit of pop but then i look at a lot of pros and they boost with really jacked foot positions so you gotta really find what works for you. i do notice that have your front foot really far back does not seem to be something pros ever do - they generally have their front foot somewhere near the front bolts for really any high popped trick.
Title: Re: Pop shuvits over stuff. .
Post by: Mean salto on November 11, 2021, 07:57:30 AM
This was my go to regular trick over stuff for some reason I sucked at regular kickflips over things.
I'd put my back foot way flat toes hanging over the toe edge of the kick. Front foot a little diagonal toes between the bolts just behind the front truck.

Over things that are narrow like a bin or pole or milk crate etc Id roll up so it's slightly in front of me. (Still head on but if it was a long ledge I'd be inline with the coping) because it tends to drift forwards. Otherwise it looks like you're going over the side.

For something wide I approach just slightly diagonal so the nose won't hit and the tail can already be high enough to clear the thing when it comes around.  Hopefully not enough diagonal that anybody could tell haha
Title: Re: Pop shuvits over stuff. .
Post by: bbk on November 11, 2021, 08:41:14 AM
front foot a bit further back, back foot toes on the tip of the tail, and smack down hard and early.
Title: Re: Pop shuvits over stuff. .
Post by: MaXX_I-D on November 11, 2021, 01:16:41 PM
I don't have any actual advice, but I wonder if it would help to try doing them over books or other shit that you can stack in small increments.
I'm currently thinking of the weirdest things you could use. Maybe cereal boxes? Beer cans? DVD/Video game cases(do people still have those?)?
Title: Re: Pop shuvits over stuff. .
Post by: jimgrude on November 11, 2021, 06:19:56 PM
Back foot smack dab in the middle of the tail and pop really vertical. It helps with getting the tail over the obstacle as soon as possible. You've also gotta go fast and pop early.