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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Topic started by: Cthunderw on February 21, 2022, 10:04:51 PM

Title: What tricks won't work with certain ledges?
Post by: Cthunderw on February 21, 2022, 10:04:51 PM
I'm just getting into ledge tricks, grinds, and slappys a bit more lately, and I wasn't able to find any info if there are tricks that are just not going to work on certain obstacles. I never hear people mention it in their trick tips. So far, I very sketchily have front and back 5050, front and back nosegrind, front 50, back noseslide, and i can get into back crooks.  I was at a slappy spot today with super round curbs and I really couldn't feel out the pinch. Would a crook work on a super round curb or would the wheel on the ledge just roll too much? any tips on that one? another one i struggle with is back noseslides on ledges with the corner cut away.

And to that note, are there other ledge tricks or grinds that you'd say require semi-specific conditions.
Title: Re: What tricks won't work with certain ledges?
Post by: behavioralguide on February 22, 2022, 12:42:40 AM
everything works on everything unless it doesn't

you can crook something fairly round and fat, it just requires more skill/precision

I guess you can't board/lipslide a rail that's so low your wheels would touch
Title: Re: What tricks won't work with certain ledges?
Post by: Mean salto on February 22, 2022, 12:49:27 AM
Your setup vs the spot can be a bit of a problem. Where I'm from schools all had these super round aluminium benches and back in skinny board days you'd often either just stick or grind for a second and end up rolling up On-top of the ledge. But if you Ollied from in line with the edge it would usually work.
Point being you can probably figure out how to make most tricks work on most spots. You will soon enough be able to tell right away if something's just not going to work