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Skateboarding => Shoes & Gear => Topic started by: Musicaldeath107 on April 04, 2022, 10:53:01 AM

Title: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Musicaldeath107 on April 04, 2022, 10:53:01 AM
Does wheelbase on a board actually matter all that much?
Now before you tell me to focus my account for asking this question... Up until literal 20 minutes ago I would have said unequivocally yes.  Now I'm not so sure.

I have for the last 2 years, for all intents and purposes, ridden 14 inch WB decks and Ventures.  Some truck madness here and there, but 14 inch WB.  I have had 1 deck in that time frame with that was 14.25WB and I never could get used to it.  Everything always felt off, tried 3 different sets of trucks everything felt terrible.  (In hindsight I think something was actually wrong with that deck)

On skateshop day my local was one of the shops that got their own custom Deluxe boards so I grabbed one.  I wanted to support so I didn't care that the wheelbase was 14.375, figured if I hated it give it to a kid at the park.  I tried it with the set of new Royals, and lo and behold it felt pretty damn good.

This afternoon I got a case of gear madness and was switching up wheels and trucks on everything.  I laid that deck on top of my usual 14wb board and noticed that when the back truck holes lined up with one another, that both tails were almost exactly the same. 

So I decided to throw a set of Venture Lo on that Deluxe board. 

When I lined everything up, very scientifically clearly, 2 sets of ventures they are basically bang on the same to the tail.
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Now obviously wheel size and truck height will come into how this will feel.  However the board those lows came off of is identical in shape, drilling etc to the one board in the right.  So my money is on that for almost all of my tricks off the tail this will feel identical to the previous board that had the lows on.

The difference in wheelbase is very different at the nose. So nollie and fakie stuff will feel different but I'm not too concerned about messing with that timing.
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I'm going to have a long session later today to test the theory but I'm thinking that it's not wheelbase that is actually the most important measurement for what trucks go with what board.  It's where in relation to the nose/tail the truck holes are drilled... plus you know all the other gear madness inducing measurements. 

What do you all think?
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: biggreen on April 04, 2022, 11:50:04 PM
Wheelbase affects how long the board itself feels as well in terms of stability. Pop feel will also be different because the farther the front wheels are away from the back, it should theoretically contribute to a “heavier” feeling nose - so all things equal, it would take more effort to pop.

I recently switched to a 14WB + venture, and I strategically moved to this combination after really enjoying a 14.25WB + indys. While there is a lot of variables, I feel like the similar distance between the wheels has made a big difference in how comfortable my tricks feel.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Xen on April 04, 2022, 11:54:27 PM
I think royals feel perfect on 14.3x wb ;)
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Mean salto on April 04, 2022, 11:56:44 PM
Everything matters....... A bit.
If you want to get into all the details that's fine but once you get bogged down in the measurement/gear madness it's almost impossible to get back out. Plenty of amazing skaters probably don't even know what sizes they ride. Most of the skateboarding world went from the 90s until very recently without even considering wheelbase when picking a deck
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Hedgehog In Da Fog on April 05, 2022, 12:32:14 AM
A shorter wheelbase can help some people pop better, some people will skater better on a longer wheelbase depending on their height and build.

Does Bouillabaisse matter?
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: fs1/2cab on April 05, 2022, 02:36:29 AM
Not 100% sure about it, just my experiences.

A longer wb = easier/faster shuvs (varial heel, tre flip, etc)
A shorter wb = easier/faster flips (kickflip, nollie heel, etc)

The overall length of the deck matters, depending on your height and shoulder width (also leg length probably). And what feels comfortable for you.

Most important for me, is the tail length and the angle of the kicks.

Longer, more mellow tail (6.7+) seems to cause a easier pop, but maybe not the highest ollie.

Shorter, steeper tail (6.5-) seems to need a bit more effort to pop but can get your ollies a bit higher.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: rocklobster on April 05, 2022, 04:52:22 AM
I think royals feel perfect on 14.3x wb ;)


It matters as much as you want it to matter, more art than science. Some swear by 14 WB + Ventures, some do 14.5 WB + Ventures and do just fine. Not the answer you're looking for and Shoes & Gear is a deep rabbit hole if you want to get analysis paralysis. I try and lock it down to 1 variable (WB / truck) and play around with the other. The more time I spend fiddling with my gear the less time I get to skate and acclimate to my setup. But if the setup feels way off from the first push, I'll give it 10 minutes before I swap out to a spare pair of trucks.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: BALARGUE on April 05, 2022, 05:18:12 AM
some info about wheelbase (
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: doomstation55 on April 05, 2022, 06:04:22 AM
Short answer: yes
Long answer: no
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: roba on April 05, 2022, 06:14:37 AM
Not 100% sure about it, just my experiences.

A longer wb = easier/faster shuvs (varial heel, tre flip, etc)
A shorter wb = easier/faster flips (kickflip, nollie heel, etc)

you got it backwards, technical flip tricks (shuvit + flip) are definitely easier with a shorter wheelbase. longer wheelbase might be better for straight flips and ollies but i'm not so sure about that because i haven't felt that much of a difference there on boards with longer wheelbases, i just know that my 360 flips sucked on those
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Musicaldeath107 on April 05, 2022, 06:48:10 AM
In my session last night I'll be honest, I didn't notice any difference in the pop weight/feel on the tail at all.

It may have felt marginally more stable on transition and flowing around.  Noticed my nollie and fakie pop was delayed but didn't throw me off.

I will definitely be looking more at overall deck construction vs strictly wheelbase moving forward.

Also to everyone saying the new Royals are perfect on 14.38 wheelbases... they've felt amazing on everything I've had em on so far, never thought I'd say that.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: backside_frontside on April 05, 2022, 07:04:12 AM
No it doesn't. Caring about wheelbase is a recent phenomenon. The changes to your pop and turning are imperceptible. I think the most important dimensions are length and width. Longer boards tend to have longer WB. I like 31.5"-31.75" length and 8.0"-8.125" width so the boards I buy tend to be 14" WB or sometimes 14.125". An extra 1/8" WB is unnoticeable so both dimensions work for me. If I were to skate something with a 14.5" WB then I'm skating an inherently longer/wider board which I don't like.

You don't need to overthink your setup. Five years ago, the thought of WB never once crossed my mind. Ride what feels good and you'll get used to it
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Frank and Fred on April 05, 2022, 07:27:13 AM
No it doesn't. Caring about wheelbase is a recent phenomenon.

Wheelbase was a pretty big deal in the 80s (and earlier I'm sure) with doubled-drilled noses. As kids, we always went straight for the long nose/ short wheelbase option as we knew it made more sense for what we were trying to do. We didn't fixate on numbers but understood how WB impacts response/ stability.

For me, these days it only really impacts what I can do when it is a big difference, say 14" to 15". I am unable to get 360 flips on a 15" WB and 14" WB is terrifying on big transition. So I float between 14.25" and 14.75". Ultimately, at 6' and 200lbs, I could make 14.75" suit me for everything I am trying to do.

I don't nerd out too much on how my trucks impact WB but I do like Thunders on 14.25" and smaller and Ace on 14.25" and longer. But again I could easily commit to one truck brand and make it work.

As much as we all might benefit from sticking to consistent equipment, experimentation is fun and sometimes unlocks some progression.

In short it probably doesn't matter as much as we say here in the  S+G forum but there are limits to functional length WB.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: mattchew on April 05, 2022, 07:35:21 AM
I can’t read this whole thread at the moment, and I’m also eternally grateful that I do not suffer from any type of gear madness, but I know from my personal experience that I cannot do certain tricks the same, most noticeably 360 flip, a trick I’ve been doing for over 2 decades, on a board with a longer (14.25+) wheelbase; I constantly land on the nose unless I lean uncomfortably and comically far back. On a sub 14.25 WB I am flipping that bitch all day tho.

I would also like to take this time to sing the praises of the Girl - Loveseat shape as it is the perfect skatebloard that ever existed: 9”x32” 13.8” WB.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: newspaperparty on April 05, 2022, 07:36:36 AM
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 05, 2022, 07:49:05 AM
Only if it’s way too far off or way different. 14.25 to 14.38 with everything else the same is 1/16” at each truck. The generic BBS 8.25 and 8.38 many brands use is the same at the kicks minus this one dimension. The wear on your tail, wheels, etc will likely influence the pop angle way more than this one measurement.

With that said I’ve suffered some serious madness and my most recent way of assessing a deck is to set it on the ground and without looking setup my feet in a few basic kickflip and ollie positions and see how cramped I feel because I am tall. Honestly that has worked way better than focusing on numbers.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Xen on April 05, 2022, 08:35:51 AM
Wheelbase, to me, seems most effected by overall board length, specifically the tail length.

E.g., I can ride a 14" WB board, if it's closer to 32" with a long tail whereas a short board and short WB feel too cramped.

A short WB board and a longer tail, say 6.7+ feels fine (Primitive boards are like this @31.9"). Same size board with a longer WB and shorter tail feel fine (PS boards like some PlanB or Quasi).

The only thing I can't do is short boards (31.5-31.75) as the distance between by feet due to a wide stance has me pushing my front foot up onto the front-most bolts near the nose and I feel off balance when trying to scoot back to pop something as my feet are now too close together.

I recently setup a 32.25" with super long kicks and a 14.375 WB it was too long in every aspect (if it was shorter and had a short WB those long kicks would have compensated).

With my trailing foot in ollie position, if my front foot is on or near the first front bolts and if feels good, that's all that matters.

Atleast, that's how I'm feeling lately after trying a bunch of combinations; finding the board that fits your natural shoulder-width/natural stance.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: tzhangdox on April 05, 2022, 12:15:42 PM
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Not 100% sure about it, just my experiences.

A longer wb = easier/faster shuvs (varial heel, tre flip, etc)
A shorter wb = easier/faster flips (kickflip, nollie heel, etc)


you got it backwards, technical flip tricks (shuvit + flip) are definitely easier with a shorter wheelbase. longer wheelbase might be better for straight flips and ollies but i'm not so sure about that because i haven't felt that much of a difference there on boards with longer wheelbases, i just know that my 360 flips sucked on those

The general consensus is that a shorter wheelbase spins and scoops much easier.

Though I also agree with fs1/2 cab that in my experience, most tricks involving a scoop is much much easier on a longer wheelbase. I can tre on any setup, but they feel so much loftier and more satisfying on a bigger longer board. Same with fakie tres, and nollie/sw when I do them on occasion. Pop shuvs and bigspins dont overspin and feel a lot more stable and lofty too.

Shorter wheelbases are better for most straight flip tricks imo (except sw/nollie heels for some reason), and almost every 180 flip is easier on a short wb too, and easier to fold tricks like half cab flips, bs flips, nollie fs flips.

Then again, I'm 6ft5 and usually skate like a 14.2ish wheelbase so its definitely too short for me on paper which is probably why most scoopy tricks overspin if I don't try to control it.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Bunk Moreland on April 05, 2022, 12:51:56 PM
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: freidnly guy on April 05, 2022, 01:40:59 PM
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The left looks like it has a steeper/less fingers of flat tail, I predict it will feel hard to hit your tail. Not my cup of tea. I have a 8.62/14.75 wb krooked with a long steep tail that is awful, hard to pop and clunky, and a 9.0/15wb bbs shop deck with nice mellow kicks that is very fun and manageable, so I try to pay attention to kicks. What is the board on the right?
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Musicaldeath107 on April 05, 2022, 01:52:19 PM
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The left looks like it has a steeper/less fingers of flat tail, I predict it will feel hard to hit your tail. Not my cup of tea. I have a 8.62/14.75 wb krooked with a long steep tail that is awful, hard to pop and clunky, and a 9.0/15wb bbs shop deck with nice mellow kicks that is very fun and manageable, so I try to pay attention to kicks. What is the board on the right?

Board on the right ends up with an ever so slightly steeper tail but more fingers of flat.  But it's very close, neither board gives me an ghost pop issues.

That board on the right is a ScumCo deck, no idea the series but it's a Pennswood pressed board.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: munchbox on April 05, 2022, 03:00:47 PM
i care about wb. makes my preferred board sizes managable
9.0/15wb turns my legs to mush after an hour skating street
8.75/14wb combo has me outside feeling good for 4-6 hours
mind you setup #2 has bigger wheels and heavier trucks

i kinda agree with @Xen on the length thing
an 8.8/31.4/14wb setup felt ridiculously cramped
but a 10.0/31.5/14.5wb also felt ridiculously cramped
if a board is too short, its just too short. wb wont help imo

we all agree length and width matter
why wouldnt the third major measurement?
every setup ever has had at least two wheelbases
definitely overlooked in the past by skaters
but its simply impossible for woodshops/truck devs to ignore
they dont just drill mounting holes without any thought
or slap axles on a baseplate any which way
wheelbase matters. whether or not you care is the difference
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: ish_wav on April 05, 2022, 03:18:45 PM
My madness started when I couldn’t hardflip. It is my go to trick and I landed one out of maybe twenty I tried. I was riding a 14.5 WB deck on some thunders I believe. I set up a board with a 14.25 WB and landed maybe 10 in a row. It could’ve been just my mind the whole time but I haven’t touched a 14.5 since. Both decks were Clutch samples I was sent when I was toying around with having some decks made.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: HugeBodBoyle on April 05, 2022, 03:51:11 PM
I tre better on a longer wheelbase. I am sure there is math involved, but that's the fact I know. Shorter wheelbase feels cramped and the board flips weird.

I'm also 6'1" and have a size 11.5 foot, so again...math and whatnot.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: in love w/ fs shuvs on April 05, 2022, 07:37:52 PM
Yes but actually no. Just get boards similar to alien shapes and you're good.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: roba on April 06, 2022, 01:57:04 AM
I tre better on a longer wheelbase. I am sure there is math involved, but that's the fact I know. Shorter wheelbase feels cramped and the board flips weird.

I'm also 6'1" and have a size 11.5 foot, so again...math and whatnot.

i'm 6'2" and i wear size 9 shoes, 14.25 with ventures and 14.375 on aces is the longest wheelbase i can tre flip fairly easily.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on April 06, 2022, 02:13:40 AM
It does once you get above 14.5, I had a 14.75 once and it felt like a boat…
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: HugeBodBoyle on April 06, 2022, 03:31:39 AM
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I tre better on a longer wheelbase. I am sure there is math involved, but that's the fact I know. Shorter wheelbase feels cramped and the board flips weird.

I'm also 6'1" and have a size 11.5 foot, so again...math and whatnot.

i'm 6'2" and i wear size 9 shoes, 14.25 with ventures and 14.375 on aces is the longest wheelbase i can tre flip fairly easily.

I'm on dlx 8.38 dreamer shape (14.5 wheelbase) with Ventures and it works.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Banned from the room on April 06, 2022, 07:05:06 AM
Wb is more about 360 board rotation for me.

I wanna get it around as fast as possible because I’m so close to the ground these days.

So yeah I can skate a 15” wb no problem but my impossible will come around hot and heavy. I prefer quick and light
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: frontfootimpossible on April 06, 2022, 08:21:51 AM
I won't speak for all short folk, but I need a short wheelbase. If I step on a 14.5 it feels like a longboard. It probably matters less for tall people with long legs.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Xen on April 06, 2022, 08:23:47 AM
Wb is more about 360 board rotation for me.

I wanna get it around as fast as possible because I’m so close to the ground these days.

So yeah I can skate a 15” wb no problem but my impossible will come around hot and heavy. I prefer quick and light

It's funny, I use impossibles to gauge; long deck and WB and that wrap (if it doesn't clip the fucking round) feels like slomotion. I like them right in the middle, not to slow and not to fast for the wrap.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Mean salto on April 06, 2022, 08:40:57 AM
I feel like height doesn't really matter that much. Skaters range from what 5'4 to 6'6 but then an 8th of an inch of wheelbase is somehow making a difference?
Altho I'm probably not that right person to judge as I'm at the tall end of my skaters height range. I also don't think a board width matters much compared to my size 13s
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Ok on April 06, 2022, 08:53:10 AM
Wb is more about 360 board rotation for me.

I wanna get it around as fast as possible because I’m so close to the ground these days.

So yeah I can skate a 15” wb no problem but my impossible will come around hot and heavy. I prefer quick and light

What flea and front foot said.
Although, I recently started skating a board with 14.45 wb, after being 14” gang, and…it works really well. Overall board length fucks with me quite a bit.
Being influenced, I saw that dope Cory flip from the other day and looked up his shape: 14.75 wb. And he was whipping those nollie tres. Not me tho.
I think one can adjust to whatever. I might lose tre flips on a longer board, but I’ll be able to bomb hills better and might have a better ollie. It all comes and goes, win some lose type of thing.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: IpathCats on April 06, 2022, 10:42:46 AM
As a tall person (6' 4") I can assure you that WB matters, at least to me any way. 14.4.-14.5 on indys. and I've been considering ventures again to extend my wb.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: on April 06, 2022, 11:47:49 AM
It’s a measurement……trust me if concaves were quantified…..we’d care more. 
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: braksabbath on April 06, 2022, 11:52:16 AM
It’s a measurement……trust me if concaves were quantified…..we’d care more.
You can measure concave depth using two rulers. Tactics lists it on some boards.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: LebowskisRug on April 06, 2022, 04:51:37 PM
I don't know what matters anymore. I used to think it was WB. I am 6 foot 3 and lately have been on 14.38. I've skated a 14" Crail and also the Hockey 8.44x14.2 recently and one would assume the Hockey might be more stable and closer to my norm, but (and only after one session) it really doesn't feel that way right now. It's actually a hair shorter than the Crail and both are shorter than the 32.125 I have been on recently. Some things are slower, but it's learnable compared to the overall increases in pop, stability, and even flip tricks are more solid.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Ok on April 06, 2022, 05:20:04 PM
[quote author=LebowskisRug link=topic=121572.msg3772111#msg3772111 date=1649289097]
I don't know what matters anymore. I used to think it was WB. I am 6 foot 3 and lately have been on 14.38. I've skated a 14" Crail and also the Hockey 8.44x14.2 recently and one would assume the Hockey might be more stable and closer to my norm, but (and only after one session) it really doesn't feel that way right now. It's actually a hair shorter than the Crail and both are shorter than the 32.125 I have been on recently. Some things are slower, but it's learnable compared to the overall increases in pop, stability, and even flip tricks are more solid.

I’m 5’7”, short legged, 10 shoe. Skate about the same size stuff. Also don’t know what matters. I don’t think wb plus trucks = jack shit tho. Or, possibly more accurately, it’s just some tiny pieces to a greater whole.  All I know is I do not know. As an example, I went from an 8.125x14.125x31.25 to an 8.125x14x31.75, same trucks and wheels. None of this is interesting to anyone, but me. But, the newer setup feels super foreign. Like an ollie feels nuts. My timing on everything feels bizarre.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: yourbreakfsat on April 06, 2022, 05:37:13 PM
Christopher Hiett is a great example of skill > wheel base haha

If it matters, he's about 5'5"-5'6" in reality (if I got that wrong, sorry Chris!)

But the way I see it: if measurements matter to you, then it matters. If it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: DarkPools on April 07, 2022, 12:51:16 AM
Everything matters to an extent, like many have said. And there are those outside the bell curve of statistical science that defy common notions. Dudes rocking size 13s on a 7.5" is a fucking mystery or lil 5' 2" dudes w/ 8s skating 8.6". Both skating their setups well even though the math may argue that those two examples shouldn't work well in theory. (Welsh or Ronson Lambert & Kader)

Back to my point... if WB matters on cars for turning radius, responsiveness, center of gravity, etc. then it also does for skating.

I'm about 5' 11" with a size 11-11.5 shoe. I'm also 60% legs and  40% torso. I found I work best with 8.5" or 8.4" x 14.5" WB x 32.25"-ish" deck on Indys. I can't do smaller than 14.25" WB or larger than 14.6". Board length can't be shorter than 32.125 or longer than 32.5.

I've been on Indys for 12 years straight so I tailored my deck choices around what worked with my Indys, whether I knew or didn't that Indys don't push WB out as much as Thunder or Venture.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Mean salto on April 07, 2022, 02:17:10 AM
Everything matters to an extent, like many have said. And there are those outside the bell curve of statistical science that defy common notions. Dudes rocking size 13s on a 7.5" is a fucking mystery or lil 5' 2" dudes w/ 8s skating 8.6". Both skating their setups well even though the math may argue that those two examples shouldn't work well in theory. (Welsh or Ronson Lambert & Kader)

Back to my point... if WB matters on cars for turning radius, responsiveness, center of gravity, etc. then it also does for skating.

I'm about 5' 11" with a size 11-11.5 shoe. I'm also 60% legs and  40% torso. I found I work best with 8.5" or 8.4" x 14.5" WB x 32.25"-ish" deck on Indys. I can't do smaller than 14.25" WB or larger than 14.6". Board length can't be shorter than 32.125 or longer than 32.5.

I've been on Indys for 12 years straight so I tailored my deck choices around what worked with my Indys, whether I knew or didn't that Indys don't push WB out as much as Thunder or Venture.
Just to add on. I think the problem with comparing to cars is cars don't have a giant standing on-top of them. If you were comparing board setups vs board setups in a vacuum sure but two people could still be the same height, weight, shoe size, everything and their body's could still function differently or their technique could be completely different. Also so much is mental. If you like the look of something you will skate better on it than something that may technically be right but youre just not into it
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: goodatmeth on April 07, 2022, 02:31:41 PM
I can ride 14"wb deck just as well as 14.5"wb. But in order to do this, I need to drastically change the setup. I need heavy trucks on a short wb and light ones on long wb. Also a longer tail helps on longer wb. I'm only 5'7" btw.
Since I'm used to thunder titaniums on 14.4"wb, in order to skate a 14"wb I use heavy as fuck(and taller) aces. Truck wheelbase doesn't seem to matter to me at all in this case, the huge weight difference compensates everything, giving the setups a similar pop feel.

I'd like to try out decks with the exact same specs except wheelbase to truly find out what it actually does.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Xen on April 07, 2022, 08:15:14 PM
Christopher Hiett is a great example of skill > wheel base haha

If it matters, he's about 5'5"-5'6" in reality (if I got that wrong, sorry Chris!)

But the way I see it: if measurements matter to you, then it matters. If it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't.

Fun skater to watch (up there with winkowski for rad shaped board skaters).

Hell it's 7.25 x 27" just weak in the kicks so it excels at flip tricks since that is where it all started.

Also, still the sickest powell graphic.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Mean salto on April 07, 2022, 10:58:56 PM
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Christopher Hiett is a great example of skill > wheel base haha

If it matters, he's about 5'5"-5'6" in reality (if I got that wrong, sorry Chris!)

But the way I see it: if measurements matter to you, then it matters. If it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't.

Fun skater to watch (up there with winkowski for rad shaped board skaters).

Hell it's 7.25 x 27" just weak in the kicks so it excels at flip tricks since that is where it all started.

Also, still the sickest powell graphic.
Fuck I've wanted a freestyle board since forever but whenever I see them in person they're like a rollerskate. Pretty sure the wb on that ones like 12 inches. Always think about getting a big 80s board and cutting it down but it no doubt wouldnt work properly. In an alternate reality skaters rode bigger freestyle boards instead of egg boards in the early 90s.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Xen on April 09, 2022, 09:20:36 PM
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Christopher Hiett is a great example of skill > wheel base haha

If it matters, he's about 5'5"-5'6" in reality (if I got that wrong, sorry Chris!)

But the way I see it: if measurements matter to you, then it matters. If it doesn't matter to you, then it doesn't.

Fun skater to watch (up there with winkowski for rad shaped board skaters).

Hell it's 7.25 x 27" just weak in the kicks so it excels at flip tricks since that is where it all started.

Also, still the sickest powell graphic.
Fuck I've wanted a freestyle board since forever but whenever I see them in person they're like a rollerskate. Pretty sure the wb on that ones like 12 inches. Always think about getting a big 80s board and cutting it down but it no doubt wouldnt work properly. In an alternate reality skaters rode bigger freestyle boards instead of egg boards in the early 90s.

When I worked in a shop as a kid, we had an old Vision Don Brown model, since it was a freestyle board, it never sold and was buried in a stack of old shit. I just took it and set it up, since I sucked at freestyle, I just tried to skate it normally (that was my first time ditching risers). As a 90s skater, I hate(d) 90s shapes, especially the long, tapered noses, I despise looking down on them to this day.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: shawngreg on May 04, 2022, 09:35:01 AM
As a tall person (6' 4") I can assure you that WB matters, at least to me any way. 14.4.-14.5 on indys. and I've been considering ventures again to extend my wb.

any other tall bros agree with this, or disagree and feel totally different?
i'm 6'4 and size 13, i skate 5.8 cast ventures and trying to pick my next deck.  ive been on 14.25wb for my last couple,  tried out a 14 and hated it.  i have an 8.5 real se that i believe is 14.38 and i think thats going to be the move
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on May 04, 2022, 10:06:08 AM
For me it matters, but just a little. Of course the best thing for your skating would be to ride the same exact setup all the time, but if you're on SLAP you probably enjoy messing around (obsessing over madness) with different things. I've tried a lot of different boards in between 8.25 and 8.5, usually around 14.125 to 14.5 WB, and I'd say you can feel a difference, but pretty marginal and it's pretty easy to get used to a new board when hopping from say 14.25 to 14.5 WB. 1/4 inch is really not that much.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: IpathCats on May 04, 2022, 10:29:37 AM
Short answer: yes
Long answer: no

I completely disagree

Short answer: No
Long answer: Yes
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 04, 2022, 10:46:05 AM
I think this question is a forest for the trees situation. One measurement in isolation matters if all other parameters are equal or close to equal. At a certain point things are too long or short and it can make a difference if things are close.

For me I think it depends on the deck length, kick length, and kick steepness more.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Ok on May 04, 2022, 11:15:01 AM
I think this question is a forest for the trees situation. One measurement in isolation matters if all other parameters are equal or close to equal. At a certain point things are too long or short and it can make a difference if things are close.

For me I think it depends on the deck length, kick length, and kick steepness more.

This is the answer.
I would humbly add: truck height, axle placement, wheel size, and then there is probably some significant relationship to shoulder width, various leg measurements, foot size, certain flexibility abilities.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Mean salto on May 04, 2022, 11:22:40 AM
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As a tall person (6' 4") I can assure you that WB matters, at least to me any way. 14.4.-14.5 on indys. and I've been considering ventures again to extend my wb.

any other tall bros agree with this, or disagree and feel totally different?
i'm 6'4 and size 13, i skate 5.8 cast ventures and trying to pick my next deck.  ive been on 14.25wb for my last couple,  tried out a 14 and hated it.  i have an 8.5 real se that i believe is 14.38 and i think thats going to be the move
Another tall guy here. Long time back I used to try get as much as possible would ride 15+ with thunders but now think it mostly doesn't matter.  People care way too much about the exact numbers now those same setups were 9+ wide boards on thunder 149s which at the time was the widest truck so it was fine but now people would be like wtf those trucks are way too small. The differences are so small i feel like it only ever matters in very specific situations. Only time I really felt wheelbase was too long was sometimes the deck would scrape on roll in ramps (easy fix Manny for a second as you roll in) and every now and then you'd go to do a nosegrind or nosemanmy but your foots not far up enough on the nose so you just drop to 5050. Rare tho maybe the same amount that would happen on any board.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: FatGuy92 on May 04, 2022, 11:39:11 AM
I can ride 14"wb deck just as well as 14.5"wb. But in order to do this, I need to drastically change the setup. I need heavy trucks on a short wb and light ones on long wb. Also a longer tail helps on longer wb. I'm only 5'7" btw.
Since I'm used to thunder titaniums on 14.4"wb, in order to skate a 14"wb I use heavy as fuck(and taller) aces. Truck wheelbase doesn't seem to matter to me at all in this case, the huge weight difference compensates everything, giving the setups a similar pop feel.

I'd like to try out decks with the exact same specs except wheelbase to truly find out what it actually does.

I find this to be true for myself as well.. I think WB itself is just one part of a whole like someone else said. Overall deck length, kick lengths, weights, etc all factor in. QQ, do you not have to drastically change your foot placement going from Thunders on a 14.4 WB to Ace on 14 WB?
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: manysnakes on May 04, 2022, 11:52:20 AM
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 04, 2022, 12:00:38 PM
This is also why you should pick a truck and wheels and stick with them. The micromanaging and mixing and matching of various shit compounds the potential combinations by an order of magnitude. If only one thing changes and your old deck is whole you can’t just lay it on top and identify what might be good or bad.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Ok on May 04, 2022, 12:06:10 PM
This is also why you should pick a truck and wheels and stick with them. The micromanaging and mixing and matching of various shit compounds the potential combinations by an order of magnitude. If only one thing changes and your old deck is whole you can’t just lay it on top and identify what might be good or bad.

Goddamn quit roasting me directly.

@manysnakes that is a banger. I kinda wanted meatloaf to show up.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: doomstation55 on May 04, 2022, 01:27:20 PM
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Short answer: yes
Long answer: no

I completely disagree

Short answer: No
Long answer: Yes

Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: IpathCats on May 04, 2022, 01:47:07 PM
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As a tall person (6' 4") I can assure you that WB matters, at least to me any way. 14.4.-14.5 on indys. and I've been considering ventures again to extend my wb.

any other tall bros agree with this, or disagree and feel totally different?
i'm 6'4 and size 13, i skate 5.8 cast ventures and trying to pick my next deck.  ive been on 14.25wb for my last couple,  tried out a 14 and hated it.  i have an 8.5 real se that i believe is 14.38 and i think thats going to be the move

Give it a shot. Find a 14.5 if you're really feeling bold. 14.5 on ventures will deff feel hefty though. Bobby skates them on a 14.4 though so who knows
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Roisto on May 04, 2022, 02:24:19 PM
I’ve been quite vocal about wheelbase mattering for years. Then I skated a Polar with a mislabeled wb and it felt pretty good albeit a bit short. Then I skated a shaped deck with a shorter wb than “what I like” and loved everything about it. Then I tested various boards the latest being a Toy Machine 8.5” with a 14.2” wb. Usually I ride 8.38” and above with wheelbases 14.5” and above. The Toy Machine overall length was actually longer than my previous deck with 14.75” wb. First the Toy Machine felt refreshing and different. Bit more unstable on transition but I kinda like that. Easier to pop due to the short wb and mellow kicks. What made me come to the conclusion that I really need 14.5”+ was pushing between tricks with no time to think. The 14.2” was just too short compared to what I was used to. I fell over a few times having my front foot too far up. Could I get used to this? Maybe? Do I want to? No, not really. I don’t see the benefit. I’ve had several shorter (wb & overall) boards and generally I just care for them that much for what I like to skate. I like the longer wb for the stability and heftier pop it adds and I feel like it just is more proportionate for my body size.

So, yeah, kinda but depends on what you do with your board.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: backinaction on May 04, 2022, 03:24:19 PM
I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Ok on May 04, 2022, 03:30:11 PM
I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.

Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: ish_wav on May 04, 2022, 04:28:46 PM
If you would’ve asked me a month ago I would’ve said “yes absolutely.” I was convinced I could not hardflip on a 14.5 wheelbase. I bought a There deck with 14.5 WB and set it up on some thunders. My hard flips have been the nicest and most consistent they have been in months.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Damoforce on May 04, 2022, 05:33:51 PM
For me, it does a little. But I think it's mainly length and the pitch of the kicks too. Give me a 14" with a length of 31.9 - 32" and I'm good. Take that to 31.5" which a lot are I'm cramped af.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: IpathCats on May 05, 2022, 06:30:56 AM
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I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.


The Backinaction formula: 8.X + 6 = WB

Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Xen on May 05, 2022, 09:48:15 AM
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I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.


The Backinaction formula: 8.X + 6 = WB

That formula is pretty industry standard for 8.25s for sure, and a lot of other sizes.

I prefer 8.375s with a 14.3x wb. Math checks out.

FWIW I'm 5'9.873784512741264" so 5'10", US10 shoe and a 14.3x" WB always feels the best for everything. I can get away with 14.5 on transition on street it's too long (noses), usually because the decks are also too long to accommodate it; be it 8.18/8.25/8.3/8.5; the trick is finding boards 8.3 under 32" that have one, they are out there but the selection is slim so I default to 8.25"
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Mean salto on May 05, 2022, 10:11:32 AM
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I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.


The Backinaction formula: 8.X + 6 = WB


That formula is pretty industry standard for 8.25s for sure, and a lot of other sizes.

I prefer 8.375s with a 14.3x bw. Math checks out.

FWIW I'm 5'9.873784512741264" so 5'10", US10 shoe and a 14.3x" WB always feels the best for everything. I can get away with 14.5 on transition on street it's too long (noses), usually because the decks are also too long to accommodate it; be it 8.18/8.25/8.3/8.5; the trick is finding boards 8.3 under 32" that have one, they are out there but the selection is slim so I default to 8.25"
No no no you're messing it all up and making it uneven. If you're 5'10 and size 10 you should have an 8.1 with 14.1wb and 51mm wheels. (Everything a 1or 10th)
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: IpathCats on May 05, 2022, 11:13:51 AM

No no no you're messing it all up and making it uneven. If you're 5'10 and size 10 you should have an 8.1 with 14.1wb and 51mm wheels. (Everything a 1or 10th)

lol finally someone speaking with reason around here.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Wizard0f0dds on May 05, 2022, 11:20:02 AM
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I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.


The Backinaction formula: 8.X + 6 = WB


That formula is pretty industry standard for 8.25s for sure, and a lot of other sizes.

I prefer 8.375s with a 14.3x bw. Math checks out.

FWIW I'm 5'9.873784512741264" so 5'10", US10 shoe and a 14.3x" WB always feels the best for everything. I can get away with 14.5 on transition on street it's too long (noses), usually because the decks are also too long to accommodate it; be it 8.18/8.25/8.3/8.5; the trick is finding boards 8.3 under 32" that have one, they are out there but the selection is slim so I default to 8.25"
No no no you're messing it all up and making it uneven. If you're 5'10 and size 10 you should have an 8.1 with 14.1wb and 51mm wheels. (Everything a 1or 10th)

5'9" with size 9, should I be skating a a 7.9", 13.9 WB and 49mm wheels then?
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 05, 2022, 11:27:55 AM
6 foot 3 size 10 what’s my size
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: sharkin on May 05, 2022, 05:19:10 PM
I’d expect if I googled “does penis size matter” the search results could comfort me and my small dick but let’s be real we all know wheelbase matters.

14.5 feels best but I can get by 14.375 to 14.625 with little difference.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: DarkPools on May 05, 2022, 10:07:18 PM
6 foot 3 size 10 what’s my size

Between 14.5 and 14.75 depending on the trucks is my guess
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: smellsdead on May 05, 2022, 10:35:05 PM
no fuck no it doesnt

if you need a board youll make it work

you think that kid at the park you give the board to is going to care about wb?

id care more about magic carpeting or hot rodding than anything
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: DarkPools on May 05, 2022, 11:51:47 PM
Wheelbase definitely matters way more than hot rodding or magic carpeting, in my opinion. Your gait/stance to ollie/flick is directly correlated to WB.

Small kids at parks power through it because kids are far more stubborn than adolescents. They don't know it's not working for them but make it work (or try to) anyways. It's commendable, but still affects them negatively.

I started progressing faster once some older skaters gave me tips on basic board dimensions relative to my stats (height, shoe size, etc.) Wheelbase was one of them do I would still getting ghost pop and ghost flick.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: mj23 on May 06, 2022, 07:14:23 AM
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: manysnakes on May 06, 2022, 09:25:44 AM
no fuck no it doesnt

if you need a board youll make it work

you think that kid at the park you give the board to is going to care about wb?

id care more about magic carpeting or hot rodding than anything

And when I was a kid, I rode a hand-me-down bike that was several sizes too large. What's your point?
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: manysnakes on May 06, 2022, 09:30:53 AM
My unnecessary $.02 is that, as a shorter rider (5'6"), a smaller wheelbase makes an observable difference in how I am able to skate. I'm just coming off this 8.38" DLX deck with a 14.5" wheelbase, and it was a great board, but the thing felt completely unwieldy to get off of the ground. Now I'm on a Loveseat shape (14" wb) with the same components, and I can suddenly I can kickflip again.

I was on the fence about the issue for a long time, and have been perfectly content with the 14.25" wheelbase that is standard. After skating something with a 14" and feeling how much improved it was, I don't think I'm straying too far from there ever again.
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Fooj on May 06, 2022, 09:33:25 AM
I think inseam length might have something to do with WB preference too
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: somefucker on May 06, 2022, 09:35:01 AM
as a taller human at 6' 2", i got a board with a 'standard' wb of 14.25, felt good.

got another board and was told (for probably the first time in my life) 'Hey that board has a short wheelbase just so you know'

thinking 'whatever' i got it anyway and holy shit it felt like a propeller under me. it was 13.25" SUPER small.

now i can't pick up a board without confirming the wheelbase is 14.25 or (preferably) smaller.

heroin symmetrical egg with 13.25 wb was amazing, required insanely little effort to spin and flip, could do lipslides much quicker and 360s felt glued to my feet

i miss it :(
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: braksabbath on May 08, 2022, 10:57:23 PM
Was getting speed wobbles on big transition on the  DLX 8.5 w/ 14.25 wb. Switched to the 8.38 w/ 14.5 wb and no more speed wobble
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Mbrimson88 on May 09, 2022, 02:21:32 AM
Was getting speed wobbles on big transition on the  DLX 8.5 w/ 14.25 wb. Switched to the 8.38 w/ 14.5 wb and no more speed wobble

A lot of the vert / go fast in big bowl types love the DLX 8.5 longer version with the 14.75 wb, or more often the 8.6 that also has 14.75 wb as they find it way more stable.

I don't think I can justify that 14.75 wb length any more for a normal daily rider, but the 14.5 wb is my go to nowdays, either on the DLX 8.38 or other BBS 8.5 boards.

Getting back on shorter wb boards are often uncomfortable now, but that is what I used to skate for a long time, so it is funny how I have now adapted to the bigger boards.

Other bigger cruiser type boards I have with 15" wb are way more stable tearing around pump tracks or bombing hills too, so it definitely makes a difference.

Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Richard Skidder on May 09, 2022, 11:21:32 AM
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I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.


The Backinaction formula: 8.X + 6 = WB


That formula is pretty industry standard for 8.25s for sure, and a lot of other sizes.

I prefer 8.375s with a 14.3x bw. Math checks out.

FWIW I'm 5'9.873784512741264" so 5'10", US10 shoe and a 14.3x" WB always feels the best for everything. I can get away with 14.5 on transition on street it's too long (noses), usually because the decks are also too long to accommodate it; be it 8.18/8.25/8.3/8.5; the trick is finding boards 8.3 under 32" that have one, they are out there but the selection is slim so I default to 8.25"
No no no you're messing it all up and making it uneven. If you're 5'10 and size 10 you should have an 8.1 with 14.1wb and 51mm wheels. (Everything a 1or 10th)

5'9" with size 9, should I be skating a a 7.9", 13.9 WB and 49mm wheels then?

Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Schinken on May 10, 2022, 09:24:17 AM
I think wheelbase doesn't matter that much as long as it's in a reasonable range. As soon as you are used to your setup, your setup is most likely not hindering you from doing anything. It's about skill.

The main problem is gear madness and changing your setup too often. Having a little money to burn can be a curse...
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: Frank and Fred on May 10, 2022, 09:47:08 AM
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I like my wheelbase to be the board width plus 6 inches, give or take 1/8th. 

14" on an 8"
14.25" on 8.25"
14.5" on 8.5"
14.75" on 8.75"+.   I don't want above 14.75

I'm not going to ride an 8" in the same terrain as an 8.75" and I want it to be different.


The Backinaction formula: 8.X + 6 = WB


That formula is pretty industry standard for 8.25s for sure, and a lot of other sizes.

I prefer 8.375s with a 14.3x bw. Math checks out.

FWIW I'm 5'9.873784512741264" so 5'10", US10 shoe and a 14.3x" WB always feels the best for everything. I can get away with 14.5 on transition on street it's too long (noses), usually because the decks are also too long to accommodate it; be it 8.18/8.25/8.3/8.5; the trick is finding boards 8.3 under 32" that have one, they are out there but the selection is slim so I default to 8.25"
No no no you're messing it all up and making it uneven. If you're 5'10 and size 10 you should have an 8.1 with 14.1wb and 51mm wheels. (Everything a 1or 10th)

5'9" with size 9, should I be skating a a 7.9", 13.9 WB and 49mm wheels then?


A foot and a fist? Sometimes the Prof seems to just pulls things out of his arse.

But I had to see if this lined up on my favorite shape... (The Huffer) and guess what? it does... ::)
Title: Re: Does Wheelbase Actually Matter?
Post by: LebowskisRug on May 10, 2022, 10:17:55 AM
Pretty easy to fudge depending on your shoe bulk and how you hold your hand so it definitely makes sense.