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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: orionskate on April 09, 2022, 09:24:35 AM

Title: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: orionskate on April 09, 2022, 09:24:35 AM
only 32?
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Yu Dum on April 09, 2022, 09:28:27 AM
At least 6, maybe 12.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: mattchew on April 09, 2022, 09:33:38 AM

But also this is the real answer:

At least 6, maybe 12.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: tuesday on April 09, 2022, 09:52:32 AM
Ask Puleo if you want numbers.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: SATIVA HYBRID on April 09, 2022, 10:18:52 AM
all of them
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: TelethonJohn on April 09, 2022, 01:34:16 PM

But also this is the real answer:

Expand Quote
At least 6, maybe 12.

Wow, I remember this ad but probably didn't pay it much mind. However people feel about Rodney, this is a pretty impressive list (switch tres in 1990...what?!), and I wonder if it's even complete. He was doing all that primo stuff going back to the Bones Brigade Video Show, and looked like he'd been doing it for awhile at that point. None of that seems to be mentioned here, so I'm guessing somebody else was doing it first or else it was accidentally omitted. Also surprised that he wasn't the first to do varial flips, at least according to this list.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Trilogy on April 09, 2022, 01:38:11 PM
Skateboarding owes this guy a lot!

He might be the most respected skateboarder ever, after all he is the creator of all those tricks people have been doing in the streets in the last decades.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: cky enthusiast on April 09, 2022, 02:53:09 PM
Skateboarding owns this guy a lot!

He might be the most respected skateboarder ever, after all he is the creator of all those tricks people have been doing in the streets in the last decades.

right?! try to think of the last time you saw a part without a godzilla rail flip
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: bssmithslide on April 09, 2022, 03:12:29 PM
he didn't invent tricks, he invented skateboarding don't @ me.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: SpikeWyler on April 09, 2022, 04:53:16 PM
There is an intense, in-depth youtube video breaking down all of the insane tricks that Rodney and Daewon did in there video series, I don't have time to look it up, but someone should be able to, the number of obvious NBDs is off the charts...
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Sightunseen on April 09, 2022, 04:54:52 PM
Ask Puleo if you want numbers.
But don’t ask Koston
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Mean salto on April 09, 2022, 05:40:53 PM
How did he do the kickflip and the halfcab flip but not the fakie flip? I think he probably did a lot more than that list since it finishes in 92
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: bob george on April 09, 2022, 05:51:39 PM
rodney is obviously a maddog and i have lots of love for him, but isn't it insane that he thought up all those tricks, did them, but never himself considered how much cooler rolling into them would be. the [largely] stationary approach to freestyle was/is bizarre. you invent kickflips on the spot, you're on a device that rolls and you don't think about rolling along and just popping one while you move...

[i know he wasn't literally at a stand still all the time]
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: waltercronkite on April 09, 2022, 06:01:46 PM
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: drcroc on April 09, 2022, 06:19:10 PM
One of the biggest scams in the entertainment industry is making a documentary about some event (i.e. Woodstock), or some album... and basically rewriting history through convincing interviews and documentary footage. It creates interest in potential fans (to buy the product) that may not have been there the first time around. Also provides convenient way to claim facts on something that may not be 100% confirmed.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Dimitrov on April 09, 2022, 08:56:08 PM
The greatest trick Rodney ever pulled was convincing the world that his role as a capitalist did not exist
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: tuesday on April 09, 2022, 11:58:12 PM
Expand Quote

But also this is the real answer:

Expand Quote
At least 6, maybe 12.

... He was doing all that primo stuff going back to the Bones Brigade Video Show, and looked like he'd been doing it for awhile at that point. None of that seems to be mentioned here, so I'm guessing somebody else was doing it first or else it was accidentally omitted.

The primo stuff is called 'primo' and not 'rodney' for a reason. Just google Primo Desiderio.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Mean salto on April 10, 2022, 12:02:06 AM
Expand Quote
Expand Quote

But also this is the real answer:

Expand Quote
At least 6, maybe 12.

... He was doing all that primo stuff going back to the Bones Brigade Video Show, and looked like he'd been doing it for awhile at that point. None of that seems to be mentioned here, so I'm guessing somebody else was doing it first or else it was accidentally omitted.

This stuff is called 'primo' and not 'rodney' for a reason. Just google Primo Desiderio.
This brings up what counts as inventing a trick. If someone made up kickflip and someone else tailslide does the first person to do a kickflip tailslide count as inventing a trick? Seems like no. But then you get things like Howard grind, barely grind, hurricane etc
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: orionskate on April 10, 2022, 12:19:59 AM
i am on the quest to land/do/invent some diffrent tricks that includes foot on the ground,hand on the board and pretty much berrics rules inverted ,and send it to the berrics and tell them to start doing that tricks also or they will just not progress,and will brainwash everybody to do (traditionale tricks) ...
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: TheDraught on April 10, 2022, 02:01:56 AM
Tony Hawk didn't invent the 900, Danny Way was very close in 1989 or 1990 as were several other people later, we all know Tas Pappas got "robbed" of the 900. (Lol)

So Tony didn't invent them but it would be weird to credit D Way for the 900.

I could write here now I am going to try an ollie 900 and claim I invented it

On the other hand I am pretty sure Primo Desiderio never tried or even imagined kickflip primo slides over manny pads (and all the later variations). I think Rodney even did 360 flip Primo slide?

So Rodney was the first to think of Primo slides over an obstacle. He didn't know if it was possible. Landed the first one and later variations. So I think it's safe to say he invented the (flip to) Primo slide (over obstacles).
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Pipe Dreamer on April 10, 2022, 07:52:08 AM
With all the flip in variations of the Casper slide, Dark slide and Primo slide its a very long list to add up.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: lk130 on April 10, 2022, 09:06:10 AM
Did he know about Nollies or Fakie's
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: ilchymis on April 10, 2022, 09:25:21 AM
Rodney could have invented 200 tricks, but getting him to claim ownership of anything is like trying to catch an eel in a swimming pool of lube.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: TheDraught on April 10, 2022, 11:11:41 AM
With all the flip in variations of the Casper slide, Dark slide and Primo slide its a very long list to add up.

Don't forget all the picnic table stuff, crooked grind finger flip out, nose manual nollie flip gap to nose manual.

Or those cab impossibles on banks... If you count all variations you will probably have 2000 tricks or more.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: beandemon on April 10, 2022, 11:23:29 AM
It would be interesting to see just a list of the tricks rodney invented that other people actually do. Of course there are tricks he invented which only he does, but his legacy is really the tricks that will live on without him.

This is the gist. 99% of all freestyle is considered kook or illegal, but 99% of all officially sanctioned tricks are freestyle derived, and 99% of those Rodney developed during a pretty short period. +\- 98%
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: lk130 on April 10, 2022, 03:34:56 PM
Also nollie impossible
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: SpikeWyler on April 10, 2022, 03:42:09 PM
There is an intense, in-depth youtube video breaking down all of the insane tricks that Rodney and Daewon did in there video series, I don't have time to look it up, but someone should be able to, the number of obvious NBDs is off the charts... (
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on April 10, 2022, 04:30:38 PM
At least 6, maybe 12.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Beeker on April 10, 2022, 05:14:02 PM
Skateboarding owes this guy a lot!

He might be the most respected skateboarder ever, after all he is the creator of all those tricks people have been doing in the streets in the last decades.

Never really understood this take. As amazing and innovative as he was, had he never existed skateboarding would probably be in the exact same place it is now.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: lk130 on April 10, 2022, 05:36:04 PM
If you play the footage all at seperate parts it's some quite technical clip stacking
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Pretty Serious on April 10, 2022, 09:32:10 PM
Not as many as Todd Falcon.
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: Anti waxxer on April 10, 2022, 09:50:01 PM
Anyone ever try the the monkey flip? In the globe opinion video he does a bunch of them, it’s like a crail grab early grab, then yank the thing into like a 360 flip…I can’t tell you how much fucking time I wasted trying to do that and boards I razor tailed. I was under the impression at the time it couldn’t be hard. It’s fucking impossible. 
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: notmikerusczyk on April 10, 2022, 10:15:01 PM
all you had to do was look at the comment thread of any skate post on reddit outside of r/skateboarding and you would have found the answer
Title: Re: How many tricks did Rodney mullen invent?
Post by: DVstorm_chaser on April 11, 2022, 07:49:49 AM
Not as many as Todd Falcon.
