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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: The real veganshawn on May 23, 2022, 05:03:27 PM

Title: Fractured radial bone
Post by: The real veganshawn on May 23, 2022, 05:03:27 PM
Anyone here ever fracture one? Tips for healing quick?
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: The real veganshawn on May 25, 2022, 08:20:17 AM
Guess not
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: LUGR on May 25, 2022, 09:13:49 AM
I slipped back ollieng over a hip that I had done a thousand times and straight armed and twisted my right arm once and a friend of mine who is an ER doctor thought I fractured the radial head. I never received x-rays or went in to a medical facility. I thought I tore some ligaments that stabilize the joint. Doctor friend examined it and said he thought mine would heal up since it stayed in line and didn’t require anything but wearing it in a sling. I didn’t do that, and just guarded it, but it hurt really bad and was a challenge for driving and some day to day tasks. It feels better after almost exactly one year. Still a bit of instability in my elbow.
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: The real veganshawn on May 25, 2022, 10:36:11 AM
I'm in a brace for a few weeks, I got thrown off my board going full speed thanks to a rock.
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: LUGR on May 25, 2022, 08:19:41 PM
From what Doctor friend told me, it’s not a terrible bone to break as long as it stays lined up and will heal itself.

Sounds like you got x-rays and confirmation of the exact break. Mine was all guess work. I think I actually tore the ligament that would require Tommy John surgery if I was going to be an MLB pitcher. Fall drained my confidence to blast Ollie’s over that hip:(
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: Banned from the room on May 25, 2022, 09:29:28 PM
I'm in a brace for a few weeks, I got thrown off my board going full speed thanks to a rock.

Damn. Get well soon.
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: TheBoognish on May 26, 2022, 03:17:29 AM
Not the radial, but I fractured my ulna close to my left elbow a few years back from not tapping to an armbar in BJJ. Didn't even hurt, just a loud crack. Swollen for a few days and no bruising. It was fractured, not fully snapped though, so I don't know if that's your case.

I was in a sling for about 3 or so weeks, could resume light training after about two months and there's not much else to it. You might feel it for a while after it’s completely healed.

Make sure it heals well and you get it checked out quickly because I waited about a week before seeing the doctor and it cracks all the time now even if fully healed. Didn't think it was that bad, but I decided to get it checked out because after a week I still couldn't bring food/coffee cup to my mouth.

All my injuries were ligament-related, this was my first and only break (so far), I was surprised to see how quickly it healed compared to a ligament which takes fucking forever.

I also partially tore the UCL on my right elbow and that was a pain in the ass to heal, I still feel it from time to time and have to be careful when I train/fall down skating.

Edit: Fractured my ulna, not radial, I always get ‘em confused
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: NorthShore on May 26, 2022, 08:02:18 AM
I fractured the radial bone on both elbows. Both times the doc saw the x-ray and decided not to go for surgery. I spent several weeks in a sling, letting it rest. Then PT and I was okay after about six weeks.

Good luck and get better, shredder!
Title: Re: Fractured radial bone
Post by: The real veganshawn on May 26, 2022, 11:31:53 AM
Thanks everyone, doing better and looking forward to skating again.