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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Topic started by: MushinSkate on June 26, 2022, 01:00:04 AM

Title: On skating alone
Post by: MushinSkate on June 26, 2022, 01:00:04 AM
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: in love w/ fs shuvs on June 26, 2022, 07:25:15 AM
How alone we talking? Get a jbl.

Skating alone at spots is easy but being the only one at like say a skatepark where you grew up and made memories is psycho.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: SneakySecrets on June 26, 2022, 07:28:08 AM
Talk to yourself a lot and befriend local fauna.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: on June 26, 2022, 07:38:36 AM
Give yourself a really easy warm up and talk to people……or……..go in the other direction…..headphones. 
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Easy Slider on June 26, 2022, 08:22:34 AM
I mostly skate alone but I don't skate parks. In the beginning I was self conscious but gradually cared less and less so that I can now skate a busy parking lot ditching pedestrians and cars quite easily. It takes quite a lot to unsettle me enough to quit the spot.

When there are other skaters at the spot I acknowledge them but do my thing. When there are other people I ignore them unless they engage a conversation with me. If they sit on the stuff I want to skate or are in the way I try to make them aware of that fact by subtly skating around them. If that doesn't work I skate something else until they leave, reminding myself that this is not a skatepark and I am not entitled to skate this parking lot/curb/ledge or whatever it is I am trying to skate.

Works fine, mostly.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: JANUS on June 26, 2022, 10:00:47 AM
If you’re going to skate a park, go early. People there at like 7-9AM are likely doing the same thing. In my experience, showing up alone during busy times isn’t awkward if you keep to yourself but follow the flow, wait your turn, and abide social contract. Talk to people if you want, reply if spoken to, laugh it off if you fall, tap your board when people land tricks, and don’t poop in the bowl. Otherwise, set up your own curbs/ledges and like the others have said, talk to yourself and befriend fauna.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: LB on June 26, 2022, 03:31:35 PM
potato down back of knickers
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: GardenSkater77 on June 26, 2022, 03:48:45 PM
you are not alone
I am here with you
Though you're far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
I am here with you
Though we're far apart
You're always in my heart
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: BartHarleyJarvis on June 26, 2022, 03:54:57 PM
Just don’t have any shame in your game. Honestly, most people aren’t worried about you being alone or judging you. Except for maybe assholes but fuck them. I always skate alone, i sort of know the kids at my local park, if you recognize people give em a nod or a dap but otherwise just have your session.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Mark Renton on June 26, 2022, 04:07:18 PM

Skating alone at spots is easy but being the only one at like say a skatepark where you grew up and made memories is psycho.

Welcome to my life. Except we don’t have a skatepark.

But OP just start slowly I started again at like your age and it takes a while.

Start going alone then you’ll bump into people and choose the ones it’s worth hanging out with.

Also never underestimate the beauty of solitude.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Plan9Customs on June 26, 2022, 06:35:45 PM
Go early, like before work early if you’re hitting parks. Not really anyone around and those that are really aren’t there to hang/watch others. If you mean just skating alone at street spots, that’s easy. The only people that really care are the captain America types or security guards.
I personally go the talking to myself and befriending the fauna. Then again, I’m 50 so I don’t have a lot in common with the people around here that skate since I’m normally at least 20 years older.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: rocklobster on June 26, 2022, 06:55:08 PM
and don’t poop in the bowl

Is this really a thing?

Get in early and enjoy the AM session, chances are you'll see other older dudes doing the same to avoid the crowds and enjoying the solo session. Don't be a kook around them, make some small talk and bam new friend group established.

Edit: avoid the guys in Caruima shoes and those that over-tech their setups (Powell && Flight Decks, Avenue Suspension trucks, Bones Swiss 6, titanium hardware)
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Gene_Harrogate on June 27, 2022, 06:50:10 AM
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and don’t poop in the bowl

Is this really a thing?

Get in early and enjoy the AM session, chances are you'll see other older dudes doing the same to avoid the crowds and enjoying the solo session. Don't be a kook around them, make some small talk and bam new friend group established.

Edit: avoid the guys in Caruima shoes and those that over-tech their setups (Powell && Flight Decks, Avenue Suspension trucks, Bones Swiss 6, titanium hardware)
I was on vacation in Florida earlier this Spring and snuck off for an early AM sesh ALONE as per the usual, and there was a dude sleeping in the bowl at the park I went to, which was a first for me.  He eventually got up and left, I peeked in after and he had not pooped.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Made In China on June 27, 2022, 09:46:54 AM
All my skate homies live in a different town now so I've been skating mostly by myself for the last two years. To be fair, I only skate street spots but there's something really fun and freeing about hitting a session by yourself. I can use my time to skate whatever spot I want and work on whatever tricks I want. I don't have to worry about what my friends want to skate or trying to keep up with them. I usually put on headphones and listen to one of my more hype playlists when I'm skating. I'll be 100% honest, I'll occasionally turn off the music when I really want to focus or when I want to film a clip on my phone, but I'll give my headphones on. It keeps my hair out of my face and people are less likely to try to interact with me.

Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: JANUS on June 27, 2022, 09:55:31 AM
I’ve def found poop in the bowl. Twice, I think. I like to believe it was laid by a dog. I wrote it as a joke, but in retrospect there was truth to it.

Don’t give unsolicited trick tips. Never tell somebody having a tantrum to calm down. (I’m talking to you, Alex.)
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: on June 27, 2022, 08:11:06 PM
I always shovel all the snow into the bowl…..
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: pdknox on June 27, 2022, 09:43:01 PM
Sounds like youre inside your own head too much and if that’s true now is a good time to remind yourself that you’re not that important.

If you are at a skatepark, just keep showing up, it’ll get easier.

If you’re in the streets, try skating places where there are no bird scooters.

If you’re getting back into skating to try and relive some glory years from your teens, don’t. Now is the time to make new memories. Plus those fools aren’t as cool as you remember.  They don’t even skate anymore. 

As a lone skater, but not a lonely skater, skateboarding is the most fun it’s ever been. In fact when I’m skating with other people it feels so much slower to the point it’s not fun cause it’s all talk and no skate.

The one downside is that you are more susceptible to the “do a kickflip!” funny guys. My advice here is to make sure you can kickflip. I actually recommend NOT doing a kickflip when requested because fuck them, but also inside you know you could do it, you choose not to.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: SaySo on June 27, 2022, 11:16:14 PM
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Skating alone at spots is easy but being the only one at like say a skatepark where you grew up and made memories is psycho.

Welcome to my life. Except we don’t have a skatepark.

But OP just start slowly I started again at like your age and it takes a while.

Start going alone then you’ll bump into people and choose the ones it’s worth hanging out with.

Also never underestimate the beauty of solitude.

I've been skating mainly solo for the past 20 years or so as my friends "grew up," or just lost interest in skating. Making new skate homies can be awkward at first, but once you get over the initial unease (if any) it gets easier.

If nothing else, you've got us here for digital support!
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: MadeYouLook on June 28, 2022, 11:54:47 AM
I don't skate parks at all so I am always wearing headphones. Its the only way I can get out of my head and have a good time.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: layzieyez on June 28, 2022, 02:39:17 PM
If you're alone, meditate on what you're trying to do there with your board. Make little goals for yourself to do to focus on.

I don't know what features your park has but try to put your wheels on everything. Don't even feel like you have to drop in on anything if you don't want to. Pump and push from the bottom. Just ride off of obstacles you want to do things like manual across. Caress all the concrete lovingly and appreciate its existence. This is your home. Make yourself at home.

You can apply this to any spot you go.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: manysnakes on June 28, 2022, 04:54:05 PM
Sincere question - why would you feel weird skating alone? Maybe it's because I was the only skater out in my midwestern suburb, but I don't think twice about going to a skatepark or spot alone. I have plenty of people I skate with regularly, but we are all grownups with real jobs so schedules are all over the place. If I want to skate and everyone else is doing something, I just go skate. Who cares? Always remember that absolutely no one is thinking about you.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: big_kev_215 on June 28, 2022, 09:10:04 PM
As long as you’re seriously interested in getting back into skating and somewhat self-motivated, I think skating alone is actually great.  If you feel awkward just go to parks/spots earlier in the morning or whatever off peak hours when they’re more empty.  It’s way less pressure learning or relearning tricks with less eyes around and if you’re into filming clips there’s less people in your way.  Also,  you’ll probably find other relatively older skaters who show up in the morning or on weekdays too (often alone) and it’s a great way to connect with people in the same boat. 
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Stu Pickles on June 28, 2022, 09:16:22 PM
all my close skate buddies have stopped skating or moved out of town so i mostly leave to skate on my own. if you frequent your local youll begin to see the same faces. i know most people at mine just from skating it a lot, but its not like weve become best friends. can show up alone and chat and have a session with whoever is there. never feels weird.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: rocklobster on June 28, 2022, 11:14:02 PM
all my close skate buddies have stopped skating or moved out of town so i mostly leave to skate on my own. if you frequent your local youll begin to see the same faces. i know most people at mine just from skating it a lot, but its not like weve become best friends. can show up alone and chat and have a session with whoever is there. never feels weird.

Not true, I'm the god-father of the sons one of the dude I fist bumped that one time he did a Kickflip BS Tailslide on the ledge after a 2 hour battle.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: pinche gringo on June 28, 2022, 11:43:08 PM
I like skating alone. You can go where ever you feel like going. No rules, it rules.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Skatebeard on June 29, 2022, 06:21:27 AM
I prefer skating alone, get far more done. A session with the locals can be fun, but I couldn't do it all the time.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Ray C. Usery on June 29, 2022, 03:32:36 PM
I hate skrateboading by myself. I did it today and made sure that I stayed weird the whole time


Embrace it
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: ChuckRamone on June 29, 2022, 06:04:00 PM
Skating alone is not weird at all. I see people doing it all the time. Skating street spots alone is pretty peaceful actually because you don't have to worry about what your friends are doing or if you are boring them by trying a trick for too long. The only thing that might be weird is strangers who see you but who cares about them. As for skateparks, a lot of people show up to those alone and just skate. If I make eye contact with someone at the park I'll nod or say hi, and maybe have small talk between tricks, but that's it. There's all levels of people skating at the park and nobody cares as long as you heed the usual park etiquette. Skating alone will feel less and less weird the more you do it.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: thunderskater2805 on June 29, 2022, 09:27:53 PM
As for skateparks, a lot of people show up to those alone and just skate. If I make eye contact with someone at the park I'll nod or say hi, and maybe have small talk between tricks, but that's it. There's all levels of people skating at the park and nobody cares as long as you heed the usual park etiquette.Skating alone will feel less and less weird the more you do it.
Just started going to the park consistently myself and can say the more you do it the less weird it is. It has become a part of my morning routine now and is a good reason to get up early and get going even if i'm not stoked on the rest of my day.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Banned from the room on June 29, 2022, 09:44:10 PM
I’ve always been kinda a loner. It’s always been a one person maybe 4 tops type of thing
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: SaySo on June 30, 2022, 01:13:22 AM
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: EdLawndale on July 02, 2022, 12:09:05 AM
A lot of good advice here. If it's an awkwardness thing, I think you probably grow out of that with age and confidence. There were a lot of activities I used to feel self-conscious about doing solo growing up; nowadays, I just do what I feel and can appreciate the solitude sometimes. It also makes sessions with other ppl that much more special/different when they happen.

I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet: just be careful if you are doing a gnarly trick alone at a distant, secluded spot, or at night, when/where no one might find you for a prolonged period if you have an accident. Could be dangerous.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: fs1/2cab on July 04, 2022, 08:32:00 AM
Stretch and warm up. Cruise around. Focus on something you wanna do/try that session. Ignore all the bullshit in this world. It's just you, your board and the environment.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Banned from the room on July 04, 2022, 08:50:11 AM
When I’m feeling low about being alone I skate over to a normie and strike up a conversation. It’s how I got blessed with so much friends outside of skateboarding.

Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Allen. on July 04, 2022, 09:02:24 AM
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As for skateparks, a lot of people show up to those alone and just skate. If I make eye contact with someone at the park I'll nod or say hi, and maybe have small talk between tricks, but that's it. There's all levels of people skating at the park and nobody cares as long as you heed the usual park etiquette.Skating alone will feel less and less weird the more you do it.
Just started going to the park consistently myself and can say the more you do it the less weird it is. It has become a part of my morning routine now and is a good reason to get up early and get going even if i'm not stoked on the rest of my day.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: manysnakes on July 06, 2022, 05:05:22 PM
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As for skateparks, a lot of people show up to those alone and just skate. If I make eye contact with someone at the park I'll nod or say hi, and maybe have small talk between tricks, but that's it. There's all levels of people skating at the park and nobody cares as long as you heed the usual park etiquette.Skating alone will feel less and less weird the more you do it.
Just started going to the park consistently myself and can say the more you do it the less weird it is. It has become a part of my morning routine now and is a good reason to get up early and get going even if i'm not stoked on the rest of my day.

This morning, for the first time since I started my new job two months ago, I went to the park before work and had a (thoroughly mediocre) session and it was definitely the best part of my day by far.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Knee Pain on July 07, 2022, 02:37:55 PM
I skate on my own, most of the time. I tend to go to parks early in the morning to avoid too many people, which reduces any awkwardness.

I find skating street on my own, much more anxiety-inducing. But once you do it a few times, it becomes much easier, like anything else.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: on July 07, 2022, 06:49:53 PM
Let’s be honest too…..skating can be torturous at the best of times….not landing tricks, not know what to do…. Having friends around is helpful and fun so when they aren’t, it can be a bummer and if there are a bunch of people you don’t know around, it can get weird…..

Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Skatetron580 on July 07, 2022, 08:34:47 PM
find a parking lot or something to get your basics back and then go to the skate park and you'll have more confidence
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: FUBAR on August 14, 2022, 12:53:57 PM
At the curbs, I skate solo 100% of the time. Music blasting, morning breeze. It’s all good.
Been hiting a new local park early and there is a healthy crowd, even at 6am. Im in my 40s and the guys showing at that time are too, and they bring their kids. I just join the lineup, cheer people on, make small talk, and BAMMO, no awkwardness.
It’s only weird skating alone if you let it be weird.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: JANUS on August 14, 2022, 04:45:52 PM
Oh yeah, don’t go skating at an unfamiliar park with a new set of trucks first thing in the morning during a heatwave after staying up all night on mushrooms. You might not act weird, but you’ll certainly feel like you did.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: BurgerCop on August 14, 2022, 06:13:33 PM
Long, rambling story incoming but maybe a good payoff for someone feeling weird about skating alone...

When I first got back into skating after a loooooong layoff, I only skated alone out of pure ego and insecurity.
When I was a younger fella, I was pretty fucking good for my time and place.
I didn't have sponsors banging down my door or anything, but I was pretty well respected in my area.
Enough that local kids who I'd never met would know who I was on occasion. "Hey! You're ____, right?"
When I got back into it at age 39, I was decidedly not the local hero I once was. I was struggling to kickflip on flat ground but still had the mentality of a 19 year old kid who could kickflip a 10 stair. It was a hard pill to swallow and I was embarrassed in my own skin. It was so ridiculous in retrospect. Did I think I'd pick up where I left off 20 years ago??

So I skated alone, only going to the park at 7am or so for the first year because I was an arrogant dipshit in a midlife crisis and I couldn't handle not being the best skater at the park. After I got a few tricks under my belt again (and after getting sick of waking up at 6am on Saturday) I started hitting the park in the 9-10am time slot. That's when I started running into other early-AM skaters. They were always very polite, humble and fun to skate with, so after a few sessions of seeing these two dudes every Saturday morning, we exchanged numbers and decided to skate together.

We started meeting more solo AM skaters, and if we ever ran into the same AM skater a few times and they were chill and fun to skate with, we'd invite them into the group. Literally everyone we invited accepted enthusiastically.

We have a 10 person skate crew now, completely made up of random people who were skating alone on Weekend mornings.
We're all a little bit older, and we range in talent from flip-in/flip-out to just learning to 50-50, from pure street to mostly transition, but we're all kind and pleasant to each other and always have a great time.

So..TLDR...if you wanna make some fun, chill, accepting skate friends, hit your local park around 10am.
Skating alone can be fun, but it will never be as fun as skating with a crew, getting hyped up by and for one another.
And don't let your skill level deter you. A couple of us can flip into/out of grinds and slides, but when one of our homies landed his first 50-50 we all freaked the fuck out like he just won the super bowl.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Steely Daniel on August 16, 2022, 04:18:44 AM
Long, rambling story incoming but maybe a good payoff for someone feeling weird about skating alone...

When I first got back into skating after a loooooong layoff, I only skated alone out of pure ego and insecurity.
When I was a younger fella, I was pretty fucking good for my time and place.

PS, How do I the quote I quoted in the expand quote thing so it's not so much for people to scroll through?
I didn't have sponsors banging down my door or anything, but I was pretty well respected in my area.
Enough that local kids who I'd never met would know who I was on occasion. "Hey! You're ____, right?"
When I got back into it at age 39, I was decidedly not the local hero I once was. I was struggling to kickflip on flat ground but still had the mentality of a 19 year old kid who could kickflip a 10 stair. It was a hard pill to swallow and I was embarrassed in my own skin. It was so ridiculous in retrospect. Did I think I'd pick up where I left off 20 years ago??

So I skated alone, only going to the park at 7am or so for the first year because I was an arrogant dipshit in a midlife crisis and I couldn't handle not being the best skater at the park. After I got a few tricks under my belt again (and after getting sick of waking up at 6am on Saturday) I started hitting the park in the 9-10am time slot. That's when I started running into other early-AM skaters. They were always very polite, humble and fun to skate with, so after a few sessions of seeing these two dudes every Saturday morning, we exchanged numbers and decided to skate together.

We started meeting more solo AM skaters, and if we ever ran into the same AM skater a few times and they were chill and fun to skate with, we'd invite them into the group. Literally everyone we invited accepted enthusiastically.

We have a 10 person skate crew now, completely made up of random people who were skating alone on Weekend mornings.
We're all a little bit older, and we range in talent from flip-in/flip-out to just learning to 50-50, from pure street to mostly transition, but we're all kind and pleasant to each other and always have a great time.

So..TLDR...if you wanna make some fun, chill, accepting skate friends, hit your local park around 10am.
Skating alone can be fun, but it will never be as fun as skating with a crew, getting hyped up by and for one another.
And don't let your skill level deter you. A couple of us can flip into/out of grinds and slides, but when one of our homies landed his first 50-50 we all freaked the fuck out like he just won the super bowl.

That's an awesome story!

No one 30+ here really skates anymore but I feel very much in a similar situation right now despite the fact I was never that good in my prime. I'm emabrassed to practice flatground ollies, kickflips, pop shoves, 180s and basics at the skatepark but also feel too old to go hunker down on some parking lot in the middle of the night away from onlookers. So I just kind of awkwardly charge at the old tricks I had (keyword had) on lock, and I'm guessing if anyone even notices me they think, "hey this guy could probably sort of skate at one time but he is very inconsistent"

Essentially I just need to get over myself and realize they're probably not even watching me because I suck and am old. After a few drinks sometimes though I'll shoot the shit with the 20 something year old kids and teenagers. It's fun sometimes but feels awkward and I'm probably annoying them. Still though, I sometimes want to go early AM or light up my favourite little part after dark just to enjoy the peace and quiet and skate the small quarterpipe and flatground/ledge get my confidence back.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Jebediah on August 16, 2022, 10:24:29 AM
nobody likes me im gonna go eat some worms at the skatepark alone

real though I love skating alone, no breaks to talk to people about bs and slow the flow
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: the snake on August 16, 2022, 10:57:34 AM
Just focus, shit you're driving me crazy too, fuck ! lol
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: yghartsyrt on August 16, 2022, 11:15:28 AM
Long, rambling story incoming but maybe a good payoff for someone feeling weird about skating alone...

When I first got back into skating after a loooooong layoff, I only skated alone out of pure ego and insecurity.
When I was a younger fella, I was pretty fucking good for my time and place.
I didn't have sponsors banging down my door or anything, but I was pretty well respected in my area.
Enough that local kids who I'd never met would know who I was on occasion. "Hey! You're ____, right?"
When I got back into it at age 39, I was decidedly not the local hero I once was. I was struggling to kickflip on flat ground but still had the mentality of a 19 year old kid who could kickflip a 10 stair. It was a hard pill to swallow and I was embarrassed in my own skin. It was so ridiculous in retrospect. Did I think I'd pick up where I left off 20 years ago??

So I skated alone, only going to the park at 7am or so for the first year because I was an arrogant dipshit in a midlife crisis and I couldn't handle not being the best skater at the park. After I got a few tricks under my belt again (and after getting sick of waking up at 6am on Saturday) I started hitting the park in the 9-10am time slot. That's when I started running into other early-AM skaters. They were always very polite, humble and fun to skate with, so after a few sessions of seeing these two dudes every Saturday morning, we exchanged numbers and decided to skate together.

We started meeting more solo AM skaters, and if we ever ran into the same AM skater a few times and they were chill and fun to skate with, we'd invite them into the group. Literally everyone we invited accepted enthusiastically.

We have a 10 person skate crew now, completely made up of random people who were skating alone on Weekend mornings.
We're all a little bit older, and we range in talent from flip-in/flip-out to just learning to 50-50, from pure street to mostly transition, but we're all kind and pleasant to each other and always have a great time.

So..TLDR...if you wanna make some fun, chill, accepting skate friends, hit your local park around 10am.
Skating alone can be fun, but it will never be as fun as skating with a crew, getting hyped up by and for one another.
And don't let your skill level deter you. A couple of us can flip into/out of grinds and slides, but when one of our homies landed his first 50-50 we all freaked the fuck out like he just won the super bowl.

this....except i always sucked at skating
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Jebediah on August 16, 2022, 11:20:30 AM
Just focus, shit you're driving me crazy too, fuck ! lol

time to toughen up baby boy
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: lemonchicken91 on August 17, 2022, 07:00:55 AM
as im older im so much more aware of the noise. Was trying to have an evening sesh since they just repaved a street by me and damn was it echoing when I missed a trick

I get it. I need to get back to a better ratio of landing stuff so im not that guy just catching half flipped kickflips and slamming them on the pavement
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: opesorry on August 17, 2022, 07:37:16 PM
Agree with the morning thing, that’s what I do when I can.

Just gotta say fuck it and keep doing it, and it won’t feel weird anymore. I’m super awkward and not good by any means but I can’t not skate, so I go to a park and do my shitty little tricks and just not get in anyones way, and no one seems to care. They’re focused on their own shit anyway, and if they judge someone for skating alone then fuck them
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: rocklobster on August 17, 2022, 07:55:22 PM
Long, rambling story incoming but maybe a good payoff for someone feeling weird about skating alone...

When I first got back into skating after a loooooong layoff, I only skated alone out of pure ego and insecurity.
When I was a younger fella, I was pretty fucking good for my time and place.
I didn't have sponsors banging down my door or anything, but I was pretty well respected in my area.
Enough that local kids who I'd never met would know who I was on occasion. "Hey! You're ____, right?"
When I got back into it at age 39, I was decidedly not the local hero I once was. I was struggling to kickflip on flat ground but still had the mentality of a 19 year old kid who could kickflip a 10 stair. It was a hard pill to swallow and I was embarrassed in my own skin. It was so ridiculous in retrospect. Did I think I'd pick up where I left off 20 years ago??

So I skated alone, only going to the park at 7am or so for the first year because I was an arrogant dipshit in a midlife crisis and I couldn't handle not being the best skater at the park. After I got a few tricks under my belt again (and after getting sick of waking up at 6am on Saturday) I started hitting the park in the 9-10am time slot. That's when I started running into other early-AM skaters. They were always very polite, humble and fun to skate with, so after a few sessions of seeing these two dudes every Saturday morning, we exchanged numbers and decided to skate together.

We started meeting more solo AM skaters, and if we ever ran into the same AM skater a few times and they were chill and fun to skate with, we'd invite them into the group. Literally everyone we invited accepted enthusiastically.

We have a 10 person skate crew now, completely made up of random people who were skating alone on Weekend mornings.
We're all a little bit older, and we range in talent from flip-in/flip-out to just learning to 50-50, from pure street to mostly transition, but we're all kind and pleasant to each other and always have a great time.

So..TLDR...if you wanna make some fun, chill, accepting skate friends, hit your local park around 10am.
Skating alone can be fun, but it will never be as fun as skating with a crew, getting hyped up by and for one another.
And don't let your skill level deter you. A couple of us can flip into/out of grinds and slides, but when one of our homies landed his first 50-50 we all freaked the fuck out like he just won the super bowl.

Same situation, except I was never that good to begin with.

One of the most rewarding parts of coming back after a 10 year layoff is the new friend group I made and similar to you it's a rag tag group of skaters from diverse backgrounds. The youngest is 18, the oldest 48, all skill levels and intensity during the session.

Yeah the park we frequent is tiny and the obstacles aren't great, but the vibe is welcoming, no local hotshot doing his next Tik Tok edit or kids doing flyouts from the bowl.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: FrankRizzo on October 17, 2022, 04:33:23 AM
Confucius say: When you have board you're not alone.

All I had growing up is the crust winter left behind, heaved sidewalks from tree roots/frozen ground and snow plow damage.
I had no idea what was happening in skateboarding.
Alone I would battle obstacles only inches tall coming at me every 4 feet or less and I would do this for miles.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: sacking rails on October 17, 2022, 07:17:56 AM
Confucius say: When you have board you're not alone.

All I had growing up is the crust winter left behind, heaved sidewalks from tree roots/frozen ground and snow plow damage.
I had no idea what was happening in skateboarding.
Alone I would battle obstacles only inches tall coming at me every 4 feet or less and I would do this for miles.
back in my day we skated on dirt roads with bicycles
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: m path on October 17, 2022, 03:54:40 PM
"Fellow to many is a friend to none"  I dunno.  You gotta count your blessings.  Enjoy this time now.  You'll prolly be inundated at some point if you keep going to the park (which can be good too, chats are nice).  Have fun.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Banned from the room on October 18, 2022, 10:10:39 AM
Think about Carlos Ribeiro's handstyle.

It's my favorite today.

I'm going to walk right up to the next sour puss shooting daggers at me with our with out a skateboard and be like

My name is hov and start dancing around like im CR doing a beautiful ledge trick.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: The.Skate.Father on October 18, 2022, 01:29:27 PM
If all else fails 1 to 2 tall boys and Suicidal Tendencies - You can't bring me down, at about vol 11... Always helped me not give a f#@k.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Molte on October 23, 2022, 01:53:05 PM
24, want to get back to skating.
What's partially holding me back is how I'm going to feel when I'm there.

When I went to a skatepark a couple years back, I went on my own and yeah it felt kind a weird.
Get out of your head and stop worrying about what others think about you. You could start meditating. It's very beneficial for getting in tough with your inner most self.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: streetmeat on October 23, 2022, 05:51:43 PM
35, strictly skate alone. i do make it a point to talk to people and crack jokes at the park tho. drives me insane when theres 20 people at a park and no ones talking and shootin the shit, makes the vibe so much worse. now i got people i can chat it up with when i see em
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: pleasent street on October 23, 2022, 10:15:06 PM
the worst parts about skating alone are
1. hard to get hyped to try high risk tricks without friends there hyping you up
2. you have to actively think about pacing yourself rather than just taking consecutive runs and tiring out after 20 mins
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: kook1234 on October 24, 2022, 06:30:11 AM
What is the best ice breaker for when there are 20 young bulls ripping the park but no one is cracking jokes?
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Paperclip20 on October 24, 2022, 07:00:11 AM
What is the best ice breaker for when there are 20 young bulls ripping the park but no one is cracking jokes?

"You guys know Steve Caballero?"
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: pleasent street on October 24, 2022, 08:32:59 AM
What is the best ice breaker for when there are 20 young bulls ripping the park but no one is cracking jokes?
'hey bro did you see that new andy anderson part?'
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: streetmeat on October 24, 2022, 02:22:49 PM
What is the best ice breaker for when there are 20 young bulls ripping the park but no one is cracking jokes?

'Ace trucks, am i right?!'
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Lifer on October 25, 2022, 07:49:52 AM
the worst parts about skating alone are
1. hard to get hyped to try high risk tricks without friends there hyping you up
2. you have to actively think about pacing yourself rather than just taking consecutive runs and tiring out after 20 mins
#2 sounds a lot better to me then having to constantly wait on a line of dudes when you have limited time to skate and a trick you really want to work on.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: flintstagram on October 25, 2022, 09:36:47 AM
Expand Quote
the worst parts about skating alone are
1. hard to get hyped to try high risk tricks without friends there hyping you up
2. you have to actively think about pacing yourself rather than just taking consecutive runs and tiring out after 20 mins
#2 sounds a lot better to me then having to constantly wait on a line of dudes when you have limited time to skate and a trick you really want to work on.

#2 definitely has its perks.

I’m 38 and skate alone pretty regularly (although my oldest son (17) and his friends have all gotten interested in skating, so now I’ve got some company at the park lately). We live in a small town with a tiny little park just down the street from us, and for the past several years since I got back into skating, it’s almost always felt like my own private park. I was always skating alone there. It’s got its perks for sure. No waiting for anyone, always productive, sweat heavy sessions if you want, easy to focus on fine tuning your skills. It is a little harder to get pumped up to get out of your comfort zone though.

Typically when I travel out of town to parks, there are people there, so it’s often a different vibe. Still fun though. You make random small talk and hype each other up for whatever you’re working on. I like being able to experience both solo sessions and large sessions. I feel like it makes me appreciate both in very different ways. The solo sessions are far more regular than the group ones, at least up until a month ago. Prior to my son and his crew, the last time I skated with people I already knew and am friends with would have been July last year. Met up with a friend, met two of his friends that skate, and had the best time that day. They live a few hours away though, so it’s been hard to make that happen again.

I will also say that I do worry a bit more about getting broke off when I’m out there by myself, but I think that’s mainly just because I’m old and have responsibilities.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: pleasent street on October 25, 2022, 04:50:32 PM
Expand Quote
the worst parts about skating alone are
1. hard to get hyped to try high risk tricks without friends there hyping you up
2. you have to actively think about pacing yourself rather than just taking consecutive runs and tiring out after 20 mins
#2 sounds a lot better to me then having to constantly wait on a line of dudes when you have limited time to skate and a trick you really want to work on.

i guess it depends on what you're skating. when i skate bowls i like it when there's a few guys there so you are forced to wait like 2-3 mins between each run, because skating bowls is a lot of work. i think for skating stuff like ledges or other street obstacles it's not as much work so it doesn't matter so much.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Banned from the room on October 25, 2022, 05:52:44 PM
I figured it out. I know why I feel so awesome alone.

I skate so fast I've gone to plaid.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: rocklobster on October 26, 2022, 06:53:57 PM
What is the best ice breaker for when there are 20 young bulls ripping the park but no one is cracking jokes?

"How about that Tyshawn fellow, he's a certified ripper skater, isn't he!"
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: SlapMcKracken on November 07, 2022, 07:57:31 AM
I skate alone all the time.
Most of my skating friends don’t have much time for skating, but I do.
I don’t feel weird doing it. It’s good for progressing and for keeping the focus on the trick you’re learning.
Title: Re: How to not feel weird skating alone?
Post by: Hyliannightmare on November 07, 2022, 01:14:14 PM
Parks from 6am till 10 are free. And streets alone