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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Topic started by: graibe on October 31, 2022, 10:30:40 AM

Title: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: graibe on October 31, 2022, 10:30:40 AM
Marijuana and skateboarding are culturally adjacent to each other. So much so, that it's kind of a stereotype at this point that skateboarders smoke weed. Brands like Baker are named after or pay homage to the act of smoking weed and you can always find a couple of guys at the skatepark sharing a joint. Do you smoke marijuana when you skateboard? Do you think that marijuana helps or hinders your performance?  like to smoke weed and skateboard personally, I think it helps me relax my muscles and slows things down so I can do cooler tricks.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: m path on November 01, 2022, 01:41:05 PM
  Just stopped after decades recently due to drug tests for my job.  Weirdly skating better now tbh.  I always smoked while skating.  Surfing too.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: manysnakes on November 01, 2022, 02:41:34 PM
I cannot for the life of me imagine how people manage to skate while high or while drinking. I say this as a somewhat regular drug user, not a straight edge warrior. The activities to me are completely incompatible.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: YBOS on November 02, 2022, 03:13:19 PM
Recently read an old Grosso interview where he said the first time he smoked weed was with Neil Blender and Alan Losi, all I could think was dream blunt rotation. Also like the glorification of drug use by skateboarding or whatever
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: m path on November 02, 2022, 11:57:04 PM
Recently read an old Grosso interview where he said the first time he smoked weed was with Neil Blender and Alan Losi, all I could think was dream blunt rotation. Also like the glorification of drug use by skateboarding or whatever
   I feel the glorification of 'drugs' would be eventually curbed if they were legalized.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: SHARPSHOOTER on November 04, 2022, 10:14:48 AM
I quit smoking weed over a month ago, feel way better and more motivated
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: roba on November 21, 2022, 03:58:14 AM
i used to be unable to skate high, then i bombed a hill once and it clicked, from there i smoked and skated pretty much every day and got used to it but could skate well sober too at first, but 3 years in i started skating worse when sober. for the last year and a half i stopped smoking everyday and i mostly smoke on the weekends now, i can still skate high kinda well and i can skate well sober too. if i have a good session sober i skate better than high, but i don't have any bad sessions if i smoke lol. when i'm sober i tend to concentrate on certain tricks while trying to avoid doing other tricks and sometimes that gets me frustrated - for example i'm better at skating ledges frontside, as in getting into certain tricks like 5-0s or tailslides. i can back 5-0 but they're worse than my fs 5-0s so i start doing them over and over and if i miss like one in 5 i get kinda pissed. that doesn't happen when i smoke when skating because then i do anything without really thinking. all things considered i do not recommend smoking weed when skating because it's fun as fuck when it clicks and then you start lacking when skating sober.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: bob george on November 23, 2022, 07:59:42 PM
when i was a youngster the rest of my skate friends were like 3 or 4 years older than me, so when i was like 10/11, they started smoking weed. they all sucked at skating when they were high (having been pretty good before) and hanging with them, a lot of our time was taken up having a sesh. it turned me right off wanting to smoke weed at all really.

then when i was like 18/19 and going to uni, the only other skater i met at university invited me for a skate one weekend and he just brought a doobie along and i smoked it with him - don't know why, just did. and then i skated probably the best i ever had at that point, learning new tricks, making shit first try etc and had a really great time. then actually crossed paths with the skate rock tour that was happening at the time and watched some incredible skating and met phelps anda bunch of cool things.

it was probably another two years before i became a stoner as such. like smoking every day - definitely never had that first time impact again but always enjoyed being baked and skating. did that for like 9 years and then a few years ago they started testing for thc in roadside stops in australia so i couldn't really smoke in the day anymore and do everything i used to.

i can operate fine and skate just as good stoned or not now, but these days i'd probably rather skate first and smoke after...
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Sleazy on November 23, 2022, 08:19:57 PM
I quit smoking 9 or so years ago and skating has gone downhill. I think mostly due to session lengths and frequency going down. Before it was kind of a post work happy hour thing and id have a smoke and skate at least an hour. Now I skate once a week and sometimes only 30 mins.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Logic on December 03, 2022, 07:37:00 PM
  Just stopped after decades recently due to drug tests for my job.  Weirdly skating better now tbh.  I always smoked while skating.  Surfing too.

I found my skating went briefly downhill after quitting. Never really skated while I was high as I found myself more injury prone for whatever reason, but being completely sober it felt like I was learning to skate all over again, eventually it all clicked and I started skating better than ever before.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Urtripping on December 03, 2022, 08:49:38 PM
Can't smoke and skate, but I ate a small amount of mushrooms last night and skated an indoor park. I had an absolute blast and skated better than I have at that park all year.

When I smoke weed I get so anxious that the idea of stepping on a skateboard wouldn't even begin to cross my mind, but I have plenty of friends who manage just fine.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Sativa Lung on December 07, 2022, 06:24:11 AM
My skating has improved quite a bit since I got my med card. It helps me not freak out about pointless details and blame my gear or the pavement or whatever else when things aren't going great and concentrate more on what I'm doing in relation to my board. I don't want to say it helps me focus, but it keeps my focus on the right things. Also makes recovery periods less boring.

Negatives are cardio, I sometimes cough like Doc Holliday, munching on unhealthy foods, and obviously motivation. There's kind of a golden window that opens about 5-10 minutes after I smoke where I can start skating and really get into it but if I wait too long I'll often lose the will to do anything physical, especially with strong indica medical strains like gg4 and motor breath.

Oh and I use extracts with lots of ocimene and terpinoline (jack Herer, durban poison etc) in the morning or if I'm gonna be commuting to decongest and make it easier to breathe. Kinda like a more fun version of an inhaler.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: EllingtonBigspin on December 20, 2022, 07:23:50 AM
Definitely mixed views. Like pros and cons
Pros are that it can give you the ability to think more creatively and makes it feel more cooler when you do a trick.
It can also help with any injuries and pains you might be dealing with at the time, so you can have a skate session without having to deal with as much pain as you would if you were sober
Also can make skating feel more relaxing
Cons are the fact your head can get stuck in the clouds. This is especially the case if you are skating through busy streets with cars and shit and your reaction time is slower. Same goes for if your trying a gnarly trick.
You can also get too baked to skate at times, everything is wigging you out, like people and noises and shit - especially if your street skating
One thing you have to watch out for as well is if you start  to prioritise smoking bud over skating.
Personally, I have had an up and down relationship with bud, but in regards to skating, I like using it to help with injuries. I can skate baked, but I rather do it straight edge as I feel like I’m in more control of the already hard to control variables that come with skating
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Mulldrifter on January 10, 2023, 01:11:51 PM
i skate way worse when i drink or smoke at the park, doesnt prevent me from doing so from times to times but i really know that i never skated better after even only one joint or one beer. reflex are killed, everything goes too slow and i can be down even before i realized what happened.
same as for driving, i dont see any pros
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: switchfakie on January 25, 2023, 07:07:57 PM
i dont think it helps

nowadays shit is so potent, it makes my mind hyperactive instead of chilled down

i would probably end up looking like a crack addict if i tried skating on this modern weed
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Democratic Republic Of Mongo on January 26, 2023, 01:18:14 AM
I wish I quit it all earlier, to be honest.

Edit: not quit skating though
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: realbasedgod112 on January 26, 2023, 05:39:43 PM
i learned front 5050s on a flatbar after smoking, so i guess it can help. at the same time weed made me kind of fat, which in turn made me suckier at skating.
that being said, it's fun as fuck to skate a curb while stoned. anything in moderation
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: switchfrontshuv on January 26, 2023, 11:00:34 PM
doesnt do shit for me
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Marsh not mellow on February 16, 2023, 08:33:08 AM
I blaze hard most sessions.

Weed really makes me feel great emotionally, but I also come from a strong weed smokimg family and was stoned in the womb. Weed is not right for everyone and with many people learning to smoke is like learning to kickflip: takes many attempts (but once mastered it's extremely satisfying).

Lately been trying to shift to eating edibles (just a spoonful of cannabutter) around noon, then trying to smoke once around 4:20. Trying to save my lungs. I read somewhere that the only way to clean your lungs is through strenous aerobic exercise, I think skating to the point of near collapse counts.

Much as I truly benefit from using, I see potheads of my parents' age/culture (boomer/trumpers/classic rock/think of themselves as libertarians rather that repubs) and they make me fucking sick. So fucking close-minded and full of nostalgic love for their "good ol days" in the 70s before pc culture and helmets and acknowleging racism). They make we want to quit smoking if I'm gonna end up like that.

I'm a reefer addict, which I consider a lesser evil when compared to what people really get stuck on. Def not fun feeling like I can't function without it. Someday I'll quit for month just to prove I can.

Also, small (maybe not micro which I think means undetectible) doses of shrooms have unlocked several tricks for me.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: mj23 on February 22, 2023, 09:58:08 AM
It always trips me out how different it can be from person to person

I got stoned before skating pretty much every session for years. It didn't really make me any better or worse, it was just fun. Now I have long Covid and I get shortness of breath if I smoke, so that's out of the question. I still take edibles pretty regularly but I find that they make me more tired/sluggish than smoking did. So I've been learning to skate sober. Again, I'm not really any better or worse. I just don't get quite the same wavy gravy feeling just rolling around like I used to.

Some people like to drink when they skate but I absolutely cannot do it. Even after just one beer my coordination and balance go to shit.

On a related note, are there other sports where it's this common to get intoxicated? I guess a lot of people like to drink when they're skiing, for example. Maybe golf? Idk what else
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Sid Farkus - Bra Salesman on February 23, 2023, 09:31:10 AM
I usually burn when I'm almost done skating and then a lot after(I'm old). For some reason I cannot smoke then start skating - something about warming up stoned that does not work with me.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Tom Pearl on February 25, 2023, 07:36:03 AM
i could never skate when i smoked, it just made me lazy as fuck. plus i zone out and dont pay attention to shit so i'd probably get hit by a car
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: yghartsyrt on February 26, 2023, 02:42:27 PM
I cannot for the life of me imagine how people manage to skate while high or while drinking. I say this as a somewhat regular drug user, not a straight edge warrior. The activities to me are completely incompatible.

Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: JoseCansnake0 on February 27, 2023, 02:32:28 PM
One baby hit off the weed pen gets me feeling good, anything more I turn into a head case.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Steely Daniel on February 28, 2023, 01:36:43 AM
I usually burn when I'm almost done skating and then a lot after(I'm old). For some reason I cannot smoke then start skating - something about warming up stoned that does not work with me.

I feel almost the opposite. If I smoke before I'm fine. But if I go out sober, warm up, get into the groove and then smoke I lose my legs and just feel weird.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: sharkin on March 09, 2023, 02:47:14 PM
There's kind of a golden window that opens about 5-10 minutes after I smoke where I can start skating and really get into it but if I wait too long I'll often lose the will to do anything physical
This was always my experience with weed and skating. I could zone in and learn how to shift my weight for new tricks like backside smiths but if I didn’t hit the board within the window I’d be a messy pile of sludge trying to push around
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: mj23 on March 09, 2023, 04:34:59 PM
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I usually burn when I'm almost done skating and then a lot after(I'm old). For some reason I cannot smoke then start skating - something about warming up stoned that does not work with me.

I feel almost the opposite. If I smoke before I'm fine. But if I go out sober, warm up, get into the groove and then smoke I lose my legs and just feel weird.
yeah i was always a weed first then skate person. helps me to warm up slowly and really feel the board. if i take a break to burn mid-session i turn to jelly. sometimes thats fun too tho
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Ayjerry on March 12, 2023, 07:15:58 AM
I used to smoke before/during most activities without issue. Dirt biking when I was younger, we called it a rip n ride. and Snowboarding more than skating as I just picked skating back up this year. I would rip on a snowboard stoned, it would totally help me link turns and some fear would go away.

Once I started to have responsibilities in life, I couldn’t smoke before doing anything fun, because it would stress me out that I’m doing something fun, and not working, and I’m going to be a failure. Yeah I had the Noia to the fullest degree.

Now I’m only able to get minimally high, without feeling any anxiety. The fear of getting anxious is just as bad tho, so I have to watch myself. But I enjoy the hell out of a good one hitter.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: bartlaser on March 22, 2023, 09:32:20 AM
Usually, I like to get pretty fried before skating.  But there are definitely times when it's not working for me, and I feel like I'm all thumbs on the board.

In general, my approach with shrubbz and skating is... If I'm feeling good mentally and there's nothing stressing me out, and I'm a pretty happy guy that day, then game on.  I'm gonna get high as shit and have fun skating.

But if there's stuff bothering me in life and shit has me stressed out, I don't smoke and skate.  I feel less connected and focused because the tweeds steer my attention to the stuff bothering me, and not the act of skating.  I start air-balling flip tricks and can't lock into a single grind.

I'm very curious about acid or shrooms and skating.  I've heard lots of skaters and pros say they've had their best session while tripping balls.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Abyss1 on March 22, 2023, 09:46:39 AM
Honestly it was the rasta / hippy skater that got me into skateboarding.  Matt Rodriguez, Pailes, K-watson, Cardiel, Quim with his rasta beenie

The whole Ipath, Supernaut, early Satori vibes was my thing

plus living in nor cal we had access to high grade weed all the time, only time i got dirt brick weed was in pismo beach
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: GrayCellGreen on March 22, 2023, 01:06:38 PM
I'm a daily smoker and have been for some years now, but the amounts that I smoke is relatively small. I'll switch between my bong, joints and a cartridge. If I'm smoking out of a bong, I'll smoke around 2 small bowls a day. If I'm feeling a joint, I'll maybe have 1 a day. With the cartridge, I'll take a few puffs every few hours or so.

When it comes to smoking and skating, I find that it calms my nerves and loosens up my body up before a skate session. I'll normally roll up to my local and smoke like half a joint or take a handful of rips of a cartridge (depending on if there are children around) before I go into the park. Although I enjoy smoking before a sesh, it's not a deal breaker for me. Some days I'll show up to the park and skate around for an hour or so, take a little smoke break and then get back to it. Other days I won't smoke before or during the sesh.

I'm pretty fortunate that I have never dealt with the anxiety that a lot of people have with weed. The only thing weed related that gives me anxiety and full on panic attacks is edibles. Tried them a few times but have always had bad experiences. The one thing I still can't wrap my mind around is how people slam beers and then skate. Even after a single beer, my balance on a board is completely off. Not sure how the hellriders do it but more power to them.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Tireeedd on March 26, 2023, 07:20:07 PM
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Recently read an old Grosso interview where he said the first time he smoked weed was with Neil Blender and Alan Losi, all I could think was dream blunt rotation. Also like the glorification of drug use by skateboarding or whatever
   I feel the glorification of 'drugs' would be eventually curbed if they were legalized.

I need a scan of this, I don't smoke weed anymore but that definitely sounds like such a dream blunt rotation as well.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: steezenking on March 31, 2023, 05:50:20 AM
I'm a daily smoker and have been for some years now, but the amounts that I smoke is relatively small. I'll switch between my bong, joints and a cartridge. If I'm smoking out of a bong, I'll smoke around 2 small bowls a day. If I'm feeling a joint, I'll maybe have 1 a day. With the cartridge, I'll take a few puffs every few hours or so.

When it comes to smoking and skating, I find that it calms my nerves and loosens up my body up before a skate session. I'll normally roll up to my local and smoke like half a joint or take a handful of rips of a cartridge (depending on if there are children around) before I go into the park. Although I enjoy smoking before a sesh, it's not a deal breaker for me. Some days I'll show up to the park and skate around for an hour or so, take a little smoke break and then get back to it. Other days I won't smoke before or during the sesh.

I'm pretty fortunate that I have never dealt with the anxiety that a lot of people have with weed. The only thing weed related that gives me anxiety and full on panic attacks is edibles. Tried them a few times but have always had bad experiences. The one thing I still can't wrap my mind around is how people slam beers and then skate. Even after a single beer, my balance on a board is completely off. Not sure how the hellriders do it but more power to them.

I ask simply because I am curious and mean no disrespect, do you ever feel it is an issue that you smoke every day? Like are you basically always "high" or is there a "buzzed" area kinda like having 2-3 beers where you aren't really "stoned" ( i've never smoked weed so i honestly don't know)? How would you feel if you went a few days without smoking?
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Abyss1 on April 06, 2023, 09:20:02 AM
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I'm a daily smoker and have been for some years now, but the amounts that I smoke is relatively small. I'll switch between my bong, joints and a cartridge. If I'm smoking out of a bong, I'll smoke around 2 small bowls a day. If I'm feeling a joint, I'll maybe have 1 a day. With the cartridge, I'll take a few puffs every few hours or so.

When it comes to smoking and skating, I find that it calms my nerves and loosens up my body up before a skate session. I'll normally roll up to my local and smoke like half a joint or take a handful of rips of a cartridge (depending on if there are children around) before I go into the park. Although I enjoy smoking before a sesh, it's not a deal breaker for me. Some days I'll show up to the park and skate around for an hour or so, take a little smoke break and then get back to it. Other days I won't smoke before or during the sesh.

I'm pretty fortunate that I have never dealt with the anxiety that a lot of people have with weed. The only thing weed related that gives me anxiety and full on panic attacks is edibles. Tried them a few times but have always had bad experiences. The one thing I still can't wrap my mind around is how people slam beers and then skate. Even after a single beer, my balance on a board is completely off. Not sure how the hellriders do it but more power to them.

I ask simply because I am curious and mean no disrespect, do you ever feel it is an issue that you smoke every day? Like are you basically always "high" or is there a "buzzed" area kinda like having 2-3 beers where you aren't really "stoned" ( i've never smoked weed so i honestly don't know)? How would you feel if you went a few days without smoking?

to me its like coffee, it helps enhance things for a bit, and like coffee I can go not blaze up and feel just fine (maybe a little more irritable tho)
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: gravityslips on April 22, 2023, 05:34:23 PM
last night i smoked a bunch of very heavy indica before cruising around the neighborhood. it wasn't nearly as much of a hinderance as i thought it would be, in fact i've never been able to feel the pavement more clearly. it felt as if i was dragging my bare fingers across the ground.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Logic on April 23, 2023, 12:18:15 PM
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I'm a daily smoker and have been for some years now, but the amounts that I smoke is relatively small. I'll switch between my bong, joints and a cartridge. If I'm smoking out of a bong, I'll smoke around 2 small bowls a day. If I'm feeling a joint, I'll maybe have 1 a day. With the cartridge, I'll take a few puffs every few hours or so.

When it comes to smoking and skating, I find that it calms my nerves and loosens up my body up before a skate session. I'll normally roll up to my local and smoke like half a joint or take a handful of rips of a cartridge (depending on if there are children around) before I go into the park. Although I enjoy smoking before a sesh, it's not a deal breaker for me. Some days I'll show up to the park and skate around for an hour or so, take a little smoke break and then get back to it. Other days I won't smoke before or during the sesh.

I'm pretty fortunate that I have never dealt with the anxiety that a lot of people have with weed. The only thing weed related that gives me anxiety and full on panic attacks is edibles. Tried them a few times but have always had bad experiences. The one thing I still can't wrap my mind around is how people slam beers and then skate. Even after a single beer, my balance on a board is completely off. Not sure how the hellriders do it but more power to them.

I ask simply because I am curious and mean no disrespect, do you ever feel it is an issue that you smoke every day? Like are you basically always "high" or is there a "buzzed" area kinda like having 2-3 beers where you aren't really "stoned" ( i've never smoked weed so i honestly don't know)? How would you feel if you went a few days without smoking?

Daily smoker here too.
If you're doing it frequently enough you build a bit of a tolerance and simply won't feel as high as you would were you to take a few days off and have a hit. I'd estimate a hit from a bong/vape will give me roughly around a 2 - 3 hour high.

Going without it isn't all that difficult IF you have something to distract you, you might get a bit of insomnia and fucked up dreams the first week or two, but it isn't all that physically addicting.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: dr.prestige on December 25, 2023, 06:10:55 PM
I'm very curious about acid or shrooms and skating.  I've heard lots of skaters and pros say they've had their best session while tripping balls.
I have had some amazing sessions tripping and also some very unproductive ones. I think it’s all about timing it out. Don’t drop and then go straight to the park, it’s hard to do much of anything while you’re peaking.
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: goodatmeth on December 26, 2023, 12:59:16 AM
It seems like it helps you relax and get into the groove for a good skate session without causing anxiety, which is great.
And you're not alone in finding that alcohol affects your balance on a skateboard. Many people have different reactions to various substances. It's all about finding what works for you personally.
For me, it's always fascinating how different people have unique rituals and routines that enhance their experiences. Whether it's a small smoke before hitting the park or just going straight into a session, it's all part of the skateboarding culture.
If you're ever looking to explore some cool skateboarding gear or perhaps something else to complement your sessions, I recently found a head shop online (
Silence, BOT
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Arjuhasek on May 07, 2024, 08:38:59 AM
Sometimes, a little smoke before hitting the park helps me loosen up and get in the right headspace. But like you said, it's not a deal breaker if I don't smoke. Some days, I'll just show up and skate without it.
I've never really had anxiety with weed either, except when it comes to edibles. Those things can hit hard! I've had a few bad experiences myself, so I tend to steer clear of them now.
As for skating after a beer, I'm with you on that one. Even one beer messes with my balance. It's crazy how some people can slam a few and still shred. Anyway, keep doing your thing and enjoying the ride!
Oh, by the way, speaking of cannabis, I recently came across some interesting points about Cannabis legislation UK (
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: backside_frontside on May 07, 2024, 11:18:33 AM
"Weed saves lives, alright"

                - Brayden Szafranski Baker 3

Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: Scarecrow Radio on May 12, 2024, 10:02:06 AM
I'm a daily smoker and a weekly skateboarder. They go hand in hand
Title: Re: Skateboarding and Marijuana?
Post by: garforth on May 13, 2024, 11:37:43 AM
last time i skated high i got too scared to pop the board. learned slappies as a result tho so impossible to tell if good or bad