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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: fineslime on November 29, 2022, 06:57:48 AM

Title: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: fineslime on November 29, 2022, 06:57:48 AM
I spent some time trippin out on the age old debate of, "is skateboarding a sport, an art, a lifestyle, is it pointless?" While, yes, it can be all of those things, I think that skateboarding most closely resembles the practice of martial arts.

It is a practice of extreme physical and mental discipline that is completely reliant on the self. It is a journey that is spiritual in nature; you learn life long lessons of failure, discipline, success, respect, and growth. The movements in skating are closer to movements you'd make in something like tae kwan do, not a traditional sport, and you use a piece of equipment (like a weapon) as part of the practice.

At the end of the day skateboarding is anything and everything you want it to be, but in my mind, skaters are related to martial artists more so than a traditional athlete that runs or swims.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: cky enthusiast on November 29, 2022, 06:59:57 AM
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: fineslime on November 29, 2022, 07:02:50 AM

They don't call them KICK flips for no reason amirite?

I'll see myself out.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on November 29, 2022, 07:04:11 AM
I would agree except martial arts are defined as a form of combat. And don't give me some lame shit about how "you're in combat with your board, or the obstacle" or some shit like that
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Stu Pickles on November 29, 2022, 07:06:22 AM
I would agree except martial arts are defined as a form of combat. And don't give me some lame shit about how "you're in combat with your board, or the obstacle" or some shit like that

hmmm we do say we are "battling" a trick...

Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: SneakySecrets on November 29, 2022, 07:07:01 AM
The movements in skating

More like bowel movements lol
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Prostate Exam on November 29, 2022, 07:14:47 AM
shadowboxing for masochists
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: smellsdead on November 29, 2022, 07:30:12 AM
I would agree except martial arts are defined as a form of combat. And don't give me some lame shit about how "you're in combat with your board, or the obstacle" or some shit like that
my war
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: fineslime on November 29, 2022, 07:33:53 AM
shadowboxing for masochists
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: manysnakes on November 29, 2022, 07:36:15 AM
Steven Seagal SOTY
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Mean salto on November 29, 2022, 07:47:42 AM
It's probably closest to clowning but with an industry a bit like stand up or porn
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: BallparkFrank on November 29, 2022, 08:04:04 AM
Bs roundhouse flip to the FACE
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: fineslime on November 29, 2022, 08:05:35 AM
Bs roundhouse flip to the FACE while wearing a pair of these polar big boys
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Lester Bullocks on November 29, 2022, 08:21:13 AM
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: mightytrucks on November 29, 2022, 08:48:38 AM
When i watch Luan skate i cant help but think of a ninja.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: on November 29, 2022, 08:50:38 AM
Ill let you get back to those katas…..
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Jebediah on November 29, 2022, 09:10:03 AM
To master skateboard, you first must master yourself  8)
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Cool Ceith on November 29, 2022, 09:13:07 AM
I'm a third-degree black shoelace belt.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: sle_epy on December 18, 2022, 12:23:24 PM
I'd equate it more closely with certain disciplines of dance.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Weededed on December 18, 2022, 12:28:39 PM
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Bony cawk on December 18, 2022, 12:44:54 PM
i think your all onto something

Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Sizzle on December 18, 2022, 12:49:21 PM
A skateboard is a toy, and skateboarding is a hobby
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: neckbeard on December 18, 2022, 12:55:03 PM
if you don't approach skateboarding like a martial art I have no idea what the hell you're doing out there. maybe leisurely rollerscooting but it sure as hell ain't SKATEBOARDING
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: beandemon on December 18, 2022, 01:00:22 PM
Martial art/ marital aid? No.  Kung fu/gōngfu? You’re goddamn right.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: tuesday on December 18, 2022, 01:02:54 PM
Zane Timpson said it all:
“Is skateboarding a sport?”
“Nah, this shit is a violent ballet. It’s a dangerous art.”
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: BurgerCop on December 18, 2022, 02:53:25 PM
Okay, I'll bite with a genuine, non-joke reply...

I agree that skateboarding is probably more closely related to martial arts than traditional art or sports.

I don't feel like it's necessary to point out the differences between skating and traditional sports like basketball or football (whichever definition of football suits you works here).

I don't consider skateboarding "art" in the traditional sense because a painting, sculpture, song etc. can convey a message through the medium. Somebody can look at your painting or listen to your song and get a vibe for how you were feeling or what you were thinking when you made it. It doesn't really work that way with skateboarding, you can't do a hardflip that represents the heartbreak of losing a loved one or frustration at the current political climate in your area.

I feel like people conflate video editing, clothing, board graphics etc with the actual act of skateboarding.
Yeah, videos and graphics can convey a message, but video editing and graphic design are their own thing, they aren't skateboarding.

I think sometimes people almost need skateboarding to be much bigger and more meaningful than it really is because they've based their entire life and personality around being a skater.
Kinda reminds me of hip hop in the 90s'. It wasn't good enough to just love hip hop, you have to BE hip hop, you have to LIVE AND BREATHE hip hop or you're a fake ass bitch. Maybe it's still like that, I dunno?
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: neckbeard on December 18, 2022, 03:09:58 PM
getting shinners is like when those muay thai guys kick trees
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: assvogel on December 18, 2022, 03:33:31 PM
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Perforated Opinions on December 18, 2022, 03:43:02 PM
I get it. That’s cool.
Do you want to play who can do a switch backside kickflip first first fine slime
I can switch backside 180 and switch kickflip. but sometimes I hit primo.
That trick is super dangerous⚠️ if your saying martial arts and skateboarding. Let’s battle
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: WavyDavy on December 18, 2022, 03:45:18 PM
More like figure skating
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Fartknocker415 on December 18, 2022, 04:08:57 PM
i was skating at the park the other day and realized if my board wasnt there id basically be running around doing karate kicks for a few hours.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Perforated Opinions on December 18, 2022, 05:37:54 PM

needs work.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: greenbeans on December 18, 2022, 05:41:08 PM
Skateboarding is an art
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: WorldsbestWeedsm0ker on December 18, 2022, 06:07:55 PM
I yell out hei-yah everytime I do a trick
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Tight Pants Big Wheels on December 18, 2022, 06:12:05 PM
It could mean different things to different people, and I respect answers like it being an art form, which is probably why it can be enjoyable to watch like other art. It can be done competitively, which qualifies it as a sport for those that do. For me personally, I just skate because it's fun to skate and I get fulfillment from challenging myself, so I guess that makes it a hobby of mine.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: SneakySecrets on December 18, 2022, 06:17:54 PM
It’s got way way more in common with gymnastics with any of that other shit.  Figure skating too.  Juggling.  Yo-yo-ing.  Ultimate frisbee.  Anything frisbee-related.  Cool pet tricks.

All of those are way closer to skating than a fucking martial art.  Cmon man
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: BurgerCop on December 18, 2022, 07:02:25 PM
Skateboarding is an art

Are rollerblades, scooters, BMX, motorcross, surfing, snowboarding, wakeboarding, waterskiing, ice skating, juggling, yoyo'ing and parkour also art?

Alls I'm saying is, if I met someone and they said "I'm an artist" and I said "oh neat, what's your medium" and they said "the skateboard" I would say "oh fuck off".
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on December 18, 2022, 07:03:21 PM
I'd equate it more closely with certain disciplines of dance.

Agreed, much closer to dance. What you do matters as much as how you do it, as long as the end result looks cool and was fun.

Martial arts is too focused on pragmatic outcomes, either competition or the ability to fuck someone up. Any semblance of individuality in most martial arts makes you an automatic kook, way more than in skating or some traditional sport.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Mean salto on December 18, 2022, 09:18:32 PM
Peak dorkiness is somebody teaching themself karate I think somebody teaching themself to skate isn't quite at that level
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: sluggers on December 18, 2022, 09:31:35 PM
Skateboarding is. It’s like a lot of things, but nothing is like it. It’s why we are all still here and talking and obsessing over it as we know the unique joy of riding and manipulating this intricate toy.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Sizzle on December 18, 2022, 09:47:33 PM
Skateboarding is. It’s like a lot of things, but nothing is like it. It’s why we are all still here and talking and obsessing over it as we know the unique joy of riding and manipulating this intricate toy.

Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: cwilks88 on December 18, 2022, 10:43:25 PM
I fear not the skater who has practiced 10,000 flip tricks once, but I fear the skater who has practiced one flip trick 10,000 times.

- Animal Chin

It's a lot of things just like a lot of things can be seen as a lot of things. My favorite "sport" for instance boxing. Boxing is a sport, it's also a martial art, it's also a way to get exercise, it's also a game of sorts like chess if you're fighting or sparing, some people call it "the sweet science", which I'm surprised more people don't speak on the scientific and more calculated aspects of skateboarding and how inches truly count, or the physics behind the way a skater is built compared to what they can realistically achieve on a skateboard, Tyshawn for instance...the reason he can pop the way he does has a lot to do with the way he is built as a person. skateboarding is like that, it's all sorts of things that culminate into riding a piece of wood around with wheels connected to a turning mechanism where you can do tricks on different obstacles or go fast down a hill. Shit a skateboard itself can be looked at a as a toy or a serious vehicle...or something like a paintbrush, a tool used to express yourself..etc etc. To me it's just skateboarding...and to me when I do it, it feels more a like a game or a puzzle that I'm constantly trying to figure out, that can also break me like that box on Hellraiser I guess. But I can see the "martial arts" aspects you're talking about, less (zero) of the combatives and more of the creativity through physical motion that one can experience when practicing a combative martial art... and skateboarding, and a lot of other shit.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: itspizzapie on December 19, 2022, 02:33:24 AM
More like figure skating

Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Natas Fauxas on December 19, 2022, 04:06:42 AM
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: lurker_and_poster on December 19, 2022, 04:14:17 AM
I would agree except martial arts are defined as a form of combat. And don't give me some lame shit about how "you're in combat with your board, or the obstacle" or some shit like that

Fighting gravity.

Since I practice different MA in my live - comparison fits to me well. But same for dancing!

tight community with own culture/ lifestyle it’s more about doing / practices then result or winning.

It’s not just about making the movement, higher, faster, longer  - it’s about the feel and look and the expression.
A 5.0 Grind is similar to a low kick - kind of easy but perfectly executed- deadly - well feeling and a thing of beauty. You can recognize just through someone pushing through the park - or standing in front of a sandbank  if he got it and lives and breath his art.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Atiba Applebum on December 19, 2022, 04:59:35 AM
Skating is skating.   It doesn’t need to be a metaphor or anything else.   That’s just coping mechanisms who feel they need to justify the presence of something deemed “unserious” in their adult lives
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: layzieyez on December 19, 2022, 08:46:50 AM
Skateboarding is the sex. Everyone has their own kinks. Some people lie about doing it. There are people super enthusiastic about it even if they suck at it.
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: GAY on December 19, 2022, 10:38:47 AM
I, Skateboard
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Atiba Applebum on December 19, 2022, 10:41:07 AM
I&I, Skateboards
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Pipe Dreamer on December 19, 2022, 10:48:11 AM
I'm more interested in the eternal question
Is it a Crime?
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: BurgerCop on December 19, 2022, 10:54:01 AM
I'm more interested in the eternal question
Is it a Crime?

This answer is, was, and always has been...

Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Streebo on December 19, 2022, 10:56:19 AM
How much weed did you smoke before posting this?
Title: Re: skateboarding is a martial art
Post by: Atiba Applebum on December 19, 2022, 11:04:29 AM
I'm more interested in the eternal question
Is it a Crime?

Usually just a misdemeanor