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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: ok boomer on December 23, 2022, 06:31:11 AM

Title: X-Mas 2022
Post by: ok boomer on December 23, 2022, 06:31:11 AM
Pretty sure I've mentioned before, but I love X-Mas (and Halloween). I try to make it as boss for my son as possible. My dad did the same for us (me & my bro) until he died in 2002. I make our front yard as ridiculous as possible (see Pic #1, there's like 4 more that you can't see in my shitty photo). We rode the Polar Express for the 5th time, but this year got the top seats, was sweet (pic #2). I've got my dad's train (his prized possession) from 1952 under our tree (pic #3). Pics 4 and 5 are from 2 years ago, we went to the Home Alone house and the A Christmas Story house (bought him a Red Ryder BB gun).

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I am really into the movies, the decorations, the music and giving people presents. I really miss the magic of Christmas as a kid so I try to make it as magical as possible for my son. Love this time of year!

As far as presents for my dude, I got him hella Nerf guns (we basically have a Nerf battle arena in my basement), Cobra Kai videogame, some Mario videogame, some extra catcher gear (he is a catcher in baseball), some time at the fancy batting training facility, one of those "Big Joe" chairs, some Fortnite dudes, some books, an Oakland A's hat (even though WAY before his time, he thinks Jose Canseco is awesome), and an old Jose Canseco figure from 1989. My wife bought him a computer so he can do all his Minecraft'ing on there.

I bought my wife standard perfume, jewels, bag, other stuff from Sephora and surprise 2 days at a hotel so we can vibe. (I'm off all next week so yeah!)

I bought myself some Nike Mike Trout turf shoes. Possibly every day shoes, haven't tried 'em out yet. and I got 2 books off eBay.

Anyone else into XMas? Into giving presents, getting presents? What's up for XMas in 2022!
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Mean salto on December 23, 2022, 06:49:00 AM
Xmas used to always stress me and my siblings out as kids because it was our one chance to get something and my mum had a specific skill of not only getting the wrong thing but the thing she got would almost definatly stop you from ever getting the thing you wanted. (Yeah I know seems real petty now)

Had a few good years where it became tradition to watch the og star wars trilogy with my cousin's

Now it's always stressful again as one niece has a dad who's a total dickhead who just goes out of his way to try fuck the day up. Worst part is he fucks it up most for his own daughter.

Think this year will be real chill tho prob just watch this or something
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Blind Fisherman on December 23, 2022, 09:25:10 AM
Not much of a fan of “Christmas”, but I fucking love giving people gifts.
Got my brother a copy of Madvillainy on vinyl.
My partner: a yarn holder, some instant Polaroid film, and some nice clothing.
My mom: a nice hairdryer, a ring holder, and some face mask stuff (she specifically asked for all three)
For my dad, I had a hard time thinking of anything to actually buy him since he can afford whatever he wants, so I asked my incredibly artistically gifted partner to make a portrait of his deceased mother/my grandmother.
I can’t wait to see their faces when they get to open them. I love making people happy.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on December 23, 2022, 09:53:51 AM
The consumerism of it all is corny as I get older. Some of my friends get depressed this time of year and I feel so unqualified to help when I reach out. At least I get to drink coffee and watch basketball all day while the in-laws play with my kids, so it evens out I guess.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: brycickle on December 23, 2022, 01:08:06 PM
I'm an outright grinch. I hate the music, I hate the decorations, I hate the fake manufactured "cheer". That's just me.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Willie on December 23, 2022, 02:00:02 PM
I look like Snow Miser.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: CrumblingInfrastructure on December 23, 2022, 06:48:30 PM
Christmas and the holidays in general have always been pretty gnarly for me emotionally since I can remember. I got divorced 2 years ago and moved half way across the country from all my biological family (who I do love). Nowadays I spend my holidays with my two close friends and its improved a lot just by breaking the cycle.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: whale on December 24, 2022, 04:37:16 AM
I'm divorced and can't see my son this Christmas. It's hard, but I'll try not to wallow in self pity the whole Christmas.
I'll see my family, hang out with their kids, see some friends maybe.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Frank on December 24, 2022, 05:41:18 AM

i usually don't do this but had to delete my initial post cause after reading a few entries and especially what ok boomer did for his son it doesn't feel right to post a bummer like this. i hope all of you with family or not make the best of it and gnars to all the rad dads that hug their kids and shower them with presents, but more importantly attention and sincere interest. and the moms too if there are any in this thread. and the kids if you are one. i stfu now. happy holidays.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Deputy Wendell on December 24, 2022, 08:57:20 AM
whether you care about and/or celebrate this craze or not, i hope y'all are safe, healthy, and happy
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Mean salto on December 24, 2022, 09:21:25 AM
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: layzieyez on December 24, 2022, 09:25:29 AM
My wife is going to walmart to hopefully get some 1 lb. bottles of propane for my Big Buddy heater to go in the basement. She tried to wash clothes and the drain outside must have frozen so water backed up out of the washer and all over the kitchen and it's raining in the basement on parts of my elliptical exercise machine and dvd and records.

Not the Christmas Eve we expected. But no matter. We're still here and cleaning up the mess. My son has got so much stuff coming from me (thanks to the sale gear thread) so I won't sweat what was lost in the water.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: Frank on December 24, 2022, 09:52:19 AM
My wife is going to walmart to hopefully get some 1 lb. bottles of propane for my Big Buddy heater to go in the basement. She tried to wash clothes and the drain outside must have frozen so water backed up out of the washer and all over the kitchen and it's raining in the basement on parts of my elliptical exercise machine and dvd and records.

Not the Christmas Eve we expected. But no matter. We're still here and cleaning up the mess. My son has got so much stuff coming from me (thanks to the sale gear thread) so I won't sweat what was lost in the water.

that fucking sucks, but that attitude about it is something to strive for. i hope there is no lasting damage to the house!
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: childhood on December 24, 2022, 10:18:25 AM
Xmas used to always stress me and my siblings out as kids because it was our one chance to get something and my mum had a specific skill of not only getting the wrong thing but the thing she got would almost definatly stop you from ever getting the thing you wanted. (Yeah I know seems real petty now)

Had a few good years where it became tradition to watch the og star wars trilogy with my cousin's

Now it's always stressful again as one niece has a dad who's a total dickhead who just goes out of his way to try fuck the day up. Worst part is he fucks it up most for his own daughter.

Think this year will be real chill tho prob just watch this or something

My family is Italian so we mostly just celebrate Xmas eve, gonna do the 7 fishes and everything tonight, listen to Sinatra Christmas songs, that kinda thing. Prob gonna smoke with my brothers and watch Batman Returns or something once my parents go to bed. Christmas day itself we mostly just chill.

Some of the best MST3K episodes are the Xmas ones, The Christmas That Almost Wasn't is by far my fav of the Netflix reboot seasons
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: layzieyez on December 24, 2022, 12:01:14 PM
Expand Quote
My wife is going to walmart to hopefully get some 1 lb. bottles of propane for my Big Buddy heater to go in the basement. She tried to wash clothes and the drain outside must have frozen so water backed up out of the washer and all over the kitchen and it's raining in the basement on parts of my elliptical exercise machine and dvd and records.

Not the Christmas Eve we expected. But no matter. We're still here and cleaning up the mess. My son has got so much stuff coming from me (thanks to the sale gear thread) so I won't sweat what was lost in the water.

that fucking sucks, but that attitude about it is something to strive for. i hope there is no lasting damage to the house!
I installed my own dishwasher so off course I made a wet mess before. My wife learned how to act in a crisis with wet floors with that one.

Thanks. I got a son that takes hugs I want to give. That feeling. I'll trade all that stuff.

Tldr: it's just stuff man. I'm lucky we're still here. That includes you all. You all mean the world. Rolling forever on our Real Huf skateboards on Christmas day while security has the day of.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: whale on December 24, 2022, 12:21:08 PM
And yo, big up ok boomer
Top lad for going all the way for your kid.
Title: Re: X-Mas 2022
Post by: layzieyez on December 24, 2022, 12:45:58 PM
And yo, big up ok boomer
Top lad for going all the way for your kid.
I’m hoping you’re hugging on your son soon.

Btw, I somehow had duty in the military on holidays like this. It made getting off feel that much more momentous.