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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: goldfishboot on February 27, 2023, 11:43:49 AM

Title: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: goldfishboot on February 27, 2023, 11:43:49 AM
I lean pretty far towards option 2. especially with more technical stuff, I am 1000 monkeys on 1000 skateboards and I assume eventually each little part will go correct if I just keep trying. Empty brain style. You?
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on February 27, 2023, 11:47:01 AM
When it comes to new tricks I'm definitely the latter option, but once I have the trick I try to be pretty analytical about it to do them better.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: GrayCellGreen on February 27, 2023, 11:56:35 AM
I've taken a more analytical approach to skateboarding and learning tricks as I've aged. I used to just fling random tricks around when I was younger and didn't put emphasis on analyzing foot placement, weight distribution, and shoulder & head position. Because of this, certain tricks would work while others didn't. I used to think that's just how it was. Since becoming more analytical, my bag of tricks has increased significantly. I wish I would have taken this approach earlier.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Tom Pearl on February 27, 2023, 11:57:53 AM
i never try nollie heels, i tried one yesterday and almost did it first try then i tried it 20 more times and didnt even come close, im this
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: leafman4000 on February 27, 2023, 11:59:25 AM
Analytical for sure. When I’m learning a new trick I film and look at every try. I probably look like a nutcase to the general public but w/e
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Cool Ceith on February 27, 2023, 12:08:28 PM
I get very analytical but there are certain tricks that I eventually just decide "I'm never going to land this" and give up. Then,  on a whim, I'll give it a shot months later and be surprised at how close I'm getting.

So, in my case I'm analytical to the point of being very ponderous. I'll sometimes wonder "What would Rodney do?" But I'm aware that I can't force it because I'll just get mad and then bummed on my ability. I border on Analytical Evil/Analytical Neutral.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: streetmeat on February 27, 2023, 12:13:23 PM
Analytic. I feel like this is something that comes more with age. All my friends my age will nerdily talk about ‘body positioning’, ‘opening up your shoulders’ etc etc to not only do the trick but make it look better


most younger kids who just throw themselves and their board at an obstacle and maybe land it once a month. 
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: whale on February 27, 2023, 12:14:50 PM
What are these "new tricks" you speak of?
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: BurgerCop on February 27, 2023, 12:19:16 PM
Excessively analytical.
Sometimes I have to remind myself to stop overthinking and just fucking huck it.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Steely Daniel on February 27, 2023, 12:48:21 PM
What are these "new tricks" you speak of?

Mostly this, but like others said I try to be a little more analytical in my approach as I age. Never used to think about it much when I was younger. It was either you can do this if you keep trying or you're not even getting close so move on.

I also watch an embarrassing amount of trick tip stuff these days, even for tricks I know how to do, just to see how other people do them to understand the mechanics of skateboarding more. Sometimes my mind just goes blank though and I'm out here flaling around looking like it's my first month on a skateboard.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: mfweeno on February 27, 2023, 12:55:13 PM
Excessively analytical.
Sometimes I have to remind myself to stop overthinking and just fucking huck it.

Same here lol.

I have always been this way, but now that I have a background in personal training and biomechanics I am little more sensitive to whether my body is cooperating with tricks and can "overcoach" myself pretty hard sometimes.

If I'm getting really close to a trick, I am sometimes able to analyze the last little piece/movement I need to get right to make it work. I recall Rodney Mullen describing a similar phenomenon where everything except 1-2 parts of the trick are on "autopilot".

That being said, lately I'm trying to turn off my inner narrator so I can let my body respond more and consciously "anticipate" less. Case in point - I have been trying to engineer the "perfect" crook set up for a while, but this weekend I just focused on going fast and hitting a good approach angle and it just worked.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: OneMore on February 27, 2023, 01:02:43 PM
I think I fall under the analytical camp. I tinker with my tricks, even if I've had them for a while. I try new things to spice up old tricks all of the time. But sometimes if I hit a roadblock when learning a trick, I'll   try it switch and leave my fate up to God.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: SneakySecrets on February 27, 2023, 01:18:46 PM
I let that shit marinate.  Think about it in the shower, red lights, waiting for coffee to brew…. I invite the trick to inhabit my mind and serve it tea and hors d'oeuvres and shit.  Gotta make friends with em.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: The Mexican Nancy Chin on February 27, 2023, 01:22:33 PM
I never get progressively closer to landing when I try a trick, I just keep making the same mistakes until I randomly get distracted during an attempt and land the trick since I wasn't overthinking it. Either that or I slam really hard during the distraction. One smacked by head on a flat bar and got a concussion because of this
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: JoseCansnake0 on February 27, 2023, 01:26:21 PM
Most of my new tricks are learned on a mini ramp these days (impact). If i can slide them out, I count them.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Pipe Dreamer on February 27, 2023, 01:28:01 PM
I just chill with my classics, none of this learning a new trick nonsense tbh.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: SatanicPanic on February 27, 2023, 02:07:10 PM
I've taken a more analytical approach to skateboarding and learning tricks as I've aged. I used to just fling random tricks around when I was younger and didn't put emphasis on analyzing foot placement, weight distribution, and shoulder & head position. Because of this, certain tricks would work while others didn't. I used to think that's just how it was. Since becoming more analytical, my bag of tricks has increased significantly. I wish I would have taken this approach earlier.
I’m curious if that’s changed now that any kid can go on YouTube and have someone explain it. I definitely remember people thinking trick tips were stupid back in the day, mostly because they were so useless.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: GrayCellGreen on February 27, 2023, 02:29:14 PM
Expand Quote
I've taken a more analytical approach to skateboarding and learning tricks as I've aged. I used to just fling random tricks around when I was younger and didn't put emphasis on analyzing foot placement, weight distribution, and shoulder & head position. Because of this, certain tricks would work while others didn't. I used to think that's just how it was. Since becoming more analytical, my bag of tricks has increased significantly. I wish I would have taken this approach earlier.
I’m curious if that’s changed now that any kid can go on YouTube and have someone explain it. I definitely remember people thinking trick tips were stupid back in the day, mostly because they were so useless.

"Pop, flick, catch, and ride away clean...."
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: vinithebr on February 27, 2023, 03:54:47 PM
A bit of reason is always there unless you're a monk. Otherwise you'd ollie aiming for a crook but make coffee instead.

That being said I'm sick and tired of using reason to justify my bails, so I've been pretending I know the trick and who knows maybe I'll land it.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: The Mexican Nancy Chin on February 27, 2023, 04:10:36 PM
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I've taken a more analytical approach to skateboarding and learning tricks as I've aged. I used to just fling random tricks around when I was younger and didn't put emphasis on analyzing foot placement, weight distribution, and shoulder & head position. Because of this, certain tricks would work while others didn't. I used to think that's just how it was. Since becoming more analytical, my bag of tricks has increased significantly. I wish I would have taken this approach earlier.
I’m curious if that’s changed now that any kid can go on YouTube and have someone explain it. I definitely remember people thinking trick tips were stupid back in the day, mostly because they were so useless.
These already existed when I was learning to skate. Most are useless but some give very helpful tips. Clint Walker's on the ride channel is how I learnt to no comply and recently this Matt Bennett one helped me finally actually slide my front nose slides. The step on your toes tip also helped me slide my front tail slides better when I inverted the logic to stepping on my heel

Trick tips for basic tricks like Ollies and kick flips were obviously the most useful as I genuinely had no idea how they were done
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: big_kev_215 on February 27, 2023, 04:11:15 PM
I usually just throw myself at it and suddenly something will click through trial and error.  My body mechanics are always so horrible that analyzing the best way to do something only goes so far.  It ends up being more based on feel for me. 
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: on February 27, 2023, 04:44:28 PM
You know when you’ve bent a nail…..but just keep hammering it……that’s me trying to flip my board……
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: skateshaykh on February 27, 2023, 08:04:31 PM
More analytical as I age, but I'm really posting to point out the flawed survey method: the data is useless without Fred Gall as a's just basic science.

When analysis becomes an excuse is the real issue for me. At a certain point, it's not more subtle weight shifts so much as flaccid commitment muscles and everyone can see it. So I also respect and envy all the huckers who let the body instruct the mind.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: sle_epy on February 28, 2023, 02:50:15 AM
1. I don't know how ppl figured it out back in the day before it was easy to film yourself. I usually focus on the few things I know I'm doing wrong just by watching the playback and pick them off one by one. I watch a lot of ppl doing the trick I want to learn and see what they all do in common versus what I'm doing differently that's causing me to not land a trick, or to figure out how to do it better.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Orangepulp1000 on February 28, 2023, 03:06:33 AM
I definitely analyse as I’ve gotten older and finding it is helping me tenfold with progression. I film myself and suss out what I’m doing wrong, watch clips of other people, slow them down and piece it all together. I’ve even gone to the point of screen grabbing clips from pros and flipping the vid over so if they’re goofy it’s now regular so I can analyse it better. A little over the top but eh it’s helping me
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Skatebeard on February 28, 2023, 03:08:32 AM
I was trial and error as a teen, and now super analytical about it coming back in my 30s.

I've learned more tricks in the last 2 or 3 years than I ever had as a kid, so I know which method works for me.

“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.”

Change foot position, change upper body position, change weight distribution, direction of flick, etc etc etc... I've had tricks not work at all for tons of tries, then moved my back foot a bit and voila, first time.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: scab on February 28, 2023, 04:00:11 AM
I've got a tried-and-true method:

1. Try a new trick
2. Film myself
3. Pinpoint what I do wrong
4. Proceed to do the wrong thing
5. Get frustrated
6. Abandon new trick and do my handful of staples instead

Works literally every time.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Chatbot on February 28, 2023, 05:39:34 AM
I skate way more ledges now a days so I'm definitely more analytical. It sucks sometimes because as I get older I now I factor in 'what could go wrong' which will mess with me. Once I figure the trick out and get close though, I need to keep myself distracted and let my feet do the work.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Beeda Weeda on February 28, 2023, 06:26:14 AM

As a teenager I used to journal how I learned tricks. How to hold your shoulders, distribute your weight, and make note of the tendencies my own mind /body would want to do when attempting to execute a trick.
I found it so much easier to get tricks and keep tricks. Before that I would just work on a new trick and focus on it so much I would forget old tricks or get worse at them.
For me it was important to try and ride a shape I liked and not change it up too much so I could repeat and be somewhat consistent.

I would take notes on skateboarding and not do my homework.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: backside_frontside on February 28, 2023, 06:44:37 AM
Learning a new trick can be analytical for me, but I try not to think about the details too much. I'm definitely not fakin it til I make it. I need to have confidence that I can actually do the trick first. If I have the fundamentals of a trick dialed it boosts my confidence enough to combine them into a new trick. For example, I'm trying to learn nollie heel nose manny. I've gotten better at nollie nose manny over the last month or two and I have a good nollie heel. The other day at the park I practiced nollie heelflips onto the manual pad and got a few good ones. It's all about working up to it, not just flinging it until it works, which I guess is a pretty fuckin analytical way to go about learning tricks hahaha.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Bigfoot is real on February 28, 2023, 06:53:51 AM
I look at skateboarding this same way, with the only variable being speed really.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: mclovin1336 on February 28, 2023, 07:04:41 AM
I usually try something then it may kind of work or getting close to work and then after 10-15 tries I get worse at it and usually just resign and do my routine stuff. Learning new wheelie combos is the worst variant of this procedure because one try you might be close and then you have 20 tries so far from the acutal trick that you lose the will to try it once more
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: fs1/2cab on February 28, 2023, 12:02:43 PM
Learning a new trick can be analytical for me, but I try not to think about the details too much. I'm definitely not fakin it til I make it. I need to have confidence that I can actually do the trick first. If I have the fundamentals of a trick dialed it boosts my confidence enough to combine them into a new trick. For example, I'm trying to learn nollie heel nose manny. I've gotten better at nollie nose manny over the last month or two and I have a good nollie heel. The other day at the park I practiced nollie heelflips onto the manual pad and got a few good ones. It's all about working up to it, not just flinging it until it works, which I guess is a pretty fuckin analytical way to go about learning tricks hahaha.

I do it the same way. Build up the confidence first and then move on to the next part of the trick. All step by step.

Post your Nollie Heel Nosewheelie here when you land it.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: KGB on February 28, 2023, 01:12:29 PM
I'm neither.  I am more of a caveman mentality, I just do it over and over, eat it a few times and eventually stick it. None of this "open your shoulders" garbage. Trial and error, and once you got it you got it.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: ziggy on February 28, 2023, 05:40:26 PM
analyzing it never works for me, I just flick and inshallah
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: versacekid420 on February 28, 2023, 05:55:42 PM
I just do what I gotta do
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: VHS ERA on February 28, 2023, 06:26:41 PM
Analytical to the point of overthinking
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: greenbeans on February 28, 2023, 09:19:04 PM
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: silhouette on March 01, 2023, 02:30:04 AM
I'm so analytical I know exactly when not to be, which at this point is most of the time.

Mullen ON Video issue was one of my first VHS and so his step-based approach I always took for granted and applied. Nowadays I like skating with my brain mostly off and just doing whatever comes but if for some reason I feel like challenging myself with something hard, I'll still follow that logic because it's so deeply ingrained, and usually it will still work.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Terminal on March 01, 2023, 03:51:26 AM
Analytical. But I get stuck on tricks too. I can't move on to a different trick until I'm satisfied with the progress on the one I'm trying. It gets so bad sometimes that start bailing on tricks I can do (even simple ones) because all I can think about is the one I'm working on.
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Slikk on March 01, 2023, 09:31:44 AM
some people just got that dawg innem and just try and sometimes successfully do a damn trick

but that aint me cuz it takes me a couple sessions

slikk slikk
Title: Re: When it comes to learning tricks, are you more:
Post by: Andrefosho on March 01, 2023, 09:33:46 AM
i never try nollie heels, i tried one yesterday and almost did it first try then i tried it 20 more times and didnt even come close, im this

Yes! Me too.