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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: TheLurper on April 10, 2023, 01:59:39 PM

Title: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: TheLurper on April 10, 2023, 01:59:39 PM
I've gone to three different local shops while traveling in the past week. 2/3 shops told me, "Oh, dude we don't have any DVDs, but you can look-up our video on YouTube."

My response to this suggestion is, "No thanks. I'm not looking it up on YouTube. I can't imagine anything less appealing than looking it up on YouTube. And, you're missing the point, the point was for me to support the local scene in a way that doesn't require buying a shirt that I will never ever wear or a wall board that is poorly designed and will just go straight to the storage unit."

Local and shop videos still need to be published in some sort of physical manner.

Two creative solutions to the DVDs are old tech problem that I've seen are:
1) Create a zine and include a link at the end.
2) Publish on to USB.

Other solutions:
1) Put QR codes on the back of stickers.

EDIT: This is noted below, but worth addressing here. Obviously, I didn't say this to the employee. This an old man rant for other old men who like to yell at clouds. I never thought anyone would think I responded to the employee this way, it is a general response to the suggestion.
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Ignatius J Reilly on April 10, 2023, 02:01:39 PM
do you actually say that to shop employees? like, verbatim?
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: gsosa on April 10, 2023, 02:41:25 PM
I've gone to three different local shops while traveling in the past week. 2/3 shops told me, "Oh, dude we don't have any DVDs, but you can look-up our video on YouTube."

My response to this suggestion is, "No thanks. I'm not looking it up on YouTube. I can't imagine anything less appealing than looking it up on YouTube. And, you're missing the point, the point was for me to support the local scene in a way that doesn't require buying a shirt that I will never ever wear or a wall board that is poorly designed and will just go straight to the storage unit."

Local and shop videos still need to be published in some sort of physical manner.

Two creative solutions to the DVDs are old tech problem that I've seen are:
1) Create a zine and include a link at the end.
2) Publish on to USB.

Other solutions:
1) Put QR codes on the back of stickers.
The link will probably be a youtube link.

Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: goodatmeth on April 10, 2023, 02:55:47 PM
Thanks for the new copypasta
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Watson on April 10, 2023, 03:10:24 PM
Speaking from someone who runs a shop that makes videos and puts them on YouTube:

We have next to no requests for hard copies of our videos. Therefore creating hard copies of our videos would be pretty fruitless and probably cost us money in the long run if we had to produce a certain amount to make the price of them worth reselling. If we did do a hard copy of some sort just for some special project, we probably wouldn't make any significant amount of money on it so buying a copy to support that local is kind of a moot point.

Videos are more important to a shop as a way to inspire the local scene and get people to know what your shop vibe is and hopefully want to shop there or order online. So YouTube is actually better to be more accessible and gain more views.

If you don't like the shop's clothing or boards then just buy something from them that isn't shop product that you would wear or ride or whatever. Shop gear has better margins but you're still supporting the shop more than you would be if you bought a DVD.

This is actually a really weird thread. Why is the idea of looking up a local shop video that you want to watch on YouTube the least appealing thing you can imagine? Why do you seem mad that shops don't make DVDs anymore when there is absolutely no market for them?
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: e.d. on April 10, 2023, 03:11:10 PM
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: 323-BALM on April 10, 2023, 03:16:31 PM

howabout "I watched the vid on youtube, nice job!" as you place something on the counter and ask how much of your old person money it'll take to purchase the items and get the fuck out of the store before your presence drives away customers...part of this is just realizing it's not for you anymore, and that feeling of being out of it is due to the fact that you are, indeed, out of it!

embrace it. The truth shall set you free

Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: fakie nollie on April 10, 2023, 03:27:51 PM
do you actually say that to shop employees? like, verbatim?
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: yourbreakfsat on April 10, 2023, 03:43:50 PM
Expand Quote
do you actually say that to shop employees? like, verbatim?

Definitely a shower argument
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: cky enthusiast on April 10, 2023, 04:59:47 PM
insanely conceited worldview
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: TheWineClub on April 10, 2023, 05:05:11 PM
Yo, you’re a dick!
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: DanCorteseFromMTVSports on April 10, 2023, 06:21:19 PM
Bad news:  The third shop only had one dvd and it was Tilt Mode Bonus Round
Good news:  It was only a $1
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Mr. Pickles on April 10, 2023, 07:05:41 PM
What the fuck?
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: WorldsbestWeedsm0ker on April 10, 2023, 08:09:14 PM
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: gnidraobetaks on April 10, 2023, 08:42:59 PM
but how many shops had their videos on pornhub?
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: xrossings on April 10, 2023, 09:44:04 PM
Bad news:  The third shop only had one dvd and it was Tilt Mode Bonus Round
Good news:  It was only a $1
worth it for the high quality version of man down alone
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Sexy Snail on April 10, 2023, 10:18:50 PM
I've gone to three different local shops while traveling in the past week. 2/3 shops told me, "Oh, dude we don't have any DVDs, but you can look-up our video on YouTube."

My response to this suggestion is, "No thanks. I'm not looking it up on YouTube. I can't imagine anything less appealing than looking it up on YouTube. And, you're missing the point, the point was for me to support the local scene in a way that doesn't require buying a shirt that I will never ever wear or a wall board that is poorly designed and will just go straight to the storage unit."

Local and shop videos still need to be published in some sort of physical manner.

Two creative solutions to the DVDs are old tech problem that I've seen are:
1) Create a zine and include a link at the end.
2) Publish on to USB.

Other solutions:
1) Put QR codes on the back of stickers.

There’s no way you said that to a skate shop employee, this is like when people will get mad at something that happened to them, make a full FAKE scenario in their head on how they one upped the “rude person” or “put that person in check” and was the bad ass of the story, then post it online to see if anyone will back them up on the obvious fake story. Come on man…
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: TheLurper on April 10, 2023, 11:20:25 PM
First, I never assumed any PALS would think I actually said this to the employee in those exact words. Instead, it was very much, "Bummer" and then moving on to rambling on about how someone did a cool zine about their video and then put the link at the back of the zine.

Misread my audience here. I didn't think anyone would think the rant was real or that I was trying to play it off as real. I assumed the line would be read as my broad old man yelling at clouds rant... and I thought other old men would want to yell at clouds with me. ;D

Second, @Watson, it is not necessarily the lack of DVDs, instead it is the inability to purchase a physical artifact of the video.

I get that a run of DVDs could be expensive, but, there are all sorts inexpensive physical artifacts that can be sold. A zine is an obvious one and really cool physical artifact that could supplement the video. A zine could be professionally printed or printed at home and then stapled together for a cost of basically nothing. A sticker would also be cool. Both of these can be low investment/high profit artifacts. Any shop or local filmer could make these for next to nothing.

Maybe, I'm that old and it is my turn to yell at clouds, which is fine, I'll own it. From my perspective, I've already gone through the hassle of finding the shop and deciding it was the one in the city that I was going to visit.  And, now, I'm being told to do what I've already done all over again.

Finally, buying a product from a major company defeats the purpose of going out of my way to buy something from a local shop while traveling. I don't go through shit fast enough to justify buying 4 DLX boards in the matter of 2 weeks driving from Point A to Point B. Also, the higher cost and much smaller profit margins don't make the--somewhat wasteful--purchase justifiable. It costs me more to give a lot less.
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Koozin on April 11, 2023, 06:46:24 AM
A simple burned cd written on with sharpie in a disc envelope is classy enough for me
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: left knee cap on April 11, 2023, 07:03:42 AM
I've gone to three different local shops while traveling in the past week. 2/3 shops told me, "Oh, dude we don't have any DVDs, but you can look-up our video on YouTube."

My response to this suggestion is, "No thanks. I'm not looking it up on YouTube. I can't imagine anything less appealing than looking it up on YouTube. And, you're missing the point, the point was for me to support the local scene in a way that doesn't require buying a shirt that I will never ever wear or a wall board that is poorly designed and will just go straight to the storage unit."

Local and shop videos still need to be published in some sort of physical manner.

Two creative solutions to the DVDs are old tech problem that I've seen are:
1) Create a zine and include a link at the end.
2) Publish on to USB.

Other solutions:
1) Put QR codes on the back of stickers.

that's just suggesting your lazy ass can't just go on youtube and look it up yourself

First, I never assumed any PALS would think I actually said this to the employee in those exact words. Instead, it was very much, "Bummer" and then moving on to rambling on about how someone did a cool zine about their video and then put the link at the back of the zine.

Misread my audience here. I didn't think anyone would think the rant was real or that I was trying to play it off as real. I assumed the line would be read as my broad old man yelling at clouds rant... and I thought other old men would want to yell at clouds with me. ;D

Second, @Watson, it is not necessarily the lack of DVDs, instead it is the inability to purchase a physical artifact of the video.

I get that a run of DVDs could be expensive, but, there are all sorts inexpensive physical artifacts that can be sold. A zine is an obvious one and really cool physical artifact that could supplement the video. A zine could be professionally printed or printed at home and then stapled together for a cost of basically nothing. A sticker would also be cool. Both of these can be low investment/high profit artifacts. Any shop or local filmer could make these for next to nothing.

Maybe, I'm that old and it is my turn to yell at clouds, which is fine, I'll own it. From my perspective, I've already gone through the hassle of finding the shop and deciding it was the one in the city that I was going to visit.  And, now, I'm being told to do what I've already done all over again.

Finally, buying a product from a major company defeats the purpose of going out of my way to buy something from a local shop while traveling. I don't go through shit fast enough to justify buying 4 DLX boards in the matter of 2 weeks driving from Point A to Point B. Also, the higher cost and much smaller profit margins don't make the--somewhat wasteful--purchase justifiable. It costs me more to give a lot less.

you're underestimating printing costs and people who are willing to do a full graphics and print job for free, as someone who's printed zines before. unless you're doing cut and paste then go to kinkos zine sure that is considered next to nothing, but to make something presentable and make your shop look nice that shit gonna cost money.

just buy 10 shop stickers and call it a day. every shop has them. they don't have to baby you and give you a direct link to the video. you're a grown ass person.
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Theme For A Jackal on April 11, 2023, 07:14:48 AM
If major skateboarding companies don't see profit in physical copies of media then why do you think small, local shops would?

I've gone to three different local shops while traveling in the past week. 2/3 shops told me, "Oh, dude we don't have any DVDs, but you can look-up our video on YouTube."

My response to this suggestion is, "No thanks. I'm not looking it up on YouTube. I can't imagine anything less appealing than looking it up on YouTube. And, you're missing the point, the point was for me to support the local scene in a way that doesn't require buying a shirt that I will never ever wear or a wall board that is poorly designed and will just go straight to the storage unit."

Local and shop videos still need to be published in some sort of physical manner.

Two creative solutions to the DVDs are old tech problem that I've seen are:
1) Create a zine and include a link at the end.
2) Publish on to USB.

Other solutions:
1) Put QR codes on the back of stickers.

If you want to support them then support what they're actually doing, don't condescend them because they're not doing something that would cause them to lose money just because it caters to your tastes

And how does doing a QR code or having a zine with a link solve your problem? Is that not just going to launch in a digital video format ala Youtube anyways?
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: backside_frontside on April 11, 2023, 07:20:45 AM
DVDs are an antiquated format and a worthless investment for the shop owner. Watch the vid for free on YT and buy the shop shirt instead because the profit margins on soft goods are the real money maker.
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: IpathCats on April 11, 2023, 07:49:43 AM
I've gone to three different local shops while traveling in the past week. 2/3 shops told me, "Oh, dude we don't have any DVDs, but you can look-up our video on YouTube."

My response to this suggestion is, "No thanks. I'm not looking it up on YouTube. I can't imagine anything less appealing than looking it up on YouTube. And, you're missing the point, the point was for me to support the local scene in a way that doesn't require buying a shirt that I will never ever wear or a wall board that is poorly designed and will just go straight to the storage unit."

Local and shop videos still need to be published in some sort of physical manner.

Two creative solutions to the DVDs are old tech problem that I've seen are:
1) Create a zine and include a link at the end.
2) Publish on to USB.

Other solutions:
1) Put QR codes on the back of stickers.

There is no fucking way you said this hahahaha.

I hope I'm wrong and the poor shop employee that had this happen to them comes in this thread to verify though.
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Ignatius J Reilly on April 11, 2023, 08:15:24 AM
i mean, it's one zine, michael. what could it cost, $10?
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: BootsWithTheFerg on April 11, 2023, 08:24:31 AM
Nothing wrong with watching
/buying dvds still. Just seems like a harder hobby to explain to adults than supporting a local skateboard shop by wearing their merchandise. Buy the shirt. Wear it.

Or pay it forward. Every shop I ever been to good about helping out the less fortunate. My local offers gift certificates. Occasionally people pay em forward and leave em for someone who needs it more. You can always buy a board for a kid. Shoes. Wheels. Etc. Easy as pie.

Shaming minimum wage employees for not using a dead medium that the entire industry has ditched isn't the answer. Most these places can barely keep the lights on.

Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Sizzle on April 11, 2023, 09:54:25 AM
@TheLurper i will start a go fund me and contribute a twenty if you record yourself going into the shop and saying this verbatim
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: TheLurper on April 11, 2023, 12:25:39 PM
@TheLurper i will start a go fund me and contribute a twenty if you record yourself going into the shop and saying this verbatim

I appreciate the offer, but I think I've learned my lesson from this thread.

The goal was:

1a) to indirectly complain about not being able to purchase a physical artifact related a local video.
1b) indirectly complain about being given work to do to find the video online. I already found the shop online and drove to the physical store, this defeats the purpose of visiting in person.
1c) indirectly complain about the things I've purchased from local shops out of obligation to support the scene, but regretted purchasing in the long run. I have a small stack of shop boards that I can't justify hanging up on the wall that I need to pull out of storage and give away.

2a) to offer suggestions on physical things the shop could sell in this new VHS/DVD-less era of skateboarding.
2b) to offer suggestions for a better costumer experience. Restaurants don't tell us "Google us, you'll find the menu," because it'd be a shit experience. Instead, they make it easy to find the menu online w/a QR code.

However, in practice this thread ended up being a disaster because my framing was off and gave the impression that I was this big of a jerk to some random shop employee. This completely poisoned the well/tainted the critique and suggestions. I'm kind of surprised about this as I don't think the Lurp slap account is aggressive or has a history of being a dick or advocating being a dick (aside from a run in with whorific).

This is my second most kooked post (number one was defending an anti-hero dude's gofundme campaign). I'm going to own it and not nuke the thread. Lesson learned in terms of framing and I should have responded to @Ignatius J Reilly to make it clear that I wasn't a dick to some random employee, but I wasn't trying to respond to every post nor did I expect that interpretation to catch on. I really didn't think anyone would expect me to bark at some random employee for no reason as it is out character for real life me and online Lurp or at least I thought so.  :'(
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Watson on April 11, 2023, 01:08:31 PM
I think we're going to release our next video as a zoetrope.
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: hathair on April 11, 2023, 01:16:23 PM
I genuinely love that you were willing to drive to the shops physical location to attempt to buy a product that you did not confirm would be available but are unwilling to be inconvenienced by typing the shops name into the YouTube search bar to find the video. Hats off sir!
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Lame_Nigga on April 11, 2023, 01:26:14 PM
Just download it off YouTube and burn it to a disc. Problem solved.

This is like the people who complain about coffee shops not offering “just coffee” anymore
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: DanCorteseFromMTVSports on April 11, 2023, 02:47:48 PM
On one hand, I would really like a physical item such as a DVD or Zine of local videos. On the other hand, whenever i see a the person making the video near the end of putting it together, it looks like they are on the verge of a mental breakdown. I would not want to add more things to produce on their plate and push them over the edge.
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: Baby on Board on April 11, 2023, 03:08:13 PM
Thread title should just be ‘am I the asshole?’

Short answer: yes

Long answer: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssss
Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: IpathCats on April 12, 2023, 05:57:50 AM
gnar'd for your self awareness @TheLurper good on you.

Title: Re: Local/Shop Video Formats
Post by: WorldsbestWeedsm0ker on April 12, 2023, 06:44:12 AM
OP has only had frustrating and embarrassing sex because his dicks really small and prone to infection - j talked to his dick doc