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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Trick Tips => Topic started by: PancakeBones on January 03, 2024, 12:14:37 PM

Title: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: PancakeBones on January 03, 2024, 12:14:37 PM
Sorry if this is in wrong section Backside Noseblunts are hands down my favorite trick. How the FUCK do you learn them? What is the trick too em? Is there a "hack"roll straight at ledge or a "pretend your trying a noseslide on top"? (That isn't those examples)

1. It's looks so cool
2.its a draw bridge to span deeper into the bag of trick moat.
3.its an impressive set up trick (if you can get it on lock.
4, the wheel bark of the blunt trick family

I'm starting to feel age.. I've broken every joint on my left side except my fingers. I had a Hot pocket at 16, so cooked jumping up some stairs, that the top of my foot touched the front of my shin and it's never been the same and has begun to get worse, ( its my slide foot too) so im trying to get my dream before my time punches out

Please help!

(I'll also film it on a green painted box so it looks like I'm skating the thank you part of movie credits to anyone who helps
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: Underpressureflips on January 03, 2024, 09:32:04 PM
Nose blunts for me are a lot like nose slides. Pop that shit, rotate your nose to where it needs to be and then stomp that bitch into place. One of the best feeling tricks when you get it just right. When you get it wrong though, you get shit pitched. Think of like doing an over crook, but an over nose slide.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: camel filters on January 03, 2024, 11:20:30 PM
I got in a few and slid while trying back nosegrind reverts so maybe try those for awhile and then trick yourself into doing back noseblunts instead. I have zero tips on how to get out of them.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: swanronson on January 04, 2024, 02:32:36 AM
If you want an easier way of doing it and don’t mind lowering your standards you can try find a short ledge that you can come straight at and not do the proper Ollie over the ledge. As for coming out of it, you can do the nosegrind revert action and fall out to fakie.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: GAY on January 04, 2024, 06:14:33 AM
1) Approach the curb or ledge with as much speed as you can get.
2) Ollie.
3) Land in the bs nose blunt position. Remember to stomp that bitch.
4) Hold that position.
5) Pop out.
6) Ride away.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: Ok on January 04, 2024, 06:18:39 AM
1) Approach the curb or ledge with as much speed as you can get.
2) Ollie.
3) Land in the bs nose blunt position. Remember to stomp that bitch.
4) Hold that position.
5) Pop out.
6) Ride away.

perfectly done. nosh gaylis
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: TwisT on January 04, 2024, 06:46:28 AM
get you a parking block or say a palet height ledge. Wax that shit to like 0 friction. Go slow AF, and just build your courage from there.

Alternatively, on a similar obstacle, go fast AF so by the time you notice you sliding the ledge, you are back on the ground.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: Kombuch-A-Holic on January 04, 2024, 07:32:06 AM
1) Approach the curb or ledge with as much speed as you can get.
2) Ollie.
3) Land in the bs nose blunt position. Remember to stomp that bitch.
4) Hold that position.
5) Pop out.
6) Ride away.

I really do miss the old Transworld trick tips. lol
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: biaherl on January 04, 2024, 10:33:38 AM
I always have to have my big toe in the corner and my heel in the pocket or closer to the bolts while concentrating on my big toe. I think it's called twinkle toes
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: botefdunn on January 04, 2024, 11:38:45 AM
@PancakeBones  how about a little company?  never done one in my life, but I'm down to try and post one here in a month, or at least a bail. Anybody else is welcome to join. Let's see how bad this can get.

*realizing this might be partly inspired by the switch flip video, which seems ok. We can call it "bs nosebunt"

*update: think i might have broke my toe yesterday so maybe not the month to learn a new and by all accounts very difficult trick.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: backside_frontside on January 10, 2024, 07:28:59 AM
I'm 32. One of my 2024 skate goals is to do a back noseblunt on the low manny pad/ledge at my local. It's my white whale. Started trying em late last year and got a few to slide.

I think what helped me commit to it was being able to fully ollie on top of the obstacle going backside from the side of the ledge. I mean it's a manny pad so it's low af, but still I knew I could pop high enough to get my front wheels/nose on top of the ledge. Once that clicked I just had to commit to turning into the back noseblunt position. Waxing the fuck out of the thing helped with that. Seriously, wax the fuck out of the bluntslide zone and give yourself a buffer of wax because you'll probably miss the lock in a bunch at a first. But then you'll feel what it's like to get into back noseblunt and slide it. Just keep trying and it's only a matter of time. That's what I'm telling myself at least, still haven't actually landed one yet lol.

Good luck!
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: rawbertson. on January 10, 2024, 08:11:51 AM
this is one of the only ones left for me on the list of the regular grinds.
i dont really believe in trick tips if i am being honest. i have watched a lot of them but i think what is actually more beneficial is just watching multiple angles of someone doing them until you can understand it fully.
i think doing it on a QP would be the easiest way to start. if you can front noseblunt or switch blunt then the pop in should be the same.
I think probably the easiest obstacle to do this on would be a curb with an ending on it but to really do it properly imo you should pop out in the middle. but having those building blocks would make it a lot easier in my mind. you dont necessarily always have that available though.
practice doing just the bs noseblunt slide on ground when you are skating around. you need to have good control over that motion when going fast and it has to be predictable. practicing it on a dry part of the curb is a good way to not kill yourself perfecting the get in. i think these are tips you can use for learning any grind tbh.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: Banned from the room on January 13, 2024, 05:23:18 PM
I learned them a little. Nollie is the way. Do it on low stuff that's not waxed very much.

Think it's just a switch FS half cab bonk thing. I'll be fine. I'm going to practice them too just to know if I still could.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: bob george on January 13, 2024, 06:01:20 PM
as someone else said, short ledge so it's easier to get in and out of, bit of wax, ollie, turn, land on your nose, it'll almost come out by itself....

they're not that hard, they're just scary.

as much as it sounds like a joke, the old trick tip method is not missing many details from what you need to do...

1) Approach the curb or ledge with as much speed as you can get.
2) Ollie.
3) Land in the bs nose blunt position. Remember to stomp that bitch.
4) Hold that position.
5) Pop out.
6) Ride away.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: Banned from the room on January 13, 2024, 06:25:44 PM
Wrist brace is what I need. I been punishing myself trying not to buy wax.

It sucks no matter how fast I go I can get further than 2".

My local stores don't have the suggestion. I can keep stealing candles. I'm gonna get caught. Why do I say then?

I'm sorry your honor. I was doing a public service by waxing that curb.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: projectBNE on January 28, 2024, 09:59:28 PM
Absolute pinnacle of ledge tricks.  I learned them at age 30 on a double stacked shipping pallet (Blue CHEP ones are grail).  Nice and short to get the feel for it without the fear of getting splattered all over a longer ledge.  It's just a front nose but on top.  Exact same entry and dismount.  Fear and making myself try it was the hardest part.  Needs a good amount of wax as it's harder when you have to push it.  I'm 45 now and last did one a couple months ago (dragged the trusty pallets out again).  Still the best feeling trick ever.  Good luck and send clips once you get it.
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: Crust on March 28, 2024, 04:57:55 PM
I can't help you at all unfortunately.

I just wanted to say your thread title is hilarious. I wish you the best, and hope you find that bs noseblunt soulmate
Title: Re: 35 year-old man seeking romantic relationship with a single bs-Noseblunt. Help!
Post by: Sifter on March 29, 2024, 07:01:14 PM
No tips sorry, just chiming in to say bs noseblunt is definitely the 'trophy' pose of ledge skating for me.   
I sometimes play around with locking in bs noseblunts on this gutter at my local but 9/10 attempts I pop and end up landing in a bs noseblunt pose on the gutter without my board under my feet haha.  Or if it does lock in my feet are all penguin foot (picture extreme nollie bs shuv foot position)'s just fucked