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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: GAY on January 16, 2024, 09:09:58 AM

Title: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 16, 2024, 09:09:58 AM
I dream about skating quite often. Much more often than I do actual skating these days.

One of the things that happens a lot in them is I’ll lock in to a manual and just keep it going forever. In the dream there’s always this sense where I get it just right and basically can’t even fall out of the manual. There’s no battle to keep it…it’s just there. And I’m just riding around stoked on my back two wheels.

Also I land kick flips a lot in dreams.

Sometimes I dream about going into weed stores and just picking and choosing what kind of THC I’d like to ingest. It’s like my brain likes to fantasize about what could have been if I wasn’t sober and could actually skate well.

Do you guys dream of skating?
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GardenSkater77 on January 16, 2024, 09:12:49 AM
Who am I to disagree…
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: addie pray on January 16, 2024, 09:15:29 AM
when i was laid up after knee surgery i dreamt about skating a lot, now that i can skate my dreams are back to being more of the weird violent/sexual nonlinear variety
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: behavioralguide on January 16, 2024, 09:20:51 AM
Love skate dreams, for me they're usually about stringing lines together effortlessly

I have a friend who claims they're an integral part of learning new tricks for him...
He says he'll obsess over a particular trick over a couple of sessions, getting close but not sticking it. Then he'll stop trying for a while, dream about it and then land it the next session
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 16, 2024, 09:45:06 AM
Love skate dreams, for me they're usually about stringing lines together effortlessly

I have a friend who claims they're an integral part of learning new tricks for him...
He says he'll obsess over a particular trick over a couple of sessions, getting close but not sticking it. Then he'll stop trying for a while, dream about it and then land it the next session

That’s amazing. My dreams seem to mock me…like, in a, "see this? Don’t you wish you could do this you little beta bitch?"
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 16, 2024, 09:45:55 AM
Who am I to disagree…

I always wondered why the song doesn’t go, "who am I to disagris?"
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: skippersoldballs on January 16, 2024, 09:51:27 AM
I have a recurring one where I’m a skating a vert ramp with my feet strapped in like a snowboard. I also dream about my childhood local park sometimes, where it turns out it wasn’t torn down and It was actually hidden in the park the whole time
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: addie pray on January 16, 2024, 10:00:21 AM
or i have this recurring dream where im driving a car full of my friends who have died and we're going to a party and then i realize they're all dead so this has to be a dream then i wake up
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: tuesday on January 16, 2024, 10:00:48 AM

One of the things that happens a lot in them is I’ll lock in to a manual and just keep it going forever. In the dream there’s always this sense where I get it just right and basically can’t even fall out of the manual. There’s no battle to keep it…it’s just there. And I’m just riding around stoked on my back two wheels.


Do you guys dream of skating?

This. Just perfect balance and flow.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 16, 2024, 10:06:17 AM
or i have this recurring dream where im driving a car full of my friends who have died and we're going to a party and then i realize they're all dead so this has to be a dream then i wake up

I hate when stuff like this happens in dreams. Not trying to be a weirdo, but any time there’s any kind of sexual element to a dream I’m having there’s some part of my brain that goes, "I wonder if this will finally be a good sex dream?" and then everything goes sideways and the sex doesn’t even happen. Blue-balled by my goddamn subconscious.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: behavioralguide on January 16, 2024, 10:33:19 AM
Talking about dreams, didn't we have this thread under the same name some years back?
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 16, 2024, 04:47:17 PM
Talking about dreams, didn't we have this thread under the same name some years back?

There was one but I couldn’t resist making one with this stupid title.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GardenSkater77 on January 16, 2024, 05:26:42 PM
Who am I to disagree…
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: easymoneysniper on January 16, 2024, 05:36:11 PM
i've been having dreams of landing clean ass kickflips and fakie flips recently. it's really fun. and then i wake up and remember that i suck.

i also once dreamt that me and some friends were skating around NYC going fast as fuck evading cars and people n shit while popping crazy ollies throughout. that same dream then transitioned into being in Barca and skating Macba and making friends while skating really well. then i woke up and remembered that i suck.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: fineslime on January 16, 2024, 06:33:51 PM
I have a dream about skating approx. every ten days or so. I had one last night actually. often, (like last night,) I am skating the old park I grew up skating at, and the dreams go one of two ways: I'm either absolutely ripping, or it feels like I can't land anything. last night, I had a dream I was skating a board way too big for me and I was trying to 3 flip the hip, but couldn't.

my dreams are extremely vivid, and I've spent the better part of a decade learning and perfecting how to lucid dream, and I've had lucid skateboarding dreams before, which are absolutely phenomenal. I realize I'm dreaming, and then proceed to do anything I want. it's an amazing feeling and I always feel extremely thankful when I wake up after one of those dreams because I can't really skate on the level I used to because of injuries.

on the topic of lucid dreaming, one of my favorite things to do in them is to jump as high as I can. I've had dreams where I'm full on jumping over buildings and floating back down to Earth. those dreams feel so real they're like an alternate reality. the dreams about women are pretty amazing, too (no offense, GAY.) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: cucktard on January 17, 2024, 12:28:00 AM
My skate dreams follow the same basic pattern. I ride some sort of ramp or natural quarter or bank, and on the first try I make all these incredible tricks first go, just flowing from one to the next.

Then there is something that prevents me from going again right away, but when I finally get to go again my brain has changed all the sizes and shapes of the transition, not making it way too tight or impossible to skate and I don’t get to repeat the satisfaction of the first time.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: AitchBeeGayBuh on January 17, 2024, 12:53:48 AM

my dreams are extremely vivid, and I've spent the better part of a decade learning and perfecting how to lucid dream, and I've had lucid skateboarding dreams before, which are absolutely phenomenal.

Mine too, I’ve found out how to do this as well and look forward to sleep everyday because of it. Almost never dream of skating but the majority of my dreams involve banging the cute Mexican barista with a nice dumper at the store I work at. Mildly curious, what’s your process for doing this? I have a weird one but it works mostly every time.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: somethingmustbreaknow on January 17, 2024, 01:15:03 AM


Expand Quote
Talking about dreams, didn't we have this thread under the same name some years back?
There was one but I couldn’t resist making one with this stupid title.
abp and abj already been joked
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: Coastal Fever on January 17, 2024, 02:21:08 AM
I had a dream last night that && made everyone at the park stop skating so he could tell us about his new skate app.  I yelled out that nobody cared, then he started crying.  Eventually someone told him to tell us about it anyway, and he did, then served everyone but me seafood lasagna.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 17, 2024, 07:06:28 AM
I have a dream about skating approx. every ten days or so. I had one last night actually. often, (like last night,) I am skating the old park I grew up skating at, and the dreams go one of two ways: I'm either absolutely ripping, or it feels like I can't land anything. last night, I had a dream I was skating a board way too big for me and I was trying to 3 flip the hip, but couldn't.

my dreams are extremely vivid, and I've spent the better part of a decade learning and perfecting how to lucid dream, and I've had lucid skateboarding dreams before, which are absolutely phenomenal. I realize I'm dreaming, and then proceed to do anything I want. it's an amazing feeling and I always feel extremely thankful when I wake up after one of those dreams because I can't really skate on the level I used to because of injuries.

on the topic of lucid dreaming, one of my favorite things to do in them is to jump as high as I can. I've had dreams where I'm full on jumping over buildings and floating back down to Earth. those dreams feel so real they're like an alternate reality. the dreams about women are pretty amazing, too (no offense, GAY.) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

I also have hyper-vivid dreams. I often prefer them to my waking hours.

My flying dreams are bizarre to me. I have them probably about once a month or so and there are two elements that are always part of it. One is that I feel like Mr. Cool Guy in them because I am thinking to myself stuff like, "I’ll show them when I blow their minds by taking off flying." The other always-present element is that I’m constantly on the lookout for power lines. I’ll often take off straight up, full speed, and there’s always this mass of power lines way up above the earth that I remind myself to be cognizant of. I’ve never hit them but flying through them always seems to be some game of chance.

Dreams are awesome.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: dstrytruitt on January 17, 2024, 07:23:29 AM
When I have a hard time falling asleep, I like to visualize skating a perfect bowl or even a favorite park where I lock into a smith or float a bs air over and over. I tend to drift off peacefully.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: fineslime on January 17, 2024, 08:28:10 AM
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my dreams are extremely vivid, and I've spent the better part of a decade learning and perfecting how to lucid dream, and I've had lucid skateboarding dreams before, which are absolutely phenomenal.

Mine too, I’ve found out how to do this as well and look forward to sleep everyday because of it. Almost never dream of skating but the majority of my dreams involve banging the cute Mexican barista with a nice dumper at the store I work at. Mildly curious, what’s your process for doing this? I have a weird one but it works mostly every time.

I don't really have a technique to, "realize," that I'm dreaming, I just kind of know it. I'll get a realization or understanding that I'm in a dream, but I guess the technique to realize I'm lucid dreaming or to initiate the dream is to try and jump as high as I can. most the time though, I just know that I'm dreaming.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: JM on January 17, 2024, 08:35:12 AM
Mine are are terribly realistic down to skating things I could skate in real life…. But just much better.

Like, could I frontside air huge out of a quarter? Probably if I tried and was brave. But have I ever in real life? No.

Or kickflip with ease several times in a row? That’s possible if I was… just better at skating. 

360 flips? Yeah.. could probably land them if I committed to falling a lot and possibly rolling my ankle really hard. But have I ever? Nope. In my dreams, though.

Everybody’s looking for something.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 17, 2024, 05:13:53 PM
It’s like even my subconscious is embarrassed at how little skill I have at skating.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 18, 2024, 02:43:44 PM
Last night I had a dream that I was having a conversation with Posdnois from De La Soul and I told him that the BET 50 Years of Rap Special brought tears to my eyes it was so lovely…I did add, however, that the choice of performing an excerpt of The Bizness was odd although I understood why considering Dave’s passing and Common’s willingness to be such an industry slut.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: whale on January 21, 2024, 02:58:25 AM
Had a super realistic skate dream last night.

I was all stoked to meet up my old buddy to go skate, but as soon as I arrived, it started to rain.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 21, 2024, 08:33:21 AM
One of the weirdest things about dreams to me is that my brain will create locations and then will revisit those locations, or some version of them, later.

One of the skate spots I’ve been back to multiple times is this big ditch-type spot. It’s hidden and seems to be a junction where several dithes converge and it’s sort of this massive DIY playground. There’s little manual pads and ledges but mostly it’s just big banks and bumps. I’ve had dreams where I go there and it’s packed and in other dreams it’s empty but there’s water everywhere. I always have to climb under some fence and make my way through some bushes or something.

I’ve had non skate-related places show up multiple times with years in between their appearances. They occasionally have some connection to someplace real, like they’ll just "feel" like they’re in Albuquerque, but other times they seem to be made up completely.

Fuckin’ brains, man.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: Crust on January 22, 2024, 02:51:38 AM
My skate dreams are one of two types:

1 - The trick battle that I am set to film.

2 - Having tricks on-lock that are far beyond my reach - I once dreamt I had wallie back lips (sliding 10 feet) pop out early.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: Banned from the room on January 22, 2024, 09:29:54 AM
When I dream I'm tracking the disappearance of my board

It always respawns in the jail I built in my mind

Once I'm in the jail is full of allies who help me track it down and escape the screws.

I can fly pretty good I'm my dreams
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: Frank and Fred on January 22, 2024, 07:48:07 PM
Vert runs. Usually lein to tails. Never done one in my life but in my dreams I am a master of them. Not sure why vert features so heavily in my skate dreams but I do all the basics very well, fs and bs ollies, lipslides, never any spins or inverts though. And in my dreams I often land too far down the transition and lose speed but I always re-find it again, with ease.

In reality, there was only short period in the mid to late 90s when I skated vert with any regularity... I'd like to try again.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: GAY on January 23, 2024, 06:42:41 AM
Vert runs. Usually lein to tails. Never done one in my life but in my dreams I am a master of them. Not sure why vert features so heavily in my skate dreams but I do all the basics very well, fs and bs ollies, lipslides, never any spins or inverts though. And in my dreams I often land too far down the transition and lose speed but I always re-find it again, with ease.

In reality, there was only short period in the mid to late 90s when I skated vert with any regularity... I'd like to try again.

This is such a cool and weird detail. I always wonder why our subconscious gets hooked on weird ideas like this that seem to get baked into the recurring sequence of events.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on January 23, 2024, 06:48:47 AM
I haven't skated in over two months from an injury, but the other night I had a dream that I was just pushing through a blacktop parking lot bonking over curbs and speed bumps. It was so fun and then I woke up  :'(
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: 323-BALM on January 23, 2024, 02:11:31 PM
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One of the things that happens a lot in them is I’ll lock in to a manual and just keep it going forever. In the dream there’s always this sense where I get it just right and basically can’t even fall out of the manual. There’s no battle to keep it…it’s just there. And I’m just riding around stoked on my back two wheels.


Do you guys dream of skating?

This. Just perfect balance and flow.

grew up with a guy who pushed mongo and was super talented, incredible skater... He took mongo to the max, where he was actually like doing a daffy on his back truck...half-daff...he could take a corner so fast like that, while pushing, slalom type moves, whatever. Probably wore through back wheels 10x as fast as his front wheels.


your description reminded me of him. Hadn't thought of that in 20 years.

also i've realized it's uncomfortable to write "mongo." What are some less offensive ways to say he pushes with his front foot? Shitfoot?
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: fineslime on March 01, 2024, 10:51:07 PM
I've been meaning to post this over a month now but just haven't had the time to, but it was the craziest skate dream I've ever had.

I had previously posted in this thread that most of my skate dreams take place at the skatepark I grew up skating... well, several weeks ago, I had another dream where I was skating my old park, and it was a lucid dream. I absolutely knew I was dreaming, and in the dream I was skating this maybe 18 ft or so long ledge we had at the park that had the most perfect coping in it. (in real life) it basically had a fat flat square rail built into the ledge as the angle iron. I learned many many many ledge tricks on it because it was so perfect.

in my dream, I was trying these super long backside noseslide nollieflips, a trick I have never done in real life, but I knew I was dreaming so I knew I could do it. I was sliding the noseslides so perfectly and flipping out nollieflip, but when I went to land on the board, my feet were crossing! like I was trying to land pretzel!!! my front foot behind my back foot and my back foot on the front of the board, like Bastien's kickflip in Sorry! I kept trying this trick over and over again and every time I flipped out I was landing with my legs crossed and was eating shit! I would try it, fall, and then the dream would reset to me trying it again.

I ended up freaking out in the dream. literally screaming, "WHY ARE MY FEET CROSSING!?" it was that type of scream you do in dreams that is so over exaggerated that you wake yourself up from doing it. well, I end up waking up completely pissed off and frustrated...

the very first thing I notice is that I was sleeping face down with my feet crossed at my ankles, exactly the same way I was landing on my board in my dream. in that moment, I was stuck in-between dreaming and being awake, and the frustration of trying that trick, and the relief that I was awake.

that. was. insane. that has stuck with me all this time.

I have never had something like that happen before in my life. it just goes to show how our subconscious mind, our conscious mind, and what we experience physically is tethered at all times. one of the weirdest things that has happened to me in my life.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: frontsideNECKTIE on March 02, 2024, 09:07:17 PM
I wish I had skate dreams. I have before but it's extremely rare

Usually my dreams seem to be some sort of anxiety outlet. I have a recurring one of driving in the mountains with my grandma and flying off the side while taking a hard turn, and it turns into one of those "falling" dreams where you snap awake. Very jarring every time.

Others include: teeth falling out, purposely breaking my own fingers (wtf?), throwbacks to hella awkward situations.

Most recently was a co-worker changed my destkop background to a lesbian orgy and I couldn't figure out how to change it back. Which was more frustrating cause that is obviously so simple.

Luckily THC is pretty good at stifling my intense dreams, at the apparent cost of good REM sleep  ::)
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: Steely Daniel on March 02, 2024, 09:29:55 PM
Every skating dream I have is painfully realistic it's fucking stupid. I'm not any better or worse than I am in waking life.
Title: Re: Skate dreams (are made of this…)
Post by: jgonzalez on March 03, 2024, 01:53:14 AM
I recently had a dream where I was skating stage 11 149 standard Indys with f4 conical fulls maybe 55mm and had an 8.5 blue AH eagle deck with one supreme sticker across the board near the tail and one on the tail too with the sticker going across too but logo font upside down.

Been thinking about trying independent stage 11s again been on a heavy ace rotation