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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: SneakySecrets on January 28, 2024, 04:19:02 PM

Title: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: SneakySecrets on January 28, 2024, 04:19:02 PM
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: GardenSkater77 on January 28, 2024, 04:35:24 PM
No Michelle Obama on the list?

If the Democrats nominate a potted fern I’m voting potted fern. Being from NJ my vote doesn’t matter. Wish I could vote in PA. I have already mentally accepted that Trump will return to office. I hope Biden wins but the narrative that he is a doddering old man may be too much for him to overcome.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: pugmaster on January 28, 2024, 04:38:26 PM
If Biden and Trump are not both off the ballot this November, then that sends a clear message to the voters about what a sham the 2 party system is.

March is going to be an important month.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on January 28, 2024, 04:56:48 PM
Probably won’t vote if it’s a Trump/Biden race.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: SneakySecrets on January 28, 2024, 06:07:30 PM
No Michelle Obama on the list?

If the Democrats nominate a potted fern I’m voting potted fern. Being from NJ my vote doesn’t matter. Wish I could vote in PA. I have already mentally accepted that Trump will return to office. I hope Biden wins but the narrative that he is a doddering old man may be too much for him to overcome.

Apologies, added Michelle for you. 
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: brycickle on January 28, 2024, 06:28:11 PM
No Michelle Obama on the list?

I hope Biden wins but the narrative that he is a doddering old man may be too much for him to overcome.

The great part is that Drumpf is just as much of a doddering old man as Biden.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: matt_2993 on January 28, 2024, 08:38:05 PM
Big Mike  8)
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Ricky Vaughn on January 29, 2024, 03:38:53 AM
Looks like another lose-lose situation
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: manysnakes on January 29, 2024, 04:41:09 AM
Cornel West
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: manysnakes on January 29, 2024, 04:56:31 AM
For real, my suspicion is that this is gonna be a crazy low-turnout election year and for the past decade or so, low turnout has favored Democrats.

But of course, Biden is a uniquely terrible candidate and his disastrous, genocidal policies regarding Palestine could absolutely crush him ( Gonna be something if it all comes down to Michigan where he loses because the state's Muslims refuse to participate in this sham election following Biden and Bibi's wholesale slaughter of their brothers and sisters.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: steezenking on January 29, 2024, 04:59:00 AM
I would vote for Michelle Obama so fast my head would spin
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: manysnakes on January 29, 2024, 05:42:05 AM
I would vote for Michelle Obama so fast my head would spin

She would win by Reagan '84 margins, but it's not happening.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: bartlaser on January 29, 2024, 06:07:59 AM
I don't think I can physically vote for Trump or Biden if it comes to those two.  Both are garbage, and the fact neither party come can up with better options shows how fucked up they are, and really don't give a shit about what the average person wants/needs.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on January 29, 2024, 07:38:54 AM
Cornel West

Not a bad idea.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: swellbowed on January 29, 2024, 08:17:57 AM
Fred Gall
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: type on January 29, 2024, 08:41:44 AM
Daddy trump
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Frank and Fred on January 29, 2024, 08:52:23 AM
This was going to be my first election (I became a citizen last year) and I was resigned to vote for the lesser of two evils or the candidate least likely to take us to war... now... shit I don't know... I'm considering throwing my vote toward Cornell West or another 3rd party in protest.

Fred Gall.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TheLurper on January 29, 2024, 10:40:07 AM
Biden. Absolutely, Biden.

I am voting for adults running the institutions that determine the rules of our society. I want an adult in charge of the EPA, State Dept., FDA, DEA, FBI, DOJ, Dept of Education, and so on.

I do not want to exist in a world where someone like Steve Bannon is put in charge of the DOJ and creates stasi police force to kidnap, torture, and "disappear" "enemies of the state."

Biden is not my dream candidate as I'd prefer a Nader or West to fit my ideals or Newsom for a mainstream dem who is younger, well spoken, and not afraid to take on kooks like DeSantis. I think Newsom has done a good job setting up himself to run in a general election and could possibly pull-in swing voters.

I voted for Nader in 2004 and 2008, but I'll return to my protest third party vote at a time when we return the normal GOP insanity of a Romney or McCain vs some centrist dem, not the completely insane and corrupt MAGA cult. I can't go back to a time when every day there is another headline of some completely insane, terrible, or corrupt action Trump and team were doing out in the open. From reducing tariffs for Ivanka's clothing brand to get patents in China to sucking the balls of the Saudis cause they give Trump cash via his hotel and properties or ripping off the tax payer by always being on vacation and charging the secret service insane rates for rooms in Trump hotels. And, of course Jan 6th, where Trump and other GOPs devised a plan to over-throw democracy. They planned a whole scheme to submit fake electorate votes to confuse things and then kill democracy. I cannot go back to that kind of hell. I do not want to live in a society running as fast as it can towards a theocratic fascist nightmare.

Not to mention, we ended the Trump presidency with 13% unemployment and he disbanded the pandemic response team prior to the pandemic AND Kushner (that little shit who is getting billions from the Saudis now) and his frat boy idiot friends who were somehow in charge of the initial pandemic response didn't give a fuck about the pandemic because it was initially "a blue state problem." And Trump threatened to withhold emergency federal disaster relief to rather conservative parts of California experiencing forest fires, because he didn't like California. I can't think of a single time a dem even threatened to withhold disaster aid since cruelty doesn't give the dem base erections. And, I can only imagine how big of a hard-on Bannon would have while cheering on Israel as they bomb children. Biden could be harder on Israel for sure as his warnings to Israel and Dept of State attempts to calm Netanyahu are not dramatically changing the course of things, but the alternative of Biden is Trump, Bannon, and Netanyahu stroking each other's dicks to images of dead Palestinians.

Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: manysnakes on January 29, 2024, 11:12:06 AM
I’m so glad the adults running the institutions decided to help Israel murder 30,000 people.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TheLurper on January 29, 2024, 11:51:17 AM
I’m so glad the adults running the institutions decided to help Israel murder 30,000 people.

Would you have preferred children running the show and cheering on as Israel kills every single person in Palestine? Would you prefer a president celebrating the deaths of Palestinians and making sure no one used their first amendment right to protest this tragedy? Biden is at least discussing slowing weapons to Israel (something the GOP is aligned against) and has called for Netanyahu to change course and sends high level diplomats to try to convince Netanyahu to be an adult instead of using this as an opportunity to murder.

"On Thursday evening, Trump released a statement, saying there had been "no better friend or ally of Israel" than when he was U.S. president."

"Donald Trump promised on Monday that if elected president again he will bar immigrants who support Hamas from entering the U.S. and send officers to pro-Hamas protests to arrest and deport immigrants who publicly support the Palestinian militant group."

Even Trump-lite, "Ron DeSantis favored the deportation of foreign students who support Hamas and would bar Gaza refugees from the U.S."

Ideally, the US could have forced Israel to focus on just getting their hostages back and doing some action to prove their might and then embarrassed Netanyahu on the world stage because he has been supporting Hamas and discrediting the Palestinian Authority for his own gain for the past two decades. Biden had every right to end Israel's no strings attached support and embarrass Netanyahu who overtly meddled in an American election at the behest of the GOP who he knows will cheer on anything and everything Bibi wants.

I think Ezra Klien does a good job of framing Israel in terms of generational differences. The Israel all of us know as millennials and gen z is not the Israel of gen X, the boomers, or those even older. American policy needs to change from viewing Israel as the weakest kid in the neighborhood who is bullied by its neighbors to the far-right theocratic nightmare run on votes from the ultra-orthodox who don't even work and receive free money from the gov it has become. American policy should shift faster, but I don't see Israel policy shifting overnight.

What is happening is awful, but is it worse to vote to let those in charge reluctantly let the trolly car run over 30 people or let those in charge celebrate the trolley car running over 2 million? Both are awful choices, but one is much much worse.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: type on January 29, 2024, 12:00:45 PM
Lurper stays sayin the wackest shit
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: backside_frontside on January 29, 2024, 12:29:54 PM
I don't like Biden either but I will vote for him as we cannot let Trump get reelected and I live in a swing state. I don't have much hope for him winning but it's the only shot we have at avoiding a Trump dictatorship.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: botefdunn on January 29, 2024, 01:55:18 PM
Lurper stays sayin the wackest shit

hey I'm surprised you read Lurper's posts, but I saw on another thread that you're bored, so maybe you'll read this too.


 4 years ago Trump "makes history" by changing the balance of power in the middle east:

"Trump told reporters that the atmosphere between Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and UAE leader Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed during the secret negotiations leading up to the announcement “was like love.”

But the West Bank’s governing Palestinian Authority, following an emergency meeting in Ramallah, condemned the accord as a betrayal.

Palestinian leaders called for an urgent Arab League meeting to reject what they called an “aggression against the Palestinian people.”"


Many u.s. political analysts thought the 2020 deal was "a powder keg" motivated by u.s. interests in arms sales and solidifying support against Iran. They warned that it had dangerous historical precedents:

"The decision by four Arab countries to forge ties with Israel in 2020 was not about peace, love, or understanding. The United Arab Emirates, Sudan, Morocco, and (to a lesser extent) Bahrain were all motivated by narrow interests—including the promise of either advanced weapons or diplomatic favors from the United States."

"Not all diplomatic deals are preludes to peace—and the Israel-UAE agreement fits an inauspicious pattern."


On september 7, exactly 1 month before the october 7 Hamas attack, a deal like in 2020 was said to be in the works with Saudi Arabia. This time, the U.S. under Biden tried to downplay the deal, but Israel considered it as good as done, echoing Trump's claim from 4 years prior of "making history":

"We don't expect any imminent announcements or breakthroughs in the period ahead," said White House National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan on Tuesday.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu talked up the possibility last month, claiming: "We're about to witness a pivot of history."
Any deal, though, would be deeply controversial.
In return for recognising Israel, Saudi Arabia is said to be demanding US guarantees for advanced American-made weapons and, most contentious of all, a civil nuclear programme including in-country uranium enrichment.
Israel for its part would benefit from trade and defence ties with the Gulf superpower and further historic integration it has always sought in the region, following on from other Arab state normalisation deals brokered in 2020"


So yeah, these other Arab countries had said for decades that they wouldn't recognize Israel unless it recognized Palestine, and that was the biggest carrot of hope dangling in front of the palestinians that helped keep them in line. When Trump made the deal in 2020, it took away almost all that hope. You might say Saudi Aradia was Palestne's last big bargaining chip, and they were about to lose it, so they went all or nothing before the deal could be made.


I think the situation in Israel-Palestine is the direct result of u.s. foreign policy, regardless of which party is in power. But Trump made things much worse when he pushed through the trade deals in 2020, and that's an example of what Lurper is calling childlike, the fact Trump ran his mouth so hard and grabbed the easy cash, oblivious to the balance that needed to be maintained: He fucking scrapped that manny all the way across and called it good.
There was just no need for the u.s. to make those deals, sure they got some big arms contracts and more leverage against Iran, but at the expense of a lot of civilian casualties. And as for civilians, the Saudis have killed 10s of thousands  of them in Yemen, which we barely hear about, but that's why you hear about the Houthis fighting the u.s. these days, in case you were wondering.

Hope this helps you be less bored, and congrats on your sobriety.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: EdLawndale on January 29, 2024, 02:17:45 PM
Joe Biden
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: type on January 29, 2024, 02:23:19 PM
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Lurper stays sayin the wackest shit

hey I'm surprised you read Lurper's posts, but I saw on another thread that you're bored, so maybe you'll read this too.

Dawg, I 100% do not give a fuck what happens in the middle east, and I dont know why everyone does. I have no friends, family, anything from isreal or palestine, Im not that dude
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: botefdunn on January 29, 2024, 02:43:06 PM
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Lurper stays sayin the wackest shit

hey I'm surprised you read Lurper's posts, but I saw on another thread that you're bored, so maybe you'll read this too.

Dawg, I 100% do not give a fuck what happens in the middle east, and I dont know why everyone does. I have no friends, family, anything from isreal or palestine, Im not that dude

I know, I'm just having some fun. woof woof my doggie-woggie.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Plan9Customs on January 29, 2024, 05:31:09 PM
President's bullet-ridden body in the street
Ride, Donny ride
Trump’s shattered head hits concrete
Ride, Donny ride
Donny's wife is floundering
Donny's wife is scared
Run, Melania run
Texas is an outrage when your husband is dead
Texas is an outrage when they pick up his head
Texas is the reason that the president's dead
You gotta suck, suck, Melania suck
President's bullet-ridden body in the street
Ride, Donny ride
Trump's shattered head hits concrete
Ride, Donny ride
Texas is an outrage when your husband is dead
Texas is an outrage when they pick up his head
Texas is the reason that the president's dead
You gotta suck, suck, Melania suck
Arise Melania, Donald J. Trump
Well, arise and be shot down
The dirt's gonna be your dessert
My cum be your life source
And the only way to get it
Is to suck or fuck
Or be poor and devoid
And masturbate me
Masturbate me
Then slurp it from your palm
Like a dry desert soaking up rain
Soaking up the sun
Like a dry desert soaking up rain
Soaking up sun

( (
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: h00man on January 29, 2024, 05:43:59 PM
unfortunately, Biden. All you "I wonʻt vote" are just giving the votes to Trump. Yaʻll really want another Trump presidency?

I donʻt like Biden either but itʻs just another Hilary/Trump election, and what happened with that?
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Frank and Fred on January 29, 2024, 05:51:30 PM
unfortunately, Biden. All you "I wonʻt vote" are just giving the votes to Trump. Yaʻll really want another Trump presidency?

I donʻt like Biden either but itʻs just another Hilary/Trump election, and what happened with that?

On one hand hell yes, you are correct.

On the other hand... Having spent close to a decade in the Middle East with Palestinian friends, not sure how I could stomach a Biden vote.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: the_dangery_bois on January 30, 2024, 05:30:06 AM
I had to go to a bunch of council meetings a while back…

The experience left me with the opinion that we should never ever elect presidents without legislative experience.

Government is so boring, procedural and formal that to succeed, you need to have an unusual personality.

It sucks that this personality seems to be the exact opposite of what it takes to win elections.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Coastal Fever on January 30, 2024, 07:07:16 AM
Yes Biden is a piece of shit too.. but I can’t even imagine how bad you have to hate women to vote for or not vote against DT.  I hope those who do/don’t are able to find peace in their lives.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TastyBurrito on January 30, 2024, 09:16:29 AM
Yes Biden is a piece of shit too.. but I can’t even imagine how bad you have to hate women to vote for or not vote against DT.  I hope those who do/don’t are able to find peace in their lives.

Seriously. Biden is FAR from the best, but he's also FAR from the worst.

For me, it's not just Trump being in office, it's what he brings: 
•Stephen Miller to create some of the worst and extremely racist immigration policy.
•Alex Jones as Press Secretary
•My Pillow Guy as some sort of Secretary of State
•His kids as foreign advisors
•More morally inept SCOTUS nominees
•And a slew of people who aren't qualified for their roles beyond having pledged allegiance to the Orange Calf

Add to the fact that conservatives haven't been quiet about further dismantling women's rights (even down to contraception), they'll undo LGBTQIA+ rights, probably even down to interracial marriage.

Yes, it'll be a choice between a douche and a turn sandwich, but my vote will be (unfortunately) not for who's best, but who's the least worst.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: layzieyez on January 30, 2024, 09:34:30 AM
I'll vote Biden in 2024 so I can still have a choice in 2028.

Project 2025 and worse is what is in your future if you allow Republicans at the wheel again.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: lydius on January 30, 2024, 01:34:00 PM
what Lurper said. of course they're both shit choices, but what else is new. at the very least, if you have any regard for POC, immigrants, or women - it's clear who the "preferable" choice is.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TastyBurrito on January 30, 2024, 03:17:35 PM
I have a buddy who is a typical Riverside, CA hardcore Trumper. He works in a union as a automotive mechanic. Even after the UAW backed Biden with Trump constantly lashing out at the union, he still boasts that he's voting for Trump because "deep down, everything Biden is doing is bullshit propaganda and Trump, in the end, will come out fighting for unions."

I'm constantly amazed by the delusion that Trump is some sort of benevolent god-like being to them. Regardless of how his words and actions negate what he rallies for.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Ricky Vaughn on January 30, 2024, 03:18:58 PM
Charlie Sheen
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: IUTSM on January 30, 2024, 04:20:37 PM
Dont be sheep!
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: IUTSM on January 30, 2024, 04:20:55 PM
Eat cum pizza!
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: EdLawndale on January 30, 2024, 04:45:22 PM
I have a buddy who is a typical Riverside, CA hardcore Trumper. He works in a union as a automotive mechanic. Even after the UAW backed Biden with Trump constantly lashing out at the union, he still boasts that he's voting for Trump because "deep down, everything Biden is doing is bullshit propaganda and Trump, in the end, will come out fighting for unions."

I'm constantly amazed by the delusion that Trump is some sort of benevolent god-like being to them. Regardless of how his words and actions negate what he rallies for.

No disrespect to your friend but these ppl are fucking idiots.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TastyBurrito on January 30, 2024, 06:14:39 PM
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I have a buddy who is a typical Riverside, CA hardcore Trumper. He works in a union as a automotive mechanic. Even after the UAW backed Biden with Trump constantly lashing out at the union, he still boasts that he's voting for Trump because "deep down, everything Biden is doing is bullshit propaganda and Trump, in the end, will come out fighting for unions."

I'm constantly amazed by the delusion that Trump is some sort of benevolent god-like being to them. Regardless of how his words and actions negate what he rallies for.

No disrespect to your friend but these ppl are fucking idiots.

I agree. I'm like, "how are you this blind?"

But like, there's something in the water out there. Probably meth.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: JM on January 30, 2024, 06:42:25 PM
This was going to be my first election (I became a citizen last year) and I was resigned to vote for the lesser of two evils or the candidate least likely to take us to war... now... shit I don't know... I'm considering throwing my vote toward Cornell West or another 3rd party in protest.

Fred Gall.
Congrats on citizenship. I heard that is a whole lotta hell to go through.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: pugmaster on January 30, 2024, 08:04:40 PM
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I have a buddy who is a typical Riverside, CA hardcore Trumper. He works in a union as a automotive mechanic. Even after the UAW backed Biden with Trump constantly lashing out at the union, he still boasts that he's voting for Trump because "deep down, everything Biden is doing is bullshit propaganda and Trump, in the end, will come out fighting for unions."

I'm constantly amazed by the delusion that Trump is some sort of benevolent god-like being to them. Regardless of how his words and actions negate what he rallies for.

No disrespect to your friend but these ppl are fucking idiots.

I grew up in the inland empire and I know exactly the type. There is one guy from high school who I was never really friends with but I follow him just to see his rants on Face Book and thank God I am not him. White Oakley shades lifted truck vibez lol. Dickies shorts & short sleeve button up, maybe throw in an MMA related t-shirt brand, Monster drinks, and there is your starter kit. Definitely has tattoos and a strange view on women that always toes the line on misogyny.

"I did my research" = unhinged youtube videos
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TastyBurrito on January 30, 2024, 08:57:29 PM
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I have a buddy who is a typical Riverside, CA hardcore Trumper. He works in a union as a automotive mechanic. Even after the UAW backed Biden with Trump constantly lashing out at the union, he still boasts that he's voting for Trump because "deep down, everything Biden is doing is bullshit propaganda and Trump, in the end, will come out fighting for unions."

I'm constantly amazed by the delusion that Trump is some sort of benevolent god-like being to them. Regardless of how his words and actions negate what he rallies for.

No disrespect to your friend but these ppl are fucking idiots.

I grew up in the inland empire and I know exactly the type. There is one guy from high school who I was never really friends with but I follow him just to see his rants on Face Book and thank God I am not him. White Oakley shades lifted truck vibez lol. Dickies shorts & short sleeve button up, maybe throw in an MMA related t-shirt brand, Monster drinks, and there is your starter kit. Definitely has tattoos and a strange view on women that always toes the line on misogyny.

"I did my research" = unhinged youtube videos

Wheb people like this say they did their own reseachcl, it’s fun to ask them, “where did you conduct your studies? QAnon Academy? Podcast College? or YouTube University?”
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Banned from the room on January 30, 2024, 09:02:29 PM
I'm not voting

The choices will be in your face loud idiotic HATE party or quiet whispers behind your back liberal bigotry party.

They both just want me pickin sticking the highway for $2 a week in my Bob Barkers
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: layzieyez on January 31, 2024, 06:26:35 AM
I have a buddy who is a typical Riverside, CA hardcore Trumper. He works in a union as a automotive mechanic. Even after the UAW backed Biden with Trump constantly lashing out at the union, he still boasts that he's voting for Trump because "deep down, everything Biden is doing is bullshit propaganda and Trump, in the end, will come out fighting for unions."

I'm constantly amazed by the delusion that Trump is some sort of benevolent god-like being to them. Regardless of how his words and actions negate what he rallies for.
That dude is just a scab.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Atiba Applebum on January 31, 2024, 06:39:26 AM
i've only ever voted once in my life, in 2020.

it felt stupid at the time and that feeling has only gotten reinforced in the last 4 years.

i'm def not voting this time around. i would have voted in a dem primary if they had one.

Well, allow me to be the millionth person to remind you the importance of voting for down ballot candidates and issues and hope it sticks
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Banned from the room on January 31, 2024, 08:33:23 AM
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Billy Bitchcakes on January 31, 2024, 10:18:04 AM
I'm not American and don't really know how he's perceived generally amongst sane members of the population but I don't see how you guys aren't wanting to do everything in your power to keep the republicans out of office, Trump or not.

To those of you not wanting to vote for Biden because of his actions regarding Palestine, how do you think it would've played out better if Trump was in office right now?
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TastyBurrito on January 31, 2024, 10:37:30 AM
I'm not American and don't really know how he's perceived generally amongst sane members of the population but I don't see how you guys aren't wanting to do everything in your power to keep the republicans out of office, Trump or not.

To those of you not wanting to vote for Biden because of his actions regarding Palestine, how do you think it would've played out better if Trump was in office right now?

That's the usual MO of the parties. Democrats, if they are unhappy with their candidate, will not vote. Republicans will ALWAYS vote Republican.

Basically what happened in Hillary vs Trump. Loads of Democrats didn't like her so they didn't vote -- probably under the assumption she'd easily win -- so Trump ended up taking the victory.

Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: GardenSkater77 on January 31, 2024, 03:41:25 PM
I'm not American and don't really know how he's perceived generally amongst sane members of the population but I don't see how you guys aren't wanting to do everything in your power to keep the republicans out of office, Trump or not.

To those of you not wanting to vote for Biden because of his actions regarding Palestine, how do you think it would've played out better if Trump was in office right now?

Trump said he would end aid to Palestine.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: BAIL on February 02, 2024, 12:08:32 PM
Fred Gall
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: Newphone on February 02, 2024, 08:47:47 PM
I’m planning on mailing in a few votes for Biden.
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: addie pray on February 04, 2024, 08:40:16 AM
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i've only ever voted once in my life, in 2020.

it felt stupid at the time and that feeling has only gotten reinforced in the last 4 years.

i'm def not voting this time around. i would have voted in a dem primary if they had one.

Well, allow me to be the millionth person to remind you the importance of voting for down ballot candidates and issues and hope it sticks

read the thread title, it's not (downballot candidate edition)
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: type on February 04, 2024, 12:23:04 PM
I could go for another stimulus right about now
Title: Re: Who are you voting for (potus edition)
Post by: TheLurper on February 12, 2024, 10:14:11 PM
At least we will have this during the election season.