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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: SneakySecrets on March 23, 2024, 02:29:02 PM

Title: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: SneakySecrets on March 23, 2024, 02:29:02 PM
4 living people, let’s make them celebrities so we all know who we are talking about, that you want to have for a 4+ hour convo over food and wine.  Who they be?
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: IUTSM on March 23, 2024, 04:01:31 PM
Erik Prince

Jeff Bezos

Elon Musk

Bibbi netenyahu

Since i’d be throwing the party, there’d be hella exlax in the potatoes and those fools would literally be shitting themselves talking about their roles in the security state, apartheid, etc
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: RembrantQeinstein on March 23, 2024, 04:13:55 PM
Bob Forrest, Keith Morris, Jello Biafra, Mike Tyson.
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: PatrickSkateman on March 23, 2024, 06:59:23 PM
Steve Carrell

Melora Hardin

John Krasinski

Jenna Fischer
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: JM on March 24, 2024, 07:54:45 AM
Corie Duffle

Mick V

Jason Leigh

Jason Wolf Ellison

(I will be in another room recording the conversation for a podcast)
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Jebediah on March 24, 2024, 05:53:35 PM
Me and my cat

Pizza hut
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: skate_or_dingus on March 25, 2024, 04:20:56 AM
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: companguero on March 25, 2024, 02:16:20 PM

I tried to pick people based mainly on their practical accomplishments across human experience
(entertainment, humanity, politics, journalism)
and dividing them evenly by sex.
They're admittedly all american but seem worldly. I don't blindly agree with their views but seem well informed.

Stephen Colbert for his charisma, his facetious comedy sets a high bar, he's erudite, has knowledge of the media & entertainment industry at the highest levels.
The fanaticism with Lord of the Rings is a hilarious quirk.

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To study and understand emotion from a scientific perspective and then communicate it to the public is an invaluable contribution to humanity. She has one child and being a mother is an exclusively valuable trait.

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She's the most impressive person on the list and the last person I thought of to invite. She's also the most controversial in terms of the immense influence she's had on world affairs. Bonus points for being a musician, fluent in Russian and a proponent of athletics.

Lastly, Andrew Callaghan. In contrast to the previous three who are 20 years or more older than I am, he represents those who are roughly 20 years younger.
He tries to provide a balanced perspective on the world's fringes and would give the other three guests someone to compare their shared generational experience against.

PS, If y'all gonna post ... tell us WHY. Nobody cares about a list of four people. You too, Sneaky.
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: DefinitelyNotNeen on March 25, 2024, 06:07:56 PM
Joe Rogan

Andrew Reynolds

Erik Ellington

Jim Greco
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on March 26, 2024, 12:52:19 PM
David Lynch

David Lynch

David Lynch

David Lynch
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: nonickname on March 26, 2024, 04:09:35 PM
Need a mix of backgrounds and careers so I'm going with:

Claudio Ranieri - for the insight of someone who seems like a true old school gentlemen who was a footy coach at the highest levels in multiple countries.

Angela Merkel - not that I agree with everything she committed to but she'd be a great addition.

Sacha Baron Cohen - this could go completely the wrong way but his roles in Hugo, The Spy and other non comedic roles show another side to his pure comedy.

If this list was last year it'd have Gordon Pinset rounding it out - but I'll go with Steve Nash for my Canadian content.

Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: pugmaster on March 26, 2024, 05:55:48 PM

Larry David

Jeff Goldblum

Noam Chomsky

Another fire match up, where the first three just look at each other and to the camera like Jim on The Office



Mr. Rogers


Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Banned from the room on March 26, 2024, 07:44:13 PM
Idk who I look up to outside skating and Pals.

I guess Jimmy Gestapo Pat Smear SRVs ghost with real cocaine Penny Rimbaud and my sister Jessica.

I could really just keep naming folks till we're all eating at once like the wave but on a planetary level doing bites to the right.

I'm down to break bread with anybody
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: WashingtonNECKTIE on March 27, 2024, 04:36:26 PM
Chris Roberts

Roger Bagley

Jeron Wilson

Kelly Hart
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Blind Fisherman on March 29, 2024, 09:22:13 AM
Hayao Miyazaki, to understand how someone with such a dark worldview can create some of the most whimsical and beautiful animations ever.
A little on the nose since he just passed, but Akira Toriyama just to tell him thank you and share a smoke.
Zdzisław Beksiński, to gain a better understanding of his artistic inspiration.
and Damon Albarn to ask why he turned Gorillaz into pop shit.
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Frank and Fred on March 29, 2024, 09:53:59 AM
ian, guy, brendan and joe.
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Frank Sobotka on March 29, 2024, 10:42:59 AM
Mark "Chopper" Reid
Roy Cropper
Hermes Conrad
Fred Gall
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: brycickle on March 29, 2024, 02:14:25 PM
Not going to invite The Greek?
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Banned from the room on March 29, 2024, 02:33:59 PM
Lee Ralph
Mark Gonzales

A Roy
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on April 01, 2024, 09:56:36 AM

Sporty Spice

Liz Cambage

Emma Roberts

We all enjoy a pretty good garden salad and pasta dish with some expensive wine, then my wife and I get the orgy poppin’ off.
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: LeDave on April 01, 2024, 04:47:11 PM
Denzel Washington and Al Pacino

Charlize Theron and Scarlett Johansson
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: BurgerCop on April 02, 2024, 05:26:39 AM
My buddy Matt
My buddy Benny
My buddy Ryan
My buddy Ricardo

Just having the boys over for a BBQ and watch some skate videos.

I don't know what I'd have to say to celebrities or what we'd talk about.
I wouldn't wanna just geek out and ask them about their lives the whole time, plus I'm always nervous to meet my favorite actors/musicians/skaters etc cause what if they're a dick?

There's a non-zero chance I'd end up going full on Chris Farley from that old SNL skit...
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Mywm on April 02, 2024, 09:19:28 AM
I'm awful at interacting with groups, I'd probably be left out.
But if I had to pick, probably it would be Ray Barbee, Aymeric Nocus, Rick McCrank and Takahiro Morita (with a translator I guess). They all seem to be pretty chill and represent different things I like about skateboarding.
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: TerryFunk on April 03, 2024, 01:11:21 PM
I'm awful at interacting with groups, I'd probably be left out.
But if I had to pick, probably it would be Ray Barbee, Aymeric Nocus, Rick McCrank and Takahiro Morita (with a translator I guess). They all seem to be pretty chill and represent different things I like about skateboarding.

I thought you were talking about Emeric Pratt (because Aymeric and Emeric are slightly similar) but i actually found the video I was thinking of when I remembered Emeric Pratt so I will show you now
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Mywm on April 04, 2024, 01:04:10 PM
Expand Quote
I'm awful at interacting with groups, I'd probably be left out.
But if I had to pick, probably it would be Ray Barbee, Aymeric Nocus, Rick McCrank and Takahiro Morita (with a translator I guess). They all seem to be pretty chill and represent different things I like about skateboarding.

I thought you were talking about Emeric Pratt (because Aymeric and Emeric are slightly similar) but i actually found the video I was thinking of when I remembered Emeric Pratt so I will show you now

That's pretty sick. Street grabs should be normalized
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: TerryFunk on April 04, 2024, 03:56:37 PM
Expand Quote
Expand Quote
I'm awful at interacting with groups, I'd probably be left out.
But if I had to pick, probably it would be Ray Barbee, Aymeric Nocus, Rick McCrank and Takahiro Morita (with a translator I guess). They all seem to be pretty chill and represent different things I like about skateboarding.

I thought you were talking about Emeric Pratt (because Aymeric and Emeric are slightly similar) but i actually found the video I was thinking of when I remembered Emeric Pratt so I will show you now

That's pretty sick. Street grabs should be normalized

He was pro for Consolidated for a while; don’t know what happened to him though.

I agree. Grabs used to be a normal thing in street skating in the early 90’s. As soon as the handrails came, the grabs left.
Title: Re: Your Ideal Dinner Party
Post by: Banned from the room on April 04, 2024, 10:04:52 PM
Tilt mode alumni with props and substances in Amsterdam