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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: meg on April 04, 2024, 10:54:00 PM

Title: The pyramids
Post by: meg on April 04, 2024, 10:54:00 PM
What's the deal with em, why did they build em, what were they used for?

Share your thoughts
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: G raham on April 05, 2024, 03:23:48 AM
no idea, never got the appeal of them tbh. give me a nice ledge or manny pad any day. just kidding guys!!!!!!
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: the_dangery_bois on April 05, 2024, 07:10:54 AM
My theory is they were like, “boy this sure is a fertile spot for growing…shame there is no shade for our town”…then some big brain decided to build some shade…bingo bango, pyramids
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: 50mm on April 05, 2024, 09:31:35 AM
I mean, ancient Egyptians were advanced in many ways, including agriculturally and in construction. I think they just figured out how to build shit in ways that were going to be strong and they used that to dedicate some types of memorials. They are estimated at like 20-30 years to make each one, which back then would have been a lifetime.

Same thing could be asked today, why do we carve some peoples faces into a mountain? Because we can goddamnit!
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: formula420 on April 05, 2024, 09:52:26 AM
Definitely one of the biggest mysteries of humanity. I lean towards they were built by ancients that had tech that we currently dont have, then there was a cataclysm that set humanity back.

Why the fuck was gobekli tepe deliberately buried? They knew something.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Mean salto on April 05, 2024, 09:59:39 AM
Definitely one of the biggest mysteries of humanity. I lean towards they were built by ancients that had tech that we currently dont have, then there was a cataclysm that set humanity back.

Why the fuck was gobekli tepe deliberately buried? They knew something.
Slaves made the pyramids Jeremy. Thousands and thousands of slaves.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: brycickle on April 06, 2024, 12:07:45 PM
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: TheLurper on April 06, 2024, 01:53:06 PM
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Ankle_Lift on April 06, 2024, 02:36:33 PM
To the Romans, the Egyptians were an ancient civilization.

That blows my mind.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: SneakySecrets on April 07, 2024, 09:22:05 AM
To the Romans, the Egyptians were an ancient civilization.

That blows my mind.


It feels healthy to be awed by former societies.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: fs1/2cab on April 07, 2024, 12:17:33 PM
Definitely one of the biggest mysteries of humanity. I lean towards they were built by ancients that had tech that we currently dont have, then there was a cataclysm that set humanity back.

Why the fuck was gobekli tepe deliberately buried? They knew something.

As far as I know there are no recorded documents how the people from Egypt built the pyramids, which I find hella strange. I mean if you build such big things wouldn't you say that somewhere? And why can we build those precise pyramids not nowadays?

Gobekli Tepe is another one. There are countless magaliths all around the world. Puma Punku in Bolivia is another crazy one, which looks like some kind of technology. Something cut those stones which we can't do nowadays with all our technology.

Aliens? Nah I don't think so. Some highly advanced ancient culuture which presence on earth ended with the last ice age? Sounds not too unrealistic in my opinion. But on the other hand, where are the tools those people used back then? Shouldn't we find some tools? Or is it more a case of forgotten knowledge?

But yeah, more questions than answers. Big shoutout to pyramids and other crazy megaliths around the world.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: TheLurper on April 07, 2024, 02:15:59 PM
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Definitely one of the biggest mysteries of humanity. I lean towards they were built by ancients that had tech that we currently dont have, then there was a cataclysm that set humanity back.

Why the fuck was gobekli tepe deliberately buried? They knew something.
Something cut those stones which we can't do nowadays with all our technology.

Umm, what? You're telling me we can send shit into space, have AI write books and create images, but we aren't able to measure, cut, and move blocks of stone? We haven't figured out how pulley systems work?

We could easily do this today, but only a handful of people on the planet could fund such absurd and profitless vanity projects.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: SneakySecrets on April 07, 2024, 02:54:19 PM
I’d freely disregard anything thelurper says, personally. 

He thinks the economy is going swimmingly.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Owen on April 07, 2024, 03:54:51 PM
I visited Egypt in 2012 and went to the Pyramids at Giza. The size of them is hard to comprehend until you see them in person. Each block is waste height and must weigh tonnes . They are so high that when you stand at the bottom you can't see the tip, they just look like a gigantic wall of stone.


There is also lots of pyramids at other locations throughout Egypt and in Sudan. Giza are just the biggest and most well known. Here's one at Dashur. It's unusual shape is because it was an earlier one (approx 2600 BC) and they were still figuring out the proportions of how to build them at this point.

Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: ungzilla on April 07, 2024, 07:04:48 PM
wifi is way more mysterious then big legos
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: meg on April 07, 2024, 07:48:04 PM
wifi is way more mysterious then big legos
Is it really though
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: TheLurper on April 07, 2024, 07:56:58 PM
I’d freely disregard anything thelurper says, personally. 

He thinks the economy is going swimmingly.

1. Rude.

2. Rude but effective. I'll now switch my opinions to go along with the conspiracies  that people on YouTube, IG, and other social media sites promote for clicks/advertising money.

2a. America's inflation rate is not at 3.15%, instead Americans are facing the same problems as those in Zimbabwe as both nations are facing 130% inflation; the Dow Jones Industrial Average is not roughly 39,000 points (roughly the highest its ever been), it is really at 0 and everyone has lost their 401Ks and all of America's wealthy have been wiped out; finally, the U-3 unemployment rate is not at 3.8% and the U-6 unemployment rate liberals often support is not at 7%, no, no, no, the real unemployment rate is 99% (see stock market at zero in concession above). And housing not being affordable is a new development, it isn't something the left has been screaming about for decades (Elizabeth Warren did not write The Two-Income Trap: Why Middle-Class Parents Are Going Broke in 2004).

2b. The pyramids weren't built by aliens, but with alien technology. But Jesus quickly realized the ability to stack large rocks was too big for humanity. We were not and are still not ready to be able to dig rocks out of the ground, move them, and stack them w/ramps and pulley systems (or the huge ass machines we use to move other heavy objects).

2c. All recent leaps in technology are based on technology we found in a space ship. Jesus gave us this spaceship as he felt we were finally ready for CD players, the internet, and cell phones, BUT Jesus still won't allow us to understand how to move rocks, primarily because Jesus is upset about gay marriage and taxes. (Note: This is also why we will all die during the solar eclipse rapture coming up next week.)

Maybe I misread the comment, but I think we are usually polite despite differing opinions, but for the first time the snark came across as a little too rude.

Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Crust on April 08, 2024, 01:22:42 PM
I visited Egypt in 2012 and went to the Pyramids at Giza. The size of them is hard to comprehend until you see them in person. Each block is waste height and must weigh tonnes . They are so high that when you stand at the bottom you can't see the tip, they just look like a gigantic wall of stone.


There is also lots of pyramids at other locations throughout Egypt and in Sudan. Giza are just the biggest and most well known. Here's one at Dashur. It's unusual shape is because it was an earlier one (approx 2600 BC) and they were still figuring out the proportions of how to build them at this point.


Damn @Owen ! That is the sickest non skate photo I have seen on Slap by far. Magnificent! Gotta visit them now!
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Owen on April 08, 2024, 09:50:35 PM
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I visited Egypt in 2012 and went to the Pyramids at Giza. The size of them is hard to comprehend until you see them in person. Each block is waste height and must weigh tonnes . They are so high that when you stand at the bottom you can't see the tip, they just look like a gigantic wall of stone.


There is also lots of pyramids at other locations throughout Egypt and in Sudan. Giza are just the biggest and most well known. Here's one at Dashur. It's unusual shape is because it was an earlier one (approx 2600 BC) and they were still figuring out the proportions of how to build them at this point.


Damn @owen ! That is the sickest non skate photo I have seen on Slap by far. Magnificent! Gotta visit them now!

Cheers mate! Highly recommend it if you get the chance. Egypt is probably my favourite place I've ever travelled too
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: fineslime on April 09, 2024, 09:02:12 AM
they were wireless powerplants.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Sick_McCrank_ on April 09, 2024, 10:45:34 AM
Making slaves build useless shit for you cause you can.

Pure megalomania and decadence.
Imagine doing that today: go conquer some land and enslave the people to build some useless egomaniac shit.

That said I have a soft spot for history and find it interesting . Just happy I live today and not then.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: fineslime on April 09, 2024, 12:18:09 PM
Making slaves build useless shit for you cause you can.

Pure megalomania and decadence.
Imagine doing that today: go conquer some land and enslave the people to build some useless egomaniac shit.

That said I have a soft spot for history and find it interesting . Just happy I live today and not then.

wow. I've tried to write and rewrite a response to this post 4 or 5 times now... you genuinely believe the pyramids were useless?
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Ninj2 on April 09, 2024, 12:28:06 PM
I got my fishing pole at the one in Memphis.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: totallyradical on April 09, 2024, 04:21:53 PM
it makes you wonder what kind of project we'll be set upon after being enslaved by our ai controlled robot overlords.  i hope they pick a different shape, a giant octogon seems fitting.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Sick_McCrank_ on April 10, 2024, 01:34:08 AM
Look at Dubai. „Slaves“ from India built it. Maybe not the engineers and architects. But the real work was done by basic skilled people. You think people who were high in society moved these stones? Not even with todays Technology do we have the economic margin to replicate that if the workers need to be paid fairly.

Yes I think they’re useless. A grave that size is pretty useless ecxept for the ego of that one Pharao. And for people to look at. What else is the benefit of building them?
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: BALARGUE on April 10, 2024, 02:59:07 AM
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Making slaves build useless shit for you cause you can.

Pure megalomania and decadence.
Imagine doing that today: go conquer some land and enslave the people to build some useless egomaniac shit.

That said I have a soft spot for history and find it interesting . Just happy I live today and not then.

wow. I've tried to write and rewrite a response to this post 4 or 5 times now... you genuinely believe the pyramids were useless?
as useful and useless as a grave
at the end of the day it's just a big pile of stone that accomplishes nothing

all right i'm a bit overboard but you started

the most sophisticated pieces of architecture/ technology the world has ever seen

i see an endless list of counter examples
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Pete on April 10, 2024, 03:01:01 AM
What the fuck is really going on in Antarctica.

Free max b
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: m477 on April 10, 2024, 09:25:02 AM
I've been fascinated with the pyramids since I was a kid but never gave it too much thought until I saw Mystery of the Sphinx narrated by Charleston Heston. When Geologist Robert Schoch presented the evidence of water erosion on the sphinx, it absolutely blew my mind, I can't remember exactly but its been like 10,000 years + since significant rainfall in that area. The documentary by Jon West is also really cool, granted I haven't seen the entirety of it.

Another tidbit that I found intriguing (not sure if it was the Mystery of the Sphinx or a different documentary) - according to traditional egyptology, the Egyptian's made mud brick pyramids before perfecting the process and finally creating the Giza monoliths. If you take this at face value, and the mud brick pyramids are older than the Giza structures, how are the mud brick structures still in place after heavy rainfall? Where is the water erosion? The sphinx is carved from solid rock with visible water erosion and still stands. The timelines don't seem to add up. Its also crazy to see how traditional egyptologists are so passionate and unwilling to accept geological evidence that counter their ideals.

Lots of takes in this thread so I'll add my 2 cents. It seems to me that the egyptians and pharaohs from 5,000 years were probably just as baffled as we are and dug out the sphinx and repaired it over the years and probably tried to duplicate the great Giza structures with the mud brick structures that we see today. With the shifting weather pattens, that area seems to shift between fertile green and desert every 25,000 years, so it doesn't seem unreasonable that it could be 10,000-25,000+ years old. Not to mention that it used to be covered with limestone and gold top so that's an additional layer of protection from the elements. Why and how was it built? We'll probably never know, but it was probably really important (not a tomb). Could we do it today? If there was a military/political/global advantage and we dumped our defense type dollar bucks into the project, I wouldn't be totally pessimistic that it could not be done. However, it wouldn't be your traditional downtrodden slaves building it.

Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Crust on April 10, 2024, 09:45:00 AM
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I visited Egypt in 2012 and went to the Pyramids at Giza. The size of them is hard to comprehend until you see them in person. Each block is waste height and must weigh tonnes . They are so high that when you stand at the bottom you can't see the tip, they just look like a gigantic wall of stone.


There is also lots of pyramids at other locations throughout Egypt and in Sudan. Giza are just the biggest and most well known. Here's one at Dashur. It's unusual shape is because it was an earlier one (approx 2600 BC) and they were still figuring out the proportions of how to build them at this point.


Damn @owen ! That is the sickest non skate photo I have seen on Slap by far. Magnificent! Gotta visit them now!

Cheers mate! Highly recommend it if you get the chance. Egypt is probably my favourite place I've ever travelled too

@owen It's def going on the list. Wow, not just the Pyramids so... sold! Thanks man!
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: TheLurper on April 10, 2024, 11:32:59 AM
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: m477 on April 10, 2024, 01:52:29 PM
Woman thinks the pyramids were carved with copper tools and a plumb bob lol. Thanks for a rehash of my 5th grade history class.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: fs1/2cab on April 11, 2024, 03:21:03 AM
Woman thinks the pyramids were carved with copper tools and a plumb bob lol. Thanks for a rehash of my 5th grade history class.

And all that in 20 years. ^^ I don't wanna go looking but is there a video out there where people use these techniques? Not sure I wanna believe this woman. Sorry
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: BALARGUE on April 11, 2024, 07:35:48 AM
30 year old Schoch's theory isn't considered valid by most researchers
Mud brick pyramids (Middle Empire) were built later than Gizeh (Old Kingdom). And most of them are way more ruined than the older ones.

You guys are giving a "Must be aliens" direction to this.

You should read about Occam's razor.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: Ninj2 on April 11, 2024, 08:06:27 AM
30 year old Schoch's theory isn't considered valid by most researchers

Must be aliens

Why don't you guys read about Occam's Razor ?
Occums razor is for celibate monks. The world is filled with magic.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: m477 on April 11, 2024, 11:18:52 AM
30 year old Schoch's theory isn't considered valid by most researchers traditional Egyptologists
Mud brick pyramids (Middle Empire) were built later than Gizeh (Old Kingdom). And most of them are way more ruined than the older ones.

You guys are giving a "Must be aliens" direction to this.

You should read about Occam's razor.
I’m not sure how citing geological erosion that is almost certainly caused by water on the sphinx = aliens :o Id definitely bet the farm that humans built it and even posted we might be able to recreate it under a given circumstance.

This is a prime example of what I was getting at in my first post of the thread; that traditional Egyptology is so passionately engrained in the orthodoxy that any contrary evidence is akin to kicking their dog lol. I posted a benign summary of weather patterns and the first reaction is to regurgitate the status quo while simultaneously undermining my character by labeling me as some ancient alien kook. Par for the course I guess.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: m477 on April 11, 2024, 12:04:43 PM
Quote from: BALARGUE
Mud brick pyramids (Middle Empire) were built later than Gizeh (Old Kingdom). And most of them are way more ruined than the older ones.
Yes, I definitely didn’t word my post on this correctly. What I was meaning to get at, is that if you look at the water erosion on the sphinx and then try to correlate the traditional dates to the historical weather patterns, the timelines don’t add up. I’m not gonna try to convince or twist anyone’s arms - geology is just super interesting for me in general (along with Egypt), so combining the two always has me thinking.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: BALARGUE on April 12, 2024, 08:04:16 AM
I was mostly joking about the reception you had for that egyptologist video, The Mystery of the Sphinx later marketed by UFO TV and the whole fantasy around Egypt and the pyramids.
It felt like you were doubting what she was saying though (which is most certainly based on facts / findings / years of research).

I definitely hear you about conservatism in some areas of science but when there's one guy pushing a theory (theory initially invented by a sci-fi author) and a lot of doubt based on evidence from others, i tend to not trust that one guy. (

Anyway, i'm no expert. I'm fascinated just like you.
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: m477 on April 13, 2024, 01:12:16 AM
I was mostly joking about the reception you had for that egyptologist video, The Mystery of the Sphinx later marketed by UFO TV and the whole fantasy around Egypt and the pyramids.
It felt like you were doubting what she was saying though (which is most certainly based on facts / findings / years of research).

I definitely hear you about conservatism in some areas of science but when there's one guy pushing a theory (theory initially invented by a sci-fi author) and a lot of doubt based on evidence from others, i tend to not trust that one guy. (

Anyway, i'm no expert. I'm fascinated just like you.
Right on. But I’m still going to stand by my snarky comment about her saying the pyramids were created with copper tools and a plumb bob lol. To further explain my perspective… Imagine a future society looking back at our time… we are long gone but the Golden Gate Bridge survives.  And this new society is convinced that the Golden Gate Bridge was built by slaves with nothing but primitive hand tools as a monument to bridge our kings to the promised land. I mean, WHERE are all the evidence of machines, factories and plans nearby to excavate as evidence?? I know that’s a far fetched analogy but that’s how I kinda see things regarding the way traditional Egyptologist’s defend their methodology. “Well if we can’t dig up the machines, it’s just impossible that they were smart enough for advanced technology.” We didn’t bury and archive the golden gate tools 15 feet away.

If Egyptologists take everything literally from the pharaohs and priests, why don’t we do that with all ancient religions? We don’t take the Bible as absolute historical fact (well some do lol), are we supposed to be taking that literally because it was written down and must be true? That is basically how I see things. Facts get lost through time and when thousands of years go by, you just have to admit you don’t know. IMO it’s a discredit to the past societies to consider them as lowly slaves chiseling monolithic blocks (with copper tools !?) for a kings tomb.It just sounds absurd, especially when there is sound evidence that the timelines could be off. My 2 cents. (Godspeed if you made it through my wall of text)
Title: Re: The pyramids
Post by: tuesday on April 13, 2024, 01:40:34 AM
IMO it’s a discredit to the past societies to consider them as lowly slaves chiseling monolithic blocks (with copper tools !?) for a kings tomb.

The copper tool fixation made me curios. This vid was quite interesting and fun. Not just babbling, but action. And we all know action (starting at around 07:22) speaks louder than words.