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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: biggums mcgee on May 29, 2007, 06:05:49 PM

Title: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: biggums mcgee on May 29, 2007, 06:05:49 PM
personallly I would have to go with Timothy Leary. After reading his autobiography (given to me by my high school health teacher) alot of his ideals changed my perceptions on everything. maybe it seems alittle cliche to some of you older dudes, I don't about yourself?
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on May 29, 2007, 06:09:44 PM
Martin Luther King. He was getting spied on, attacked directly by the police, and eventually was assasinated, but he still led a revolution NON-VIOLENTLY and without going crazy. The man had balls, discipline, and a good heart. If I could ever be one tenth of the man he was I would consider my life a success.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Wooderson on May 29, 2007, 06:10:05 PM
van morrison, bob dylan, eric burdon, jason lee as an actor, spike jonze, mick jagger
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: on May 29, 2007, 06:16:38 PM
mohammed ali....maybe not the best role model...but for me at least...hero...
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bornindabay on May 29, 2007, 06:19:28 PM
Che, Mlk, Mandela, Ghandi, Frederick Douglass, The Dalai Lama , Cesar Chavez,
Malcolm X, Oprah, Bono, Hillary Clinton, Jane fonda, Stevie Nicks, John Lennon,
Mother Teresa, John Muir, Harvey Milk, and Ralph Nader.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sweets on May 29, 2007, 06:22:12 PM
I don't have heroes. I do however admire many people for their contributions to humanity.

MLK (Theotis said it best)
Malcolm X (his entire journey, especially after the Black Muslim split)
The Dead Prez (their song Hip-hop should be the anthem for the next American revolution)
Denis Diderot (look him up, you'll be stoked)
John Locke
anybody who ever fought the good fight basically....
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sleeping. on May 29, 2007, 06:23:20 PM
People who ultimatley fail at everything they set out to do.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 29, 2007, 06:34:43 PM
People who ultimatley fail at everything they set out to do.

That's my favourite post ever.

Heroes; George Bataille, Harmony Korine, Hakim Bey, John Cardiel.

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: methuselah on May 29, 2007, 06:36:16 PM
gg allin...plain and simple
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bornindabay on May 29, 2007, 06:47:40 PM
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People who ultimatley fail at everything they set out to do.

That's my favourite post ever.

Heroes; George Bataille, Harmony Korine, Hakim Bey, John Cardiel.

Everybody ignores Africa but he's brought awareness to the continent.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on May 29, 2007, 07:11:18 PM
Martin Luther King Jr.=Greatest American to live in the past 100 years

oh..and Michael Jordan's not bad either
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: lophatrophazoa on May 29, 2007, 07:27:04 PM
steve buscemi
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: k-nutz on May 29, 2007, 07:30:00 PM
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: urujuay on May 29, 2007, 07:30:27 PM
hunter stockton thompson
townes van zandt
harry smith
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: mikefork on May 29, 2007, 07:49:33 PM
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People who ultimatley fail at everything they set out to do.

That's my favourite post ever.

Heroes; George Bataille, Harmony Korine, Hakim Bey, John Cardiel.

Everybody ignores Africa but he's brought awareness to the continent.
i will give credit to jamie for helping out with those africa fallens
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: grimcity on May 29, 2007, 07:52:45 PM
Chuck D. He got me politically aware back when I was a kid and seriously changed the way I looked at the world.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Hot Rod on May 29, 2007, 07:53:42 PM
townes van zandt

not neccessarily one of my heroes, but he is awesome
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: TheFrontSeatLife on May 29, 2007, 07:56:12 PM
Joe Strummer, Chuck D, Hunter S Thompson (nt for his drugging though). Because he was one of the most unique writers of his time.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 29, 2007, 08:00:06 PM
Everybody ignores Africa but he's brought awareness to the continent.

errrrrrrr, he could probably fit half of Sudan in his garden, yet has the audacity to patronise me about charity; the opium of the guilty.

BONO IS A CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bornindabay on May 29, 2007, 08:25:01 PM
but he's brought attetion to South Africa early on. Now all the stars are showing love.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 29, 2007, 08:30:00 PM
but he's brought attetion to South Africa early on. Now all the stars are showing love.



there, I said it. Shoot me.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bornindabay on May 29, 2007, 08:34:30 PM
yeah, I have the money to do something great for them. ::)

I realize sometimes celebrities do that for the wrong reasons
but in the end it doesn't matter once villages recieve the helping hand.

You have no idea of what I think. Who doesn't care about wordly affairs
pertaining to struggles a country may be facing? A person!
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 29, 2007, 08:51:56 PM
yeah, I have the money to do something great for them. ::)

I realize sometimes celebrities do that for the wrong reasons
but in the end it doesn't matter once villages recieve the helping hand.

You have no idea of what I think. Who doesn't care about wordly affairs
pertaining to struggles a country may be facing? A person!

using the word pertaining does not make you sound intelligent. Also....... well, you're either far too smart or far too dumd to understand so I just won't bother. But I will say this; BONO IS A CUNT!!!
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Mentos on May 29, 2007, 08:54:19 PM
Bono is a hypocrite cunt though. Preaching to me about saving Earth and what not, yet he evades Irish taxes that could be helping the very people he's trying to save.

I don't have any "heroes" per say but I do admire the efforts of Aung San Suu Kyi, Adolfo Pérez Esquivel and almost all Nobel Peace Laureates. Also James Nachtwey's work in war journalism.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Hot Rod on May 29, 2007, 08:56:20 PM
BONO IS A CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Bill on May 29, 2007, 09:05:45 PM
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Everybody ignores Africa but he's brought awareness to the continent.

errrrrrrr, he could probably fit half of Sudan in his garden, yet has the audacity to patronise me about charity; the opium of the guilty.

BONO IS A CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So you don't want him to use any of the money he makes on himself?
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: fuckingvegan on May 29, 2007, 09:06:22 PM
Malcolm X
MLK though he should have not left self-defense off the table
Cesar Chavez
Harvey Milk
Chuck D
John Robbins, dude walked away from the Baskin Robbins fortune for his beliefs, how many people that we call hero's would do that? Not many I am sure.
Jimmy Carter
Nelson Mandela
Jane Goodall
Anton Levey
Rosie O'Donnell
Cindy Sheehan
Corretta Scott King and Dexter Scott King for extending their peaceful views to animals.

And every Anarchist and freedom fighter who died in the struggle for an Independent Spain and all other countries trying to break free from capitalist slavery and bring freedom to all people.

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sebastian toombs on May 29, 2007, 09:09:37 PM
Frederick Douglass
John Muir

those are two really interesting picks...
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bornindabay on May 29, 2007, 09:13:29 PM
C'mon Vegan. Rosie?

What's she's even good at besides running her mouth and eating?
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Dog Paddle on May 29, 2007, 09:14:08 PM
My dad.  It may sound corny but he has worked his balls off to provide for me and my family and is just an awesome dude.  My 11th grade English teacher Mr. Madsen, dude was soooooo cool.  He's probably only 30 but has had a really interesting life, the guy lived in the woods for two years in college (really, lived in the woods, not a cabin), was a black belt in two martial arts, could bench like 500 pounds, and he just had one of the most open approaches to teaching I've experienced in my short life.  I could go on forever about how cool this guy is.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 29, 2007, 09:15:34 PM
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Everybody ignores Africa but he's brought awareness to the continent.

errrrrrrr, he could probably fit half of Sudan in his garden, yet has the audacity to patronise me about charity; the opium of the guilty.

BONO IS A CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So you don't want him to use any of the money he makes on himself?

I don't give a fuck what he does, there are millions who are far richer and far more selfish. I just wish he'd snap out of the embarassing state of denial that lets him go on placating his ego whilst thinking he's part of the solution.  What a cunt.
The first step to working through a problem has to be identifieing its elements as independant wholes, unfortunately all Bono does is perpetuate the desperately hypocritical ideology that you/me/we can be both whole and part.
Ignorance is bliss I suppose.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: fuckingvegan on May 29, 2007, 09:16:38 PM
C'mon Vegan. Rosie?

What's she's even good at besides running her mouth and eating?

She is a loud women who doesn't back down from male bullies like Trump, who think women should seen and not heard. She has done a lot of gay rights as well, and one of the only people who has the guts to take on the right wing hate mongers on national tv.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Penis_Monster on May 29, 2007, 09:17:02 PM
Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: fuckingvegan on May 29, 2007, 09:17:32 PM
Hating Bono is really trendy and kind of dumb, dude has done a lot of bring awareness to the problems in Africa.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 29, 2007, 09:17:43 PM
My dad.  It may sound corny but he has worked his balls off to provide for me and my family and is just an awesome dude.  My 11th grade English teacher Mr. Madsen, dude was soooooo cool.  He's probably only 30 but has had a really interesting life, the guy lived in the woods for two years in college (really, lived in the woods, not a cabin), was a black belt in two martial arts, could bench like 500 pounds, and he just had one of the most open approaches to teaching I've experienced in my short life.  I could go on forever about how cool this guy is.

I'd like to add Dog Paddle to my list of heroes.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bornindabay on May 29, 2007, 09:22:29 PM
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C'mon Vegan. Rosie?

What's she's even good at besides running her mouth and eating?

She is a loud women who doesn't back down from male bullies like Trump, who think women should seen and not heard. She has done a lot of gay rights as well, and one of the only people who has the guts to take on the right wing hate mongers on national tv.
that's cool then. I didn't know all of that. Trump clowned the hell out of her though. I'm sure she got in some good licks too. She's the perfect candidate to be the one to criticize politics  cause bout the time they get to blackballing her she'll already be done.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bornindabay on May 29, 2007, 09:27:48 PM
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too

Being gay is tough and religion will make it a long battle. I know I say fag and shit but I
think a gay dude should be able to do what he wants and marry who he wants. Just don't
go wearing  chaps in public-lol
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Mentos on May 29, 2007, 09:30:35 PM
Malcolm X
MLK though he should have not left self-defense off the table
Cesar Chavez
Harvey Milk
Chuck D
John Robbins, dude walked away from the Baskin Robbins fortune for his beliefs, how many people that we call hero's would do that? Not many I am sure.
Jimmy Carter
Nelson Mandela
Jane Goodall
Anton Levey
Rosie O'Donnell
Cindy Sheehan
Corretta Scott King and Dexter Scott King for extending their peaceful views to animals.

And every Anarchist and freedom fighter who died in the struggle for an Independent Spain and all other countries trying to break free from capitalist slavery and bring freedom to all people.

As in the Satanist?
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: //////////// on May 29, 2007, 09:37:19 PM
andy warhol
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: brent on May 29, 2007, 09:37:47 PM
no no, youre thinking of Anders LeVant.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Dog Paddle on May 29, 2007, 09:48:45 PM
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My dad.  It may sound corny but he has worked his balls off to provide for me and my family and is just an awesome dude.  My 11th grade English teacher Mr. Madsen, dude was soooooo cool.  He's probably only 30 but has had a really interesting life, the guy lived in the woods for two years in college (really, lived in the woods, not a cabin), was a black belt in two martial arts, could bench like 500 pounds, and he just had one of the most open approaches to teaching I've experienced in my short life.  I could go on forever about how cool this guy is.

I'd like to add Dog Paddle to my list of heroes.

I'm gonna go ahead and take this as an insult.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: appleicious on May 29, 2007, 09:49:58 PM
My Dad, My Brother(RIP), John Lennon and Steve Jobs
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: somekid on May 29, 2007, 09:53:46 PM
mike watt
kurt vonnegut
my pops
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sergio on May 30, 2007, 02:08:10 AM

Archbishop Oscar Romero (
Victor Jara
Anwar Al Sadat
Ingrid Betancourt ( (

Dith Pran
Raphael Lemkin
Khin Nyunt
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 30, 2007, 02:35:48 AM
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My dad.  It may sound corny but he has worked his balls off to provide for me and my family and is just an awesome dude.  My 11th grade English teacher Mr. Madsen, dude was soooooo cool.  He's probably only 30 but has had a really interesting life, the guy lived in the woods for two years in college (really, lived in the woods, not a cabin), was a black belt in two martial arts, could bench like 500 pounds, and he just had one of the most open approaches to teaching I've experienced in my short life.  I could go on forever about how cool this guy is.

I'd like to add Dog Paddle to my list of heroes.

I'm gonna go ahead and take this as an insult.

Why? I was being a little over the top, but i just meant its cool that you were showing appreciation to the people around you, not just some semi-mythical writter, rock star, celebrity. It definately wasn't an insult man.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: 2G on May 30, 2007, 03:06:15 AM
bob marley is certainly up there.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: otis b driftwood on May 30, 2007, 03:31:29 AM
russel tyrone jones.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bbk on May 30, 2007, 05:39:54 AM
I like the chick that can't die, the cheerleader... I don't like Nathan though, there's something fishy about that guy... :-\
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: fuckingvegan on May 30, 2007, 05:50:23 AM
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Malcolm X
MLK though he should have not left self-defense off the table
Cesar Chavez
Harvey Milk
Chuck D
John Robbins, dude walked away from the Baskin Robbins fortune for his beliefs, how many people that we call hero's would do that? Not many I am sure.
Jimmy Carter
Nelson Mandela
Jane Goodall
Anton Levey
Rosie O'Donnell
Cindy Sheehan
Corretta Scott King and Dexter Scott King for extending their peaceful views to animals.

And every Anarchist and freedom fighter who died in the struggle for an Independent Spain and all other countries trying to break free from capitalist slavery and bring freedom to all people.


As in the Satanist?

Yeah but he isn't a hero in the sense that I think what he did was right or wrong, I just like how he gave a middle finger to the establishment and tried to get people to think for themselves.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: fuckingvegan on May 30, 2007, 05:51:18 AM
And I use the term hero lightly, no one is perfect so I can't say I 100% agree with everyone I mentioned, and some of those people have done some bad as well as good, if that all makes sense.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Jack on May 30, 2007, 06:04:25 AM
And I use the term hero lightly, no one is perfect so I can't say I 100% agree with everyone I mentioned, and some of those people have done some bad as well as good, if that all makes sense.

Of course it doesn't fucking make sense, that's the whole point of a paradox like the one you just highlighted. Paradoxes are usefull for pointing out that dialectical relationships such as good/bad don't make sense, not that they do. You've got Bono syndrome; you can't have it both ways dude.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: remEMBer on May 30, 2007, 09:27:04 AM
Hugh Hefner
Kevin Smith
Al Gore
Malcom X
Howard Stern
Quentin Tarrantino
Christopher Walken

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: cold budweisers on May 30, 2007, 09:35:48 AM
henry rollins
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: fuckingvegan on May 30, 2007, 09:54:36 AM
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And I use the term hero lightly, no one is perfect so I can't say I 100% agree with everyone I mentioned, and some of those people have done some bad as well as good, if that all makes sense.

Of course it doesn't fucking make sense, that's the whole point of a paradox like the one you just highlighted. Paradoxes are usefull for pointing out that dialectical relationships such as good/bad don't make sense, not that they do. You've got Bono syndrome; you can't have it both ways dude.

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: brooklyn brawler on May 30, 2007, 09:54:54 AM
Randy Orton

*winks at tim*

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: LastRites on May 30, 2007, 10:01:45 AM
Henry Rollins and Lance Armstrong......two fairly cool mofo's

And since it is for the most part non-skate I'll throw in Christian Fletcher for the gnarly and progressive surfing through the years, Shaun Palmer for being damned good at a few cool things, two other cyclist Ned Overend & Tinker Juarez
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on May 30, 2007, 10:20:31 AM
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Penis_Monster on May 30, 2007, 10:35:21 AM
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.

keep hating. He loves that.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: brooklyn brawler on May 30, 2007, 10:44:53 AM
chloe sevigny for giving me non-stop boners on the big screen

robin flemin for giving me non-stop boners on my computer screen
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Penis_Monster on May 30, 2007, 10:50:47 AM
chloe sevigny for giving me non-stop boners on the big screen

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Supergrass on May 30, 2007, 11:01:19 AM

.....pretty much thats it.  ;D
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: skatemore,man on May 30, 2007, 11:06:55 AM
Mahatma Gandhi, this man led a non violent MENTAL revolution which encapsulated a country of enormous size possesing a rich culture aged longer than most others (although frequently violent in many actions) that had been for the better part manhandled by western zealots. Where has his influnece gone? possibly into the sea via fiberoptic cables but...... He tried.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: CigaretteBeer on May 30, 2007, 11:50:56 AM
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on May 30, 2007, 12:00:27 PM
Mahatma Gandhi, this man led a non violent MENTAL revolution which encapsulated a country of enormous size possesing a rich culture aged longer than most others (although frequently violent in many actions) that had been for the better part manhandled by western zealots. Where has his influnece gone? possibly into the sea via fiberoptic cables but...... He tried.
He certainly influenced King.
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.

keep hating. He loves that.
Yeah. I know. He loves hinmself in a pathetic way. He LOVES attention, more than a dog. Its really pathetic. I met him when I was volunteering for a music festival and he just confirmed all of my assumptions about him. He is a pathetic, pathetic, human being. Seriously though, what has he done that is much better than mediocre? Brown Bunny sucked and buffalo 66 was mediocre. His music sucks.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on May 30, 2007, 12:08:59 PM
Oh, Andy Kaufman seemed to take the joke that life is in stride. Love that guy.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Penis_Monster on May 30, 2007, 12:20:32 PM
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Mahatma Gandhi, this man led a non violent MENTAL revolution which encapsulated a country of enormous size possesing a rich culture aged longer than most others (although frequently violent in many actions) that had been for the better part manhandled by western zealots. Where has his influnece gone? possibly into the sea via fiberoptic cables but...... He tried.
He certainly influenced King.
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.

keep hating. He loves that.
Yeah. I know. He loves hinmself in a pathetic way. He LOVES attention, more than a dog. Its really pathetic. I met him when I was volunteering for a music festival and he just confirmed all of my assumptions about him. He is a pathetic, pathetic, human being. Seriously though, what has he done that is much better than mediocre? Brown Bunny sucked and buffalo 66 was mediocre. His music sucks.

well, for starters, he gave Roger Ebert cancer..........then later put him in remission and became good buddies with him. That is quite a feat. I cant think of anyone else that has done that. That pretty much justifies him being hero-worthy.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Hot Rod on May 30, 2007, 12:41:07 PM
Oh, Andy Kaufman seemed to take the joke that life is in stride. Love that guy.

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on May 30, 2007, 12:45:18 PM
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Mahatma Gandhi, this man led a non violent MENTAL revolution which encapsulated a country of enormous size possesing a rich culture aged longer than most others (although frequently violent in many actions) that had been for the better part manhandled by western zealots. Where has his influnece gone? possibly into the sea via fiberoptic cables but...... He tried.
He certainly influenced King.
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.

keep hating. He loves that.
Yeah. I know. He loves hinmself in a pathetic way. He LOVES attention, more than a dog. Its really pathetic. I met him when I was volunteering for a music festival and he just confirmed all of my assumptions about him. He is a pathetic, pathetic, human being. Seriously though, what has he done that is much better than mediocre? Brown Bunny sucked and buffalo 66 was mediocre. His music sucks.


well, for starters, he gave Roger Ebert cancer..........then later put him in remission and became good buddies with him. That is quite a feat. I cant think of anyone else that has done that. That pretty much justifies him being hero-worthy.
Are you talking about how Roger Ebert said one of his movies was worse than cancer and just panned the shit out of it, so your rebellious hero went and changed it so he would be ok with it? NO, thats not heroic, its really pathetic. Either be a cocky artist that won't mess with one of your original works no matter what somebody says about it, or be try to please critics like a little ass kissing bitch. Don't be a little ass kissing bitch who changes his art for the sake of critics but still acts like he is this rebellious badass who doesn't give a fuck. Dude is just the lamest person ever. He "cursed his colon," then buddied up to him after Ebert changed his review after the movie was revised. What a pussy!
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Mentos on May 30, 2007, 12:45:31 PM

.....pretty much thats it.  ;D
A Challenger appears.....
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Penis_Monster on May 30, 2007, 12:56:10 PM
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Mahatma Gandhi, this man led a non violent MENTAL revolution which encapsulated a country of enormous size possesing a rich culture aged longer than most others (although frequently violent in many actions) that had been for the better part manhandled by western zealots. Where has his influnece gone? possibly into the sea via fiberoptic cables but...... He tried.
He certainly influenced King.
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.

keep hating. He loves that.
Yeah. I know. He loves hinmself in a pathetic way. He LOVES attention, more than a dog. Its really pathetic. I met him when I was volunteering for a music festival and he just confirmed all of my assumptions about him. He is a pathetic, pathetic, human being. Seriously though, what has he done that is much better than mediocre? Brown Bunny sucked and buffalo 66 was mediocre. His music sucks.


well, for starters, he gave Roger Ebert cancer..........then later put him in remission and became good buddies with him. That is quite a feat. I cant think of anyone else that has done that. That pretty much justifies him being hero-worthy.
Are you talking about how Roger Ebert said one of his movies was worse than cancer and just panned the shit out of it, so your rebellious hero went and changed it so he would be ok with it? NO, thats not heroic, its really pathetic. Either be a cocky artist that won't mess with one of your original works no matter what somebody says about it, or be try to please critics like a little ass kissing bitch. Don't be a little ass kissing bitch who changes his art for the sake of critics but still acts like he is this rebellious badass who doesn't give a fuck. Dude is just the lamest person ever. He "cursed his colon," then buddied up to him after Ebert changed his review after the movie was revised. What a pussy!

the film that screened at Cannes (the screening Ebert and all the other critics who trashed the film attended) was a work-in-progress.  It was nowhere near finished. Gallo was contractually obligated to screen the film....even though he didnt want to. The finished cut - the one that made it to theaters and DVD- is the film Gallo intended for people to see. He didnt re-edit the film to please critics..he re-edited it because the film wasnt even finished...the film was still in post-production when it premiered. Ebert isnt the only person that ended up rewatching and loving the film (a lot of people agreed it was far better than initally reported). And the whole back and forth fewding between Ebert and him was partially a joke (on Gallo's part)

Besides, his sperm is worth a million bucks (not including shipping and handling). My sperm is nowhere near worth as much. That, again, is another reason why he's my hero.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: brooklyn brawler on May 30, 2007, 01:21:13 PM
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chloe sevigny for giving me non-stop boners on the big screen


I just ejaculated looking at that. That's how good Gallo is.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: plastic bench nerd on May 30, 2007, 01:35:01 PM
Che, Mlk, Mandela, Ghandi, Frederick Douglass, The Dalai Lama , Cesar Chavez,
Malcolm X, Oprah, Bono, Hillary Clinton, Jane fonda, Stevie Nicks, John Lennon,
Mother Teresa, John Muir, Harvey Milk, and Ralph Nader.

good list sanch!

except i would have to say ...."fuck bono and hillary clinton" they fucking suck ;D
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Dog Paddle on May 30, 2007, 04:33:08 PM
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My dad.  It may sound corny but he has worked his balls off to provide for me and my family and is just an awesome dude.  My 11th grade English teacher Mr. Madsen, dude was soooooo cool.  He's probably only 30 but has had a really interesting life, the guy lived in the woods for two years in college (really, lived in the woods, not a cabin), was a black belt in two martial arts, could bench like 500 pounds, and he just had one of the most open approaches to teaching I've experienced in my short life.  I could go on forever about how cool this guy is.

I'd like to add Dog Paddle to my list of heroes.

Oh, word.  Thanks.
I'm gonna go ahead and take this as an insult.

Why? I was being a little over the top, but i just meant its cool that you were showing appreciation to the people around you, not just some semi-mythical writter, rock star, celebrity. It definately wasn't an insult man.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: barneytarney on May 30, 2007, 06:39:12 PM
kellz is pretty sick, i look to him for guidance. also serge gainsbourg.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: lophatrophazoa on May 30, 2007, 07:25:39 PM
Besides, his sperm is worth a million bucks (not including shipping and handling). My sperm is nowhere near worth as much. That, again, is another reason why he's my hero.

lol u hear dat u get 10% off for being aryan?
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: barneytarney on May 30, 2007, 07:31:13 PM
mm, vincent gallo isn't that cool, he's just a ripoff of the first suicide album in the flesh
i am into buffalo 66, but my sperm is definitely worth more than his
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on May 30, 2007, 08:05:44 PM
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Mahatma Gandhi, this man led a non violent MENTAL revolution which encapsulated a country of enormous size possesing a rich culture aged longer than most others (although frequently violent in many actions) that had been for the better part manhandled by western zealots. Where has his influnece gone? possibly into the sea via fiberoptic cables but...... He tried.
He certainly influenced King.
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.

keep hating. He loves that.
Yeah. I know. He loves hinmself in a pathetic way. He LOVES attention, more than a dog. Its really pathetic. I met him when I was volunteering for a music festival and he just confirmed all of my assumptions about him. He is a pathetic, pathetic, human being. Seriously though, what has he done that is much better than mediocre? Brown Bunny sucked and buffalo 66 was mediocre. His music sucks.


well, for starters, he gave Roger Ebert cancer..........then later put him in remission and became good buddies with him. That is quite a feat. I cant think of anyone else that has done that. That pretty much justifies him being hero-worthy.
Are you talking about how Roger Ebert said one of his movies was worse than cancer and just panned the shit out of it, so your rebellious hero went and changed it so he would be ok with it? NO, thats not heroic, its really pathetic. Either be a cocky artist that won't mess with one of your original works no matter what somebody says about it, or be try to please critics like a little ass kissing bitch. Don't be a little ass kissing bitch who changes his art for the sake of critics but still acts like he is this rebellious badass who doesn't give a fuck. Dude is just the lamest person ever. He "cursed his colon," then buddied up to him after Ebert changed his review after the movie was revised. What a pussy!

the film that screened at Cannes (the screening Ebert and all the other critics who trashed the film attended) was a work-in-progress.  It was nowhere near finished. Gallo was contractually obligated to screen the film....even though he didnt want to. The finished cut - the one that made it to theaters and DVD- is the film Gallo intended for people to see. He didnt re-edit the film to please critics..he re-edited it because the film wasnt even finished...the film was still in post-production when it premiered. Ebert isnt the only person that ended up rewatching and loving the film (a lot of people agreed it was far better than initally reported). And the whole back and forth fewding between Ebert and him was partially a joke (on Gallo's part)

Besides, his sperm is worth a million bucks (not including shipping and handling). My sperm is nowhere near worth as much. That, again, is another reason why he's my hero.
It's only worth a million if somebody buys it. Plus I think he was selling it for less. Thats the sperm he won't sell to minorities and is really just his way of exporting more of that "edgy ego" right? Lame as fuck. Nice hero dude.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: on May 30, 2007, 09:30:09 PM
I forgot...Ted L. Nancy....
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Penis_Monster on May 30, 2007, 11:43:30 PM
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Mahatma Gandhi, this man led a non violent MENTAL revolution which encapsulated a country of enormous size possesing a rich culture aged longer than most others (although frequently violent in many actions) that had been for the better part manhandled by western zealots. Where has his influnece gone? possibly into the sea via fiberoptic cables but...... He tried.
He certainly influenced King.
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Harvey Milk

yup. He should be a hero to everyone from SF

i also hold Lloyd Kaufman and Vincent Gallo in equal high regard. Gavin McInnes too
Fuck Vincent Gallo. He's a worthless piece of shit. His ego is his biggest export, and all of his major claims to fame are for being near good artists. He never has done anything of his own that is half worth dealing with his pretentious bullshit. Fuck him.
Harvey Milk is cool though.

keep hating. He loves that.
Yeah. I know. He loves hinmself in a pathetic way. He LOVES attention, more than a dog. Its really pathetic. I met him when I was volunteering for a music festival and he just confirmed all of my assumptions about him. He is a pathetic, pathetic, human being. Seriously though, what has he done that is much better than mediocre? Brown Bunny sucked and buffalo 66 was mediocre. His music sucks.


well, for starters, he gave Roger Ebert cancer..........then later put him in remission and became good buddies with him. That is quite a feat. I cant think of anyone else that has done that. That pretty much justifies him being hero-worthy.
Are you talking about how Roger Ebert said one of his movies was worse than cancer and just panned the shit out of it, so your rebellious hero went and changed it so he would be ok with it? NO, thats not heroic, its really pathetic. Either be a cocky artist that won't mess with one of your original works no matter what somebody says about it, or be try to please critics like a little ass kissing bitch. Don't be a little ass kissing bitch who changes his art for the sake of critics but still acts like he is this rebellious badass who doesn't give a fuck. Dude is just the lamest person ever. He "cursed his colon," then buddied up to him after Ebert changed his review after the movie was revised. What a pussy!

the film that screened at Cannes (the screening Ebert and all the other critics who trashed the film attended) was a work-in-progress.  It was nowhere near finished. Gallo was contractually obligated to screen the film....even though he didnt want to. The finished cut - the one that made it to theaters and DVD- is the film Gallo intended for people to see. He didnt re-edit the film to please critics..he re-edited it because the film wasnt even finished...the film was still in post-production when it premiered. Ebert isnt the only person that ended up rewatching and loving the film (a lot of people agreed it was far better than initally reported). And the whole back and forth fewding between Ebert and him was partially a joke (on Gallo's part)

Besides, his sperm is worth a million bucks (not including shipping and handling). My sperm is nowhere near worth as much. That, again, is another reason why he's my hero.
It's only worth a million if somebody buys it. Plus I think he was selling it for less. Thats the sperm he won't sell to minorities and is really just his way of exporting more of that "edgy ego" right? Lame as fuck. Nice hero dude.

yuppp! He is a nice nice hero, aint he?!?!?!?
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: dave v-house on May 31, 2007, 12:47:11 AM

Good call. He gets hero status simply for this quote alone.

"We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sweets on May 31, 2007, 09:39:05 AM
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Good call. He gets hero status simply for this quote alone.

"We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."

Great quote.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Joey on May 31, 2007, 02:10:51 PM
Adam West
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sfa on May 31, 2007, 02:23:27 PM
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Good call. He gets hero status simply for this quote alone.

"We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state, and our educational system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us."
one of the only authors ill read.
Great quote.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: bbk on May 31, 2007, 03:48:38 PM
Adam West
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: jonny on May 31, 2007, 04:00:14 PM

a few months after hurricane katrina she bought a lot of land in houston part of it was in the wooded area behind my neighborhood and she cleared some of it and built homes for people who were without homes and couldnt make it on their own taht was pretty sick of her to do
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: brooklyn brawler on May 31, 2007, 05:34:20 PM
Remember how much of a bitch she made Chappelle look, when he suggested donating money he "could" have earned there?
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Wooderson on May 31, 2007, 05:55:43 PM
steve mcqueen, the king of cool
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: //////////// on May 31, 2007, 06:39:09 PM
the real king of cool
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: spungo on May 31, 2007, 08:29:58 PM
Bikram Choudhury is my hero.  He's helping to save the world!
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Tuna on May 31, 2007, 08:46:49 PM
Rocky Balboa(not Sly Stallone)
Mr. T
The Fonz
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: tonycoxhox on May 31, 2007, 09:41:25 PM
Roald Dahl might be one of mine
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sweets on May 31, 2007, 09:51:00 PM
Rocky Balboa(not Sly Stallone)
Mr. T
The Fonz

Fuck Screech but your right on otherwise.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sergio on June 01, 2007, 05:01:12 PM (

Archbishop Oscar Romero (
Victor Jara
Anwar Al Sadat
Ingrid Betancourt ( (

Dith Pran
Raphael Lemkin
Khin Nyunt
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: NITSUJ on June 01, 2007, 08:50:30 PM
my parents for putting up with me
muhammed ali
martin luther king jr
all my homies
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: kevbo999 on June 01, 2007, 09:08:58 PM
Anyone who has it worse than I do, but still has the will to live.

And my parents.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Meth and Hookers on June 01, 2007, 09:40:27 PM

paul walker
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Penis_Monster on June 01, 2007, 10:00:35 PM

he's finally out of the slammer...
good for him. He's a saint.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Alexactly on June 02, 2007, 05:19:18 AM
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he's finally out of the slammer...
good for him. He's a saint.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: fuckingvegan on June 02, 2007, 07:45:55 AM
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he's finally out of the slammer...
good for him. He's a saint.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Hot Rod on June 02, 2007, 05:24:31 PM

The Fonz

Fonzie was nothing more than a nerd in a leather jacket
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sweets on June 02, 2007, 07:31:11 PM
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The Fonz


Fonzie was nothing more than a nerd in a leather jacket

I think your thinking of Greco.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: hatehatehatehate on June 03, 2007, 12:31:18 AM
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: brooklyn brawler on June 03, 2007, 12:44:16 AM

Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Matze on June 03, 2007, 12:53:17 AM
no heros for me. i'm more the boring guy.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Duffy on June 03, 2007, 05:19:27 PM
My dad. RIP.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: HUSH on June 03, 2007, 06:50:10 PM
Evan Hecox
Ian  Johnson
and last but not least...

My dad. RIP.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: mick swagger on June 03, 2007, 09:20:11 PM
don cherry
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: dave v-house on June 04, 2007, 08:24:57 AM
Sonny Barger
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Raw!!! on June 07, 2007, 10:59:38 PM
Bookman, the library cop.
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: Hot Rod on June 07, 2007, 11:07:26 PM
Ray Johnson
Title: Re: Heros (non-skate)
Post by: sweets on June 08, 2007, 04:26:30 AM
Ray Johnson

The greatest collage artist ever? That Ray Johnson? That guy was nuts in an admirable way. I love his work.