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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: greg on June 29, 2007, 08:31:18 AM

Title: your last vacation
Post by: greg on June 29, 2007, 08:31:18 AM
so anyway, i'm about to go to charlotte for the weekend to visit a buddy and have a couple days of drunken debauchery.  this dude is fairly nuts in the head, so chilling with him is always unpredictable.  should be good. 

travelling is the shit, so anybody who took a recent trip and did some dope shit, feel free to tell about it.  i'd prefer that it not be skate-related unless it had interesting skate-happenings in it, not just "we went to this park, i did this and this, then we went here and skated this and blah blah this is so unentertaining"

i'll fill you all in on some stories if there end up being any.

but for now we can just call it the travelling appreciation thread.

Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on June 29, 2007, 08:36:20 AM
Last vacation for me was Dallas in March so I could cure some homesick blues, although I haven'e been to my actual hometown, SA, in almost 4 years.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: kevbo999 on June 29, 2007, 08:38:17 AM
I went home for a few days after new years eve.  I believe that's the last time I got out of town.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Jura on June 29, 2007, 08:40:15 AM
Miami in April, with the lady. Lots of drinking, sunning, eating and titties. Good times.

Miami is nice, so ill say it twice. Miami is nice. Miami is nice.
(Golden Girls reference)
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: hargo on June 29, 2007, 09:38:36 AM
last year i went with my wife to germany and we visited my family. they live in a small village near the city of Trier. Karl Marx is from there. We also traveled around the area, Brussels, Paris, Luxemburg. I skated some. It was pretty nuts because the world cup was on and Germans are insane about soccer.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: k-nutz on June 29, 2007, 10:21:26 AM
went to chicago in january, going to NYC on Aug 14th.

right now im on vacation: summer school break.  im at my parents house in pensacola, later today i think i will go to the beach.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Stand and Deliver on June 29, 2007, 10:31:50 AM
insane about soccer.

This applies to most of the world outside of the United States.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Meatwad on June 29, 2007, 11:04:09 AM
Went camping near Piniwa Manitoba a couple weeks ago.It was really fun, did mushrooms at the old Piniwa dam it was really cool.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: eight oh eight on June 29, 2007, 11:04:46 AM
recent vacationing took me to boulder, CO  in the winter to visit my sister.  it was a good time to catch up and it was my first time experiencing winter (i.e. snow).  i crashed her apartment along with her boyfriend and my other sister plus her friend.  for the most part we just chilled and checked out the town.  at one point we went to the Coors brewery and sampling the free booze which left me shitting in the snow on the ride back.  the highlight of the trip was getting to snowboard which was surprisingly easy to pick up.  it felt rad to bomb hills super fast although bailing was something else.

this coming tuesday i'm heading out to laoag in the philippines to visit my clan and get in touch with my roots.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: hargo on June 29, 2007, 11:33:17 AM
This applies to most of the world outside of the United States.

this is true, but when i was in Paris, you really wouldnt have been able to tell the world cup was going on like in Germany.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: yeah dude! on June 29, 2007, 12:00:27 PM
Mine was in Janurary. Went to Hawaii with my girlfriend. I'm not one for sitting in the sun all day but it was pretty rad. We could watch whales from the balcony at our hotel every morning and night.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: chocolate pow! on June 29, 2007, 12:04:20 PM
germany last year for the world cup... Frankfurt, Kaiserlatern, Stuttgart, Berlin, and Munich...Berlin and Munich are amazing... free 1st class train rides, beer!, not sleeping,being at the us v italy game, new friends cool people form all over, being out enjoying the festivities and just being around good vibes

nyc in january... surprisingly okay weather, not cold at all...museums, food, going out...saw spring awakening which was recommend by a friend...first ever "musical" but high quality entertainment..good stuff

SF/Marin next week...girl is from there so just chilling...driving up so the board is in the trunk..might check out that wild in the streets thing on the 4th... SF is sick
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: diegomenendez on June 29, 2007, 01:01:33 PM
Went to San Francisco for a week a few months back. Didn't really skate at all. Just smoked cigars, ate Dim Sung allllll fucking day, macked on the Asians, and walked around in the old forts/bunkers around the bridge area.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: woody on June 29, 2007, 01:07:25 PM
Last summer around this time I went to Mexico City where my brother lives, (he works teaching GMAT test prep classes, which I guess is similar to the SAT but for grad school or something). I just roamed around the city mostly and ate some real good food, skated a little bit and on my brothers day off we took the bus to this smaller colonial town and than checked out some nearby caves.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: TotallyAwesome on June 29, 2007, 01:20:00 PM
went to la about 2 weeks ago.  scored a wii while there - no places in ny have them so i was stoked on that.

drove past the van owen bump everyday.  was too cool to even get out of the car to skate it.  ok, not too cool, just lazy.  i don't even think i could ollie the gap at this bummer.

went to val surf and was bummed on customer service. 

wait, this wasn't supposed to be about skating right?

oh yeah, went to the mets-dodgers game.  got bummed that the mets lost...

went down to the bro-c met up with a friend and went to a batting cage.  some girls softball team was there (these girls were monstrous) and they were kind of fanning out on my friend.  he put his hood up and pretended not to see them.  sometimes being almost semi-famous licks balls...

and pretty much didn't do too much else.  it was awesome.  i needed a vacation to kick back and chill...which is pretty much what happened...
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: toy machine on June 29, 2007, 01:44:47 PM
went to hawaii honolulu with my family last summer, it was prety fun.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: stagefright on June 29, 2007, 03:07:40 PM
last standout place was saltspring last summer, found a rope swing above a crystal clear drinking water lake that swung out 30 feet and had a 30 or 40 foot drop on it. but couple weeks ago i went to cowichan river and a month before it to kelowna, camping and bullshit. going to what the heck in anacortes in a month too
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: sergio on June 29, 2007, 03:48:21 PM
medellin colombia last summer for meniscus repair. stayed for 3 months.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: on June 29, 2007, 06:56:41 PM
portland....i get next week off...i might go to such exotic places as port moody...or bowen island...
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: mikefork on June 29, 2007, 07:12:40 PM
my last "vacation" was a skate trip to northern vermont with friends earlier this month
if that doesn't count then back in february i went and stayed at my uncles in boulder. i skated the city and also denver, went to the mountains, had to be taken off of the mountains by ski partol because i was completely out of it, went to a benihannas, ate at a hotdog on a stick, and went to a few different shops
my next planned vacation is going to be in august, i am heading back out to denver for a week to skate/hang with some friends
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: john on June 29, 2007, 07:41:37 PM
your going to charlotte for a vacation? that sucks. who's your buddy?
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Dog Paddle on June 29, 2007, 10:11:39 PM
Although I'm not going anywhere exotic, I will be in lovely Peoria, Illinois at the end of my week vacation from work.  YES!
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: damian on June 29, 2007, 10:13:00 PM
going to jamaica for a week at the end of july, should be nice.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Meth and Hookers on June 29, 2007, 10:34:48 PM
drove to san francisco... didn't skate

last big trip wassss fuck i can't even remember.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: koots on June 29, 2007, 10:57:57 PM
Last trip was at the end of February.
Just a week visiting the parents back at home. Pretty short trip but my employer paid for it.
 Did some snowboarding and cross country skiing. Drank a lot of beer in the hot tub.

Before that was a half skate/half sightseeing trip to Fukuoka Japan for 4 days. 
It was pretty rad, I met a bunch of skaters and checked out a concrete park. 
Went to a show and saw two really rad indie bands.  Met some chill people there. 
Last night I ended up befriending some salary men in a bar.  They ended up taking me
around the "entertainment" district all night and probably spent a couple grand on whiskey. 

Last year I went to Vietnam for a couple weeks.  I'd definitely like to go back there. 
Ho Chi Minh city was a trip.  I've been to Jakarta and Kuala Lumpur before but Ho Chi Minh
was on another level. People were so friendly there.   
 It's hard to describe but the roads at night are a sea of young dudes
on scooters with their girls on the back.  Everyone's cruising around in the craziest traffic with the
biggest smiles on their faces.  Walking around the city the traffic just looks like madness because it's so
chaotic.  When you want to cross the road you just walk into the middle of traffic and keep walking at a steady
pace...all the traffic will just weave around you.  Feels so sketchy at first. 
Some amazing history there (and incredibly sad history).  Saw a lot of the remnants of ancient sites which were
destroyed by bombing in the war.  Went to some amazing unspoiled beaches (without all the euro trash of Thailand)
and had an amazing experience doing a motorcycle tour of the countryside. 

I have 3 days off this week so I'm taking a quick little trip.  I'm either going to this beach town that's nestled up right next to the
border with North Korea or to a traditional village down south of where I'm at in Seoul.  Haven't decided yet. 

Next trip is during my summer vacation.  I'm going to spend 3 weeks in China.  The plan is to start in Shanghai and make my way
to Beijing, where I'm gonna hook up with a friend who is living there.  Shanghai for a couple days and then the plan is to do some hiking
in some mountains and hopefully catch some amazing sunrises.  I haven't decided if I'm going to make the journey out to Lhasa, Tibet yet.
I'd like to but the travel will eat a big chunk of my 3 weeks and I could only really spend 3 days there. 

After China, I have another two weeks vacation.  I'm gonna spend my time skating during this time.  Check out some different skate spots in Korea
and probably do a short trip with my girl. 

Beginning of October I have a week off for Korean Thanksgiving.  I was thinking about going to Okinawa via ferry.  However, it's at the tail end of typhoon season
and could be pretty sketchy to go there then.  So I was thinking either Tokyo or Sapporo but my buddy wants to go to Hong Kong.  We'll see...

Next winter, I'm planning to meet the parents in either Hong Kong or Singapore for New Years.  5 days there and then I'm gonna take off to somewhere else in S.E Asia for the other week of my winter vacation time. 

Next February my current contract will be up.  I'll have 6 months to take an epic trip.  I'm either going to go Asia-Russia-Europe-Canada or just head back to Canada and then go to South America for 6 months.   Tough decision.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: L.S on June 30, 2007, 08:37:42 AM
drove 600 kilometers up north to drink 210 liters of self made nasty booze called kilju with 50 other people. it was intense.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: remEMBer on June 30, 2007, 09:24:35 AM
Last trip was Vegas. Shit was fun  I was there for about five days.

Coming up this month I'll be in Hawaii for about week for my cousin's wedding. The beach should be fun and seeing family
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: skatemore,man on June 30, 2007, 10:45:21 AM
I went out to western massachusetts for a few days earlier in the month to celebrate the bday. Not much skating went down, although i did ride a long board down some crazy ass berkshire mountain roads. I also discovered the fun in riding a fixed gear bicycle after having eaten some acid, it was a really good time. Spending time in the mountains is always interesting, energy is abounding and so clean compared to the city. My friend peter and i got chased down some railroad tracks at 12am by some redneck railroad police. I ended up diving into a swamp and losing my bottle of knob creek, but we got away. It doesn't end, get chased on the streets, chased in the woods..... It was a great 5 day recreation... vacating was lax, alll about the re creation.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Diesel on June 30, 2007, 05:19:02 PM
went to chicago in january, going to NYC on Aug 14th.

right now im on vacation: summer school break.  im at my parents house in pensacola, later today i think i will go to the beach.

haha word im in pensacola right now so boring
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: vitunvesa on July 01, 2007, 02:07:37 PM
A tourist is someone who thinks about going home the moment they arrive, whereas a traveler might not come back at all - Paul Bowles

I went with my girl off to NYC just to check out the big apple

and a a friend of mine drove from utah there at the same time was cool so I didn't had to hang out just with my giirl the whole time hehe
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: nice weather on July 01, 2007, 02:27:02 PM
Went to prague with a bunch of friends 2 months ago. It was so cheap, I couldn't help but smile the whole time. I also went to skate thebowls at the Qiksilver park, but there was a huge dried puddle of blood at its bottom, so I didn't really get in the mood to try anything new.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: vitunvesa on July 01, 2007, 04:12:19 PM
Went to prague with a bunch of friends 2 months ago. It was so cheap, I couldn't help but smile the whole time. I also went to skate thebowls at the Qiksilver park, but there was a huge dried puddle of blood at its bottom, so I didn't really get in the mood to try anything new.

that bowl and the bowl with the Chech flag are dope...too bad those weren't dry then...
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Nadie on July 01, 2007, 05:33:12 PM
I went to New Orleans last week. I visited museums and a plantation, along with the French Quarter and a few restaurants. I actually met some guy from St. Louis that skated, so we skated around the downtown area. Fun stuff, I love Louisiana.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Blue Fescue on July 01, 2007, 05:43:14 PM
going to cairns in queensland to the great barrier reef and daintree rainforest. 2 of unesco's natural heritage sites in one trip.  coincidentally they just built australia's biggest skatepark there so it will become a partially skate related trip.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: HoSGage on July 01, 2007, 07:00:57 PM
so anyway, i'm about to go to charlotte for the weekend to visit a buddy and have a couple days of drunken debauchery.  this dude is fairly nuts in the head, so chilling with him is always unpredictable.  should be good. 

travelling is the shit, so anybody who took a recent trip and did some dope shit, feel free to tell about it.  i'd prefer that it not be skate-related unless it had interesting skate-happenings in it, not just "we went to this park, i did this and this, then we went here and skated this and blah blah this is so unentertaining"

i'll fill you all in on some stories if there end up being any.

but for now we can just call it the travelling appreciation thread.

oh thats cool.. im going to rock hill south carolina, and charlotte isnt that far from there.. haha is their anything good to skate? because last summer i was there and a park got closed down or somethin because kids got into a fight.. im going their on the 5th of july until august 10
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: hamhead on July 01, 2007, 07:02:55 PM
APEX Ski Resort
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: Duffy on July 01, 2007, 08:59:51 PM
Italy with only one person I knew.

Made some good friends, skated some Italian kids board who was SUPER stoked that some random American kid could kickflip, drank alot.

First night I got drunk we thought we locked ourselves out of the hotel so we were going to sleep on some random dude's roof.
Chain smoking action due to there being the vending machines that sell cigs all over.
Second time I got drunk i walked in on my roommate getting head from some ugly californian bitch and asked if he was gonna be long, then passed the fuck out for an hour. Woke up to the guys girlfriend and him arguing and shit, found a sock, proclaimed it was the sock of god, passed out.

At the 2nd hotel we were at, all the guys stayed in a basement, it was crazy, we had adjoining rooms and everyone was stoked to drink and shit, so we could be as loud as we wanted to.  There was like one flight of stairs to the main floor so we'd never take the elevator, but the manager or whatever always yelled 'Ele-wator' at us all pissed like.  After a day of us not using the ele-wator we were walking upstairs and the guy kicked the door closed in our face.

Witnessed a bunch of severe pick-pocketing.

Scored a shitload of bootleg Band Tees

Saw a bunch of historical sights and hallucinated due to lack of sleep.

Oh, first night we drank I pissed on the wall next to my bed.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: dave v-house on July 01, 2007, 10:25:38 PM
My band did a mini tour in April. We played Eugene, Arcata, and Oakland. The only beer I drank was some free pabst in Eugene after the show. All the other man sodas were malt liquor. In Oakland I stepped it up and drank five kinds of malt liquor in one night. After the show in Eugene some random dude gave us an ounce of some of the best weed I've ever smoked because he wanted to "help out the band". We lost a bunch of money doing the tour, but god damn it was fun.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: E.l.G on July 02, 2007, 12:59:13 AM
I went to Seattle for the weekend a week ago. Went to the Experience Music Project which was surprisingly fun. Also took a bunch of pictures and had a fucking enormous burrito.
Title: Re: your last vacation
Post by: dave v-house on July 02, 2007, 07:26:56 AM
I thought the EMP was cool, but not worth the $20 or however much they charge.