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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: obeygiant on August 02, 2007, 06:53:21 PM

Title: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: obeygiant on August 02, 2007, 06:53:21 PM
Yeah Im watching them so sue me. But holy shit Jake Brown seriously just fell about 60 feet to flat ..... it was after landing a 720 over that shit and a back360 no grabbing involved over that shit about 5 minutes earlier
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 02, 2007, 06:57:23 PM
that was fucking insane............
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: ginzberg on August 02, 2007, 07:00:31 PM
Terminator.  I don't understand how he's even alive, let alone was able to stand up and walk away.  The ramp is 25' high at least, and he was a good 15-20' above that.  He completely flatbottomed, jesus.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bobcat on August 02, 2007, 07:01:54 PM
That was by far the worst slam I've ever seen.  Before that though, he did the sickest fucking 70 foot no grab 360 into about a thirty foot mctwist.  Jake brown so, so good at skateboarding.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 02, 2007, 07:03:02 PM
like seriously that had to be the worst fall i ever saw.....he shoulda got gold just for it
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lurkenstock on August 02, 2007, 07:04:12 PM
That 720 was crazy and then he seriously dropped from about the fifteen feet mark over the deck to almost the very very bottom of where the transistion starts, basically fell to flat.
Assuming the big quarter is 20 or 25 feet high, it's one of those for sure, he fell like 35-40 feet to pretty much flatbottom.
His fucking shoes exploded right off of his feet and I thought he was dead, like literally dead.
I have that shit on my DVR but I guaratee you its on YouTube already or in the next few moments.
Easily one of the if not theeeee gnarliest slams I've ever seen. Period.
Crazy thing is he's okay apparently!
The dude is gnarly. Straight up.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: chalmchalms on August 02, 2007, 07:07:28 PM He was asking the medics if he landed the seven twenty......That was really traumatic to watch so many times from so many angles.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lurkenstock on August 02, 2007, 07:07:44 PM
Like previously stated, they should have given him the gold for just taking that beef.
He was in 1st place all the way until Bob's massive frontside 540 that was like almost 19 feet high.
Fuck that shit.
Bob has a mega ramp setup at his house.
Jake is just a savage and he deserved the win for sure.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: NickDagger on August 02, 2007, 07:09:11 PM
okay fine you win,

mods delete the other jake brown topic

but at least change this one's title to:

jake brown just fell out of the fucking sky
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: obeygiant on August 02, 2007, 07:14:34 PM
Im glad Jakes ok considering duffy killed his leg when he fucked up but, that was some comedic shit when jake was on the stretcher and here comes bob like "Wheres Jake, Inspiration,peace, and organic vegetables"
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: artless on August 02, 2007, 07:22:55 PM
that was some comedic shit when jake was on the stretcher and here comes bob like "Wheres Jake, Inspiration,peace, and organic vegetables"
But seriously... I thought Jake was all broken and fucker got up. Aussies are tough.
Title: FUCK YO
Post by: cold budweisers on August 02, 2007, 07:25:44 PM
i just saw that too, FUCK YO
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: jrock on August 02, 2007, 07:27:50 PM
that was crazy...i thought it was pretty shitty that bob got to take an extra run because he was bitching about the motorcycle guys making too much noise.  i think jake should have won that one
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: NickDagger on August 02, 2007, 07:35:49 PM
anyone just see the dude tackle the motorcycle after that guy attemped the double backflip on moto?

holy shit that was so funny
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bentmode on August 02, 2007, 07:38:32 PM

this whole two thread things is getting redundant.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Guile on August 02, 2007, 07:48:04 PM
what the fuck are you guys talking about? is there supposed to be a clip attatched here or something?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: NickDagger on August 02, 2007, 07:49:22 PM
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bentmode on August 02, 2007, 07:51:38 PM
its not showing the skating, its showing the motor bikes
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: NickDagger on August 02, 2007, 07:52:45 PM
its live webcast!!!

moto x is better than skating anyway.

some dudes bike went crazy after he tried a double backflip and someone had to tackle it!!!!!
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 02, 2007, 08:02:15 PM
its live webcast!!!

moto x is better than skating anyway.

some dudes bike went crazy after he tried a double backflip and someone had to tackle it!!!!!

that was soooooo funny
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bobcat on August 02, 2007, 08:03:01 PM
They just showed a highlight(?) of Jake eating shit on espn 2 and one of the sporstscaster guys made a sound like he was going to throw up when Jake hit the ramp.  They're used to baseball players missing three weeks because they strained a hammy while showering, not seeing dudes walk away after falling 50 feet from the air.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: yaks_sparrow on August 02, 2007, 08:04:02 PM
I was so psyched when he landed that 720 and when he bailed on that air and fell to flat... that shit left me with a nasty feeling in my stomach. I honestly thought the guy was dead.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bornindabay on August 02, 2007, 08:04:18 PM
Like previously stated, they should have given him the gold for just taking that beef.
He was in 1st place all the way until Bob's massive frontside 540 that was like almost 19 feet high.
Fuck that shit.
Bob has a mega ramp setup at his house.
Jake is just a savage and he deserved the win for sure.
I love this post. hahaha
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: kids on August 02, 2007, 08:27:15 PM
straight up i started to cry cause I thought I just saw jake kill himself live.
When he got up it was like ....i can't even describe it just so gnarly. it may end up going down as the moment when all other sports have become silly compared to what skaters go though.
i bet espn will try to make a whole show about the slam and what went wrong and how he is ok. Once he chills though he is gonna be fucked for a few week. Hope he didn't bust any thing inside.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 02, 2007, 08:28:16 PM
they said he went to the doctor and was fine or something
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: DrNewton on August 02, 2007, 08:42:20 PM
Fuck those piece of shit judges. I think getting up from that should count as a trick.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: gub on August 02, 2007, 08:59:06 PM
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Drew Peacock on August 02, 2007, 09:25:02 PM
they said he went to the doctor and was fine or something

Broken Ribs, Internal bleeding, but will be ok - so I'm told by reliable source, who spoke to Weiss
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 02, 2007, 09:29:14 PM
he was like laughing and shit after it which was really really wild
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: daboss on August 02, 2007, 09:44:22 PM
just watched it on some espn replay show... was out skating. INSANE!!!!!!

I've fallen like 7 feet gotten knocked the fuck out.Jake brown is the man, I hope that Blind gives him some MASSIVE photo incentive for all the goddamn news channels he's going to be on. When he was walking off the ramp it was like BLAM!!!! BLIND LOGO.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Penis_Monster on August 02, 2007, 09:47:27 PM
Fuck those piece of shit judges. I think getting up from that should count as a trick.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bobcat on August 02, 2007, 10:36:11 PM
There's actually an article in the New York Times about this and how dangerous the mega ramp is.  What is pretty funny is that they quote Shaun White:

"But not all athletes have embraced the Mega Ramp like Way and Burnquist. Shaun White, the 2006 Olympic gold medal winner in snowboarding and a professional skateboarder on the halfpipe, has no interest in riding the Mega Ramp.

“I just hate anything that can be defined as more spectacle than sport,” he said. “Just like any other athlete, it takes a certain skill to do our sport.”

The irony of someone like Shaun White, who is a walking, talking, mastercard commercial making spectacle himself making any comments about what REAL skateboarding is about blows my mind.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Bandaged on August 02, 2007, 11:49:59 PM
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hargo on August 02, 2007, 11:59:39 PM
There's actually an article in the New York Times about this and how dangerous the mega ramp is.  What is pretty funny is that they quote Shaun White:

"But not all athletes have embraced the Mega Ramp like Way and Burnquist. Shaun White, the 2006 Olympic gold medal winner in snowboarding and a professional skateboarder on the halfpipe, has no interest in riding the Mega Ramp.

“I just hate anything that can be defined as more spectacle than sport,” he said. “Just like any other athlete, it takes a certain skill to do our sport.”

The irony of someone like Shaun White, who is a walking, talking, mastercard commercial making spectacle himself making any comments about what REAL skateboarding is about blows my mind.

it might be fucked up, but it really should have been shawn white up there.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: KoRnholio8 on August 03, 2007, 12:12:13 AM
damn, i hope he doesn't get magled in any way! jake can make vert worth seeing! too bad he had to get through this at x-games...
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: picklesickshuv-it on August 03, 2007, 12:15:12 AM
i havent seen it but im glad hes alright, he is such a cool dude.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: thumbhead on August 03, 2007, 12:22:39 AM (
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: metsuri on August 03, 2007, 01:02:32 AM
That was fucking raw.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: on August 03, 2007, 01:19:09 AM
Thats the worst salm ive ever seen
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Skate fillet on August 03, 2007, 01:34:49 AM
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: theknifesong on August 03, 2007, 02:47:52 AM
fuckin shit

omg i hope hes ok right now

its unreal to stay alive after slams like this one..

Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Mad Max on August 03, 2007, 03:44:45 AM
LOS ANGELES – Already leading last night's X Games 13 Skateboard Big Air event going into his fifth and final jump, Encinitas' Jake Brown went for broke. The Australian native rolled down the 80-foot ramp, then spun two revolutions across a 70-foot gap.

Soaring up the 27-foot quarterpipe after landing, Brown attempted what's called a 540 McTwist, a twisting, turning trick with 1˝ revolutions.

What followed was one of the most frightening falls in X Games history. The 5-foot-6 Brown lost his board, his momentum carrying him away from the quarterpipe ramp. Flailing and kicking his arms and legs like a tumbling cat, Brown dropped an estimated 45 feet to the flat wooden deck, landing so violently on his legs that one of his shoes flew across the floor.

For two minutes, Brown lay motionless on the deck.

“I seriously thought he was dead, broke his back or broke both legs,” said fellow skater Pierre-Luc Gagnon of Carlsbad. “That was the gnarliest slam I've ever seen in my life.”

Eight minutes after the fall, Brown stood up, then wobbled off the floor, waving to the crowd. Brown was taken to an undisclosed hospital for observation. Minutes after the deck was cleared, Vista's Bob Burnquist took the night's final run, landed a difficult trick, scored 96.55 points and took first place from Brown. Brown placed second with a 95.33 run. Gagnon took third.

Afterward, skaters were stunned and thankful that Brown walked away from a fall that silenced the Staples Center crowd.

“That's the most terrifying thing I've seen in my life, in the history of skateboarding,” said skater Jason Ellis, who rushed immediately to Brown's side. “His eyes were open and he wasn't breathing. I thought he was . . . dead.”

Ellis said that when Brown regained consciousness, he didn't know what happened.

“As soon as he was up, he goes, 'Do I have another ride?' 'What'd I do?' 'Did I try the 720?' ” said Ellis.

“You made the 720,” Ellis told him.

“What'd I do on the quarter?” Brown asked.

“Nothing, dude,” Gagnon told Brown. “You did nothing on the quarterpipe.”

Had Brown not walked away, Burnquist said he would have passed on his final run, giving Brown the victory.

“There's a part of me that would have liked to let Jake win,” said Burnquist, who was the heavy favorite because he had last year's Big Air ramp moved to his 12-acre home. “But it is a competition. He would have wanted me to go out and do my best. Not give up.”

After realizing Brown had survived a frightening crash, Burnquist said he broke down and wept.

“It is bittersweet,” Burnquist said. “He walked away hurt. It's a roller coaster of energy. Harsh.”

Ellis said he doesn't want to enter the event next year after witnessing Brown's accident.

“This contest,” he said, “you can die.”

The most serious injury suffered during a recent action sports event left bicycle motocross (BMX) rider Stephen Murray of Corona paralyzed from the neck down. Competing at the Dew Action Sports Tour on June 22 in Baltimore, Murray attempted a double back flip on dirt, a trick he has pulled off numerous times. He landed the trick in 2001 to win X Games gold.

This time, he landed on his neck.

Last night, Skateboard Big Air was staged inside for the first time. It was held outside in the parking lot at Staples Center the past three years and there were no serious injuries. Ironically, one reason it was moved indoors was to eliminate the wind and make the event safer.

“I like it a lot more (indoors),” said Newport Beach's Ryan Jetton, 25, before Brown's fall. “Any time you get the stadium element, it's huge. I grew up skating, surfing and snowboarding. But what these guys do is leaps and bounds beyond anything I could imagine.

“This is ridiculous. It just blows me away.”

Regarding the skaters' skills, Philipp Schau of Germany said, “Amazing, insane.”

Last night, skaters and spectators were just thankful one of the stars escaped serious injury.

As Brown was whisked away, down a Staples Center corridor in a wheelchair, he acknowledged his peers by waving his right hand.

“See you back at the hotel,” Gagnon called to him. “I'm buying rounds, shots of Patron.”
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: donnie_murdo on August 03, 2007, 04:24:32 AM
Fuck even the comentators thought he was dead
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: ahlee on August 03, 2007, 06:38:01 AM
He's shoes... exploded.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: k-nutz on August 03, 2007, 07:02:50 AM
so what did bob do to win it?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Stand and Deliver on August 03, 2007, 07:06:22 AM
"Had Brown not walked away, Burnquist said he would have passed on his final run, giving Brown the victory."

That's mighty big of you, Bob.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: --Vibetek-- on August 03, 2007, 07:20:09 AM (

Even though I knew what was coming I still winced at that.

Cronulla breeds em tough.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Home Skillet on August 03, 2007, 07:48:46 AM
After reading that article, Bob Burquist is a bigger douchebag than Sheckler in my books. 
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: ahlee on August 03, 2007, 07:56:58 AM
After reading that article, Bob Burquist is a bigger douchebag than Sheckler in my books. 
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: greg on August 03, 2007, 08:16:08 AM
burnquist became a bigger douchebag than sheckler when he parachuted into the grand canyon
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: greg on August 03, 2007, 08:18:08 AM
and that was easily the most terrifying slam i've ever seen.  the anticipation of watching him freefall all that distance through the air, waiting for him to hit the bottom was really almost too much.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: BARONE on August 03, 2007, 08:30:02 AM
Bob is a blowhard and fake. Although, heavy in talent, he's light in the soul, and fake in his role - peace, love and respect. Bob wins agian, but with NO respect. Not one person wanted Bob to win, nor did they believe his trick worthy of the win. What was with his post-run act on the ramp, and the 15 minutes to score it?  

In an effort to reward their boy (Bob), XGames and the judges, dropped the ball. Jake's heart, courage and performance was compelling and riviting to watch. He deserved, and earned the gold. They - Bob, XGames, and judges - lost an opportunity to show the world the true spirit of our sport. All for the love of veggies!

What an ending to the first day, NOT!

Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: mikefork on August 03, 2007, 08:52:10 AM
Expand Quote
After reading that article, Bob Burquist is a bigger douchebag than Sheckler in my books. 
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bobcat on August 03, 2007, 08:57:49 AM
I don't think Bob should have "let" Jake win, but I do think Jake's huge, smooth no grab 360 over the gap into the biggest 540 ever on the quarterpipe should have won the contest.  Don't get me wrong, Bob's switch 180 over the gap to big frontside 540 was amazing, but I just don't think its as tough or cool looking as Jakes.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Nadie on August 03, 2007, 08:59:07 AM
That was one crazy fall. It is insane that he got up.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: mayra_vizor on August 03, 2007, 08:59:29 AM
all been said... jake is the true winner after this. maby not in that rotten peace of shit x-games, but in real life fo shizzle.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: JunglePOP on August 03, 2007, 09:13:58 AM
holy fucking shit
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: colin on August 03, 2007, 09:26:17 AM
Jake Brown is a gnarly dude. I remember reading something with him and Dave Carnie in Big Brother a while back, and Carnie was talking to Jake about the time they were in some town for a contest or something, partying all hard, and Carnie found Jake passed out on the sidewalk next to the entrance of their hotel with his beer glass right-side up in his hand with the beer still in it.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hargo on August 03, 2007, 09:44:56 AM
there was also this time when jake jumped out of a four story building and didnt die.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: h@rry_t3H_pImP on August 03, 2007, 09:49:33 AM

I dunno, this event had no business being put indoors, period point blank >:(

/puts on tin-foil hat
I almost think something blinded him at some point in his ascent...I mean this a dude who skates this thing no-handed...
/takes off tin-foil hat

Although he did look a little shook before he took that run at the top of the drop-in...
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sfa on August 03, 2007, 09:54:39 AM
what the fuck else can be said here...........

im gonna gnar jakebrown.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sweets on August 03, 2007, 10:24:05 AM
Jake Brown goes to the top of my favorites list. I fucking hate the x-games and the element they bring to our dear lifestyle but that actually showed the world what skateboarding is made of. Toughness defined. I'm so glad he's not seriously hurt.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: monster network on August 03, 2007, 10:26:03 AM
i've been trying to find footage of his mctwist that he made but no luck. anyone?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: donnie_murdo on August 03, 2007, 10:26:59 AM
he should have won, and Bob should have bowed down and let him take first, his run's we sick, and well that slam and walkign away let alone should be a number one in anyones books
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: start choppin on August 03, 2007, 10:28:55 AM
my work has blocked video so had to wait til i got home to watch it

suddenly, everyone in the world except jake brown is just that bit more of a pussy

you know those emails you get every once in a while about chuck norris? i used to laugh at those, but now i'll be thinking "well, he's no jake brown, is he?"
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Prison Wallet on August 03, 2007, 10:32:45 AM
This morning when I was getting ready for work I saw JB's human trainwreck made The Today Show--Mat Lauwer was trippin'. JB should get some serious photo incentive for making national news; the highest rated morning show no less. Espn should also kick down some serious cash for air time Jakes given them on national news shows.  
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: cliff on August 03, 2007, 10:41:33 AM
As jake's good friend it was pretty fucked to watch the dude just fall out of the sky...........fuck that was the worst slam I have ever seem, but yeah he is OK or thats what weiss said last night. He was taken to get a cat scan though I don't think you can slam like that and not have one. He should have won for sure! I mean fuck he lost by .33 points thats a gangster ass jack move on my boy. 
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on August 03, 2007, 10:44:34 AM
That was absolutely the worst/craziest slam ever! Jake is a machine apparently. It's good to hear he's ok.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Duffy on August 03, 2007, 10:50:04 AM
Thats crazy
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: h@rry_t3H_pImP on August 03, 2007, 10:55:25 AM
It just dawned on me that he's larger than life this point I just hope he's ok with gettin brain from any hot-ass model celebrity chick in the world after that shit;)

/I can see it now
//Letterman's trying to get him
///Exclusive interview on Larry King
////"The world is yours"
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Rob. on August 03, 2007, 11:30:50 AM

the blind marketing department have taken the rest of the year off.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: obeygiant on August 03, 2007, 11:31:38 AM
Seriously though that back360 he also did was so fucking gnarly ... someone post that

I cant believe he didnt get fucked up at all though ... think of the shit duffy had to go through when he fell almost the same way
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: obeygiant on August 03, 2007, 11:37:05 AM
also dont forget about this
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sweatloaf on August 03, 2007, 11:48:00 AM
That was so faked to throw off the bookmakers in Vegas for KOTR
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bothersome on August 03, 2007, 11:54:51 AM
Seriously though that back360 he also did was so fucking gnarly ... someone post that

I cant believe he didnt get fucked up at all though ... think of the shit duffy had to go through when he fell almost the same way
are you talking about the 720 he did over the gap or is it a different trick they haven't shown yet?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sfa on August 03, 2007, 12:08:53 PM
also dont forget about this

oh, that, the only vert part you dont fast forward or skip. yeah, its fucking sick alright.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 03, 2007, 12:17:10 PM
his 720 was so ill real wild when i saw that......of course what i saw next wasnt so ill
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Sleazy on August 03, 2007, 12:22:26 PM
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: colin on August 03, 2007, 12:23:51 PM
Expand Quote
Seriously though that back360 he also did was so fucking gnarly ... someone post that

I cant believe he didnt get fucked up at all though ... think of the shit duffy had to go through when he fell almost the same way
are you talking about the 720 he did over the gap or is it a different trick they haven't shown yet?

Apparenly, he did a BS 360 ollie over the gap on his run before the 720.

Obey, thanks for putting up that clip. Was that from the Blind video? Stevie Wonder!
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 03, 2007, 12:29:10 PM
he did a back 360 with no grab in his run before that
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: ahlee on August 03, 2007, 12:37:40 PM
I want to see his other run. Anyone?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sebastian toombs on August 03, 2007, 12:42:49 PM
wouldnt be surprised if ESPN never holds that event again...   can you imagine what was going through their executives' minds at that moment?

out of morbid curiosity, who would have covered his medical bills if hed been injured during the event?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: jrock on August 03, 2007, 12:44:47 PM
judging by the way skate companies usually handle their riders, he'd probably have to pay his bills himself
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: friershier on August 03, 2007, 12:53:08 PM

Go figure but the NY times is sort of right on in this article.  They basically call out the mega ramp for being more stunt than actual sport.  Also I dont expect the NY times to be perfect with naming tricks but how could Bob Burnquist to a switch backside 180 and then to a switch 540. couldn't only one of the tricks be switch since you would land going regular from a switch 180.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sweatloaf on August 03, 2007, 12:58:48 PM
Also I dont expect the NY times to be perfect with naming tricks but how could Bob Burnquist to a switch backside 180 and then to a switch 540. couldn't only one of the tricks be switch since you would land going regular from a switch 180.

That's just how good Bob is at switch. It defies the rules of trick names.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: friershier on August 03, 2007, 01:03:35 PM
They were playing the x-games at the gym last night and after Bob did that last trick he rode up to the top of the ramp and knelt down and looked like he was crying with joy and then praying, it was way gay and embarassing.  I finally understood why he got kicked off anti-hero.  He is still a sick skater but that was too much.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: brooklyn brawler on August 03, 2007, 01:08:00 PM
It amazes me that one of the only last few legit vert skaters in the industry took that fall.

As morbid as this is, I kind of wished it was Bob or Shaun White instead, simply because I know it would hurt them more.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Home Skillet on August 03, 2007, 01:11:25 PM
I want to see his other run. Anyone?

also, the more I hear about Bob, the more I can't stand that selfish son of a bitch.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Sleazy on August 03, 2007, 01:14:44 PM
that is probably the most well written article i've read in non-skate media about skating
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bjsk87 on August 03, 2007, 01:26:54 PM
like seriously that had to be the worst fall i ever saw.....he shoulda got gold just for it
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: clarkie on August 03, 2007, 01:38:12 PM
wouldnt be surprised if ESPN never holds that event again...   can you imagine what was going through their executives' minds at that moment?

I was thinking the same thing keeping in mind the X-Games is just a highly staged television show. I just heard after last year's best trick the TV world watching Shawn White unsuccessfully try 20 times for the 1080 or whatever didn't make for good television viewing in their minds. So this year, they are taking out best trick.

And so much for helmets huh?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on August 03, 2007, 01:40:33 PM
Expand Quote
wouldnt be surprised if ESPN never holds that event again...   can you imagine what was going through their executives' minds at that moment?

I was thinking the same thing keeping in mind the X-Games is just a highly staged television show. I just heard after last year's best trick the TV world watching Shawn White unsuccessfully try 20 times for the 1080 or whatever didn't make for good television viewing in their minds. So this year, they are taking out best trick.

And so much for helmets huh?

chuh, he would HAVE been hurt if he wasn't wearing it.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: ahlee on August 03, 2007, 01:50:45 PM
I cant stop watching it.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: aguywhoskates on August 03, 2007, 01:54:11 PM
im going to the best trick street today cuz my boss at active gave me tickets. kinda stoked.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: HenryChinaski on August 03, 2007, 02:07:12 PM
It says on the Blind site that “Jake is being treated for internal lacerations to his liver and lungs and will be there (in the hospital) until further notice.” I can not believe that he did not break any bones. The 720 he did was amazing, it is a shame he didn’t even remember pulling it. Get well soon Jake!
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: E.l.G on August 03, 2007, 04:00:31 PM
Man fuck Bob Burnquist so much.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hargo on August 03, 2007, 04:02:02 PM
bob burnquist looked really lame after that event. the whole walking backwards next to brown looked really insincere. he obviously cared way more about getting the gold then how jake was doing.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: ciaran on August 03, 2007, 04:21:24 PM
Too true.

he should have won, and Bob should have bowed down and let him take first, his run's we sick, and well that slam and walkign away let alone should be a number one in anyones books

Although the vast majority of skaters don't give a flying fuck about contests - aside from those making bank off them - that would have been the intelligent/noble thing to do.  Skating's not about winning.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: ciaran on August 03, 2007, 04:25:18 PM
One other thing.   Adidas.

Flow???   They must be kicking themselves.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bothersome on August 03, 2007, 04:37:08 PM
I had 4 random homie/thug dudes roll into the shop today who knew who jake brown was now.
instant dyrdek status.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: what the on August 03, 2007, 04:56:38 PM
jakey is by far one of my best friends out there to see this made me tear up ,i cant and will not ever understand the mega ramp,bob,you piece of shit,thats your boy out there falling  falling falling ,bob has the worst style too,jake mate  your a champ,thank god we didnt lose another great skater,love ya jakey
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: magnet on August 03, 2007, 05:06:02 PM
Regarding the update on the Blind site since when did ollies have to specified that they are no handed?  But then again they might have been distressed or in a rush considering the typos up there too.

Craziest fall ever.  Best wishes for a speedy recovery and future redemption destroying the X Games lames.

Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bornindabay on August 03, 2007, 06:24:09 PM
Such a cool dude. I hope he gets well soon.

When I saw the fall I thought he may have spun him self backwards on purpose so he wouldn't bust his knees cause he'd have a better chance at cushioning the blow. I was concerned about his neck and whiplash, but couldn't really see exactly how he fell.

I think just seeing that set up just makes me think how gay shit is. Is this what skating is about? Killling ourselves for someone elses pleasure... most likely someone that doesn't skate. This is what happens when corpos barge in More like a circus than skating. Do your bid and don't support these suit and tie investors. They don't give two licks about skating and have always shown that they'll be gone when skating isn't as popular. Doesn't that mean anything to anyone?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hargo on August 03, 2007, 06:50:11 PM
Such a cool dude. I hope he gets well soon.

When I saw the fall I thought he may have spun him self backwards on purpose so he wouldn't bust his knees cause he'd have a better chance at cushioning the blow. I was concerned about his neck and whiplash, but couldn't really see exactly how he fell.

I think just seeing that set up just makes me think how gay shit is. Is this what skating is about? Killling ourselves for someone elses pleasure... most likely someone that doesn't skate. This is what happens when corpos barge in More like a circus than skating. Do your bid and don't support these suit and tie investors. They don't give two licks about skating and have always shown that they'll be gone when skating isn't as popular. Doesn't that mean anything to anyone?

i think these guys are just adrenaline junkies, i can respect it way more than guys doing lame basic shit on 20 stair rails.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: cold budweisers on August 03, 2007, 06:55:31 PM
goddamn he seriously got blasted
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: clarkie on August 03, 2007, 07:28:53 PM
Those vert dudes bitched and whined to ESPN for years, forming unions, now it's PRO Union or whatever. They wanted to get paid, they wanted health plans, threatened to strike, etc. I wouldn't be surprised since they are still X-jocks they must be under contracts. It's not a contest, it's invitational. I went to one and they didn't want any empty seats in view of the cameras, so if you left the grandstand, they filled your seat and you couldn't get back in, you had to stand in line to be another "filler." They have their "cheerleaders" telling the crowds when to yell, clap, etc. they get the crowds going, tape it when nothing is going on then edit it in later. I wouldn't be surprised if it's in their contracta that no matter how badly you get hurt, you have to get up and walk away haahhaah. Jake should have been put on a stretcher, those people didn't have any way to know how badly he was hurt. That was irresponsible.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: FuckNameLock on August 03, 2007, 07:56:47 PM
This is a story of Flip and there teams problems...

There once was a team named Flip Skateboards.. who used to have a sick as fuck team.
Now although they still do, ill give them there due, but shit just went sour its true.

Out chalmers, out bastien, in Gonzales, in Cross,
Although they gained big, it was unfortunat loss.

then all of a sudden, shit just went sour
and in came the toddlers, in and out by the hour.

i cant even recall, most of there names.
there still in preschool, its quite a damn shame.

a great team named the firm, folded and fell
flip snatched them up quick, like a bat out of hell

known for there mistakes, flip now had one giant flaw
the extremist named bob,  whod everyone had saw (?!?!)

hed jumped down the canyon, and unfortunatly for us
survived the long fall, with a parachute no less

now bob is win win win, thats a known fact.
but shit went to far this time, this anal nut sack

there was a man named jake brown,
not a man, more like a machine.
he fell out of the sky
destroying himself like in dream.

bob said some dumb shit, not concerned for jakes health
and went balls out for gold, actually won it himself

good job xgames!
for fuckin that one up
jake brown was the real hero
for being able to get up

the moral of this little story
fuck bob and his medal
that shits as fake as he is
.... the end

yeah that got pretty shitty, but how this dude is on flip is beyond me, they dont put up with this shit.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sebastian toombs on August 03, 2007, 08:05:58 PM
id heard america just got a new poet laureate...   right on!
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: FuckNameLock on August 03, 2007, 08:14:46 PM
im a canuck, but you know the deal  :P
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: sebastian toombs on August 03, 2007, 08:17:05 PM
ive watched some of the youtube stuff...   and dont want to see it again, but would like to say:

Man fuck Bob Burnquist so much.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: grimcity on August 03, 2007, 08:18:32 PM
I'm a fan of what Bob's been able to do on a skateboard, but I personally couldn't have dropped in after Jake's run... but I'm not really competitive so I can't relate. To me it looked like a dickish thing to do, which I hate saying because I never imagined Bob being a dickish dude. I dunno.

As for Jake... I can't say anything that hasn't already been said. Dude's amazing as all fuck.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: daboss on August 03, 2007, 08:28:54 PM
Did you guys ever think that bob was doing his run in honor of jake and maybe when they get back to san diego bob will give him the check for his doctor bills? You don't know bob so don't start talking shit. Just because he did his run doesnt mean he doesnt respect jake.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: FuckNameLock on August 03, 2007, 08:40:46 PM
were more or less talking about what happend after he had won,if he would have been respectable and maybe waved to the crowed, whatever you know, but the dude almost started to cry, fuck that dude.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Lumpy Oatmeal on August 03, 2007, 08:42:22 PM
rofl at that poem
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Home Skillet on August 03, 2007, 10:12:03 PM
Did you guys ever think that bob was doing his run in honor of jake and maybe when they get back to san diego bob will give him the check for his doctor bills? You don't know bob so don't start talking shit. Just because he did his run doesnt mean he doesnt respect jake.
He wanted to take another run due to the motorcycles being too loud.  Not for any honor bullshit.  I used to respect Bob a whole lot, not anymore.  If it weren't for Jake slamming so hard from 40+ ft up, I wouldn't have watched any clip of the xgames.  Fuck Xgames, and Fuck Bob.  This is a circus act now.   
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Hard To Explain on August 03, 2007, 10:13:14 PM
Did you guys ever think that bob was doing his run in honor of jake and maybe when they get back to san diego bob will give him the check for his doctor bills? You don't know bob so don't start talking shit. Just because he did his run doesnt mean he doesnt respect jake.

Email Bob and ask him... better yet, email Flip to make sure this all actually happened.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: yep yep on August 04, 2007, 12:13:29 AM
I'm so glad jake was able to get up from that slam, it was the scariest thng that I have ever seen in my life, I saw tears coming from a lot of peoples eyes. Also I cant believe that after Bob saw his friend go doown like that, that he was still mentally able to drop in and not be scared for his life. I think its weird that he took another run, but I think any of those MegaRamp dudes would have done the same thing, even Jake. Bob is a cool dude and I'm sure Jake would have wanted him to take his run, even though he ended up beating him with it. At the end of the contest I still think jake should of won, his line with the bs 360 and huge 540 was amazing not to mention his 720... The X Games is a circus act, but that circus act probably gets you paid a couple six figure contracts if you get gold, so of course Bob is going to want to win... But damn thank god Jake was able to get up from that.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hargo on August 04, 2007, 12:58:31 AM
Did you guys ever think that bob was doing his run in honor of jake and maybe when they get back to san diego bob will give him the check for his doctor bills? You don't know bob so don't start talking shit. Just because he did his run doesnt mean he doesnt respect jake.

Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: E.l.G on August 04, 2007, 02:05:48 AM
Did you guys ever think that bob was doing his run in honor of jake and maybe when they get back to san diego bob will give him the check for his doctor bills? You don't know bob so don't start talking shit. Just because he did his run doesnt mean he doesnt respect jake.

I like how you took one assumption and contradicted it with another that's about a hundred times less likely.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: PATruth on August 04, 2007, 03:59:53 AM
Such a cool dude. I hope he gets well soon.

When I saw the fall I thought he may have spun him self backwards on purpose so he wouldn't bust his knees cause he'd have a better chance at cushioning the blow. I was concerned about his neck and whiplash, but couldn't really see exactly how he fell.

I think just seeing that set up just makes me think how gay shit is. Is this what skating is about? Killling ourselves for someone elses pleasure... most likely someone that doesn't skate. This is what happens when corpos barge in More like a circus than skating. Do your bid and don't support these suit and tie investors. They don't give two licks about skating and have always shown that they'll be gone when skating isn't as popular. Doesn't that mean anything to anyone?

I gotta agree with you on this one Henry. I hate skateboarding on tv. This shits for me,not the 50 kooks that will ask "Did you see that guy fall on the Xgames?" Fkn circus shit.

Oh and Bob....I fucked your ex stripper wife.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: brooklyn brawler on August 04, 2007, 12:34:57 PM
I didn't watch this, but was this whole event live? Or was there a time delay?

Jsoy's Owen Hart reference was dead on. What if Jake was dead, and all those replays right after the fall was repeating his death. Owen Hart got smoked and they instantly cut off the cameras before the time delay. Jake's fall makes me wonder.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bentmode on August 04, 2007, 03:37:49 PM
the event was live....he got up and walked away.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: pressdown on August 04, 2007, 03:49:21 PM
he should have won, and Bob should have bowed down and let him take first, his run's we sick, and well that slam and walkign away let alone should be a number one in anyones books
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Sony MDR V2 headphones on August 04, 2007, 06:38:37 PM
"I can't believe he made the 720."

*jake brown lies unconscious.*
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: toque on August 04, 2007, 09:14:36 PM
Expand Quote
"I can't believe he made the 720."

*jake brown lies unconscious.*

haha yeah that was ill

its sort of like when that one kid tries the twelve flat tweleve in the rain and hes laying face down on the cement not moving and one of his buddies says "that was the coolest thing ive ever seen!"
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: FuckNameLock on August 04, 2007, 09:19:10 PM
that dude was a serious dumbass thoe, shit even i laughed when he ate shit

no laughing at this thoe
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: on August 04, 2007, 09:40:29 PM
just an observation...but you guys are getting pretty emo with this shit....
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Zero_Soldier3x on August 05, 2007, 01:00:00 AM
I wish I could fall almost 50 feet and somehow only manage to break my wrist and bruise my lung. I don't understand how he didnt die from that, it was pretty intense  :o
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Jackers on August 05, 2007, 01:53:50 AM
just an observation...but you guys are getting pretty emo with this shit....
Bob was more emo when he did the traditional x-games drama queen shot after landing.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: enfocus on August 05, 2007, 01:57:04 AM
Expand Quote (

Even though I knew what was coming I still winced at that.

Cronulla breeds em tough.

Beware the 'nulla...
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: boyan on August 05, 2007, 01:46:36 PM
update on his condition,1,4252133.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-sports (,1,4252133.story?coll=la-headlines-pe-sports)
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bornindabay on August 05, 2007, 01:52:12 PM
I knew he intentionally turned in mid air. It saved his knees but could have been disaster for his neck. Thank god
he doesn't have a broken neck. Hope he gets well soon.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: leeroy on August 05, 2007, 02:11:13 PM
"Shoes everywhere, lights out."

I like this dude.

Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Cliffzilla on August 05, 2007, 04:02:46 PM
Fuck Bob Burnquist.

Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: NickDagger on August 05, 2007, 04:09:35 PM
owen heart's last words:
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hatehatehatehate on August 05, 2007, 05:19:53 PM
i heard he was at his house drinking a couple beers last night. fucking superhuman
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Guile on August 05, 2007, 06:01:51 PM
im glad i backed him in all the vert topics here. dude does impressive shit, including die hard reinactments on millions of tv screens across the world. some serious john mclean shit there.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: GattMood on August 05, 2007, 07:39:52 PM
All Jake Brown eats are Gnar Bars.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hatehatehatehate on August 05, 2007, 10:28:58 PM
This just in!

Jake Brown wins the coveted "Air Buiscit of the Year" award after he his incredible 50 foot buiscit at the x-games. Way to go Jake.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: what the on August 05, 2007, 11:53:24 PM
this just in fuck you ,your are a son of a dirty whore,she should have swallowed you
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hatehatehatehate on August 06, 2007, 12:02:31 AM
this just in fuck you ,your are a son of a dirty whore,she should have swallowed you

"you was never shit, you're mother should've swallowed you"

Big L huh? and mad hoes, ask beavis i get nothing butt-head.

im not hating, to live from thats amazing.

it doesnt change the fact that it was the ultimate air buiscit of all time.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: leeroy on August 06, 2007, 02:27:18 PM
Fuck Bob Burnquist.


This was on - you might wanna hate him more now...

The New York Times asked Bob Burnquist what he thought about skateboarding in the Olympics. He was skepical: “I’m not going to be the one blocking it,” he said. “I’m just going to be the one asking the hard questions, at least for myself, whether I’m going to be involved or not.”
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: NickDagger on August 06, 2007, 04:33:46 PM
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: --Vibetek-- on August 06, 2007, 05:55:50 PM
wouldnt be surprised if ESPN never holds that event again...   can you imagine what was going through their executives' minds at that moment?

out of morbid curiosity, who would have covered his medical bills if hed been injured during the event?

I've just been reading up on a BMXer who broke his neck and is now possibly paralysed at the Dew Tour in June.

Apart from moral support there has been nothing from the event organisers and from what I've heard the X-Games is the same. This guys health insurance is paying for his treatment but they've had to rely on fund raising from his friends to keep his family afloat.

These "athlete's" (sorry) are the one's providing the entertainment, and generating millions and millions of advertising revenue, and they get compensated with a little bit of prize money but fuck yourself up and possibly end your career and you get nothing.

I know the skaters who participate in these things are saying they are bringing skateboarding to a wider audience and all that but IS IT REALLY WORTH IT? Is it worth killing yourself so these suits can make millions, whore out your lifestyle, shit, WHORE OUT YOUR LIFE and bail the moment it all goes wrong.

You're then sitting in your uncles garage (sorry the million dollar home is gone now) sucking beers thinking about what could have been while these guys make even more money re-running your career ending moment.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Sheep on August 06, 2007, 06:36:23 PM
Expand Quote
wouldnt be surprised if ESPN never holds that event again...   can you imagine what was going through their executives' minds at that moment?

out of morbid curiosity, who would have covered his medical bills if hed been injured during the event?

I've just been reading up on a BMXer who broke his neck and is now possibly paralysed at the Dew Tour in June.

Apart from moral support there has been nothing from the event organisers and from what I've heard the X-Games is the same. This guys health insurance is paying for his treatment but they've had to rely on fund raising from his friends to keep his family afloat.

These "athlete's" (sorry) are the one's providing the entertainment, and generating millions and millions of advertising revenue, and they get compensated with a little bit of prize money but fuck yourself up and possibly end your career and you get nothing.

I know the skaters who participate in these things are saying they are bringing skateboarding to a wider audience and all that but IS IT REALLY WORTH IT? Is it worth killing yourself so these suits can make millions, whore out your lifestyle, shit, WHORE OUT YOUR LIFE and bail the moment it all goes wrong.

You're then sitting in your uncles garage (sorry the million dollar home is gone now) sucking beers thinking about what could have been while these guys make even more money re-running your career ending moment.
Dude, Megaskating is definitely an Extreme Sport at this point. Shit's dangerous and the risk of bodily injury is high and anyone who participates in that circus sideshow knows it. What do you want?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: on August 06, 2007, 08:24:12 PM
i think it's here to stay....vert skating for some reason was always kinda popular on x games but lately it's kinda fallen off... to shit like that freestyle motor cross or whatever...... you think vert guys are gonna bow out....they have no choice....
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: brooklyn brawler on August 06, 2007, 08:47:31 PM

Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: four eyes on August 06, 2007, 08:59:14 PM
Expand Quote


yeah, fuck is right. now jake has an agent bargaining for him due to his huge mishap and widespread popularity. lame.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: clarkie on August 06, 2007, 09:55:36 PM
I'm deja vu'ing Wild World of Sports "The thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Anybody remember that skier shown week after week on ABC sports? Poor dude didn't even know he was famous, he was a foreigner also.

I can just see ESPN's new opening footage now. The thrill of victory will be Shawn White SCREAMING into the camera mic after his win, and poor Jake's fall as the agony of defeat. hahahah
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Mad Max on August 07, 2007, 05:05:44 AM
man... I just saw footy of Owen Harts fall and had to stop the video. That really sucked.

Was he brett Hart's brother? If so that family is cursed.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Home Skillet on August 07, 2007, 06:13:46 AM
man... I just saw footy of Owen Harts fall and had to stop the video. That really sucked.

Was he brett Hart's brother? If so that family is cursed.
Yes he was Brett's brother.  Owen fell 80 ft though if I can remember correctly.  I thought they never released video of the actual fall. 
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Mad Max on August 07, 2007, 06:23:14 AM
there's footy on the tube that looks pretty real.

The again, I watched the fall once and hit X

Dude hit the top buckle...
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: kneebone on August 07, 2007, 07:20:16 AM
I didn't watch this, but was this whole event live? Or was there a time delay?

Jsoy's Owen Hart reference was dead on. What if Jake was dead, and all those replays right after the fall was repeating his death. Owen Hart got smoked and they instantly cut off the cameras before the time delay. Jake's fall makes me wonder.

They didn't actually show any replays on the live telecast until after Jake got up and walked away...they cut to long a commercial break, and when they came back he was just getting up.  then they played the replays.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: brooklyn brawler on August 07, 2007, 07:28:26 AM
Did the actual fall make it to air, though?

Whether they played it once, or replayed it six hundred times, if Jake died, it would have gone on Youtube.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: schweet on August 07, 2007, 10:47:41 PM
Better version of the fall
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: four eyes on August 07, 2007, 11:38:38 PM
Here's a press release that went out today that completely ignores the Jake Brown mishap or that fact that he could've should've won.

Bob Burnquist Wins X Games Gold
Los Angeles, California – August 7, 2007 – Bob Burnquist wins X Games Gold at X Games 13 in the Skate Big Air competition. 

Practice makes perfect.  After going through the laborious process of recreating the X Games mega ramp in his backyard, Burnquist was able to practice on the behemoth in the months leading up to the Games.  The ever courteous Burnquist even invited over his fellow competitors so that they could practice and help push each other to create new tricks.  Apparently, the practice paid off as Bob was rewarded for all his hard work with the Gold Medal at X Games 13.  Sitting in second place going into his final run, Burnquist needed something big to put him back in first.  Never one to shy away from a challenge, Bob threw down a monstrous final run, dropping in switch Bob landed a super stylish 180 no-handed backside ollie over the 70-foot gap followed by a double-overhead rodeo front-side 540 on the quarter pipe.  Staples Center erupted as Bob nailed his final run and sailed into first place and the Gold Medal.  “I was so relieved that all the hard work and practice over the last couple months paid off, it was truly an honor to win Gold especially given the level of competition” remarked Burnquist after the event.  Bob skates next at the AST Dew Tour on August 19 in Portland, Oregon. 
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: monster network on August 08, 2007, 01:32:20 AM
can someone use the goldeneye satellite to laser off bob's antihero back tattoo?
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Dirk Wiggler on August 08, 2007, 06:03:04 AM
I live on the 6th storey of my apartment building. The height he fell is roughly equivalent to leaping off my balcony. That's no joke. A friend of mine fell of a balcony on the 4th floor at a party and the dude will never be quite the same again... Jake Brown is either incredibly lucky, incredibly badass or both.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: Home Skillet on August 08, 2007, 08:21:39 AM
No wai!  A no handed ollie?!  Bob Burnbridge is my hero!!
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hatehatehatehate on August 08, 2007, 04:20:12 PM
I live on the 6th storey of my apartment building. The height he fell is roughly equivalent to leaping off my balcony. That's no joke. A friend of mine fell of a balcony on the 4th floor at a party and the dude will never be quite the same again... Jake Brown is either incredibly lucky, incredibly badass or both.

i heard your friend got thrown off for giving Marcellus Wallace's wife a foot massage. it fucked up the way a nigga talked.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: jrock on August 08, 2007, 05:43:22 PM
i really hate the phrase "x games gold".  I feel dirty every time i hear it
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: bornindabay on August 08, 2007, 06:02:38 PM
Here's a press release that went out today that completely ignores the Jake Brown mishap or that fact that he could've should've won.

Bob Burnquist Wins X Games Gold
Los Angeles, California – August 7, 2007 – Bob Burnquist wins X Games Gold at X Games 13 in the Skate Big Air competition. 

Practice makes perfect.  After going through the laborious process of recreating the X Games mega ramp in his backyard, Burnquist was able to practice on the behemoth in the months leading up to the Games.  The ever courteous Burnquist even invited over his fellow competitors so that they could practice and help push each other to create new tricks.  Apparently, the practice paid off as Bob was rewarded for all his hard work with the Gold Medal at X Games 13.  Sitting in second place going into his final run, Burnquist needed something big to put him back in first.  Never one to shy away from a challenge, Bob threw down a monstrous final run, dropping in switch Bob landed a super stylish 180 no-handed backside ollie over the 70-foot gap followed by a double-overhead rodeo front-side 540 on the quarter pipe.  Staples Center erupted as Bob nailed his final run and sailed into first place and the Gold Medal.  “I was so relieved that all the hard work and practice over the last couple months paid off, it was truly an honor to win Gold especially given the level of competition” remarked Burnquist after the event.  Bob skates next at the AST Dew Tour on August 19 in Portland, Oregon. 

No handed backside ollie? Is this some new trick I never heard about?

That's kind of corny for Bob to build that in his backyard but hey... vert skating videoparts aren't really in high demand and these guys gotta milk it for what it's worth before the circus goes away. This is how good vert dudes make their bread. I don't blame him no matter how corny it appears.
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: jrock on August 08, 2007, 06:48:49 PM
was just flipping channels and saw jake getting interviewed by Larry King
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: hero on August 08, 2007, 07:27:51 PM
yeah just saw that too..Larry asked some dumb questions, but hey i guess he's getting old in years. Also had some dudes that surrived crazy car crashes
Title: Re: jake brown just ate utter and complete shit
Post by: tuckknee on August 10, 2007, 10:50:34 AM
has anyone seen this? someone on ytmnd made this