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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: smellofdeath on August 23, 2007, 04:34:52 AM

Title: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: smellofdeath on August 23, 2007, 04:34:52 AM
The management of the new London bridge skatepark have imposed a rule banning skateboarders over 18 from skating the park. Sign the petition organised by Seth and Slam at...

Here's a quote from the parks management...

"In the case of Whites Grounds, we are not permitted to allow unaccompanied adults on the site at any time as young people.
If a young person was to be assaulted or groomed during our supervised sessions, we would be held accountable."

You also have the chance to write a comment on the petition so please keep it articulate and sensible. This is a crazy rule that needs overturning so get signing. Here's what I wrote on mine to give you some ideas of the issues you could raise.

"This is the first time, in 20 years of skateboarding, I have EVER heard of a skatepark having an age restriction. Can you imagine a football pitch with an age restriction?

This rule at the London Bridge park is, to coin a phrase, political correctness gone mad. "...unaccompanied adults"??? That's a bizarre twist on things!

For a start the park is SUPERVISED, unlike many in the UK, and should serve as deterrent enough to any improper behaviour.

One of the best things about skateboarding is that it is all inclusive and trying to keep adults and children apart is unnecessary nannying that has clearly been thought up by somebody with no real knowledge of skateboarding.

This rule fairly reeks of the park management's naive thinking that skateboarding is just something that kids do. As a 32 year old man working in the skateboard industry I know that this attitude is something all skateboarders have to battle against everyday and just shows the misunderstanding that many seem to have about the activity.

A grown man with a skateboard is not a potential paedophile and does not need to "grow up".

The park is also frequented by a large number of sponsored and professional skateboarders from both the UK and abroad on their visits to London. Most of these are over 18 and banning them from the park is depriving younger kids from skateboarding with respected professionals that they look up to and can learn a lot from. London is home to many sponsored and professional skaters and their presence at public skateparks is something that helps keep the scene alive.

Can you imagine David Beckham being denied access to playing on a public football pitch? That's exactly what's happening here if the over 18 exclusion stays in place.

The management behind the London Bridge park need to seriously reconsider their actions and consult other local councils responsible for public skateparks in the UK. They'll clearly find that their rules are unprecedented and completely unnecessary."
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: loophole on August 23, 2007, 04:37:41 AM
who would the adults be accompanied by? other adults? or kids?
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: Sleazy on August 23, 2007, 04:40:45 AM
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: metsuri on August 23, 2007, 04:50:55 AM
That's fucked up. Seriously, makes no sense at all. I signed the petition.
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: Alan on August 23, 2007, 05:27:04 AM
Ha, so when the council worked with the skaters on this park, didn't they notice that they were over 18?
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: youre fucked lady on August 23, 2007, 05:48:30 AM
Relax. People skate in places they are not allowed to skate in all the time.

Granted it is a pretty funny thing for them to impose, but how hard will it be to get someone who is allowed to skate there to vouch for you? (or is that considered grooming?)
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: smellofdeath on August 23, 2007, 06:06:10 AM
Relax. People skate in places they are not allowed to skate in all the time.

Granted it is a pretty funny thing for them to impose, but how hard will it be to get someone who is allowed to skate there to vouch for you? (or is that considered grooming?)

Well you'd think so but Britain's tabloid media and thus by extension, a vast majority of its population have an unhealthy fixation on anything where the word paedophile is used.
This whole thing is fucking ridiculous.
Cheers for signing those that have already.
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: ahlee on August 23, 2007, 06:24:11 AM
Fake ID's bitches.
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: Silent Bob. on August 23, 2007, 06:38:33 AM
Damn this really sucks..

I was really looking forward to skating that place, especially in winter - it seems original and fun...

But I live at least 2 hours journey away - and, as much as I'd like to, there's no way I look under 18

So I'm basically being told "here's a great new park - check it out, but don't touch" as if they stick to this rule there is no way I'll ever be able to skate it.

Props to all those who helped get it built in the first place, and of course I signed the petition, but seriously I fucking hate political correctness

So for me maybe dressing like a delinquent Goth, complete with full make-up, whited-out face etc is the only way I would possibly be able to skate this park?

What's the security like there - can you just walk into the place and skate it late when kids should be in bed ?
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: Star Whores Episode I: The Fellatio Menace on August 23, 2007, 06:44:26 AM
Fake ID's bitches.

i never thought i would need a fake ID that says i'm under 18
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: biggums mcgee on August 23, 2007, 06:47:52 AM
its funny how the english can apppreciate all of the problems 'young adults' bring through
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: ahlee on August 23, 2007, 07:01:50 AM
Expand Quote
Fake ID's bitches.

i never thought i would need a fake ID that says i'm under 18

Me and my buddies got bummed we couldnt use are fakes anymore once we turned 21... so we're going to go out and try and use our fakes anyways.
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: subroku on August 23, 2007, 07:52:29 AM
totally fuct...seriously england has this kind of shite mentallity running through out it...Surely by the time your 18 you should be???at the pub...fighting...or whatever else.This whole idea of an age limit represents all that is wrong there.small minded idiots...And for paedophilia see brasseye it said it all 10 years back.
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: bornindabay on August 23, 2007, 08:24:32 AM
Just a cop out of the normal duties a park handles on the daily. That's absolutely stupid.
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: DrNewton on August 23, 2007, 09:25:35 AM


Imagine this guy walking in with a new complete, full pads, and some fresh Fallens straight from the mall.

"Gnarly bro..... come with me.... I've got some free product in the back of my van."
Title: Re: Skaters over 18 - BANNED from London skatepark - SIGN the petition please
Post by: sweatloaf on August 23, 2007, 10:28:48 AM
If a young person was to be assaulted or groomed during our supervised sessions, we would be held accountable."

Groomed? Like when apes pick lice off of each other and crush them in their teeth? Is this a common problem in UK skateparks? That's weird.