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Help!!! => HELP => Topic started by: CeeyMar on June 21, 2009, 10:29:15 AM

Title: Skating Tranny
Post by: CeeyMar on June 21, 2009, 10:29:15 AM
What are the basics and what should I really know? Like riding spines and transferring and being able to get air, also I can never get good air off banks. Where should I pop?

These are going to be the parks I\m working with.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Mullet Man on June 21, 2009, 11:47:48 AM
I hadn't skated tranny in years, and then went to the Newberg, OR park last week and had a blast. I skate street and I'm not the greatest tranny skater, but I'll tell ya what I know. And I would like to see some advice too, so spill it y'all.

First of all, after dropping in (obviously) the first shit you should learn would be axle stalls, rock to fakie, and just how to pump for speed. That will get you going. Axle stalls will lead to 50-50s. And just go from there (I am at the point where I can do fast 50-50s around corners, but I'd like to learn 5-0s and a lot of other shit).

The main thing is to just charge it. Hesitation will get you broke off.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: bumptobar on June 21, 2009, 09:42:28 PM
skate a lot of mini is just about the best advice anyone can give you.  And for frontside ollies make sure you turn your shoulders frontside before you pop.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: crest on June 22, 2009, 02:02:43 AM
just fucking try it and eventually youll figure it out. too many street skaters are 'too cool' to learn transition and thats a fuckin bummer because its fun as hell.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 22, 2009, 04:18:57 AM
find the smallest transition you have access too and learn your tricks on it then work your way up
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Hola on June 22, 2009, 06:32:40 AM
skate a lot of mini is just about the best advice anyone can give you.  And for frontside ollies make sure you turn your shoulders frontside before you pop.

i never thought about that, ill try it soon!

learn frontside 5-0's the proper way .  i could only do frontside slash grinds for many years.  i only just recently learned how to do a real 5-0 and be on top of the coping, it feels so much better
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 22, 2009, 06:38:54 AM
i only just recently learned how to do a real 5-0 and be on top of the coping, it feels so much better

if i could only do one trick for the rest of my days, i'd probably pick this one. trick to doing them proper is just go full speed, stomp all your weight on your back foot and at first just keep your weight on it until you come to a comeplete stop and then it's basically just like dropping in. from there work on coming back in while your still moving.

milking this trick has been one of my favorite things about skating
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: H8R part 4 on June 22, 2009, 08:58:57 AM
the best advice i can give you is to not think of yourself rolling forward(regular) and backward(switch) on the ramp.
instead just think of it as you're rolling to your left and to your right, it makes skating ramps a lot easier.

Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: OttoMaddox on June 22, 2009, 10:42:40 AM
get drunk first
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: grimcity on June 22, 2009, 12:44:55 PM
Just know that first drop in is mentally the hardest thing ever. Beyond that, don't try to be precise. Transition typically gives you a lot of leeway, just go with your board until you feel more and more control over it.

Also, don't be stiff... keeps your legs a bit bent always, really bent sometimes.

Last thing: if you can't pump, don't go experimenting with tricks yet. If you can't pump both ways, you'll only be able to hit one trick in a mini then you'll stop rolling. Just learn to ride it first.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: magicstickyhand on June 22, 2009, 01:29:45 PM
get drunk first
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Mullet Man on June 22, 2009, 02:00:38 PM
the best advice i can give you is to not think of yourself rolling forward(regular) and backward(switch) on the ramp.
instead just think of it as you're rolling to your left and to your right, it makes skating ramps a lot easier.


I like this advice, I'm gonna try it.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: grimcity on June 24, 2009, 09:47:42 AM
faster's on point... also, as far as tricks themselves go, make sure to learn how to rock-to-fakie all the way up on the deck and come back in without clanking. It'll help you out with other stuff later on.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 24, 2009, 10:08:35 AM
and for gods sake, once you learn 5050, fakie rock and tail stall don't stop there. there's nothing worst than waiting for someone who does a bob burnquest 20 wall run consisting of noting but fakie rocks, 5050s and tail stalls. try a trick, maybe you'll make it, maybe you'll miss but pass that shit.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Mullet Man on June 24, 2009, 01:59:46 PM
^How else are dudes supposed to learn how to keep their speed? Give sucktards like me a break, we're trying to figure that shit out.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: east is in the house on June 24, 2009, 07:15:20 PM
once you get a feeling for pumping, it will never fade and only get better over time. basically, once you become moderately comfortable with skating around on something like a mini ramp, you'll naturally try to learn stuff.

however, speed is key. like mullet man said earliar, charging shit is the only way to go. when you're fooling around or trying to learn easy stuff, it should be a inclination to learn how to go faster and with alot of tricks (if not most) come out of the trick with more speed than you had going into it.

you'll figure out that transistion skating has so much to do with how you control and manipulate your momentum, and you'll get hyped. I think with me and alot of other dudes, once you really start skating tranny, you'll do alot of your 'street skating' tricks with so much more speed.

*I guess learning on smaller (or smallest) thing you can find is helpful, but when did going big ever hurt anyone? honestly, dudes who skate legit vert probably have and always will learn how to skate on large ramps. if you skate bigger ramps, smaller transistion becomes a much easier and fun task. think about it this way: a dude who skates a 5 foot mini has alot more of a trick selection on something small than a dude who only skates small transistion does on a 5 foot mini ramp.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: grimcity on June 25, 2009, 07:16:45 AM
^How else are dudes supposed to learn how to keep their speed? Give sucktards like me a break, we're trying to figure that shit out.
...I don't think Sleazy means it like that, he's talking about how some groms and Barneys do the same run over and over when the ramp is in the middle of a snake session, not really learning or experimenting, just dropping in, rock to fakie, tail tap, 50 50, rock to fakie, tail tap, 50 50, etc etc.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 25, 2009, 07:31:54 AM
^How else are dudes supposed to learn how to keep their speed? Give sucktards like me a break, we're trying to figure that shit out.

i generally have a line that i'm going to try that is stacked with tricks that i have on lock so i can at least ride for a bit before i fall and then after those tricks i'll put some lower precentage land type tricks or a new trick so that i have a chance of doing a longer line but also will pass it if i can't come through with something new.

so if all you got is 5050, tail stall and fakie rock you'd do something like 5050, fakie rock, tail stall and then try something new that maybe you'll make, maybe you'll miss but at least the next person can go. it's just kind of rude to sit there and do the same trick over and over while others are waiting and especially when there's a line 10 deep.

my general rule of thumb is to not do the same trick twice in a row in a run if i can avoid it, especially when others are waiting. i everyone stuck to that, then this problem wouldn't be a problem.

a usually prefer skating quarter pipes to minis for this very reason. at least on a quarter you only have to wait for each person to do one trick.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 25, 2009, 07:40:26 AM
a dude who skates a 5 foot mini has alot more of a trick selection on something small than a dude who only skates small transistion does on a 5 foot mini ramp.

once the ramp gets over 5 foot my trick selection drops quite a bit

i accepted a long time ago that i skate small stuff. small ledges, small rails, small gaps, small drops, ect... i'm down to skate whatever but i like to learn new tricks and if the slam is more than i'm comfortable taking then it gets old real quick for me. i'd rather skate something smaller and be able to actually try a new trick and slam without it being a big deal.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: grimcity on June 27, 2009, 10:21:23 PM
If you're coming in too fast, just carve that fucker into a big ass grind, or ollie the fuck out of it. Too much speed is an awesome problem to have, man!
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Mullet Man on June 28, 2009, 09:15:07 AM
Gimme some tips on how to sit on that ol' backside 5-0?

And what about tailslides? Do you basically just kinda slash into 'em?
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 29, 2009, 07:24:35 AM
back fives are easy if you can do 5050s on top of the ramp and not just carving them. if you got a 5050 on top then just pop a manual while grinding

front tails for me were easier to learn scoping. start with front suski (for lack of a better word) and just keep tweaking it until it's front tail. also learning 5 0 to tail slide is helpful too, then just start doing the transition from 5 0 to tail quicker and quicker till you get it.

back tails are just hard, but throw your weight like you would for a back 180 power slide on flat and then just stop all your weight on your back foot and pose your upper body in a back tail position. if it locks in then just balance it for as long as you can then drop back in. it helps to learn scoping into a back tail stall first then just hit it at angle with speed.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 29, 2009, 07:42:06 AM
easy way to roll your ankle that WRONG way (the brutal way like the guy does on feedback)

no matter how small the tranny, that can leave you with a plate in your ankle. i got one with 7 screws from a missed fs ollie on a small ass ramp.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: grimcity on June 29, 2009, 08:26:42 AM
I wanna gnardog MPiomF but I don't know if he'd like that or if I should kook him. Anyway, good post in a good thread.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on June 29, 2009, 09:09:43 AM
hope it turns out better than the houston park did
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Prison Wallet on June 29, 2009, 09:34:48 AM
Good thread. It's lit the fire for me to learn some new shit. I'm starting with trying to dial in proper backside ollies and from there I want to learn back disasters and back tails.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on July 02, 2009, 09:41:33 AM
my favorite shit to skate in town for the longest time was the small part of the ez7 prefab park. waist high bank on one side and waist high quarter on the other. so sick for learning stuff and the transitions were perfect for catching you when you fall unlike the concrete park that throws you straight to the flat because the tranny so quick. but i milked that shit too hard for too long and now don't really go.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: IPODS SUCK! on July 08, 2009, 01:20:12 PM
there's nothing worst than waiting for someone who does a bob burnquest 20 wall run....  pass that shit.

Gospel truth. Unfortunately the ears that need to hear this (or the eyes that need to read it) will probably never get it.l
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: grimcity on July 09, 2009, 09:38:59 AM
my favorite shit to skate in town for the longest time was the small part of the ez7 prefab park.
That spine & the 6 footer were fun too, but it's been a while. Is that ARC stuff still there? Long live EZ7!!
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on July 09, 2009, 01:29:03 PM
last time i went arc stuff was still there and yeah the spine is probably my favorite spine that i've skated but one day i'd love to have that mini quarter bank setup on a slab in my back yard. seems like it'd be more fun than just a mini

but the ditch has taken a beating. the plywood was all gone, the vert wall broke in half and a lot of parking blocks missing. heard it was the huricane and also heard it was some bmx guys.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: Sleazy on July 10, 2009, 10:50:43 AM
damn, 7 foot tranny with 5 foot deep end and 3 foot shallow? sounds sick. is it pool coping?
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: grimcity on July 11, 2009, 07:28:17 AM
Skating over very is both the most fun and terrifying thing ever! We have a 10 1/2 or 11 ft over-vert clamshell that encapsulates a snakerun in our crazy ass bowl at Dreamland... it has steel coping on top, and when you grind or do edgers, you feel like you're in freefall because when you look down, the transition isn't there to safely hop back into. I've gotten pretty high up at FDR too... that thing's a goddamned monster. Brewce Martin did a fucking handplant on that thing.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: sage on July 11, 2009, 06:15:54 PM
As far as "getting air" even Cards will tell you all you need is speed. You also don't need to pop very hard off of transition if you're going fast enough, or at all if you're doing early grabs.
Title: Re: Skating Tranny
Post by: the whompler on July 18, 2009, 12:40:17 PM
just watch an entire dehobl part in slow mo and all your questions will be answered. until then, and if you can, find a ramp thats steep and small, with huge coping, and not much flat. if you get used to skating that then it'll make everything else feel like a breeze...