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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: 13callsBS on July 16, 2009, 08:36:57 PM

Title: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: 13callsBS on July 16, 2009, 08:36:57 PM
I live in a pretty small military town (Annapolis, MD) with the blessing of abandoned military buildings and the curse of fat military cops. Today I was skating this roof gap for about an hour trying to get a ollie across a gap. After I was tired of eating shit, ducking for a random car, eating shit, etc... I decided "Fuck it, I'll just keep on skating (keep in mind I haven't seen a cop car in an hour). After a minute, the first car shows up. 30 feet from the building, WHEEE-OOOO WHEEE-OOOO FULL RED AND BLUE EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!! I hop off the the back of the 10 ft. roof without thinking and almost break my fucking ankles. I run into the woods and get behind a tree about 20 yards from the edge. Two cops get out and start shining flashlights in the woods, while I have to crawl under a log. Meanwhile, I had a friend who was coming up to the gap to skate with me. He texted me after about a minute asking if I was getting arrested or anything. Long story short, I was in the woods for 2 hours, they were walking around with guns, and 5 more cop cars showed up. That was the first time I ever ran from legit cops. starting from 9 to 11. Most fun and scariest moment of my all-too-short life. Have any other slap pals been arrested for skating sketchy places? That was my first encounter with police, at the tender age of 13. So juiced right now.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: scootboard on July 16, 2009, 08:53:12 PM

Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Trickskatin on July 16, 2009, 09:32:55 PM
When I read the title of this thread, I couldn't help but thinking "when pigs fly."
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: HRPoodersmith on July 17, 2009, 12:04:50 AM
yeah that's so fun, my friend moved and me and my other friend got to visit him and we went skatin and he told us about a full pipe so at like 12 at night we crawl under random shit walk through an alley full of thorns and bums beds and we get to an opening and there it is a full pipe but the only light we had was a few cell phones, it was cool but we decided to call it a night we go back in the morning skate it and we hear HEY GET THE FUCK OUT HERE and we saw the flashing lights so we all bailed out through this warehouse and over this fence, they never found us. it was sweet

HOLY SHIT MAN get like a woman and drop a fucking period here and there
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Cookie Monster on July 17, 2009, 12:15:11 AM
yeah that's so fun, my friend moved and me and my other friend got to visit him and we went skatin and he told us about a full pipe so at like 12 at night we crawl under random shit walk through an alley full of thorns and bums beds and we get to an opening and there it is a full pipe but the only light we had was a few cell phones, it was cool but we decided to call it a night we go back in the morning skate it and we hear HEY GET THE FUCK OUT HERE and we saw the flashing lights so we all bailed out through this warehouse and over this fence, they never found us. it was sweet

May I ask why you didn't just jump the fence and go through the warehouse in the first place, instead of walking through thorn bushes and sleeping Bum's? I'm calling bullshit on your story.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Gomez on July 17, 2009, 12:17:10 AM
last summer we were skating this school where the best spot is in the "quad" area that's surrounded on all four sides of the school's building, so you have to get on the roof to skate it. we were leaving the sesh, just messing around on some ledges on the roof when some janitor just appears on the roof it seemed like. i was sitting down and my board (a pretty much new complete) was away from me, near him and he grabs it, telling us to go and that i'd have to go get the board from the school's office on monday.
fuck that, someone recently stole some copper piping off the roof and they'd pin that shit on me if i showed up there on monday. i tried to pull a greco on the guy as he walked back to his ladder but i couldn't get it from him. the guy smirked at me and then threw my board off the roof, thinking he was getting off on me. fuck that, i ran and lept off the roof, probably like a 10 foot drop straight to the flat and then grabbed my board and dipped out of there. dude surely called the cops before confronting us so we ran as fast as we could out of there.
i was shocked that i'd just jumped off the roof, how fast i fell to the ground considering how high the drop was, and how it didn't hurt at all. must've been the adrenaline i had in me.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: ticklefingers on July 17, 2009, 01:04:05 AM
I got chased around the Embarcadero by a crazed chinese guy with a 10 foot bamboo stick. the end.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: PatrickSkateman on July 17, 2009, 06:36:48 AM
I got chased around the Embarcadero by a crazed chinese guy with a 10 foot bamboo stick. the end.

At least he wasn't naked and wielding a nightstick.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Donkey Lips on July 17, 2009, 06:46:06 AM
i used to get drunk and skate with friends in a parking lot next to a junk yard.  half the fun was skating drunk, the other half was running from the cops and hiding inside of old wrecked cars.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on July 17, 2009, 07:11:55 AM
Thread should be titled 'post here if you are 12 years old'
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: 13callsBS on July 17, 2009, 07:22:50 AM
Thread should be titled 'post here if you are 12 years old'

I wonder how many 12 and under kids are on Slap?
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: sirfinbar on July 17, 2009, 07:59:02 AM
the guy smirked at me and then threw my board off the roof, thinking he was getting off on me.

lol, you mean getting over on you?
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: grimcity on July 17, 2009, 09:04:22 AM
When I was a kid, getting chased by cops was the best... we used to get chased at the main courthouse in downtown Baton Rouge by some little squirrely & heavily mustachioed cop... it was pretty much a game after about two years or so.

Another night me and two friends of mine (brothers) were skating at the state capitol building and two cop cars came in from both sides, so we all ran stright between them and through what used to be like a maze of mid-thigh high bushes, and those fucking buzzcuts were right on us... one of the brothers fucked up and tripped when jumping over a bush and the cops tackled him, at least three of the four cops did.

Later that evening after all the paperwork was taken care of, the other brother and I went to pick up our guy while dressed in fucking polo shirts and shit (we were hoping that might ensure that the cops wouldn't recognize us, bu they weren't even there when we got him). He had to do like 72 hours of community service, had a year of probation, and a shitload of fines related to running from the cops. Oddly enough, the same homie was awarded by our Governor (Edwin Edwards at the time) at the SAME SPOT we got chased from because he'd been kidnapped by three escaped prisoners (he lived less than a 10th of a mile from one of the prisons in our area, the escapees had been in the woods for three days, popped out in his backyard only to realize they had only traveled a few hundred feet away from where they'd escaped). Back then, prisoners escaping was pretty common (med. security place) and everything in town would go into police state mode (every stop sign was manned by a cop or deputized guard).
The prisoners crawled into the backseat of his car, tried to lay low (in a little compact sedan) and covered themselves with blankets. Needless to say, not only did the cops get the escapees at the first roadblock my friend stopped at, but the arresting officer was his cousin.

Sorry for the Live Journal there.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: magicstickyhand on July 17, 2009, 09:23:12 AM
this one time one scketchy russian dude runed behind me for like 10 sec with a gun but thats pritty much all....
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Narcissus on July 17, 2009, 09:44:28 AM
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I got chased around the Embarcadero by a crazed chinese guy with a 10 foot bamboo stick. the end.

At least he wasn't naked and wielding a nightstick.

the hangover?

I grew up in a small town with zero crime, so I used to start running whenever I saw a cop car cuz bored pigs are the worst kind. It's all good if you're under 18/are 100% sure you aren't getting caught. 

Now that I'm old, I don't run because it's not worth getting arrested, but I have never once had a cop in NYC say anything or even care/seem to notice skateboarding.

Security guards are another story...but I would say that the majority of those guys in the city don't really give a fuck either, they just do what they have to do. Most of these dudes are blazed and just want to go back to leaning back in the chair with their feet on the desk...Of course, there's those really fervent few who get in your face and act like they want to fight.  Usually you can just laugh at those guys though. God, they get so pissed...
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: PatrickSkateman on July 17, 2009, 10:04:36 AM
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I got chased around the Embarcadero by a crazed chinese guy with a 10 foot bamboo stick. the end.

At least he wasn't naked and wielding a nightstick.

the hangover?


Worst kind of security guard would be the Seth Rogen in Observe and Report kind.  I'm pretty sure no skate would let any security guard attack them and focus their board though.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: janes addiction sucks on July 17, 2009, 10:26:33 AM
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I got chased around the Embarcadero by a crazed chinese guy with a 10 foot bamboo stick. the end.

At least he wasn't naked and wielding a nightstick.

the hangover?

Worst kind of security guard would be the Seth Rogen in Observe and Report kind.  I'm pretty sure no skate would let any security guard attack them and focus their board though.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Upgrayedd on July 17, 2009, 04:22:26 PM
one fun story was running into a bar that had a nice 4 stair across the parking lot. cop pulled up all miami vice style with the drift pull in. we scattered ass across the parking lot and he fired a warning shot in the air (it scared us shitless, but we figured there were enough people around so he wouldnt shoot us) and we ran into the bard bathroom and hid for about 45 minutes.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: TheDraught on July 17, 2009, 04:41:09 PM
Fuck cops
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: angryfacedman on July 17, 2009, 05:30:08 PM
this one time a sketchy russian dude ran behind me for like 10 sec with a gun, but thats pretty much all....
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: heckler on July 17, 2009, 07:34:20 PM
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I got chased around the Embarcadero by a crazed chinese guy with a 10 foot bamboo stick. the end.

At least he wasn't naked and wielding a nightstick.

the hangover?

I thought that was some sort of transvestite or hermaphrodite.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: 1992 on July 17, 2009, 08:16:22 PM
Man....This thread is fuckin' flawless....yay.

I remember getting chased by the cops after getting caught stealing "chromies" off of a Mustang for my Hutch when I was 13.

Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Stunts on July 17, 2009, 08:19:09 PM
Fuck it's so chill here I can't imagine running from the cops. If they come to a spot they will usually just ask to leave and are pretty chill about it. Never in my many years of street skating here have me or any of my friends ever been fined or arrested for skating a spot.
I just hate the random heros. Especially if they don't even live/work at the place your skating.
One time skating a ledge (someones front fence) this old dude just sprinted all the way down the street with a fucking wee axe lol and started swinging at us lol took someones skateboard but then had a change of heart gave it back and just buggered off.
Love it when a security guard tries to damage/break a board and doesn't realise how strong they are and just ends up looking like a dick.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Prison Wallet on July 17, 2009, 08:29:00 PM
he fired a warning shot in the air

You're either full of shit or that cop lost his job. Cops have to account for every bullet and do a shit ton of paper work if they fire their service weapon.

Plus cops are taught to shoot to kill, period. They don't fire unless it's a life and death situation and they intend to kill.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: 13callsBS on July 17, 2009, 10:55:53 PM
Fuck it's so chill here I can't imagine running from the cops. If they come to a spot they will usually just ask to leave and are pretty chill about it. Never in my many years of street skating here have me or any of my friends ever been fined or arrested for skating a spot.
I just hate the random heros. Especially if they don't even live/work at the place your skating.
One time skating a ledge (someones front fence) this old dude just sprinted all the way down the street with a fucking wee axe lol and started swinging at us lol took someones skateboard but then had a change of heart gave it back and just buggered off.
Love it when a security guard tries to damage/break a board and doesn't realise how strong they are and just ends up looking like a dick.

Have you ever skated a government buildings roof?
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Coming out the Cuts on July 17, 2009, 11:09:31 PM
the worst dudes are those security officers that are aspiring policemen, they take their job way too seriously. most don't really care though, one dude that patrols this plaza that has a spot that we skate always warns us if some super-citizen has called the cops (they contact him before coming) and he'll be like "just leave and come back in 20 mins. and you should be alright". dude is super chill.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: popsiclesandskatin on July 18, 2009, 07:06:03 PM
anyone ever get kicked out of the skatepark? after that happened we had freedom to skate everything we wanted cause we had the excuse that you closed our park.
Title: Re: Cops at roof gaps.
Post by: Coming out the Cuts on July 18, 2009, 07:26:18 PM
anyone ever get kicked out of the skatepark? after that happened we had freedom to skate everything we wanted cause we had the excuse that you closed our park.
yeah, i drove to a new skatepark three cities over and when i got there, the gate was locked because it had rained and the park is closed when there are wet areas. but my friends and i didn't go all the way out there not to skate, so we hopped the fence and skated for a while before the park manager came and kicked us out.