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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: Ben Throttle on September 05, 2009, 05:26:55 PM

Title: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ben Throttle on September 05, 2009, 05:26:55 PM
Very rarely do I "pop" but I love a few Vicodin once in a good while (especially in atmospheres like work and school)

Which do you fellows prefer?
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: RightCoastBiased on September 05, 2009, 05:28:11 PM
xanax, but I haven't had it in 4 years.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: marty. on September 05, 2009, 05:33:52 PM
im prescribed klonopin, and that's the only pill i take anymore at all
i used to be more into pills, but i get bad side effects whenever i take any now cause of my prescription, so its pretty much forced me to stop messing with anything else

last time i took vicodin with klonopin i was at work and wound up feeling like i was sleep walking through my shift
hard to explain but a really shitty weird feeling
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Guile on September 05, 2009, 05:56:32 PM
i took a tylenol this morning for my hangover.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: VeganShawn on September 05, 2009, 05:59:02 PM
All kinds of shit. Prescribed xanax.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Corby Tender on September 05, 2009, 06:42:04 PM
Prescribed xanax, but never take them.  Weed rules.  The end.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: skate_bored on September 05, 2009, 06:43:03 PM
i took a tylenol this morning for my hangover.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: RightCoastBiased on September 05, 2009, 06:52:47 PM
All kinds of shit. Prescribed xanax.

You should send me some ;)
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: lazy on September 05, 2009, 06:55:10 PM
vicodin, hydrocodone, xanax, anything i can get really....

pills are fun - pop them bottles
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: barkeep11 on September 05, 2009, 07:00:08 PM
i took a tylenol this morning for my hangover.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: jalopy james on September 05, 2009, 07:02:41 PM
nah i usually stay away from that shit but there has been an abundance of xanax around and if a friend offers me a bar i won't refuse. other than that i don't even take aspirin for a headache. stick to the ganja kiddies.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: realitycontrol on September 05, 2009, 07:04:06 PM
ecstasy, kook away!
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: kilgore. on September 05, 2009, 07:05:20 PM
seroquel and paxil, prescribed homie, keeps me out the mood from premeditatin'.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on September 05, 2009, 07:36:40 PM
Prescribed Efexor. I'm pretty sure you can't even get high off it, but I could be wrong. If you take it regularly and then stop taking it sometimes it feels like you are getting an electric shock everytime you touch something.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Anti Krooked on September 05, 2009, 07:46:50 PM
oxycodon is fucked up
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: VeganShawn on September 05, 2009, 07:58:50 PM
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All kinds of shit. Prescribed xanax.

You should send me some ;)

trade for weed and we has a deal
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on September 05, 2009, 08:30:13 PM
seroquel and paxil, prescribed homie, keeps me out the mood from premeditatin'.
I was on paxil when I was a kid. It was supposed to be for depression, before the "social anxiety" side of it was discovered. I basically went nuts, and had absolutely no inhibitions with what I said, and consistently got in deep trouble in school. I got taken off of it after only two weeks of insanity.
The nice thing is, having a history of being prescribed that shit, as well as other pills, gave me an in on getting medical for "anxiety/depression."
Now weed does it all for me, elminates the anxiety attacks, and gets me legally stoned.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Numeral on September 05, 2009, 08:59:00 PM
Tylenol, for headaches
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: PFIASB on September 05, 2009, 10:43:52 PM
viagra, for boners
flinstones, for energy
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: lazy on September 05, 2009, 10:45:23 PM
I think a relative question would be to ask... what's the most pills any of you guys have taken at once?
 mine's probably 8-10
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: featuring on September 05, 2009, 11:20:43 PM
Triple X's.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Baker4Life on September 06, 2009, 12:06:56 AM
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seroquel and paxil, prescribed homie, keeps me out the mood from premeditatin'.
I was on paxil when I was a kid. It was supposed to be for depression, before the "social anxiety" side of it was discovered. I basically went nuts, and had absolutely no inhibitions with what I said, and consistently got in deep trouble in school. I got taken off of it after only two weeks of insanity.
The nice thing is, having a history of being prescribed that shit, as well as other pills, gave me an in on getting medical for "anxiety/depression."
Now weed does it all for me, elminates the anxiety attacks, and gets me legally stoned.

At least now youre a successful SLAP poster with a solid rep of 19.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: rob2 on September 06, 2009, 02:17:03 AM

The nice thing is, having a history of being prescribed that shit, as well as other pills, gave me an in on getting medical for "anxiety/depression."
Now weed does it all for me, elminates the anxiety attacks, and gets me legally stoned.

You can get prescribed weed for anxiety?!!
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: 1992 on September 06, 2009, 02:21:52 AM
Nothing usually. I have a blown knee and I get hydro 7.5's for the pain but I just give them away most of the time.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: carbonite on September 06, 2009, 05:21:17 AM
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: The Drew on September 06, 2009, 07:58:43 AM
i was on some drugs to stop the pins in my toe getting infected but i didn't renew my prescription... i wonder what it looks like under all the bandages now
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: grimcity on September 06, 2009, 08:09:04 AM
I've taken high doses of Robaxin since '95, I had a ruptured disc and every med they put me on was either addictive or fucked me up in a way that I really hated. It doesn't take the hurt away completely, but makes it very manageable and allows me to go out and hurt myself more. I also take a prescription headache med twice a day... I don't know the brand name for sure but I think they're called Esgic Plus. I take Klonopin and one other anti anxiety drug for flying, which I'm terrified of but have to do a lot.

seroquel and paxil, prescribed homie, keeps me out the mood from premeditatin'.
I was on Seroquel a long time ago during a really tough time... I don't know if it did what it was supposed to do, but that shit changed me no doubt. True shit:
1. After taking it long enough for my body to get in balance with it, I no longer drifted to sleep... I would fall asleep like a narcoleptic, just drop. My wife was working a night shift at a hospital one night, I was just chilling at home watching TV... I had taken the pills earlier, but I was wide awake, smoking cigarettes and flipping channels, no booze, no weed, nothing. Next thing I know, I'm waking up with my pant legs, couch, and drapes behind the couch on fire. I had knocked out in the middle of a smoke and it landed on the couch which was as flammable as gas, evidentially. This was a small living room, and not only that it was part of a duplex, so I had to put the fire out or I'd have wound up burning down four flats. Luckily we all had patios attached the living rooms, so I ripped the drapes down, used what wasn't burnt to temporarily lower the flames coming from the couch, then I drug the fucker outside in a clear area. I propped a water hose above it and watered it, and went back in to stomp a piece of carpet that had caught fire.

The very next day at work, one of the consultants at a company I used to work for emailed us that he was giving away a couch (and other furniture) from an office he was closing in Baton Rouge. I immediately emailed him back about the couch, and after work I went to the office. It was my first time there, and it had one of those Google-ish funky free vibes going on, which is probably why it went out of business. Anyway, almost all of the furniture in the office had come from a dealer in Los Angeles who sold old stuff from TV and movie sets. That evening I brought home I brought home the ugliest, dopest couch in the world.
It was one of several used on set:

2. Before Seroquel, I found mayonnaise to be the most putrid substance on the planet. If I smelled it, it made me lose my appetite. After about three months, I found that I not only had no aversions to mayo,but I had become addicted to it. I would slap it on both pieces of bread for a sandwich and eat four sandwiches... luckily my girl noticed the bizarre shit and I started eating better, but I still fucking loved mayo. I could've eaten it by the spoon.

So I straightened up my diet, and I was skating every single day... but I also started gaining a lot of weight. I went from 155 to nearly 200 pounds in a little over a year, and I couldn't change it for shit. I've been off the meds for several years now, and got back down to 160 without changing any habits. I still like mayo though. Fucking weird shit.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: east is in the house on September 06, 2009, 08:29:25 AM
oxycodon is fucked up

yep, and everyone I know who was into it is now heavily into heroin.

all you pill heads, say goodbye to your kidneys and liver in fifteen years.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: grimcity on September 06, 2009, 08:33:09 AM
It's either be a pill head now and skate, or not skate and get fetal in a dark room.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Prison Wallet on September 06, 2009, 08:36:12 AM
I had a ruptured disc

How'd you resolve the disc? Surgery? Did you ever go through facet injections?

I've got a bulging disc and a disc fracture that never healed and am trying to avoid surgery. I've got two rounds of facet injections scheduled in a couple weeks and I guess if they find the pain source they can go in and cotterize the nerves in that region.

Has anyone been through this? And fuck opiates/pill popping in general. Chewable fiber-one tabs ftw.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: sweets on September 06, 2009, 08:54:58 AM
I've had some major overhauling of my grill lately so pain meds and was recently diagnosed with arthritis so more pain meds and an anti-inflammatory.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: EXTRA SPICY on September 06, 2009, 09:17:02 AM
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The nice thing is, having a history of being prescribed that shit, as well as other pills, gave me an in on getting medical for "anxiety/depression."
Now weed does it all for me, elminates the anxiety attacks, and gets me legally stoned.

You can get prescribed weed for anxiety?!!

yup, in ca, co, or, and a few other states i think. I did it for bone pain and inflammation.
and fuck all pills, forever.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: grimcity on September 06, 2009, 09:50:32 AM
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I had a ruptured disc
How'd you resolve the disc? Surgery? Did you ever go through facet injections?
I never really resolved it, I just manage it. Back surgery's the riskiest shit, and just swelling can incapacitate you. Never going there. I did a shit ton of some steroid & whatever else shots, but nothing ever worked. I spent about two years finding a med (and dosage) that would let me be functional but not fuck me up or be addictive (even though I'll be taking them forever).
My disc was between the 2nd and 3rd lumbar. Along with the meds I did physical therapy for a couple of years to strengthen the muscles in that area of my back. The pain is chronic, but you don't really think about it after a while. If I hadn't found the right pill and done the therapy, I'd never leave my house. I'm fortunate enough to still be able to go out and get hurt skating. If I do multiple days in a row I might need two or three days off board to get the pain down a bit.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Prison Wallet on September 06, 2009, 10:59:19 AM
If I do multiple days in a row I might need two or three days off board to get the pain down a bit.

That's about where I'm at. I can stand skating twice, maybe three days a week but it's pretty painful. My problem is I also run a school garden and have an old house I'm restoring so basically everything I enjoy doing aggravates it.

Hopefully the facet injections work and they can deaden the nerves in the joint that's inflamed. I'll probably eventually have it fused but my goal is to put that off 10 or 15 years. Right now I've heard back fusions have a 20-25 year shelf-life before problems start to occur; in 10 or 15 years the technology will be better and I'll be getting up there in age to the point where the surgery will outlive my most active years.

On a side note my dad had his fused in his 40s and it really changed his life for the better. He's 64 now and has had no problems and is super active with no back problems.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: j0rdan on September 06, 2009, 11:06:42 AM
my mom's been in the hospital for like the last month, so i raided her pills. there were these really cool sleeping pills that I would take, like two at a time just to get fucked up. weed + prescription sleeping pills + beer = awesome. I wish I still had some.

other than that, nothing. I quit all my meds almost a year ago because I didn't like how they made me feel.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Foray on September 06, 2009, 02:44:19 PM
My roommate gets about 90 of the 30mg Morphine pills every month, so he usually ends up bribing me with some to do random errands every once in a while.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: grimcity on September 06, 2009, 02:46:20 PM
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If I do multiple days in a row I might need two or three days off board to get the pain down a bit.

That's about where I'm at. I can stand skating twice, maybe three days a week but it's pretty painful. My problem is I also run a school garden and have an old house I'm restoring so basically everything I enjoy doing aggravates it.

Hopefully the facet injections work and they can deaden the nerves in the joint that's inflamed. I'll probably eventually have it fused but my goal is to put that off 10 or 15 years. Right now I've heard back fusions have a 20-25 year shelf-life before problems start to occur; in 10 or 15 years the technology will be better and I'll be getting up there in age to the point where the surgery will outlive my most active years.

On a side note my dad had his fused in his 40s and it really changed his life for the better. He's 64 now and has had no problems and is super active with no back problems.
Good luck with that, man... my problem was a result of trauma (my headaches too), so that might play a big role as to why the injections didn't do anything. Surgery scares me though... I had some swelling on my spine for a few weeks and for a while there I couldn't walk, then I got to shuffling like an old man as the swelling went down. I'm really afraid of feeling like that due to surgery. I'm lucky that my day job either has me at a desk or running around with a lot of gear. I still do most of the PT exercises, but I'm not as regimental as I was when I started fuckteen years ago.
I do hope it knocks out all if not most of the pain for you. Off note: in my situation, having bad posture while sitting feels like heaven.  I guess it moves the stress away or something, but if I try to sit with proper posture I feel like acid's being poured down the middle-center of my back.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: TheFifthColumn on September 06, 2009, 02:56:54 PM
Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ben Throttle on September 06, 2009, 03:16:18 PM
Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Boobies on September 06, 2009, 03:24:21 PM
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Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?

not really, maybe in the US its different but I'm pretty sure I couldnt go into my doctors office and get xanax,oxycodin or morphine
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Bipsmound on September 06, 2009, 03:52:07 PM
Zantac all day son.  More fiyah!  Lighta massif!
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: crailtapper on September 06, 2009, 04:45:32 PM
I think a relative question would be to ask... what's the most pills any of you guys have taken at once?
 mine's probably 8-10

my old roommate/childhood friend thought that would be cool too.

he's dead now.

i used to like oxycontin a lot, but i almost overdosed once and it kind of set me straight. i can't really take any opiates anymore without getting violently ill. it sucks. about once a year i'll take some ecstasy, but that's my limit unless it's a bullshit pill. now i'm more of a 100%er for weed. i'm not really trying to preach, but nothing hurts worse than seeing someone that close to you being put into a body bag because of some shit as stupid as that. just slow down. i'm not saying stop, just slow down.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: CigaretteBeer on September 06, 2009, 06:06:43 PM
I've been prescribed pills since I was 17 or 18 for depression and anxiety. I honestly feel like I used to think more clearly and more in depth about things. Right now I just take xanax(when needed), which is prescribed for anxiety, panic attacks, derealization... If I didn't take that I would just be a full blown alcoholic, so I guess it helps me out. I just stopped taking prozac after reading a bunch of sketchy things it does to you. The only thing I noticed from prozac was it made me tired, and the other day I realized I got fat when I was first prescribed it. I like taking oxycontin and vicodin whenever I have them. Sometimes I like adderal when I'm drinking. Opiates are the best though.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: marty. on September 06, 2009, 06:30:29 PM
yea, i get the same tired feeling from benzos

i also can't drink anymore since i started taking them cause it makes me sick so i've started smoking a lot of pot lately
so between that and three kpins a day my life kinda feels like a blur, like i'll think something happened a month ago when it was really just a couple days, things like that
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on September 06, 2009, 11:24:22 PM
yea, i get the same tired feeling from benzos

i also can't drink anymore since i started taking them cause it makes me sick so i've started smoking a lot of pot lately
so between that and three kpins a day my life kinda feels like a blur, like i'll think something happened a month ago when it was really just a couple days, things like that
That's why I don't even feel guilty about taking weed for my panic attacks.
It genuinely works for me, and the side effects are so much mellower than benzos.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: on September 06, 2009, 11:55:53 PM
glucosamine, vitamin c, vitamin b12, vitamin d....we just got a juicer so we can do wheatgrass....
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: layzieyez on September 07, 2009, 12:38:07 AM
I take a multivitamin and fish oil.

When my back starts acting up I'll take a flexiril or naproxen.  Flexiril is a good sleep aid as well as a mild muscle relaxant.  I'll pop one right now.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: starvingrobot on September 07, 2009, 02:13:56 AM
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Paper Crane on September 07, 2009, 02:28:51 AM
the occasional excedrin. vicodin if it's available.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: tag_king on September 07, 2009, 06:46:20 AM
I dabble with some mdma from time to time, which is why I am posting at 930 am right now.

But I am not a popper. To be honest prescription meds scare me more that any shit I get from a dude in his apartment.

My room mate and a girlfriend of mine found a bottle with around 50 oxy 80mgs about a year and a half ago. I stayed away from them, but everyone else that I lived with got into it. One dude took 2 and a half in one might. They say that a half of an 80 will knock you on your ass. He was dope sick for two days afterwards. Frightening. Just lay in bed, and only moved to puke. Fuck that stuff.

Happy ending is that he lived and they went on to just sell the bottle for close to 500 bones.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: marty. on September 07, 2009, 07:06:20 AM
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yea, i get the same tired feeling from benzos

i also can't drink anymore since i started taking them cause it makes me sick so i've started smoking a lot of pot lately
so between that and three kpins a day my life kinda feels like a blur, like i'll think something happened a month ago when it was really just a couple days, things like that
That's why I don't even feel guilty about taking weed for my panic attacks.
It genuinely works for me, and the side effects are so much mellower than benzos.

oh for sure, if weed worked like that for me it would be great, but i hadn't even smoked weed for about a year before i got on my meds cause it would make my anxiety so bad. now that i'm on them i'm fine though

also benzo's made life seem kinda grey at first, like it took out the highs and lows from my mood
i smoke too much pot probably, but it helps with that sort of thing
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: odp on September 07, 2009, 11:12:55 AM
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Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?

not really, maybe in the US its different but I'm pretty sure I couldnt go into my doctors office and get xanax,oxycodin or morphine

here in the US, prescription drugs, painkillers in particular, are very easy to procure. Our government is a giant pharmaceutical corporation that exists only to dope the youth in a legal manner. shits fucked up.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on September 07, 2009, 12:19:25 PM
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Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?

not really, maybe in the US its different but I'm pretty sure I couldnt go into my doctors office and get xanax,oxycodin or morphine

here in the US, prescription drugs, painkillers in particular, are very easy to procure. Our government is a giant pharmaceutical corporation that exists only to dope the youth in a legal manner. shits fucked up.
That was an awesome "I don't know what I am talking about" rant. The government of the U.S. actually has less to do with our use of prescription drugs than most other countries. Other countries have systems where the government buys the pills in bulk, and get a major deal from the prescription companies, and then it is given it out to people. Its actually a pretty good system, considering that drugs cost about 10 to 100 times as much in our country because we don't have that system, and individuals have to pay for it themselves.
The fact that individuals have to pay for drugs themselves makes the drug companies very competitive in this country. They all compete to sell you on their drug. They advertize on TV, they try to do things for doctors so the doctor wil prescribe their drug first, and most. They will do anything to get a pill shoved down your throat, whether you need it or not, so they can make a profit. It has NOTHING to do with the government, unless you consider the fact that the government lets pharmaceutical companies run wild (you didn't think banks were the only ones, did you?) doing something. Of course, when there is a chance to change that, like with Obama's  *original* healthcare bill, people freak out and start going to rallies packing guns, scared of what the government is doing to limit the power of multinational exploitative corporations. Of course, the corporations are the ones "educating" them on the issues.

* And yes, I know Obama's new plan has taken out the part about large scale pharmaceutical bargaining. Its for 2 reasons- 1- too much resistance and crying about a deficit, that forced Obama to bargain with big pharma over the bill. 2- Obama is a pussy who doesn't have the balls to do the real right thing.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: sven thorkel on September 07, 2009, 12:32:32 PM
its beginning to look a lot like....


now only if i could get a hold of some gleemonex for pets...
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: odp on September 07, 2009, 01:45:14 PM
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Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?

not really, maybe in the US its different but I'm pretty sure I couldnt go into my doctors office and get xanax,oxycodin or morphine

here in the US, prescription drugs, painkillers in particular, are very easy to procure. Our government is a giant pharmaceutical corporation that exists only to dope the youth in a legal manner. shits fucked up.
That was an awesome "I don't know what I am talking about" rant. The government of the U.S. actually has less to do with our use of prescription drugs than most other countries. Other countries have systems where the government buys the pills in bulk, and get a major deal from the prescription companies, and then it is given it out to people. Its actually a pretty good system, considering that drugs cost about 10 to 100 times as much in our country because we don't have that system, and individuals have to pay for it themselves.
The fact that individuals have to pay for drugs themselves makes the drug companies very competitive in this country. They all compete to sell you on their drug. They advertize on TV, they try to do things for doctors so the doctor wil prescribe their drug first, and most. They will do anything to get a pill shoved down your throat, whether you need it or not, so they can make a profit. It has NOTHING to do with the government, unless you consider the fact that the government lets pharmaceutical companies run wild (you didn't think banks were the only ones, did you?) doing something. Of course, when there is a chance to change that, like with Obama's  *original* healthcare bill, people freak out and start going to rallies packing guns, scared of what the government is doing to limit the power of multinational exploitative corporations. Of course, the corporations are the ones "educating" them on the issues.

* And yes, I know Obama's new plan has taken out the part about large scale pharmaceutical bargaining. Its for 2 reasons- 1- too much resistance and crying about a deficit, that forced Obama to bargain with big pharma over the bill. 2- Obama is a pussy who doesn't have the balls to do the real right thing.

i'm not looking to debate, man. But you hit the nail on the head as to what i was meaning when you wrote "lets the pharmaceutical companies run wild." You crack me up sometimes dude, talk about a "rant" hahaha
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on September 07, 2009, 01:49:18 PM
oh yeah. Gotcha.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: sparksandblood on September 07, 2009, 03:22:22 PM
its rare i take pills but i had two methadone a couple weeks ago. holy shit it was awesome. ended up puking towards the end of my high, probably should not have been trying to drink vodka. stick with weed
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: lamfordie on September 07, 2009, 04:53:58 PM
I accidentally mixed 2 pills of oxycoton with cough medicine, and I was tripping balls for like 10 hours
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on September 07, 2009, 07:57:11 PM
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Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?

not really, maybe in the US its different but I'm pretty sure I couldnt go into my doctors office and get xanax,oxycodin or morphine

here in the US, prescription drugs, painkillers in particular, are very easy to procure. Our government is a giant pharmaceutical corporation that exists only to dope the youth in a legal manner. shits fucked up.
That was an awesome "I don't know what I am talking about" rant. The government of the U.S. actually has less to do with our use of prescription drugs than most other countries. Other countries have systems where the government buys the pills in bulk, and get a major deal from the prescription companies, and then it is given it out to people. Its actually a pretty good system, considering that drugs cost about 10 to 100 times as much in our country because we don't have that system, and individuals have to pay for it themselves.
The fact that individuals have to pay for drugs themselves makes the drug companies very competitive in this country. They all compete to sell you on their drug. They advertize on TV, they try to do things for doctors so the doctor wil prescribe their drug first, and most. They will do anything to get a pill shoved down your throat, whether you need it or not, so they can make a profit. It has NOTHING to do with the government, unless you consider the fact that the government lets pharmaceutical companies run wild (you didn't think banks were the only ones, did you?) doing something. Of course, when there is a chance to change that, like with Obama's  *original* healthcare bill, people freak out and start going to rallies packing guns, scared of what the government is doing to limit the power of multinational exploitative corporations. Of course, the corporations are the ones "educating" them on the issues.

* And yes, I know Obama's new plan has taken out the part about large scale pharmaceutical bargaining. Its for 2 reasons- 1- too much resistance and crying about a deficit, that forced Obama to bargain with big pharma over the bill. 2- Obama is a pussy who doesn't have the balls to do the real right thing.

i'm not looking to debate, man. But you hit the nail on the head as to what i was meaning when you wrote "lets the pharmaceutical companies run wild." You crack me up sometimes dude, talk about a "rant" hahaha
I like the added shit talking after the fact. Still saying the government shoves pills down people's throats is a bit misleading. It often keeps them from hitting their mouths.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: yeah dude! on September 07, 2009, 08:08:20 PM
Prescription pain killers make me super sick. Total bummer when I get hurt. I do, however, pop a Lunesta every night.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: sven thorkel on September 07, 2009, 08:47:06 PM
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Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?

not really, maybe in the US its different but I'm pretty sure I couldnt go into my doctors office and get xanax,oxycodin or morphine

here in the US, prescription drugs, painkillers in particular, are very easy to procure. Our government is a giant pharmaceutical corporation that exists only to dope the youth in a legal manner. shits fucked up.
That was an awesome "I don't know what I am talking about" rant. The government of the U.S. actually has less to do with our use of prescription drugs than most other countries. Other countries have systems where the government buys the pills in bulk, and get a major deal from the prescription companies, and then it is given it out to people. Its actually a pretty good system, considering that drugs cost about 10 to 100 times as much in our country because we don't have that system, and individuals have to pay for it themselves.
The fact that individuals have to pay for drugs themselves makes the drug companies very competitive in this country. They all compete to sell you on their drug. They advertize on TV, they try to do things for doctors so the doctor wil prescribe their drug first, and most. They will do anything to get a pill shoved down your throat, whether you need it or not, so they can make a profit. It has NOTHING to do with the government, unless you consider the fact that the government lets pharmaceutical companies run wild (you didn't think banks were the only ones, did you?) doing something. Of course, when there is a chance to change that, like with Obama's  *original* healthcare bill, people freak out and start going to rallies packing guns, scared of what the government is doing to limit the power of multinational exploitative corporations. Of course, the corporations are the ones "educating" them on the issues.

* And yes, I know Obama's new plan has taken out the part about large scale pharmaceutical bargaining. Its for 2 reasons- 1- too much resistance and crying about a deficit, that forced Obama to bargain with big pharma over the bill. 2- Obama is a pussy who doesn't have the balls to do the real right thing.

i'm not looking to debate, man. But you hit the nail on the head as to what i was meaning when you wrote "lets the pharmaceutical companies run wild." You crack me up sometimes dude, talk about a "rant" hahaha
I like the added shit talking after the fact. Still saying the government shoves pills down people's throats is a bit misleading. It often keeps them from hitting their mouths.

im sure the pharmaceutical companies do some heavy pocket padding when it comes to the FDA and some politicians who just cant pay the billz. that might be the prescription drug and government link dear watson 
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: odp on September 07, 2009, 09:52:01 PM
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Why are the majority of pills listed on this poll painkillers? 
..because there easy to get?

not really, maybe in the US its different but I'm pretty sure I couldnt go into my doctors office and get xanax,oxycodin or morphine

here in the US, prescription drugs, painkillers in particular, are very easy to procure. Our government is a giant pharmaceutical corporation that exists only to dope the youth in a legal manner. shits fucked up.
That was an awesome "I don't know what I am talking about" rant. The government of the U.S. actually has less to do with our use of prescription drugs than most other countries. Other countries have systems where the government buys the pills in bulk, and get a major deal from the prescription companies, and then it is given it out to people. Its actually a pretty good system, considering that drugs cost about 10 to 100 times as much in our country because we don't have that system, and individuals have to pay for it themselves.
The fact that individuals have to pay for drugs themselves makes the drug companies very competitive in this country. They all compete to sell you on their drug. They advertize on TV, they try to do things for doctors so the doctor wil prescribe their drug first, and most. They will do anything to get a pill shoved down your throat, whether you need it or not, so they can make a profit. It has NOTHING to do with the government, unless you consider the fact that the government lets pharmaceutical companies run wild (you didn't think banks were the only ones, did you?) doing something. Of course, when there is a chance to change that, like with Obama's  *original* healthcare bill, people freak out and start going to rallies packing guns, scared of what the government is doing to limit the power of multinational exploitative corporations. Of course, the corporations are the ones "educating" them on the issues.

* And yes, I know Obama's new plan has taken out the part about large scale pharmaceutical bargaining. Its for 2 reasons- 1- too much resistance and crying about a deficit, that forced Obama to bargain with big pharma over the bill. 2- Obama is a pussy who doesn't have the balls to do the real right thing.

i'm not looking to debate, man. But you hit the nail on the head as to what i was meaning when you wrote "lets the pharmaceutical companies run wild." You crack me up sometimes dude, talk about a "rant" hahaha
I like the added shit talking after the fact. Still saying the government shoves pills down people's throats is a bit misleading. It often keeps them from hitting their mouths.

shit talking. haha, dude, you see the "hahaha?" smoke some of your chillout weed, guy. legalized dope dude, benzos, children legally allowed to take "medicine" for all sorts of "disorders," that's shoving shit down peoples throats. FDA approved!!!
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: TMZ on September 17, 2009, 07:20:02 PM
i'm getting 4 adderall this week. i dont know how many to take at once. help.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Nautical J on September 17, 2009, 08:38:53 PM
i'm getting 4 adderall this week. i dont know how many to take at once. help.

you take one a day

I'm prescribed to adderall and honestly, fuck all the ADD naysayers. Before I got prescribed with ADD two years ago, I was a functioning mess. I would constantly lose everything, have zero motivation for school and in most of my classes I felt like I had been absent the day before because the material was so foreign to me. Since I still did well in school with natural smarts and bullshit, I didn't get prescribed till really late in the game; but, once I started with adderall I gained a level head and tasks that are simple for others finally became simple for me. Also, come finals and midterms you know I'm stacking chedduh!
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: lurk daddy on September 18, 2009, 12:21:11 AM
no need to "pop" pills when u can just snort them.. its works better and hits up quicker.

i have a date with xanax tommarow
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Sleazy on September 18, 2009, 03:28:38 AM
everyone i knew growing up did drugs, the only people i know as adults who've ruined their lives with drugs are the ones who got into prescription meds

shits pure evil and will have you acting like an asshole
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: GnArcIsSisTic on September 18, 2009, 05:08:31 AM
i was wondering if anyone's ever taken thc pills and what their opinions on them were?
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: ahlee on September 18, 2009, 05:20:51 AM
pills are the worst, i've had to take people to the emergency room for xanax way too many times, it gets old.

i'll eat adderalls on occasion so i can drink all night though. those are super cool
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: grimcity on September 18, 2009, 05:47:54 AM
no need to "pop" pills when u can just snort them.. its works better and hits up quicker.

i have a date with xanax tommarow
Eats up your nasal cavity though.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Sleazy on September 18, 2009, 06:17:18 AM
pills are the worst, i've had to take people to the emergency room for xanax way too many times, it gets old.

i'll eat adderalls on occasion so i can drink all night though. those are super cool

xanax is awful shit, i feel sorry for any family that has to go through having a xanax addict in it. completely ruins people. i hate that shit.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: nocomply on September 18, 2009, 06:17:59 AM
everyone i knew growing up did drugs, the only people i know as adults who've ruined their lives with drugs are the ones who got into prescription meds

shits pure evil and will have you acting like an asshole

I'm popping nexium. Keeping that acid reflux in check.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: rawbertson. on September 18, 2009, 06:25:29 AM
dont even get me going on this. i fucking hate pills that shit fucks you up worse than anything else in the world cause its legal and doctors tell you to take the shit. so fucked. i would say prescribing weed is like a billion times better for someone than any of this shit. fucking pfizer billionaire scam artist cunts. fuck. side effects include cutting your fucking dick off.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Sleazy on September 18, 2009, 07:33:33 AM
the drug companys are the biggest pushers and they use the street model that you see in drug education films which ironically doesn't actually happen on the street

feeling stressed? oh well just try some of these, they will have you feeling great. oh no, they aren't dangerous at all. here just have these for free to try them...

it's sad state and then after you like them they get you on the monthly hook up through your insurance company and you just become a shitty shell of the person you used to be where all your worst qualities dominate and everything that was good about you slowly fades away.

and the worst thing about it is that it's socially acceptable. you can at work say "wow, that meeting was brutal, i think i need a xanax" and that's not awkward at all but trying saying "i think i need a bowl" or "i think i need a line" that shit doesn't fly and those things are no where near as dangerous.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: GnArcIsSisTic on September 18, 2009, 07:37:10 AM
"i think i need a line" that shit doesn't fly and those things are no where near as dangerous.

i'd be careful there...
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Sleazy on September 18, 2009, 07:40:47 AM
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"i think i need a line" that shit doesn't fly and those things are no where near as dangerous.

i'd be careful there...

no that shit is real dangerous and i never cared for it, but i've known tons of people who had problems with it and recovered. i was just making the point that xanax is much worst but socially doesn't have a junkie drug stigma which it should. it's as bad as heroin, crystal or crack in my book.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: grimcity on September 18, 2009, 07:49:05 AM
Before the date-rapers went and started ruining girls lives with roofies, I used to like to take one, cut it into halves, take one half and drink two beers while watching TV. I was a fucking stumbling pile of shit but it was fun if there was nothing to do, especially when I lived in the country.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Narcissus on September 18, 2009, 10:39:11 AM
its beginning to look a lot like....


now only if i could get a hold of some gleemonex for pets...

This is a pill, for the world...that gives ex girlfriends!

One of cinema's finest moments, no doubt.

Also, pills are fucked up. I only consume aspirin if my head is caving in or a decongestant/cough suppressant when I get Swine Flu. 

Will never do chemical shit (except acid). Seen too many folks get really twisted up and out of control eating all those prescription downers.

Fuck all that for real, all I gotta do to get irie is blaze some sensimilla and chant down Babylon.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: skate_bored on September 18, 2009, 10:44:39 AM
last night i tried percoset for the first time, took one pill that was 15mg, which isnt much. i had like 16 beers which is a lot for me, so i was just feeling really drunk/good. anybody mess with this stuff? i dont really plan on doing it again, but i'd like to know how fucked it actually is and what it was supposed to do to me since i cant really tell.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Narcissus on September 18, 2009, 10:46:34 AM
side effects include cutting your fucking dick off.

Sig'd. Too real.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Brewseph on September 18, 2009, 11:58:34 AM
My opinion on Xanax is that its a pill you really really want to be careful with, those things have the ability to make you loose mental control if your not use to them....  For me Its always been about taking opiates/painkillers.  I can always take those and have full control of what im doing, and if you have a female the sex is AMAZING when your on painkillers, you can last FOREVER,  I love it. 
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: sparksandblood on September 18, 2009, 12:38:20 PM
xanax, the blackout pill
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: odp on September 18, 2009, 02:22:56 PM
last night i tried percoset for the first time, took one pill that was 15mg, which isnt much. i had like 16 beers which is a lot for me, so i was just feeling really drunk/good. anybody mess with this stuff? i dont really plan on doing it again, but i'd like to know how fucked it actually is and what it was supposed to do to me since i cant really tell.

if you're going to mess around, i suggest not drinking. For no other reason than that a decent dosage of the stuff, say 15-30mg, from a sober point, will get you jammed out of your mind the first couple of times it hits your system. You will float, my friend, your sofa will be the clouds. Make yourself puke at the onset of any nausea or stomach aching. the vomiting will be momentary and instantly the nausea will subside.

from what i've seen, these things can quickly become a bad habit and hold vast potential to ruin lives. maybe you know yourself well enough at this point in life to say "hey, i get addicted to things easily and shouldn't do these." or mabye it's like "hey, i'm in control..."

good luck!
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: skate_bored on September 18, 2009, 03:14:14 PM
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last night i tried percoset for the first time, took one pill that was 15mg, which isnt much. i had like 16 beers which is a lot for me, so i was just feeling really drunk/good. anybody mess with this stuff? i dont really plan on doing it again, but i'd like to know how fucked it actually is and what it was supposed to do to me since i cant really tell.

if you're going to mess around, i suggest not drinking. For no other reason than that a decent dosage of the stuff, say 15-30mg, from a sober point, will get you jammed out of your mind the first couple of times it hits your system. You will float, my friend, your sofa will be the clouds. Make yourself puke at the onset of any nausea or stomach aching. the vomiting will be momentary and instantly the nausea will subside.

from what i've seen, these things can quickly become a bad habit and hold vast potential to ruin lives. maybe you know yourself well enough at this point in life to say "hey, i get addicted to things easily and shouldn't do these." or mabye it's like "hey, i'm in control..."

good luck!

yeah i definitely dont need any new vices in my life, it just kind of happened last night. not trying to get into pills, addiction is easy as hell.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Sleazy on September 18, 2009, 04:16:36 PM
stay away from the prescription pills

weed, acid, x, shroom, herb, booz

sure why not, all that shit is managable, fun and easy to walk away from

coke, crack, prescription pills, crystal, heroin, ect... junkie shit that just not worth it
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: loophole on September 18, 2009, 04:28:21 PM
i got a whole couple dozen vicodins from a few weeks ago when i hurt my foot (insurance paid for it). the pain went away after two days, and now i'm makin money.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: east is in the house on September 18, 2009, 05:10:46 PM
i was wondering if anyone's ever taken thc pills and what their opinions on them were?

merinol? over-rated and expensive as shit. I got some for free, took about an hour to kick in and was more mellow than splitting a small joint between four people. you're better off just smoking a bowl.

as for perscription pills....

shits pure evil and will have you acting like an asshole

I had friends who got into that shit in high school, went off to college and dropped out because of the addictions. most people I know who were into the opiate scene moved onto the real deal....shits fucking depressing to see a community of smart, once-motivated people turn into junkies and theives.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: toque on September 18, 2009, 08:30:16 PM
me and my friends found this weird market where you can get sex pills.  do you think they will get us high?  we are going to try them tonight...

Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: grimcity on September 19, 2009, 05:38:24 AM
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: popeyesfriedchicken on September 19, 2009, 01:03:38 PM
for those of you that like painkillers...  try suboxin.  they give it to people that were/are addicted to opiates.  a quarter of one pill will fuck you up good for over 12 hours, and one pill is only about 20 bucks.  my friend does them all the time.  i did half of one a few times and i was fucked up for over a day.  literally.  went to sleep and woke up still feeling it.  not something i like to do all the time but it's cheap. 
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Brewseph on September 22, 2009, 12:02:05 PM
Suboxone just leads you down that junkie path faster bro, if you can, stay as far away from those things as possible, your better off just pounding brews and smoking trees. I honestly hate the fact that im drawn to painkillers but its just one of those things that you dont understand the reality of until its too late.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: rawbertson. on September 22, 2009, 12:17:32 PM
stay away from the prescription pills

weed, acid, x, shroom, herb, booz

sure why not, all that shit is managable, fun and easy to walk away from

coke, crack, prescription pills, crystal, heroin, ect... junkie shit that just not worth it

hahahaha ecstacy is no way good for you hahahaha that has got to be one of the worst shit will fuck up your spine
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: realitycontrol on September 22, 2009, 04:38:02 PM
youre right in the sense that ecstasy is not good for you. but the whole thing about the spine is a myth, your doctor will confirm that.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on September 22, 2009, 04:49:15 PM
youre right in the sense that ecstasy is not good for you. but the whole thing about the spine is a myth, your doctor will confirm that.
What about burning holes in your brain?
I've never touched it, but the reason I am freaked out is that come-down depression hits me hard. Its the biggest reason I don't touch coke, aside from how terrible it is for you, because the come down isn't worth the high for me. I've heard ecstasy is much worse because you blow out your ceratonin reserve and don't have any of the usual "happy" chemicals left in your brain. Sounds terrible to me. But whatever, not gonna judge you for what you like if you like it and aren't addicted.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: popeyesfriedchicken on September 22, 2009, 06:45:35 PM
when i got busted with pot part of my probation terms was to go to this outpatient "drug rehab."  it was regular.  i remember smoking weed right after i'd sit through the three hour sessions.  but anyways, ecstasy is one of the worst drugs for you brain damage wise besides meth.  one use of x is the same damage as 10 uses of cocaine.  i've tried it a few times, loved it, but will never do it again because of this fact.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on September 22, 2009, 10:07:36 PM
Isn't drug testing part of rehab?
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: realitycontrol on September 23, 2009, 12:54:40 AM
i know this post is kind of regular since im not citing medical sources, but this is pretty much the gist.

turkeylurkey, if you would prefer citations ill try and find them for you, but here is pretty much what i have found to be the argument against E creating "holes in the brain":

The “holes in the brain” scan conducted on MDMA users does not reveal actual physical holes or missing tissue in the brain. What it reveals is blood flow activity, and the “holes” represent areas in the brain where less blood is present or traveling. Of course, this means that in those particular areas, serotonin chemicals, serotonin receptor sites, neurotransmitters, and other parts of normal brain functions are not as active as they should be. Such a lack of blood flow can be caused, however, by anything as simple as staying up all night, meaning a brain scan conducted on just a weary person can reveal “holes” in some areas of the brain. Keep in mind the possibility that the MDMA users who had their brains scanned may have been poly-drug users, and the potential effects of those other drugs on their brains. There is also no conclusive data yet to suggest that the decreased blood flow will never pick up again. There have been no human studies yet to prove that the brain damage caused by MDMA will remain permanent, or how problematic such damage may be on the person's daily function.
Title: Re: What kind of pills are you popping?
Post by: Sleazy on September 23, 2009, 07:28:32 AM
i'm not saying x is healthy, i'm saying it's less dangerous than the others i mentioned because it's not the kind of thing you can become adicted to like acid and pretty much everyone i know did it for a while, no one had permenant problems because of it and everyone pretty quit it after a while. it's not one of those drugs that will get you addicted and make your life shit. it's more of a party drug that people mess with when they go out to have a good time.