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Help!!! => HELP => Topic started by: Prison Wallet on December 13, 2009, 07:24:32 PM

Title: Electric Razors?
Post by: Prison Wallet on December 13, 2009, 07:24:32 PM
I think after Christmas I'm going ot buy an electric razor--any suggestions? I don't even care about how close of a shave I get, I just don't want it to irritate my skin.

Right now I just use  hair clippers, no guard, a couple times a week. So basically I always have a 5 o'clock shadow.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: east is in the house on December 13, 2009, 07:32:53 PM
I highly reccomend phillip's Norelco razor
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: Prison Wallet on December 13, 2009, 07:53:13 PM
Is there a certain model you'd recommend?

I just googled it and there's a ton, ranging from $30-200. I really don't see myself spending more than maybe 50 or 60.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: oyolar on December 13, 2009, 11:22:10 PM
I don't have a specific model, but I don't like the ones with the spinning razors. You know what I mean? I prefer to use the razor that moves back and forth. It usually comes in a set with a few different heads. It gets a close shave and doesn't pull out the hair like the spinning razors always seem to do.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: grimcity on December 14, 2009, 08:53:35 AM
I suck... I can skate and eat pavement all day, but no matter what kind of electric razor I try, I always wind up with raw and sometimes slightly bleeding spots.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: Narcissus on December 14, 2009, 10:00:40 AM
Yea...I got one because I find shaving to be the most tedious chore ever...but it doesn't work at all. It trims a few hairs at random and abrades the rest of your face.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: grimcity on December 14, 2009, 10:24:01 AM
I have a Gillette Mach 3 where they shove as many blades as they can on one disposable blade-holder-thingy, and use the ultra-sensitive aloe-and-everything-made-for-little-girls shaving cream. I also have to let me shit grow out a bit before I shave... if I try shaving shadow, I just rip skin off.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: rawbertson. on December 14, 2009, 10:34:35 AM
i fucked my face up hardcore last week, its always right on my damn jaw bone right at the corner. but i hate electric razors so much. they break all the fucking time and they get weak so fast. i feel like it doesnt even give you a shave. and it takes forever. plus shaving AFTER your shower is just a way better feeling in general. you are already waken up so youo dont miss spots cause you are so fucking tired.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: Prison Wallet on December 14, 2009, 06:44:45 PM
Basically this thread is pushing me in the direction of just upgrading my hair clippers. Find something that clips a little closer with sharper blades.

Using clippers is gonna be a hard habit to break because you never end up raw, cut, or with ingrown hairs. You just have to be OK without having the closest shave known to man.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: rawbertson. on December 15, 2009, 06:51:39 AM
yeah my friend does that. he doesnet have to work though; he inherited a million dollars when he turned 18. i cant get away with it at work.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: east is in the house on December 15, 2009, 10:18:37 AM
Prison Wallet -

The one I have I got for xmas several years ago....the people who bought it probably spent $40-55 on it. I don't have the box anymore, but it says 'Speed XL' on the backside...I googled that model and found the same price variations as you did.

Needless to say, I had two electric razors before this one that straight sucked. Always left some spots or weird long hairs. This guy that I have now has been extremely dependable, it takes about 90 minutes to recharge and gives me the best consistant shave out of any of the electric razors I've had before.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: jildo on December 17, 2009, 11:26:25 AM
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: ChrisGilmour on December 17, 2009, 12:00:38 PM
i shaved off half my left eyebrow.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on December 17, 2009, 12:50:31 PM
You get what you pay for.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: snake.williams on December 18, 2009, 12:54:55 AM
I used to do the hair clipper thing... Until I was about 21. Then I tried 2 different expensive electric razors and they both sucked big time. Both would leave 1/4 of my hair on my face in random little patches of like 5 hairs and give me crazy razor burn. You ever skate with fresh razor burn? The second you start sweating it stings like crazy,

Finally I just said fuck it and started using disposable razors and generic shaving cream. It's been about 7 years and I haven't looked back. Just go with a standard razor, it will save you time and pain in the long run.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: kevbo999 on December 18, 2009, 07:29:36 PM
What you need for a good shave.. a) cheap shaving cream.  b) twin blade disposable with pivoting head and lube strip.

Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: Smurph on December 19, 2009, 11:24:23 AM

For Life. Everything else is worthless.
I recently discovered a trick to a less irritable and closer shave - wetting my face before applying shaving cream. I'm not sure if this is common knowledge but only a month ago I started doing it.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: kevbo999 on December 19, 2009, 12:21:27 PM
You're spending 10x what you have to..  Splash hot water on your face before shaving, and you won't need XtReMe RaZoRs.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: jeremyrandall on December 19, 2009, 12:31:20 PM
I'm all about the hair clippers.  Who really cares about shaving all the way down? 

And what kind of job would care about facial hair?  I'm seriously asking.  I don't know.  No job I've ever had gave a shit.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: kevbo999 on December 19, 2009, 12:39:40 PM
I'm a server at a hotel and they're pretty damn uptight about shaving before shifts.  Most respectable dining establishments are.
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: brownjenkin on December 20, 2009, 09:27:24 AM

For Life. Everything else is worthless.
I recently discovered a trick to a less irritable and closer shave - wetting my face before applying shaving cream. I'm not sure if this is common knowledge but only a month ago I started doing it.

The real trick is to soften the hairs on your face before you get started. I get the best shave right after a hot shower. If
I don't shower before I shave, I soak a face towel in really warm water and hold it over my beard area for a couple of minutes.

I'm a clippers and shadow guy, but if I have to shave with a razor I take my sweet ass time because I have the skin of a girl infant. 
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: crest on December 20, 2009, 09:42:30 AM
Title: Re: Electric Razors?
Post by: Tarquin on December 20, 2009, 10:06:47 AM
Those circular ones are really annoying, they seems to pull the hair out more than cut it.