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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: TheFreshSC on December 28, 2009, 09:37:49 PM

Title: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: TheFreshSC on December 28, 2009, 09:37:49 PM

it's worth a read, especially if you're having doubts about college, as i am
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: StokedTaco on December 28, 2009, 09:43:39 PM
pretty interesting, i read through it all. i still chose not to attend.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Gordon Ramsay on December 28, 2009, 09:54:11 PM
College is cool if you actually are down for the courses you are taking. If you hate your classes and career path you've chosen, why the fuck go?
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Nancy Chin The Manicurist on December 28, 2009, 09:55:03 PM
The world is ending in 2 years. Fuck school. Meet me on the dance floor.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: skate_bored on December 28, 2009, 09:58:46 PM
it all depends on the person. if you like doing shit that doesnt require a degree, something that you can learn through the trade, then dont go. if you're an ambitious artist who is self motivated and can create a great portfolio on your own, dont go. but if you're unsure of what you want to do, pick something and try to struggle through those 4 years. any degree is better than no degree and maybe by the time you graduate you'll have an idea of where you want to be and then you can realize it. more than anything else, i think college just put me where i want to be but it took me the 4 years of growing/learning to realize it and thats why i didnt finish in four years. fuck, who knows, im drunk and rambling and i really cant tell you what to do. just enjoy your life to the fullest extent. thats all you can do, you only live once.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: zipzinger666 on December 28, 2009, 10:02:02 PM
The world is ending in 2 years. Fuck school. Meet me on the dance floor.

i might just take the next 2-3 years off from school to see if shit really goes down. hit me up nancy chin!
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Chiguy on December 28, 2009, 10:03:17 PM
My biggest gripe with University is General-Ed courses. Bullshit remedial courses that nobody gives a shit about, and you probably won't retain anything you learned. But you still have to pay for them  :-X

I'm doing Community College right now. I took 1 year of University, and transferred back to the city after my dad got laid off.

I was irked at first, that I had to do Community College, but then I thought about some thing's.

Not a huge deal if I drop out and go to trade school. Sure there will be limited opportunity to advance up the corporate ladder, but if you're content with where you are its no big deal. I even get a head start on most of my peers, and depending on what kind of trade profession I do, I'll be making more than a lot of them.

If I do finish out the 2 years at Community College, I could always transfer to a 4 year university(Which I will).

See I just saved about $24,000 by doing Community College for 2 years. Also probably got the same caliber of education from the 2 years at Community College that I would 2 years of taking 4 year university General-Ed courses.

Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Nancy Chin The Manicurist on December 28, 2009, 10:03:59 PM
it all depends on the person. if you like doing shit that doesnt require a degree, something that you can learn through the trade, then dont go. if you're an ambitious artist who is self motivated and can create a great portfolio on your own, dont go. but if you're unsure of what you want to do, pick something and try to struggle through those 4 years. any degree is better than no degree and maybe by the time you graduate you'll have an idea of where you want to be and then you can realize it. more than anything else, i think college just put me where i want to be but it took me the 4 years of growing/learning to realize it and thats why i didnt finish in four years. fuck, who knows, im drunk and rambling and i really cant tell you what to do. just enjoy your life to the fullest extent. thats all you can do, you only live once. hit the nail on the head.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Nancy Chin The Manicurist on December 28, 2009, 10:04:51 PM
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The world is ending in 2 years. Fuck school. Meet me on the dance floor.

i might just take the next 2-3 years off from school to see if shit really goes down. hit me up nancy chin!

no problemo, bro!
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Nancy Chin The Manicurist on December 28, 2009, 10:06:04 PM
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The world is ending in 2 years. Fuck school. Meet me on the dance floor.

You believe in that Mayan calendar bullshit? All you have to do is look at their descendants, the lazy 3rd-worlders crossing our border, do these people seem like the type who could predict the end of the world? Indians were too weak to fight against us and their civilizations were inferior, they couldn't predict something like that.

Hell nah I don't believe in Mayans. My brother's girlifriend's cousin told me that the world was ending in 2012, and I believe anything that hoe says.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: sage on December 28, 2009, 10:23:12 PM
I would say for the type of people who frequent this website, no college is not worth it. There's a big business in selling people bullshit degrees like "business administration" or other crap. If you're going to college without any real direction, you're wasting your time. I'm in a state school and still in my first two years, and when talking with one of my professors he told me that something like 80% of the people in math and science majors wash out before they graduate, with only 3 graduating the year before.

You go to college if you plan on having a serious career in something that requires real training. Not just job training like how to use excel so you can snag a job as a secretary for the local car insurance office, but training of your mind. There's a tremendous leap from the kiddy courses and the real math and science courses, which should be the focus of anyone who's serious about their life. All the other "soft" stuff is fine if you want to just get a job so you can afford a nice car and a nice tv, but you don't need college for that.

However, if you have higher goals for yourself in life, other that just hoping to make enough money one day to enjoy material goods, then yes your ass belongs in college. Now, you might call me a hypocrite because I'm in a state school, but I'm perfectly aware that my real education hasn't even begun yet. And state schools are a great place to prepare you for the real road the lies ahead.

What I'm trying to say is there is a difference between academia and job training. You need to decide which you're cut out for.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: All Hail Wu Welsh on December 28, 2009, 10:52:08 PM
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The world is ending in 2 years. Fuck school. Meet me on the dance floor.

You believe in that Mayan calendar bullshit? All you have to do is look at their descendants, the lazy 3rd-worlders crossing our border, do these people seem like the type who could predict the end of the world? Indians were too weak to fight against us and their civilizations were inferior, they couldn't predict something like that.

you're going to be a awesome fake account
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Inanimate Object on December 29, 2009, 12:52:30 AM
Figure out what you want to do before attending college, if possible, but if not, college remains a wonderful place to figure yourself out while bedding girls in a higher tax bracket than you.  And, statistically, a degree of any variety is a pathway to a higher income for the rest of your life, regardless of how banal your career may end up being.  Also, you may want to consider not using this little flow chart as your metric for whether college is worth it or not.  It lacks perspective. I'm pro-college.

But there's a lot of merit to the other side of the argument too; there are plenty of fulfilling careers in trades to pursue, and you could potentially succeed as an artist or entrepreneur with the right motivation and luck. 
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: rob2 on December 29, 2009, 01:40:01 AM
It is if :

A) Your parents can support you so you won't get into to much debt and don't have to worry if the only thing you get out of college is a good time.
B) Your not sure what you want to do and if you dont go to college your going to end up in a shitty job you don'y care about.
C) You want to be a doctor, lawyer, philosopher, scientist, historian, policy advisor, engineer, teacher etc any kind of proffesional/academic job.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: ryanage on December 29, 2009, 02:03:35 AM
yeah, i dropped out, and will hopefully be going to culinary school instead once i can get some loans approved.

regular college isn't for everyone.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: snickers on December 29, 2009, 02:43:48 AM
I am a college graduate and I am currently doing zilch with my life.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: popeyesfriedchicken on December 29, 2009, 03:31:20 AM
Figure out what you want to do before attending college, if possible, but if not, college remains a wonderful place to figure yourself out while bedding girls in a higher tax bracket than you.  And, statistically, a degree of any variety is a pathway to a higher income for the rest of your life, regardless of how banal your career may end up being.  Also, you may want to consider not using this little flow chart as your metric for whether college is worth it or not.  It lacks perspective. I'm pro-college.

But there's a lot of merit to the other side of the argument too; there are plenty of fulfilling careers in trades to pursue, and you could potentially succeed as an artist or entrepreneur with the right motivation and luck. 

that link is bullshit.  my friend's got a 4 year degree and can't get even the easiest shitty jobs.  this poster is right: all college is good for is fucking girls that normally wouldn't fuck you if you weren't there. 
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: max power on December 29, 2009, 04:34:49 AM
i hate that in the US not going to college isn't really considered a good move. trade school and/or apprenticeships are both perfectly viable options and most of the time you get better money and are in a lot less to no debt. whatever it is, make sure you enjoy it.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 29, 2009, 05:46:25 AM
me and all the people who i know who went to school are all doing really well and none regret it. but we were all math\science majors and have all been able to step straight into rewarding, well paying careers. i firmly believe that college is worth it for certain majors if you need to borrow and worth it for any major if you can do it without borrowing (scholarships, working, family, ect...)

and the whole idea that taking classes that aren't job training is a waste of time is absurd and shows that you really don't get what the whole point of an acedimic education is. the classes in highschool are eqaully "not job training" but don't you think there would be a world of difference between a person who only finished jr high and a person with a high school diploma?
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Narcissus on December 29, 2009, 07:57:45 AM
I am a college graduate and I am currently doing zilch with my life.

Fuckin' A

Edit: I'm applying to grad school for 2011. Lit Crit, dawg. Goin' professor-track on that shit. It's not very interesting but it's the easiest way to start teaching college and get published. All you have to do is talk about how all the animals and trees symbolize dicks and how the fruit and miscellany beauty symbolize vajayjays. Then you get a PhD for free and boom: you're tenured in no time. Good benefits, amazing vacation (uhhh the whole fuckin' summer?) and you don't have to teach a class before 10 (if you can wrangle). You don't make any money, but you have plenty of time left over for smoking dope or making beats or playing skateboards or whatever it is that you like to do...
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Mr. DNA on December 29, 2009, 08:37:40 AM
Whatever you decide, don't go to some technical school that charges you $16,000 to earn a certificate in some trade in two years. Those schools are a rip off, you never get a job when you graduate and if you do you're still making shit for money.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: brooklyn brawler on December 29, 2009, 08:48:24 AM
Working a shitty job during and/or after college will make earning good money feel real good.

Some kids are handed good jobs right after and have no idea what they're getting for free.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: barkeep11 on December 29, 2009, 08:51:40 AM
Wow, you Americans sure do get ripped off for post-secondary education!!  20 grand for community college?  WOW!!
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: H8R part 4 on December 29, 2009, 09:01:42 AM
simply put, college is a 4 year party with no parents or anyone else telling you want to do.  you will get mad pussy, drink mad booze, and do mad drugs(if you're into that kind of thing).  nothing but good times with no rules. 

college also helps you build connections that could help benefit your future, and vise versa.  we've all heard the saying, "its all in who you know", well its 100% true.  you never know who or what the beer pong champ in your dorm will become?

even if you got a regular job, you will only advance so far with a HS education.  they're not going to pay you as much as the guy who finished 4 years of college, it rarely happens.  where as with a college degree, the skies the limit, you can advance as far as you want. 

yet another old saying, "its better to have it and not need it, than to need it and not have it".  after 4 years of partying, getting laid, going to class and doing your shit, you'll have this official piece of paper that says employers need to pay you what your worth. 

say you went into a trade and became a heating and cooling technician.  from there you have 2 choices, you can be a worker or you could be a boss.   you can be an employee because you have a GED(aka good enough diploma), or you can be an employer because you went to college and earned a business degree.  which one do you want to be?   

college isn't for everyone but knowledge never hurt anyone.         
partys, pussy, connections(maybe meeting your significant other), and a degree, college is totally worth it in every way. 

Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 29, 2009, 09:10:38 AM
i didn't even talk about the social side of college but seriously fasters on point, why would you want to miss out on that side of it also. i can't imagine being 18 and prefering going straight to work to studying.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: rawbertson. on December 29, 2009, 09:11:45 AM
i think people look at college as a means to acquiring a specific job and that is really not what it is about at all
so many people train to become doctors, lawyers, etc. for like 10 years before they actually get to become it
where college is like 2-3 years
you should think of it more as your 2nd time through high school you do learn a lot of different things. it kind of feels like you are just doing high school again but when i go back and watch videos of myself talking in high school or read stuff i wrote or even listen to music i made i can tell how much crappier it was then compared to now.
finishing college kind of gives you a bit more self esteem as well you feel more comfortable applying for jobs even though you know you arent extra special just for finishing school or whatever cause you learn while you are there mad retards finish.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: artichoke on December 29, 2009, 09:18:03 AM
College works for some people, but shouldn't be your automatic go to after high school.

There are trade jobs / certificate programs that will get you a decent salary and take significantly less time and money than a four year bachelors degree.  I know a lot of people who loaded up on student loan debt and ended up graduating with a worthless degree (english, history, etc) and work retail because they can't find jobs.

Four years of partying is nice or whatever, but if you want to just party for four years then chill with dudes at your local college and don't waste the money half assing an education.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: H8R part 4 on December 29, 2009, 09:25:40 AM
i've been saying for years that parents and teachers have been selling the college experience all wrong.  since i could remember they kept harping on how i needed to find a career and think of my future.  that stuff is important too but so is meeting new people, partying and getting laid is equally important as well.

most soon to be HS graduates associate life at college being the same as their life in HS when nothing could be further from the truth.  college is a fresh start for everyone who goes, not just you.  no one knows anything about anyone and none of the bullshit from your past follows you there.  you get to start with a clean slate and you have a chance to reinvent yourself so to speak.  all the while you'll be gaining an education, partying like its going out of style, and having lots of hot monkey sex with random chicks.  i don't care want anyone says, college fucking rules!

Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: brooklyn brawler on December 29, 2009, 09:51:43 AM
I have a friend who will get his doctorate degree in philosophy soon. This man avoids real life like the plague.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Narcissus on December 29, 2009, 10:01:34 AM
I have a friend who will get his doctorate degree in philosophy soon. This man avoids real life like the plague.

Real life is a huge bummer, that's why...
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: poocrusher on December 29, 2009, 10:40:43 AM
I really wish I would've taken some business classes in college.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: odp on December 29, 2009, 11:08:23 AM
go, man, go. don't stop going to school until you're done with your degree. I've stopped so many fucking times, thinking that the "real world" was a better gig. HAH! it is not, by any means. All the traveling and shit that i've done could've been done over school breaks. i've saved no money and watched everyone else who is still around develop horrible heroin habits and do nothing anymore.

don't get me wrong, i've learned a lot about what i DON'T WANT in life, but i've watched all my good buddies who have moved away for school gain solid jobs, live in interesting cities, etc. All due to having stayed in school for 4 or 5 years.

That said, i'm working on my paper work to get back in full time for the fall. I'm not that old at 24, but dude, it's intimidating like your grandmas brassiere free breasts bouncing in the winter wind.

you can go to school, have fun, and get something out of it that will help you continue to have more fun; that being a job where you don't have to work weekends, 2nd or 3rd shift, and make more than $12/hr.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: cigarettedeer on December 29, 2009, 11:09:55 AM
Become an art school drop out. It worked for Neckface
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 29, 2009, 11:10:16 AM
I have a friend who will get his doctorate degree in philosophy soon. This man avoids real life like the plague.

that's exactly the kind of thing that is kind of silly to do on your own dollar unless you are wealthy

just because a lot of people are dumb about college doesn't mean that going to college is dumb. if you are smart about it, it'll work out for you.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: BriDen on December 29, 2009, 11:12:41 AM
Wow, you Americans sure do get ripped off for post-secondary education!!  20 grand for community college?  WOW!!
If you're getting that from the University of Connecticut statistic, then you should realize that's a university, not a community college. CC's usually hand out certificates and associates degrees, then you can transfer to a University and finish getting a Bachelors degree or what have you. I'm in a CC right now paying about $1,300 per semester, but before this I was at IIT (university) for a semester which would have cost me $17,000 per semester if it weren't for grants/loans. Luckily I walked away only having to pay $2,000 for that.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: just_peysa on December 29, 2009, 11:25:11 AM
The world is ending in 2 years. Fuck school. Meet me on the dance floor.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: pugmaster on December 29, 2009, 11:27:51 AM
I highly recommend getting an education.  You need to separate yourself from the workplace competition.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Chiguy on December 29, 2009, 12:43:04 PM
me and all the people who i know who went to school are all doing really well and none regret it. but we were all math\science majors and have all been able to step straight into rewarding, well paying careers. i firmly believe that college is worth it for certain majors if you need to borrow and worth it for any major if you can do it without borrowing (scholarships, working, family, ect...)

and the whole idea that taking classes that aren't job training is a waste of time is absurd and shows that you really don't get what the whole point of an academic education is. the classes in highschool are eqaully "not job training" but don't you think there would be a world of difference between a person who only finished jr high and a person with a high school diploma?

Its just my opinion on the matter, but what is an Academic Education?

Its a useless label for me. Unless you actually are seeking better academic enlightenment(In which case you can't hate that), how does paying for classes that you aren't interested in help you in the least. Sure maybe you'll impress some people with your better than average knowledge of certain subjects, but how is that supposed to help you pay the bills? How is Theater helping me prepare for life as an Architect?

To me, who is not seeking absolute academic enlightenment and just want to get out there and work, what's the purpose of dropping money on these remedial(For me) courses? I don't care about the class so I probably won't remember anything. Its a required course for graduation. So I still have to pay for this class in order to graduate despite it not helping me prepare for life after school.

Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: snickers on December 29, 2009, 01:07:58 PM
A lot of the kids I know constantly freak out about their major. In the grand scheme of things, your major rarely has any direct impact on your career.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 29, 2009, 01:20:20 PM

you own a company and have to hire someone to do some programming for you in an area that is new and rather obscure and there isn't anyone who has a good amount of that kind of experience so you'll just have to hire someone who you think can pick it up quick and run with it. you have two choice to pick from one is a guy that worked his way up from tech support into programming and the other is a degreed person. both people have the same number of years of programming experience because it took both 4 years to get to the point that they were getting paid to program.

without knowing anything else, would you rather spend your money on someone who has been trained only to program in a very limited and specific scope or would you rather someone who not only has taken all the fundamental theory classes but also has a minor in math and took all these classes that in no way directly apply to the job at hand: cal I-III, cal based physics I-III, linear and advanced linear algebra, cal based statistics I-II, nubmer theory, intro to philosophy, ethics, social sciences classes, english lit, ect...

who do you think will be better at learning new technologies (math and science)? assume for a minute that the programming paridigm is drastically different than the one that both candidates have experience in, who do you think has more experience in learning completely different paridigms of thought (math and science)? who do you think will just be smarter? who do you think will be able to document your new product better (english, social science, philosophy, ect...)? who will be better able to train people on this new technology (4 years of being taught by professors)? who do you think will be a better customer facing tech person who can instill confidence in not only the system but the human resources that built and support it (social science, philosophy, psycology, ect...)?

to think that being acedemically well rounded and accomplished is not a useful in the work place is just a bit niave. it's not required, but you'd be kidding yourself to think that those things don't mature your thought process, problem sovling, ability to learn and to communicate. and lets face it, if you are sucessful you will be working with other college educated people, especially managers and it may not seem important to get the "invisible hand" or "pavlov" joke, but it definitely doesn't hurt and a lot people throw those type things out there just to test the waters a bit.

my sister climbed to the top of the corporate ladder with no degree and she definitely regretted not having one and frequently felt awkward when coffee table conversations would start up at her work and she had no idea what people were talking about, which happened frequently enough for it to be an issue for her.

it's kind of like in the military, they make you do a lot of things that you will never need to do in combat, but they get you in the right kind of shape to better handle combat. you're not going to need to do push ups in battle but having done a shit ton of them for years will definitely help you manage better... college is the same thing for your brain.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: H8R part 4 on December 29, 2009, 02:17:53 PM
you get all that and you get to slay a bunch of chicks and get wasted with your friends.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Chiguy on December 29, 2009, 02:38:50 PM
I get what you're saying as far as broadening your scope.

If you're taking classes that help going to your career, I'm totally cool with tagging those classes on. Logically you'd take the more well rounded guy which is cool. I'm not totally against that. You learn that from any good adviser. Taking a specific course that could only really land you into a specific scope of careers , versus taking many courses that could lead you on any number of paths. Its like an English major versus a Journalism major. The Journalism guy's degree is pretty outlined. The English guy in the end would have more options.

If you're taking classes that help you in a career choice path, I'm totally with that. I myself even did that. That's just the smart thing to do. I have friends that were totally convinced about becoming Game Programming Majors, but have told me that in the end usually the regular old Computer Programming Majors ended up getting their foot into the industry before the Game Majors.

What I'm not cool with is being required to take Astronomy, Music History, Art History, or basically any of these humanity classes, or otherwise that would not help with your Major/Career in the least, but you still have to take them. It makes sense that an architect would take a variety of math, geometry or whatever classes. You shouldn't have to sit through Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, Comms, to get where you want to be. That's a rip off IMO.

Maybe I should have outlined what I said earlier in a more specific matter.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: FranklinSt4Ever on December 29, 2009, 07:58:24 PM
I agree with what most everyone is saying except for the girl part. I didn't even lose my virginity until after I graduated from undergrad sooooooo the whole banging thing isn't guaranteed.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: kilgore. on December 29, 2009, 08:10:56 PM
I agree with what most everyone is saying except for the girl part. I didn't even lose my virginity until after I graduated from undergrad sooooooo the whole banging thing isn't guaranteed.

Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: FranklinSt4Ever on December 29, 2009, 08:17:47 PM
Expand Quote
I agree with what most everyone is saying except for the girl part. I didn't even lose my virginity until after I graduated from undergrad sooooooo the whole banging thing isn't guaranteed.


Hey, sorry I'm not cool like everyone else.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: oyolar on December 29, 2009, 08:40:42 PM
I just want to know what school faster! went/goes to because I want to visit him for a weekend. My school has parties and shit, but it's pretty well known for not having a stellar social scene. Or very attractive women.

But back to the main point-I'm glad I went to college. Yeah, mine's pretty expensive, but if you're smart about it (both in your high schoo classes and applying for schools and shit), you shouldn't have a problem getting loans and/or grants. Besides that, taking all those classes Chiguy was talking about, and just being at school, has completely changed me. Ignoring the fact that I like to learn things, regardless of their applicability, I have a bunch of new interests, I know a lot more concepts and am able to discuss them articulately, and it's so cliché, but college really does help you grow as a person. Before taking classes, I was very stubborn and closed-minded and I look back at who I was and, at times, I'm embarrassed at how I used to think and act, so at the very least people should keep that in mind when thinking about going to college.

That all being said, four year universities aren't for everyone and people should keep that in mind too.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Bobbito on December 29, 2009, 11:23:18 PM
College sucks but that's me being a crybaby. Like everything else in life, you need to hustle to get what you want and college is no different. But at the same time, the meeting of new people, sex, beer, your studies, and always pushing the limits of all these aspects of college make it fucking awesome!

And besides, be thankful you can go to college. 100 years ago, society was a bunch of retards compared to people now so suck it up and barge.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 30, 2009, 04:18:24 AM
What I'm not cool with is being required to take Astronomy, Music History, Art History, or basically any of these humanity classes, or otherwise that would not help with your Major/Career in the least, but you still have to take them. It makes sense that an architect would take a variety of math, geometry or whatever classes. You shouldn't have to sit through Psychology, Sociology, Philosophy, Greek Philosophy, Comms, to get where you want to be. That's a rip off IMO.

so those classes are required for everyone or just for architects? i'd be a little annoyed about music history if i didn't have a choice but art history seems like something that every architect would want to take. and it's probably the nerd in me but astronmy was pretty fucking awesome when i took it.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: grimcity on December 30, 2009, 09:46:19 AM
When I found out I couldn't get into the Army, I dropped out of high school, took my ACT and GED almost back to back, then left my little country town and went to the University here in Hammond. After three and a half years of English Ed, I realized I was fucktarded and switched over into computer science and some art and design. When I was studying English I was bartending and making money building websites and fixing computers on the side... by the time I switched majors, I was working in IT full time, plus contract jobs. I stayed in school long enough to get what I wanted (roughly another year full time) then left school to focus more on job opportunities and beefing up my references and portfolio.

I couldn't ask for a better career right now, and I still get contract requests that I can turn around quickly for a few extra bucks. That might be pretty unique because it's IT... some shops like degrees, but once place that headhunted me wouldn't hire fresh graduates because they had a tendency to work at a rate slightly slower than breakneck.

Everyone should give it a year or two. I wound up getting interested in so many things that my final full time semester was basically a big collection of classes that I thought would be neat to attend. You never know.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: rawbertson. on December 30, 2009, 09:48:50 AM
if you make it through high school and you didnt get laid you are probably pretty for sure a loser
but if you make it through college and you still didnt get laid you must really be a loser cause even i got laid in college
if thats the case
you know what to do.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 30, 2009, 09:58:02 AM
When I found out I couldn't get into the Army, I dropped out of high school, took my ACT and GED almost back to back, then left my little country town and went to the University here in Hammond. After three and a half years of English Ed, I realized I was fucktarded and switched over into computer science and some art and design. When I was studying English I was bartending and making money building websites and fixing computers on the side... by the time I switched majors, I was working in IT full time, plus contract jobs. I stayed in school long enough to get what I wanted (roughly another year full time) then left school to focus more on job opportunities and beefing up my references and portfolio.

I couldn't ask for a better career right now, and I still get contract requests that I can turn around quickly for a few extra bucks. That might be pretty unique because it's IT... some shops like degrees, but once place that headhunted me wouldn't hire fresh graduates because they had a tendency to work at a rate slightly slower than breakneck.

Everyone should give it a year or two. I wound up getting interested in so many things that my final full time semester was basically a big collection of classes that I thought would be neat to attend. You never know.

guys without degrees in IT are usually either really good or really unimpressive. and pretty much every one of the guys i've worked with who was really good in IT without a degree went back for something. really it's like someone said about art, if your motivated enough to do all the research and put together a great portfolio without school then you should but for most people it's easier to just go to school. you definitely got that OG, tweak and tinker nerd vibe that all my good non-degreed friends have. but you gotta admidt it takes a special kind of person, kind of like being a goalie, and that kind of person most likely won't have to figure it out anyway because they'll be too busy doing it.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: H8R part 4 on December 30, 2009, 10:05:19 AM
I just want to know what school faster! went/goes to because I want to visit him for a weekend. My school has parties and shit, but it's pretty well known for not having a stellar social scene. Or very attractive women.

i graduated from NC state and i partied at all the universities around NC, chapel hill, duke, central, greensboro.  nothing was too far and at the very least i was going to drink, get buck and have a good time. 
if your standards are too high, you'll never get laid.  sometimes you gotta go with whats being thrown at you.  the more you get laid, the more confidence it will build and you'll be able to approach more women in general.  besides that, getting laid by ugly chick is better than not getting laid at all.  i'd rather go home with a chick whos a 5 than go home to my palmela and her 5 sisters, plus thats where the drinking helps.  you know what they say, 'the more i drink the better you look'.         

Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: grimcity on December 30, 2009, 10:15:37 AM
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When I found out I couldn't get into the Army, I dropped out of high school, took my ACT and GED almost back to back, then left my little country town and went to the University here in Hammond. After three and a half years of English Ed, I realized I was fucktarded and switched over into computer science and some art and design. When I was studying English I was bartending and making money building websites and fixing computers on the side... by the time I switched majors, I was working in IT full time, plus contract jobs. I stayed in school long enough to get what I wanted (roughly another year full time) then left school to focus more on job opportunities and beefing up my references and portfolio.

I couldn't ask for a better career right now, and I still get contract requests that I can turn around quickly for a few extra bucks. That might be pretty unique because it's IT... some shops like degrees, but once place that headhunted me wouldn't hire fresh graduates because they had a tendency to work at a rate slightly slower than breakneck.

Everyone should give it a year or two. I wound up getting interested in so many things that my final full time semester was basically a big collection of classes that I thought would be neat to attend. You never know.

guys without degrees in IT are usually either really good or really unimpressive. and pretty much every one of the guys i've worked with who was really good in IT without a degree went back for something. really it's like someone said about art, if your motivated enough to do all the research and put together a great portfolio without school then you should but for most people it's easier to just go to school. you definitely got that OG, tweak and tinker nerd vibe that all my good non-degreed friends have. but you gotta admidt it takes a special kind of person, kind of like being a goalie, and that kind of person most likely won't have to figure it out anyway because they'll be too busy doing it.
I think I lucked out because I'm down for hustling and I know how to bullshit, haha.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 30, 2009, 11:01:27 AM
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I just want to know what school faster! went/goes to because I want to visit him for a weekend. My school has parties and shit, but it's pretty well known for not having a stellar social scene. Or very attractive women.

i graduated from NC state and i partied at all the universities around NC, chapel hill, duke, central, greensboro.  nothing was too far and at the very least i was going to drink, get buck and have a good time. 
if your standards are too high, you'll never get laid.  sometimes you gotta go with whats being thrown at you.  the more you get laid, the more confidence it will build and you'll be able to approach more women in general.  besides that, getting laid by ugly chick is better than not getting laid at all.  i'd rather go home with a chick whos a 5 than go home to my palmela and her 5 sisters, plus thats where the drinking helps.  you know what they say, 'the more i drink the better you look'.         

every bitch gets some random dick in college. keep your standards in check (i was more of a butter face guy than a porker, but one mans skank is anothers princess) and your visibility high and you could easily be a few girls a semesters "mistake." fall semesters the harvest too, so many niave freshmen who are dying to get out there and test out that new found freedom but still didn't get burned yet.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: BabyKillaSeason on December 30, 2009, 12:30:00 PM
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I just want to know what school faster! went/goes to because I want to visit him for a weekend. My school has parties and shit, but it's pretty well known for not having a stellar social scene. Or very attractive women.

i graduated from NC state and i partied at all the universities around NC, chapel hill, duke, central, greensboro.  nothing was too far and at the very least i was going to drink, get buck and have a good time. 
if your standards are too high, you'll never get laid.  sometimes you gotta go with whats being thrown at you.  the more you get laid, the more confidence it will build and you'll be able to approach more women in general.  besides that, getting laid by ugly chick is better than not getting laid at all.  i'd rather go home with a chick whos a 5 than go home to my palmela and her 5 sisters, plus thats where the drinking helps.  you know what they say, 'the more i drink the better you look'.         

ugly chicks like cologne though right?
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: FranklinSt4Ever on December 31, 2009, 12:09:27 AM
if you make it through high school and you didn't get laid you are probably pretty for sure a loser
but if you make it through college and you still didn't get laid you must really be a loser cause even i got laid in college
if that's the case
you know what to do.

In high school I wasn't allowed to hang out with other kids until I was around 16 (strict religious parents)

During college my life was basically class, skate afterward, and video games after that when I was tired and I didn't really go out because I don't drink/smoke/etc. I ended up meeting someone in one of my classes during my last semester and we dated for a year after I graduated so I got laid a bit after I graduated.

According to roommates I had women interested in me but I didn't see it because lack of experience=being oblivious to signals=not getting any experience/etc. Like I said, I apologize for not being cool.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: grimcity on December 31, 2009, 06:29:36 AM
I lucked out being a bartender... I had done it right before college and it completely made up for any lack of game or looks. First year and half I was a raging whore.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Stoeipoes on December 31, 2009, 06:57:48 AM
It is if :

A) Your parents can support you so you won't get into to much debt and don't have to worry if the only thing you get out of college is a good time.
B) Your not sure what you want to do and if you dont go to college your going to end up in a shitty job you don'y care about.
C) You want to be a doctor, lawyer, philosopher, scientist, historian, policy advisor, engineer, teacher etc any kind of proffesional/academic job.
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: H8R part 4 on December 31, 2009, 08:41:50 AM
I lucked out being a bartender... I had done it right before college and it completely made up for any lack of game or looks. First year and half I was a raging whore.

i never tended bar but i would go to random parties and start running the keg.  its the best spot in the house because you're guaranteed to meet every chick there. 
he who controls the booze gets the most booty.   
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: deluxe_six on December 31, 2009, 08:57:17 AM
he who controls the booze gets the most booty.   
next to the guy that controls the roofie
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: Sleazy on December 31, 2009, 09:02:04 AM
we might not all agree on if college is worth it but it seems like everyones on the same page about man whoring... school or no school, make sure you get yours
Title: Re: "Is College Worth It?"
Post by: H8R part 4 on December 31, 2009, 09:26:28 AM
no one will ever be surrounded by more eligible women at one given time in their lives than in college.  they say "theres plenty of fish in the sea" well college is more like a pond which means you're gonna catch mad fish....that or an STD.  ;D

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he who controls the booze gets the most booty.   
next to the guy that controls the roofie
as my hero shaft would say, its my duty to hit that booty!