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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: camel filters on June 20, 2010, 08:39:18 PM

Title: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: camel filters on June 20, 2010, 08:39:18 PM
I am a fat ass who needs to drop a few. Any fat asses on here that would like to join? Former tubbies that have advice? Come share the joys and tribulations of trying to fit into those old pants that you fit in before you got a girlfriend in the losing weight thread!
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: jalopy james on June 20, 2010, 08:58:01 PM
how big of a fatass are you?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: everypennyfedcar on June 20, 2010, 09:04:34 PM
How much do you skate?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: jalopy james on June 20, 2010, 09:13:23 PM
well see that was going to be my next question.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: camel filters on June 20, 2010, 09:25:42 PM
im not huge just stand to lose a few. around 190 at 5'11. just flabby.  i skate alot but i eat alot too. haha im on the water only, no breakfast, and sit up/pull ups program right now.

heres a recent skate pic.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Hypnotoad on June 20, 2010, 09:30:45 PM
Bikram yoga always helps me sweat off 10 pounds in 2 weeks or so when I get unhappy with my fatness.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: StabMasterArson on June 20, 2010, 09:51:26 PM
I did 16months in jail and lost 25 pounds.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: camel filters on June 20, 2010, 10:43:36 PM
Bikram yoga always helps me sweat off 10 pounds in 2 weeks or so when I get unhappy with my fatness.
sounds expensive?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: swllbo on June 20, 2010, 10:58:38 PM
 I recently lost 30 lbs myself. Skipping breakfast is the worst meal of the day to skip. Starting your day with a meal helps kick start your metabolism. Try eating smaller meals more often through the day.  Rather than eating 2 or 3 large meals eat 4 to 5 small meals or snacks. You could also add weight lifting( not power lifting ) 3 to 4 times a week. The extra muscle will help burn fat even while not working out ( cardio and skating only burns fat while you are active ). And try not to eat 3 to 4 hrs before bed. this was the hardest thing for me
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: crunk juice on June 21, 2010, 12:23:38 AM
listening to fat people tell other fatties how to lose weight is one of the funniest things ever.  i've been skinny my whole life, but i've lived with lots of fat retards so i know exactly what you all do.  being fat doesn't mean you're dumb, it just means you're parents are dumb and they fucked you up.

this is how not to be a fatass:

1) drink water - stop drinking soda/diet soda/weird sugar free energy drinks/gross sugary fake iced tea/all that bullshit.  where do you fat fucks even find this shit?  it's disgusting and gives you cancer.  if you're craving sugar, drink fruit juice or eat a piece of fruit you stupid fat whore.  also, if you think vitamin water is good for you b/c it has the word "vitamin" in it, then just give up now.  stop reading.  you're going to be fat forever b/c you're way to regular to ever be helped.

2) eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable with every meal - you may be confused right now.  fruit ≠ sour skittles, twizzlers, gummy bears, or cherry coke.  when you eat a grapefruit w/ your eggs in the morning, then later in the day you don't crave all that sugary bullshit you're always cramming down your disgusting throat.  when you make a sandwich, put some mixed greens or spinach on it or eat some baby carrots on the side or have some tomato soup, etc.  and no, iceberg lettuce is not food.  stop eating it, idiot.  this shit is not that hard.  when you make dinner, eat some broccoli or asparagus or any vegetable.  it's fucking delicious.  you just don't know how to cook it b/c you're fat parents screwed you.

3) learn how to cook - it's very easy and tastes a million times better than the disgusting garbage you're eating right now.  you're literally eating shit right now.  stop.  you're disgusting.  put down the mountain dew and ps3 controller and take some time to prepare a meal.

4) snacks - here are the snacks you're allowed: mini carrots, apple w/ almonds or peanut butter (and make it real peanut butter).  i know you fat fucks will take any chance you can to fuck this up by eating skippy or some other faggot shit.  i know all your tricks.  other acceptable snacks include: beef jerky, cheese slices (REAL cheese, dumbfuck.  american cheese = plastic), any nuts, bean burrito, tuna fish and crackers, etc.  basically anything that's REAL FOOD. 

5) eat real food - this is definitely the most important overriding element.  fat people have the most insane ability to always choose the most crazily processed crap ever.  all these crackers and chips, and fake cheese and fake peanut butter, fake lettuce, fake mayonaise, fake butter (margerine), fake everything.  STOP.  this also includes anything w/ a "diet," "reduced fat," "low fat," or anything like that in front of it (w/ the one exception of maybe milk).  see, when you drink water and eat real food regularly, then the deserts you eat and everything else can actually be real.  it doesn't have to be some fake half ass disgusting low fat bullshit that leaves you unfulfilled and scarfing down everything in sight afterwards.

i could go on but i know you fat morons won't even follow the simple advice i've just given, so i'm just going to stop now.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: dolphinstyle. on June 21, 2010, 12:31:18 AM
^^ Gunnery Sergeant Hartman couldn't say it better
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Mr.Blonde on June 21, 2010, 01:58:01 AM
drink a glass of water before every meal, then stop eating when you are 80 percent full.
you dont have to keep eating untill your stuffed, stop before you are full.
the japanese have it down, just eat more smaller portions throughout the day, instead of 2 gigantic meals that sit in your belly
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Buddha on June 21, 2010, 02:47:09 AM
-Just eat meat, eggs, cheese, butter/lard and green vegetables.  
-No grains, legumes,  starches or sugars(including fructose in fruit) as they cause insulin spikes which initiate fat storage.  
-Only drink water and/or green tea.    
-If you limit carbs (vegetables) to around 20g a day, your body will switch to burning fat and protein for fuel.  There is an adjustment period as the body detoxes from sugar dependence and enter into ketosis. Its not pleasant but tough it out.  
-The whole calories in calories out thing is bullshit.  When I was a vegetarian I weighed 140 lbs on 1500 calories a day.  I now easily eat 3000 calories a day of mostly fat and protein and I'm the leanest I've ever been at 130 lbs.  
-On this type of diet you need to eat a lot of saturated fat and limit protein.  Too much protein and not enough fat will cause what Aboriginals called "rabbit starvation" so stay away from lean meats and "low fat" anything. The saturated fat will boost metabolism, increase absorption of fat soluble vitamins and increase testosterone levels.  Testosterone makes you lean, too much estrogen gets you flabby.  Saturated fat will also get the bowels moving.  Saturated fat is a health food, contrary to what the big soy/corn propaganda campaigns proclaim.  
-Fiber is not necessary for human health and actually bad for you.  
-Calorie restriction isn't necessary, just eat when you're hungry.  Fat and protein will keep you feeling full longer.
-I personally only workout 20 mins to half an hour every day.  No weights, push ups or sit ups.  Just high intensity cardio because I wanna stay lean and not bulk up.  It works for me.
-Have a few bags of pork rinds around for the carb cravings.  Try to find them without msg.  They can also be crushed up and used for no carb pancake batter or breading for meats.

This way of eating is pretty simple and healthy but can be a pain in the ass when eating out or shopping.  Everything has sugar/starch/soy in it including bacon and processed deli meats.  Just eat real food and have some will power, not only will this make you lose weight, it will get you cut.  

Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Donkey Lips on June 21, 2010, 04:25:30 AM
Embrace your fattness. Do not loath it. Eat until you feel the need to shit blood.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Mr.Blonde on June 21, 2010, 04:29:20 AM
when i was 18 i fell and broke my jaw, i was on a liquid diet, and lost soo much weight, i looked like i belonged in a nazi camp. I had to eat so many calories a day just to keep my weight up, all through a syringe.  The worst part was my mind set. Thats what it all comes down to, how much you are commited to reaching your goal. First solid food i ate was a chicken nugget meal from mcdonnalds.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Donkey Lips on June 21, 2010, 04:48:13 AM
First solid food i ate was a chicken nugget meal from mcdonnalds.
...and it tasted like heaven, didn't it.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Mr.Blonde on June 21, 2010, 05:20:29 AM
Expand Quote
First solid food i ate was a chicken nugget meal from mcdonnalds.
...and it tasted like heaven, didn't it.

Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: frig deuce on June 21, 2010, 07:54:32 AM
drink a glass of water before every meal, then stop eating when you are 80 percent full.
you dont have to keep eating untill your stuffed, stop before you are full.
the japanese have it down, just eat more smaller portions throughout the day, instead of 2 gigantic meals that sit in your belly
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Beeda Weeda on June 21, 2010, 11:49:10 AM
eat less, exersize more.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Mein Fuhrer! I can walk! on June 21, 2010, 11:57:37 AM
Drinking nothing but water would probably be a decent first step. Don't eat too much in between meals and try to get some chill regular exercise in your week, some jogging or something.
Those are some lazy mans basic measures for someone who doesn't want to do too much like a gnarley diet or something
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: busey on June 21, 2010, 12:04:47 PM
i lost 15 pounds by not drinking for 3 months and skating all day.

then i gained it back by always being busy, tired, and drunk.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: oyolar on June 21, 2010, 12:05:04 PM
eat less and smarter, exersize more.

That's really all it takes. Transition to whole grain everything. Don't skip meals. Like people have said, eat smaller meals more frequently. Pull ups, sit ups, etc. are a good idea. Learn what your target heart rate to burn fat is. People think that by doing high intensity jogging/running will burn the most fat, but that's not true. Sometimes power walking or a light jog will be better for you. But working out is only half the battle. The most important part is to change what and how you eat. You can work out all you want, but if you're eating shit, you'll still be "fat" and feel like shit.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 21, 2010, 01:02:48 PM
After Christmas I was crushing the scale at a fat ass 208 lbs. I made it my 2010 resolution to cut down to 168 for summer skateboarding. This morning's weigh-in was 173.

This is pretty gay but nothing illustrates the difference better than a before/after:


How did I do it?

I started with a kind of Atkins-style diet—tuna, chicken, cooked yams, raw eggs, broccoli, cottage cheese—that knocked away the lbs. but left me feeling like shit. A few weeks into this I saw Chris Kendall's Aberrican Me ( and got pretty stoked on the raw fruit thing. I had heard plenty of good things about a raw fruit diet and decided to incorporate more raw fruit consumption into my nutrition plan. With each passing week the raw factor went up to the point where about 90% of the calories I consume are from raw fruit and vegan protein powder. (I still eat cooked meats a few times a week to help preclude muscle atrophy as I shed weight toward my ultimate goal.) I use to count my calories and try to stay within the 1500-2000 range daily.

I'm eating 4 or 5 fruit smoothies a day and snack on handfuls of fresh blueberries, strawberries, cherries, etc. My facial complexion has improved and my hairline, which had begun to recede in the last couple of years, has actually grown back. Stoked on the raw advantage!

Really, the only way to increase your metabolism and lose weight without losing lean body mass (muscle) is to lift weights. I just stick to the basic movements and alternate two training days—pullups & curls one day; bench, incline, and standing overhead presses on the other, along with squats & deadlifts. Skateboarding 2 or 3 hours five days a week helps accelerate the fat loss but weight training alone is more effective at burning fat than cardio without weight training. Do both and you're going to see your weigh-ins head south—in my case it's been happening consistently for about 16 weeks at a rate of 2 lbs. a week.

Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: cold budweisers on June 21, 2010, 01:04:01 PM
whole grain everything
would make you fat
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: oyolar on June 21, 2010, 01:39:13 PM
Expand Quote
whole grain everything
would make you fat

Sorry, I meant whole wheat/wheat flour. Wheat bread and pasta versus white bread and pasta. It is digested slower than white flour, making you eat less, and as long as you work out and shit, it'll burn off.

Commercial D-is that really you? Because that much of a difference in 6 months is crazy and I would like to subscribe to your news letter.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Paper Crane on June 21, 2010, 01:52:10 PM
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 21, 2010, 01:54:49 PM
Sorry, I meant whole wheat/wheat flour. Wheat bread and pasta versus white bread and pasta. It is digested slower than white flour, making you eat less, and as long as you work out and shit, it'll burn off.

Commercial D-is that really you? Because that much of a difference in 6 months is crazy and I would like to subscribe to your news letter.

Yup, and that's actually not quite 4 months—113 days I believe. There was obviously some hard work involved but I have to give a lot of credit to the raw diet.

On the subject of whole wheat & whole grains vs. white flour, what you're referring to is glycemic load, which is basically how fast the carbs are absorbed into your body, and of course whole grains have a lower GI (glycemic index) number. See But pretty much the only grains I eat are 1/3 cup soaked raw rolled oats in my breakfast smoothie, which also includes one whole avocado, one banana, a tablespoon of flaxseeds, a handful of greens (could be spinach, kale or collareds, depending on what's in the fridge), sometimes a handful of strawberries or blueberries, mixed with water (or if I'm feeling rebellious, skim milk).

That's pretty much it—lift weights, skate, and eat fruit from a blender 4 or 5 times a day and all your bodyfat will go bye-bye.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Bobbito on June 21, 2010, 02:04:24 PM
work for a landscaping company. you'll get a nice Pauly D tan and you'll sweat a few lbs.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: BallDontLie on June 21, 2010, 02:07:14 PM
Lots of Cardio. And yes, small portions. Not sure if you work or not, but lifting weights here and there isn't all that bad and can benefit you in a lot of ways. Especially in the workplace. More or less it's all it the dieting/calorie intake. Have a set amount of calories you can consume. Try this

Cut down on the drinking. Maybe resort to wine.

Do a little jogging before you work out to help boost your metabolism.  
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: RightCoastBiased on June 21, 2010, 03:41:24 PM
Burritos, Pizza and Beer.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: jack burton on June 21, 2010, 03:45:57 PM
last december i had mono and that seemed to work pretty well. id recommend that. either that or a tape worm.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: WWD4D? on June 21, 2010, 03:48:26 PM
I've always been one of those people who could eat whatever the fuck they want, as much as they want and never gain a pound. I'm sure when I get older that's gonna change though.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: popeyesfriedchicken on June 21, 2010, 04:09:51 PM
listening to fat people tell other fatties how to lose weight is one of the funniest things ever.  i've been skinny my whole life, but i've lived with lots of fat retards so i know exactly what you all do.  being fat doesn't mean you're dumb, it just means you're parents are dumb and they fucked you up.

this is how not to be a fatass:

1) drink water - stop drinking soda/diet soda/weird sugar free energy drinks/gross sugary fake iced tea/all that bullshit.  where do you fat fucks even find this shit?  it's disgusting and gives you cancer.  if you're craving sugar, drink fruit juice or eat a piece of fruit you stupid fat whore.  also, if you think vitamin water is good for you b/c it has the word "vitamin" in it, then just give up now.  stop reading.  you're going to be fat forever b/c you're way to regular to ever be helped.

2) eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable with every meal - you may be confused right now.  fruit ≠ sour skittles, twizzlers, gummy bears, or cherry coke.  when you eat a grapefruit w/ your eggs in the morning, then later in the day you don't crave all that sugary bullshit you're always cramming down your disgusting throat.  when you make a sandwich, put some mixed greens or spinach on it or eat some baby carrots on the side or have some tomato soup, etc.  and no, iceberg lettuce is not food.  stop eating it, idiot.  this shit is not that hard.  when you make dinner, eat some broccoli or asparagus or any vegetable.  it's fucking delicious.  you just don't know how to cook it b/c you're fat parents screwed you.

3) learn how to cook - it's very easy and tastes a million times better than the disgusting garbage you're eating right now.  you're literally eating shit right now.  stop.  you're disgusting.  put down the mountain dew and ps3 controller and take some time to prepare a meal.

4) snacks - here are the snacks you're allowed: mini carrots, apple w/ almonds or peanut butter (and make it real peanut butter).  i know you fat fucks will take any chance you can to fuck this up by eating skippy or some other faggot shit.  i know all your tricks.  other acceptable snacks include: beef jerky, cheese slices (REAL cheese, dumbfuck.  american cheese = plastic), any nuts, bean burrito, tuna fish and crackers, etc.  basically anything that's REAL FOOD. 

5) eat real food - this is definitely the most important overriding element.  fat people have the most insane ability to always choose the most crazily processed crap ever.  all these crackers and chips, and fake cheese and fake peanut butter, fake lettuce, fake mayonaise, fake butter (margerine), fake everything.  STOP.  this also includes anything w/ a "diet," "reduced fat," "low fat," or anything like that in front of it (w/ the one exception of maybe milk).  see, when you drink water and eat real food regularly, then the deserts you eat and everything else can actually be real.  it doesn't have to be some fake half ass disgusting low fat bullshit that leaves you unfulfilled and scarfing down everything in sight afterwards.

i could go on but i know you fat morons won't even follow the simple advice i've just given, so i'm just going to stop now.

you're a jackass.  i'm not fat but i was used to being a skinny mother fucker my whole life.  definitely gave me a lot more confidence with the ladies.  now i'm about 5'10", 175-180 pounds, not comfortable with it.  all i do is yardwork for money, literally 2 to 3 hours a day of it minimum.  some of it is the equivalent of heavy weight lifting (shoveling and moving wheelbarrows of it for hours at a time).  i eat a third of what i used to when i was skinny.  hardly ever drink soda.  and i can't lose an ounce.  if you talked this shit to someone like me to their face our chubby fists would knock your teeth out.  there will come a day when you can't sit on your ass and enjoy being skinny when your metabolism decides to shit on itself.  with your attitude i hope it comes soon, because i definitely bet i eat healthier than you and am a lot more active. 
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 21, 2010, 04:15:45 PM
I've always been one of those people who could eat whatever the fuck they want, as much as they want and never gain a pound. I'm sure when I get older that's gonna change though.

Guaranteed. When I think of my binges in high school—my most remarkable achievment: 13 slices at a Pizza Hut buffet—I don't know how it took me until 30 to hit 200 lbs.

But it's not hard to reverse. Today I'm wearing a leather belt I bought when I was 18, on the center notch where it's never in my life sat comfortably.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: popeyesfriedchicken on June 21, 2010, 04:33:44 PM
Expand Quote
I've always been one of those people who could eat whatever the fuck they want, as much as they want and never gain a pound. I'm sure when I get older that's gonna change though.

Guaranteed. When I think of my binges in high school—my most remarkable achievment: 13 slices at a Pizza Hut buffet—I don't know how it took me until 30 to hit 200 lbs.

But it's not hard to reverse. Today I'm wearing a leather belt I bought when I was 18, on the center notch where it's never in my life sat comfortably.

when i was 12 and had the craziest metabolism known to mankind i ate 28 slices at a cici's buffet...  over a two hour period.  including crust. 
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: kevbo999 on June 21, 2010, 04:50:46 PM
My folks are supposed to bring me up a blender this weekend, stoked to get on a smoothie kick.  I mostly eat meat and potatoes either panfried or baked in canola oil.  It's the beer that's packing the pounds on though.  Gotta start brewing some herbal hooch.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: skate_bored on June 21, 2010, 05:13:51 PM
drink water all day, switch to whiskey or vodka at night. eat smaller portions more often and NEVER skip breakfast.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Prison Wallet on June 21, 2010, 05:18:33 PM
if you talked this shit to someone like me to their face our chubby fists would knock your teeth out. 

Hahaha. Fat kids talking shit on the internet.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: blankbutbranded on June 21, 2010, 05:31:00 PM
I've gain fucka weight...i'm 6'1 and i'm 185 pounds of fat fuck even if i dont look that fat at all i need to step ma game up to reduce it and lose 10 this thread appeal me.

So the thing is,you need to stop looking at yourself in the mirror and need to step your self confidence game uop...swim on some lake and try to over played your slappy 50-50 backside 180 out like point your fucka face in the wrong direction when you land and twist that fat shit...look at Jason Dill gee when he landed that 180 out on a roll-to-grind he twist those foot and point the shit up like a need to homo up just try to shape around but goofying jump over planters and run for no reasons...over react when you talk to someone,like use your fucking face to interpret words and feelings and your fat fuck face will become slimmer...Look at Jim Carrey,do like that.

And avoid sniffin those fuck fake Burger Wingy,McDonalds and those retards are only good when you feel great in life...Try to eat some vegetable game again its fucka good with a trampette (find some hummus gee nothing else,its good as hell,just combo up)...its a fucking meal if you can reduce a side meal with vegetables like a quarter of a chicken pie no need to ketchup up too.

drink homebwayemade limonade,no sugar adding like a little USA bungalow kiddo (see Fred Savage how lame he is now,avoid being recluse,go to India and swim in the ocean),if you want a sugar shit just make some smoothies with fresh cherries,an egg,milkybwaye and bananas for break fast and if you can skip lunch just do it by eating some fucking nuts...
avoid jujubes.
avoid chips just hook up with some bags of roasted plantin from Haitian mob necca wun.
Go to a concert and drink too much and skip 2 meals...repeat every week end,make new friends and shit too...stimulate your dreams,skip schools too...rebel up to not think about food but to find solutions about this fucking society we live blindly in.

try to hook up a girl and do love...(best meal ever...just dont stress about it,take your time...doing love its not like fucking)

edit : im just 'bout to cook 4 hot dogs now...roasted,mustard ketchup,nothing else...watching TV too.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: camel filters on June 21, 2010, 05:51:26 PM
I've gain fucka weight...i'm 6'1 and i'm 185 pounds of fat fuck even if i dont look that fat at all i need to step ma game up to reduce it and lose 10 this thread appeal me.

So the thing is,you need to stop looking at yourself in the mirror and need to step your self confidence game uop...swim on some lake and try to over played your slappy 50-50 backside 180 out like point your fucka face in the wrong direction when you land and twist that fat shit...look at Jason Dill gee when he landed that 180 out on a roll-to-grind he twist those foot and point the shit up like a need to homo up just try to shape around but goofying jump over planters and run for no reasons...over react when you talk to someone,like use your fucking face to interpret words and feelings and your fat fuck face will become slimmer...Look at Jim Carrey,do like that.

And avoid sniffin those fuck fake Burger Wingy,McDonalds and those retards are only good when you feel great in life...Try to eat some vegetable game again its fucka good with a trampette (find some hummus gee nothing else,its good as hell,just combo up)...its a fucking meal if you can reduce a side meal with vegetables like a quarter of a chicken pie no need to ketchup up too.

drink homebwayemade limonade,no sugar adding like a little USA bungalow kiddo (see Fred Savage how lame he is now,avoid being recluse,go to India and swim in the ocean),if you want a sugar shit just make some smoothies with fresh cherries,an egg,milkybwaye and bananas for break fast and if you can skip lunch just do it by eating some fucking nuts...
avoid jujubes.
avoid chips just hook up with some bags of roasted plantin from Haitian mob necca wun.
Go to a concert and drink too much and skip 2 meals...repeat every week end,make new friends and shit too...stimulate your dreams,skip schools too...rebel up to not think about food but to find solutions about this fucking society we live blindly in.

try to hook up a girl and do love...(best meal ever...just dont stress about it,take your time...doing love its not like fucking)

edit : im just 'bout to cook 4 hot dogs now...roasted,mustard ketchup,nothing else...watching TV too.
whoa im not sure i got everything you just said but it was awesome.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: ROCKxADIO420 on June 21, 2010, 05:55:19 PM
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Watson on June 21, 2010, 07:41:53 PM

Duuuuuuuuuuuuude are you fucking kidding me?! No one's commented on this yet? First you make a thread asking how Chris turned from an RDS jock dude into some raw food hippy, then you go and turn into some raw jock body builder dude posting a picture of your hawt bod while at the same time talking about how good the raw food diet is? What the fuck dude?! AND to top it all off you post the picture of yourself with the comment "How did I do it? Let me tell you!" Goddamn dude, you need your own fucking infommerical! "Getting Ripped With Sexy D!"

Damn dude, what's Slap come to when some dude can post before and after pictures of himself that he posed for with a fucking sock in his sexy undies where he's all ripped and jocked out and his nipples cast a fucking shadow and NO ONE MAKES FUN OF HIM?!

Fuck dude. Good job on losing the weight for real. But posting those pictures sort of just proves what a fucking douchebag you are.

Second hand embarrassment to the fucking MAXIMUM, Dallas!
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: crunk juice on June 21, 2010, 07:54:31 PM
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listening to fat people tell other fatties how to lose weight is one of the funniest things ever.  i've been skinny my whole life, but i've lived with lots of fat retards so i know exactly what you all do.  being fat doesn't mean you're dumb, it just means you're parents are dumb and they fucked you up.

this is how not to be a fatass:

1) drink water - stop drinking soda/diet soda/weird sugar free energy drinks/gross sugary fake iced tea/all that bullshit.  where do you fat fucks even find this shit?  it's disgusting and gives you cancer.  if you're craving sugar, drink fruit juice or eat a piece of fruit you stupid fat whore.  also, if you think vitamin water is good for you b/c it has the word "vitamin" in it, then just give up now.  stop reading.  you're going to be fat forever b/c you're way to regular to ever be helped.

2) eat a piece of fruit or a vegetable with every meal - you may be confused right now.  fruit ≠ sour skittles, twizzlers, gummy bears, or cherry coke.  when you eat a grapefruit w/ your eggs in the morning, then later in the day you don't crave all that sugary bullshit you're always cramming down your disgusting throat.  when you make a sandwich, put some mixed greens or spinach on it or eat some baby carrots on the side or have some tomato soup, etc.  and no, iceberg lettuce is not food.  stop eating it, idiot.  this shit is not that hard.  when you make dinner, eat some broccoli or asparagus or any vegetable.  it's fucking delicious.  you just don't know how to cook it b/c you're fat parents screwed you.

3) learn how to cook - it's very easy and tastes a million times better than the disgusting garbage you're eating right now.  you're literally eating shit right now.  stop.  you're disgusting.  put down the mountain dew and ps3 controller and take some time to prepare a meal.

4) snacks - here are the snacks you're allowed: mini carrots, apple w/ almonds or peanut butter (and make it real peanut butter).  i know you fat fucks will take any chance you can to fuck this up by eating skippy or some other faggot shit.  i know all your tricks.  other acceptable snacks include: beef jerky, cheese slices (REAL cheese, dumbfuck.  american cheese = plastic), any nuts, bean burrito, tuna fish and crackers, etc.  basically anything that's REAL FOOD. 

5) eat real food - this is definitely the most important overriding element.  fat people have the most insane ability to always choose the most crazily processed crap ever.  all these crackers and chips, and fake cheese and fake peanut butter, fake lettuce, fake mayonaise, fake butter (margerine), fake everything.  STOP.  this also includes anything w/ a "diet," "reduced fat," "low fat," or anything like that in front of it (w/ the one exception of maybe milk).  see, when you drink water and eat real food regularly, then the deserts you eat and everything else can actually be real.  it doesn't have to be some fake half ass disgusting low fat bullshit that leaves you unfulfilled and scarfing down everything in sight afterwards.

i could go on but i know you fat morons won't even follow the simple advice i've just given, so i'm just going to stop now.

you're a jackass.  i'm not fat but i was used to being a skinny mother fucker my whole life.  definitely gave me a lot more confidence with the ladies.  now i'm about 5'10", 175-180 pounds, not comfortable with it.  all i do is yardwork for money, literally 2 to 3 hours a day of it minimum.  some of it is the equivalent of heavy weight lifting (shoveling and moving wheelbarrows of it for hours at a time).  i eat a third of what i used to when i was skinny.  hardly ever drink soda.  and i can't lose an ounce.  if you talked this shit to someone like me to their face our chubby fists would knock your teeth out.  there will come a day when you can't sit on your ass and enjoy being skinny when your metabolism decides to shit on itself.  with your attitude i hope it comes soon, because i definitely bet i eat healthier than you and am a lot more active. 
am i hallucinating or did someone called popeyesfreidchicken just tell me their diet was healthy?

commercial d, i'm pretty sure you'd creep jeffrey dahmer out.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Bantam on June 21, 2010, 08:11:17 PM
I'm backin what Watson said.  He didn't come out of post retirement for nothing.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Prison Wallet on June 21, 2010, 08:44:55 PM
How'd I miss those Dallas pictures first time around? WTF??

Love the facial expressions. Before: "Fuck I'm fat." After: "You know you want this"
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: everypennyfedcar on June 21, 2010, 08:46:11 PM
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Duuuuuuuuuuuuude are you fucking kidding me?! No one's commented on this yet? First you make a thread asking how Chris turned from an RDS jock dude into some raw food hippy, then you go and turn into some raw jock body builder dude posting a picture of your hawt bod while at the same time talking about how good the raw food diet is? What the fuck dude?! AND to top it all off you post the picture of yourself with the comment "How did I do it? Let me tell you!" Goddamn dude, you need your own fucking infommerical! "Getting Ripped With Sexy D!"

Damn dude, what's Slap come to when some dude can post before and after pictures of himself that he posed for with a fucking sock in his sexy undies where he's all ripped and jocked out and his nipples cast a fucking shadow and NO ONE MAKES FUN OF HIM?!

Fuck dude. Good job on losing the weight for real. But posting those pictures sort of just proves what a fucking douchebag you are.

Second hand embarrassment to the fucking MAXIMUM, Dallas!
You can change your body all you want, but you will always look like a predator.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Flume on June 21, 2010, 08:50:20 PM
planning on losing 10-15 pounds this summer
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Prison Wallet on June 21, 2010, 08:51:55 PM
Hey D where do you even get undies like those?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: floop on June 21, 2010, 08:53:49 PM
if i stopped drinking beer i would be a skeleton
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 21, 2010, 08:59:35 PM
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Duuuuuuuuuuuuude are you fucking kidding me?! No one's commented on this yet? First you make a thread asking how Chris turned from an RDS jock dude into some raw food hippy, then you go and turn into some raw jock body builder dude posting a picture of your hawt bod while at the same time talking about how good the raw food diet is? What the fuck dude?! AND to top it all off you post the picture of yourself with the comment "How did I do it? Let me tell you!" Goddamn dude, you need your own fucking infommerical! "Getting Ripped With Sexy D!"

Damn dude, what's Slap come to when some dude can post before and after pictures of himself that he posed for with a fucking sock in his sexy undies where he's all ripped and jocked out and his nipples cast a fucking shadow and NO ONE MAKES FUN OF HIM?!

Fuck dude. Good job on losing the weight for real. But posting those pictures sort of just proves what a fucking douchebag you are.

Second hand embarrassment to the fucking MAXIMUM, Dallas!

I'm just sharing documentation of my accomplishment for the benefit of the OP and any other Pals who want to slim down. I could say "oh I lost 35 lbs. eating raw food" but the before/after photo juxtaposition tells a better story. I'm not a jock in the least—I don't follow any sports at all. I began strength training because I was a fatass and a weakass and lifting weights was the simplest way to fix both problems. The best part is that this has helped my skating so much to the point where I can do stuff that seemed impossible months ago.

Like tonight, I went to this bank...


to do a backside carve/wallride. Now I realize anyone with half-decent tranny skills can do this first try but that isn't me. But I went there a couple times last year to try it, got served, and gave up. Tonight I got it, and after the first landing they just kept coming. Regardless of how much I suck, I'm still amped to be hitting up personal NBDs at my age.

So yeah I know the torso comparison is pretty gay but I don't care, roast me all you want, no shame in my game—I think it's funny.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 21, 2010, 09:00:56 PM
Hey D where do you even get undies like those?

They're beach trunks from H&M.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Prison Wallet on June 21, 2010, 09:10:18 PM
Beach trunks huh.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: GnarlesManson on June 21, 2010, 09:44:35 PM
im like 5'10 and weight around 140. im pretty sure its because i dont really drink or eat meat, and my main transportation is my skateboard and bike.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Watson on June 22, 2010, 12:03:33 AM
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Duuuuuuuuuuuuude are you fucking kidding me?! No one's commented on this yet? First you make a thread asking how Chris turned from an RDS jock dude into some raw food hippy, then you go and turn into some raw jock body builder dude posting a picture of your hawt bod while at the same time talking about how good the raw food diet is? What the fuck dude?! AND to top it all off you post the picture of yourself with the comment "How did I do it? Let me tell you!" Goddamn dude, you need your own fucking infommerical! "Getting Ripped With Sexy D!"

Damn dude, what's Slap come to when some dude can post before and after pictures of himself that he posed for with a fucking sock in his sexy undies where he's all ripped and jocked out and his nipples cast a fucking shadow and NO ONE MAKES FUN OF HIM?!

Fuck dude. Good job on losing the weight for real. But posting those pictures sort of just proves what a fucking douchebag you are.

Second hand embarrassment to the fucking MAXIMUM, Dallas!
The best part is that this has helped my skating so much to the point where I can do stuff that seemed impossible months ago.

So... what? You can 180 a can now and not run like a sissy?

Dude, look at the fuckin pictures. No justification. You're posting pictures of yourself in sexy underwear with a sock stuffed in your crotch on the internet. ON A SKATEBOARDING FORUM! It has nothing to do with "juxtaposition". You're not posting those pictures to help other Slap Pals who want to lose weight. If you wanted to do that you could have just stated your starting weight and ending weight. No, you took a frumpy before photo and a ~~~HaWt n' SeXy~~ after photo to show of your sXe bawd and your situation of a six pack.

Total jock shit there Sexy D.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 22, 2010, 12:32:47 AM
U mad Watson? Put down the 40oz. and try eating some raw fruit if you wanna ditch that over-30 beer gut. I don't see you talking trash when Kendall posts up video blogs of his shirtless playground pull-ups. Don't hate a guy for revealing the fruits [pun intended] of his labor.

This might be a skateboard forum, but you can't say my before/after pics aren't 100% on topic. If I had started a thread with those pictures, that would be another matter altogether, and you'd be justified in calling out my douchieness, but since this thread was already underway I thought I'd chime in with my experience—best illustrated with specific pictures rather than vague words. It's not even like I'm in a Speedo or anything—they're traditional men's swim trunks, stuffed with nothing more than my package, upon which you seem to have a concerningly homoerotic fixation.

And for the last time, those TV producers cut every make and kept every bail. Not that my skating's anything to brag about, but if I beat you in S-K-A-T-E maybe you'll shut the fuck up.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: nice weather on June 22, 2010, 01:08:40 AM
I am 1000% backing Sex D. How idoes posting that picture of his ripped abs and shadow throwing speedo crotch make him a douchebag?
He didn't start the thread!
Hell, I've got the sickest line up of pictures of my clean shaved asshole, but I'm waiting for someone to start a thread about gooch hygiene first too.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Alan on June 22, 2010, 01:12:55 AM
He's not kidding either.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: weedpop on June 22, 2010, 01:13:18 AM

I came for the fun-making of Dallas Hansen

but I stayed for the weight loss tips...
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: nice weather on June 22, 2010, 01:25:24 AM
He's not kidding either.
I like how we have this back to back posting thing going on now.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Moist on June 22, 2010, 01:37:35 AM
I guess I am one of the lucky ones on here with a high metabolism. I eat alot at work but I pack my own lunch and it is generally healthy stuff. But on the weekends I drink alot of beer and alot of greasy food and I can never put on weight.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Alan on June 22, 2010, 01:40:04 AM
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He's not kidding either.
I like how we have this back to back posting thing going on now.

Dang! Moist ruined it!
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 22, 2010, 01:48:11 AM
Before: "Fuck I'm fat." After: "You know you want this"

LOLing because it's true.

I already admitted, almost as a warning, that the pic was gay. But it's obviously a dramatic transformation, thus relevant to the topic.

Even so, why is showing off your abs any worse than showing off your car/gun/home/skateboard/sneakers, as are here the subjects of numerous multi-page threads? If Watson thinks it's "♥hAwT!!" let me clarify that I'm 100% hetero and did not gratuitously post a likeness of my lean physique to initiate dating prospects on a forum whose users are 99.9% male. Rather I genuinely wanted to present to the discussion exactly what kind of weight-cutting is possible in a relatively short while; my personal experience most dramatically conveyed with the irreplaceable power of imagery. Maybe that's the reason why skate ads have photos instead of block text that says things like, "NOLLIE HEELFLIP OVER A 12-STAIR RAIL."
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Donkey Lips on June 22, 2010, 05:09:45 AM
Did losing your nudie webchat broad motivate you to lose weight?  Trying to clear the garbage cans?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Beeda Weeda on June 22, 2010, 06:17:57 AM
Commercial D doens't look creepy at all
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Alan on June 22, 2010, 07:22:07 AM
Liquor has shitloads of calories as well, or so I've read...
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: CUDDLEMONSTER on June 22, 2010, 08:06:40 AM
Liquor has shitloads of calories as well, or so I've read...

yeah but you don't drink nearly as much. a double shot of gin + tonic water is like nothing.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: cool dude on June 22, 2010, 08:34:03 AM
posting the before and after pics seems a little over the top, considering the forum, but i guess for whoever started this thread at least there are some people who know what they are talking about.  i wouldn't mind getting in a little better shape, maybe i need to hit up that raw diet.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Beeda Weeda on June 22, 2010, 09:41:00 AM
Commercial D didn't do it alone, he had aids.

Fact is, everyone here knows how to lose weight,  staying commited and having your before and after pics together rfor the opportune internet moment is hte key.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 22, 2010, 09:51:53 AM
i wouldn't mind getting in a little better shape, maybe i need to hit up that raw diet.

Supply is key. I go to Chinatown once or twice a week and just load up on stuff: 20 lbs. of bananas (@ ~29¢/lb.), box of 24 mangoes (~$7.99), pints of blueberries (~$1 each), lbs. of strawberries, bunches of spinach, bags of avocados etc. I keep the fridge pretty stacked with all of the aforementioned plus snackables like grapefruit & nectarines. When the berries or bananas start to get too ripe they go into large Tupperware containers in the freezer. I even have a few ice cube trays filled with raw plantain, raw mango, and raw avocado.

I guess this was pretty easy for me because I really like blended fruit smoothies so I don't get bummed on having 4 or 5 a day. Here area  few of my favorite combos:

banana/cocoa/fresh mint - the choco mint (cocoa is an antioxidant)
banana/mango - creamy mango
blueberry/banana/kale (or collared greens or spinach) - the blue/green
strawberry/pineapple/banana/coconut milk - the tropical
banana/avocado/flaxseed/oats - the breakfast
banana/cocoa/peanut butter - the Reese's

Whenever you're hungry just blend up some fruit and you will lose weight without feeling fatigued, irritated, or otherwise lousy. As long as you don't eat more than 6 shakes a day and stay away from breads, pastas, alcohol and pretty much anything cooked that isn't meat (better yet, just stick with the fruit) things will happen fast.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 22, 2010, 09:57:59 AM
Liquor has shitloads of calories as well, or so I've read...

One shot has about 65 calories. One beer has 150-250, depending on the beer. (Dark beer tends to have more.) These are of course empty calories that provide no nutrition.

In lieu of beer or soda try drinking sparkling water like San Pellegrino or Perrier (cheaper to buy by the case) or even generic supermarket brand club soda (check the ingredients to make sure it's only carbonated water, no sugar) with slices of fresh lime.

Some Pals might be pleased to note that marijuana smoke contains zero calories.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: BitchTits on June 22, 2010, 10:27:33 AM
This sounds pretty lame but I picked up a pair of jeans that don't fit, at the moment, as motivation to lose weight:(
I'm only drinking water now and started eating raw fruits. I was cool with being a fat-fuck, but I can't seem to skate for more than ten minutes without taking a break.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 22, 2010, 10:41:56 AM
This sounds pretty lame but I picked up a pair of jeans that don't fit, at the moment, as motivation to lose weight

I did that after xmas with a pair of 34s. The button was like ready to pop. They're huge on me now. Stay with the raw program and those jeans are going to fit fine after a couple of weeks.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Mein Fuhrer! I can walk! on June 22, 2010, 10:45:17 AM
This thread is win. Caring about your weight is not gay as long as you don't take it too far.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: floop on June 22, 2010, 10:49:42 AM
i need to lose weight again.  it's a constant fucking battle for me.  i love to eat and love to drink.  i'm really active (skate 3 or 4 times a week, also run) but still manage to keep a nice beer gut all the time.  my doc told me i have high cholesterol so i got freaked out and lost a lot of weight last year, and actually brought down my cholesterol levels just through diet.  went from like 190 to 170.   but after going on vacation and saying "fuck it" i haven't gotten back on. 

my enemies and friends:  beer, buffalo chicken wings, pizza, burritos, ice cream, cookies, quesadillas, pork ramen, enchiladas, more beer, burgers and fries
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Dark Knight on June 22, 2010, 12:20:07 PM
Some Pals might be pleased to note that marijuana smoke contains zero calories.

Yeah, but it makes you prone to overeating.

How tall are you btw?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Watson on June 22, 2010, 12:28:12 PM
If I beat you in S-K-A-T-E maybe you'll shut the fuck up.

Of COURSE you could beat me in SKATE. You're a fucking greek god!
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Beeda Weeda on June 22, 2010, 12:32:24 PM
( (

straight from his FB profile pic. How much pussy did that get you?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Prison Wallet on June 22, 2010, 12:39:54 PM
I can only imagine the sexy little beach shorts and Cheeto dick that lie beneath your waste line.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 22, 2010, 12:48:24 PM
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Some Pals might be pleased to note that marijuana smoke contains zero calories.

Yeah, but it makes you prone to overeating.

How tall are you btw?

I'm 6'1". Just force-feed raw broccoli when you get the munchies and you won't do any damage. An entire pound is only 150 calories.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: yeah dude! on June 22, 2010, 01:29:01 PM
( (

straight from his FB profile pic. How much pussy did that get you?

 I don't know how Facebook works but that would have gotten you sooooo much pussy on Myspace a few years ago.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: busey on June 22, 2010, 01:33:07 PM
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If I beat you in S-K-A-T-E maybe you'll shut the fuck up.

Of COURSE you could beat me in SKATE. You're a fucking greek god!
i hate when people say that. being able to do more nollie heel variations than someone doesn't mean shit.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: The Rep Monster on June 22, 2010, 02:25:37 PM
you look really handsome now that youve gotten ripped Commercial D. are you also blessed with a huge cock?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Buddha on June 22, 2010, 03:17:33 PM

I'm 6'1". Just force-feed raw broccoli when you get the munchies and you won't do any damage. An entire pound is only 150 calories.

I would be careful in recommending this to anyone who is overweight due to hypothyroidism/iodine deficiency which is pretty common in North America.  Broccoli contains anti-nutrients (phytic acid) and thyroid inhibiting goitrogens (isothiocyanates) in it's raw form and must be lightly steamed or fermented.  Same goes for all cruciferous vegetables.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: floop on June 22, 2010, 03:52:25 PM
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( (

straight from his FB profile pic. How much pussy did that get you?

 I don't know how Facebook works but that would have gotten you sooooo much pussy on Myspace a few years ago.

and a lot of cock
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: beardface on June 22, 2010, 05:58:56 PM
honest to god, the best way to lose weight is to QUIT SMOKING YOU FUCKING PANSY! cigarettes don't keep you thin you idiot.

i had been a fairly hefty bro (200-210lbs)from middle school up until a year or so ago, when i quit smoking and snapped out of the "all sports are gay/hxcoresk8erbordeeng 5lyfe" phase and added various activities like hockey, basketball, weight lifting, swimming, running into my daily regime and since dropped down to 185lbs and counting. i still eat fast food and drink pop once in a while but i'm pretty straight with my weekly meals, oatmeal and fruit in the morning, half can of beans or full can of tuna, turkey sandwich(what up gip), yogurt, apples, oranges, v8 joose and a piece of cheese for lunch then whatever is made at home for dinner.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 22, 2010, 06:53:18 PM

I'm 6'1". Just force-feed raw broccoli when you get the munchies and you won't do any damage. An entire pound is only 150 calories.

I would be careful in recommending this to anyone who is overweight due to hypothyroidism/iodine deficiency which is pretty common in North America.  Broccoli contains anti-nutrients (phytic acid) and thyroid inhibiting goitrogens (isothiocyanates) in it's raw form and must be lightly steamed or fermented.  Same goes for all cruciferous vegetables.

Good point. I don't each much raw broccoli myself but a lot of people eat it when losing weight because it's filling and has few calories. It's also high in many vitamins.

DISCLAIMER: Consult an MD before beginning any diet/exercise program.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: brent on June 22, 2010, 09:31:56 PM
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straight from his FB profile pic. How much pussy did that get you?

 I don't know how Facebook works but that would have gotten you sooooo much pussy on Myspace a few years ago.

and a lot of cock
"would you fuck me? i'd fuck me. i'd fuck me hard."
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Nameuser on June 22, 2010, 09:58:20 PM
honest to god, the best way to lose weight is to QUIT SMOKING YOU FUCKING PANSY! cigarettes don't keep you thin you idiot.

i had been a fairly hefty bro (200-210lbs)from middle school up until a year or so ago, when i quit smoking and snapped out of the "all sports are gay/hxcoresk8erbordeeng 5lyfe" phase and added various activities like hockey, basketball, weight lifting, swimming, running into my daily regime and since dropped down to 185lbs and counting. i still eat fast food and drink pop once in a while but i'm pretty straight with my weekly meals, oatmeal and fruit in the morning, half can of beans or full can of tuna, turkey sandwich(what up gip), yogurt, apples, oranges, v8 joose and a piece of cheese for lunch then whatever is made at home for dinner.

Can I replace hockey, basketball, weight lifting, swimming, and running with skateboarding since all sports are gay/hxcoresk8erbordeeng 5lyfe?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Bantam on June 22, 2010, 10:14:25 PM
Even so, why is showing off your abs any worse than showing off your car/gun/home/skateboard/sneakers, as are here the subjects of numerous multi-page threads? If Watson thinks it's "♥hAwT!!" let me clarify that I'm 100% hetero and did not gratuitously post a likeness of my lean physique to initiate dating prospects on a forum whose users are 99.9% male. Rather I genuinely wanted to present to the discussion exactly what kind of weight-cutting is possible in a relatively short while; my personal experience most dramatically conveyed with the irreplaceable power of imagery. Maybe that's the reason why skate ads have photos instead of block text that says things like, "NOLLIE HEELFLIP OVER A 12-STAIR RAIL."

Why are you such a fucking tease?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: GnarlesManson on June 22, 2010, 10:17:14 PM
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Blitz on June 22, 2010, 11:23:37 PM
After Christmas I was crushing the scale at a fat ass 208 lbs. I made it my 2010 resolution to cut down to 168 for summer skateboarding. This morning's weigh-in was 173.

This is pretty gay but nothing illustrates the difference better than a before/after:


How did I do it?

I started with a kind of Atkins-style diet—tuna, chicken, cooked yams, raw eggs, broccoli, cottage cheese—that knocked away the lbs. but left me feeling like shit. A few weeks into this I saw Chris Kendall's Aberrican Me ( and got pretty stoked on the raw fruit thing. I had heard plenty of good things about a raw fruit diet and decided to incorporate more raw fruit consumption into my nutrition plan. With each passing week the raw factor went up to the point where about 90% of the calories I consume are from raw fruit and vegan protein powder. (I still eat cooked meats a few times a week to help preclude muscle atrophy as I shed weight toward my ultimate goal.) I use to count my calories and try to stay within the 1500-2000 range daily.

I'm eating 4 or 5 fruit smoothies a day and snack on handfuls of fresh blueberries, strawberries, cherries, etc. My facial complexion has improved and my hairline, which had begun to recede in the last couple of years, has actually grown back. Stoked on the raw advantage!

Really, the only way to increase your metabolism and lose weight without losing lean body mass (muscle) is to lift weights. I just stick to the basic movements and alternate two training days—pullups & curls one day; bench, incline, and standing overhead presses on the other, along with squats & deadlifts. Skateboarding 2 or 3 hours five days a week helps accelerate the fat loss but weight training alone is more effective at burning fat than cardio without weight training. Do both and you're going to see your weigh-ins head south—in my case it's been happening consistently for about 16 weeks at a rate of 2 lbs. a week.

you have inspired my 6'3 210lbs. ass to live by this diet.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: bndla on June 23, 2010, 01:47:45 AM
I've always been one of those people who could eat whatever the fuck they want, as much as they want and never gain a pound. I'm sure when I get older that's gonna change though.

Yeah this is me too. But now i started to lift some weight and have gained some weight. Being a skinny skaterat sucks. Biebel rules
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: MexicanSpaniard on June 23, 2010, 08:35:07 AM
Are there before and after ass shots?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: camel filters on June 23, 2010, 03:09:00 PM
been doing pretty good since sunday. fruits, veggies, smaller portions, water only... hopefully i wont cave.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: LloydChristmas on June 23, 2010, 04:26:23 PM
honest to god, the best way to lose weight is to QUIT SMOKING YOU FUCKING PANSY! cigarettes don't keep you thin you idiot.

what planet are you living on?  myself and millions of other people have significantly gained weight after quitting smoking, most people do.  cigarettes kept me down to a meal a day, unintentionally of course.  after quitting i gained a good 30 pounds, but all i had to do to lose it was take my coffee with less sugar (and generally eat less sugar) and skate more.  picked up smoking again but cut down. 

reducing sugar works.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: snickers on June 23, 2010, 07:44:47 PM
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Duuuuuuuuuuuuude are you fucking kidding me?! No one's commented on this yet? First you make a thread asking how Chris turned from an RDS jock dude into some raw food hippy, then you go and turn into some raw jock body builder dude posting a picture of your hawt bod while at the same time talking about how good the raw food diet is? What the fuck dude?! AND to top it all off you post the picture of yourself with the comment "How did I do it? Let me tell you!" Goddamn dude, you need your own fucking infommerical! "Getting Ripped With Sexy D!"

Damn dude, what's Slap come to when some dude can post before and after pictures of himself that he posed for with a fucking sock in his sexy undies where he's all ripped and jocked out and his nipples cast a fucking shadow and NO ONE MAKES FUN OF HIM?!

Fuck dude. Good job on losing the weight for real. But posting those pictures sort of just proves what a fucking douchebag you are.

Second hand embarrassment to the fucking MAXIMUM, Dallas!
The best part is that this has helped my skating so much to the point where I can do stuff that seemed impossible months ago.

So... what? You can 180 a can now and not run like a sissy?

Dude, look at the fuckin pictures. No justification. You're posting pictures of yourself in sexy underwear with a sock stuffed in your crotch on the internet. ON A SKATEBOARDING FORUM! It has nothing to do with "juxtaposition". You're not posting those pictures to help other Slap Pals who want to lose weight. If you wanted to do that you could have just stated your starting weight and ending weight. No, you took a frumpy before photo and a ~~~HaWt n' SeXy~~ after photo to show of your sXe bawd and your situation of a six pack.

Total jock shit there Sexy D.
Wait, what the fuck was that video you posted? Is Commercial D supposed to be a low-budget Canadian Steve Berra?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: BitchTits on June 25, 2010, 11:51:28 AM
tomato/avocado/spinach/lettuce juice
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Donkey Lips on June 25, 2010, 12:29:09 PM
U mad Watson? Put down the 40oz. and try eating some raw fruit if you wanna ditch that over-30 beer gut. I don't see you talking trash when Kendall posts up video blogs of his shirtless playground pull-ups. Don't hate a guy for revealing the fruits [pun intended] of his labor.

This might be a skateboard forum, but you can't say my before/after pics aren't 100% on topic. If I had started a thread with those pictures, that would be another matter altogether, and you'd be justified in calling out my douchieness, but since this thread was already underway I thought I'd chime in with my experience—best illustrated with specific pictures rather than vague words. It's not even like I'm in a Speedo or anything—they're traditional men's swim trunks, stuffed with nothing more than my package, upon which you seem to have a concerningly homoerotic fixation.

And for the last time, those TV producers cut every make and kept every bail. Not that my skating's anything to brag about, but if I beat you in S-K-A-T-E maybe you'll shut the fuck up.

I'll play you in skate Fabio. I just did a kickflip. Match me.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Commercial D on June 25, 2010, 02:06:52 PM
tomato/avocado/spinach/lettuce juice

Sounds like it could use a banana or two!

My girl made these raw wraps filled with guacamole, carrot, onion, cucumber and wrapped with a collared green leaf. I got crazy and threw a few blueberries in mine.

Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on June 25, 2010, 07:44:09 PM
The thing about extreme diets is that although they may get results, I'll never not think a bacon cheeseburger or cheesecake is delicious. So making these extreme changes can only last so long. Whenever I did shit like that, I'd get off the diet, or even just lighten it, and suddenly I was back to eating garbage. I feel like the key is to have a diverse diet that is mostly healthy, but has enough bad shit in it to keep that side of me satisfied. Also,  although both matter, exercise gets better results than diets do. Sitting on my ass and eating healthy leaves me in worse shape than going out skating a lot and even drinking sugary drinks or eating an occasional burger.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on June 25, 2010, 07:46:34 PM
Also, if you drink a lot, cut that shit out.
And whoever said to quit smoking to lose weight is out of their mind! START smoking to lose weight. Its glamorous.
And nice package D. Wanna go swimming some time? :-*
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: lem on June 25, 2010, 08:24:39 PM
The thing about extreme diets is that although they may get results, I'll never not think a bacon cheeseburger or cheesecake is delicious. So making these extreme changes can only last so long. Whenever I did shit like that, I'd get off the diet, or even just lighten it, and suddenly I was back to eating garbage. I feel like the key is to have a diverse diet that is mostly healthy, but has enough bad shit in it to keep that side of me satisfied. Also,  although both matter, exercise gets better results than diets do. Sitting on my ass and eating healthy leaves me in worse shape than going out skating a lot and even drinking sugary drinks or eating an occasional burger.
I feel like this should be common knowledge amongst skaters. I'd say skaters are some of the unhealthiest in terms of food we eat, but a good lot of us are slim. When you're out skating fast food is the easiest and quickest option. But because we are so active, we stay slim. I've gained 25 pounds from injuries preventing me from skating for a year. Hopefully within the week my doctor will confirm my ankle is finally healing so I can start physical therapy and go to the gym to try and shed some of this shit before the OK to skate.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on June 25, 2010, 08:36:30 PM
Good luck with that. skateboarding is the best.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: everypennyfedcar on June 25, 2010, 08:43:54 PM
It really is the best "workout". And the good thing is, it's amazingly fun so you don't even realize it.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: kevbo999 on June 29, 2010, 09:36:41 AM
So I've been rocking the smoothies hard, they're delicious and I feel great afterward.  The next step in my slow climb to self improvement is quitting beer.  So today I bought a quart of Iceberg vodka, thinking that if I only drink alcohol mixed with raw fruit, good things will happen.

My question is, does mixing booze with juice kill the potency or nutrients?
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Inbred Jed on June 29, 2010, 10:07:50 AM
I need to quit drinking soda again. It's brought on some pounds.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: floop on June 29, 2010, 10:57:26 AM
i'm setting a goal to lose some serious weight in the next month.  fucking sick of looking down and seeing gut action

i will under no circumstances stop drinking beer though.  just going to have to exercise twice as much and eat less food
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: Nameuser on June 29, 2010, 10:58:20 AM
So I've been rocking the smoothies hard, they're delicious and I feel great afterward.  The next step in my slow climb to self improvement is quitting beer.  So today I bought a quart of Iceberg vodka, thinking that if I only drink alcohol mixed with raw fruit, good things will happen.

My question is, does mixing booze with juice kill the potency or nutrients?

As said, weed has no it makes all the smoothies taste that much better!
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: BitchTits on June 29, 2010, 02:59:27 PM
He's asking about vodka, not weed. And, alcohol fucks with the absorption of nutrients. It's probably best to go without. Anything in moderation is alright.

I went a couple days with the raw fruit and vegetable diet and didn't feel too good. I gave that up and went back to my old ways except I started eating a bit healthier. I put vegetables in my noodles and avocado slices on my toast. I also started biking to the skatepark instead. Eating healthier, instead of healthy, and getting more physical activity is more effective. My beer gut is slowly disappearing.
Title: Re: The Losing Weight Thread
Post by: kevbo999 on June 29, 2010, 05:17:03 PM
Thanks for the info.  This is how I see it.. up until this weekend I was drinking a 6'er a day and hardly getting any fruits or greens.  The past couple days I've been getting plenty of them and not feeling beer bloated. 

I still eat meat and potatoes for dinner, and I still want 2-3 drinks throughout the day.. but I'm hoping this new "diet" makes a noticeable difference.  I mean Sexy D said his skin and hair look better because of blended fr00tz.  I don't plan on lifting weights or anything though.