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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: sexualhelon on August 03, 2011, 10:23:08 PM

Title: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 03, 2011, 10:23:08 PM
Okay, listen. I'm not trying to re-hash some worn and tattered tupac versus biggie battle of the coasts. It's just that I've been in New York for the past few weeks and am going to be here for at least 2 more months. I lived in Los Angeles for a while and can't help but constantly keep comparing the two from a living standpoint. So let's try and keep this unbiased and just state the facts but feel free to add your preference. For instance:

Girls: I'd say L.A. girls are more commonly "jaw dropping" attractive. You'll see some girl who's insanely in shape, nice full boobs, perfect ass, even tan. Definitely tap your friend on the shoulder and say look at that girl more often. However, L.A. girls aren't as diverse and one might say harder to approach? Not as diverse?

In New York City, girls are so cute they border hot which makes them seem more approachable. I walk around feeling like there are more girls here and you come into closer proximity with them due to relying on public transit. A good personality will get you a lot further here? New york girls are definitely a little grittier.

Transit:   In L.A. you drive your car. You regulate the a/c, sit in your personalized drivers seat and play music you want to listen to but you're stuck in your own little bubble. You get stuck in traffic, have to pay car insurance and worry about gas prices. However, your car is always there waiting and no transferring subways or carrying groceries home necessary. But then there's the designated driver problem when people want to drink.

In New york, it's subways/buses/ and walking. You get stuck waiting in those hell holes that are the underground subway tunnels. I feel like it's much more tedious and that I get stuck waiting on subways and it takes me longer to get places here than in l.a. If I ended up with a girl before I went home and bathed after work I'd feel like I should wash my dick in the sink first.

I could get way more in depth but I'll see how this thread turns out. Topics that pop up in my head: Which city has a better hook up scene - as in easiest to get laid? dating scene? music scene? More or less stressful? art scene? expensive? better bars? Cafes? And obviously, compare aspects of skateboarding.

Ah here's one too. A roof top party is to new york what a pool party is to los angeles.

Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Lenny the Fatface on August 03, 2011, 10:34:30 PM
Who shot Ya? - Notorious B.I.G (

2Pac Hit Em Up LYRICS!!!!! (
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: kilgore. on August 03, 2011, 10:55:35 PM
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: frisco on August 03, 2011, 11:46:03 PM
Personally, I found the transit amazing in NY, one of the biggest plusses for me. Could get wasted anywhere and not worry about cabs/drunk driving plus they were open 24/7 from what I can remember. LA's weather is the biggest plus, In-and-Out-Burger too holy shit.

However, this is coming from a Canadian. Most of our shit shuts down at 1 am.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Mundungus on August 04, 2011, 12:18:40 AM
So Im gogn to try to respond t0 this this thread eventough im super wasted.

Im listening to woods so I feel real emotioal.

Theyre comihg to atlanta soon.

I have no idea what the fuck this thread is aboutl

I eally wanna travael sometime soon,Someone give me some fucking fucking moyey.

I;ve vacatiionaed bothe andI could live ub either csusr thryerre both awesone.  Lets all go lie in one of them. Internet
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 04, 2011, 12:44:19 AM
So let's try and keep this biased
You got it.
LA sucks.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Donkey Lips on August 04, 2011, 04:21:34 AM
I always wanted to move to Portland.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Bronson on August 04, 2011, 05:45:57 AM
Saint Petersburg
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: grimcity on August 04, 2011, 08:28:43 AM
Baton Rouge is a combo... downtown is virtually a skatepark, but it's also a really sprawling city, so a lot of spots you just have to drive to. I think NOLA's a bit better about being a skate-to-spots city. Hammond (between the two) is more like a really large town, but you can skate a Dreamland park and then push for 15 minutes and you're at our local university which had some sick spots but a high bust factor. Worth it though.

I've only skated a little bit in NY, but I can vouch for SF... perfect weather, hills, and what isn't knobbed is usually covered in blackened waxy skate resin.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 04, 2011, 10:38:23 AM
I feel like on paper, L.A. seems like it wins by a landslide. Weather, "most" probably say women, entertainment industry sort of things. And from a skateboarding standpoint it's definitely better. NYC ground is just too fucked to actually get around on unless you have a cruiser. I think most of the parks here suck or smell bad. But then I think about the vibes. Kind of like how the people make a place/good times. You run into more people and more good times in less time due to density with better vibes.

Subways though. Here's the thing, so you're surrounded by such an eclectic and diverse group of people every time you take the subway somewhere. You hear several languages and see wallstreet yuppies sitting next to punk rockers sitting next to french tourists. Thus you see tons of attractive ladies you could possibly get a number from just going from point a to point b. Sounds good in theory, but I feel like subways are more like a big awkward elevator. No one make eye contact, put in your headphones. It's like people still try and create that bubble for themselves. Tons of times I've had a girl check me out, practically staring at me, and then when I smile back they look away. My theory is, on the subway if you make eye contact with someone you have this 5 second window to actually say something...and it can't be a crowded subway. There it is, views on the subway.

Going to bars. So due to the driving thing in L.A. I'd say the night usually stays between two or three bars if you have to drive between them. You go out with friends, one of them finds a girl and is locked in for the night, then you're kind of stuck there. No walking down the street and dropping by 10+ bars. More house parties. But then again, that's better on the budget. Ah, and house parties vs. bars. Everything there has been anonymously vouched for by someone else if you don't know the connection so people assume your decent enough to be there too. Oh. Since I've been in New York I feel like I've met more genuine alcoholics faster than anywhere else.

Liquor laws are more lax in l.a. and you can smoke weed legally.

Then you have the realms of douches. Wallstreet yuppies and trustfund babies, brooklyn hipsters vs. Entertainment douches, surfing bros, and silverlake hipsters.

Here's one too. So lots of people move to NYC just to be in the city, in the mix of it all. This makes me feel like there's a lot of people just working shitty jobs and getting by but not pursuing any real passion. Unless they're a model or work in the finance industry. However, there is some really good art here. Great music scene as well. In L.A. I didn't really feel anyone moved there just to "be in L.A." That everyone there was pursing some sort of passion.

I feel like L.A. is a bit more status oriented. Maybe not by much, but I feel like it's easier to get laid in NYC.

So Grim, you're saying you prefer the NOLA around baton rouge and New Orleans to LA or NYC. I haven't spent much time there but I'm originally from Tupelo,MS near memphis. My friend from Berlin is moving there in September. He dated my friend in Albuquerque and when he was here traveled all over the states and fell in love with New Orleans. My sister thought about moving there from Austin at one point. For me, I feel like I could only live in LA or NYC....maybe SF. Everywhere in between the coasts I feel like I still run into too many conservative, overzealous, religious people....and people who probably couldn't identify the U.S. on a map.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: grimcity on August 04, 2011, 11:49:53 AM
So Grim, you're saying you prefer the NOLA around baton rouge and New Orleans to LA or NYC. I haven't spent much time there but I'm originally from Tupelo,MS near memphis. My friend from Berlin is moving there in September. He dated my friend in Albuquerque and when he was here traveled all over the states and fell in love with New Orleans. My sister thought about moving there from Austin at one point. For me, I feel like I could only live in LA or NYC....maybe SF. Everywhere in between the coasts I feel like I still run into too many conservative, overzealous, religious people....and people who probably couldn't identify the U.S. on a map.

Not really a preference man, I probably messed up posting in a "versus" thread... I mean, I back southeast Louisiana because that's where I'm from, but I look at skateable cities the way I do people, in the respect that it's impossible for me to choose a favorite. Down here you definitely deal with the zealots, but significantly moreso in BR than in NOLA. As for skating, they're just too different to compare... I live between both cities and work in BR and NOLA, and heads from both cities are down for each other. I've been skating in BR and seen my NOLA friends, and vice versa.

I haven't skated NY enough to really know it, and can't speak to LA at all (I've driven through it, but never really hung there). At this point (considering cities I've spent time skating in) if I didn't live down here SF would be my first choice, but Philly would be my second.

Outside the scope of the thread, I really like the greater Phoenix, AZ and Albuquerque, NM areas as well. Fuck, I just like everything, haha
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: macgruber on August 04, 2011, 11:55:08 AM
LA has better burritos and weather, more skateparks and less weather-worn spots. You pretty much have to have a car. Cost of living is lower than in NYC, but not by much.

NYC has better pizza, public transit, crappier spots and less time to skate them, but you don't need a car and can push around a real city. LA doesn't have a real city feel to me. In NYC you can drink till 4 am and plane tickets to the rest of the country/ europe are cheaper, i think.

Both have beautiful women. I've liked the girls I've talked to in NYC way more than the girls I've met in LA. No one in NYC has ever asked me what kind of car I drive within 5 minutes of meeting them. Not the case in LA.

also, biggie is way better than tupac
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: grimcity on August 04, 2011, 12:04:59 PM
No one in NYC has ever asked me what kind of car I drive within 5 minutes of meeting them. Not the case in LA.

People have actually asked you that?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Doctor Handsome on August 04, 2011, 12:07:20 PM
For skating, LA.

For literally everything else, NYC.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Insatiable on August 04, 2011, 12:19:49 PM
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: macgruber on August 04, 2011, 12:30:53 PM
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No one in NYC has ever asked me what kind of car I drive within 5 minutes of meeting them. Not the case in LA.

People have actually asked you that?

repeatedly. usually in Hollywood. once in Echo Park, which was strange. I've also gotten "can i get your card?" a lot. it's like a cheap/easy way to check someone's social status. I think now if i go out i just carry a stack of flashcards with my name and phone number written in crayon with a drawing of a dick driving a hummer on it. "professional dickhead"
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: grimcity on August 04, 2011, 12:48:31 PM
Holy shit that's crazy! The card thing I can see in certain situations, but asking about your ride is just bizarre as fuck!
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: kevbo999 on August 04, 2011, 12:52:34 PM
LCD Soundsystem - New York, I Love You But You're Bringing Me Down (
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: dontsleep on August 04, 2011, 01:12:09 PM
LA sucks for everything except the weather. 
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Cadillac Ranch Dressing on August 04, 2011, 01:17:22 PM
I spent 11 years growing up in New York and I miss it everyday. I've never loved a place as much as I love New York City; there's just so much going on and I feel like there's a little bit for everyone to enjoy. I can't compare it with Los Angeles because I've never been, but I'm sure it's just as good for someone who's grown up there as NYC was good for me. My goal is to move back some day. The day I call New York home again will be a very good day.

Also, on a side note, I feel like New Yorkers, no matter who they are and what they do, have a sense of unity amongst each other. When September 11th happened, seeing people of all colors, religions, occupations, ages, whatever, coming together was really something special. Of course 9/11 sucked, but being able to see the unity of New Yorkers was really something special. Definitely an big impact on my life.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: daddy on August 04, 2011, 01:36:26 PM
For skating, LA.

For literally everything else, NYC.

Mexican food too...
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: kevbo999 on August 04, 2011, 01:45:49 PM
If you can't get laid in new York then you should just shoot yourself

says the tall pretty boy that "works" for a skate mag
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Shitbag on August 04, 2011, 05:05:44 PM
It's a great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there...
Both of these places are perfect examples of this.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: mandibleclaw on August 04, 2011, 05:14:26 PM
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If you can't get laid in new York then you should just shoot yourself

says the tall pretty boy that "works" for a skate mag

Ooh la la, call me sometime Otis  :-*
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 04, 2011, 05:32:52 PM
It's a great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there...
Both of these places are perfect examples of this.

usually people who say that live in bum fuck bunghole-ville though
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Shitbag on August 04, 2011, 05:50:43 PM
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It's a great place to visit but I wouldn't want to live there...
Both of these places are perfect examples of this.

usually people who say that live in bum fuck bunghole-ville though
Or just somewhere much, much safer with better weather and nicer people.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 04, 2011, 05:52:30 PM
where do you live?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Archie Bunker on August 04, 2011, 06:27:44 PM

also, biggie is way better than tupac

pshhhhhh yea right
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Shitbag on August 04, 2011, 06:51:15 PM
where do you live?
I probably should have originally included the fact that where I live is often cited as being one of those great place to visit but wouldn't want to live cities too, being here permanently is definitely not for everyone.
And also it is literally in the middle of nowhere.

Hardly bum fuck bunghole-ville though.

Still doesn't change the fact that I think both LA and NY are awesome places to hang out for a week or two but there's no way I could live in either one and I know the same thing is often said about here too.

Having said all that I would take NY in the spring and fall and then LA in the summer and winter.

Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 04, 2011, 07:09:21 PM
you win.  i'll take Hawaii over LA or NY
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: oyolar on August 04, 2011, 07:18:34 PM
For me, I feel like I could only live in LA or NYC....maybe SF. Everywhere in between the coasts I feel like I still run into too many conservative, overzealous, religious people....and people who probably couldn't identify the U.S. on a map.

I hate this fucking attitude. I've lived in/around Chicago my whole life and I can guarantee you that this is not true. Yeah, demographically speaking, there may be a lot of religious zealots or conservatives here, but you can find that anywhere. New York state and California probably have people exactly like that once you get out of the big cities. Now I haven't live in LA or NYC (nor have I visited there ever...I think), but I have met a good amount of people from LA and NYC at my school and people from New York City are pretty douchey and annoying. A fair amount are straight-up hipsters while a majority of them find every possible reason to mention that they're from NYC and to explain why it's so much better than Chicago. Say what you will about LA/Cali kids, they at least don't do that. I hate the fact that people act like NYC is so much more important and better than any other city ever without having legitimate reasons to back it up. Anything NYC has to offer you'll be able to find in a similar form in just about any other big city.

Like I said-I've never been there, so maybe when I finally do go there, I'll change my mind but right now, no one has been able to convince me that New York City is any more special or unique than Chicago or most other big cities.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: brycickle on August 04, 2011, 07:36:28 PM
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For me, I feel like I could only live in LA or NYC....maybe SF. Everywhere in between the coasts I feel like I still run into too many conservative, overzealous, religious people....and people who probably couldn't identify the U.S. on a map.

 New York state and California probably have people exactly like that once you get out of the big cities.
It's fucking called Orange County and it sucks!
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: mandibleclaw on August 04, 2011, 07:52:44 PM
you win.� i'll take Hawaii over LA or NY

Hawaii wins
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 04, 2011, 08:43:13 PM
It's fucking called Orange County and it sucks!
The year I spent there was the worst of my life.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: chuck d on August 04, 2011, 09:13:51 PM
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No one in NYC has ever asked me what kind of car I drive within 5 minutes of meeting them. Not the case in LA.

People have actually asked you that?

repeatedly. usually in Hollywood. once in Echo Park, which was strange. I've also gotten "can i get your card?" a lot. it's like a cheap/easy way to check someone's social status. I think now if i go out i just carry a stack of flashcards with my name and phone number written in crayon with a drawing of a dick driving a hummer on it. "professional dickhead"

American Psycho: Business Card Scene (
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 04, 2011, 09:44:13 PM
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For me, I feel like I could only live in LA or NYC....maybe SF. Everywhere in between the coasts I feel like I still run into too many conservative, overzealous, religious people....and people who probably couldn't identify the U.S. on a map.

I hate this fucking attitude. I've lived in/around Chicago my whole life and I can guarantee you that this is not true. Yeah, demographically speaking, there may be a lot of religious zealots or conservatives here, but you can find that anywhere. New York state and California probably have people exactly like that once you get out of the big cities. Now I haven't live in LA or NYC (nor have I visited there ever...I think), but I have met a good amount of people from LA and NYC at my school and people from New York City are pretty douchey and annoying. A fair amount are straight-up hipsters while a majority of them find every possible reason to mention that they're from NYC and to explain why it's so much better than Chicago. Say what you will about LA/Cali kids, they at least don't do that. I hate the fact that people act like NYC is so much more important and better than any other city ever without having legitimate reasons to back it up. Anything NYC has to offer you'll be able to find in a similar form in just about any other big city.

Like I said-I've never been there, so maybe when I finally do go there, I'll change my mind but right now, no one has been able to convince me that New York City is any more special or unique than Chicago or most other big cities.

Well I've been to every state in the U.S. and it's true. See, it's more like this: when you're in NYC, you're IN NYC....when you're in LA, you're IN LA. For what they are and what they represent they themselves are their own entities. If you're in Memphis, Tennessee...yeah, you're in Memphis but it's pretty apparent you're in Tennessee. It's not it's own bubble as a city. I can wholeheartedly say I find NYC to be the most diverse city in the world which is mind blowing - getting on trains everyday and seeing an Indian guy, sitting next to a Japanese woman, sitting next to some mixed kid, sitting next to an australian guy, and hearing all these different languages on a daily basis is surreal. Los angeles is probably second but it's not as noticeable and I feel other places have the same feeling of diversity as there.

Alright, granted between the coasts there are some great cities. Chicago, Austin, and Denver come to mind. But they aren't really relatively close to any other major city and between the cities they are close to it's pretty much no man's land in between. For instance, in a few weeks I'll be in Boston, NYC, then Philadelphia all in 3 days time by bus. In Los angeles you could go down to san diego, then tijuana in a day. If you really wanted to trek you can see a lot between LA and Vancouver.  I feel like Chicago is perhaps the "most american city" though and it's the third most populous yet ridiculously cheap compared to NYC or LA. I don't feel Chicago holds the same energy though.

People who are overly proud of where they're from and pronounce to everyone are annoying. It happens everywhere though. People from Paris do the same thing in other parts of France. Making it and living in these places is something to be proud of but no need to shout it from the mountains. NYC self pronouncing itself the capital of the world is pretty douchey though and I'm sure people from other countries find it arrogant.

And what's so bad about hipsters anyway? Comparing them to the other social realms of douchery I'd put them at the bottom. You'd rather be around wallstreet yuppies? Bros? Jocks? trustfund babies? Wannabe gangsters? Entertainment industry wackos and actors? arrogant musicians/artists? Models? Alright, guys in all these categories are the worst. Obviously being surrounded by girls that paint, play instruments, or model wouldn't be too shabby. Here's the thing though, We're all skaters right? Off all these categories I guarantee that you will get laid by a hipster chick a lot easier than any other of these types. Hell, when I go to a hipster bar I almost always pick up some hot girls number and you could hardly consider me a hipster.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sven thorkel on August 04, 2011, 10:08:42 PM
Hell, when I go to a hipster bar I almost always pick up some hot girls number and you could hardly consider me a hipster.

you could hardly consider me a hipster.

hardly hipster


I am a hipster (bar)
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 04, 2011, 10:41:09 PM
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Hell, when I go to a hipster bar I almost always pick up some hot girls number and you could hardly consider me a hipster.

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you could hardly consider me a hipster.

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hardly hipster

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I am a hipster (bar)

If you really want to know, I AM THE HUBBLE SPACE TELESCOPE.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: LoserMachine on August 05, 2011, 12:22:19 AM
never been to NY but LA is just a shithole.  ::)
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 05, 2011, 12:51:39 AM
I don't feel Chicago holds the same energy though.
How so? Back Chicago I met a number of people visiting from NYC and everyone of them commented on how much Chicago reminded them of NYC, except that people where friendlier.

LA, to me, definitely didn't have the same energy. People are so concerned with appearance there; from the car you drive to the bars you go to. Certainly the biggest bummer about LA was driving. Not just that the traffic is maddening, but the fact that you don't interact with what's going on in the city. Even if you're on foot everyone else are still in their cars.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: kilgore. on August 05, 2011, 03:41:52 AM
chicago fucking blows.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 05, 2011, 10:14:34 AM
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I don't feel Chicago holds the same energy though.
How so? Back Chicago I met a number of people visiting from NYC and everyone of them commented on how much Chicago reminded them of NYC, except that people where friendlier.

LA, to me, definitely didn't have the same energy. People are so concerned with appearance there; from the car you drive to the bars you go to. Certainly the biggest bummer about LA was driving. Not just that the traffic is maddening, but the fact that you don't interact with what's going on in the city. Even if you're on foot everyone else are still in their cars.

Eh, Chicago just doesn't have that zest for me. When I lived in Phoenix I worked for an airline so I could fly for free and spent almost all my days off in Chicago because my girlfriend lived there. To me Chicago is a middle ground though. As much as I hate to say it, the connotation that goes along with places like NYC or LA just lingers in your mind. It's true too. In New York, you see the professional models, broadway actors, and financial pioneers but not only that, there's a specific dense area to see it. Those people came here for that and are the ones who made it. In LA it's the same way. There's the actors there trying, the screen writers there trying, and the one's who made it. The thing about this's good and bad. People tend to often be a little too egotistical whereas in Chicago not so much. But like I said, It goes with most major cities. Paris, Tokyo, London...anywhere that people instantly recognize from some specific global standpoint. The terms: Entertainment capital of the world, Fashion Capital of the world, Music capital of the world, Technology capital of the world, etc.... It all depends what you want though. I mean, for instance, Morgan Freeman still lives in one of the smallest towns in Mississippi and he could obviously live anywhere he wants.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: BuddyPal on August 05, 2011, 10:49:59 AM
Cheyenne, Wyoming is whats poppin right now
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 05, 2011, 11:36:42 AM
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For me, I feel like I could only live in LA or NYC....maybe SF. Everywhere in between the coasts I feel like I still run into too many conservative, overzealous, religious people....and people who probably couldn't identify the U.S. on a map.

People who are overly proud of where they're from and pronounce to everyone are annoying.

what's even more annoying are people who who hate on other cities that they've never lived in or even visited
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Zurg on August 05, 2011, 11:56:59 AM
chicago is pretty cool, but it's definitely no new york
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 06, 2011, 01:01:20 AM
Good point. I can agree to that. You don't have people coming to Chicago "to make it". Which is cool, because it keeps the kooks to a minimum.

Zest? If you need zest, just take a cold shower.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 06, 2011, 01:02:32 AM
chicago is pretty cool, but it's definitely no new york
No arguement here.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: manu on August 07, 2011, 01:33:32 PM
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: yeahisaidit on August 07, 2011, 06:21:55 PM
I've lived in LA for the past 8 years, and have been in NY for the past month on an open-ended stay. Aside from missing friends and family, I can't help but feel a bit depressed at the thought of going back to LA anytime soon. Besides stoner park, which before this trip I'd been to almost everyday since it opened, I feel that everything has so much more life in NY. Not having to drive is THE best thing, pushing down the street to anywhere is unbeatable, and I feel there's basically something for everyone here. If there's something you want to do at any hour of the day, you can basically find a way to do it. Fuck, there's been thunderstorms this whole week, and it's better being in NY when it rains than in LA. As many people as there are in NY, I feel it's a pretty open community because of how small it is. The fact that so many people I've met here are not from here is a pretty strong testament to how it's the hub of the world. I went to a free Raekwon show last month, and he said something I've now come to agree with. "Everyone wants to come here." I'll always love LA. But for the time being, I'm staying in NY.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: KPCT on August 07, 2011, 06:23:31 PM
Never been to LA, I've lived in NYC and in New England most of my life....and I don't really have any desire to visit LA  :-\.
I think its funny when one of the things people who aren't from this area say about NYC (or just the northeast in general, people say the same thing about Boston) is that people aren't friendly.

Honestly, that's just the way people are wired in this region.

You can tell INSTANTLY when someone isn't from around here, they're the people who will try and start a random conversation with a stranger on the train or on the sidewalk and then act offended when they're brushed off.  
Maybe its because I've lived in this area my entire life, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, and it makes me really uncomfortable when random people start talking to me, I just instantly think they're trying to jones me for something.

One of my friends went to school in the south for a year and transferred, said that it was unbearable the way people take their time and just stop and chat randomly all the time -- he said people thought he was the biggest douchebag just because he wouldn't want to do the ol' "walk and chat."

I feel like its the same way in California, all of the people I've met from there are really open and friendly the instant they meet you to the point where it just makes me uneasy.

Probably sounds dumb, but different strokes I guess..
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Joe Pesci on August 07, 2011, 08:29:17 PM
chicago fucking blows.
the windy city
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: steenz on August 08, 2011, 06:49:53 AM
I wanna eat pizza in NYC so bad
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: CUDDLEMONSTER on August 08, 2011, 09:02:57 AM
any big city is going to have good and bad. usually when people compare cities they're really comparing the downtowns. ny vs. chicago becomes the loop vs manhattan, when neither of these sections is representational of the city at all and both suck. i live in chicago but really i only go to maybe a quarter of the city and i never fucking go to the loop. some sections are too sketchy, some are too boring, some are too bro-y, some are too hip, whatever. the point is living in a big city is nice because you have options but comparing two huge metropolises is kind of silly because they're really a collection of diverse neighborhoods. 
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 08, 2011, 11:00:52 AM
any big city is going to have good and bad. usually when people compare cities they're really comparing the downtowns. ny vs. chicago becomes the loop vs manhattan, when neither of these sections is representational of the city at all and both suck. i live in chicago but really i only go to maybe a quarter of the city and i never fucking go to the loop. some sections are too sketchy, some are too boring, some are too bro-y, some are too hip, whatever. the point is living in a big city is nice because you have options but comparing two huge metropolises is kind of silly because they're really a collection of diverse neighborhoods. 

True. Even small cities have good and bad but the key thing is diversity and more to choose from. I feel like when you're speaking with like minded people it's somewhat understood you're comparing the similar areas of the two cities you like. When I think of NYC I don't think of madhattan I think of Brooklyn. There's some cool shit on that side of the water but it's too hectic and douchey for my tastes. If I do go over there I never venture past LES. And when you put it that way, It seems like to make LA seem so much more minuscule in options of places to hang out. If you narrow it down to areas, I'd compare williamsburg/bushwick to Silverlake/Echo park but even then you'd still have to drive in the LA counterpart but in NYC you could walk to tons of bars/restaurants in that one little area.

Europe's good but that's a whole country. When I think about it as a whole it usually wins in my mind but I can't seem to pick a city and stay there. Krakow/Berlin is where I end up staying the most when I'm over there. I just feel like there's more opportunity for me in LA or NYC but with big cities I feel like you just hear that all the time so it's kind of ingrained in your mind. I like to skate, paint, write, play music, etc... and I feel as though there's not so much for all these things in most cities so it narrows your options. I could probably live in Paris. I like Amsterdam too but I feel like I'd get bored with it pretty fast.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: brent on August 08, 2011, 11:23:31 AM
europe is that country where everyone speaks french, right?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sven thorkel on August 08, 2011, 02:38:02 PM
Europe's good but that's a whole country.  
I like to skate, paint, write, play music, etc...

But you don't like geography. Here's something to help you out:


You see all those differently colored blobs? Those are all countries. I know, I know, the only country in the world worth caring about is good ol' 'Merica, but I'm just trying to help you out here in case you're sweet talking some hipster lass* at a Silver Lake/Williamsburg dive bar and Europe happens to come up your conversation. You probably don't want an art school dropout thinking that you're uneducated after all.

*Lass is slang for lady. It originates from Scotland, which is sort of a country, but not really. Try avoiding talking about Scotland for this purpose.  
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: macgruber on August 08, 2011, 03:10:29 PM
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Europe's good but that's a whole country.  
I like to skate, paint, write, play music, etc...

But you don't like geography. Here's something to help you out:


You see all those differently colored blobs? Those are all countries. I know, I know, the only country in the world worth caring about is good ol' 'Merica, but I'm just trying to help you out here in case you're sweet talking some hipster lass* at a Silver Lake/Williamsburg dive bar and Europe happens to come up your conversation. You probably don't want an art school dropout thinking that you're uneducated after all.

*Lass is slang for lady. It originates from Scotland, which is sort of a country, but not really. Try avoiding talking about Scotland for this purpose.  

i want to go to the europes
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 08, 2011, 03:16:51 PM
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Europe's good but that's a whole country. �
I like to skate, paint, write, play music, etc...

But you don't like geography. Here's something to help you out:


You see all those differently colored blobs? Those are all countries. I know, I know, the only country in the world worth caring about is good ol' 'Merica, but I'm just trying to help you out here in case you're sweet talking some hipster lass* at a Silver Lake/Williamsburg dive bar and Europe happens to come up your conversation. You probably don't want an art school dropout thinking that you're uneducated after all.

*Lass is slang for lady. It originates from Scotland, which is sort of a country, but not really. Try avoiding talking about Scotland for this purpose.

Goddamnit. I've been having a lot of brain fart/typos lately. You know when you look up statistics for how many people misspell words in internet search engines and it's astounding but then you realize people just made typos and hit enter? I know Europe isn't a country and that it's a continent. My mistake for not proofreading. I see you're one of those fellows who jumps at a chance to call Americans ignorant because you have either some sort of imperialistic views or some angst towards all the things you hear about America/Americans. Or hey, I've met plenty of shitty Americans and you probably have too. The thing is, I've been to every country in Europe and traveled extensively so I can tell you that you encounter equally dumb people everywhere. I've met Spanish people who didn't know where Italy is. Italian people who didn't know where Bosnia and Herzegovina is. I think the U.S. is this big marketing campaign as a country. We make sure everyone everywhere sees all the shitty things we put out but then you go other places and realize they have the same carbon copies of the same shit but you don't see the Serbian version of MTV's Real World unless you're in Serbia. I'm not too patriotic though and I'm not necessarily trying to defend the U.S.A....just saying.

It's cool though. You're obviously more intelligent/better than any American and know all this. If I had to guess you're most likely from somewhere in Britain, Scandinavia, or Western Europe. I'll be surprised if you're from somewhere in Central or Eastern Europe.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Archie Bunker on August 08, 2011, 05:02:49 PM
moscow for the win.  but hyde park is pretty dope in chi-city
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Kab on August 08, 2011, 05:15:21 PM
Smallbunny represent.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Locbrew on August 08, 2011, 05:17:23 PM

Petey Pablo - Raise Up (
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Random Matt on August 08, 2011, 05:54:28 PM
Never been to LA, I've lived in NYC and in New England most of my life....and I don't really have any desire to visit LA  :-\.
I think its funny when one of the things people who aren't from this area say about NYC (or just the northeast in general, people say the same thing about Boston) is that people aren't friendly.

Honestly, that's just the way people are wired in this region.

You can tell INSTANTLY when someone isn't from around here, they're the people who will try and start a random conversation with a stranger on the train or on the sidewalk and then act offended when they're brushed off.  
Maybe its because I've lived in this area my entire life, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, and it makes me really uncomfortable when random people start talking to me, I just instantly think they're trying to jones me for something.

One of my friends went to school in the south for a year and transferred, said that it was unbearable the way people take their time and just stop and chat randomly all the time -- he said people thought he was the biggest douchebag just because he wouldn't want to do the ol' "walk and chat."

I feel like its the same way in California, all of the people I've met from there are really open and friendly the instant they meet you to the point where it just makes me uneasy.

Probably sounds dumb, but different strokes I guess..

The California friendliness usually seems phony, it's always easy to make "friends" but really people just want to feel popular.
People are more guarded on the East Coast, so when you engage in conversation it's a little more legit and/or substantial.  Or a stranger is talking to you because they are from out of town or trying to scam you.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sven thorkel on August 08, 2011, 09:27:45 PM
It's cool though. You're obviously more intelligent/better than any American and know all this. If I had to guess you're most likely from somewhere in Britain, Scandinavia, or Western Europe. I'll be surprised if you're from somewhere in Central or Eastern Europe.

None of those. We could play 'Where in the World is sven thorkel,' but the answer isn't as fun as the game. 
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Buddha on August 08, 2011, 11:38:21 PM
For me, I feel like I could only live in LA or NYC....maybe SF. Everywhere in between the coasts I feel like I still run into too many conservative, overzealous, religious people....and people who probably couldn't identify the U.S. on a map.

Definitely no ultra conservative religious zealots in Jew York City.


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It's cool though. You're obviously more intelligent/better than any American and know all this. If I had to guess you're most likely from somewhere in Britain, Scandinavia, or Western Europe. I'll be surprised if you're from somewhere in Central or Eastern Europe.

None of those. We could play 'Where in the World is sven thorkel,' but the answer isn't as fun as the game. 

First Clue?

You Got Beef? - Chuckie Akenz (
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 09, 2011, 12:46:44 AM
None of those. We could play 'Where in the World is sven thorkel,' but the answer isn't as fun as the game.? 
Oooh. I want to play.
I'm going to assume "lass" was a clue. Scotland perhaps (yes I know UK was listed but some Scots don't recognize the union)? NZ? OZ? Canada?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Bronson on August 09, 2011, 02:59:59 AM
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None of those. We could play 'Where in the World is sven thorkel,' but the answer isn't as fun as the game.? 
Oooh. I want to play.
I'm going to assume "lass" was a clue. Scotland perhaps (yes I know UK was listed but some Scots don't recognize the union)? NZ? OZ? Canada?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 09, 2011, 08:47:01 AM
Styx - Renegade (music video) (
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sven thorkel on August 09, 2011, 10:06:31 AM
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None of those. We could play 'Where in the World is sven thorkel,' but the answer isn't as fun as the game.? 
Oooh. I want to play.
I'm going to assume "lass" was a clue. Scotland perhaps (yes I know UK was listed but some Scots don't recognize the union)? NZ? OZ? Canada?

Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 09, 2011, 05:36:08 PM
You're right. The answer is not nearly as fun as the game, but I'm not done ruining this thread yet.

What do you guys call Canadian Bacon? Just bacon? What about regular old strip bacon, do you call that American bacon?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: kevbo999 on August 09, 2011, 06:00:50 PM
Canadian Bacon is referred to as ham.  Strips of bacon are referred to as bacon.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 09, 2011, 07:40:40 PM
Canadian Bacon is referred to as ham.?  Strips of bacon are referred to as bacon.
Damn. You're blowing my mind. What do you call regular old ham?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: kevbo999 on August 09, 2011, 08:18:05 PM
Well I'm sure some places up here still use the term Canadian Bacon to describe ham, but usually we use the same word to describe the breakfast stuff and the stuff you'd find in a boiled dinner.  Is boiled dinner just a Canadian thing?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 09, 2011, 09:39:24 PM
Is boiled dinner just a Canadian thing?
No, but I think baked is more common.

May I suggest the moniker "breakfast ham"? Just to avoid confusion and to perhaps give your delicious breakfast meat the distinction it deserves.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Doctor Handsome on August 10, 2011, 12:44:43 AM
Jesus Christ Jive Turkey either I'm drunk or you're amazing, or both. Dr. Handsome approves.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 10, 2011, 01:36:34 AM
Jesus Christ Jive Turkey either I'm drunk or you're amazing, or both. Dr. Handsome approves.
Quite possibly both. I won't lie, I am amazing and booze only enhances that. Much in the same way blowjobs enhance women.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: NickDagger on August 10, 2011, 08:10:40 AM
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where do you live?
I probably should have originally included the fact that where I live is often cited as being one of those great place to visit but wouldn't want to live cities too, being here permanently is definitely not for everyone.
And also it is literally in the middle of nowhere.

Hardly bum fuck bunghole-ville though.

Still doesn't change the fact that I think both LA and NY are awesome places to hang out for a week or two but there's no way I could live in either one and I know the same thing is often said about here too.

Having said all that I would take NY in the spring and fall and then LA in the summer and winter.

I"m not re-reading the whole thread... where is this?!
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: KPCT on August 10, 2011, 11:50:28 AM
boiling meat?? like in water?
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Shitbag on August 10, 2011, 03:04:09 PM
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where do you live?
I probably should have originally included the fact that where I live is often cited as being one of those great place to visit but wouldn't want to live cities too, being here permanently is definitely not for everyone.
And also it is literally in the middle of nowhere.

Hardly bum fuck bunghole-ville though.

Still doesn't change the fact that I think both LA and NY are awesome places to hang out for a week or two but there's no way I could live in either one and I know the same thing is often said about here too.

Having said all that I would take NY in the spring and fall and then LA in the summer and winter.


I"m not re-reading the whole thread... where is this?!
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Grubby Mits on August 10, 2011, 03:43:11 PM
I'll always love London, but other cities I found amazing are New York, Paris, Athens, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Bangkok etc. People need to stop having an anal prolapse whenever someone says they prefer another city over the one that person is from and realise there is so much out there to discover. Citizens of the world and all that.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 10, 2011, 04:41:14 PM
I'll always love London, but other cities I found amazing are New York, Paris, Athens, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Bangkok etc. People need to stop having an anal prolapse whenever someone says they prefer another city over the one that person is from and realise there is so much out there to discover. Citizens of the world and all that.
Yeah. True. But LA really, trully does suck.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: oyolar on August 10, 2011, 07:35:34 PM
I'll always love London, but other cities I found amazing are New York, Paris, Athens, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Bangkok etc. People need to stop having an anal prolapse whenever someone says they prefer another city over the one that person is from and realise there is so much out there to discover. Citizens of the world and all that.

I really want to go to Reykjavik.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Omamori on August 10, 2011, 08:16:12 PM
Never been to LA, I've lived in NYC and in New England most of my life....and I don't really have any desire to visit LA ? :-\.
I think its funny when one of the things people who aren't from this area say about NYC (or just the northeast in general, people say the same thing about Boston) is that people aren't friendly.

Honestly, that's just the way people are wired in this region.

You can tell INSTANTLY when someone isn't from around here, they're the people who will try and start a random conversation with a stranger on the train or on the sidewalk and then act offended when they're brushed off. ?
Maybe its because I've lived in this area my entire life, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, and it makes me really uncomfortable when random people start talking to me, I just instantly think they're trying to jones me for something.

One of my friends went to school in the south for a year and transferred, said that it was unbearable the way people take their time and just stop and chat randomly all the time -- he said people thought he was the biggest douchebag just because he wouldn't want to do the ol' "walk and chat."

I feel like its the same way in California, all of the people I've met from there are really open and friendly the instant they meet you to the point where it just makes me uneasy.

Probably sounds dumb, but different strokes I guess..
I feel your friend’s pain. I’m from California and lived around the states and in Europe. ? From my experience it depends where in California you’re at. In the big cities most people keep to themselves, small areas, like where I live, some people like small talk. I lived in the South and middle America, I fuckin hated it. ? I don’t remember too much from the South since I was young but I spent most of my teenage years in middle America…fuckin people love to start conversations. ? I make the conversation awkward or say something that will end it, they’ll usually stop…some of them don’t get the hint.but
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 10, 2011, 08:47:59 PM
I'll always love London, but other cities I found amazing are New York, Paris, Athens, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Bangkok etc. People need to stop having an anal prolapse whenever someone says they prefer another city over the one that person is from and realise there is so much out there to discover. Citizens of the world and all that.

I found all these cities amazing but Sydney and London didn't hold the same flare for me as the rest. It's probably just because I'm from the states and these cities don't hold a huge culture shock or anything like that but I still enjoyed them. Funny I say that then end up in NYC. The rest I felt were amazing. I'm most intrigued by Eastern Europe but I feel if I ever end up living in Europe again I could go for Paris.

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Never been to LA, I've lived in NYC and in New England most of my life....and I don't really have any desire to visit LA ? :-\.
I think its funny when one of the things people who aren't from this area say about NYC (or just the northeast in general, people say the same thing about Boston) is that people aren't friendly.

Honestly, that's just the way people are wired in this region.

You can tell INSTANTLY when someone isn't from around here, they're the people who will try and start a random conversation with a stranger on the train or on the sidewalk and then act offended when they're brushed off. ?
Maybe its because I've lived in this area my entire life, but I honestly wouldn't have it any other way, and it makes me really uncomfortable when random people start talking to me, I just instantly think they're trying to jones me for something.

One of my friends went to school in the south for a year and transferred, said that it was unbearable the way people take their time and just stop and chat randomly all the time -- he said people thought he was the biggest douchebag just because he wouldn't want to do the ol' "walk and chat."

I feel like its the same way in California, all of the people I've met from there are really open and friendly the instant they meet you to the point where it just makes me uneasy.

Probably sounds dumb, but different strokes I guess..
I feel your friend’s pain. I’m from California and lived around the states and in Europe. ? From my experience it depends where in California you’re at. In the big cities most people keep to themselves, small areas, like where I live, some people like small talk. I lived in the South and middle America, I fuckin hated it. ? I don’t remember too much from the South since I was young but I spent most of my teenage years in middle America…fuckin people love to start conversations. ? I make the conversation awkward or say something that will end it, they’ll usually stop…some of them don’t get the hint.but

I feel like this depends. For the most part, I don't want random people talking to me. The only time I'm stoked on this is if it's a hot girl or it's someone with a similar interest. Like if I'm on the train and some other guy with a skateboard asks me if I know where some park is or if I'm wearing a band t-shirt and someone tells me they're a fan too. I'm from the south and a lot of times I felt people were just being nosy there.  In big cities I feel like people tend to put up this wall but you could say it's necessary. Even if you're a decent looking guy just wanting say hey to some girl it's understandable she'd have her guard up considering how many kooks probably try to holler at her every day.
LA has it's share of kooks too but I think one of the reasons people are more open and chatty there is because they don't have to deal with them for most of their day. And the weather is always good. People get in their car and go where they're going so odds are there's some sort of association we both got in our cars and drove to the same coffee shop, we both got in our cars and drove to the same beach, etc... So it's a little lower on the scale of say, meeting someone at a house party and assuming they're decent because you have some social circle connection.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Omamori on August 10, 2011, 09:14:17 PM
There's always exceptions. I wouldn't brush off a girl if she and I found an interest in each other, same goes for a strange that shares the same interest as me. It's rare a good conversation is started, most of the time it's mostly stupid shit.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 10, 2011, 09:16:06 PM
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I'll always love London, but other cities I found amazing are New York, Paris, Athens, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Bangkok etc. People need to stop having an anal prolapse whenever someone says they prefer another city over the one that person is from and realise there is so much out there to discover. Citizens of the world and all that.
Yeah. True. But LA really, trully does suck.

you suck.  my balls
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 10, 2011, 09:43:46 PM
you suck.?  my balls
Subtle. I thought it was done with me just sucking when I saw the period, but then BAM! You followed up with "my balls". Whoa. Clearly you were going for the kill with that one.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 11, 2011, 11:40:01 AM
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you suck.?  my balls
Subtle. I thought it was done with me just sucking when I saw the period, but then BAM! You followed up with "my balls". Whoa. Clearly you were going for the kill with that one.

i was trying really hard to match up to your clever, insightful post of "La sucks"

also, you do suck my balls
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: macgruber on August 11, 2011, 12:22:27 PM
I don't think LA sucks, it's just very different from New York, or basically and East Coast city. People assume because it's another metropolis that it's going to have the same vibe as other cities and it doesn't really. The city itself is super spread out, and the mindset of the people there is world's apart from the people in NYC or wherever else. And the public transit is shit. 

I just flew through Reykjavik and I would love to go back there. It looked so sick.
I would really like to live live abroad for at least six months. If I can make that a possibility in the next few years, I think I will make that happen.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Grubby Mits on August 11, 2011, 12:31:30 PM
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I'll always love London, but other cities I found amazing are New York, Paris, Athens, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Bangkok etc. People need to stop having an anal prolapse whenever someone says they prefer another city over the one that person is from and realise there is so much out there to discover. Citizens of the world and all that.

I really want to go to Reykjavik.

I really want to go back with my board, it was like a hidden skate mecca. So many spots to skate everywhere and also the security hadn't seemed to turn against it yet, I saw kids playing skate in the mall without being bothered. Only downfall is the harsh winds, but thats to be expected I guess
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: sexualhelon on August 11, 2011, 03:23:03 PM
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I'll always love London, but other cities I found amazing are New York, Paris, Athens, Reykjavik, Stockholm, Sydney, Tokyo, Bangkok etc. People need to stop having an anal prolapse whenever someone says they prefer another city over the one that person is from and realise there is so much out there to discover. Citizens of the world and all that.

I really want to go to Reykjavik.

I really want to go back with my board, it was like a hidden skate mecca. So many spots to skate everywhere and also the security hadn't seemed to turn against it yet, I saw kids playing skate in the mall without being bothered. Only downfall is the harsh winds, but thats to be expected I guess

Wear a windbreaker. Then you can also break wind whenever you want.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 11, 2011, 04:56:03 PM
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you suck.??  my balls
Subtle. I thought it was done with me just sucking when I saw the period, but then BAM! You followed up with "my balls". Whoa. Clearly you were going for the kill with that one.

i was trying really hard not to be a crybaby bitch but i failed miserably

also, you do suck my balls and i love it
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 11, 2011, 05:22:39 PM
hey that's pretty clever.  you changed the words that i wrote to say other stuff, as if i said it.  now i'm embarrassed
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 11, 2011, 07:05:17 PM
now i'm embarrassed
I'm sorry. I didn't mean to embarrass you. We can still be friends can't we?

I'm still not going to suck you balls though.
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: floop on August 11, 2011, 10:40:06 PM
i didn't come here to make friends.  i came here to win

alright we can be friends
Title: Re: New York City Vs. Los Angeles
Post by: Jive Turkey on August 11, 2011, 11:39:43 PM
Tie game. High five.