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Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: Archers of Chaka on December 25, 2011, 03:12:08 AM

Title: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Archers of Chaka on December 25, 2011, 03:12:08 AM
So we all love skating, but when was the moment you realized that you were in it for life? The point of no turning back, where you knew that this is what you were gonna be doing and loving for the rest of your life.

For me it was when me and my friend James were trying to kickflip this four stair. I hadn't been skating for too long at the time. I remember at the time it seemed like the biggest fucking thing ever to me. I was just throwing it out and not really committing. After doing that for a good half hour, I finally had enough and said "fuck it" and started really going for it. After 5 or 6 tries of actually going for it I landed it and rode away. I remember that feeling to this day, it was the best feeling ever. That rush, that feeling of overall accomplishment, it was the best feeling in the world. I knew at that very moment that it is what I was meant to do (as corny as that sounds) and I knew that I was in it for life.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: cant stop on December 25, 2011, 03:45:54 AM
Checking Slap Messageboards every single day for the last five years.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: landCow on December 25, 2011, 03:52:56 AM
the moment i realised i spent a year trying to flip a piece of wood with wheels. loved every minute
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: eminem on December 25, 2011, 05:06:59 AM
this is a trill thread
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Albinskejt on December 25, 2011, 05:26:34 AM
I guess I knew after like 2 years of skating, out everyday loving every second of it. I'm pretty sure it's the best possible thing I can do with my life, can't imagine how people can live without something like skating is for us.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Kab on December 25, 2011, 06:13:48 AM
Starting to get bored of skating personally. Nothing really seems all that special to me anymore, like even if I learned some trick I've been trying for the past 11 years I probably wouldn't really give a shit.

Life is absurd.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: sleepypancakes on December 25, 2011, 06:36:41 AM
Getting the shit kicked out of me, by jocks and skating, getting hurt, breaking boards, fucking up trucks, wheels, bearings, shoes, clothes. And kept doing it. I've blown thousands of dollars over the years on skating that has ultimately lead me to nothing but having fun. I've spent too much time and money to quit now, fuck it.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: StroudMears on December 25, 2011, 07:23:37 AM
After seeing your bones stick through your arms in several places and touching them to feel how actual human bone feels like.
Then watching skatevideos a few days later with a metal construction in and around your arm.

But actually, I was already on a cruiser trying to ride gravel roads before I even knew what skateboarding really was.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: TonyBologna on December 25, 2011, 07:47:51 AM
When my parents told me I should keep playing soccer and get a scholarship, because I most likely won't be good enough to get sponsored. That was 9 years ago, 2 years after I started skating. It IS the only thing that brings me what I feel is true happiness.
Second time, was 1 year ago after I had a little fall out, tweaked my knee, had to wear a horrible whole leg brace. Chilled on it, started skating, and broke my ribs trying to carve a bowl in darkness. I just realized that no matter what, skateboarding had become part of me, all the broken bones, all the scars, are a reminder. I just hope to cruise into my grave.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: johnnymousedoom on December 25, 2011, 08:01:19 AM
probably a few days after my ex-fiancee destroyed the relationship. I remember thinking, " now I can skate whenever I fucking want!" as opposed to saying "I miss her"
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Cosme on December 25, 2011, 08:04:34 AM
The more absurd life gets the faster I push.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Sleazy on December 25, 2011, 08:13:19 AM
upon realizing i could skate buzzed

best happy hour alternative a working man could ask for
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: b.v. on December 25, 2011, 08:14:40 AM
After I did the loop I was hooked, the rest is just icing on the cake.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: idealhandmades on December 25, 2011, 08:20:12 AM
When I was 16 - 18 and after shoveling the snow off the entire park all by myself, to the point where when I was done, There was no way I had any energy left to skate.
I'd put up such a fuss and complained anytime my folks asked me to shovel out the snow just infront of our mailbox (which would take maybe 10 minutes maximum)
but spending 7 hours straight shoveling at the park all by myself, just so that I could call up my buddies the next day and tell them
"guess what? the park is clear. When should I come pick you up?"

I've had several moments when I've realized that I'm "in it for life", but that's always been a stand out one.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: superslopp on December 25, 2011, 08:42:00 AM
a couple of summers ago, i would skate every day from 10am to 3pm, and then i would go home, eat, work from 4-8, and then hang out with everyone i was skating with earlier and listen to what i missed while i was at work. i didn't do anything else outside of that, and i didn't want to. i didn't care about anything else and it was great. i remember saying to myself one day, while i was sitting around watching everyone else skate, "this is all i want to do forever". and that was that!

kewl thread btw
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: gsosa on December 25, 2011, 08:53:24 AM
About 4 years ago I spent spring break partying with my friends at their lake house, and I was having a blast but all I could think of during the day was how I wanted to be skating instead.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: BlackEye77 on December 25, 2011, 09:26:48 AM
When I was going on 8 years old my fuck-up biker dad and I moved into grandma's house with my uncle who was about 13. We had an empty pool in the back yard and I saw him carving around it, it was the coolest shit ever. I started riding a Variflex and the day my dad took me to Rat City in Burbank in 1985/86 and I upgraded to an Alva, I knew right away after feeling the excitement of getting that set-up and experiencing the atmosphere of a skate shop that I had found my identity and haven't ever questioned it since. I've seen so many people come and go, and I'll never understand quitting. To this day every single time I get on my board I get a rush, whether I'm skating to work doing nollie-pops off the cracks, doing flatground in the cul de sac with my son, the simple fun of rolling around is still there and I enjoy every trick I land, no matter how basic.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: SteamyRayVaughan on December 25, 2011, 09:59:54 AM
The more absurd life gets the faster I push.
well put.
i get re-reminded after every late night cruise with my pals.
its usually with a combination of alcohol and herbal vapors and the smile never leaves my face
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Unbridled Technical Precision on December 25, 2011, 11:15:05 AM
I've always loved smoking weed
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Isaiah Kemp on December 25, 2011, 11:23:39 AM
When I had to tell my parents I was gay.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Skate Edge on December 25, 2011, 11:41:26 AM
I have yet to have that moment where I realize that I'm in it for life.  I've broken so much shit and I still skate, so I should just commit to being a lifer, but I have yet to have that epiphany.  I have a love/hate relationship with skating.  I love doing it and I hate getting hurt. 
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: anblue on December 25, 2011, 12:19:31 PM
The more absurd life gets the faster I push.
this^, and the fact that i would cancel any plans in a minute just to roll around
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: BuddyPal on December 25, 2011, 12:44:34 PM
around the time of my 3rd face tattoo
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: grimcity on December 25, 2011, 12:53:10 PM
I don't really know... I started when I was a little kid so it was just something that stuck with me as I matured.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: layzieyez on December 25, 2011, 01:13:24 PM
When I went skateboarding in Hawaii after getting divorced from my first wife.  I was 24 and I'd been skateboarding for over 11 years at that point.  I realized skateboarding would always be there even when you lost everything else you loved.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: 360 frip on December 25, 2011, 01:14:28 PM
Walking half an hour in the rain to skate flat at an old railway station,alone, at the age of 36 (Brooklyn Zoo came on and everything was alright).
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: seamoose on December 25, 2011, 01:14:51 PM
after breaking my leg, my girlfriend left me for my friend so i took  my cast off 2 weeks early and the only thing that made me happy was pushing down the street no matter how fucked my leg was. Man I am a huge pussy, but that is what made me realize I won't stop.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on December 25, 2011, 02:11:25 PM
^ What a bitch girlfriend and shitty friend!
College. A lot of my so-called lifer friends went off and basically quit after getting lost in the partying and studying and having nobody to skate with. I definitely went way out of my way to make sure I still had a chance to skate as many days as possible even though I didn't have my old skate crew around. Eventually I met new people to skate with and all that, but I have a feeling the fact that I made sure to stay with it during a time when there was always something else to tempt me away from it is what made me decide I'm a lifer.
A lot of people are describing what made them skate rats, like kids who are obsessed with nothing but skating. I went through that period, but I've realized that being a lifer isn't about being that skate rat all your life, but deciding, because you want to, to maintain skating throughout your life and through different weird periods when finding time or places to skate can be difficult.
Last year while I was in grad school and working full time I really learned what that meant. 1 hour here, 20 minutes there, I didn't always have time to go out all day, but I kept it up, and I know I will until I physically can't anymore.

Besides, what do people who don't have skating do with all their time anyway? After doing it since I was 10 I can't even imagine my life without it
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: velocirapedher on December 25, 2011, 02:37:38 PM
either the first time someone told me that i wouldn't skate forever that id grow out of it but really it was probably the first time i bombed a hill i thought i couldn't do. my board has been there when no one else was i can't leave it.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: loose girlfriends on December 25, 2011, 03:05:04 PM
I was fully infatuated with skating from the moment i stood up and went fast.
I've never thought for a second about quiting. No matter what obstacles life has dealt.
Skateboarding is the one constant.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: sweets on December 25, 2011, 03:26:57 PM
I had the epiphany when I blew out my knee more than a dozen years ago. No insurance so the doctor started talking about "never skating again but you can ride a bike, etc..." Went back a couple days later and begged him to fix it. He did and ended up writing off most of my surgery during tax season. Those two two days thinking about never rolling again were too brutal. Just couldn't imagine life without it.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: GarglesCmen on December 25, 2011, 03:30:34 PM
I ate shit on this one narrow road where I live, my board shot out and I jumped after it, I grabbed it before it got into the ditch but it took a second for me to realize a car almost hit me as I was pulling back my side of the road. It was a foot away from me, I dont know why this sparked more interest in skating but I have been pushing ever since.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Lance Meowntain on December 25, 2011, 03:44:20 PM
Thought I was in it for life for the first 12 or so years I skated. Then the obligatory "fell off because of a girl bullshit" happened. We eventually broke up, but I had distanced myself from my friends/the scene so much, that I didnt start back. Fast forward a couple of years, and unfortunately I found myself in prison for 2 years. While in there, something clicked and I would just daydream for ever about little shit, like bombing hills, or just boardsliding a flatrail, shit like that. I couldnt get skating out of my mind for some reason. Then out of nowhere a homie who I wasnt even that close with before I went away, sent me a subscription to Thrasher. I fucking devoured that shit like a rabid dog! Haha! Soon as I got home, I hit up my old friends, and the rest is history. I know now how much it means to me, and how important it was/is when it was ACTUALLY taken away from me. That and the combination of my homie sending the subscription sealed the deal. (Thanks Matt, if you read this!) Im in it for the long haul. When its in your blood, its in your blood.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: latinlover! on December 25, 2011, 06:51:51 PM
Never really had a "moment" I can clearly point to, but I've been doing it for so long in the harsh conditions of Texas that I'll always come back to it. Sometimes I don't skate for weeks and then I'll have that urge to go out, skate fast, and get broke.

 Like today, I went out, skated for about an hour at some bank next to a Walgreens.

I'm thankful for skating.  :)
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: ivegotlevitation on December 25, 2011, 07:18:55 PM
skateboarding has made me feel free for the past 8 years. I wouldn't trade that for anything.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: ChildOfTheBurbs on December 25, 2011, 07:31:34 PM
when I found myself cruising downtown LA every holiday.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: marshalbanana on December 25, 2011, 07:41:34 PM
When i kept coming back to it after many different phases in my life. Bad music, cars, partying.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Made In China on December 25, 2011, 07:45:21 PM
When I realized that whenever I was pissed, sad, annoyed, or frustrated about anything, all I had to do was jump on my board and everything else just disappered.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: gutterhead. on December 25, 2011, 08:41:31 PM
When I realized that whenever I was pissed, sad, annoyed, or frustrated about anything, all I had to do was jump on my board and everything else just disappered.
spot on
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: buttchin on December 25, 2011, 11:52:07 PM
I realized skateboarding was my life when me and my click of friends barged the streets on every important holiday for the past three years. The thrill of skating spots that are a usual bust is the greatest feeling ever. I wouldn't trade skateboarding for anything.

also, I don't even know how people live without skateboarding or a specific interest.. skateboarding has skewed my mind so hard to the point where I find everything else boring.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: trolltoll on December 26, 2011, 12:44:29 AM
when i heard how a caught trick sounds under my own feet.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Tale Crab on December 26, 2011, 01:01:03 AM
Right there and then.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Avicci on December 26, 2011, 01:10:11 AM
When I got her pregnant.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: commie on December 26, 2011, 02:51:45 AM
I can't think of a particular moment, but everyone around me kept quitting and I just kept skating. My friends told me that I would quit once I started University, once I had a family, etc. I think I like skateboarding more and more as time goes on.
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: frontsidebackside on December 26, 2011, 03:00:06 AM
summer goin into 5th grade ,after playing thps1 & 2 for hours, got a darkstar board (lol) & havnt quit ever since
Title: Re: At what moment did you realize that you were "in it for life"?
Post by: Mein Fuhrer! I can walk! on December 26, 2011, 03:21:14 AM
Probably landing that first stationary heelflip in my garage when I was 13 after months of landing on it with 1 foot. I cheered victoriously and it was the best feeling ever.