Slap MessageBoards

Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: Mat on October 26, 2006, 08:46:29 PM

Title: bastien
Post by: Mat on October 26, 2006, 08:46:29 PM
is he on a company yet?
and dont be a faggot and say who the fuck cares or some gay shit, just reply if you know whats up
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: streetwise on October 26, 2006, 09:33:12 PM
I heard he is on Blind.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brooklyn brawler on October 26, 2006, 10:34:06 PM
who the fuck cares or some gay shit
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: Lasero on October 26, 2006, 10:55:59 PM
rumor is bastien donated money to some tribe in africa, and the tribe chief made him immortal, and he must have believed this, because he jumped from a second floor or something like that, which caused him fractures in both his legs, and won't be able to skate again.
and i'm not joking.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: cliff on October 26, 2006, 11:47:33 PM
I heard he is blind! he smoked to much weed or something.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brooklyn brawler on October 27, 2006, 12:12:11 AM
Actually, he clapped himself so hard on the back, while cheering during another contest win, that he hurt his third vertebrae, rendering him unable to procreate ever again.

Thus, due to embarassment to gay sock wearing Europeans, he decided to "retire" early and collect change on the street.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: kraftwerk on October 27, 2006, 01:06:41 AM
dont expect BB to toss any of his clothing co. profits change into bastiens styrofoam cup.
we needs a catcher not a bellyscratcher.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: leeroy on October 27, 2006, 01:34:41 AM
he's on alis (on alis clothing only? not on alis skateboards?).
and he's playing guitar in his first ad in kingpin mag...
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: kaufmaner on October 27, 2006, 01:37:48 AM
rumor is bastien donated money to some tribe in africa, and the tribe chief made him immortal, and he must have believed this, because he jumped from a second floor or something like that, which caused him fractures in both his legs, and won't be able to skate again.
and i'm not joking.
he still skates and enters competitions...
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: overdoso on October 27, 2006, 02:20:12 AM
I heard he is blind! he smoked to much weed or something.
i bet youre not looking forward to salabanzi on blind.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brewer on October 27, 2006, 02:25:29 AM
Met him in Paris - not a dick as claimed. Still skates and was wearing Alis jeans I noticed. He hadnt got a board but skated on mine (played skate with him). Nice feller and can certainly still skate like a beast (fullcab dub flips, switch dub heels anyone? - all so high!)
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brooklyn brawler on October 27, 2006, 02:36:16 AM
Ummm... Yeah, he's a Eurolutzka...

Kinda like you and your friends.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: FuckNameLock on October 28, 2006, 04:04:50 AM
friend:  id bang that girl 2nd to left on the bottom

me: why not just say girl, theres only 1 in the picture

friend: really?
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brewer on October 28, 2006, 07:17:06 AM lot would rather bitch about anyone than chat bout skating or something - i'm off to do something productive with my life unlike you cunts
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: on October 28, 2006, 08:07:00 AM
I'd bang that chick that you can only see her eye....I'd take that chance....
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: on October 28, 2006, 08:07:28 AM
wait is that a dude with rosy cheeks?
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: Lance on October 28, 2006, 08:09:22 AM
Actually, he clapped himself so hard on the back, while cheering during another contest win, that he hurt his third vertebrae, rendering him unable to procreate ever again.

Thus, due to embarassment to gay sock wearing Europeans, he decided to "retire" early and collect change on the street.
Ummm... Yeah, he's a Eurolutzka...

Kinda like you and your friends.
I'm going to have to agree with these^^^^^^^
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: Lance on October 28, 2006, 08:10:51 AM
The dude in the back is like 13 and has the illest receding hairline i've ever seen
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: bentmode on October 28, 2006, 08:51:34 AM
The dude in the back is like 13 and has the illest receding hairline i've ever seen

Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brooklyn brawler on October 28, 2006, 10:54:26 AM
I'd bang that chick that you can only see her eye....I'd take that chance....

That was like the Where's Waldo of boners. Well done.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brewer on October 29, 2006, 06:23:13 AM
everyone on that photo is 18/19 - you lot need to sort it out
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: gub on October 29, 2006, 07:52:30 AM
my cousin told me Headache makes a dollar a minute
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: S-Town Holla! on October 29, 2006, 08:12:08 AM
Holy shit that is longest post i have ever seen here.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: Duffy on October 29, 2006, 08:35:36 AM
This was one of the sickest things I've ever read
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: corto on October 29, 2006, 08:41:48 AM
headache, what you wrote is true. But i think thats how it should be. Fuck people for whom success is an objective in it self.

There's a big difference in wanting to become a better skater and wanting to be the best out there. Pushing limits as far as tricks are conserned is cool if its done out of love for skating. But someone wanting to be the best is just whack.

Edit: I want to add that I don't especially dislike Bastien. He's ok, although his style isn't very good. I wish we'd see more of him in the future.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: on October 29, 2006, 08:53:56 AM
how can you be an expert on slapheads after like 22 should have spent all that time justifying 'self-cheering' cause that's the main reason people don't like him...why do you nitpick this vs. finding something on the board you agree with and say...' guys are right!  SMILES!'
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: S-Town Holla! on October 29, 2006, 08:56:02 AM
Because he has probably had accounts before or is super long time lurker.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: on October 29, 2006, 08:57:33 AM
fuck man...sometimes i DO feel like a loser posting on message boards...then I realize there are career lurkers and I don't feel so bad...
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brewer on October 29, 2006, 11:13:59 AM
rad post headache but the thing is, I was only talking from my own experience - We nipped to Bercy one day during our trip and he was there, he got talking to me after he saw me skated around, we played skate and I found him to be a nice feller. I cant lie about how he was. And I ended my post saying how he was wearing Alis jeans too so a bit of 'gossip'. Just find it right out of order that something of my personal myspace got dragged into it all. Everyone has opinions of how people are etc but I was just telling it how I saw it thats all, if someone disagrees then fair do's. I cant stand Ryan Sheckler etc (although that crazy heelflip sex change thing was rad), but to be fair I havnt met him, he might not be the arragent little shit he appears to be.

EDIT: On a sidenote rumor has it that when Ben Grove was in the US he saw Ryan Sheckler...he only said one thing to the guy that went something along the lines of 'you ent got shit on Mikey Wright' and then he skated off haha
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: otis b driftwood on October 29, 2006, 11:21:49 AM
So over time, World became the cool thing even though their boards sucked.

world boards were really good, they just didn't last long.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: otis b driftwood on October 29, 2006, 11:32:06 AM
nope, they were good, everyone else started using skinny plies after world.
when they got big they started using more than one wood shop, you had to get the prime ones.

you sound like a clueless contest and big company loving fuck whistle bitch so you probably got the shitty woodshop ones from the bottom of the press.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: kingpinuser on October 29, 2006, 12:01:16 PM
fuck man...sometimes i DO feel like a loser posting on message boards...then I realize there are career lurkers and I don't feel so bad...

 Lurkers the new term that people go by in skating...just like poser in the 90's. The thing is there is a lot of us that have been skating for a long ass time lurking on the forum as was said 1st Thrasher was in 92 so shit was is that 14 years, and i have been coming on slap forum for god knows how many years...there was that huge break a number of years ago since the server was down. But to post on here when a lot of  kids have only seen from baker 2G and up is somewhat pointless, i dont hate on this fact. Skating now ,maybe due to the internet, is a huge who is where, why did they leave and they are fucking terrible to watch anyway. Man we used to only talk about about shit at the local skate spot when someone read the news in a trash section of a mag, but now it is easy to comment on everything and with a lot of new gossip web sites, people are getting there fix. Now with Bastien he was a cocky kid it seemed reminded me of that kid at your local skate park that when someone new came he would try and show the shit out of him. But maybe Bastein was just gifted in that way that to skate at that high was easy but had that self promoting attitude that can kill a fan base.Bastien did killed comps and i hear he was a demo machine around 2000 till a few years ago. I dont think we can really known what happened, burnt out, maybe just over it all or found a new love with music. With flip letting him go maybe this is the end as he seemed to only skate with that crew of guys.  If he gets his name back on a board in the future that is cool if he out again skating who am i to judge a fellow skater if you dont feel he deserves it just dont buy his board, and if people want to talk then i can choose to read or not. i got no hate for ya jsoy or anyone else that post it is just personal opinion i know that.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: bentmode on October 29, 2006, 12:08:56 PM
i would say more or less that bastien is that kid who you know knows that he is good so his confidence comes of as cocky, however can be a little too cocky at times.

i have no problem with bastiebn entering contests thats how he wanted to win money, however i did have a problem with him relying on the same tricks over and over and then winning because he had the same shit over and over.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: Bender on October 29, 2006, 12:31:03 PM
Tom Grohoski was in F.Y.P.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: otis b driftwood on October 29, 2006, 01:05:29 PM
i would say more or less that bastien is that kid who you know knows that he is good so his confidence comes of as cocky, however can be a little too cocky at times.

i have no problem with bastiebn entering contests thats how he wanted to win money, however i did have a problem with him relying on the same tricks over and over and then winning because he had the same shit over and over.

everyone on flip used to have a cocky attitude, causing/following the hate they got when they first arrived in the US.
penny was by far the worst.
and he entered a load of contests and cheered for himself.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: hesh_trash on October 29, 2006, 01:50:05 PM
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i would say more or less that bastien is that kid who you know knows that he is good so his confidence comes of as cocky, however can be a little too cocky at times.

i have no problem with bastiebn entering contests thats how he wanted to win money, however i did have a problem with him relying on the same tricks over and over and then winning because he had the same shit over and over.

everyone on flip used to have a cocky attitude, causing/following the hate they got when they first arrived in the US.
penny was by far the worst.
and he entered a load of contests and cheered for himself.
I don't wanna ruin another thread by bringing this up, but defiantnate, now do you see why the BackDisastersAreDaBombShit thread caused such a backlash?
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: kingpinuser on October 29, 2006, 02:17:42 PM
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i would say more or less that bastien is that kid who you know knows that he is good so his confidence comes of as cocky, however can be a little too cocky at times.

i have no problem with bastiebn entering contests thats how he wanted to win money, however i did have a problem with him relying on the same tricks over and over and then winning because he had the same shit over and over.

everyone on flip used to have a cocky attitude, causing/following the hate they got when they first arrived in the US.
penny was by far the worst.
and he entered a load of contests and cheered for himself.

 The Penny thing was not really over him cheering for himself..i dont really think he did that but i many be wrong. The hate over penny started in the early radlands comp in 93, i think it was, where a lot of the top US pros where mouthing him and some even threw things. It was just over the fact that Penny didnt say much ,people thought he was cocky due to this, he was young and unknown and was really killing the course and the american pros..In 95 he only did one run at radlands and won on that run alone then left to get faded...didnt really hear of hm doing a lot of contest in the states but the Flip has aways had a bit of hate given to them at the beginning for being outsiders coming in and killing it and even now as they are not seen as a real euro skate-team but more american now even if only a few on the team are american...i will still buy their vid when it drops. I still think they did us europens proud.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: Rippey on October 29, 2006, 02:56:23 PM

OG white boards.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: fuckingvegan on October 29, 2006, 04:50:40 PM
Tom Grohoski was in F.Y.P.

Todd Congelliere (sp?) Tom Grohoski doesn't even live out west.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: dreidelplayer on October 29, 2006, 05:09:15 PM
is he on a company yet?
and dont be a faggot and say who the fuck cares or some gay shit, just reply if you know whats up

who the fuck cares or some gay shit
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: hair_this_raw on October 29, 2006, 06:48:27 PM
someone already tried that joke you slag
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: iheardherassholeslikethisbig on October 29, 2006, 07:31:06 PM
ohhhhhhh well then
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: sklls?itsthe90sguy on October 29, 2006, 07:32:45 PM

I think I can clear up for you some confusion as to why some of the members of the forum don't like Bastien. Or any other skater that does 'ok' in a contest situation for that matter.
You'll have to follow me back to the year 1985...maybe '86.
That's right. This all goes back to a skater named Tom Ghroholski. Tom was from New Jersey. He was one of those rare pros that didn't come from California. He grew up in the age of backyard ramps and he was rad. Super rad. Definitely one of the most skilled skaters of his day, and he was more advanced than others technically. See, when guys like Christian Hosoi and Gator were blasting air after air and 'tuning in' their run (they would have a routine more than a line), Tom was doing lip tricks that would make you lose your mind. To a skater, you'd look at Tom's lip tricks and say, 'holy shit! the dude is working out!' And he was! Stuff that was way harder than a rocket air or whatever was wowing the crowd. But the NSA loved hosoi because the CROWDS loved Hosoi. So a lot of the real skaters developed a hatred for Hosoi, Gator and their whole know, guys who were actually out there to win and make some money. And it wasn't enough for the skaters to hate these guys, they HATED their sponsor, too!
so the 'Tom Ghrohowlski effect' came to be. Unfortunately, he skated for Vision Skateboards so he too suffered backlash when Gator became the next big joke for not being able to skate street.
But I digress. (I hate when people say that)
Anyway, it just became customary to hate skaters who entered contests and actually TRIED! Can you imagine?! Entering a pro contest and TRYING TO WHEN? JOCKS!!!!
After World Industries came about and took down many of the larger companies, that mentality was further cemented. See, Rocco was one of the first owners who didn't CARE if his guys won contests. As a matter of fact, he'd rather give them photo incentives than match contest winnings or pay to send the team to whatever contest. Plus, at the time, a lot of those guys were really good video skaters couldn't skate with any kind of consistency. If they rode in a contest, kids would actually figure out that they weren't really that good in a 'real' skate situation.
To their defense, it was at this time that most 'street' contests became 'obstacle' contests. Not that they were much 'street' before, but it all turned into mega jumps and monster walls, etc. I mean these were street contests that Christian Hosoi could win at the time, if that tells you anything.
OK..on with the story. So over time, World became the cool thing even though their boards sucked. The graphics were funny, the team was good (as far as watching a video) and the ads were hilarious. Out of World came Blind (the company that everyone hates now) and things like 101.
Long story short, a lot of these guys weren't contest skaters. They could win a contest to save their lives because they couldn't skate that bigger stuff. Since the 'cool' skaters shunned contests, only the non-popular (or soon to be non-popular) skaters actually entered contests and won. Even though contests played a big part in skating's beginnings, it somehow was decided that contests were for kooks. And those kooks were shunned as were the companies that sponsored those Kooks because they were actually trying to succeed and that's a no-no in Rocco's day and age of skateboarding. If you make a company that looks like it doesn't care whether or not it succeeds, guys like the Slap message board posters will support that company. Make one that advertises a lot, has a team that does well in contests and these old guys have thoughts that harken back to those old days of Hosoi, Powell and Vision....and these older guys have been conditioned to make fun of that in skateboarding.
Also, this tied into how often a pro would skate. Doesn't matter how good you are, if you skate a lot and put out a lot of video parts, these guys are going to hate on you regardless.
Which brings us where we are today: Take Bastien, a guy that every skater liked in the beginning, definitely had some talent, an underrated Euro ripper...people got behind him because he was a bit of an underdog. But he skated too much. Put together one too many video parts and started (GULP) entering contests. And not just entering them, he was WINNING them.
Well, guys like Slap heads weren't going to put up with that! And many of the guys who posted about how good of a skater he was decided they could no longer cling to a guy who entered contests and tried to WIN! 'We'll teach him!' they'd write late at night in new threads from the safety of their parents' basement.
And it's not just's still any skater who tries at contests or skates for a company that actually does well or has success. The irony is that after these companies start to fail, these members are the same ones who start the 'I miss (insert name of defunct company here) threads.
So it's not necessarily their faults for hating Bastien. It's mostly a matter of conditioning...guys at this age bracket are still dealing with the aftermath of Rocco's mind control and conditioning. We have to respect their opinions. I mean, I liked Groholski.
The problem is that skating has changed, Rocco bought and moved to an island and isn't involved anymore after selling his 'cool' company for millions and millions of dollars.
It was skateboarding's most clever joke...that a guy had nothing, took down the largest companies in skateboarding by convincing kids that 'big' skateboarding companies were out of touch and then morphing into the world's largest skateboard company himself.
Rocco laughed all the way to his new island and skaters were sitting around scratching their heads. So now, even though all smaller companies want to makes cash and dream of an afterlife like Rocco has, as long as they stay small, guys will post cool things about them in the Slap forums. Then, when they get bigger, the same guys that bought their products will publicly make fun of them and try to condition other skaters to hate the company as well. IF THEY DO WELL , THEY MUST SUCK! IF THEY'RE STRUGGLING, THEY MUST BE DOPE!
You and I know this isn't the case....they even know it isn't the case. But they've been conditioned and they can't snap out of it. So watch out if you make a comment on here that is positive about a good skater who has done well at contests or board sales and ESP about posting positive comments about companies who have enjoyed a little bit of success over the  years. You'll be MAULED for it.
Thanks for's so nice to take a trip down memory lane once in a while. So you see...we owe this all to Steve Rocco and Tom Groholski. Amen to both of those fine men, each successes in their own little way.
congrats on offering absolutely no new insight
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: E.l.G on October 29, 2006, 08:57:36 PM
You're such a contrarion. I wish I had the courage to take down the big bad slap meanies like you.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: headache on October 29, 2006, 10:52:23 PM
You're such a contrarion. I wish I had the courage to take down the big bad slap meanies like you.
I'm almost sure you were trying to use the word 'contrarian,' (that's with an 'a' and not an 'o')but since I know you were referring to that other poster and not me, I'll let it slide. Just like I 'let it slide' in your mom last night.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: shortshorts on October 29, 2006, 11:11:16 PM
Tom Grohoski was in F.Y.P.

no ,,, todd congeliere was in fyp
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: sheffledge on October 29, 2006, 11:53:46 PM

no one answered the fukkkin question at fukkkin alll

let me ask again

where is bastien and who does he ride for?

and more importantly when are we gonna see some new shit

i mean damn

the nigga scott kane gives him the utmost props

thats incredible skategroability in its gotdamn self cuz kane is a king

fukkk a gotdamn tom groholski bullet 66mm wheels and tracker  6 track trucks

u fukkkers love to get waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay of the gotdamn subject

bastien was a contest skater when he was like 12

but he was also better than you will ever be whatever age you get

hes gotta be 20 now atleast



the nigga put it down in the fukkkin streets waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay

harder than anyone of us ever will

i label him supreme skategro

and all yall hatin asses should to

i didnt even read that mufukkkin essay

once i heard tom groholski shit i kept it movin

you fools

cannot compare a vert skater from the 80's to a stellar skategro like bastien

switch heel a triple then maybe you can comment

cabflip a ten in a line then you can judge

accomplish what he did at the age he did it and how

then hate

losers i label all the haters

hes a king

Title: Re: bastien
Post by: L.S on October 30, 2006, 02:17:04 AM
i have no problem with bastiebn entering contests thats how he wanted to win money, however i did have a problem with him relying on the same tricks over and over and then winning because he had the same shit over and over.

you should have spent all that time justifying 'self-cheering' cause that's the main reason people don't like him
also very much true.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: SLUTBALL on October 30, 2006, 04:11:02 AM
kick flip
fakie flip
switch heel
fakie tre
half cab flip
cab flip
bs flip
bs big flip
kickflip bs lip
kickflip fs board
big flip fs board
nollie bs heel
nollie big heelflip
bs crooked grind to bs lip
switch fs 360
kickflip leg cross

all a nigga knows
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: loophole on October 30, 2006, 04:25:11 AM
is it me? or did sheffledge just post...
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: on October 30, 2006, 08:05:05 AM
if this is what it took....this thread is not in vain....
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: jared... on October 30, 2006, 09:00:53 AM
kick flip
fakie flip
switch heel
fakie tre
half cab flip
cab flip
bs flip
bs big flip
kickflip bs lip
kickflip fs board
big flip fs board
nollie bs heel
nollie big heelflip
bs crooked grind to bs lip
switch fs 360
kickflip leg cross

all a nigga knows

watch his lordz part you jackass...

shit, you forgot one.  half cab crooks 180 ollie out!
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: otis b driftwood on October 30, 2006, 09:57:44 AM
his lordz part is sick.

flip has a pretty solid record for ruining good skaters.

or at least not presenting them well.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: jared... on October 30, 2006, 10:12:31 AM
they don't do too well with interracial socializing...first they cut danny cerezini, then bastien...wait and see, danny gonzales gonna grow up and get the boot, rodrigo too.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: L.S on October 30, 2006, 11:15:53 AM
wait and see, danny gonzales gonna grow up and get the boot

they have to sign him first.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: jjevansholla on October 30, 2006, 04:09:26 PM
it always amazed me how much people care about peoples "skate careers" when that person theyre stressing about obviously doesnt care
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brooklyn brawler on October 30, 2006, 11:15:18 PM
Before you hit post, did you take a bite of your carrot, look at your screen, chew, swallow, and go, "I'm so fucking funny."?
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: corto on October 30, 2006, 11:42:21 PM
how old are you 'ache?
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: corto on October 30, 2006, 11:54:11 PM
my guess is you're 32.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: corto on October 31, 2006, 12:00:13 AM
aaah shit I guessed wrong?
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: brooklyn brawler on October 31, 2006, 12:01:15 AM
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my guess is you're 32.
Is that in human years or Llama years? Either way, you've overshot by a bit. Are you going to guess my weight next or do I automatically win the collapsable mug?

 I know for a fact, at your last War Hammer game, you said that joke, and everyone spit their milk, and thought you were the shit for a week.
Title: Re: bastien
Post by: Meth and Hookers on October 31, 2006, 12:15:31 AM
shut the fuck up