Slap MessageBoards

Skateboarding => USELESS WOODEN TOY BANTER => Topic started by: other2 on July 04, 2013, 11:19:15 PM

Title: Keenan.
Post by: other2 on July 04, 2013, 11:19:15 PM
Miss you every damn day.

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: LESBIAN on July 04, 2013, 11:33:52 PM
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 05, 2013, 04:31:46 AM
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: castillo's curls on July 05, 2013, 04:34:31 AM
Keenan Mixtape (

everyone should watch this today.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 05, 2013, 04:34:54 AM
this shit tho (
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: bakedfish on July 05, 2013, 05:22:09 AM
July 5th, 2001. RIP keenan, no one can switch flip a picnic table like you, and no one ever will
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: SFblah on July 05, 2013, 08:25:15 AM

This made me realize how long I've been checking Slap. I remember when rumors of his death popped up on the boards before it was confirmed.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 05, 2013, 12:46:19 PM
can you fucking imagine YEAH RIGHT

with KEENAN and STEVIE and SHEFFEY parts tho

as good as that video is

it would have fucking shattered the skate world into bacon bits

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: noone1234 on July 05, 2013, 12:52:36 PM
can you fucking imagine YEAH RIGHT

with KEENAN and STEVIE and SHEFFEY parts tho

as good as that video is

it would have fucking shattered the skate world into bacon bits

along with a full rick howard part. however, now i know these are fighting words but guy mariano can fuck off, i could do without him.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: noone1234 on July 05, 2013, 12:56:04 PM
btw. does anyone know what sheffey was doing around the time of yeah right and when did he fade out? i remember my first girl board was a sheffey and that was around 2002-03. i wish i kept it. :-\
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 05, 2013, 01:00:24 PM
you and alot of NYC heads feel the same

although its been talked not gonna repeat it because i have forgiven him and his old ways

dude was so far from what he is now i would only be a hater not to salute him

he paid for what he did.....and i know its always on his mind

the only way that he can keep that shit where it is buried is to keep fucking shit up on his board

if not he would relapse and be dead in a week


talking to soooooooooooooo many people about Keenan makes you feel like you knew him

he had problems too.....really bad ones

but his stellar outweighs his flaws.....

he is ALIVE and well in the minds of many.......12 yrs now millions...if you include those who skated in the 90s, when he passed,  skate now, and STILL skate

thats fucking gnarly

trivia.....KEENAN rode for plan b before blind.............RAD

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 05, 2013, 01:03:45 PM
lets just say that sheffey was

"wondering around in the wilderness of his mind"

he good now tho

sometimes niggas gotta go through some shit

keenan aint have no good niggas in his inner circle

had he

he would still been here

and I KNOW FOR A FACT that he wouldnt be down wit the ty evans program

he woulda laughed in his face, cracked a beer and skated how, when, and where the fuck he wanted

dude was the TRUTH
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Skately Posse on July 05, 2013, 01:45:40 PM
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: sfa on July 05, 2013, 02:11:22 PM
If you know me or my close friends, then you know......


Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: JoeyStacks on July 05, 2013, 02:49:31 PM
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 05, 2013, 03:07:21 PM

prolly the best photo EVER
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Crazy Ralph on July 05, 2013, 04:17:53 PM
RIP keenanforever
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Rusty Shackleford on July 05, 2013, 04:48:57 PM
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: mattofallmatts on July 06, 2013, 12:22:04 PM
Keenan Milton - Yeah Right! (
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: vegan*shawn on July 06, 2013, 02:14:53 PM
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: DannyDee on July 06, 2013, 07:14:46 PM
can someone elaborate on why Guy is so hated in NYC?
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: noone1234 on July 06, 2013, 08:54:19 PM
i dont live in nyc and hope that i never will and i can elaborate on why I hate guy mariano. anything of his before he dipped out and went mia was tight fosho. casual 90s-tom penny-esque ripping and then fully flared and pretty sweet came and that shit did not agree with my stomach. just doing the most difficult tricks ever and appear to not even give a shit if they look good(fuck you, i know that statement is subjective). his style, now that he's sober, and its debatable whether or not that is a factor, is like torey pudwill i suppose........shitty. he aint the same guy, no pun intended.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: AssBandit on July 07, 2013, 11:11:58 AM
rest in peace
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 02:43:01 PM
Keenan Milton Interview (
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 03:09:41 PM
can someone elaborate on why Guy is so hated in NYC?

I think it's been talked about on these boards, but Justin Pierce hung himself at the Bellagio in Las Vegas because his girlfriend cheated on him with Guy. Guy ended up marrying her too, if you watch the Guy Mariano Epicly Later'd you'll see her. There were a couple of other things too, but that was the main reason. A lot of older guys from that era of skateboarding still feel some sort of way about it, but it seems as if the current generation isn't as wrapped up around it. Justin was actually one of the original riders for Supreme, fun fact.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 03:11:41 PM really just did that tho
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 03:24:46 PM really just did that tho

Yes, that just happened.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 03:42:05 PM
fuck it i guess

applaud yourself sir

that was type greasy fam
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Ollie Ringwald on July 07, 2013, 03:54:37 PM

that was type greasy fam

I dunno, it probably wasn't as bad as you trying to crawl up Ty's ass after talking shit in that other thread.

Or you doing a really shitty impression of a popular ex-poster trying to get a bit of e-kudos.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: shitsandwich on July 07, 2013, 03:55:33 PM
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can someone elaborate on why Guy is so hated in NYC?

I think it's been talked about on these boards, but Justin Pierce hung himself at the Bellagio in Las Vegas because his girlfriend cheated on him with Guy. Guy ended up marrying her too, if you watch the Guy Mariano Epicly Later'd you'll see her. There were a couple of other things too, but that was the main reason. A lot of older guys from that era of skateboarding still feel some sort of way about it, but it seems as if the current generation isn't as wrapped up around it. Justin was actually one of the original riders for Supreme, fun fact.

What the fuck? That's insane I never heard anything about that
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 04:05:44 PM
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that was type greasy fam

I dunno, it probably wasn't as bad as you trying to crawl up Ty's ass after talking shit in that other thread.

Or you doing a really shitty impression of a popular ex-poster trying to get a bit of e-kudos.

Greasy would be airing out something that isn't public knowledge already about someone and interjecting my negatively biased opinion into the mix to try and hate. All I did was answer his question, it isn't like this fact is anything new. Since the only explanation that was given was about skating style & didn't touch on the actual catalyst of the tension between Guy and NYC skaters, I figured it was worth elaborating on. I was actually surprised that it came into question, but yeah shitsandwich it was pretty intense when it happened. I understood why Pat O'Dell left that whole aspect of Guy's life out of his Epicly Later'd, but at the same time that was part of what I wanted to see covered since Justin Pierce and Guy were both skateboarders that I really liked back in the 90's, and at one point that was a big hot button issue in skateboarding.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 04:24:14 PM
lets just say that sheffey was

"wondering around in the wilderness of his mind"

he good now tho

sometimes niggas gotta go through some shit

keenan aint have no good niggas in his inner circle

had he

he would still been here

and I KNOW FOR A FACT that he wouldnt be down wit the ty evans program

he woulda laughed in his face, cracked a beer and skated how, when, and where the fuck he wanted

dude was the TRUTH

Since you think that his inner circle didn't do enough to save him, does that mean that you think the guys over at Girl/ Chocolate as well as everyone else around him neglected the severity of his addictive personality? From what I've been told by those that were close to him, Keenan was approached several times and told to slow down with how heavy his partying became, quite sometime before his untimely demise too. You can show an addict the way to sobriety, but you can't make them quit. He wasn't the only one that had a problem too, the majority of those guys had substance issues that they were battling themselves. Truth be told, I truly believe that if Keenan spent more time in NY he would still be with us today.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 04:24:45 PM
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that was type greasy fam


I dunno, it probably wasn't as bad as you trying to crawl up Ty's ass after talking shit in that other thread.

Or you doing a really shitty impression of a popular ex-poster trying to get a bit of e-kudos.

who is this ex poster you speak of


im stilll here....same shit different year

md, sheffledge, someonestolemyidenty is all ME

when people say that shit that just lets me know that I AM the BENCHMARK for going hard on slap

it trips me out that niggas still remember some shit i said 8 yrs ago......exactly as a matter of FACT

thanks for jocking me tho

as far as ty goes

i asked a couple questions like the rest of you fucks

yeah i dookyed on him

but atleast i gave him some toilet paper


you preaching to the choir

i aired that shit out in 05 as SHEFFLEDGE

i never thought it would be spoken again....specially wit him wifin shorty n all that

it is what it is

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 04:27:27 PM
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lets just say that sheffey was

"wondering around in the wilderness of his mind"

he good now tho

sometimes niggas gotta go through some shit

keenan aint have no good niggas in his inner circle

had he

he would still been here

and I KNOW FOR A FACT that he wouldnt be down wit the ty evans program

he woulda laughed in his face, cracked a beer and skated how, when, and where the fuck he wanted

dude was the TRUTH

Since you think that his inner circle didn't do enough to save him, does that mean that you think the guys over at Girl/ Chocolate as well as everyone else around him neglected the severity of his addictive personality? From what I've been told by those that were close to him, Keenan was approached several times and told to slow down with how heavy his partying became, quite sometime before his untimely demise too. You can show an addict the way to sobriety, but you can't make them quit. He wasn't the only one that had a problem too, the majority of those guys had substance issues that they were battling themselves. Truth be told, I truly believe that if Keenan spent more time in NY he would still be with us today.



no shit

it could have been anyone of them

he was in a bubble and aint have no niggas in his corner tryna get him his ackrite back

but they still HERE

they good

its worse for niggas in the addiction struggle

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 04:56:48 PM
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lets just say that sheffey was

"wondering around in the wilderness of his mind"

he good now tho

sometimes niggas gotta go through some shit

keenan aint have no good niggas in his inner circle

had he

he would still been here

and I KNOW FOR A FACT that he wouldnt be down wit the ty evans program

he woulda laughed in his face, cracked a beer and skated how, when, and where the fuck he wanted

dude was the TRUTH

Since you think that his inner circle didn't do enough to save him, does that mean that you think the guys over at Girl/ Chocolate as well as everyone else around him neglected the severity of his addictive personality? From what I've been told by those that were close to him, Keenan was approached several times and told to slow down with how heavy his partying became, quite sometime before his untimely demise too. You can show an addict the way to sobriety, but you can't make them quit. He wasn't the only one that had a problem too, the majority of those guys had substance issues that they were battling themselves. Truth be told, I truly believe that if Keenan spent more time in NY he would still be with us today.



no shit

it could have been anyone of them

he was in a bubble and aint have no niggas in his corner tryna get him his ackrite back

but they still HERE

they good

its worse for niggas in the addiction struggle

You mean worse for niggas as in black people have a harder time dealing with addiction? Keenan had a lot of built up strife that he was masking behind his drug use and his loud & vibrant personality in general. I'm not going to mention what personal issues he was dealing with since I don't think it's common knowledge, but to a degree I think he had more to deal with during his addiction recovery than Koston or some of the others did. He's a prime example of how some of the funniest and most seemingly care-free people out there are often times the most depressed.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 05:08:19 PM




we on the same page

just different paragraphs
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 05:09:56 PM


lets just toast him tho
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 05:17:52 PM
He kind of was in recovery, there were times before he passed where he consciously made an effort to stop using and focus on being clean for health reasons.

Addiction isn't especially worse for blacks, it doesn't favor a particular race. It is extremely tough on every color of person on the planet. Fortunately there is no fact in that statement, a lot of us would be horribly disenfranchised if that was true.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 05:31:53 PM

thats denial


YES...yes the fuck it is

it is worse for BLACK PEOPLE

although addiction doesnt discriminate.....most of us are either born into or prone to it

you have no fucking clue

no disrepect just have no clue...................NONE
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: ice nine on July 07, 2013, 05:39:27 PM
shut the fuck up sheffledge. do u remember when everyone on here hated you? for years and years? and no one took u seriously? then a bunch of dumb new people came in and were down for ur racist homophobic bullshit. u still suck as much as u always did, ruining threads and thinking u know anything at all.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 05:43:53 PM
still mad racist

still dont fuck wit fudgepackers

people hate me still


same shit different year

thanks for the memories

again......RIP KEENAN.....niggas is still fuckin wit you
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 06:02:58 PM

thats denial


YES...yes the fuck it is

it is worse for BLACK PEOPLE

although addiction doesnt discriminate.....most of us are either born into or prone to it

you have no fucking clue

no disrepect just have no clue...................NONE

No disrespect taken, I enjoy reading your opinions on this board. However, it's apparent that you're the one that lacks the basic understanding of addiction. It sounds like you aren't speaking from experience, which is a good thing for you since I would never wish the disease of addiction on anyone. To say that denial is not a part of recovery shows that this most likely is not a first hand experience for you. Scientifically there is no evidence of blacks having a predisposition to addiction, just like they don't have a predisposition to crime or anything else that is stereotypically negative. You are right in the sense that some are born with genetics that predispose them to addiction, but that has to do more so with the habits of those in their family tree. Each persons lineage that has the disease of addiction is unique to the degree that their ancestors had succumbed to the disease, which manipulates their unique genetic code to react in a susceptive fashion once they experience drugs or alcohol themselves. That is like saying that all Irish are alcoholics, and although there are some that are, it's more due to the cultural popularity of drinking in their history and not at all because of their race. Race has never been proven to be a factor in addiction, which is a fact that doctors and addiction specialists subscribe to.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: ChrisLambe94 on July 07, 2013, 06:05:22 PM
Keenan in  Mouse , my all time fave part ,Keenan was so ahead of everyone , Keenan Forever WorldWide
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 06:12:26 PM
After that long ass explanation on all that, I'd just like to add that Keenan was an amazing skateboarder. I could watch someone like him or Kalis switch crooked grind anything and be more amazed than what's mostly going on in skateboarding today. Maybe I'm just old and washed up, but I would much rather watch older videos that have that clean aesthetic of style over counting the number of stairs some kid on youtube hucked himself down the other day. Especially towards the end, all of that switch skating that Keenan did was remarkable and way ahead of its time. I know people give skaters like Sammy Baptista a hard time about that shit and say that he's lying about his stance, but Keenan was real with his. Even though skating is still crazy today, the type of progression that Keenan brought to the table is unique to him and very hard to come by.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 06:16:03 PM
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thats denial


YES...yes the fuck it is

it is worse for BLACK PEOPLE

although addiction doesnt discriminate.....most of us are either born into or prone to it

you have no fucking clue

no disrepect just have no clue...................NONE

No disrespect taken, I enjoy reading your opinions on this board. However, it's apparent that you're the one that lacks the basic understanding of addiction. It sounds like you aren't speaking from experience, which is a good thing for you since I would never wish the disease of addiction on anyone. Scientifically there is no evidence of blacks having a predisposition to addiction, just like they don't have a predisposition to crime or anything else that is stereotypically negative. You are right in the sense that some are born with genetics that predispose them to addiction, but that has to do more so with the habits of those in their family tree. Each persons lineage that has the disease of addiction is unique to the degree that their ancestors had succumbed to the disease, which manipulates their unique genetic code to react in a susceptive fashion once they experience drugs or alcohol themselves. That is like saying that all Irish are alcoholics, and although there are some that are, it's more due to the cultural popularity of drinking in their history and not at all because of their race. Race has never been proven to be a factor in addiction, which is a fact that doctors and addiction specialists subscribe to.

with alladat said

have you ever been to/lived in the GHETTO

a BLACK ONE seen addiction in spurts and waves

ive seen it EVERYGOTDAMN DAY all of my life

all those addiction studies are catered to WHITE people

i grew up in the crack when me and my cousins thought the was smoking ajax

all of my uncles n aunts are fiends n alcoholics .....ALL OF THEM...and half of my cousins...... BOTH SIDES OF THE FAM

with white people its a condition/disorder

wit US....its expected, mocked, laughed at and most importantly IGNORED

you have no IDEA



Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 06:17:09 PM


no matter what.....whatever whatever

still my favorite skater
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 06:22:25 PM
After that long ass explanation on all that, I'd just like to add that Keenan was an amazing skateboarder. I could watch someone like him or Kalis switch crooked grind anything and be more amazed than what's mostly going on in skateboarding today. Maybe I'm just old and washed up, but I would much rather watch older videos that have that clean aesthetic of style over counting the number of stairs some kid on youtube hucked himself down the other day. Especially towards the end, all of that switch skating that Keenan did was remarkable and way ahead of its time. I know people give skaters like Sammy Baptista a hard time about that shit and say that he's lying about his stance, but Keenan was real with his. Even though skating is still crazy today, the type of progression that Keenan brought to the table is unique to him and very hard to come by.

im old too

relatively neway

i agree with this whole joint

im still trippin off 20 shot

Keenan Milton - 20 Shot Sequence (
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: LESBIAN on July 07, 2013, 06:30:51 PM
lol depression isn't "real"
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 06:48:08 PM
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thats denial


YES...yes the fuck it is

it is worse for BLACK PEOPLE

although addiction doesnt discriminate.....most of us are either born into or prone to it

you have no fucking clue

no disrepect just have no clue...................NONE

No disrespect taken, I enjoy reading your opinions on this board. However, it's apparent that you're the one that lacks the basic understanding of addiction. It sounds like you aren't speaking from experience, which is a good thing for you since I would never wish the disease of addiction on anyone. Scientifically there is no evidence of blacks having a predisposition to addiction, just like they don't have a predisposition to crime or anything else that is stereotypically negative. You are right in the sense that some are born with genetics that predispose them to addiction, but that has to do more so with the habits of those in their family tree. Each persons lineage that has the disease of addiction is unique to the degree that their ancestors had succumbed to the disease, which manipulates their unique genetic code to react in a susceptive fashion once they experience drugs or alcohol themselves. That is like saying that all Irish are alcoholics, and although there are some that are, it's more due to the cultural popularity of drinking in their history and not at all because of their race. Race has never been proven to be a factor in addiction, which is a fact that doctors and addiction specialists subscribe to.

with alladat said

have you ever been to/lived in the GHETTO

a BLACK ONE seen addiction in spurts and waves

ive seen it EVERYGOTDAMN DAY all of my life

all those addiction studies are catered to WHITE people

i grew up in the crack when me and my cousins thought the was smoking ajax

all of my uncles n aunts are fiends n alcoholics .....ALL OF THEM...and half of my cousins...... BOTH SIDES OF THE FAM

with white people its a condition/disorder

wit US....its expected, mocked, laughed at and most importantly IGNORED

you have no IDEA



I'd guess you're probably in your mid to late 20's, maybe a bit older. I can understand exactly where you're coming from, I'm not going to Gipper this whole thing and speak from an isolated perspective that has been contrived from studies and documentaries. As you are, I am speaking from experience. Growing up in a ghetto black neighborhood, smelling the aroma of burning rubber in the air and seeing broken hypodermic needles on the curb is something I see everyday. Most of the people I came up with in life are either dead, in jail or career junkies looking for their next fix. Addiction flows freely in my family, my friends, my enemies and acquaintances. We could probably trade hood stories back and forth to the point where my post level makes me a Slap Pal, but I say that to say this. The reason why you think it is different for blacks is because there is an element of racism that is imbedded in your train of thought when analyzing this. You grew up around racism, I'm sure it's what you saw first hand so that explains why you feel the way you do. Racists do treat blacks with the disease of addiction with mockery and a cold shoulder, I've seen it just as you have. But just because those racists have deemed it so, doesn't mean that it actually is. If you take away the element of racism away from it, addiction as just as much of a treatable disease in blacks as it is in whites, and it is one that both races can equally grow into progressive, drug free individuals that are bigger than how they look on the outside. If you take away the social treatment that blacks have gone through when it comes to addiction, the fundamentals are all the same for everyone. Like everything else in this world, it is bigger than some simpletons that group & stereotype because their shallow aptitude prohibits them from recognizing the similarities that we as individuals share. It sucks that their influence has you believing that you're disenfranchised due to your skin, that's what they want you to believe so you won't exercise your true potential and out-shine them.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 06:52:03 PM
lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Sarcasm on July 07, 2013, 07:04:54 PM
lol depression isn't "real"

Only if you have no heart.
R.I.P Keenan (

(Filmed by Ty Evans)
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 07:07:54 PM
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thats denial


YES...yes the fuck it is

it is worse for BLACK PEOPLE

although addiction doesnt discriminate.....most of us are either born into or prone to it

you have no fucking clue

no disrepect just have no clue...................NONE

No disrespect taken, I enjoy reading your opinions on this board. However, it's apparent that you're the one that lacks the basic understanding of addiction. It sounds like you aren't speaking from experience, which is a good thing for you since I would never wish the disease of addiction on anyone. Scientifically there is no evidence of blacks having a predisposition to addiction, just like they don't have a predisposition to crime or anything else that is stereotypically negative. You are right in the sense that some are born with genetics that predispose them to addiction, but that has to do more so with the habits of those in their family tree. Each persons lineage that has the disease of addiction is unique to the degree that their ancestors had succumbed to the disease, which manipulates their unique genetic code to react in a susceptive fashion once they experience drugs or alcohol themselves. That is like saying that all Irish are alcoholics, and although there are some that are, it's more due to the cultural popularity of drinking in their history and not at all because of their race. Race has never been proven to be a factor in addiction, which is a fact that doctors and addiction specialists subscribe to.

with alladat said

have you ever been to/lived in the GHETTO

a BLACK ONE seen addiction in spurts and waves

ive seen it EVERYGOTDAMN DAY all of my life

all those addiction studies are catered to WHITE people

i grew up in the crack when me and my cousins thought the was smoking ajax

all of my uncles n aunts are fiends n alcoholics .....ALL OF THEM...and half of my cousins...... BOTH SIDES OF THE FAM

with white people its a condition/disorder

wit US....its expected, mocked, laughed at and most importantly IGNORED

you have no IDEA




I'd guess you're probably in your mid to late 20's, maybe a bit older. I can understand exactly where you're coming from, I'm not going to Gipper this whole thing and speak from an isolated perspective that has been contrived from studies and documentaries. As you are, I am speaking from experience. Growing up in a ghetto black neighborhood, smelling the aroma of burning rubber in the air and seeing broken hypodermic needles on the curb is something I see everyday. Most of the people I came up with in life are either dead, in jail or career junkies looking for their next fix. Addiction flows freely in my family, my friends, my enemies and acquaintances. We could probably trade hood stories back and forth to the point where my post level makes me a Slap Pal, but I say that to say this. The reason why you think it is different for blacks is because there is an element of racism that is imbedded in your train of thought when analyzing this. You grew up around racism, I'm sure it's what you saw first hand so that explains why you feel the way you do. Racists do treat blacks with the disease of addiction with mockery and a cold shoulder, I've seen it just as you have. But just because those racists have deemed it so, doesn't mean that it actually is. If you take away the element of racism away from it, addiction as just as much of a treatable disease in blacks as it is in whites, and it is one that both races can equally grow into progressive, drug free individuals that are bigger than how they look on the outside. If you take away the social treatment that blacks have gone through when it comes to addiction, the fundamentals are all the same for everyone. Like everything else in this world, it is bigger than some simpletons that group & stereotype because their shallow aptitude prohibits them from recognizing the similarities that we as individuals share. It sucks that their influence has you believing that you're disenfranchised due to your skin, that's what they want you to believe so you won't exercise your true potential and out-shine them.


we are disenfranchised

it is documented

we have it worse all day everyday

we as a people are pinned in a corner

to the point where yall aint even got to do it no more

we do it....then rap, brag, n laugh about it

are people have been juxed

please believe black people are suffering at a rate in america that no white man in current times will ever understand

the potential is killed at birth

there is NO comparing white boy suffering with ours

if you are a white addict thats on you

if you are a black addict....thats just what you were born to be

you have no can wax poetic till sunlight

but you will always be white and winning

even the blacks that are winning are still losing at the same damn time

your white...youll be alright

just like most of keenans "friends"
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 07:08:06 PM (
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 07:26:09 PM
Just because I'm not saying nigga every other sentence and I watch my grammar on message boards doesn't mean I'm white. Don't try to down play me because you can't see my skin color through your computer. I'm older and grown now, so no more ignorant shit for me. No more Jordans, no more selling drugs, no more wearing ignorant jewelry that will depreciate quicker than the value of the dollar itself, and most importantly no more letting myself believe that I am born to fail. I don't give a fuck what color you are, be purple with teal hair for all I care, each one of us can choose to get out of the hood just as much as we can choose to stay there. As a black person, I really hope that this whole mind state of accepting failure as your destiny is not something you will keep as your outlook on how things can be for you. White privilege does exist, I'll give you that, but it is a new day my brother. Is it harder for us to get out from under the situation we've been accustomed to living than it is for someone with fair skin and a trust fund? Maybe. But that doesn't mean that we are not the creators of our own universe, we have the power to make things better for ourselves. My best friend had the same mentality as you, thinking that since we're just treated as ignorant niggas all our lives means that we must live the life of an ain't shit nigga. I have tried to transition him from hustling dope and crack to a legitimate business that would be lucrative for him, but because he thought like you he's sitting in a cell right now for being caught with 3 high powered assault rifles. B and C felonies b, that man is my heart and I probably won't see him in the free world for the next 10-15 years, sitting in there talking about how the illuminati designed all this for us so he can accept his fate as an ain't shit nigga. I'm doing fine with mine though, I'm living well. Like I said brother, you can grow up and become the person that you deserve to be and plot your own course, or you can live the stereotypes they give you and let them decide how you should live. Either way, I'm living.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 07:34:05 PM
Next you're going to tell me that we're predisposed to eating watermelon, smoking Newports and not being able to commit to our Earth and run off with the next bitch. You think grape flavored Black and Milds would be the shit, don't you? I mean why not, the only way we can get out of the hood is if we rap or tap dance for white America or if we play ball well enough for some white professional team owner to own us through contracts right? Or how about we just cook up a kilo and get stupid paid because Meek Mill screamed it at us over some Rick Ross track, because they're both about that life right? They're in the streets getting shot at and selling poison to our people, so we should do it too.

You can let other people tell you what we should be, but I'd rather die trying to get out my own way than to live how they expect me to. I'm sorry, but I am not that guy. You can let yourself be, but I'm not trying to sit in the back of the bus.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: ROCKxADIO420 on July 07, 2013, 07:41:25 PM
switch flip
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 08:13:52 PM
Just because I'm not saying nigga every other sentence and I watch my grammar on message boards doesn't mean I'm white. Don't try to down play me because you can't see my skin color through your computer. I'm older and grown now, so no more ignorant shit for me. No more Jordans, no more selling drugs, no more wearing ignorant jewelry that will depreciate quicker than the value of the dollar itself, and most importantly no more letting myself believe that I am born to fail. I don't give a fuck what color you are, be purple with teal hair for all I care, each one of us can choose to get out of the hood just as much as we can choose to stay there. As a black person, I really hope that this whole mind state of accepting failure as your destiny is not something you will keep as your outlook on how things can be for you. White privilege does exist, I'll give you that, but it is a new day my brother. Is it harder for us to get out from under the situation we've been accustomed to living than it is for someone with fair skin and a trust fund? Maybe. But that doesn't mean that we are not the creators of our own universe, we have the power to make things better for ourselves. My best friend had the same mentality as you, thinking that since we're just treated as ignorant niggas all our lives means that we must live the life of an ain't shit nigga. I have tried to transition him from hustling dope and crack to a legitimate business that would be lucrative for him, but because he thought like you he's sitting in a cell right now for being caught with 3 high powered assault rifles. B and C felonies b, that man is my heart and I probably won't see him in the free world for the next 10-15 years, sitting in there talking about how the illuminati designed all this for us so he can accept his fate as an ain't shit nigga. I'm doing fine with mine though, I'm living well. Like I said brother, you can grow up and become the person that you deserve to be and plot your own course, or you can live the stereotypes they give you and let them decide how you should live. Either way, I'm living.

so you are black

why you aint been said that

you CANT believe that bullshit

maybe as a black person in DENIAL and catering to crakkkas you can

but as brotha there is NO FUCKING WAY fucking way

you prolly surrounded by crakkkas and live n a bubble of fucknigga bullshit......apoligizing to white people for the fuck ups who look just like you

fuck you and fuck them

and how you know you older than me


we coulda built on some real shit

who talkin bout the illuminati tho

i have sat in a cell......but not in a minute tho

and All Day I Dreamed About Skatboarding.....adidas nigga

you mos def aint no brotha of mines

we ont even know each other

how in the madass fuck do you know what MY mentality is

i will give you a glimpse tho

fuck you...fuck your best friend and the cage he lives in....fuck your feelings.....and fuck the crakkkas you cater too


real can believe erything is all good and equal if you want


you are the STEREOTYPE no matter WHAT

i ont cater to in my own lane
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 07, 2013, 08:20:51 PM
Next you're going to tell me that we're predisposed to eating watermelon, smoking Newports and not being able to commit to our Earth and run off with the next bitch. You think grape flavored Black and Milds would be the shit, don't you? I mean why not, the only way we can get out of the hood is if we rap or tap dance for white America or if we play ball well enough for some white professional team owner to own us through contracts right? Or how about we just cook up a kilo and get stupid paid because Meek Mill screamed it at us over some Rick Ross track, because they're both about that life right? They're in the streets getting shot at and selling poison to our people, so we should do it too.

You can let other people tell you what we should be, but I'd rather die trying to get out my own way than to live how they expect me to. I'm sorry, but I am not that guy. You can let yourself be, but I'm not trying to sit in the back of the bus.

its hot outside

i would eat a whole watermelon if front of white folks....the eat chicken wings and spit the BONES at they asses
im smoking a newport righ gotdamn now

i run through bitches

cuz bitches aint WOMEN

when i meet my whole earth ima bust mad nuts in her guts and make healthy nigga or half nigga babies (merks ackin up so she on pause right now)

not only do i think grape flavored blacks would be the shit.....i would buy them wholesell and sell them on my stoop

fuck cookin can get out the hood by cooking FOOD


i sit would sit any where there is a empty seat on the BUS gotdammit

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 09:39:12 PM
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Just because I'm not saying nigga every other sentence and I watch my grammar on message boards doesn't mean I'm white. Don't try to down play me because you can't see my skin color through your computer. I'm older and grown now, so no more ignorant shit for me. No more Jordans, no more selling drugs, no more wearing ignorant jewelry that will depreciate quicker than the value of the dollar itself, and most importantly no more letting myself believe that I am born to fail. I don't give a fuck what color you are, be purple with teal hair for all I care, each one of us can choose to get out of the hood just as much as we can choose to stay there. As a black person, I really hope that this whole mind state of accepting failure as your destiny is not something you will keep as your outlook on how things can be for you. White privilege does exist, I'll give you that, but it is a new day my brother. Is it harder for us to get out from under the situation we've been accustomed to living than it is for someone with fair skin and a trust fund? Maybe. But that doesn't mean that we are not the creators of our own universe, we have the power to make things better for ourselves. My best friend had the same mentality as you, thinking that since we're just treated as ignorant niggas all our lives means that we must live the life of an ain't shit nigga. I have tried to transition him from hustling dope and crack to a legitimate business that would be lucrative for him, but because he thought like you he's sitting in a cell right now for being caught with 3 high powered assault rifles. B and C felonies b, that man is my heart and I probably won't see him in the free world for the next 10-15 years, sitting in there talking about how the illuminati designed all this for us so he can accept his fate as an ain't shit nigga. I'm doing fine with mine though, I'm living well. Like I said brother, you can grow up and become the person that you deserve to be and plot your own course, or you can live the stereotypes they give you and let them decide how you should live. Either way, I'm living.

so you are black: Yes, I am.

why you aint been said that: Because the color of my skin does not matter. I could be green and my words would still hold true.

you CANT believe that bullshit: I believe everything I said. If I didn't, I wouldn't have said it.

maybe as a black person in DENIAL and catering to crakkkas you can: Who is catering to "crakkkas" (clever kkk reference)? I certainly don't. I don't work for a white person, white people don't sign my checks, they don't pay my bills, and they don't tell me what to do. Maybe because you are self loathing and have accepted the ignorance of your situation, you're able to be told how you should act and think. I'll let you do what they tell you, I'll stay doing what I want.

but as brotha there is NO FUCKING WAY: Lets be real, aside from the police we don't get much racism thrown at us. And it is not like they are doing some Rodney King shit out there. fucking way: Yes way.

you prolly surrounded by crakkkas and live n a bubble of fucknigga bullshit......apoligizing to white people for the fuck ups who look just like you: I don't have to apologize to anyone because I haven't done anything wrong, and I don't owe anyone anything. I'm surrounded by all types of races, and I'm sure you are too since you skateboard. I'll let people like you fuck up and I won't feel sorry enough to overcompensate for their faults, but if I see a brother heading in the wrong direction I'll let them know that it doesn't have to be like that, just like what I'm telling you now.

fuck you and fuck them: All this energy would put you in a better space if it wasn't so negative.

and how you know you older than me: I don't know how old you are, I'm assuming we're probably around the same age.


we coulda built on some real shit: We are on some real shit, I'm coming to you leveled on the square to show you that you can do better if you knew better. White privilege is one thing, but clinging to the concept of being disenfranchised beyond repair because you are black is something you decided for yourself. Stay on some house nigga field nigga shit if you want, but you can also grow up and be a black man that makes his own decisions and paves his own way, without taking orders from anyone and working for "crackkkas."

who talkin bout the illuminati tho: You always come across a few inmates in jail talking about some illuminati shit. It helps them justify their reasoning behind being locked up, since they believe that the system was designed for them to fail and land up in jail even if they tried their best to work hard and outside the box to progress towards something worthwhile.

i have sat in a cell......but not in a minute tho: Good, you don't have to go back their either.

and All Day I Dreamed About Skatboarding.....adidas nigga

you mos def aint no brotha of mines: Not for anything, but I want to see other black men do well for themselves. And you can't do that unless you have a clear and positive mindset. Going into the game thinking you already lost will never provide you with the ability to win. The fight isn't fixed like you think it is.

we ont even know each other: I know you better than you think, believe me I used to hold the same train of thought as you.

how in the madass fuck do you know what MY mentality is: You've revealed that the moment you made your case for being at a loss because "we blak an deez crackkaz hate uz."

i will give you a glimpse tho

fuck you...fuck your best friend and the cage he lives in....fuck your feelings.....and fuck the crakkkas you cater too: Of course you hate yourself enough to take joy in hearing about one of your own behind bars.

I WILL NEVER cater to CRAKKKAS: Nor will I, since I refuse to work for anyone but myself and I wont let no man regardless of the color of their skin tell me how I should live.

real can believe erything is all good and equal if you want: I admitted that the playing field is not level, but the fight certainly is not fixed.


you are the STEREOTYPE no matter WHAT: Maybe the stereotype of being a self directed successful person that doesn't agree when some field niggas tell me I can't be doing what I do. Most people that are busy saying something cannot be done are often interrupted by those doing it.

i ont cater to in my own lane: Nor should you feel the need to cater to anyone. I'm telling you to be yourself, not a stereotype of what they tell us to be.

I'm not touching the rest of the ignorant black face coonery you typed afterwards, but I will say that cooking up food will put you behind the g wall before you actually get out of the hood. I don't care how many white boys are poking their veins with their parents money, it seems like the quicker that shit moves out the hood the quicker the boys come in the hood to make sure that we stop eating from all that.

Be yourself is all I am saying, stop trying to be Super Nigga and stop believing that we have to be ignorant because we are already coming into the game a few points behind. I'm sure you are old enough to understand how you should show and prove with yours, so start building something real instead of making excuses as to why you can't. Pulling out the race card never gave niggas free throws.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 07, 2013, 09:46:33 PM
You gonna die waiting for your 40 acres brother. Just get it how you can without all that negative shit.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 08, 2013, 04:25:24 AM
40 acres

da fuck im sposed to do wit that

i dont got time to mowing all that shit

and if i tried to grow herbs i would be on the local news before the first light cycle

shout out to KEENAN tho

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: 360 frip on July 08, 2013, 06:25:14 AM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.

Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 01:19:13 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.

You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.

And joebudden, the ignorance you just shat out all over this topic makes me feel like there is no way in hell you can be black. Either you are a white/ asian kid going for some internet hood points, or you accidentally came to this forum when you were really trying to log onto
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 08, 2013, 02:17:38 PM
slap is the worldstarhiphop of skateboarding
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 03:05:17 PM
If that was true, then you and I would be going back and forth about how the white man smells like wet dog, fucks his sister, was genetically manufactured 600 years ago by Yakob, and how the black man will reclaim the planet once we join together to destroy the illuminati slave masters. Even though one of those things may be true, I still have yet to see it touted all over Slap.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Yu Dum on July 08, 2013, 03:28:22 PM
This has turned from a very respectful thread about a great talent that left this Earth too early to this trainwreck of nonsense of people believing that they are supposed to live up to the stereotypical bullshit that people have assigned to them.
Just let it end and continue spreading respect for Keenan, please. Thank you.
R.I.P. Keenan. You are missed dearly.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: joebudden on July 08, 2013, 03:53:30 PM
If that was true, then you and I would be going back and forth about how the white man smells like wet dog, fucks his sister, was genetically manufactured 600 years ago by Yakob, and how the black man will reclaim the planet once we join together to destroy the illuminati slave masters. Even though one of those things may be true, I still have yet to see it touted all over Slap.


plus they are born with tails
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 04:37:01 PM
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If that was true, then you and I would be going back and forth about how the white man smells like wet dog, fucks his sister, was genetically manufactured 600 years ago by Yakob, and how the black man will reclaim the planet once we join together to destroy the illuminati slave masters. Even though one of those things may be true, I still have yet to see it touted all over Slap.


plus they are born with tails

Don't forget about their genes being spliced with a pigs genes, which is why they sweat how they do.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 04:41:14 PM
This has turned from a very respectful thread about a great talent that left this Earth too early to this trainwreck of nonsense of people believing that they are supposed to live up to the stereotypical bullshit that people have assigned to them.
Just let it end and continue spreading respect for Keenan, please. Thank you.
R.I.P. Keenan. You are missed dearly.

Just don't do what they expect you to do and you're good money. (

I know a lot of people are on some Keenan Forever shit, but I sometimes question how much they really appreciate his skating. When Girl/ Chocolate put out Keenan Forever shirts and had it written on their grip tape, it seemed like more people started to jump on the band waggon then as opposed to when he was alive putting it down. My man was ahead of his time even more so than Koston and them.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Fake Tits on July 08, 2013, 05:00:16 PM
wow.  this thread is crazy like.

didnt expect all this when clicking on "Keenan"

im white, middle class, and BOTH sides of my family suffer badly from substance abuse (alcohol. meth and funk wasnt really here back then), depression and suicide.  so i dont think its a black thing.  but what do i know.

i expect both of you to say something along the lines of "shut up cracker" so whatever.

RIP to Keenan and Justin.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 05:03:40 PM
wow.  this thread is crazy like.

didnt expect all this when clicking on "Keenan"

im white, middle class, and BOTH sides of my family suffer badly from substance abuse (alcohol. meth and funk wasnt really here back then), depression and suicide.  so i dont think its a black thing.  but what do i know.

i expect both of you to say something along the lines of "shut up cracker" so whatever.

RIP to Keenan and Justin.

Don't worry, you are good money.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: LESBIAN on July 08, 2013, 05:46:10 PM
tell us more about the pigmen
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 06:27:09 PM ( (
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: 360 frip on July 08, 2013, 06:39:49 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.

Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 06:57:13 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.


Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.

It isn't about one person curing the world. It's about each person curing themselves. Psychotherapy? Why? So I can rely on some doctor to prescribe medication and drive a Mercedes with my hard earned money? I'd rather step back, put things into perspective and empower myself. The psychotherapist can not do that for you, but you can do it for yourself. Stop making excuses as to why you are so sad and underachieving, that kind of thinking got you where you are in the first place.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Fake Tits on July 08, 2013, 07:06:38 PM
^^ i took me until my 30's to understand this.

i heart SLAP.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: 360 frip on July 08, 2013, 07:21:17 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.


Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.


It isn't about one person curing the world. It's about each person curing themselves. Psychotherapy? Why? So I can rely on some doctor to prescribe medication and drive a Mercedes with my hard earned money? I'd rather step back, put things into perspective and empower myself. The psychotherapist can not do that for you, but you can do it for yourself. Stop making excuses as to why you are so sad and underachieving, that kind of thinking got you where you are in the first place.

You sound like a cheap self help book.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 07:28:38 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.


Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.


It isn't about one person curing the world. It's about each person curing themselves. Psychotherapy? Why? So I can rely on some doctor to prescribe medication and drive a Mercedes with my hard earned money? I'd rather step back, put things into perspective and empower myself. The psychotherapist can not do that for you, but you can do it for yourself. Stop making excuses as to why you are so sad and underachieving, that kind of thinking got you where you are in the first place.

You sound like a cheap self help book.

And you sound like a self loathing under achiever that cannot get out from under himself. Quit trying to rationalize why you aren't living how you want to & be about that life instead, or go waste your money with some "professional" that will never be able to do for you what you should be doing for yourself.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 07:30:31 PM
^^ i took me until my 30's to understand this.

i heart SLAP.

Never too late to do something good for yourself. Glad you're living life on your terms.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: LESBIAN on July 08, 2013, 07:55:40 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.


Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.


It isn't about one person curing the world. It's about each person curing themselves. Psychotherapy? Why? So I can rely on some doctor to prescribe medication and drive a Mercedes with my hard earned money? I'd rather step back, put things into perspective and empower myself. The psychotherapist can not do that for you, but you can do it for yourself. Stop making excuses as to why you are so sad and underachieving, that kind of thinking got you where you are in the first place.

HOLD ON a minute, medication CAN help you, a great deal
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: 360 frip on July 08, 2013, 07:56:16 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.


Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.


It isn't about one person curing the world. It's about each person curing themselves. Psychotherapy? Why? So I can rely on some doctor to prescribe medication and drive a Mercedes with my hard earned money? I'd rather step back, put things into perspective and empower myself. The psychotherapist can not do that for you, but you can do it for yourself. Stop making excuses as to why you are so sad and underachieving, that kind of thinking got you where you are in the first place.

You sound like a cheap self help book.

And you sound like a self loathing under achiever that cannot get out from under himself. Quit trying to rationalize why you aren't living how you want to & be about that life instead, or go waste your money with some "professional" that will never be able to do for you what you should be doing for yourself.

Haha! Thank you for your expert diagnosis.I'm quite happy with my circumstances. I'm just not arrogant enough to think that my naive and simplistic pseudo philosophical ramblings could be a fix all for people with real mental issues. People can still suffer from depression and be "successful." Go and read some more Chicken Soup for the Soul.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 08:35:56 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.


Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.


It isn't about one person curing the world. It's about each person curing themselves. Psychotherapy? Why? So I can rely on some doctor to prescribe medication and drive a Mercedes with my hard earned money? I'd rather step back, put things into perspective and empower myself. The psychotherapist can not do that for you, but you can do it for yourself. Stop making excuses as to why you are so sad and underachieving, that kind of thinking got you where you are in the first place.

You sound like a cheap self help book.

And you sound like a self loathing under achiever that cannot get out from under himself. Quit trying to rationalize why you aren't living how you want to & be about that life instead, or go waste your money with some "professional" that will never be able to do for you what you should be doing for yourself.

Haha! Thank you for your expert diagnosis.I'm quite happy with my circumstances. I'm just not arrogant enough to think that my naive and simplistic pseudo philosophical ramblings could be a fix all for people with real mental issues. People can still suffer from depression and be "successful." Go and read some more Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Material success and achieving inner peace devoid of depression are two completely different concepts. I like how you put successful in quotations, I'm sure you did that for a reason. Don't worry, I'll let you interject more reasoning that justifies your state of being.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: 360 frip on July 08, 2013, 09:03:05 PM
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lol depression isn't "real"

The only things that are "real" are the things that you allow to exist in your mind. The creator can exercise control over what they perceive as reality and dictate whether they decide to allow depression to exist in their own state of being.

I hope your joking. I think a lot of people with depression might find your opinion self-indulgent, ignorant and pretty offensive.

RIP Keenan.


You're saying that to someone diagnosed with bipolar disorder and clinical depression. It's all about your mind state, you become what you think about.


Not really sure if one person's experience/opinion counts as consensus.

May be you could work in psychotherapy? Sounds like you could cure the world very quickly.


It isn't about one person curing the world. It's about each person curing themselves. Psychotherapy? Why? So I can rely on some doctor to prescribe medication and drive a Mercedes with my hard earned money? I'd rather step back, put things into perspective and empower myself. The psychotherapist can not do that for you, but you can do it for yourself. Stop making excuses as to why you are so sad and underachieving, that kind of thinking got you where you are in the first place.

You sound like a cheap self help book.

And you sound like a self loathing under achiever that cannot get out from under himself. Quit trying to rationalize why you aren't living how you want to & be about that life instead, or go waste your money with some "professional" that will never be able to do for you what you should be doing for yourself.

Haha! Thank you for your expert diagnosis.I'm quite happy with my circumstances. I'm just not arrogant enough to think that my naive and simplistic pseudo philosophical ramblings could be a fix all for people with real mental issues. People can still suffer from depression and be "successful." Go and read some more Chicken Soup for the Soul.

Material success and achieving inner peace devoid of depression are two completely different concepts. I like how you put successful in quotations, I'm sure you did that for a reason. Don't worry, I'll let you interject more reasoning that justifies your state of being.

What? We were talking about your views on depression. What has that got to do with me justifying my "state of being"? You should have more respect for people who suffer from mental issues, rather than prescribing your own brand of new age bullshit.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: Fake Tits on July 08, 2013, 09:18:33 PM
Man.. fuck all that noise.

just agree to disagree.

RIP Keenan.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: LESBIAN on July 08, 2013, 09:24:09 PM
RIP Justin Pierce
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: LESBIAN on July 08, 2013, 09:24:40 PM
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: jerrys_kids on July 08, 2013, 09:28:55 PM
I wish he was still alive, he was one of the best dudes. would have loved to see parts from him over the last few years, and as an added bonus if he was still around there may also be more Gino parts.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 09:30:03 PM

I totally had something that I was going to say to that other guy, but this has me way too mesmerized. Thank you for this.
Title: Re: Keenan.
Post by: J.R. on July 08, 2013, 09:32:06 PM
I wish he was still alive, he was one of the best dudes. would have loved to see parts from him over the last few years, and as an added bonus if he was still around there may also be more Gino parts.

I wish this was true. Gino has current footage, as do most of the other guys in PS. Ty did not want to use it though. Your guess is as good as mine as to where that logic came from.