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Skateboarding => Travel Guide => Topic started by: sexualhelon on July 07, 2013, 08:55:37 AM

Title: Pals in Europe
Post by: sexualhelon on July 07, 2013, 08:55:37 AM
Ay! So I'm going to be headed across the pond in a little over a month - flying into Budapest and debating on the route to take between there and Berlin where I'll be living for at least a month. The two routes I'm contemplating are Vienna - Prague - Berlin or Budapest - Krakow - Warsaw - Berlin (leaning towards this one). After Berlin I'll be in Barcelona for at least a month as well but I've got a bit of time to travel before, between, and after. If any of you guys are around between August - December it'd be rad to link up somewhere! Actually really hoping to make it to Copenhagen, Stockholm, or Reykjavik.
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: wavymins on July 07, 2013, 10:21:47 AM
i just moved to copenhagen and iv just been street skating alone id be down if ever you head up here (they have so much shit to skate here you definately should try it out)
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: Mark Renton on July 07, 2013, 10:43:34 AM
We'll be around roadtripping in north europe eventually this august so who knows  :)
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: sexualhelon on July 07, 2013, 01:26:38 PM
Oh damn! Where are you going to be roadtripping, Mark? Would definitely be sick to meet up.

Copenhagen's definitely a possibility - would love to go there especially since I've been quite into Danish films lately. I only ever had a layover there once that was long enough for me to leave the airport, grab a beer, then head back to catch my flight. I'd try and see if I have a friend of a friend or can couchsurf somewhere there though since I know it's quite expensive. We'll see but I'll definitely be between Berlin and Barcelona!

Funny story about Copenhagen though - or rather someone from there. I was in London this one Halloween and end up at this big crazy party. At that party I start talking to these two Danish girls from Copenhagen who are both wearing wolf masks and I'm really vibing with one even though I don't know what she looks like. Eventually she takes off her mask and she's a total babe. So the night goes on and we eventually go out for cigarettes, end up making out, and she comes back to my friend Arji's place. Early the next morning I had to catch a flight somewhere - honestly can't remember where since this was probably 3-4 years ago. Eventually I make it over to Bangkok though - maybe a month later - and am in one of the big shopping plazas they have there and pick up one of the skateboarding mags. There's a skateboarding photographer/interview section with Ed Templeton and it's all photos he's taken in Copenhagen and there's a photo of this girl in there. I scanned it and sent it to here - thought it was the craziest thing.
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: pica on July 07, 2013, 02:53:34 PM
I live in vienna, hit me up if you want to skate, party or need help in anyway.
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: Mark Renton on July 07, 2013, 03:24:52 PM
Oh damn! Where are you going to be roadtripping, Mark? Would definitely be sick to meet up.

We're going to hit Berlin, Copenaghen, Malmo and Amsterdam for a few days each, so there's a good chance!
Just don't expect that you're going to skate with gnarly dudes because we pretty much suck ass but beside that we're alright I guess haha
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: sexualhelon on July 07, 2013, 05:27:39 PM
Ah rad, Well I'm flying into Budapest on August 21st and so far my itinerary is open for the 2 weeks after. If we meet up and, you know, don't hate each other I'd be down to pitch in gas money if there's an extra seat otherwise I'd say shoot for a session in either Berlin or Copenhagen. You should PM your itinerary if you've sorted one out yet. Haha and no worries man, I'm not claiming to be amazing. Beer and dork tricks are way more my thing than sessions with gatorade and 20+stairs.

For sure Pica! I may pass through there after Budapest so I'll definitely let you know what's up. Thanks!
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: sexualhelon on September 04, 2013, 07:11:58 AM
Yo Pica! And also anyone else in Europe - I'm in Krakow now hanging out with a friend and was in Budapest before but I'm heading to Warsaw tomorrow for a week then I was thinking I'd rent a flat in Berlin for a bit before I go on tour (music not skateboarding). I've got about a month of free time right now then I'll have a bit after but be around Europe through November. If anyone's down to shred or just show me around I'd definitely pop over about anywhere there's a slap pal who's up for hanging out!
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: pica on September 04, 2013, 03:16:38 PM
check your pm.!
Title: Re: Pals in Europe
Post by: chillout on September 19, 2013, 01:30:21 PM
im in Barcelona til the end of December and im down for beer and dork tricks