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Skateboarding => Skate Questions => Topic started by: micky682 on August 10, 2013, 02:00:36 PM

Title: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: micky682 on August 10, 2013, 02:00:36 PM
So for about a year and a half now I had been dealing with chronic ankle pain and instability. I had 3 ankle sprains all pretty close to each other so that probably caused the problem. After an MRI, physical therapy, and multiple doctor visits I found out I have early arthritis and cysts all over the foot. I'm pretty young, 19, and am afraid of having to limit my skating or even worse, get ankle replacement surgery. Anybody have some advice or experience about something like this? Any help would be much appreciated.
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on August 10, 2013, 02:53:54 PM
Last year i did the same thing, kept spraining my ankle over and over. went to the doctor and it turns out i had a bunch of bone spurs and fragments floating around in there. I debated the same thing, i could either skate with a brace on for the rest of my life ( which sucks, no switch ability what so ever.) or get surgery and be out for a few months. I decided to go with the surgery. I skated with a brace for 3 months up until the night before my surgery. It was weird but i enjoyed skating so much more knowing that i was not going to get to do it for a while, landed tricks i never thought i could do strictly because i was enjoying skating. Got the surgery, they went in and cleaned every thing out and cut the spurs out and fixed some ligaments and such. it took about 6 months before i was skating again and about 8 months before i got any sort of switch control back. im glad i got the surgery because now my ankle feels fine ( a majority of the days when its not raining). if you opt for the surgery be sure to take time to let it heal properly, go to your physical therapy and take it very seriously. listen to your doctor when he tells you its ok to skate give it another week. this was about two years ago and my ankle is still doing fine. there was a slight loss in mobility but nothing too bad to really bitch about, t least i can skate fine. im 27 and i bounced back fine your 19 you will be fine. take some Gluchoseimine Condrotin ( doubt i spelled that right)for cartilage help and Neproxin Sodium (alive) daily for the pain. Hope this helped, Also make sure your doctor is a sports specialist the actually want you to skate and enjoy it at least in my experience 
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: micky682 on August 10, 2013, 05:04:39 PM
Thanks for the advice MOE, I have been looking into surgery even though my doctor keeps telling me that is the last last option he wants to try. So far he wants me to try pt, steroid shots, and a new type of laser therapy they want to test out on me. Being a hypochondriac and all I've researched many types of ankle surgeries and the one Joey Pepper got the Modified Brostrom sounds like something that could help my laxity and instability. I'm also still apart of my family's health care plan, so any decision for surgery would have to be ran through by my very worrisome mom.
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on August 10, 2013, 05:42:50 PM
No worries, glad i can help, take full advantage of that insurance while you can for sure.
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: micky682 on August 12, 2013, 04:03:03 PM
Went to a physical therapist today, all he did was put some needles in my calf for the arthritis. He went on to tell me to stop skateboarding, look for another hobby, and to grow up. I left without saying a word, gonna have to find a sports specialist who actually wants to help me go back into skating.
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: MOE SYZLAK on August 12, 2013, 08:31:04 PM
For real dude? Fuck that mark! get a sports specialist for sure. Guy is probably bitter cause some skater in highschool fucked his mom or girlfriend or both.
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: Julio on February 22, 2017, 11:23:26 AM
I have a similar problem.... can you train now after surgery? I have a similar problem and don't know what to do.

Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: Betaphenylethylalamine on February 22, 2017, 05:30:35 PM
Glucosamine and chondroitin work well but it works waaa?y better with MSM

Also fish oil

And for true arthritis, get a cannabis card and get some CBD oil that suits amazing for arthritis

Keep healthy and shredding guys!
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: eranka on March 04, 2017, 10:30:12 AM
Went to a physical therapist today, all he did was put some needles in my calf for the arthritis. He went on to tell me to stop skateboarding, look for another hobby, and to grow up. I left without saying a word, gonna have to find a sports specialist who actually wants to help me go back into skating.
Wow. thats one shitty therapist.
Youre 19 and how long ago was your injury? its kinda hard for me to believe that you have arthritis, ive heard alot of people claim OA because they didnt understand the doctor language\the doctor told them its arthritis because it a simpler diagnosis to understand. it could be that your ankle is an acute state right now with inflamations and tissue damage not healing right, and muscle\proprioceptive loss after the injury not helping the mechanics of the ankle and by that slowing the healing. its hard to know without reviewing the entire story and running all the tests and imaging you have.
i would advise you finding a sports specialits, consult another doctor and read up on the diagnosis and orthpedic tests they ran on your ankle.
but find a sports specialist.
 alot of therapists shouldnt even be therapists, knowing anatomy and physiology is nothing if youre crushing a patient mentally with saying like "there is zero chance you can do your thing anymore". you can always find different modifications to let someone enjoy the stuff they like, even if they are 100% fucked. 
sorry to hear that man but there is always hope :) im sure youll be back on your board one way or another
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: perverted super otaku! on March 04, 2017, 01:56:56 PM
For real dude? Fuck that mark! get a sports specialist for sure. Guy is probably bitter cause some skater in highschool fucked his mom or girlfriend or both.
Gotta agree, sounds like a complete kook, all the best man!
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: tom on March 05, 2017, 12:24:53 AM
I'm coming up on three years since I've shattered my fibula. I've had two surgeries already, but still have a plate and 11 screws in my left ankle. I can push around, but can tell when I go down to pop that it just isn't ready yet. I have no clue what to do about it. Physical therapy and the gym only got me so far. My street skating days are probably long behind me forever at this point. I'm cool with wearing kneepads and sliding out on transition if it means I can skate again. Anyone have any advice on that one? Is a sports medicine doctor going to help me? Am I just completely fucked?
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: eranka on March 05, 2017, 09:31:44 AM
3 years? do you have range of motion loss? did you break the articular surface? pointing your toes down and up is symmetrical on both legs? can you squat? and how far down can you squat?
thats a good start- (
but i think youre past this stage, you should be working on jumping and landing and whatever

go to PT and tell them exactly whats up, exactly what positions and stances youre hurting\feeling unstable, and even show them a video of the function youre trying to work on, ollies flips and whatever,  and work specifically on those.
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: tom on March 05, 2017, 03:00:56 PM
I can point completely down, but can't point them completely up without pulling up. The Achilles is sometimes tighttoo. I use the leg press and exercise bike, but can't really run. I can push, but that's the extent of my skating. Can't figure out what it is, but whatever ligament/muscle runs up from your big toe through your shin is always stiff, too. I did six months of pt already, but I'm at about 95% range of motion. It's the other 5% that's killing me
Title: Re: Arthritis in ankle
Post by: eranka on March 06, 2017, 09:22:32 AM
running is not easy on the ankle.
buy a theraband (its those elastic bands) and work on your dorsiflexion (tie the band to something and pull it with you ankle towards you) and you got to work on plantarflexion aswell (pulling yourself up on your toes). work with a towel to passively work on your dorsiflexion and pull your toes towrads you, i would suggest even warming up or foam rolling the shit out of your calves before you do it. lunges is a good way to force your ankle towards a dorsiflexion position (look at the angle between your ankle and your shin)
that would be a good start, i guess you already did it in PT but its something you got to work on.
and go to a sports specialist, im sure with proper examination and specific excersize you can got more out of your shitty ankle. breaking your fibula has alot of influence on the ankle mechanics but if the reduction went well and everything is in place theres no reason why you shouldnt be able to run. i know dudes that broke the tibya and fibula at the same time and are back to normal, or close to it.

and just another story to emphasize how radical orthpedic doctors claims are sometimes, a 20 yo skater just sent me his diagnosis after an ankle sprain he had 7 months ago, he returned to skating a 100% and still the doctor told him yesterday that he should quit skating just from running some physical tests. if he tested my shitty ankle he would probably send me to get it operated and in a wheelchair even though im chillin with it and skating without alot of problems. all of you guys with the shitty ankles, get another opinion from a doctor that knows about sports injuries.