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General Discussion => WHATEVER => Topic started by: foureyedjim on September 26, 2013, 09:06:32 PM

Title: Mad Men
Post by: foureyedjim on September 26, 2013, 09:06:32 PM
Anyone watch this?  I'm almost done with season 4 right now.  It's basically just drama, but for some reason I'm really hooked on it
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: scorpion1001 on September 26, 2013, 09:42:50 PM
personally, i feel like the show's gone downhill and should've ended two seasons ago.  still gonna keep watching every episode though because jon hamm is a goddamn powerhouse
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: shitsandwich on September 26, 2013, 11:34:15 PM
The show is aesthetically pleasing but god damn it so boring. I watched three seasons just waiting for the interesting part to hit but it just never came
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: Thrillho on September 27, 2013, 01:10:48 AM
I like it.  It kind of wanders around aimlessly, and random stuff happens that they never really go into details on.  That's kind of life though.  The characters are really weird and interesting.

(I guess since you're only on season 4, you may not want to watch the spoilers.)

Betty jokes about rape (

Pete's kind of my hero.

Pete Campbell with prostitute. MAD MEN (
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: BuddyPal on September 27, 2013, 08:50:05 PM
Bobby used to kill it, but they been limiting his minutes

"Are we negroes?"
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: foureyedjim on September 28, 2013, 03:57:16 PM
I like it.  It kind of wanders around aimlessly, and random stuff happens that they never really go into details on.  That's kind of life though.  The characters are really weird and interesting.

(I guess since you're only on season 4, you may not want to watch the spoilers.)

Betty jokes about rape (

Pete's kind of my hero.

Pete Campbell with prostitute. MAD MEN (

Yeah that rape joke scene was really weird...

How can you like Pete? 
Him and Harry Crane are the worst, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't find their shitty personalities entertaining
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: Thrillho on September 28, 2013, 10:13:31 PM
I like Pete's personality.  Always zinging Draper, and fucking it up with girls he shouldn't even be talking to. He's kind of the hero of the show, if you ask me.  He's got the best wife too.  Would do unspeakable things to Trudy.  And she'd be down because she's an amazingly understanding wife, and the roast won't be done for another 30 minutes.

Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: scorpion1001 on September 28, 2013, 10:27:07 PM
alison brie is the most beautiful woman on this earth

watch community
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: foureyedjim on September 28, 2013, 10:29:54 PM
I like Pete's personality. �Always zinging Draper, and fucking it up with girls he shouldn't even be talking to. He's kind of the hero of the show, if you ask me. �He's got the best wife too. �Would do unspeakable things to Trudy. �And she'd be down because she's an amazingly understanding wife, and the roast won't be done for another 30 minutes.

haha damn, Trudy's got it

he's a weak lil shit whose job is to kiss ass and he loves doing it too.  He's funny, but not likable.  Also creepy with the ladies.
He's got nothing on Don though, Don just lets it go.

I dunno, I see peggy as the hero if there were to be one.  Even if she does says some stupid shit sometimes.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: Greg Road on September 29, 2013, 01:22:01 AM
First season was very intriguing - Don Drapers story was very interesting - 6 or 7 seasons later who gives a fuck. Boring.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: heritage on September 29, 2013, 11:08:24 AM
This past season was one of the show's best, with possibly some of the finest writing since the show's beginning.

It's explored a little more of the intellectual/emotional side of Don coming to grips with being a terrible father.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: LesbianPUNCH on October 01, 2013, 01:48:38 PM
Good God, in season 2 did anyone else loathe the Priest who showed up pointlessly for a number of episodes and then never again?  You think his character is going to break ground, fall from grace in a little love affair with Peggy, and then he just disappears.  Pointless and stupid.  Sort of like the writing for this show in general.  Characters you like come and go, and who gives a shit.  I'll still watch it.  I've got season 6 to catch up on.  Still waiting for Don Draper to jump out a window. 

Although the characters are entertaining and the subject matter, advertising, is depicted pretty well, there are seldom gut-wrenching moments.  More like "No, Don.  Don't do that.  Oh, you went ahead and did that.  Well, I still like you.  Your rocks glasses always look so tasty..."

I think the only moment of this show that had any emotional impact on me was when Lane Pryce committed suicide.  I liked him. 
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: foureyedjim on October 02, 2013, 01:23:15 AM
I'm part of a way into season 6 and yes, the show seems to let characters come and go quite a bit.

I wish Pryce succeeded in the carbon monoxide suicide.  The failed attempt was a bit underwhelming so the second time around wasn't as emotional as it could have been.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: LesbianPUNCH on October 02, 2013, 12:53:49 PM
Also, the most "out of left field" moment for the show thus far, and an oddly satisfying moment for some reason, was when the Brits invaded the office and dude got his foot hacked off by the riding lawn mower.  Also, Sterling puking in the lobby.  Those are the only two exciting moments of the entire show's history. 

Oh, and any scene with Joan Harris.  OOSH, that ace.  However, the show topples back down from glory any time Betty shows up. 

I feel you on Lane's first attempt at suicide.  The way it went down though was pretty tragic.  Don being all principled all of a sudden and letting Lane go like that...If Don was that idealistic in all of his life avenues, he'd probably be a decent human being.  Another aspect of the suicide that rubbed me the wrong way was the abruptness of urgency in attaining a bonus to pay off whoever for whatever.  It seemed all too convenient, and I still don't recall what Lane needed the money for exactly.    Something trivial.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: weedpop on October 02, 2013, 03:10:48 PM
Also, the most "out of left field" moment for the show thus far, and an oddly satisfying moment for some reason, was when the Brits invaded the office and dude got his foot hacked off by the riding lawn mower.  Also, Sterling puking in the lobby.  Those are the only two exciting moments of the entire show's history. 

Oh, and any scene with Joan Harris.  OOSH, that ace.  However, the show topples back down from glory any time Betty shows up. 

I feel you on Lane's first attempt at suicide.  The way it went down though was pretty tragic.  Don being all principled all of a sudden and letting Lane go like that...If Don was that idealistic in all of his life avenues, he'd probably be a decent human being.  Another aspect of the suicide that rubbed me the wrong way was the abruptness of urgency in attaining a bonus to pay off whoever for whatever.  It seemed all too convenient, and I still don't recall what Lane needed the money for exactly.    Something trivial.

It was to repay back taxes to the british government, thus avoiding a jail sentence, so no, not exactly trivial.

I recently watched the whole thing again from the beginning, and I don't really understand the complaints that the show has jumped the shark. The only significant differences I can see between the first couple of seasons and now are that the show has become a lot less stylized and more naturalistic in its aesthetic and that there is a lot more overt humour being worked into the dialogue now as compared to the first few seasons. The quality of the writing has been somewhat up and down throughout, as evidenced by that shitty/underdeveloped storyline for Peggy in season two that you already pointed out. They really missed an opportunity to play on her emotional turmoil after the abortion and her gradual break with her family/catholicism in that season, but since then she's been one of the strongest characters.

I agree that the lack of forward movement sometimes causes the show to retread the same thematic ground, but I kind of like the fact that things are presented in a more naturalistic way as opposed to a show like Breaking Bad, which pretty much has one central theme (the moral decline of Walter) fleshed out by ever more sensational and violent plot developments. No show stays good/exciting forever though, and I think that Mad Men is probably due to end in a season or two, especially given recent developments with Don's character.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: foureyedjim on April 22, 2014, 12:07:26 PM
New season has started. 
Just watched the first two episodes of season 7 last nigh (final season too, I think) and I was not disappointed.

California Pete Campbell is fucking great (still dorky as hell).
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: Smell Good on April 22, 2014, 05:29:55 PM
You guys notice how the tie widths are getting wider?
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: foureyedjim on April 22, 2014, 05:46:24 PM
You guys notice how the tie widths are getting wider?

I haven't, is that a thing that changed with the times?  I know the music has changed quite significantly though, as well as the overall mood of the characters (not as ambitious).
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: Smell Good on April 22, 2014, 05:51:07 PM
The tie width thing is subtle but things (fashion wise) get gaudier and more ridiculous as you get into the 70s.

Campbell and Roger Sterling are growing out sideburns, etc.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: Thrillho on May 12, 2014, 01:51:30 AM
That last episode was borderline Twin Peaks.
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: foureyedjim on May 12, 2014, 01:55:24 AM
disorder, everywhere
Title: Re: Mad Men
Post by: yungthug on October 04, 2014, 07:49:58 PM
So goddamn good. Can't wait for the last half of the season.