Slap MessageBoards

Skateboarding => PHOTOS/VIDEO => Topic started by: skateohio on July 04, 2014, 12:16:26 PM

Title: Dylan. HUF
Post by: skateohio on July 04, 2014, 12:16:26 PM
ABP? if so sorry (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: gingerlightning on July 04, 2014, 12:19:22 PM
Skating would've been a hell of a lot better if it wasn't in slow mo most of the time, but at least we got some tits
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Hash Slinging Slasher on July 04, 2014, 12:21:16 PM
Honestly, I've come to find it weird that he even skates. Like his style has gotten to the point where I just think of him as a full on model and his skating is part of his modeling career.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: QUIT SINNIN on July 04, 2014, 12:24:14 PM
biggest bullshit ive ever fucking seen. banish this kook. he's so talented, but every new clip of him focuses more and more about how he is 1. good looking 2. knows he's good looking 3. wants everyone in the world to know he's good looking

i can't even comprehend how big of an ego you have to have let something like that get published.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: redhatchet on July 04, 2014, 12:24:53 PM
HAHAHAHAHA. How fucking pretentious.

This is a shoe commercial. Not a fucking noire art film.

Skating amazing as always.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: shit_for_brains on July 04, 2014, 12:32:47 PM
What a fucking kook
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: able on July 04, 2014, 12:34:41 PM
I've got the weirdest boner right now...
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: seriously dude on July 04, 2014, 12:35:45 PM
Wow. That really sums up what skateboarding is all about. Bravo Mr. Rieder. Bravo.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: AnotherHardDayAtTheOffice on July 04, 2014, 12:40:40 PM
At this point, Dylan has become his own cliche.

The switch backside flip and the fs flip fakie nosemanny up the natural Euro gap were awesome though.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: busey on July 04, 2014, 12:41:48 PM
hahaha it's like he's parodying himself at this point.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: dillanharp on July 04, 2014, 12:44:01 PM
I laughed, hard, several times.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: holden caulfield on July 04, 2014, 12:44:57 PM
as if he thinks cigarretes are so cool
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: DirtyCheddarKids on July 04, 2014, 12:49:13 PM
Fun Fact: Danny Sommerfeld already Sw Fs Heelflipped up the stairs Dylan Fs Heelflips at 00:37, check the sequence.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Babby on July 04, 2014, 12:49:22 PM
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: DMH on July 04, 2014, 12:50:12 PM
Honestly, I didn't like it when Austyn and Dylan got on HUF at the same time, and I definitely don't like it now. Kind of bummed on HUF for playing into this hyper-emotional/model shit when they have one of the best teams in skateboarding.

It would be pretty interesting to show this video to Osiris/Birdhouse/Subject to Change Dylan Rieder and see what he thinks about what he would become.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Glue Reed on July 04, 2014, 12:53:31 PM
holy christ... Huf meets French New Wave cinema meets Sprockets?

i love his skating but that shit was embarrassing to watch.  it made me think of this: (

I can only imagine ronald wilson reagan, with a cigar in his mouth, laughing maniacally.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Sidewalk Funk. on July 04, 2014, 12:54:19 PM
The switch flip nose manny and switch bs flip were amazing, but also this

I laughed, hard, several times.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Iceman on July 04, 2014, 12:56:28 PM
at first i thought dylan was both of these people


good skating, but ruined (once again) by slow mo. when will they learn that we don't like it?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: kevinskoners on July 04, 2014, 12:57:52 PM
goddammit this clip emphasised all i dislike about this guy, i really hope he got some good friends who can say to his face all that he needs to hear about this bullshit approach of his. all hate to side, that switch bs flip was more than impressive. i'll be waiting blueberry type of parody based on this clip.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Julz on July 04, 2014, 01:02:18 PM
That was very fun to watch... but maybe it's because my bi-curious admiration for Rieder biased my opinion.

It's different, it's fun and you obviously take it with a grain of salt.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Hash Slinging Slasher on July 04, 2014, 01:07:16 PM
Honestly, I didn't like it when Austyn and Dylan got on HUF at the same time, and I definitely don't like it now. Kind of bummed on HUF for playing into this hyper-emotional/model shit when they have one of the best teams in skateboarding.

It would be pretty interesting to show this video to Osiris/Birdhouse/Subject to Change Dylan Rieder and see what he thinks about what he would become.
I seriously forget they're even on Huf. They've become jokes of themselves, and Austyn might as well be Dylan anyway. It's like there's the real, no bullshit Huf team and then these lame-ohs.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: waltercronkite on July 04, 2014, 01:10:17 PM
dylan. the pirate lord


at least the tricks were perfect
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: L33Tg33k on July 04, 2014, 01:13:15 PM
Fun Fact: Danny Sommerfeld already Sw Fs Heelflipped up the stairs Dylan Fs Heelflips at 00:37, check the sequence.

Doing it regular is way sicker.

How did I know there was going to be clips of him smoking and brooding the moment I clicked this thread? Dylan is such a shit person. He can't be unaware of how goddamn cheesy he is. I do like the shoes though.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: The Ghost of Lenny Kirk on July 04, 2014, 01:14:08 PM
in the gravis part the skating was first and the product and art was way secondary. this is the complete opposite. i cant believe i tried defending this guy.

great skating ruined by excessive slowmo and art (?)
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: KoRnholio8 on July 04, 2014, 01:16:29 PM
last trick was so sick even he could not manage to ride away all nonchalant
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Manolo on July 04, 2014, 01:22:45 PM
So he's a goth
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: L33Tg33k on July 04, 2014, 01:29:09 PM
So he's a goth
No fucking way. Those weren't cloves.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 04, 2014, 01:33:43 PM
So he's a goth
nah, he's permanently stuck as a cop staying up all night pondering his life choices on the day his partner got shot and killed.

Didn't watch the video, but was curious about the response. Don't think I'm going to watch it. Instead I'll be...
ronald wilson reagan, with a cigar in his mouth, laughing maniacally.

And Iceman, jesus christ, that's an Ad Populum argument. I hope someday we can have an honest discussion about this, but until then you have a lot of maturing to do
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Budo on July 04, 2014, 01:49:42 PM
I read all the negative comments before I watched it and that might have just made me want to be a contrarian, but I liked it for being different.  He is probably fully aware most skaters are going to think it is laughable, and I respect that he did it despite that, or maybe in spite of us hahah.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: TMKF on July 04, 2014, 01:57:27 PM
Dylan is who he is, a great skateboarder and a strange guy. I personally thought it was very Dylan and the fact that it was all his idea and he directed it is sick, and even sicker that HUF gives him the freedom to do whatever he wants. The black and white, the slow motion, the filming, the music, the naked chick?it was all very theatrical. Was it my ideal skate shoe commercial that got me psyched to go skate? No. However the footage was enjoyable none the less, and its obviously what Dylan wanted and that's what matters. Dude rips, I honestly can't hate on him, I suppose understand the hate but not quite the extent of it.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Iceman on July 04, 2014, 01:57:44 PM
And Iceman, jesus christ, that's an Ad Populum argument. I hope someday we can have an honest discussion about this, but until then you have a lot of maturing to do

your logical fallacy is:

False Cause - This fallacy is committed when the conclusion rests on the presumption of a causal link between two phenomena, when in fact all that has been shown is a correlation.

thank you, come again!
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Rockin Robbin on July 04, 2014, 01:57:55 PM
Parody or not, that switch backside flip was fucking gnarly.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: tom on July 04, 2014, 02:02:02 PM
i'm gonna be the guy that just comes out and says that was fucking awesome. i seriously enjoyed that. putting that edit out there is one of the ballsiest things dylan has done yet
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: carbonite on July 04, 2014, 02:11:37 PM
cooler than that  p-rod 8 commercial
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Paul Cicero on July 04, 2014, 02:17:13 PM
The guys one of the best skaters in the world right now for sure... Why does he have to be so gay about it?
We get it Dylan, we get it.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: jimi420 on July 04, 2014, 02:19:50 PM
"Skateboarding is individualistic and you can do what you want and express what you want... besides that shit. Just stick to cellar doors, rails, and ledges with a bad brains soundtrack" sums up this thread. I'm hyped that this isn't the normal thing you'd see on thrasher. I might not buy the shoe (unless Ripped Laces gives it a good review) but dude is doing it exactly how he feels. fuck all y'all.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 04, 2014, 02:23:57 PM
"Skateboarding is individualistic and you can do what you want and express what you want... besides that shit. Just stick to cellar doors, rails, and ledges with a bad brains soundtrack" sums up this thread. I'm hyped that this isn't the normal thing you'd see on thrasher. I might not buy the shoe (unless Ripped Laces gives it a good review) but dude is doing it exactly how he feels. fuck all y'all.
Where in the thread did you read that? Some people just think shitty art is shitty. Art works that way too, do want you want, but if you are going to display it, and it sucks, people might criticize it. Your argument might as well be for Nate Sherwood or Todd Falcon. The same exact words could work.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: shit_for_brains on July 04, 2014, 02:31:00 PM
You stupid assholes are making me agree with Gip and that makes me hate you even more.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Vibes of skating rocks on July 04, 2014, 02:32:01 PM
biggest bullshit ive ever fucking seen. banish this kook. he's so talented, but every new clip of him focuses more and more about how he is 1. good looking 2. knows he's good looking 3. wants everyone in the world to know he's good looking

i can't even comprehend how big of an ego you have to have let something like that get published.

IT is just doing something different. If you knew him you would know he is far from egotistical. He and his sponsors know what draws attention and they play of that.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: coneklr on July 04, 2014, 02:37:04 PM
I don't really care for all of the art stuff when watching a skate shoe ad but that ( and the slow motion aside ), I really enjoyed the skating and if it wasn't in slow-mo I even think the arm thing is less pronounced in this than prior clips.  Overall, I back it and will buy the shoe and resell for more, like every pair of Dylan's I've had except the ones I actually skated.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Hercules Rockefeller on July 04, 2014, 02:51:20 PM
"Skateboarding is individualistic and you can do what you want and express what you want... besides that shit. Just stick to cellar doors, rails, and ledges with a bad brains soundtrack" sums up this thread. I'm hyped that this isn't the normal thing you'd see on thrasher. I might not buy the shoe (unless Ripped Laces gives it a good review) but dude is doing it exactly how he feels. fuck all y'all.

dont talk shit on bad brains.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Getty on July 04, 2014, 03:13:44 PM
AA has this phrase I always liked: "take what you need - leave the rest." So with this, I happily take the switch manny line, the ender & a couple other tricks & leave the rest.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Young Satchel on July 04, 2014, 03:26:35 PM
AA has this phrase I always liked: "take what you need - leave the rest." So with this, I happily take the switch manny line, the ender & a couple other tricks & leave the rest.


Well said.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Vibes of skating rocks on July 04, 2014, 03:27:13 PM
Also the whole thing with him with his shoes off and the nude chick in the background is just an ode to one of his favorite musicians, Syd Barrett.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oyolar on July 04, 2014, 03:33:36 PM
Dylan is who he is, a great skateboarder and a strange guy. I personally thought it was very Dylan and the fact that it was all his idea and he directed it is sick, and even sicker that HUF gives him the freedom to do whatever he wants. The black and white, the slow motion, the filming, the music, the naked chick?it was all very theatrical. Was it my ideal skate shoe commercial that got me psyched to go skate? No. However the footage was enjoyable none the less, and its obviously what Dylan wanted and that's what matters. Dude rips, I honestly can't hate on him, I suppose understand the hate but not quite the extent of it.

I thought it was fine.  The skate footage was awesome and I didn't mind the art footage.  dylan. seems pretty self-aware with his stuff.  In his TSM interview he said that he was doing some different stuff with the ads for this model and he appreciated that Huf gave him the chance to do it.  I'll probably be picking up a pair of the shoes too as long as the look good in person.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Swithflip on July 04, 2014, 03:40:36 PM
Fake as fuck and over edited. Torey flip in  2 sizes in that ledge.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: pizzafliptofakie on July 04, 2014, 03:56:25 PM
I would love to see a similar edit done with somebody riding a scooter.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: pandarelated on July 04, 2014, 04:08:54 PM
wait.. what were people expecting?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on July 04, 2014, 04:10:38 PM
lol you guys think HUF has the budget to send dylan. to berlin just to film some whack shit? that was arne stein's sponsor me tape.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Coastal Fever on July 04, 2014, 04:15:28 PM
His beard is a little neck-beardy but aside from that 10/10.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: SHARPSHOOTER on July 04, 2014, 04:16:14 PM
I mean come on guys. It was a commercial, not a skate part. Of course there's weird b-roll shots. I know it comes off as corny, but its just because its on the complete opposite side of the spectrum compared to all the other skate commercials. They're all the fucking same. I don't mind something different, that's my opinion. At least the skating was good.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Fecal Matter on July 04, 2014, 04:19:58 PM
Do you even realize what youre trying to criticize? ITS A FUCKING SHOE COMMERCIAL.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: trannies and mannies on July 04, 2014, 04:25:01 PM
tried watching it but that fucking indy commercial just kept playing over and over
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: andocom on July 04, 2014, 04:30:34 PM
Better than the Stevie Williams Supra commercial at least.

Also it appears his name is now dylan as opposed to dylan. changing it up.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: dillanharp on July 04, 2014, 04:35:10 PM
lol you guys think HUF has the budget to send dylan. to berlin just to film some whack shit? that was arne stein's sponsor me tape.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: vegan*shawn on July 04, 2014, 04:39:01 PM
I thought the skating was rad, bunch of whining haters.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: landCow on July 04, 2014, 04:41:25 PM

just add skating (which was good by the way)
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: jgonzalez on July 04, 2014, 04:44:01 PM
I think he beat Berra at his editing game. #ultimatesadboy
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: jgonzalez on July 04, 2014, 04:45:33 PM
I think he beat Berra at his editing game. #ultimatesadboy
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: QUIT SINNIN on July 04, 2014, 04:49:30 PM
He should have been forgotten after Heath destroyed him in Epicly Later'd
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: smokecrack on July 04, 2014, 04:56:04 PM

just add skating (which was good by the way)

spot on. reminded me of this too

Ghost World - Mirror, Father, Mirror (

dude rips and his super pretentious image is obviously working for him. the internet goes nuts over every little thing dylan. and AO do.

they know exactly what the fuck they're doing.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: shit_for_brains on July 04, 2014, 05:20:59 PM
Knowing what you're doing, doing something different, or putting in an effort doesn't make what you're doing good.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: toque on July 04, 2014, 05:23:14 PM
haha my god that shit was dope!
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: hufs calve muscles on July 04, 2014, 05:26:46 PM
HUF just gave a drunk 12yo the keys to a 1000hp GT3 RS

That's balls.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Swithflip on July 04, 2014, 05:33:12 PM
Dylan models doesn't been sold in Gravis. Why it should happen in Huf?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: alonzohambugerjones on July 04, 2014, 05:55:07 PM
I am positive this dude put the naked girl in there to dull down the gayness a little. you would think somebody would have interventioned him on that slow motion arm shit allready, just stop cold turkey and we'll all just not mention it anymore. still would touch penises together if he asked.(pm me)
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: ice nine on July 04, 2014, 06:06:04 PM
Dylan models doesn't been sold in Gravis. Why it should happen in Huf?
pretty sure they sold extremely well. dunno where you got that from
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: bryan__7k on July 04, 2014, 06:08:26 PM
directed by Mr Rieder.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Aatila on July 04, 2014, 06:17:34 PM
i dug it
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Swithflip on July 04, 2014, 06:23:27 PM ([sub][/sub])

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oyolar on July 04, 2014, 06:45:58 PM
He should have been forgotten after Heath destroyed him in Epicly Later'd

Destroyed him by saying he was annoying when he was younger and a jerk at the Mind Field premiere while fucked on pills but since he has grown up and gotten clean, is a great skater and cool?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Kanye Omari West on July 04, 2014, 07:17:48 PM
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: LazyEinstein on July 04, 2014, 07:38:23 PM
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: brazillionaire on July 04, 2014, 08:10:44 PM
undressed dylan's shots were totally dispensable
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: ice nine on July 04, 2014, 08:19:27 PM
once again it was laughably bad stylistically, and once again the switch backside flip more then made up for it. that was fucked up how good it was.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: heckler on July 04, 2014, 08:22:21 PM
The commercial looks like something Patrick Bateman would be into, if he skated. ([sub][/sub])

What the fuck was the point of posting that? Jesus, you're the worst.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: LOU.502 on July 04, 2014, 08:27:00 PM
Dylan models doesn't been sold in Gravis. Why it should happen in Huf?
I read this out loud and laughed really hard. That clip was garbage. For some reason the shifty flip made me uncomfortable.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Tyroneshoelaces on July 04, 2014, 08:47:45 PM
It's actually impressive how incredibly shitty that was.  Equally impressive was how fucking amazing that switch backside flip was. 

The whole thing is a wash. 
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: NowhereInLife on July 04, 2014, 09:22:00 PM
Haha amazing.  Almost seems like he's trollin' fools. 
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: FrenchFuck on July 04, 2014, 09:30:46 PM
but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond
like a knife
like a mountain
like a tiger
like hemlock

their finest art
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Shitbag on July 04, 2014, 09:44:34 PM
Mugatu is having Dylan kill the prime minister of Malaysia, confirmed.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Fongstarr. on July 04, 2014, 09:59:29 PM
Watch his shoe becomes the best selling HUF model.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Julz on July 04, 2014, 10:32:49 PM
Watch his shoe becomes the best selling HUF model.

I'm still baffled at the fact that huf's pro model sold in a few days.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: TheRealDeal on July 05, 2014, 01:01:23 AM
Haha amazing.?  Almost seems like he's trollin' fools.? 
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: tangar on July 05, 2014, 01:57:50 AM
I loved the manny line and the switch backside flip because his arms stopped trying to be MJs for 3 seconds.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Budo on July 05, 2014, 01:59:34 AM
but there is genius in their hatred
there is enough genius in their hatred to kill you
to kill anybody
not wanting solitude
not understanding solitude
they will attempt to destroy anything
that differs from their own
not being able to create art
they will not understand art
they will consider their failure as creators
only as a failure of the world
not being able to love fully
they will believe your love incomplete
and then they will hate you
and their hatred will be perfect

like a shining diamond
like a knife
like a mountain
like a tiger
like hemlock

their finest art

I just re-watched the part on mute replacing it with the DJ Assassin song using that Bukowski poem.  So perfect, like The Dark Side of Oz.  

I highly recommend it, start the song one second before the commercial. (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Hercules Rockefeller on July 05, 2014, 02:13:40 AM
well, i guess that ad worked. well played.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Facehead on July 05, 2014, 02:41:40 AM
So he's a goth

Could you remix this so I can watch it without questioning my sexual identity?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Durndle on July 05, 2014, 03:42:56 AM
The Big Lebowski - Julian Moore painting scene (
his art has been commended as being strongly homoerotic. which bothers some men. the word itself makes men uncomfortable. dylan.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Candygirl on July 05, 2014, 03:47:44 AM
Fun Fact: Danny Sommerfeld already Sw Fs Heelflipped up the stairs Dylan Fs Heelflips at 00:37, check the sequence.

Off topic:
Danny?s TPDG all Kassel part was so nice. (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: jonnysheen on July 05, 2014, 04:59:51 AM
The Simpsons - Mr Plow - TV spot (

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Budo on July 05, 2014, 05:08:49 AM
I had a random thought of another song that would go better with this part, and it works so well it is creepy on all levels.  Trust me, watch the part with this song instead, so much better and funny at the same time. (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: lalala on July 05, 2014, 06:46:37 AM
^leave annie out of this

I liked the fs tail to bs booty shot
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Choad Muskrat on July 05, 2014, 06:48:44 AM
I didn't bother reading this thread, but all Dylanisms aside, that switch backside flip.... sweet mother of jeebus
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: carbonite on July 05, 2014, 06:54:27 AM (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Swithflip on July 05, 2014, 08:47:23 AM
A naked woman just for aesthetic.  This  worth a Golden Globe, not my admiration. I miss raw Dylan.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Fukd on July 05, 2014, 08:58:32 AM
I really dug this clip. It definitely takes courage to put out something so different, both in design of the shoe and aesthetic of the commercial. The skating was great, and the Syd Barrett clips fit in nicely. Not everyones cup of tea, but it certainly represents what he is into and I think thats rad. Definitely buying the all black shoes when they drop.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: stephop on July 05, 2014, 09:02:31 AM
Well at least the fakie nose wheelie to rall ass switch flip fakie manny line was sick...
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Bloody Matt on July 05, 2014, 09:13:06 AM
I think it would be hard to direct a commercial made to promote yourself without coming off as being vain. A bit of separation from director and the subject/product usually works to benefit everyone in these situations. Also, if people are talking about art on here, I guess I would reiterate what they've probably already stated in that style shouldn't push art. Content should be the thing that dictates style or else you end up with something that feels overtly contrived much like with this shoe commercial. I had a direct, skateboarding-related comparison to make here but I'm finished my coffee and don't like my collation anymore.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Glue Reed on July 05, 2014, 10:51:59 AM
It was definitely different.. and i respect and admire difference-ness.  However this was bad different... it was basically a Calvin Klein/hi-model fashion short film mixed with skateboarding, to which I say no thanks (unless Christy Turlington got involved and naked).  The only way to make it more annoying would be to mix it with some overly dramatic slo-mo.  Dag nabbit!

skating to a Creed soundtrack would be quite different, but not good different.  that's bad different.  I feel like this is the visual equivalent of that.

Anyway, Three Amigos is on tv!

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: MyUserName on July 05, 2014, 11:12:57 AM
Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Monkey_Mcpott on July 05, 2014, 11:13:55 AM
The Gravis Dylan shoe was too ahead of its time for people to get it. If that shoe came out right now people would go ape shit and buy the hell out of it versus making fun of it like they did back then.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Andrefosho on July 05, 2014, 11:35:04 AM
Whatevs. dylan. kills it on his skateboard and I don't care what he does in his spare time as long as he is off pills.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: frig deuce on July 05, 2014, 12:29:29 PM
the fact that this is already a 4 page thread on SLAP showcases the video's success.

Dylan is sick. Most REAL skaters fully respect him for his SKATING and don't really give 2 shits about how corny the video is.

Well marketed. I hope sales go thru the roof.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Schismatic on July 05, 2014, 12:52:06 PM
Skateboarders are people, hence we're different from one another. Eeryone here knows the public side of Dylan Reider and should know in advance to expect this kind of stuff from him. If you thought you'd see something less cheesy that's your mistake. It wasn't my style but I didn't expect it to be because it's not my commercial. Knowing in advance that it would be some overly artsy euro film noir type of clip I was able to set that aside and not be irritated by it.

Managing expectations is a required life skill and if you don't like something simply move on; it's a common sense approach that'll leave you more content in life.

As far as this coming from HUF, it seems like they gave the rider some creative control or at least produced it with his particular tastes/image in mind and it's probably more appealing to the type of person who wants to skate in shoes that look like wingtips. That's good marketing if you ask me and good on them for not putting out a commercial that's completely contradictory to the style of the product and the rider.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: spungo on July 05, 2014, 02:38:36 PM
he wants to leave a gender-bending aftertaste in the skateboard world.

Performance Art (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: SHARPSHOOTER on July 05, 2014, 02:51:11 PM
Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (
If only there was some sort of nut grab involved!
Title: Re: Dylan. HUFp
Post by: hufs calve muscles on July 05, 2014, 02:57:32 PM
Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (

10/10.  So rad.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: foureyedjim on July 05, 2014, 03:11:23 PM
Dylan Rieder, performance artist.

Probably the only person to look that bummed that they're putting out a pro shoe.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: gaunting on July 05, 2014, 03:17:33 PM
I didn't bother reading this thread, but all Dylanisms aside, that switch backside flip.... sweet mother of jeebus

For real.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: silkyjohnson on July 05, 2014, 04:03:56 PM
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directed by Mr Rieder.
Dylan on PBS
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Rumpleforeskin on July 05, 2014, 04:06:27 PM
Directed and written big Vincent Gallo
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: kools on July 05, 2014, 05:02:03 PM
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Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (

10/10.  So rad.

haha what a cliche

if it's mixed in with some over hip hop its digestible to everyone.
skateboarders are such squares.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: NowhereInLife on July 05, 2014, 06:00:38 PM
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directed by Mr Rieder.
Dylan on PBS

this speaks to me. gnar'd
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: dillanharp on July 05, 2014, 06:15:20 PM
Sadly, Mr. Rogers is no more, and has since been animated and turned in to a small, Asian tiger cub .
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Rockin Robbin on July 05, 2014, 06:35:00 PM
HUF just gave a drunk 12yo the keys to a 1000hp GT3 RS

That's balls.

How would you crank 1000hp out of a GT3RS? You might as well get a GT2RS and use the turbos. Fucking idiot.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Al Borland on July 05, 2014, 07:09:28 PM
I'm surprised you guys are still surprised by this dude. Like, what did you honestly expect?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Kanye Omari West on July 05, 2014, 07:18:24 PM
I'm surprised you guys are still surprised by this dude. Like, what did you honestly expect?

99% of the regular posters on SLAP are simple as fuck. They know what to expect yet pretend to hate it for the fact that they're afraid to admit they like it so they reject it because it's actually different than a lot of skate parts. This is dope, it's laughable how try hard dudes are to act like they don't fuck with it.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on July 05, 2014, 07:27:18 PM
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I'm surprised you guys are still surprised by this dude. Like, what did you honestly expect?


99% of the regular posters on SLAP are simple as fuck. They know what to expect yet pretend to hate it for the fact that they're afraid to admit they like it so they reject it because it's actually different than a lot of skate parts. This is dope, it's laughable how try hard dudes are to act like they don't fuck with it.

BUT then they'll go and buy his shoe when it drops ???
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 05, 2014, 07:32:44 PM
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Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (

10/10.  So rad.

haha what a cliche

if it's mixed in with some over hip hop its digestible to everyone.
skateboarders are such squares.
hahaha, you pretentious dork.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: 360 frip on July 05, 2014, 07:46:07 PM
I wish that had been for his new uni-sex perfume.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: chuck d on July 05, 2014, 08:26:29 PM
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Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (

10/10.  So rad.

haha what a cliche

if it's mixed in with some over hip hop its digestible to everyone.
skateboarders are such squares.
You really didn't notice that they also omitted all of the non-skateboarding clips and sped the footage back up to normal speed?
I actually like both edits, but seriously he is just as far out, but in the opposite direction as Pudwill with the arm shit.  It's kind of crazy that he is so good at skating that he can allocate that much of his attention to what his arms are doing.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: able on July 05, 2014, 08:38:52 PM
Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (
Holy shit that was rad! We should hold a Dylan HUF remix contest.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Affirmative Axion on July 05, 2014, 08:57:34 PM
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Whoever made this: bless your heart.

DYLAN | HUF - non embarrassing version (
If only there was some sort of nut grab involved!

^ yessss, this guy knows what's up regarding the song used in the Dylan remix.

I remember being ecstatic when I found this on youtube years ago. Always remembered this Stevie Williams chocolate commercial from a mid 30's 411vm:
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oyolar on July 05, 2014, 09:03:52 PM
The Gravis Dylan shoe was too ahead of its time for people to get it. If that shoe came out right now people would go ape shit and buy the hell out of it versus making fun of it like they did back then.

I'm pretty sure people did buy the hell out of dylan.'s shoe.  Even if they made fun of ot at first.  That's why it was around for so many seasons and they have him his own line (the house slipper and loafer, the boot, the vulc version, the lace-up version, etc).
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: McGooch on July 05, 2014, 09:09:54 PM
Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding. 8 pages for his firing line, 5 pages for his shoe commercial. Dude's about the aesthetic of skating more than anything else and it worked. I think he deserves SOTY based on his impact in skateboarding, and he rips. But if i had to pick a soty for gnarliest footage, probably gonna be CK1, Jaws, or Luan if he drops a part. Way to hard to predict guys from the Vans and Plan B videos.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: hufs calve muscles on July 05, 2014, 10:09:03 PM
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HUF just gave a drunk 12yo the keys to a 1000hp GT3 RS

That's balls.

How would you crank 1000hp out of a GT3RS? You might as well get a GT2RS and use the turbos. Fucking idiot.

GT3 GT2 R8 911 R35... Add a kit and get 1000hp to any car you like and then drive it into a wall you fucking jack off.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: able on July 05, 2014, 10:13:11 PM
Really missed a sick and obvious parallel by not putting the "dylan" getting scripted in the beginning, ala Stevie, and not at the end. But I like the appropriation though, an overdue nod to how, everything else aside, '14 Dylan's trick and spot selection has gotten so bizarrely and awesomely close to late '90s Stevie.
You sound stoned in this post. I can tell cause I am stoned too
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: 360 frip on July 05, 2014, 10:21:58 PM
Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding. 8 pages for his firing line, 5 pages for his shoe commercial. Dude's about the aesthetic of skating more than anything else and it worked. I think he deserves SOTY based on his impact in skateboarding, and he rips. But if i had to pick a soty for gnarliest footage, probably gonna be CK1, Jaws, or Luan if he drops a part. Way to hard to predict guys from the Vans and Plan B videos.

You totally missed the point of those Dylan threads,  they were just vehicles for the gipper's ego,  you stupid moron.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: foureyedjim on July 05, 2014, 10:33:01 PM
Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding.

Give Kim Kardashian an award too
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: McGooch on July 05, 2014, 11:22:05 PM
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Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding. 8 pages for his firing line, 5 pages for his shoe commercial. Dude's about the aesthetic of skating more than anything else and it worked. I think he deserves SOTY based on his impact in skateboarding, and he rips. But if i had to pick a soty for gnarliest footage, probably gonna be CK1, Jaws, or Luan if he drops a part. Way to hard to predict guys from the Vans and Plan B videos.

You totally missed the point of those Dylan threads,  they were just vehicles for the gipper's ego,  you stupid moron.

God damn slap is a cold place. Can't put up an honest opinion without getting bombarded with elementary name calling. Majority of slap posters just hate on everything. Probably a lot of trolling, but probably a lot of guys who just skate and then come on here and unleash every little complaint about every photo, video, skater, everything. Fuck slap.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: FCN on July 05, 2014, 11:29:23 PM
i loved this. i love dylans whole thing with cigarettes and tits and frontside heel flips up stairs.  i dig it all.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: CAPTAIN NOBODY on July 06, 2014, 01:27:46 AM
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Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding. 8 pages for his firing line, 5 pages for his shoe commercial. Dude's about the aesthetic of skating more than anything else and it worked. I think he deserves SOTY based on his impact in skateboarding, and he rips. But if i had to pick a soty for gnarliest footage, probably gonna be CK1, Jaws, or Luan if he drops a part. Way to hard to predict guys from the Vans and Plan B videos.

You totally missed the point of those Dylan threads,  they were just vehicles for the gipper's ego,  you stupid moron.

God damn slap is a cold place. Can't put up an honest opinion without getting bombarded with elementary name calling. Majority of slap posters just hate on everything. Probably a lot of trolling, but probably a lot of guys who just skate and then come on here and unleash every little complaint about every photo, video, skater, everything. Fuck slap.
I agree McGooch, I am just a nobody but i got yo back
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Andrew on July 06, 2014, 01:42:13 AM

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Beer Keg Peg Leg on July 06, 2014, 03:55:10 AM
oyolar certified dylan dickrider
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: SodaJerk on July 06, 2014, 05:41:08 AM
I laughed pretty hard when i watched this comercial. I have to believe dylan. is self aware enough to not be 100percent serious about the concept and he is playing up to it with enough pretention that it crosses over to the fashion crowd with out them knowing the difference. Knowing my wife thinks dylan. is a looker i showed it to her and she laughed hard too but then kept repeating "He's so hot" and then she suggested (kinda jokingly) that I should dress like him for her. I put on my tightest jeans, rolled them up, put on one of her V neck t shirts, a long chain around my neck, some pointy dress shoes and styled my hair dylanesque and sure enough I got some. Thanks dylan.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oyolar on July 06, 2014, 06:14:22 AM
oyolar certified dylan dickrider

Yep. I'm a huge fan.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Kanye Omari West on July 06, 2014, 06:17:38 AM
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I'm surprised you guys are still surprised by this dude. Like, what did you honestly expect?


99% of the regular posters on SLAP are simple as fuck. They know what to expect yet pretend to hate it for the fact that they're afraid to admit they like it so they reject it because it's actually different than a lot of skate parts. This is dope, it's laughable how try hard dudes are to act like they don't fuck with it.

BUT then they'll go and buy his shoe when it drops ???

I mean his shoes look good, mainly the filter or whatever were the more traditional looking ones. The zip ups honestly were ahead of their time now that I look back. They could drop tomorrow and they'd be raved over for sure. I think they should do like a re release on them for HUF. It'd be sick. The dude is arguably the most stylish person on a skateboard at this point so I'm sure people are going to cop these joints.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: conqueso on July 06, 2014, 06:23:49 AM
lol how is a skateboard shoe "ahead of it's time"...?
you fashonista skaters are really on some bullshit.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: 360 frip on July 06, 2014, 06:49:43 AM
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Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding. 8 pages for his firing line, 5 pages for his shoe commercial. Dude's about the aesthetic of skating more than anything else and it worked. I think he deserves SOTY based on his impact in skateboarding, and he rips. But if i had to pick a soty for gnarliest footage, probably gonna be CK1, Jaws, or Luan if he drops a part. Way to hard to predict guys from the Vans and Plan B videos.

You totally missed the point of those Dylan threads,  they were just vehicles for the gipper's ego,  you stupid moron.

God damn slap is a cold place. Can't put up an honest opinion without getting bombarded with elementary name calling. Majority of slap posters just hate on everything. Probably a lot of trolling, but probably a lot of guys who just skate and then come on here and unleash every little complaint about every photo, video, skater, everything. Fuck slap.
I agree McGooch, I am just a nobody but i got yo back

Do you two not realise the geniuses that you are experiencing? This is pure art.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Kanye Omari West on July 06, 2014, 06:50:41 AM
lol how is a skateboard shoe "ahead of it's time"...?
you fashonista skaters are really on some bullshit.

You clearly don't know what Accels are. It's okay. You're new.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: perverted super otaku! on July 06, 2014, 06:51:05 AM
The guy doesn't seem stupid, though the ad wasn't my thing, I think this ad is almost a jab at his own image, while still embracing it. In a lot of ways we made this ad tbh...

edit: maybe it wasnt even meant to be liked ???
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Swithflip on July 06, 2014, 07:02:12 AM
This has to be a parody.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Manolo on July 06, 2014, 07:29:44 AM
. (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: 360 frip on July 06, 2014, 07:46:15 AM
. (

You could work in fashion.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: perverted super otaku! on July 06, 2014, 09:12:09 AM
Manolo, that was fuckin awesome, it would have been rad as fuck if that was the actual ad, great stuff
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: The Ghost of Lenny Kirk on July 06, 2014, 09:12:28 AM
its still so weird watching it. i like his skating a lot but the stuff around it im a little less enthused. *this* is definitely the most transgressive thing in skating right now. definitely a huge risk because of how far it goes.

the back smith is probably the best tall smith ever because he actually stands on it and he doesn't look like hes about to shit his pants like almost everyone else who skates high stuff.

his tech game is so good he barely looks like he's skating switch sometimes or maybe you can tell because the arm flailing is at an all time low.

54 seconds of actual skating tho. not really enough to call it a part. i suppose i came in with the impression this was going to have more skating in it.

this part is kinda like 2 girls 1 cup, you know its disgusting but for some reason you keep watching.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: BuddyPal on July 06, 2014, 10:02:14 AM
yo dylan got it all, the looks, the shoes, the tricks, and he probably packs a monster in the rolled up jeans ya'feel me
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Godfrey on July 06, 2014, 11:28:23 AM
Also the whole thing with him with his shoes off and the nude chick in the background is just an ode to one of his favorite musicians, Syd Barrett.


Should of skated to this... (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: PumpkinEsc0bar on July 06, 2014, 11:33:21 AM
I'm quite the dylan fanboy but maaaan that was dumb. He's a good skater though! and I'm sure he's a babe-slayer
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Albatross on July 06, 2014, 01:25:19 PM
i like to think the message was about what is going through dylans mind when he skates

maybe when he does front tails he thinks about ass and when he does manual tricks he thinks about titties

its like reynolds "madness" but way sicker because instead of tapping his board 3 times he just has to get a mental image of a really nice pair of titties before he does a switch flip nose manny
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: ROCKxADIO420 on July 06, 2014, 01:36:53 PM
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: GeorgeHanson on July 06, 2014, 01:43:54 PM
i like to think the message was about what is going through dylans mind when he skates

maybe when he does front tails he thinks about ass and when he does manual tricks he thinks about titties

its like reynolds "madness" but way sicker because instead of tapping his board 3 times he just has to get a mental image of a really nice pair of titties before he does a switch flip nose manny

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 06, 2014, 02:20:58 PM
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Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding. 8 pages for his firing line, 5 pages for his shoe commercial. Dude's about the aesthetic of skating more than anything else and it worked. I think he deserves SOTY based on his impact in skateboarding, and he rips. But if i had to pick a soty for gnarliest footage, probably gonna be CK1, Jaws, or Luan if he drops a part. Way to hard to predict guys from the Vans and Plan B videos.

You totally missed the point of those Dylan threads,  they were just vehicles for the gipper's ego,  you stupid moron.
I didn't post in the other thread for 2 days and it stayed front page, and have barely posted in this one at all. Try again sweetheart. The Dylan fan boys are a bit obsessive. its pretty pathetic
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: hufs calve muscles on July 06, 2014, 02:36:26 PM
Manolo that edit was perfect.  You should be rich. 
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: fulltechnicalskizzy on July 06, 2014, 02:37:34 PM
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Manolo on July 06, 2014, 02:57:48 PM
Manolo that edit was perfect.  You should be rich. 

Thanks how do you know i'm unemployed?..
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: GeorgeHanson on July 06, 2014, 03:02:39 PM
I think at this point we need to call what Dylan is doing the ballet-ification of skateboarding.

And its fucking awesome. Skating should take more inspiration from high culture instead of all you fucking hesh gnar stair counting core trucker hat wearing bros and school teachers trying to keep skateboarding strictly within its parameters of pabst swilling alt-jock macho so-cal homie-dom.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Albatross on July 06, 2014, 03:09:54 PM
I think at this point we need to call what Dylan is doing the ballet-ification of skateboarding.

And its fucking awesome. Skating should take more inspiration from high culture instead of all you fucking hesh gnar stair counting core trucker hat wearing bros and school teachers trying to keep skateboarding strictly within its parameters of pabst swilling alt-jock macho so-cal homie-dom.

omg so edgy
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: dillanharp on July 06, 2014, 03:11:03 PM
I think at this point we need to call what Dylan is doing the ballet-ification of skateboarding.

And its fucking awesome. Skating should take more inspiration from high culture instead of all you fucking hesh gnar stair counting core trucker hat wearing bros and school teachers trying to keep skateboarding strictly within its parameters of pabst swilling alt-jock macho so-cal homie-dom.
Need more hyphens. -1
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: spungo on July 06, 2014, 03:16:31 PM
Only dude with his first name ONLY on a shoe.  The image is real
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: McGooch on July 06, 2014, 03:20:46 PM
Only dude with his first name ONLY on a shoe.  The image is real

Nope ( ( (

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Omamori on July 06, 2014, 03:26:53 PM
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: NowhereInLife on July 06, 2014, 03:32:53 PM
. (

haha, that was messed up.  you are talented.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: 360 frip on July 06, 2014, 06:18:04 PM
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Judging by slap, dylan. is the most popular, talked about, raved about, and hated on person in skateboarding. 8 pages for his firing line, 5 pages for his shoe commercial. Dude's about the aesthetic of skating more than anything else and it worked. I think he deserves SOTY based on his impact in skateboarding, and he rips. But if i had to pick a soty for gnarliest footage, probably gonna be CK1, Jaws, or Luan if he drops a part. Way to hard to predict guys from the Vans and Plan B videos.

You totally missed the point of those Dylan threads,  they were just vehicles for the gipper's ego,  you stupid moron.
I didn't post in the other thread for 2 days and it stayed front page, and have barely posted in this one at all. Try again sweetheart. The Dylan fan boys are a bit obsessive. its pretty pathetic

You forgot to mention the previous 5/6 pages were almost solidly you and someone else trying to outwank one another, yeah pretty pathetic.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 06, 2014, 06:20:46 PM
^ my teasing of a Dylan fanboy is irrelevant to my point. That was a different thread. This is this thread, in which the fan boys didn't need me in order for them to have their hissy fit, and they can't blame me for it. That's their overreaction to criticism, not an overabundance of criticism.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Nigga on July 06, 2014, 06:58:57 PM
^ my teasing of a Dylan fanboy is irrelevant to my point. That was a different thread. This is this thread, in which the fan boys didn't need me in order for them to have their hissy fit, and they can't blame me for it. That's their overreaction to criticism, not an overabundance of criticism.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Everett425 on July 06, 2014, 07:11:18 PM
A wise man once said "Frickin' Dylan Rieder... Pff, looks like a fairy frickin' gay-wad skater"
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 06, 2014, 07:27:53 PM
Expand Quote
^ my teasing of a Dylan fanboy is irrelevant to my point. That was a different thread. This is this thread, in which the fan boys didn't need me in order for them to have their hissy fit, and they can't blame me for it. That's their overreaction to criticism, not an overabundance of criticism.

I'm going to bow out of this thread, the idiots are starting to lash out again, I don't want my presence to detract from the focus of the thread.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: DannyDee on July 06, 2014, 07:35:53 PM
"Skateboarding is individualistic and you can do what you want and express what you want... besides that shit. Just stick to cellar doors, rails, and ledges with a bad brains soundtrack" sums up this thread. I'm hyped that this isn't the normal thing you'd see on thrasher. I might not buy the shoe (unless Ripped Laces gives it a good review) but dude is doing it exactly how he feels. fuck all y'all.
Talking like Pops fully flared part is the most loved part around here, when in actuality Pops is one of the few skaters who gets as divisive conversation on here as Dylan.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: JB on July 07, 2014, 07:50:27 AM
its like reynolds "madness" but way sicker because instead of tapping his board 3 times he just has to get a mental image of a really nice pair of titties before he does a switch flip nose manny

I wish I had more hands... (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: ttching! on July 07, 2014, 08:31:30 AM
Oh dylan., I want to quit you, but I just can't.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: sexualhelon on July 07, 2014, 11:57:26 AM
I went to the HUF site today at 7am NYC time and almost all the shoe sizes had already sold out so.... yeah. There's that.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: able on July 07, 2014, 12:08:01 PM
at $120 a pop, damn

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: coneklr on July 07, 2014, 12:16:38 PM
at $120 a pop, damn


If you're a 7, 12, or 13 you're still in luck ... looks like the $120 didn't stop that many people
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: floop on July 07, 2014, 12:26:03 PM
it reminded me of a lot of the pretentious student films i had to watch in film school.  good skating though
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Dishonest John on July 07, 2014, 12:45:05 PM
. (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: The Ghost of Lenny Kirk on July 07, 2014, 01:40:57 PM
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at $120 a pop, damn


If you're a 7, 12, or 13 you're still in luck ... looks like the $120 didn't stop that many people

haha, wtf. how do people justify that price? does it have some extra layer of TPU inside the toe or something?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: GeorgeHanson on July 07, 2014, 01:46:36 PM
Dylan is all over Does this mean him and Steve have buried the hatchet? Or does Steve Berra have no moral compass and is only guided by the dollar? You decide!
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: GAY on July 07, 2014, 03:30:12 PM
As a homosexual I have to say that this video makes homosexual men look terrible.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: GAY on July 07, 2014, 03:31:08 PM
Dylan is all over Does this mean him and Steve have buried the hatchet? Or does Steve Berra have no moral compass and is only guided by the dollar? You decide!
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: SHARPSHOOTER on July 07, 2014, 05:21:29 PM
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at $120 a pop, damn


If you're a 7, 12, or 13 you're still in luck ... looks like the $120 didn't stop that many people

haha, wtf. how do people justify that price? does it have some extra layer of TPU inside the toe or something?
All leather skate shoes are $120+, pretty sure the Adidas Busenitz in black leather was like $140, $150.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: sexualhelon on July 07, 2014, 07:05:52 PM
Also, I don't think HUF exactly had a shit ton of these made. They obviously did well if the amount they had sold out that fast but I don't think it's anywhere on par with if, say, something adidas or nike made sold out within that time frame.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Nigga on July 07, 2014, 07:18:49 PM
Also, I don't think HUF exactly had a shit ton of these made. They obviously did well if the amount they had sold out that fast but I don't think it's anywhere on par with if, say, something adidas or nike made sold out within that time frame.

no shit
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: @thewilleasley on July 07, 2014, 11:15:59 PM
Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: hufs calve muscles on July 08, 2014, 01:24:36 AM

KYS OR SOMETHING. You really suck at life.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: gutterhead. on July 08, 2014, 01:27:37 AM
Lyked da sk8ing buyin da shoez
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Hercules Rockefeller on July 08, 2014, 01:49:12 AM
*future hiphopsuperstar rambling*

theres a difference between making a shoe look like a superhitechrunningmodel and using technology that does not look like shit (though i dont really like the looks of the huf dylan.)

also, that rape comment, seriously?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Julz on July 08, 2014, 03:21:03 AM
Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (

TL;DR but you we're the first to bash on the new PROD's pro model. I'm not gonna waste anytime providing a proof. You know it's true.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Paul Cicero on July 08, 2014, 03:36:51 AM
Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Gray Imp Sausage Metal on July 08, 2014, 05:07:41 AM
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Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Sleazy on July 08, 2014, 05:29:05 AM
As a homosexual I have to say that this video makes homosexual men look terrible.


seriously though, i laughed. best comment in this thread.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Prince Nelson on July 08, 2014, 05:40:22 AM
As a homosexual I have to say that this video makes homosexual men look terrible.

No it doesn't.  :-*
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Sleazy on July 08, 2014, 09:45:59 AM
Way to read the thread bruh
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 08, 2014, 10:58:19 AM
Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (

I'm pretty sure its a fashion thing, not a technical thing. I'm not buying either, but fashionable features mark up a price as much as technical ones.

If Dylan is helping HUF succeed, then I'll give him my support for that. Without being negative about the big guys, its cool to see a skater owned skate shoe company doing well in an era where companies with a lot more resources tend to be the only viable ones.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: ThugWaffle on July 08, 2014, 11:43:07 AM
Huf is so damn overpriced. The Cons ripoffs are 80 dollars, what the fuck?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: S.E. on July 08, 2014, 11:52:58 AM
Huf is so damn overpriced. The Cons ripoffs are 80 dollars, what the fuck?

yeah thats super lame.  i was thinkin like 65 for them shits
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Swithflip on July 08, 2014, 12:17:32 PM (

Marc Johnson arms.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: ThugWaffle on July 08, 2014, 02:55:38 PM
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Huf is so damn overpriced. The Cons ripoffs are 80 dollars, what the fuck?

yeah thats super lame.  i was thinkin like 65 for them shits

Something along those lines. But remember HUF charged 75 for slip ons, so...
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Kanye Omari West on July 08, 2014, 08:09:58 PM
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Huf is so damn overpriced. The Cons ripoffs are 80 dollars, what the fuck?

yeah thats super lame.  i was thinkin like 65 for them shits

Something along those lines. But remember HUF charged 75 for slip ons, so...

And $20 for a single pair of socks.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Monkey_Mcpott on July 08, 2014, 11:38:51 PM
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Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (


Why does weasel always walk into slap like he fucking owns the place?

Its funny that you talk about shitty over priced shoes that people buy to skate in because it seems like all you skate in is nikes (the most overpriced skate shoe brand). Hipsters buying hufs dylan shoes to skate is no different than sneakerheads like you buying 120+ Nike Sb Jordans or the latest dunk colorway to skate in. Its fucked eitherway.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: kamltoe on July 09, 2014, 07:02:55 AM
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Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (


Why does weasel always walk into slap like he fucking owns the place?

Its funny that you talk about shitty over priced shoes that people buy to skate in because it seems like all you skate in is nikes (the most overpriced skate shoe brand). Hipsters buying hufs dylan shoes to skate is no different than sneakerheads like you buying 120+ Nike Sb Jordans or the latest dunk colorway to skate in. Its fucked eitherway.

you missed where he addressed exactly that point huh? here ya go.

Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous.

any answers to that? 'cause i'd actually like to hear someone address the double standard thing. though I don't feel any way about it personally (people generally defend what they relate to), i'd like to see some discourse around it. it's the issue that gets dodged most around here repeatedly. since childoftheghetto used to bang on about it.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: fookboi on July 09, 2014, 07:28:26 PM
Why wouldn't anyone buy these? I mean if you wear his shoes you automatically look like him.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: gaunting on July 09, 2014, 11:55:59 PM
Funny how P.Rod puts out a $130 shoe with a ton of tech features that for added support/durability and everyone flips their shit on how Nike's ruining the game while Dylan drops a $120 with little to nothing for actual skateboarding besides an all leather upper & a thin cupsole & people just JUMP to justify the price. I'm actually a big fan of his skating and can tolerate his narcisstisim more than most, but if you actually think that thing is gonna skate like $120 shoe should, you wildin' b. You're paying $60 for the actual shoe & $60 for the name attached to it. Let's get real here. Personally, I see niggas buy $250 jordans everyday so it aint really nothing new to me, but I just find it realllllllly funny how any type of hip-hop sports type shit gets super scrutinized yet yall will give all these "artsy" alternative guys with pretty-boy complexes & huge egos all the passes in the world, no matter WHAT they do, and often times its a double-standard. Shit is ridicuous. I bet if dylan repeatedly beat & raped his girlfriend I'm sure yall would say something along the lines of "Well she shouldn't have pissed him off & is lucky to sleep with him in the first place". It's like when you've never listened to a band or certain artist but you've seen so many stupid ass fans it almost automatically makes you not like the guy before ever hearing a single song or interview.

However I will say that I definitely admire the fact he knows how to make a brand out of himself. See a lot of yall with self-confidence issues might not understand, but i see EXACTLY what this niggas been doing the past few years and I can respect it. He's taken his persona, made it larger than life, packaged it, & now everybody just eats that shit up. Read about the "dandy" archetype in the Art of Seduction by Robert Greene. Dude has played that role to PERFECTION since he's blown up and clearly it's been working. Half of yall really have been seduced by him and shit... I'm just saying man, game recognize game. Even when he OD on the corny shit like painting his nails & exaggerating his lands (his style aint fake but he definitely does add something extra every now & then for the dramatics), I understand what he's doing. I'm often on the same shit honestly, just in a different package  ;)

Oh and don't mind me. Im just stuck back in my hometown of peoria, IL & it's boring as fuck. yall only get me for one night only like the lil wayne song

Lil Wayne - One Night Only (With Lyrics) (

Ive never read a post by this guy, but $20 says he is white.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 10, 2014, 02:45:41 AM
I'll take that bet....
He brings up a valid point, but only if the same people hating on expensive technical nikes aren't hating on these. Honestly, I wouldn't buy either.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: @thewilleasley on July 10, 2014, 08:16:01 AM
I'll take that bet....
He brings up a valid point, but only if the same people hating on expensive technical nikes aren't hating on these. Honestly, I wouldn't buy either.

I wasn't hating on them for being expensive, & i ain't even mad at the actual design either, that's just his shit. I'm just saying is it's funny how a bunch of skateboarders on here are a million times more accepting of paying top dollar for skateable dress shoes with minimal support than they are some other shoe in the same price range that's focused on performance & comfort when actually skating. Apparently fashion truly is more important than function to most nowadays. That's prolly why so many people still insist on wearing beanies & sweaty ass jeans during the summer. I live in the fucking desert man, when you see kids wearing THE EXACT SAME outfits in 105 degree weather as they were during winter, you know they just want that "look". There ain't no logical explanation for that shit
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: nashodil on July 10, 2014, 08:22:34 AM
in europe they are shockingly expensive. you can get them for 165$  :o
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: BarcelonaCEO on July 10, 2014, 09:03:48 AM
in europe they are shockingly expensive. you can get them for 165$  :o

wow I'm not saving all that money

huf is a greedy motherfucker
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Violator on July 10, 2014, 09:09:07 AM
I want the white joints, they look great.  But I'll have to wait for the sale price which could be like 70 or 80 considering the original price tag....I think they might look weird if you don't wear 25 length pants, but I want them regardless, they'd be good to dirty the fuck out of skateboarding then wear to a wedding or something
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: ttching! on July 10, 2014, 09:25:34 AM
Honestly, I wouldn't buy either.

C'mon gip, lace up those white joints and then watch the girls line up for a turn at your salad tossing bar.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Sleazy on July 10, 2014, 10:00:38 AM
That's prolly why so many people still insist on wearing beanies & sweaty ass jeans during the summer. I live in the fucking desert man, when you see kids wearing THE EXACT SAME outfits in 105 degree weather as they were during winter, you know they just want that "look". There ain't no logical explanation for that shit

that shits funny to me too
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: on July 10, 2014, 10:50:44 AM
Did someone,mention the parental warning you must be 18 to look at these shoes? 

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Ronald Wilson Reagan on July 10, 2014, 11:47:40 AM
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in europe they are shockingly expensive. you can get them for 165$  :o

wow I'm not saving all that money

huf is a greedy motherfucker
honestly, if they are really immediately selling out as quick as some are claiming then he underpriced the shoes. Really, price is a function of how much people will pay vs. how much people will sell something for. It sounds like they could have upped the price $20 and still sold through the whole thing. In the end, people are just kinda dumb.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oyolar on July 10, 2014, 08:09:44 PM
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I'll take that bet....
He brings up a valid point, but only if the same people hating on expensive technical nikes aren't hating on these. Honestly, I wouldn't buy either.

I wasn't hating on them for being expensive, & i ain't even mad at the actual design either, that's just his shit. I'm just saying is it's funny how a bunch of skateboarders on here are a million times more accepting of paying top dollar for skateable dress shoes with minimal support than they are some other shoe in the same price range that's focused on performance & comfort when actually skating. Apparently fashion truly is more important than function to most nowadays. That's prolly why so many people still insist on wearing beanies & sweaty ass jeans during the summer. I live in the fucking desert man, when you see kids wearing THE EXACT SAME outfits in 105 degree weather as they were during winter, you know they just want that "look". There ain't no logical explanation for that shit

I do not understand this at all!  It makes no sense.  I tried to wear jeans while skating in the summer and felt like I was dying and could barely do anything.

Regarding the price discussion, a huge part of it is definitely some favoritism towards dylan. but I also think another part of it is that these fit a more slimmer/downplayed aesthetic that is more popular.  Like, the PRod 8s and Skytop 4s look pretty out there along with having all of their tech features.  In terms of technology, the price for the PRod 8 makes sense, but depending on the leather and construction on the dylan.s, along with their heritage from the fashion world, $120 makes some sense too.

I'll probably buy the dylan. model.  Like Gip mentioned, I'll be support a skater I like and a skater-owned brand that I want to see succeed.  I like how the shoe looks and that they're different from a lot of other shoes.  Plus, I plan on using them as dress/work shoes, so if they're anything like his Gravis pro models, then they'll last me a while before I try skating them.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oofnik on July 10, 2014, 09:39:28 PM
Here is a remix (
<iframe src="//" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitallowfullscreen mozallowfullscreen allowfullscreen></iframe> <p><a href="">Dylan Shoe - G-MIX</a> from <a href="">Duke</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oofnik on August 13, 2014, 05:06:37 PM
Oxbloods dropped sorry if abp (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: skate on August 13, 2014, 07:29:39 PM
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I'll take that bet....
He brings up a valid point, but only if the same people hating on expensive technical nikes aren't hating on these. Honestly, I wouldn't buy either.

I wasn't hating on them for being expensive, & i ain't even mad at the actual design either, that's just his shit. I'm just saying is it's funny how a bunch of skateboarders on here are a million times more accepting of paying top dollar for skateable dress shoes with minimal support than they are some other shoe in the same price range that's focused on performance & comfort when actually skating. Apparently fashion truly is more important than function to most nowadays. That's prolly why so many people still insist on wearing beanies & sweaty ass jeans during the summer. I live in the fucking desert man, when you see kids wearing THE EXACT SAME outfits in 105 degree weather as they were during winter, you know they just want that "look". There ain't no logical explanation for that shit

I do not understand this at all!  It makes no sense.  I tried to wear jeans while skating in the summer and felt like I was dying and could barely do anything.

Regarding the price discussion, a huge part of it is definitely some favoritism towards dylan. but I also think another part of it is that these fit a more slimmer/downplayed aesthetic that is more popular.  Like, the PRod 8s and Skytop 4s look pretty out there along with having all of their tech features.  In terms of technology, the price for the PRod 8 makes sense, but depending on the leather and construction on the dylan.s, along with their heritage from the fashion world, $120 makes some sense too.

I'll probably buy the dylan. model.  Like Gip mentioned, I'll be support a skater I like and a skater-owned brand that I want to see succeed.  I like how the shoe looks and that they're different from a lot of other shoes.  Plus, I plan on using them as dress/work shoes, so if they're anything like his Gravis pro models, then they'll last me a while before I try skating them.

HUF has been successful. He got that weed sock $$$$ 8)
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: oyolar on August 13, 2014, 07:48:18 PM
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I'll take that bet....
He brings up a valid point, but only if the same people hating on expensive technical nikes aren't hating on these. Honestly, I wouldn't buy either.

I wasn't hating on them for being expensive, & i ain't even mad at the actual design either, that's just his shit. I'm just saying is it's funny how a bunch of skateboarders on here are a million times more accepting of paying top dollar for skateable dress shoes with minimal support than they are some other shoe in the same price range that's focused on performance & comfort when actually skating. Apparently fashion truly is more important than function to most nowadays. That's prolly why so many people still insist on wearing beanies & sweaty ass jeans during the summer. I live in the fucking desert man, when you see kids wearing THE EXACT SAME outfits in 105 degree weather as they were during winter, you know they just want that "look". There ain't no logical explanation for that shit

I do not understand this at all!  It makes no sense.  I tried to wear jeans while skating in the summer and felt like I was dying and could barely do anything.

Regarding the price discussion, a huge part of it is definitely some favoritism towards dylan. but I also think another part of it is that these fit a more slimmer/downplayed aesthetic that is more popular.  Like, the PRod 8s and Skytop 4s look pretty out there along with having all of their tech features.  In terms of technology, the price for the PRod 8 makes sense, but depending on the leather and construction on the dylan.s, along with their heritage from the fashion world, $120 makes some sense too.

I'll probably buy the dylan. model.  Like Gip mentioned, I'll be support a skater I like and a skater-owned brand that I want to see succeed.  I like how the shoe looks and that they're different from a lot of other shoes.  Plus, I plan on using them as dress/work shoes, so if they're anything like his Gravis pro models, then they'll last me a while before I try skating them.

HUF has been successful. He got that weed sock $$$$ 8)

So then I should stop supporting them?
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: pepperpotts on August 13, 2014, 11:43:13 PM
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I'll take that bet....
He brings up a valid point, but only if the same people hating on expensive technical nikes aren't hating on these. Honestly, I wouldn't buy either.

I wasn't hating on them for being expensive, & i ain't even mad at the actual design either, that's just his shit. I'm just saying is it's funny how a bunch of skateboarders on here are a million times more accepting of paying top dollar for skateable dress shoes with minimal support than they are some other shoe in the same price range that's focused on performance & comfort when actually skating. Apparently fashion truly is more important than function to most nowadays. That's prolly why so many people still insist on wearing beanies & sweaty ass jeans during the summer. I live in the fucking desert man, when you see kids wearing THE EXACT SAME outfits in 105 degree weather as they were during winter, you know they just want that "look". There ain't no logical explanation for that shit

I do not understand this at all!  It makes no sense.  I tried to wear jeans while skating in the summer and felt like I was dying and could barely do anything.

Regarding the price discussion, a huge part of it is definitely some favoritism towards dylan. but I also think another part of it is that these fit a more slimmer/downplayed aesthetic that is more popular.  Like, the PRod 8s and Skytop 4s look pretty out there along with having all of their tech features.  In terms of technology, the price for the PRod 8 makes sense, but depending on the leather and construction on the dylan.s, along with their heritage from the fashion world, $120 makes some sense too.

I'll probably buy the dylan. model.  Like Gip mentioned, I'll be support a skater I like and a skater-owned brand that I want to see succeed.  I like how the shoe looks and that they're different from a lot of other shoes.  Plus, I plan on using them as dress/work shoes, so if they're anything like his Gravis pro models, then they'll last me a while before I try skating them.

HUF has been successful. He got that weed sock $$$$ 8)

So then I should stop supporting them?

Yes immediately go buy some fucking sketchers ya homo
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: andocom on August 14, 2014, 04:44:53 AM
Here is a remix (

Dylan and SOSA such a good fit. I could see those dudes hanging out fosho, Dylan waxing lyrical on aesthetics and smoking a cigarette, Chief Keef cleaning his gun and occasionally muttering "Bang Bang"
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: sexualhelon on August 14, 2014, 07:15:04 AM
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in europe they are shockingly expensive. you can get them for 165$  :o

wow I'm not saving all that money

huf is a greedy motherfucker
honestly, if they are really immediately selling out as quick as some are claiming then he underpriced the shoes. Really, price is a function of how much people will pay vs. how much people will sell something for. It sounds like they could have upped the price $20 and still sold through the whole thing. In the end, people are just kinda dumb.

Some things in Europe just cost more due to shipping, market value, or...whatever. For instance, I don't know why Levi's cost so much fucking more in Europe than they do in the States.

No way those shoes are selling out in mass quantities. I'd be willing to bet HUF just doesn't have the production value to put more than X amount at a time. In that, it's like they're trying to market by not marketing the "limited" thing.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on December 17, 2020, 05:03:41 AM
Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: HORSES on December 17, 2020, 05:29:52 AM
Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

You have to be taking the piss with some of these posts.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Rockin Robbin on December 17, 2020, 02:40:37 PM
Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on. (
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on December 17, 2020, 04:49:10 PM
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Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

You have to be taking the piss with some of these posts.

Not I. X

Stay well, gents.

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Sk.A.T.A.N on December 17, 2020, 05:07:10 PM
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Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

You have to be taking the piss with some of these posts.

Everyday I get more convinced that Mr. Kamikazi it's actually Arne Stein behind a keyboard. 
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Mr. Kamikazi on January 07, 2021, 07:17:20 PM
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Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

You have to be taking the piss with some of these posts.

Everyday I get more convinced that Mr. Kamikazi it's actually Arne Stein behind a keyboard.

You're giving me too much credit.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: liquid on January 07, 2021, 10:59:30 PM
that part s sad as hell- i remember bitching about it when released then finding out he had cancer a little later... looking at it now still gives me goosebumps!

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: CossRooper on January 10, 2021, 10:58:54 PM
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Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

You have to be taking the piss with some of these posts.

Everyday I get more convinced that Mr. Kamikazi it's actually Arne Stein behind a keyboard.

Does anyone have that Arne Stein clip downloaded? That shit was legendary.
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: behavioralguide on January 11, 2021, 02:51:12 AM

Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: Allen. on January 11, 2021, 05:59:23 AM
Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

How erect were you while writing this post you fucking dweeb
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: somedudefromnj on January 11, 2021, 06:36:06 AM
Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

actually took the Sutters out of my closet yesterday

Never knew how much I like thin shoes

Cheers boys
Title: Re: Dylan. HUF
Post by: coyote2425 on January 11, 2021, 09:16:14 AM
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Love seeing an old thread that’s relevant. I love this shoe & the slip ons. Sitting on numerous pairs of laced versions, slip ons, Sutters, Cromers and a pair of the Gillette’s, all unworn. That Huf tour video I was fortunate enough to get a physical copy of too.

As far as the shoe goes and the recent Elijah Berle hate, just wait; there will be a resurgence of this look and Elijah will be embraced and Dylan will continue to live on.

How erect were you while writing this post you fucking dweeb

Fuck, that was funny.